3D Unstructured Couette Flow Simulation in Transition Region HsinChih Frank Liu Department of Information Management, Shih Chien University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Abstract. Couette Flow in transition region is simulated in this research by using 3D Unstructured DSMC method (UDSMC in [1]). A couple of the boundary conditions are developed and applied in the computational domain including periodic condition, specular reflection, movingly diffusive reflection, and fixedly diffusive reflection. After applying these boundary conditions, the Couette flow with an infinite length in the real case can be simulated in a cubical domain. In order to extend the techniques to arbitrary geometries in the fields of rarefied gas flow and micro flow, we use tetrahedral meshes and develop unstructured DSMC procedures in this research. In each time step, the trajectory of each sample particle will be considered to be divided into multiple stages to cover all of the possibilities that particles interact with different types of boundary conditions. The physical data including the 3D results of velocity, density, and temperature are demonstrated in this research. INTRODUCTION Plane Couette flow is an essential fluid dynamic problem and its results are widely used as a benchmark for verification on the simulation field [4][5]. Plane Couette flow is driven by one moving surface on the top and the other stationary surface on the bottom. Both of them interact with particles by diffusive reflections in an infinite length. We choose Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method to study the problem, since it has been a popular way to simulate the flow in a broad Knudsen number range [2][3]. In this research, we construct two specular surfaces and two periodic boundaries, together with two diffusive surfaces, to form a 3D domain to perform Couette flow in the transition region. We also expect the computational procedures and algorithms developed here are capable for arbitrary geometry problems such as Couette flow with riblets that can be dealt with by unstructured meshes and periodic condition. Our simulation results [Fig. 4] show a similar shape to the one-dimensional simulation results of Couette flow in [4]. The velocity gradient is nearly uniformly distributed from the moving wall to the stationary wall. Moreover, both temperature and density perform parabolic shapes of distribution. PERIODIC AND MULTIPLE-REFLECTION PROCEDURES Multi-reflection process consists of diffusive reflections and specular reflections. In our combined periodic and multiple-reflection process, the multi-reflection process will be considered first [Fig. 1] for particles. Once these particles move out of the cubical domain, the periodic process will be undertaken. After the periodic process is completed, particles might encounter another multi-reflection process in the other side of the domain. Thus, multireflection process and periodic process contribute into one recurrence stage [Fig. 1]. When a particle goes through a periodic process, the position of the particle will be shifted to the other side of the domain. Zn is defined as the coordinates of the nth particle. Zn ∈ R. L is the width of the domain. When the periodic process occurs, the downstream’s particles will be shifted to the upstream, Zn = Zn + L; the upstream’s particles will be shifted to the downstream, Zn = Zn - L. When particles go across periodic boundaries, the original properties of the particles will be remained as deterministic properties in one time step. Once the process is completed, the indices of the particles will be CP663, Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 23rd International Symposium, edited by A. D. Ketsdever and E. P. Muntz © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0124-1/03/$20.00 Start Move particles along their trajectories in each time step. Computing Multi-reflection process with solid boundaries as they occur Perform Periodic Process Particles move out of the Domain? Yes No Stop FIGURE 1. Flow Chart of Multi-reflection process and Periodic process. Periodic Periodic Periodic Periodic Specular Reflection (a) Specular Reflection M oving Wall (b) Stationary Wall (c) FIGURE 2. Periodic condition, specular reflection, and diffusive reflection (moving wall and stationary wall) used in the simulation domain. The upper particle (green