Deterministic Hybrid Computation of Rarefied Gas Flows Tomoki Ohsawa and Taku Ohwada Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University Abstract. A deterministic hybrid method is developed on the basis of the BGK equation. The conventional finite difference scheme for the BGK equation is combined with the finite volume method for the NS equation derived from the BGK equation by the Chapman-Enskog expansion. The numerical test is carried out in the shock tube problem and the leading edge problem. The two solutions are connected smoothly without any special treatment. 1 INTRODUCTION The numerical analysis of rarefied gas flows for small Knudsen numbers requires huge amount of computation. The deviation of distribution function of the gas molecules from the local Maxwellian is of the order of the Knudsen number and it exerts an appreciable influence on the variation of the distribution function through the molecular collision (the collision term is multiplied by the inverse of the Knudsen number). Thus, the numerical error should be much smaller than the magnitude of the deviation and the computation should be performed with high accuracy. The hybrid particle-continuum approach, which employs the DSMC in the nonequilibrium region and CFD in the nearly equilibrium region, has been attracting a lot of interests as an efficient method for a rarefied gas flow with nearly continuum regimes. On the other hand, the deterministic computation of the Boltzmann equation or its model equations such as the BGK equation is a counterpart to the DSMC computation in the numerical study of rarefied gas flows and the reliable computation in 2D and 3D cases is extremely expensive even when the model equation is employed. Thus the curtailment of the computational cost is one of the challenging subjects in this approach. The main difficulty of the particle-continuum approach lies in the interface between the kinetic solution and the fluid-dynamic solution; the fluid-dynamic solution is polluted by the statistical noise of the DSMC solution. The deterministic hybrid approach, which is free from the statistical noise, seems to be quite promising. In the present paper, a deterministic hybrid method is developed on the basis of the BGK equation. The conventional finite difference scheme for the BGK equation is employed as the kinetic solver and the finite volume method for the NS equation derived from the BGK equation by the Chapman-Enskog expansion [1, 2] is employed as the CFD solver. The numerical test is carried out in the shock tube problem and the leading edge problem. 2 NOTATION AND BASIC EQUATION The main notation is summarized. The ρ0 and T0 are, respectively, the reference density and temperature of the system under consideration; Xi = Lxi are the Cartesian coordinates, where L is the characteristic length of the system; l0 is the mean √ free path of gas √ molecules in the equilibrium state at rest with density ρ0 and temperature T0 ; k = ( π/2)(l0 /L) = ( π/2)Kn, where Kn is the Knudsen number of the system; L(2RT0 )−1/2 t is the time, where R is the specific gas constant; (2RT0 )1/2 ζi is the molecular velocity; ρ0 (2RT0 )−3/2 f (xi , ζi , t) is the distribution function of the gas molecules; ρ0 ρ, (2RT0 )1/2 ui , and T0 T are the density, flow velocity, and temperature of the gas, respectively. We develop the deterministic hybrid method on the basis of the BGK equation ∂f ∂f ρ + ζi = (f0 − f ), ∂t ∂xi k CP663, Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 23rd International Symposium, edited by A. D. Ketsdever and E. P. Muntz © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0124-1/03/$20.00 931 (1) ρ (ζi − ui )2 exp − , T (πT )3/2 1 ρ f dζ. ρui = ζi 2 3ρT /2 (ζi − ui ) f0 = 3 (2) (3) DETERMINISTIC HYBRID APPROACH We describe the construction of the hybrid method in the case where the physical quantities are independent of x2 and x3 and u2 = u3 = 0. 