Strained Gaasp Photocathode With GaAs Quantum Well. Yu.Yashin1, Yu.Mamaev1, A.Rochansky1 and D.Vinokurov2 1- State Poly technical University, Polytekhnicheskaya 29, 195251, St, Petersburg, Russia 2 - loffe Physico-Technical Institute, RAS, St, Petersburg, 194021, Russia Abract. By varying of the phosphorous contents "x" and "y" at the GaAsi.xPx/GaAsi.yPy cathodes they can be tuned to the wavelength, corresponding to maximum light power of the certain accelerator laser system. The parameters of strained GaAsP sample have been modified to enhance the quantum yield value at polarization maximum. The modification consisted of the incorporation of heavily doped thin GaAs quantum well layer at the top part of the structure. At the polarization maximum the yield enhancement of up to ten times has been achieved. INTRODUCTION Strained GaAsi.xPx/GaAsi.yPy photocathodes, which we have developed [1,2], have been already applied in the source of polarized electrons attached to the MAMI accelerator in Mainz [3]. The measurement of polarization transfer from the electron to the neutron in the quasielastic reaction at 855 MeV has been performed successfully with such cathodes installed. In more than 1000 hours of beamtime the source produced a 20 jiA electron beam with a polarization of 75%. It turned out that the sources at different accelerators are equipped with various lasers. By varying of the phosphorous contents "x" at the strained overlayer GaAsi.xPx and "y" at the GaAsi.yPy buffer, such cathodes can be tuned to the wavelength, corresponding to maximum light power of the certain accelerator laser system (see fig.l). The values of the phosphorus fraction x and y were designed with help of computer "Band - Edge" program, developed by A. Subashiev, to have welcome energy gap Eg of the strained overlayer GaAsi_xPx , high coherent strain and, thus, sufficient energy splitting 8def (about 60 meV) of the Heavy holes and Light holes bands. The samples were grown in the horizontal MOCVD reactor at the top of commercial GaAs (001) wafer. The growth of the epitaxial structures was carried out at the reactor pressure 50 Torr. Trimethylgallium (TMG) and trimethylindium (TMIn) were used as sources of III group elements; 30% PH3 -H2 and 20% AsH3-H2 mixtures were used as the sources of V group elements. Growth temperature was varied from 600 to 750° C and carrier gas flow rate was varied from 3 to 11 1/min. TMGa and TMIn bubblers temperatures were kept constant at -10° C and +18° C, respectively. TMGa bubbler pressure was 1050 Torr. Low pressure in the growth reactor made it possible to use reduced pressure in TMIn bubbler and, hence, to obtain increased vapor concentration of TMIn, which has the low pressure of the saturation vapor (approx. 1.8 Torr at room temperature). We kept the pressure in TMIn bubbler at 2000 Torr level. The ratio of the III and V group elements in the vapor phase was varied from 50 to 200. Growth rate was typically 5-10 A/sec. CP675, Spin 2002:15th Int'l. Spin Physics Symposium and Workshop on Polarized Electron Sources and Polarimeters, edited by Y. L Makdisi, A. U. Luccio, and W. W. MacKay © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0136-5/03/$20.00 1006 O N _05 O 0) Q_ > E I _Q O O 10-4 - 20 _ LU - 10 10' 650 700 750 800 850 Light wavelength, nm FIGURE 1. Electron spin polarization (solid symbols) and quantum yield (open symbols) as a function of excitation energy for the GaAsPx/GaAsPy strained samples with various phosphorous fractions "x" and "y". Room temperature. Sample 1 (x=0.08, y=0.38) - circles, sample 2 (x=0.12, y=0.36) - squares, sample 3 (x=0.18, y=0.37) - up triangles. Layer Thickness Doping GaAs quantum well 20 nm gradient doping of up to 5«1019 cm 3 Mg GaAso.9iPo.09 strained overlayer 140 nm 5«1018cm3Mg GaAso.6sPo.32 buffer 1.0 jam SL 10 pairs GaAso.5sPo.45 GaAso.85Po.i5 GaAso.6sPo.32 GaAso.sPo.2 GaAso.9Po.i 7nm 7nm 500 nm 500 nm 500 nm GaAs(lOO) - substrate 0.5 mm Uniform Mg Doping MO18 cm3 Intrinsic Table I. Structure of MOCVD grown GaAsP photocathode with GaAs quantum well. 1007 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 Excitation light wavelength, nm FIG. 2. Electron spin polarization (solid symbols) and quantum yield (open symbols) as a function of excitation energy for the GaAsP strained sample with (circles) and without (triangles) thin GaAs quantum well at room temperature. = 827 nm Room temperature LU 10'J Quantum Yield, % FIGURE 3. Polarization evolution upon the degradation of the GaAs/GaAs0.9iPo.o9/GaAs0.68Po.32 sample at room temperature. Excitation light wavelength 