A Coupled DSMC/Navier-Stokes Method for Multiscale Analysis of Gas Flow in Microfluidic Systems Ozgur Aktas, Umberto Ravaioli, N. Aluru Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 405 N. Mathews Avenue, Urbana, Illinois, 61801 Abstract. A multiscale method that couples direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method with Navier-Stokes equations is presented. The multiscale method is based on the Schwarz coupling of the DSMC and Navier-Stokes subdomains. Dirichlet boundary conditions are used at the coupling interfaces. The Navier-Stokes equations are solved using a scattered point based finite cloud method. Data interpolation between Navier-Stokes and DSMC subdomains is also achieved using a scattered point interpolation scheme. With the present method, multiscale problems that exhibit compressibility in the continuum subdomains can be simulated. As an example, a microfilter is simulated using the multiscale method, and it is shown that the interface can be positioned in a region exhibiting velocity, pressure, and temperature gradients. As compared to a multiscale analysis of the same problem using DSMC/Stokes coupling [8], the present method achieves a larger reduction in computation time. Detailed comparison of the multiscale solution with the DSMC results is presented. INTRODUCTION Simulation of gas flow through microfluidic devices often necessitates a multiscale approach for achieving computational efficiency. The rarefaction of flow in the small dimensions of the microfluidic devices can be simulated by direct simulation Monte Carlo method [1]. However, the complete system often involves regions with larger dimensions in which the flow is not rarefied and a DSMC simulation is expensive [2]. Thus, the system to be investigated exhibits a large range of length scale and can be solved naturally and efficiently using multiscale methods. An approach to multiscale simulation of such systems is to use domain decomposition: In this approach, the simulation domain is divided into subdomains each of which is simulated using the appropriate model. The solution in the subdomains can be coupled by enforcing various boundary conditions [3]. For multiscale simulation of gas flow in microfilters, the most general model for the continuum subdomains is the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. The achievement of proper DSMC/Navier-Stokes coupling provides two main advantages: First, by using the methods developed for DSMC/Navier-Stokes coupling, multiscale flows where the continuum flow exhibits compressibility or non-isothermal effects can be addressed. Second advantage is that, even in cases where part of the continuum region is incompressible and a multiscale analysis by DSMC/Stokes coupling is possible, the use of compressible Navier-Stokes equations increases the region that can be simulated by continuum methods and makes it possible to improve the speed-up that can be obtained. Thus, DSMC/Navier-Stokes coupling enables multiscale simulation for the complete range of problems encountered in multiscale simulation of gas flow in microfludic devices. Furthermore, the problems that can be addressed include not only gas flows simulated by Navier-Stokes equations, but also coupling of other equation systems that are similar in form to Navier-Stokes equations (such as Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations) with atomistic models. Previous work on coupling of DSMC with Navier-Stokes equations has focused on high-speed flows [4-6]. However, in microfluidic devices the flow velocity is low and thus the estimation of fluxes across the boundary is expensive. For this reason, previous approaches to DSMC/Navier-Stokes coupling that enforce flux boundary conditions at the coupling interfaces are not well suited for multiscale simulation of microfluidic devices. For low speed flows, the application of Dirichlet boundary conditions at the coupling interfaces is more appropriate [7]. In our previous work [8], the coupling of DSMC with Stokes equations using Schwarz coupling and Dirichlet-Dirichlet CP663, Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 23rd International Symposium, edited by A. D. Ketsdever and E. P. Muntz © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0124-1/03/$20.00 824 boundary conditions was investigated and it was demonstrated that using Schwarz coupling