color) hits the top wall and experiences reflection process first. The lower particle (blue color) goes through periodic boundary first. (a) A top view of the domain. (b) A front view of the domain. (c) A side view of the domain. refreshed for the computations in next stages. In Figure 2, two possible motions of particles are illustrated. The upper particle hits the moving wall and invokes a diffusive reflection process. Then the particle is assigned with a new velocity for moving out of the domain and undertakes a periodic process; after that, its deterministic physical properties are remained and the particle keeps moving until hitting a specular wall. The lower particle moves out of the domain and proceeds to a periodic process. In this process, its deterministic velocity is kept and leads the particle to hit the bottom wall and encounter a diffusive reflection process. The procedures demonstrated in Figure 1 are applicable for arbitrary geometry cases where particles might move across a single periodic boundary back and forth, as the reflection occurs on the other side of the domain and bounces particle back [1]. MULTIPLE-REFLECTION PROCESS We develop a computational sequence suitable for both specular reflections and diffusive reflections in multiplereflection process. Whenever a particle starts moving and a reflection occurs, the intersection point between the particle and the surface will be found, and the reflected velocity will be calculated. In this research, solid boundary is considered as an area covered by triangles that consist of one single side of the tetrahedrons adjacent to the solid boundary. On the other hand, particle’s motion is thought of as a straight line. Therefore, we can treat the multiplereflection process as solving a computational geometry problem. The normal vector of triangles is x0. Each triangle has a set of edge vectors, x3. The trajectories of the particle’s movement will be treated as a line segment with a set of edge vectors, x2. We use the following steps to compute the intersection point and the reflected physical properties: (1) Use linear operator L, L: R3 → R2. R2 is spanned by standard bases. (2) Compute L(x0) = Ax0 and find the matrix A. (3) Applying the rotational (orthogonal) matrix A on x2. (4) Compute x3 = {Ax2 ∩ R2} and rule out the particles with impossibilities of reflection. (5) Apply matrix A on x1 to get a set of vectors, x4, where x4 ∈ R2. ( y − y 4) ( x 3 − x 4) 3i i , i = 1~3. When (i+1)>3, assign x 3 (6) Compute Bi = det = x 3 and i +1 1 ( − ) ( − ) y x x 3i + 1 4 3i + 1 y 4 = y . When B1, B2, and B3 have the same sign, the index will be established. y3 31 i +1 (7) Go through either diffusive or specular reflection process and compute reflected properties. (8) After calculating reflected velocity and forming a new line segment, rotating it back to its original space by applying the matrix AT. (9) Go back to step (1) if another reflection process might occur. GROUP ESTABLISHMENT In each time step, resulting from the molecular collisions or surface reflections, once the particle moves out from the original cell to a new cell, a new index between the particle and the new cell will be established. In this research, we form a group by a number of cells to reduce the computing time for indexing and locating particles. Groups can be formed by either triangular cells in 2D [Fig. 3] or tetrahedral cells in 3D. We will describe the 3D group forming in the next section. Group can have multiple layers formed by cells. The size of a group, which is equal to the number of a group’s layers, is required to be large enough to cover all of particle’s trajectories and is determined by the time step. More layers will be established for each group in a bigger time step. Once the accuracy is concerned in DSMC method by limiting the length of the time step, an upper bound will be enforced on the number of layers in each group. (a) (b) FIGURE 3. Group forming illustrated by 2D triangular cells. Black color represents the original cell. (a) One layer group without contacting the boundary. (b) One layer group along with a boundary. DEFINITION AND FORMULATION k Different types of groups are built for different purposes in the simulation stages. G n is the group of the nth cell k k with k layers; when particles collide with other particles, cells in group G n will be checked. B n is the group k k formed by solid-boundary cells only. A n is the group formed by B n group’s cells and is built for every multiplek k reflection process. D n is the group formed by the cells in inlet-outlet boundaries only. C n is the group formed by k k D n group’s cells; when a particle goes across a periodic boundary, cells in group C n will be searched for new indexing. k E n is formed by the cells in Ω E and is built specifically for the combined periodic and multiple- reflection process. 