3.1 BGK solver In the nonequilibrium region, we employ the standard finite difference scheme for the BGK equation. In the spatially one-dimensional case with u2 = u3 = 0, the BGK equation is reduced to ∂Φ ∂Φ ρ + ζ1 = (Φ̃ − Φ), ∂t ∂x1 k ∞ ∞ χ 1 Φ= = f dζ2 dζ3 , φ ζ2 2 + ζ3 2 −∞ −∞ (ζ1 − u1 )2 ρ χ0 1 Φ̃ = exp − = , φ0 T T (πT )1/2 ∞ ∞ 1 ∞ 2 χ dζ1 , u1 = ζ1 χ dζ1 , T = [(ζ1 − u1 )2 χ + φ] dζ1 . ρ= ρ −∞ 3ρ −∞ −∞ (4) (5) (6) (7) Let the mesh point for x1 and that for ζ1 be denoted by x(i) (x(a) < x(b) for a < b) and ζ (j) , respectively, and let t(n) = n∆t be the time level. We express the physical quantities for (x1 , ζ1 , t) = (x(i) , ζ (j) , t(n) ) using the subscripts i and j and superscript n, i.e., ρni = ρ(x(i) , t(n) ), Φnij = Φ(x(i) , ζ (j) , n(n) ), and so on. In the present study, we employ the following standard implicit finite difference formula: − Φnij Φn+1 ρni n ij + ζ (j) ∇Φn+1 (Φ̃ij − Φn+1 = ij ij ), ∆t k (8) where ∇Φn+1 is the standard finite difference expression for ∂Φ(x(i) , ζ (j) , t(n+1) )/∂x1 ; the backward differij ence formula (i, i − 1, and i − 2) is employed for ζ (j) > 0 and forward one (i, i + 1, and i + 2) is done for ζ (j) < 0. The values of the macroscopic variables at the mesh point are obtained by the numerical integration with respect to ζ1 . The Φn+1 for ζ (j) > 0 is solved in order of increasing x(i) and the order is reversed for ij ζ (j) < 0. 3.2 NS solver In the nearly equilibrium region, we employ the finite volume method for the Navier-Stokes equation derived from the BGK equation by the Chapman-Enskog expansion.[1, 2] In this method the time evolution of the macroscopic variables h = t(ρ, ρu1 , 3ρT /2 + ρu1 2 ) at x1 = x(i) are computed by hn+1 = hni − i 1 (F i+1/2 − F i−1/2 ). − x(i) x(i+1) (9) The F i+1/2 is the numerical flux defined by − F i+1/2 = F + i+1/2 + F i+1/2 , 932 (10) F± i+1/2 = t(n+1) t(n) ζ1 ≷0 ζ1 ψ f (x(i+1/2) ∓ 0, ζi , t) dζ dt, (11) where x(i+1/2) = (x(i) + x(i+1) )/2, ψ = t(1, ζ1 , ζj 2 ). The f (x(i+1/2) ∓ 0, ζi , t) is an approximate solution of the following Cauchy problem: ∂f ∂f + ζ1 = J 0, ∂t ∂x1 C 2 ∂u1 5 ∂T 0 −1/2 2 2 +T C1 C − J = 2 C1 − f0 , 3 ∂x1 2 ∂x1 f (x1 , ζi , t(n) ) = f0 + kf1 , (12) (13) (14) where Ci = (ζi − ui )/T 1/2 (u2 = u3 = 0), C = (Cj 2 )1/2 , and f1 is the Chapman-Enskog Navier-Stokes distribution function and is given by f1 = −J 0 /ρ for the BGK equation. The explicit form of f (x(i+1/2) ∓ 0, ζi , t) is given by ∂f0 (i+1/2) (i+1/2) (n) (n) 0 (x(i+1/2) ± 0, ζi , t(n) ). (15) ± 0, ζi , t) = (f0 + kf1 )(x ± 0, ζi , t ) + (t − t ) J − ζ1 f (x ∂x1 At the beginning of each time step, each conservative variable is approximated by a piecewise linear distribution that takes the exact values at x1 = x(i) and allows the discontinuity at x1 = x(i+1/2) . The integration in Eq. (11) is carried out in advance and the numerical flux is computed only from the macroscopic data in the actual computation. 