827 nm. 1008 Strained GaAsP photocathodes allowed to achieve the polarization a little less than 90%. Nevertheless, rather low value of quantum yield at polarization maximum was still a disadvantage of such cathodes. To make the photocathodes features better the parameters of the samples once more have been improved on the base of X-ray, Raman and polarized photoluminescence studies. The modification consisted of the incorporation of heavily doped thin GaAs quantum well layer at the top part of the structure, based upon GaAsP strained overlayer, as it was discussed in [4]. The goal was to enhance electron emission from strained wide-gap low doped overlayer through heavily doped thin GaAs quantum well layer (one can call it as "field assistant emission"). Table I shows the composition of a photocathode under consideration. In the sample the intermediate layers with graded phosphorus fraction "z" serve to adjust the lattice parameters of the wafer and the buffer layer, and to withdraw unwelcome strain in the last one. The existence of the intermediate GaAsPo.45/GaAsP0.i5 Superlattice is of crucial importance for the growing of the photocathodes with rather thick high quality strained overlayers. Thorough characterisation of MOCVD grown heterostructures with AlGalnAs strained overlayers by the Transmission Electron Microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques has shown [5] that the intermediate SL significantly diminishes the initial density of structural defects, and, hence, influences on the process of elastic strain relaxation in lattice mismatched epitaxial structure. As a result the main part of thick lattice mismatched overlayer remains crystal lattice perfection. The set of spectral and temperature experiments has been realised with the modified GaAs/GaAso.9iPo.o9/GaAso.6sPo.32 and GaAso.9iPo.o9/GaAso.6sPo.32 strained MOCVD grown heterostructures both at room and 130K temperatures. All measurements have been performed at the experimental set-up [6], which includes the polarized electron source and the spin detector and is based upon the Russian commercial UHV system USU-4. It has an additional cryogenic pump and two chambers separated by a valve. The smaller one has an activation system, Auger analyser and the load-lock system and equipped with a manipulator with cooling and temperature control systems. The bigger chamber serves as a chamber for mini-Mott polarimetry. All experiments are performed under computer control. Fig. 2 shows P(A,) and quantum yield Y(A,) curves both for GaAs/GaAs0.9iPo.o9/GaAs0.6sPo.32 and GaAso.9iPo.o9/GaAso.6sPo.32 cathodes at room temperature. One can see that the polarization maximum value for GaAso.9iPo.o9/GaAso.6sPo.32 cathode is higher, than for GaAs/GaAso.9iPo.o9/GaAso.6sPo.32 one. But the value of quantum yield at the polarization maximum for GaAs/GaAso.9iPo.o9/GaAso.6sPo.32 cathode is about ten times higher, than in the case of GaAs0.9iPo.o9/GaAs0.6sPo.32 cathode, which means that thin GaAs quantum well is in fact very effectively improves the electrons escape conditions. The reason of it is the absence of a potential barrier, even at extremely high doping of the GaAs quantum well. At the same time highly doped GaAs quantum well helps to achieve really Negative Electron Affinity surface and, hence, high quantum yield. Fig 3 illustrates the polarization and quantum yield evolution upon the degradation of the GaAs/GaAso.9iPo.o9/GaAso.6sPo.32 sample at room temperature, excitation light wavelength being equal to 827 nm. A considerable increase of a polarization can be explained by high polarization of the "hot" electrons, which have high probability to be escaped prior the spin relaxation. 1009 The depolarization of such electrons in GaAs QW is less, than for slow electrons. It is seen that upon the quantum yield decreasing of about ten times, the polarization value increases of up to 86%, which means that the initial electron polarization is really very high. Further perfection and optimisation of the GaAsP strained structures is underway. CONCLUSIONS The tuning of the GaAsP photocathodes has been experimentally demonstrated. The value of quantum yield of strained GaAsP sample has been improved by incorporating of a thin heavily doped GaAs layer. At the polarization maximum the yield enhancement of up to ten times has been achieved. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by INTAS under grant 99-00125, CRDF under grant RP1-2345-ST-02 and Russian Fond for Basic Research under grant 00-02-16775. 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