Skeleton Notation for Reciprocity Modelling of Rarefied Gas Processes A A Agbormbai Department of Computing City of London College, Whitechapel Road, London E1 1DU, UK. ABSTRACT In modelling rarefied gas interactions it is useful to employ a phenomenological description based on reciprocity theory. Such an approach takes the detailed balance or reciprocity principle as the foundation stone for its mathematical development. A problem with reciprocity modelling is the mathematical complexity of the approach, which arises from the complexity of the processes being modelled. Thus although the approach derives from elementary principles the mathematical complexity of its presentation tends to hide the simplicity of its underlying concepts. To correct this problem it is necessary to devise a notational system, which hides the mathematical complexity while exposing the simplicity of the underlying principles. The notational system is called skeleton notation because it represents only in bare-bone or condensed form the mathematical exposition. Skeleton notation embraces two other notational systems: bracket notation and transformation notation. Transformation notation is especially useful in cases of extreme complexity. First skeleton notation is described and then it is applied to a number of reciprocity modelling techniques as well as to the construction of reciprocity proofs. INTRODUCTION The mathematical details of reciprocity modelling were unravelled in Ref. 1, which discusses reciprocity modelling techniques. Similar mathematical details were utilised in Ref. 2 in the construction of reciprocity proofs for binary collisions. The extension of these methods into many body interactions raises the need for a condensed notational system that simplifies the presentation. This is because many body interactions are intrinsically complex. In previous works (Refs. 3 – 8) discussions of many body interactions have focussed on describing a number of stochastic models for the interaction without necessarily discussing the methods for formulating these models. In this article a new notational system is discussed for reciprocity modelling and then the notation is used to condense a number of examples of reciprocity proofs and of reciprocity modelling methods. Future work will employ the notational system in constructing reciprocity proofs for many body interactions. The paper begins by describing the rules of skeleton notation and then both bracket notation and transformation notation are described for representing elementary transformations. Skeleton notation is then applied to Gamma-Beta calculus, to the explicit modelling of vibrationally excited single-body gas surface interactions, and finally to reciprocity proofs for binary inelastic collisions. SKELETON NOTATION The rules are as follows: 1) Ignore all elementary differential terms from the reciprocity equation, i.e. differential terms are implied by the presence of the probability densities for the variates whose differentials are ignored. 