3.3 Domain decomposition The computational domain is decomposed into the continuum (nearly equilibrium) region and the kinetic (nonequilibrium) region at the beginning of each time step. The point x(i) is judged to belong to the continuum region if the breakdown parameter measured by a prescribed method is less than a threshold; it is judged to belong to the kinetic region otherwise. The breakdown parameter may oscillate around the threshold due to the numerical error and some small regions that contain few mesh points may appear. In order to avoid the isolation of small regions, the continuum region with one or two mesh points is re-judged to be the kinetic region and the kinetic region with one or two mesh points is done to be the continuum region. In the present study we employ two breakdown parameters. The first breakdown parameter is the local Knudsen number based on the density gradient Knρ = (l0 /Lρ)(∂ρ/∂x1 ) [breakdown parameter-1], which is widely used in particle-continuum approach. The second breakdown parameter is the deviation of the distribution function from the local Maxwellian [breakdown parameter-2], i.e., |χ − χ0 | dζ1 , which is a more faithful measure but its computation is more expensive. This parameter is employed for the purpose of the comparison. If x(i) belongs to the continuum region at t = t(n) and is judged to belong to the kinetic region at are created according to f = f0 + kf1 . If x(i) belongs to the kinetic t = t(n+1) , the kinetic data Φn+1 ij region at t = n∆t and is judged to belong to the continuum region at t = t(n+1) , the kinetic data Φn+1 are ij n+1 discarded and only the macroscopic data hi are stored. 3.4 Interface between two solutions We describe the interface between the fluid-dynamic solution and the kinetic solution in the case where x(i) for i < ic belong to the continuum region and those for ic ≤ i belong to the kinetic region. Since the numerical flux of the present NS solver splits into two parts, two solutions can be connected at x1 = x(ic −1/2) in principle; the numerical flux F − ic −1/2 can be computed from the solution of the BGK equation; the distribution function for ζ1 > 0 at x1 = x(ic −1/2) is recovered from the NS solution as f = f0 + kf1 and is employed as the boundary condition for the BGK equation. On the other hand, the matching of two solutions should be done in the region where both of the solutions are valid. If this principle holds around 933 x1 = x(ic −1/2) , we have much freedom in the design of the interface. In the present study, we employ the following two methods for the interface; Method-A : The numerical flux F + ic −1/2 is computed from the macroscopic data in the continuum region. − The numerical flux F ic −1/2 is computed from f (x(ic −1/2) , ζi , t(n) ), which is obtained as the average of f (x(ic −1) , ζi , t(n) ) and f (x(ic ) , ζi , t(n) ). The former distribution is recovered from the macroscopic data in the continuum region as f = f0 + kf1 and the latter is computed by the BGK solver. The macroscopic data at t = t(n+1) in the continuum region are computed by Eq. (9) and the kinetic data n+1 (j) > 0 are recovered from the macroscopic data hn+1 as f = f0 + kf1 . These Φn+1 i ic −2,j and Φic −1,j for ζ n+1 newly obtained kinetic data are employed by the BGK solver (8) to compute Φn+1 ic ,j , Φic +1,j , · · · . Method-B : The macroscopic data hnic and hnic +1 are computed from the data Φnic ,j and Φnic +1,j . The numerical flux F ic −1/2 is computed from these macroscopic data in the same way as in the case of other cell boundaries in the continuum region. The rest of the computation is the same as in the case of Method-A. 4 4.1 NUMERICAL TESTS Shock tube problem As the first test case we consider the one-dimensional unsteady flow in a shock tube. Initially, the gas is at rest and is in a constant state given by ρ0 and T0 for X1 > 0 and in a constant state given by ρ1 and T1 for X1 < 0. The mean √ free path in the equilibrium state at rest with ρ0 and T0 is taken as the characteristic length L, i.e., k = π/2. The computational condition is as follows. The domain for x1 is limited to (−D, D) and D is large enough so that no disturbance arrives at the computational