A Hybrid Continuum–Atomistic Scheme for Viscous, Incompressible Gaseous Flow Wijesinghe, H.S. and Hadjiconstantinou, N.G.† † Department of Aeronautics/Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Abstract. We present a hybrid continuum–atomistic computational scheme for viscous, incompressible, gaseous flows. The continuum domain is described by the steady Navier–Stokes equations, in this case solved using a finite element formulation. The atomistic domain is described by the dilute gas model solved by direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC). The coupling procedure is derived from a domain decomposition method known as the Schwarz alternating method [1]. Test results from a two–dimensional driven cavity problem show convergence within 10 iterations for flow Reynolds numbers of order 1. Extension of the scheme to unsteady flows is also discussed. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Existing continuum–atomistic formulations [2, 3, 4, 5] have been limited to compressible flows where time–dependent flux–based schemes are typically used for solution of the continuum equations of motion. Explicit and synchronized time marching of the continuum and atomistic sub–domains in these schemes can become prohibitively expensive when the characteristic timescales of the sub–domains are very different. The hybrid scheme proposed in the present work provides solutions to steady problems in an implicit sense, thus achieving timescale decoupling and superior computational efficiency compared to explicit time marching algorithms. Our approach also caters to low speed (incompressible) flows where the compressible numerical formulation fails. The proposed scheme can also be extended to unsteady flows without time–step based stability restrictions. The hybrid coupling scheme will be described first with a brief summary of the continuum and atomistic sub–domain solvers. Results from applying the scheme to a driven cavity test problem will be presented next together with an analysis of factors affecting convergence. Extension of the scheme to unsteady flows is then presented with reference to an impulsive flat plate test problem. SCHWARZ COUPLING The hybrid coupling scheme proposed is based on the Schwarz alternating method [1]. The basic features of Schwarz coupling can be illustrated with respect to a one–dimensional example as shown in Figure 1. Within this coupling framework, the overlap region facilitates information exchange between the continuum and atomistic sub–domains in the form of Dirichlet boundary conditions. A steady state continuum solution is first obtained using boundary conditions taken from the atomistic sub–domain solution. At the first iteration this latter solution can be a guess. A steady state atomistic solution is then found using boundary conditions taken from the continuum sub–domain. This exchange of boundary conditions corresponds to a single Schwarz iteration. Successive Schwarz iterations are repeated until convergence, i.e. until the solutions in the two sub–domains are identical in the overlap region. The exchange of boundary conditions in this manner has three major advantages; 1) Dirichlet boundary conditions are arguably easier to impose on molecular simulations compared to flux boundary conditions, 2) fluxes are matched without the need to be explicitly imposed, and 3) timescales can be decoupled [8] since only steady state solutions are required from each sub–domain (this is of great importance in multiscale applications). The Schwarz procedure is guaranteed to converge for elliptic problems [1], and has recently been shown to converge for finite but sufficiently small Reynolds CP663, Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 23rd International Symposium, edited by A. D. Ketsdever and E. P. Muntz © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0124-1/03/$20.00 907 Boundary for atomistic solution Boundary for continuum solution Continuum solution Atomistic solution Overlap region FIGURE 1. Illustration of the Schwarz coupling method in one–dimension. numbers [6]. The method has been used by Hadjiconstantinou and Patera [7] and Hadjiconstantinou [8] to couple a molecular dynamics description of a dense fluid with a Navier–Stokes continuum flow solver. In gaseous flows the Schwarz method was used by Aktas and Aluru [9] to couple a DSMC based atomistic solver with a Stokes continuum flow solver. Their implementation was effectively limited to one–dimensional flows in the overlap region and utilized a Maxwell Boltzmann distribution to set boundary conditions on the molecular simulation. The objective of the present paper is to develop a rigorous coupling for general gaseous flow cases (both two–dimensional and three–dimensional) where the boundary conditions on the molecular sub–domains are imposed using a Chapman Enskog distribution. Chapman Enskog distributions allow for the correct imposition of continuum boundary conditions on the atomistic