2) Since the reciprocity equation is symmetrical between the forward and inverse processes use only one side to represent the whole equation. When the forward process is implied this condensed reciprocity equation will be expressed in terms of single primes, and when the inverse process is implied the condensed recipCP663, Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 23rd International Symposium, edited by A. D. Ketsdever and E. P. Muntz © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0124-1/03/$20.00 rocity equation will be expressed in terms of double primes. Note that the LHS of the reciprocity equation expresses the forward process while the RHS expresses the inverse process. 3) When writing down the elementary transformations express the fact that this is being done by preceding the presentation with the symbol T: 4) When writing down the final overall transformations express the fact that this is being done by preceding the presentation with the symbol O: 5) When writing down the final overall inverse transformations express the fact that this is being done by preceding the presentation with the symbol I: 6) When writing down the reciprocity equation express the fact that this is being done by preceding the presentation with the symbol R: 7) For Gamma distributions write: [ ] Ga ( x1 γ 1 ); ( x2 γ 2 ); ... = Ga (x1 γ 1 ) Ga (x2 γ 2 ) ... Ga (x µ ) = 1 x µ −1e − x , ( µ > 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ ∞ ) Γ( µ ) is the Gamma distribution for x with parameter µ , Γ( µ ) is the gamma function. where 8) For Beta distributions write: [ ] β ( x1 µ1 , λ1 ); ( x2 µ 2 , λ2 ); ... = β (x1 µ1 , λ1 ) β (x2 µ 2 , λ2 ) ... where : β (x µ1 , µ 2 ) = 1 x µ1 −1 (1 − x ) µ 2 −1 , B ( µ1 , µ 2 ) ( µ1 > 0, µ2 > 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1) is the Beta distribution with parameters µ1 and µ 2 , B ( µ1 , µ 2 ) is the complete beta function. 9) For Normal distributions write: [ ] N ( x1 µ1 ,σ 1 ); ( x2 µ2 ,σ 2 ); ... = N (x1 µ1 ,σ 1 ) N (x2 µ2 ,σ 2 )... 10) For the elementary transformations use either bracket notation or transformation notation, as described below. Bracket Notation For each elementary transformation and its inverse write: ( x1 + x2 ; y2 ) → y1 or (Combining) ( y1; y2 ) → ( x1 , x2 ) where : y1 = x1 + x2 , or = sum of variates x1 = y1 y2 , = product of variates with Jacobian ( Decomposing) y2 = x1 ( x1 + x2 ) (forward) = ratio of first variate to sum of variates ~ x2 = y1 ~ y2 y2 = 1 − y2 = complement of y (inverse) = product of first variate and complement of second ∂ ( x1, x2 ) ∂ (components) = = y1 = aggregate ∂( y1, y2 ) ∂(aggregate, corr. var.), The forward and inverse transformations represent the processes of combining and decomposing energy modes respectively. Each condensed format represents both the forward and inverse expanded forms. All variates, apart from y2, are energy modes or energy components. The variate y2 is a correlation variate that is used to combine or decompose the energies but also allows correlation of the pre-and post-interaction states. Note that the total energy is separated from the correlation variate via a semicolon. Transformation Notation