boundaries x1 = ±D during the computation. The width of the x1 mesh is uniform and is 0.1. The domain for ζ1 is limited to −10 ≤ ζ1 ≤ 10 and is divided √ into 200 nonuniform intervals. The computation was carried out for ∆t = 0.01 (the unit of time is l0 / 2RT0) and four methods for the interface, (Method-A, breakdown parameter-1), (Method-B, breakdown parameter-1), (Method-A, breakdown parameter-2), (Method-B, breakdown parameter-2), were tested. The initial kinetic region was −2 ≤ x1 ≤ 2 and the threshold of the breakdown parameter-1 and that of the breakdown parameter-2 were both 0.003. Figures 1 and 2 show the distributions of density ρ, flow velocity u1 and temperature T at t = 50 for (ρ1 /ρ0 , T1 /T0 ) = (8, 10/8) [Sod’s test case] and (ρ1 /ρ0 , T1 /T0 ) = (3, 10/3). The hybrid computation for each method of interface was carried out successfully and the differences are almost invisible in these figures. The result of the hybrid computation is compared with the BGK solution and the excellent agreement is confirmed. In these figures, the kinetic regions at t = 50 are shown as the rectangles (Method-B, breakdown parameter-1). In order to check the history of hybrid computation, we define the characteristic function C(x1 , t(n) ) in such a way that C(x1 , t(n) ) = 1 in the cell (x(i−1/2) , x(i+1/2) ) if x(i) belongs to the kinetic region at t = t(n) and C(x1 , t(n) ) = 0 otherwise. Since the transitions of C(x1 , t(n) ) for these methods of interface are similar, only that for (Method-B, breakdown parameter-1) is shown in Fig. 3 [(ρ1 /ρ0 , T1 /T0 ) = (8, 10/8)]. The distribution function in the form of f = f0 + kf1 is employed in the interface of two solutions. This distribution function contains the derivatives of the macroscopic variables. If the gap between two solutions is not far smaller than the cell size, the inclusion of the derivative leads to instability and spurious oscillations; neither instability nor spurious oscillation occurs when the local Maxwellian f0 is employed instead of f0 + kf1 . The threshold of breakdown parameter should be chosen so that it is much smaller than the cell size. The efficiency of the hybrid computation is confirmed from the comparison of the total CPU time. Owing to the hybrid computation (breakdown parameter-1), the cost is cut down to about 30% of that of full BGK computation. 934 9.0 3.5 Hybrid BGK Kinetic Region 6.0 2.5 5.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 1.5 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 −100 −50 0.5 0 x1 50 100 0.8 0.7 0.6 −100 −50 0 x1 50 100 0 x1 50 100 1.0 Hybrid BGK Kinetic Region Hybrid BGK Kinetic Region 0.8 0.5 0.6 u1 u1 Hybrid BGK Kinetic Region 3.0 ρ ρ 8.0 7.0 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 −100 −50 0.0 0 x1 50 100 −100 −50 3.5 Hybrid BGK Kinetic Region Hybrid BGK Kinetic Region 3.0 2.5 T T 0.0 −100 2.0 1.5 1.0 −50 0.5 0 x1 50 100 Fig. 1: Comparison of the result of hybrid computation with the BGK solution for (ρ1 /ρ0 , T1 /T0 ) = (8, 10/8). Solid line indicates the BGK solution, open circles indicate that of hybrid computation plotted with every 10 points out of the actual computational grids, and rectangles drawn with dashed line indicate the kinetic regions. −100 −50 0 x1 50 100 Fig. 2: Comparison of the result of hybrid computation with the BGK solution for (ρ1 /ρ0 , T1 /T0 ) = (3, 10/3). Solid line indicates the BGK solution, open circles indicate that of hybrid computation plotted with every 10 points out of the actual computational grids, and rectangles drawn with dashed line indicate the kinetic regions. 0 10 C(x1 , t) 1 20 30 0 −100 −50 t 40 0 x1 50 50 100 Fig. 3: Transition of the domain decomposition. The kinetic region splits into three main parts due to the appearance of uniform equilibrium regions between the expansion wave and the contact discontinuity and between the contact discontinuity and the shock. 935 4.2 Leading edge problem x2 x2 x2 As a 2D test case, we consider a steady rarefied gas flow past a flat plate at zero angle of attack. This problem is analyzed numerically on the basis of the BGK equation and the diffuse reflection boundary condition by taking account of the propagation of the discontinuity of the distribution function into the gas from the leading and trailing edges [3] and the accurate solution, which deserves to be the standard solution, is available. We analyze the problem for 3 Hybrid the same equation and boundary condition using the BGK 2.5 hybrid method. The length of the plate is taken as 1.05 1.2 the reference length L and the plate is located at 2 the position (−L/2 ≤ X1 ≤ L/2, X2 = 0). The ρ = 1.01 1.01 density and temperature at upstream condition are 1.5 taken as the reference values ρ0 and T0 , respectively. 1 1.4 We investigate the case where the upstream Mach 0.9 number is 1.5, the Knudsen number based on the 0.5 length of the plate is 0.05, and the temperature of 0 the plate is equal to T0 . The computational domain -2 -1 0 1 2 3 x1 for space is the rectangle (−5.199 ≤ x1 ≤ 5.092, 3 0 ≤ x2 ≤ 12). Our main interest in the present nuHybrid 1.1 merical test is the confirmation of the validity of the BGK 2.5 1.05 simple interface, 2D version of Method-A in Sec. 3.4, and the adaptive mesh refinement, adaptive domain 2 decomposition, and special treatment of the disconT = 1.01 1.5 tinuity of the distribution function around the leading and trailing edges are not employed. A nonuni1.2 1 1.01 form grid system in x1 x2 plane is employed; the x1 mesh is precise around x1 = ±1/2, and so is the 0.5 x2 mesh near x2 = 0; there are 273 × 161 grids. 0 This grid system is coarser than that employed in -2 -1 0 1 1.1 2 3 x1 Ref. [3]. The kinetic region is fixed to the rectan3 gle (−0.903 ≤ x1 ≤ 1.527, 0 ≤ x2 ≤ 0.5). The Hybrid BGK computational domain for ζ1 and ζ2 is limited to 2.5 1.4 (−5 ≤ ζ1 ≤ 6.988, −5 ≤ ζ2 ≤ 5) and a nonuniform 2 grid system is employed; there are 115 × 101 grids 1.3 in ζ1 ζ2 plane. Mc = 1.49 1.5 The isograms of the density ρ, temperature T , 1.49 and Mach number Mc defined by Mc = 1 the local 1.0 6/5(u1 2 +u2 2 )1/2 T −1/2 are shown in Fig. 4, where 0.5 the BGK solution of Ref. [3] is shown for comparison. Figure 5 and 6 show the distributions of 0 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 ρ, u1 , u2 , and T along the lines x1 = const and x1 x2 = const. In these figures, the BGK solution [3] and the NS solution under the slip boundary condi- Fig. 4: Isograms of the density, temperature, and local tion on the plate are shown for comparison. While Mach number. ρ = 0.75 + 0.05m (m = 0, . . . , 4), 1.01, the fair agreement between the hybrid solution and and 1.05 + 0.05m (m = 0, . . . , 17); T = 1.01 and 1.05 + the full BGK solution is confirmed at downstream, 0.05m (m = 0, . . . , 9); Mc = 1.49 and 1.4 − 0.1m (m = 0, . . . , 12). Solid lines indicate the BGK solution, dashed the discrepancy is appreciable especially around the lines indicate the Hybrid solution, and dash-dot lines indileading edge and in the oblique shock-layer-like re- cate the interface. gion arising from the leading edge. Nevertheless the present hybrid method yields a better result than the NS solution under the slip boundary condition. Although the accuracy of the present hybrid computation is not very satisfactory, the 2D version of the simple interface works quite well; the BGK solution and the NS solution are smoothly connected. Incidentally, the slip boundary condition in the present case (BGK, Tw = T0 ; Tw : temperature of the 936 plate) is u1 = − k0 k ∂u1 , ρ ∂x2 u2 = 0, T =1+ d1 k ∂T , ρ ∂x2 (16) where k0 and d1 are slip (jump) coefficients and are given by k0 = −1.01619, d1 = 1.30272, (17) for the BGK equation.