sub–domain in the presence of finite gradients in the continuum flow field. As will be shown, this results in superior accuracy over the equilibrium Maxwell Boltzmann distribution as suggested in [8]. Extension of Schwarz coupling to two–dimensions is illustrated in Figure 2. In the present work the continuum sub–domain is solved using a finite element solver based on the steady, incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. The continuum solution is obtained in an implicit sense and does not require time marching to steady state. The element equations are derived using a Bubnov–Galerkin approach described by Gartling and Becker [10]. To apply the Galerkin method the nonlinear convective terms of the Navier–Stokes equations are linearized as shown below, ∂u ∂x ∂v ρ un ∂x ρ un ∂u ∂y ∂v vn ∂y ∂u ∂v ∂x ∂y 2µ ∂u ∂x , σy 2µ ∂v ∂y , τxy (2) 0 (3) ∂u ∂y µ (1) where, σx ∂ τxy ∂ σx P ∂x ∂y ∂ τxy ∂ σy P ∂x ∂y vn ∂v ∂x , µ is the viscosity and P is the pressure. The variables (un vn ) are initially set to an approximate solution of the flow (e.g., a Stokes solution). The velocity and pressure fields are interpolated across Taylor Hood triangle elements using quadratic and linear shape functions respectively. The resulting matrix equations are solved using direct inversion for the unknown velocities and pressure. The inversion is repeated with updated values for (un vn ) until convergence. The flow in the atomistic sub–domain is solved using the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) algorithm described by Bird [11]. Argon gas (molecular mass m 6 63 10 26kg and hard sphere diameter σ 3 66 10 10m) 908 −6 1 x 10 0.9 Continuum only 0.8 Atomistic only 0.7 Y (m) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 h Overlap width 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 X (m) FIGURE 2. 0.8 1 −6 x 10 Continuum and atomistic sub-domains for Schwarz coupling in two–dimensions. was used for all simulations. The imposition of continuum sub–domain boundary conditions on the atomistic sub–domain is facilitated by a particle reservoir in the overlap region as shown in Figure 3. Particles are created at locations x y within the reservoir with velocities u v drawn from a Chapman-Enskog velocity distribution [2]. The mean and gradient of velocities from the continuum solution are used as input to generate the Chapman Enskog distribution as detailed by Garcia and Alder [12]. The continuum velocities at x y required to generate the Chapman Enskog velocity distribution are interpolated from cell nodes using the same quadratic interpolation functions used by the finite element solver. The number and spatial distribution of particles in the reservoir are chosen according to the overlying continuum cell mean density and density gradients. After particles are created in the reservoir they are convected for a single DSMC timestep. Particles that enter DSMC cells are incorporated into the standard convection/collision routines of the DSMC algorithm. Particles that remain in the reservoir are discarded. Particles that leave the DSMC domain are also deleted from the computation. The velocity boundary condition originating from the atomistic sub–domain can be imposed on the continuum sub– domain more directly. As shown in Figure 3, the centers of the DSMC cells are aligned along the nodes of the finite element cells. While alignment of finite element and DSMC nodes is not a requirement for the scheme, this helps avoid interpolation errors which may be substantial due to fluctuations in DSMC cell velocities. The DSMC cell velocities obtained by time averaging particle velocities can be specified directly as Dirichlet conditions on the corresponding finite element nodes. A correction to nodal velocities to ensure mass conservation is also made [8]. RESULTS The hybrid coupling scheme was applied to a driven cavity flow in the domain outlined in Figure 2. The hybrid solution is expected to recover the fully continuum solution (which will now be referred to as the exact solution) since the atomistic sub–domain is far from solid boundaries and from regions of large velocity gradients. This test therefore provides a consistency check for the scheme. Standard Dirichlet velocity boundary conditions for a driven cavity problem were applied on the continuum sub–domain; the u velocity component on the left, right and lower 909 −7 5 x 10 Chapman Enskog distribution generated by interpolating velocity solution from FE triangle nodes 4.5 DSMC Cells centered on FE nodes Y (m) 4 3.5 Particle created in reservoir Reservoir region 3 2.5 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 X (m) FIGURE 3. 