For each elementary transformation and its inverse write: T [( x1 , x2 ) ↔ ( y1; y2 )] Combining T [( y1; y2 ) ↔ ( x1 , x2 )] Decomposing where : y1 = x1 + x2 , or = sum of variates x1 = y1 y2 , = product of variates with Jacobian y2 = x1 ( x1 + x2 ) (forward) = ratio of first variate to sum of variates ~ x2 = y1 ~ y2 y2 = 1 − y2 = complement of y (inverse) = product of first variate and complement of second ∂ ( x1, x2 ) ∂ (components) = = y1 = aggregate ∂( y1, y2 ) ∂(aggregate, corr. var.), For multiple elementary transformations write: T [( x11 , x21 ) ↔ ( y11; y21 ); ( x12 , x22 ) ↔ ( y12 ; y22 ); ...] = T [( x11 , x21 ) ↔ ( y11; y21 )] , T [( x12 , x22 ) ↔ ( y12 ; y22 )] , ... Transformation notation is particularly useful in complex processes. APPLICATION TO RECIPROCITY MODELLING The notational system is illustrated both for Gamma-Beta calculus and for the explicit method of reciprocity modelling. Vibrationally excited single-body gas surface interactions with free energy exchange are used as the test-bed for elucidating the explicit method. GAMMA-BETA CALCULUS The fundamental tenets of Gamma-Beta calculus have been described in Ref. 1 wherein it was shown that the calculus is concerned with two fundamental problems: decomposition of energy modes and aggregation of energy components. In this section these problems are re-examined using skeleton notation. Nothing new is added to the contents of the calculus, but for the difference in the mathematical presentation. The presentation below uses skeleton notation to condense the description and to focus understanding of the underlying concepts. The result is that only a few lines are required to present the same content. Bracket notation is used for the transformations. Decomposing Energy Modes R: Ga (ξ γ ) G ( s1 ) (1) Write: G ( s1 ) = β (s1 γ 1 , γ − γ 1 ) with γ = γ 1 + γ 2 so that γ 2 = γ − γ 1 , γ 1 and γ 2 are the respective parameters of the two new Gamma distributions. T: (ξ ; s1 ) → (ξ1 ,ξ 2 ) R: Ga (ξ1 γ 1 ) ; (ξ 2 γ − γ 1 ) [ ] Note that in writing down the final Gamma distributions, the energy component that appears in the numerator of the s1 equation takes the first parameter of the Beta distribution. The remaining parameter is taken up by the second energy component. Aggregating Energy Modes [ ] R: Ga (ξ1 γ 1 ); (ξ 2 γ − γ 1 ) T: (ξ1 ,ξ 2 ; s1 ) → ξ R: Ga (ξ γ ) β (s1 γ 1 , γ − γ 1 ) ( 2) Note that the energy component that appears at the numerator of the s1 equation assigns its parameter as the first parameter of the Beta distribution. The other energy component assigns its parameter as the second parameter of the Beta distribution. EXPLICIT METHOD FOR VIBRATIONALLY EXCITED SINGLE-BODY GAS SURFACE INTERACTIONS WITH FREE EXCHANGE The explicit method of reciprocity modelling has been discussed in detail (Ref. 1) using vibrationally excited single-body gas surface interactions as the avenue for elucidating the method. In this section the method is reexamined using the same single-body problem but focusing only on free energy exchange. The results are the same as before. However, the presentation