the computational time required for the simulation of the microfluidic problem can be reduced. Also, the convergence properties of the coupled method were investigated in detail. In this paper the application of the Schwarz method is extended for coupling of DSMC with Navier-Stokes equations. As in reference [8], the multiscale method presented in this paper uses a scattered point finite cloud method (FCM) [9, 10] for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations in the continuum regions. FCM uses a fixed kernel technique for the construction of interpolation functions and a collocation technique for the discretization of the governing equations. A fixed kernel technique is also used to construct a scattered point interpolation scheme between continuum and DSMC regions. This paper is aimed mainly towards demonstrating successful coupling between Navier-Stokes equations and DSMC. Microfilters are used as a prototypical test case since they exhibit clear multiscale behavior. In addition, some of the important details of the coupling of the Navier-Stokes equations and DSMC method are discussed. DSMC/NAVIER-STOKES COUPLING The multiscale approach discussed in this paper uses an overlapped Schwarz method with Dirichlet-Dirichlet type boundary conditions for solving the steady-state flow problems encountered in microfluidic filters. It is assumed that the validity regions for continuum and atomistic models have already been identified. The continuum region, where continuum models hold good, is simulated by Navier-Stokes equations using the Finite Cloud method [10], and the atomistic region, where continuum models fail, is simulated by DSMC [11]. A Schwarz technique is employed to solve the coupled DSMC/Navier-Stokes problem on overlapping subdomains. In Figure 1, a sample simulation domain, which is divided into two overlapping subdomains, is shown. The alternating Schwarz method for the overlapping subdomains shown in Figure 1 can be summarized as follows: Begin : n = 0; u 2( 0 ) Γ1 = initial condition Repeat{ n = n + 1 Solve Lu1( n ) = f1 on Ω1 with u1( n ) = u 2( n −1) on Γ1 Solve Lu 2( n ) = f 2 on Ω 2 with u 2( n ) = u1( n −1) on Γ2 } until convergence where n is the iteration number, ui(n) is the solution in domain Ωi at iteration n, L is the partial differential operator describing the governing equations and fi are forcing functions of position in domain Ωi. In the alternating Schwarz method the subdomains are overlapped and Dirichlet type boundary conditions are employed on the boundaries Γ1 and Γ2 of both subdomains. Ω1 Ω2 Γ2 Γ1 Figure 1: Decomposition of a sample geometry into two overlapping subdomains. Coupled Approach A high-level description of the coupled DSMC/Navier-Stokes approach is shown in Algorithm 1. Given an arbitrary initial state and an initial set of boundary conditions along the coupling interfaces, a Schwarz technique is implemented to find a self-consistent solution to the Navier-Stokes and the DSMC subdomains. At each Schwarz iteration, the updated boundary conditions at the coupling interfaces are calculated using scattered point interpolation as described in [8]. After the convergence of the coupling iterations, additional coupling iterations between Navier-Stokes and DSMC subdomains are performed and the intermediate DSMC results are saved to a file for a post-processing step. The final results in the DSMC subdomain are obtained as an average over all of the collected samples. As a last step, the final results from the DSMC subdomains are interpolated on to the boundary 825 Coupling iteration for each DSMC subdomain Di do simulate Nstep DSMC time steps in Di end for interpolate DSMC to Navier-Stokes reset accumulators for each Navier-Stokes subdomain Si do solve Navier-Stokes equation in Si end for interpolate Navier-Stokes to DSMC Main loop initialize DSMC particle states initialize DSMC boundary conditions while coupling iterations not converged do coupling iteration check for convergence end while start saving accumulators while statistical noise > limit do coupling iteration check for convergence end while compute averages from saved accumulators interpolate DSMC to Navier-Stokes for each Navier-Stokes subdomain Si do solve Navier-Stokes equation in Si end for Algorithm 1: Description of Navier-Stokes/DSMC coupling DSMC Stokes Stokes C A dov Di G So p1 Si hc dext dMC B hf Do p2 y