[4] The quantities of jump (slip) are proportional to the local mean free path for ρ and T at the boundary; they are multiplied by (Tw /T0 )1/2 in the case of Tw /T0 = const = 1. 1.6 1.35 Kinetic 1.5 Hybrid BGK NS Continuum Kinetic x1 = −0.244 1.25 x1 = −0.244 1.4 Hybrid BGK NS Continuum 1.30 T ρ 1.20 1.3 1.15 x1 = 0.244 1.2 x1 = 0.244 1.10 1.1 1.05 1.0 1.00 0 0.5 1 1.5 x2 2 2.5 3 0 1.4 0.20 1.2 0.5 1 Kinetic 1.5 x2 2 2.5 Continuum Hybrid BGK NS x1 = 0.244 0.15 x1 = −0.244 1.0 3 x1 = −0.244 u2 u1 0.8 0.10 0.6 0.4 Kinetic Continuum x1 = 0.244 0.05 Hybrid BGK NS 0.2 0.0 0.00 0 0.5 1 1.5 x2 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 x2 2 2.5 3 Fig. 5: Comparison of the hybrid solution, BGK solution, and Navier-Stokes solution under the slip boundary condition along the lines x1 = −0.244 and x1 = 0.244. Solid lines indicate the BGK solution, dashed lines indicate the Hybrid solution, and dash-dot lines indicate the NS solution under the slip boundary condition. The vertical dash-dot line indicates the interface. 5 CONCLUDING REMARKS We have carried out the deterministic hybrid computations in the shock tube problem and the leading edge problem. The BGK solution and the NS solution were connected smoothly without any special treatment. The deterministic hybrid method yielded excellent results in the shock tube problem and a fair success was achieved in the leading edge problem. Thus, the deterministic hybrid approach is worth being studied further towards an efficient and reliable numerical method for complex flows with nonequilibrium regions and nearly equilibrium regions. 937 2.2 1.6 2.0 1.8 Hybrid BGK NS x2 = 0.004 Continuum Kinetic 1.5 1.4 Continuum Hybrid BGK NS x2 = 0.004 Continuum Kinetic Continuum 1.3 x2 = 1.009 1.4 x2 = 1.009 T ρ 1.6 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.6 −2 −1 0 1 x1 2 0.9 −2 3 1.4 0.20 1.2 0.15 −1 0 x1 1 2 Hybrid BGK NS x2 = 1.009 x2 = 1.009 1.0 Continuum 0.10 Kinetic Continuum 0.05 Continuum Kinetic Continuum u2 u1 0.8 3 0.6 0.00 0.4 −0.05 0.2 0.0 −2 Hybrid BGK NS x2 = 0.004 −1 0 x1 1 2 x2 = 0.004 −0.10 3 −0.15 −2 −1 0 x1 1 2 3 Fig. 6: Comparison of the hybrid solution, BGK solution, and Navier-Stokes solution under the slip boundary condition along the lines x2 = 0.004 and x2 = 1.009. Solid lines indicate the BGK solution, dashed lines indicate the Hybrid solution, and dash-dot lines indicate the NS solution under the slip boundary condition. The vertical dash-dot lines indicate the interface. 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The present study is supported by Grant in Aid for Scientific Research No.14550150 from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Professor Kazuo Aoki of Kyoto University is acknowledged for providing the detailed data of BGK solution in the leading edge problem. REFERENCES 1. Ohwada, T., “Boltzmann schemes for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations,” in Rarefied Gas Dynamics: AIP Conference Proceedings No. 585, edited by Bartel, T.J. and Gallis, M.A., (AIP, 2001), pp.321-328. 2. Ohwada, T., “On the construction of kinetic schemes,” J. Compt. Phys. 177, 156-175 (2002). 3. Aoki, K., Kanba, K., and Takata, S., “Numerical analysis of a supersonic rarefied gas flow past a flat plate,” Phys. Fluids 9, 1144-1161 (1997). 4. 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