using skeleton notation is markedly shorter and clearer. [ ] Ga (ξ t′ γ t ) ; (ξ s′ γ s ); (ξ r′ γ r ) ; (ξ v′ γ v ) Ge (s′e ) R: (3) where the ξ ' s are modal energies normalised with respect to kT ( k = Boltzmann constant, T = temperature), s is the correlation vector, G is the set of correlation densities, and subscripts t, r, v, and s denote translational, rotational, vibrational and solid respectively. Start with the correlation densities: [ Ge (s′e ) = β (st′ α tγ t , (1 − α t )γ t ) ; (sr′ α rγ r , (1 − α r )γ r ) ; (sv′ α vγ v , (1 − α v )γ v ) ; (s′s α sγ s , (1 − α s )γ s ) ] ( 4) R: [ ] × β [ (st′ α tγ t , (1 − α t )γ t ) ; (sr′ α rγ r , (1 − α r )γ r ) ; (sv′ α vγ v , (1 − α v )γ v ) ; (s′s α sγ s , (1 − α s )γ s ) ] Ga (ξ t′ γ t ) ; (ξ s′ γ s ) ; (ξ r′ γ r ) ; (ξ v′ γ v ) (5) T: ′ ,ξ s′2 ), (ξ r′ ; sr′ ) → (ξ ra ′ ,ξ r′2 ), (ξ v′ ; sv′ ) → (ξ va ′ ,ξ v′ 2 ) (ξt′; st′ ) → (ξ ta′ ,ξ t′2 ), (ξ s′ ; ss′ ) → (ξ sa R: [ ′ α vγ v ); (ξsa′ α sγ s ) Ga (ξ ta′ α tγ t ); (ξ ra′ α rγ r ); (ξ va [ ] ′ (1 − α r )γ r ), (ξ v2 ′ (1 − α v )γ v ), (ξs2 ′ (1 − α s )γ s ) × Ga (ξ t′2 (1 − α t )γ t ), (ξ r2 ] ( 6) T: ′ + ξva ′ ; s′I′ ) → ξ Ia ′ (ξra ′ ′ + ξta′ ; s′g′ ) → ξ ga (ξ Ia ′ + ξsa ′ ; sa′′ ) → ξa (ξ ga (7) R: [ ] ′ (1 − α v )γ v ) ; (ξs2 ′ (1 − α s )γ s ) Ga (ξ a α tγ t + α rγ r + α vγ v + α sγ s ) Ga (ξ t′2 (1 − α t )γ t ); (ξ r′2 (1 − α r )γ r ) ; (ξ v2 [ ( ] ) × β (s′I′ α rγ r ,α vγ v ) ; s′g′ α rγ r + α vγ v ,α tγ t ; (sa′′ α tγ t + α rγ r + α vγ v ,α sγ s ) We must now decompose the total active energy into post-interaction components. This requires introducing a number of pre-interaction correlation variates, with the correlation densities: [ ( ] ) Ge (s′e ) = β (s′I α rγ r ,α vγ v ) ; s′g α rγ r + α vγ v ,α tγ t ; (sa′ α tγ t + α rγ r + α vγ v ,α sγ s ) Note that these densities are implied by their post-interaction versions, which are generated in the previous step. T: ′′ ,ξsa ′′ ), (ξa ; sa′ ) → (ξ ga ′′ ; s′g ) → (ξ Ia ′′ ,ξta′′ ), (ξ ga ′′ ; s′I ) → (ξra ′′ ,ξva ′′ ) (ξ Ia (8) R: [ ] [ × β [(s′I′ α rγ r ,α vγ v ) ; (s′g′ α rγ r + α vγ v ,α tγ t ) ; (sa′′ α tγ t + α rγ r + α vγ v ,α sγ s )] ] ′′ α vγ v ); (ξ sa′′ α sγ s ) Ga (ξ t2′ (1 − α t )γ t ) ; (ξ r2 ′ (1 − α r )γ r ) ; (ξ v2 ′ (1 − α v )γ v ) ; (ξ s2 ′ (1 − α s )γ s ) Ga (ξ ta′′ α tγ t ); (ξ ra′′ α rγ r ); (ξ va Now combine the post-interaction active energies to their corresponding inactive energies. T: (ξta′′ + ξ t′2 ; st′′) → ξ t′′ ′′ + ξ s′2 ; ss′′) → ξ s′′ (ξ sa ′′ + ξ r′2 ; sr′′) → ξ r′′ (ξ ra ′′ + ξ v′ 2 ; sv′′ ) → ξ v′′ (ξ va ( 9) R: [ ] × β [(st′′ α tγ t , (1 − α t )γ t ) ; (sr′′ α rγ r , (1 − α r )γ r ) ; (sv′′ α vγ v , (1 − α v )γ v ) ; (ss′′ α sγ s , (1 − α s )γ s )] × β [(s′I′ α rγ r ,α vγ v ) ; (s′g′ α rγ r + α vγ v ,α tγ t ) ; (sa′′ α tγ t + α rγ r + α vγ v ,α sγ s )] Ga (ξ t′′ γ t ); (ξ r′′ γ r ); (ξ v′′ γ v ); (ξ s′′ γ s ) The modelling is now complete because we have obtained the post-interaction energies. We know this because all terms in this equation are post-interaction terms. In fact, the left hand side of the reciprocity equation has transformed into the right hand side. This