5 −7 x 10 Particle reservoir in the overlap region. TABLE 1. Baseline simulation parameters for the driven cavity test problem. Property Value Total domain width Lx Total domain height Ly Finite element nodes in Lx Finite element nodes in Ly Imposed flow velocity at y Ly Reynolds number based on Lx Atomistic domain width lx Atomistic domain height ly Atomistic domain origin lxo Atomistic domain origin lyo 1 1 6 10 m 10 6 m 41 41 50 m/s 43 2 25 10 7 m 2 25 10 7 m 3 875 10 7 m 3 875 10 7 m Property Value DSMC cells in lx DSMC cells in ly Number of particles per cell Overlap region width h Reservoir region width DSMC timestep ∆τ Argon mean free path λ Mean temperature T DSMC timesteps per Schwarz iteration No. of timesteps before averaging 9 (2.5 cells/λ ) 9 (2.5 cells/λ ) 50 1 0 10 7 m 8 75 10 8 m 3 7 10 11 s 6 258 10 8 m 273K 500000 50000 walls were held at zero while the upper wall u velocity was set to 50 m/s, the v velocity component on all boundaries was set to zero. Despite the high velocity, the flow is essentially incompressible and isothermal. Runs at lower velocities produced the same results. The pressure level is set by setting the middle node on the lower boundary at atmospheric pressure (1 013 105 ) Pa. Additional parameters used in the simulation are listed in Table 1. A zero velocity solution in the atomistic sub–domain was used as an initial guess. The DSMC simulations were advanced for a total of 500000 (18 5µ s) time steps per Schwarz iteration with averaging beginning after 50000 (1 85 µ s) time steps. The convergence of the u velocity along the y 0 425 10 6m plane as a function of Schwarz iterations is plotted in Figure 4. Good comparison is achieved between the fully continuum numerical solution and the coupled hybrid solution. The continuum numerical solution is reached to within 1m s at the 3rd Schwarz iteration and to within 0 2m s at the 10th Schwarz iteration. Similar convergence of the v velocity field is also observed. For a more global indication of convergence the L2 norm of the velocity and pressure variables at each Schwarz iteration is plotted in Figure 5. The velocity L2 norm shows rapid decay and convergence. The pressure L2 norm also shows a general decay but indicates that further iterations are required for convergence. This effect is currently under investigation. 910 0 U = f (X,Y=0.425× 10−6m) −2 −4 −6 −8 Exact Iterate=1 Iterate=2 Iterate=3 Iterate=5 Iterate=10 −10 −12 0 FIGURE 4. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 X (m) 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 −6 x 10 Convergence of the u velocity component with successive Schwarz iterations. While the above test problem was not selected to demonstrate computational savings, substantial savings are expected in practical applications where the reduction in cost achieved by the use of the continuum description significantly outweighs the increase in cost due to the small number (O 10 ) of Schwarz iterations required. Additional contributions to computational efficiency include the drastically reduced time to which the molecular sub–domain needs to be simulated before it reaches a steady state, and the improved computer performance for calculations with small memory requirements [9]. Factors Governing Convergence A range of tests were conducted to assess the effect of overlap region widths (h 0 8λ and h 1 6λ ), Maxwell Boltzmann based equilibrium distribution particle reservoirs (i.e., equivalent to ignoring gradient information in the overlying continuum solution) and number of DSMC time steps per Schwarz iteration on the convergence of the coupling scheme. Results from these tests are plotted in Figure 5 and Figure 6. The following observations can be made from these plots: 1. Convergence of the velocity field is only weakly coupled to the overlap region width h in the range considered. A similar conclusion was reached by Aktas and Aluru [9]. The pressure field shows greater sensitivity to h but no significant differences in convergence can be seen. 2. The velocity and pressure error norms are one order of magnitude larger when a Maxwell Boltzmann reservoir is used. 3. Halving the number of DSMC time steps per Schwarz iteration (via advancing the DSMC solution to 275000 time steps and averaging after 50000) has an insignificant effect on the convergence of the velocity L2 norm. The pressure L2 norm tracks the baseline solution for 3 Schwarz iterations but then fluctuates above the baseline solution. 911 6 2 log10(sqrt((Exact−Iterate) ) 5 4 3 2 Velocity, h=1.6 λ Pressure, h=1.6 λ Velocity, h=0.8 λ Pressure, h=0.8 λ 1 0 −1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 No. of Schwarz iterates Ns 8 9 10 FIGURE 5. Comparison of the convergence of the velocity and pressure fields with Schwarz iterations. The velocity norm is constructed from the sum of both u and v velocities. 6 2 log10(sqrt((Exact−Iterate) ) 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 1 Velocity: Baseline Pressure: Baseline Velocity: Maxwell Boltzmann reservoirs Pressure: Maxwell Boltzmann reservoirs Velocity: Coupling at 275000 time steps Pressure: Coupling at 275000 time steps 2 3 4 5 6 7 No. of Schwarz iterates N 8 9 10 s FIGURE 6. Comparison of the convergence of the velocity and pressure fields with Schwarz iterations. The velocity norm is constructed using the sum of both u and v velocities. 