1 Definition 1. G n = {m: ∃ i, j = 1, 2, 3, and 4, such that Xm(j) = Xn(i)}, n k Definition 2. G n = UG m∈ 1 m, n ∈Ω. k −1 Gn k Definition 3. B n = {m: (m ∈ G kn ) ∩ (m ∈ Ωb )}, n ∈ Ωb . k Definition 4. A n = UG m∈ q Bn k m ,n ∈ Ωb . ∈Ω. k Definition 5. D n = {m: (m k Definition 6. C n = UG D m∈ k Definition 7. E n = k m , n ∈ Ωo . q n U m∈ ∈ G kn ) ∩ (m ∈ Ωo )}, n ∈ Ωo . k Bm . ΩE n is the cell number and k is the layer number. Xn(i) is defined as the coordinates of the nth cell’s edge. Xn(i) ∈ R, edge number i = 1, 2, 3, and 4. Ω represents the entire computational domain. Ωo represents the domain where the cells locate at inlet-outlet boundaries. Ωb represents the domain where the cells locate at solid boundaries. Ω E represents the domain where the cells locate at solid boundaries and domain edges. SIMULATION RESULTS The simulation results are shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5. The condition settings are described as following: Moving wall velocity is 300 m/s. The global Knudsen number is 0.1. The initial free stream velocity is 300 m/s. Wall temperature is 273 K for both sides. 4206 tetrahedral cells are used in this computing. The VHS molecular model is employed and the gas is Nitrogen. The computational domain expands from –1.0 to 1.0 in x-axis, from -1.0 to 1.0 in y-axis, and from –0.2 to 0.2 in z-axis. The moving wall condition is assigned on x-z plane in y = 1.0. The stationary wall condition is assigned on x-z plane in y = -1.0. The specular conditions are assigned on x-y planes in z = 0.2 and z = -0.2. The periodic conditions are assigned on y-z planes in x = 1.0 and x = -1.0. Figure 4 demonstrates 4 plots: mesh architecture and boundary conditions, the profile of velocity-U distribution, the profile of temperature distribution, and the profile of density distribution. Due to the effect of specular conditions, the physical values along the x-z plane in each plot are without variation as expected. Velocity component U is shown with nearly linear distribution. Both temperature and density have parabolic distributions. These characteristics match the results with one-dimensional Couette flow simulation in [4]. Velocity slip and temperature jump, proportional to Knudsen number (or mean free path) as well as the gradient of physical properties, has a larger scale compared to [4] which is in a smaller Knudsen range. Figure 5 demonstrates the profiles of velocity-V and velocity-W. As expected, both plots show the value with small deviation around zero in the whole domain. U Moving Wall U = 300 244.622 1 Periodic Periodic 172.996 1 0.5 0.5 Y 101.37 0 Y 0 -0.5 -0.5 1 29.7442 0.5 1 0 -1 -0.2 Z 0 -0.5 0.2 0 -1 0.5 -0.2 0 Z X -0.5 X -1 0.2 -1 Velocity - U Specular Stationary Wall Y X D Z OT 287.959 3.03664E-07 1 1 2.97691E-07 282.279 0.5 0.5 Y 0 Y 278.221 0 2.91717E-07 -0.5 -0.5 1 1 0.5 0 -1 -0.2 Z 0 -0.5 0.2 X -1 Temperature 0.5 274.164 0 -1 -0.2 Z 0 -0.5 0.2 X 2.85744E-07 -1 Density FIGURE 4. Couette flow in 3D unstructured simulation domain. The upper-left plot shows the mesh architecture and boundary condition setting. The upper-right plot shows the profiles of velocity-U with a nearly linear distribution. The lower-left plot shows the temperature distribution. The lower-right plot shows the density distribution. The distributions of temperature and density perform in parabolic shapes. V 7.27402 1 3.57248 0.5 Y 0 -0.129062 -0.5 1 0.5 0 -1 -0.2 0 Z -0.5 0.2 X -1 -3.8306 Velocity - V Y W X 2.68635 Z 1 0.5 0.60391 Y 0 -1.47853 -0.5 1 0.5 0 -1 -0.2 Z 0 -0.5 0.2 X -1 -3.56097 Velocity - W FIGURE 5. The profiles of Velocity-V and Velocity-W for Couette flow in 3D unstructured simulation domain. REFERENCES 1. Liu, H. F., “2D & 3D Unstructured Simulations and Coupling Techniques for Micro-geometries and Rarefied Gas Flow”, Brown University, PhD, 2000 2. Liu, H. F., Gatsonis N., Beskok A., Karniadakis G. 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