means that the series of transformations satisfy reciprocity. It also means that the overall transformation will satisfy reciprocity. O: ξ t′′ = ~st′ξ t′ + ~sg′ sa′ ξ a , ξ r′′ = ~sr′ξ r′ + s′I s′g sa′ ξ a , ξ v′′ = ~sv′ξ v′ + ~sI′ s′g sa′ ξ a , ξ s′′ = ~ss′ξ s′ + ~sa′ ξ a where ξ a = st′ξ t′ + sr′ξ r′ + sv′ξ v′ + ss′ξ s′ = st′′ξ t′′ + sr′′ξ r′′ + sv′′ξ v′′ + ss′′ξ s′′ (10a) The correlation densities are: Ge (s′e ) = β (st′ α tγ t , (1 − α t )γ t )β (sr′ α rγ r , (1 − α r )γ r )β (sv′ α vγ v , (1 − α v )γ v )β (ss′ α sγ s , (1 − α s )γ s ) ( (10b) ) × β (s′I α rγ r ,α vγ v )β s′g α rγ r + α vγ v ,α tγ t β (sa′ α tγ t + α rγ r + α vγ v ,α sγ s ) These are the densities utilised in the modelling process. We can also combine the elementary transformations to obtain the inverse process. I: ξ t′ = ~st′′ξt′′ + ~sg′′ sa′′ξ a , ξ r′ = ~sr′′ξ r′′ + s′I′s′g′ sa′′ξ a , ξ v′ = ~sv′′ξ v′′ + ~sI′′s′g′ sa′′ξ a , ξ s′ = ~ss′′ξ s′′ + ~sa′′ξ a where ξ a = st′ξt′ + sr′ξ r′ + sv′ξ v′ + ss′ξ s′ = st′′ξ t′′ + sr′′ξ r′′ + sv′′ξ v′′ + ss′′ξ s′′ The correlation densities are: Ge (s′e′ ) = β (st′′α tγ t , (1 − α t )γ t )β (sr′′ α rγ r , (1 − α r )γ r )β (sv′′ α vγ v , (1 − α v )γ v )β (ss′′ α sγ s , (1 − α s )γ s ) ( ) × β (s′I′ α rγ r ,α vγ v )β s′g′ α rγ r + α vγ v ,α tγ t β (sa′′ α tγ t + α rγ r + α vγ v ,α sγ s ) The inverse transformation has the same form as the forward transformation, thus confirming that the model satisfies symmetry. Deriving the Overall Transformation The overall model transformation is derived by judicious expansion of appropriate elementary transformations. Basically we scan the elementary transformations for the required components from which the overall equation can be derived. For instance to construct the first of the overall equations of (10a) we scan for required components and find that we need parts of equations (9), (8) and (6), respectively. Expand these required parts as follows: ξ t′′ = ξta′′ + ξ t′2 , ′′ , ξ ga ′′ = sa′ ξ a , ξ ta′′ = (1 − s′g )ξ ga ξt′2 = (1 − st′ )ξ t′ Combining these parts gives the required overall equation for the post-collision translational energy. We can repeat this procedure to determine the overall equations for the post-collision rotational, vibrational and solid energies. APPLICATION TO RECIPROCITY PROOFS Reciprocity proofs have been formulated for binary collisions (Ref. 2) by demonstrating that the overall model transformation will convert one side of the reciprocity equation to the other side. Physically speaking, this means that the model transformation will convert the rate of forward processes into the (equal) rate of inverse processes and vice versa. That presentation is now reformulated using skeleton notation to condense and simplify the exposition. Rotationally excited and vibrationally excited binary collisions with restricted energy exchange are used to illustrate the procedures. Rotationally Excited Binary Collisions with Restricted Exchange R: [ ][ ] ′ γ r ); (ξ r2 ′ γ r ) β (st′ α tγ t , (1 − α t )γ t ) ; (s′I α I γ I , (1 − α I )γ I ) ; (s1′ γ r , γ r ) ; (sa′ α tγ t ,α I γ I ) Ga (ξ t′ γ t ); (ξ r1 Lump the rotational energies together and then decompose all energies into active and inactive parts. T: ′ ,ξ I′ 2 )] T [(ξ r′1,ξ r′2 ) ↔ (ξ I′ ; s1′′); (ξ t′; st′ ) ↔ (ξ ta′ ,ξ t′2 ); (ξ I′ ; s′I ) ↔ (ξ Ia R: [ ] [ × β [(s1′′ γ r , γ r ) ; (s1′ γ r , γ r ) ; (sa′ α tγ t ,α I γ I )] ] ′ α I γ I ) Ga (ξ t′2 (1 − α t )γ t ) ; (ξ I′ 2 (1 − α I )γ I ) Ga (ξ ta′ α tγ t ); (ξ Ia Now recombine the active parts into the total active energy. ′ ) ↔ (ξ a ; sa′′ )] T [(ξ ta′ ,ξ Ia T: R: [ ] × β [(s1′′ γ r , γ r ) ; (s1′ γ r , γ r ) ; (sa′′ α tγ t ,α I γ I ) ; (sa′ α tγ t ,α I γ I )] Ga (ξ a α tγ t + α I γ I ) Ga (ξ t′2 (1 − α t )γ t ) ; (ξ I′ 2 (1 − α I )γ I ) Decompose the total active energy into post-collision components. ′′ )] T [(ξ a ; sa′ ) ↔ (ξ ta′′ ,ξ Ia T: R: [ ] [ × β [(s1′′ γ r , γ r ) ; (s1′ γ r , γ r ) ; (sa′′ α tγ t ,α I γ I )] ] ′′ α I γ I ) Ga (ξ t′2 (1 − α t )γ t ) ; (ξ I′ 2 (1 − α I )γ I ) Ga (ξ ta′′ α tγ t ); (ξ Ia Combine the post-collision active and inactive components, and then decompose the post-collision internal energy. ′′ ,ξ I′ 2 ) ↔ (ξ I′′; s′I′ ) ; (ξ I′′; s1′ ) ↔ (ξ r′′1 ,ξ r′′2 )] T [(ξ ta′′ ,ξ t′2 ) ↔ (ξ t′′; st′′) ; (ξ Ia T: R: [ ][ ] ′′ γ r ); (ξ r2 ′′ γ r ) β (st′′α tγ t , (1 − α t )γ t ) ; (s′I′ α I γ I , (1 − α I )γ I ) ; (s1′′ γ r , γ r ) ; (sa′′ α tγ t ,α I γ I ) Ga (ξ t′′γ t ); (ξ r1 Thus the left hand side has transformed into the right hand side, thus confirming that the sequence of transformations satisfies reciprocity. O: ξ t′′ = ~st′ξ t′ + sa′ ξ a , ξ r′′1 = s1′ξ I′′, ξ r′′2 = ~s1′ξ I′′, where ξ a = st′ξ t′ + s′I ξ I′ , ξ I′′ = ~ sa′ ξ a + ~ sI′ξ I′ , ξ I′ = ξ r′1 + ξ r′2 This is the model originally proposed for rotational excitations. We can say that it satisfies reciprocity. The transformations can also be combined to give the inverse process, in which case it is found that the inverse transformation has the same form as the forward transformation thus confirming that the model satisfies symmetry. Vibrationally Excited Binary Collisions with Loosely Restricted Exchange R: [ ] (st′ α tγ t , (1 − α t )γ t ) ; (s′R α Rγ R , (1 − α R )γ R ) ; (sV′ αV γ V , (1 − αV )γ V ) ; ×β (s1′ γ r , γ r )β (s2′ γ v , γ v ) ; (s′I α Rγ R ,αV γ V ) ; (sa′ α Rγ R + αV γ V ,α tγ t ) ′ γ r ); (ξ r2 ′ γ r ); (ξ v1 ′ γ v ); (ξ v2 ′ γv) Ga (ξ t′ γ t ); (ξ r1 where γ R = 2γ r γ V = 2γ v T: ′ ,ξ R′ 2 ) ; (ξV′ ; sV′ ) ↔ (ξVa ′ ,ξV′ 2 )] T [(ξ r′1,ξ r′2 ) ↔ (ξ R′ ; s1′′) ; (ξ v′1,ξ v′ 2 ) ↔ (ξV′ ; s2′′ ) ; (ξ t′; st′ ) ↔ (ξ ta′ ,ξ t′2 ) ; (ξ R′ ; sR′ ) ↔ (ξ Ra R: [ ] [ × β [(s1′′ γ r , γ r ) ; (s2′′ γ v , γ v ) ; (s1′ γ r , γ r ) ; (s2′ γ v , γ v ) ; (s′I α Rγ R ,αV γ V ) ; (sa′ α Rγ R + αV γ V ,α tγ t )] ] ′ α Rγ R ); (ξ Va ′ αV γ V ) Ga (ξ t′2 (1 − α t )γ t ) ; (ξ R2 ′ (1 − α R )γ R ) ; (ξ V2 ′ (1 − αV )γ V ) Ga (ξ ta′ α tγ t ); (ξ Ra ′ ,ξVa ′ ) ↔ (ξ Ia ′ ; s′I′ ) ; (ξ Ia ′ ,ξ ta′ ) ↔ (ξ a ; sa′′ )] T [(ξ Ra T: R: [ ] ′ (1 − α R )γ R ) ; (ξ V2 ′ (1 − αV )γ V ) Ga (ξ a α tγ t + α Rγ R + αV γ V ) Ga (ξ t′2 (1 − α t )γ t ) ; (ξ R2 (s1′′ γ r , γ r ) ; (s2′′ γ v , γ v ) ; (s1′ γ r , γ r ) ; (s2′ γ v , γ v ) ; (s′I′ α Rγ R ,αV γ V ) ; ×β (sa′′ α Rγ R + αV