912 TABLE 2. Unsteady schwarz simulation parameters for the impulsive flat plate test problem. Property Value Total domain width Lx Continuum domain width Lc Continuum nodes in Lx Continuum time step ∆t Atomistic domain width La DSMC cells in La No. of particles in each cell Flat plate velocity at x Lx 6 1 10 m 0 75625 10 6 m 51 1 0 10 10 s 0 24375 10 6 m 20 2000 30 m/s Property Value Overlap region width h Reservoir region width DSMC timestep ∆τ Argon mean free path λ DSMC timesteps per ensemble No. of ensembles Schwarz iterations at each time level t n Total no. of time steps 4 0 10 8 m 3 375 10 8 m 1 0 10 11 s 6 258 10 8 m 100 1000 5 4 EXTENSION TO UNSTEADY FLOWS The Schwarz alternating method can be extended to couple unsteady hybrid flows. Similar to steady flow coupling, an overlap region between the subdomains facilitates information exchange in the form of Dirichlet boundary conditions. Unlike the steady flow case however, successive Schwarz iterations are used to converge the solution to a given time t n . The converged solution at t n forms the initial condition for subsequent Schwarz iterations to advance the solution to time level t n 1 . The unsteady Schwarz scheme still allows for time–scale decoupling; each subdomain can be advanced at the local most favourable time step, while the choice of t n 1 is arbitrary. The computational cost of performing multiple Schwarz iterations per time level is partially offset by the ability to implicitly advance to the time of interest without the need for explicit coupling at previous times. Further work in accelerating this scheme is in progress. This scheme has been implemented to calculate the unsteady one–dimensional flow generated by an impulsive flat plate. To help reduce noise in the DSMC solution, ensemble averaging was also performed using simulations initiated from a different random number seed. The continuum solution was obtained by solving an unsteady one–dimensional equation for momentum diffusion using an implicit backward difference scheme. The imposition of continuum boundary conditions on the atomistic sub–domain is facilitated using particle reservoirs as described for the steady flow case. Imposition of the atomistic boundary conditions on the continuum sub–domain also follows the use of overlapping continuum nodes and DSMC cell centers as described for the steady flow case. The parameters used in the unsteady simulations are listed in Table 2. Figure 7 compares the hybrid solution obtained at times 1 10 9s through 4 10 9s with the fully DSMC atomistic solution. The hybrid solution shows good comparison and captures the unsteady velocity slip at the wall. CONCLUSIONS A hybrid continuum–atomistic scheme has been developed to couple a Navier–Stokes description of a continuum field with a DSMC description of a dilute gas. Coupling of the continuum/atomistic sub–domains is achieved by exchange of boundary conditions via a Schwarz alternating method. Continuum sub–domain boundary conditions are imposed on the atomistic sub–domain using particle reservoirs based on the Chapman Enskog velocity distribution. The atomistic sub–domain boundary conditions are imposed on the continuum sub–domain via simple averaging. The following conclusions have been reached in this study: 1. The Schwarz coupling scheme applied to a two–dimensional driven cavity flow at Reynolds number 4.3 converges to within 0 2 m/s of the fully continuum solution after 10 Schwarz iterations. 2. Convergence of the scheme is found to be weakly dependent on the overlap region width in the range h 0 8λ to h 1 6λ . 3. The use of Chapman Enskog distributions significantly improves the accuracy of the solution compared to Maxwell Boltzmann equilibrium distributions. 4. Schwarz coupling extends naturally to unsteady flows. Solution of a one–dimensional flat plate problem shows good comparison with a fully DSMC solution. 913 30 25 Hybrid: Continuum Hybrid: Atomistic Atomistic Atomistic + Reservoir 20 V (m/s) Continuum −8 Overlap h=4 ×10 15 m 10 τ = 4 × 10−9 s 5 0 −5 0 −9 τ = 1 × 10 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 X (m) s 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 −6 x 10 FIGURE 7. Comparison of the unsteady hybrid scheme with the fully DSMC atomistic solution. 5 Schwarz iterations were required to converge the solution at each time level. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank Prof. Alejandro Garcia, Prof. Anthony Patera and Prof. Berni Alder for useful discussions and suggestions. This work has been supported by the Lawrence Livemore National Laboratory. REFERENCES 1. Lions, P., “On the Schwarz Alternating Method, I,” in First International Symposium on Domain Decomposition Methods for Partial Differential Equations, edited by G. M. R. Glowinski, G. Golub and J. Periaux, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1988, p. 1. 2. 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