dext H D lin E dov dMC x F lc l out Figure 2: The geometry of the microfilter device. Also shown in the figure are the Navier-Stokes and DSMC subdomains and the overlap between the two subdomains. nodes of the continuum subdomains, and the governing equations are solved to find the solution in the continuum subdomains. The geometry of the microfilter for coupled simulation is shown in Figure 2. The variables interpolated between subdomains for coupling is specified in Table 1. The coupling of the pressure and velocity is performed in the same manner as the DSMC/Stokes coupling [8]. For the coupling of temperature, several alternatives were tried. It was found that coupling the temperature in the same way as velocity gives the best results. That is, the temperature estimated from DSMC is interpolated to the Navier-Stokes subdomains; and after the Navier-Stokes solution, the temperature from within the continuum subdomain is interpolated back to the DSMC boundary cells. Unlike velocity coupling, in the absence of overlap, the temperature does not converge. For this reason, all tests of DSMC/Navier-Stokes coupling uses non-zero overlap. In addition to the scheme described in Table 1, other possibilities for the coupling of temperature were also investigated: It was observed that the Navier-Stokes solution does not converge if the temperature is not specified at the interfaces with the atomistic model. Also, it was observed that when the temperature at the boundary of the DSMC subdomain is updated by extrapolating the value from the neighboring cells, the method becomes unreliable, with the temperature solution differing significantly from the DSMC solution in some cases. 826 Table 1: A summary of boundary conditions on various surfaces of the microfilter geometry. Surface A B C,E D,F Si,So Di,Do G,H Pressure 1.3 atm 1.0 atm ∂P/∂y = 0 ∂P/∂y = 0 – P = NS solution – x-velocity – – 0 0 vx = DSMC estimate vx = NS solution diffusive y-velocity 0 0 ∂vy/∂y = 0 ∂vy/∂y = 0 vy = DSMC estimate vy = NS solution diffusive Temperature 300 K 300 K ∂T/∂y = 0 ∂T/∂y = 0 T = DSMC estimate T = NS solution 300 K SIMULATION RESULTS For the filter shown in Figure 2, hf = 5 µm, lc = 1 µm, hc = 0.8 µm, lin = 6 µm, and lout = 8 µm is used. Figure 2 also shows the decomposition of the filter geometry into Navier-Stokes and DSMC subdomains. The extension of the DSMC subdomain on each side of the channel is denoted by dext. The overlap between DSMC and the NavierStokes subdomains is denoted by dov. The overlap distance is measured from the center of the DSMC estimation cells to the continuum nodes, i.e., the generation cells are not counted in the overlap, as these cells do not have valid data that can be used. An identical overlap distance, dov, is used for both the input and the output regions. For the initial state and boundary conditions vx=0 m/s, vy=0 m/s, T=300 K was used. The initial state and the boundary conditions for pressure were set to P=1.3 atm at the high-pressure side, P=1.0 atm at the low-pressure side, and P=1.15 atm within the channel. The boundary conditions imposed on various surfaces of the microfilter geometry are listed in Table 1. For all the simulations, a DSMC time step of 10 ps was used. For the coupled DSMC/NavierStokes analysis, a total of 80e3 DSMC iterations were performed to make certain the coupling procedure has converged, and the averages were collected for at least 2 µs. For the DSMC simulations, a transient of 1.5 µs was simulated and averages were collected for 1 µs. In the DSMC subdomain, the simulated fluid was nitrogen with the internal degrees of freedom ignored. The parameters for the fluid in the Navier-Stokes subdomain were set to correspond to the parameters of the fluid simulated in the DSMC subdomain. The filter geometry shown in Figure 2 was simulated with the coupled method using dMC = 0.4 µm, and dov = 0.17 µm. The results for pressure, x-velocity, and temperature are compared with the DSMC solution in Figures 3 and 4. From these figures a very good agreement of the coupled and DSMC results is observed. The speed-up obtained by the coupled approach is defined as the ratio of the CPU time used by the DSMC simulation to the CPU time used by the coupled approach. For the example given here, the speed-up was measured to be 8.26, showing that significant speed-up can be obtained by DSMC/Navier-Stokes coupling. The