γ V ,α tγ t ) ; (s′I α Rγ R ,αV γ V ) ; (sa′ α Rγ R + αV γ V ,α tγ t ) ′′ ,ξ ta′′ ) ; (ξ Ia ′′ ; s′I ) ↔ (ξ Ra ′′ ,ξVa ′′ )] T [(ξ a ; sa′ ) ↔ (ξ Ia T: R: [ ] [ × β [(s1′′ γ r , γ r ) ; (s2′′ γ v , γ v ) ; (s1′ γ r , γ r ) ; (s2′ γ v , γ v ) ; (s′I′ α Rγ R ,αV γ V ) ; (sa′′ α Rγ R + αV γ V ,α tγ t )] ] ′′ α Rγ R ); (ξ Va ′′ αV γ V ) Ga (ξ t′2 (1 − α t )γ t ) ; (ξ R2 ′ (1 − α R )γ R ) ; (ξ V2 ′ (1 − αV )γ V ) Ga (ξ ta′′ α tγ t ); (ξ Ra T: ′′ ,ξ R′ 2 ) ↔ (ξ R′′ ; s′R′ ) ; (ξVa ′′ ,ξV′ 2 ) ↔ (ξV′′ ; sV′′ ) ; (ξ R′′ ; s1′ ) ↔ (ξ r′′1 ,ξ r′′2 ) ; (ξV′′ ; s2′ ) ↔ (ξ v′′1,ξ v′′2 )] T [(ξta′′ ,ξ t′2 ) ↔ (ξt′′; st′′) ; (ξ Ra R: [ ] (st′′ α tγ t , (1 − α t )γ t ) ; (sR′′ α Rγ R , (1 − α R )γ R ) ; (sV′′ αV γ V , (1 − αV )γ V ) ; ×β (s1′′ γ r , γ r )β (s2′′ γ v , γ v ) ; (s′I′ α Rγ R ,αV γ V ) ; (sa′′ α Rγ R + αV γ V ,α tγ t ) ′′ γ r ); (ξ r2 ′′ γ r ); (ξ v1 ′′ γ v ); (ξ v2 ′′ γ v ) Ga (ξ t′′ γ t ); (ξ r1 The left hand side has transformed into the right hand side, thus confirming that the sequence of transformations satisfies reciprocity. O: ξ t′′ = ~st′ξt′ + ~sa′ ξ a , ξ r′′1 = s1′ξ R′′ , ξ r′′2 = ~s1′ξ R′′ , ξ v′′1 = s2′ ξV′′ , ξ v′′2 = ~s2′ξV′′ where : ξ R′′ = ~sR′ ξ R′ + s′I sa′ ξ a , ξ V′′ = ~sV′ ξV′ + ~sI′ sa′ ξ a , ξa = st′ξ t′ + sR′ ξ R′ + sV′ ξV′ , ξ R′ = ξ r′1 + ξ r′2 , ξV′ = ξ v′1 + ξ v′ 2 This is the model originally proposed for vibrational excitations. We can say that it satisfies reciprocity. The transformations can also be combined to give the inverse process. We find that the inverse transformation has the same form as the forward transformation, thus confirming that the model satisfies symmetry. CONCLUSIONS This paper has explained the underlying principles behind skeleton notation and has applied the notation to a number of specific problems drawn from reciprocity modelling and reciprocity proofs. The examples illustrated the use of skeleton notation with either bracket notation or transformation notation. The examples show that: 1) Skeleton notation condenses the presentation of reciprocity modelling. 2) Skeleton notation simplifies the presentation of reciprocity modelling. 3) Skeleton notation encourages the mind to focus on, and track changes in, the critical variables appearing in reciprocity modelling. Although skeleton notation has been illustrated using only the explicit method of reciprocity modelling the notation can also be used to condense other reciprocity modelling techniques, such as the fast-explicit, expert, and fast-expert methods. However, the visual method embodies an optimal level of compaction so that skeleton notation cannot be used to condense its presentation any further. Skeleton notation is especially relevant when reciprocity modelling is applied to highly complex phenomena such as many body interactions. For such phenomena skeleton notation expedites and simplifies the process of constructing reciprocity models and reciprocity proofs. In fact, skeleton notation will be used to formulate reciprocity proofs for many body collisions and many body gas surface interactions. 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