speed-up obtained for the same problem with DSMC/Stokes coupling was 2.17. Thus, using DSMC/Navier-Stokes coupling the speed-up is increased. The plots in the cross-sectional direction (y-direction) are provided in Figures 6-7 to show the degree of agreement obtained in a direction perpendicular to the main flow direction. The results are plotted along the interface of the DSMC and Navier-Stokes subdomains on the low-pressure side (x=7.4 µm). From these results it is seen that within the noise levels all results show good agreement with DSMC results. In Figure 5 two plots of temperature are provided along lines separated by a single DSMC cell distance to clarify that the perceived trends in the DSMC data are only short-distance correlations of noise. From the plot of x-velocity and y-velocity, shown in Figures 6, a very good agreement of DSMC and coupled results is observed. In analyzing Figure 7, attention needs to be paid to the scale of the vertical axis. The pressure difference encountered in the solution is 28.5e3 Pa, as seen from Figure 3, whereas the difference in the results for pressure, shown in Figure 7, is only about 20 Pa. The comparison of these two figures indicates a very high level of accuracy for coupled pressure. In order to further verify the results, the total temperature, shown in Figure 7 was integrated along the line at which the results are plotted x=7.4 µm). The results of the integration from the DSMC simulation, the DSMC subdomain of the coupled simulation, and the Navier-Stokes subdomain are 7.5158e4, 7.5159e4, and 7.5271e4 K, respectively. The results agree to within 0.1%, and demonstrate the successful coupling achieved by the multiscale method. From Figure 8 it is seen that the overlap between subdomains does not significantly affect the convergence of velocity. However, it must be noted that, the DSMC/Navier-Stokes coupling by the present method did not converge when the overlap was reduced to zero. This convergence behaviour needs to be further investigated. 827 5 1.35 x 10 100 coupled DSMC DSMC coupled DSMC 90 1.3 80 1.25 Navier−Stokes subdomain x−velocity (m/s) pressure (Pa) 70 1.2 Navier−Stokes subdomain 1.15 60 50 Navier−Stokes subdomain Navier−Stokes subdomain 40 1.1 30 1.05 DSMC 20 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 position (m) 10 0 0.5 1 1.5 position (m) −5 x 10 −5 x 10 Figure 3: The DSMC and coupled results for pressure and x-velocity plotted along the midline. The vertical lines denote the boundaries of the Navier-Stokes subdomains. 301 coupled DSMC DSMC 300 temperature (K) 299 298 Navier−Stokes subdomain Navier−Stokes subdomain 297 296 295 294 0 0.5 1 1.5 position (m) −5 x 10 Figure 4: The DSMC and coupled results for temperature plotted along the midline. The vertical lines denote the boundaries of the Navier-Stokes subdomains. 302 301 coupled DSMC 301.5 coupled DSMC 300.5 300.5 temperature (K) temperature (K) 301 300 299.5 299 300 299.5 299 298.5 298.5 298 297.5 −3 −2 −1 0 position (m) 1 2 3 −6 x 10 298 −3 −2 −1 0 position (m) 1 2 3 −6 x 10 Figure 5: The DSMC and coupled results for temperature. The first plot is made along the interface of the Navier-Stokes subdomain at the low-pressure side. The second plot is made along a line displaced by one DSMC cell size from the interface of Navier-Stokes subdomain. 828 80 20 coupled DSMC 70 60 10 50 y−velocity (m/s) x−velocity (m/s) coupled DSMC 15 40 30 20 5 0 −5 −10 10 −15 0 −10 −3 −2 −1 0 position (m) 1 2 3 −20 −3 −2 −1 −6 x 10 0 position (m) 1 2 3 −6 x 10 Figure 6: The DSMC and coupled results for x-velocity and y-velocity plotted along the interface of the Navier-Stokes/DSMC subdomains on the low-pressure side. 5 1.035 x 10 coupled DSMC 1.03 pressure (Pa) 1.025 1.02 1.015 1.01 1.005 1 −3 −2 −1 0 position (m) 1 2 3 −6 x 10 Figure 7: The DSMC and coupled results for pressure and energy plotted along the interface of the Navier-Stokes/DSMC subdomains on the low-pressure side. 45 overlap = 0.9 µm overlap = 2.9 µm 40 Absolute error (m/s) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 Number of coupling iterations 50 60 Figure 8: Comparison of convergence of velocity boundary conditions transferred from the Navier-Stokes subdomain on the low-pressure side of the filter. 829 CONCLUSIONS The DSMC/Navier-Stokes coupling using Schwarz method was demonstrated. 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