Variational Approach to Plane Poiseuille Flow with General Boundary Conditions Carlo Cercignani, Maria Lampis and Silvia Lorenzani Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy 20133 Abstract. We consider the plane Poiseuille problem in the transition regime, in order to calculate the flow rate versus an inverse Knudsen number in the case of different boundary conditions for the Boltzmann equation. The adopted technique is a variational one, [2], [3], [4], which applies directly to the integrodifferential form of the Boltzmann equation and allows to take into account general models of boundary conditions for the B.E., formulated in the frame of the scattering kernel theory. THE POISEUILLE PROBLEM Let us consider two plates separated by a distance d, and a gas flowing parallel to them in the z direction, the flow resulting from a pressure gradient (the temperature of the wall, Tw , being supposed constant). Assuming that the pressure gradient is small, the problem is linearized, by putting f f0 1 h , where f0 is the Maxwellian in equilibrium with the walls at x d 2 and x is the coordinate normal to the walls; h is the perturbation which satisfies the linearized B.E. The molecular velocity c is given in 2RTw 1 2 units (R is the gas constant). We assume the linearized BGK model for the collision operator. Then we define [1], [2], [3] 1 Z x cx c2y c2z e cz h x c dcy dcz (1) We put also 1 2 qx e c2x 1 Z x cx1 dcx1 (2) q x is the mass velocity of the gas. The flow rate (in unit time through unit thickness) is given by d 2 F q x dx (3) S (4) d 2 The B.E. may be written D where DZ cx Z x, S k 2, k 1 p LZ p z LZ and 1 1 2 e c2x 1 Z x cx1 dcx1 Z x cx is the mean-free time. To the Boltzmann equation we must add the appropriate boundary conditions on the two plates at x CP663, Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 23rd International Symposium, edited by A. D. Ketsdever and E. P. Muntz © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0124-1/03/$20.00 141 (5) d 2. BOUNDARY CONDITIONS In the case of thermal diffusion the velocity distribution function of the gas reemitted by a wall is a Maxwellian corresponding to the temperature of the wall. In the case of our problem we have [1] f d 2 sgncx z c f0 z c 1 kz cx cx 0 0 3 2 0 exp c2 (6) where 1 1 sgncx We obtain h d 2 sgncx c 0 (7) d 2 sgncx cx 0 (8) and thus Z More general boundary conditions may be considered. According to Maxwell the reemitted molecules are partly reflected by the wall in a specular fashion and partly diffused in a completely accommodated fashion, in conformity with a Maxwellian distribution corresponding to the wall temperature. In the late 1960s the problem of writing the boundary conditions for the Boltzmann equation was formulated rigorously in terms of the so called "scattering kernel" theory [2], [3]. Under some assumptions, the distribution functions of the reemitted and of the impinging molecules are related by cn f c cn 0 cn f c c c dc cn 0 (9) where cn c n and n is the unit vector normal to the wall pointing into the gas. The kernel c c satisfies the well known properties of positivity, normalization and reciprocity. In the frame of the scattering kernel theory, Maxwell’s model is equivalent to choosing c c 1 c cR f0 c c n c n 0; c n 0 (10) where cR c 2n n c , is the fraction of molecules diffusely scattered, is "Dirac’s delta" and f0 is the Maxwellian in equilibrium with the wall. Another kernel with two adjustable parameters (CL model) was proposed [5] c c n t 2 2 t 1 cn exp RTw 2 cn 0 cn 1 n cn 2 2RTw n c2n 0; 0 2; t ct t 1 2 0 t n 2 t ct 2RTw I0 1 1 n cn cn n RTw (11) In (11) I0 denotes the modified Bessel function of first kind and zeroth order; the two parameters n and t depend on the physical nature of the gas and the wall as well as on the temperature of the latter: n and t are the accommodation coefficients for normal energy and for tangential momentum, respectively. The accommodation coefficient for tangential energy turns out to be t 2 t . The CL model recovers, as limiting cases, the specular reemission (for n 0) and the diffuse reemission (for 1 . Depending on the models for the scattering n t t kernel, we can obtain the boundary conditions for Z d 2 sgncx cx . According to this theory, the boundary conditions for the perturbation h turn out to be h h0 Kh (12) where h and h concern, respectively, the reemitted and the impinging molecules; h0 is a source term, which vanishes in the case of our problem, and K denotes the operator Kh c c h c dc cn 0 For thermal diffusion h 0 and Kh cn 0 (13) 0. In the case of specular reflection c c c 142 c 2n n c (14) we easily obtain Z cn KZ In the general case we have cn Z cn and K is the reflection operator with respect to cn . 1 Z c2y exp c2z cz Kh c dcy dcz (15) and then 1 Z cn 0 B c cn h c dc (16) where B c cn c2y exp c2z cz c c dcy dcz (17) We remark that all the kernels that we have proposed [5], [6], [7] are factorized as follows c c ct t ct n cn cn (18) Therefore we have Bc cn cn n cn c2y exp c2z cz ct t ct dcy dcz (19) Moreover in all the kernels above mentioned the tangential factor has the form t con a ct ct a2 1 1 exp 1 a2 1 ct act 2 (20) 1. Some simple calculations give Bc Z cn cn n cn a n cn 0 cn acz exp cy2 cn cn dcn cn Z cz2 (21) (22) that may be written Z KZ (23) where KZ a cn 0 cn n cn Z cn dcn (24) VARIATIONAL METHOD OF SOLUTION We introduce the following functional J of the test function Ẑ [2], [3], [4] J Ẑ Ẑ P DẐ where P is the reflection operator and and 1 2 hg LẐ B 2 PS Ẑ g d 2 exp 1 2 B K Ẑ PẐ B (25) denote two scalar products defined as follows d 2 h Ẑ cx 0 c2x h x cx g x cx dcx dx cx exp c2x h cx g cx dcx d (26) (27) where in this case denotes the sum of two terms, concerning the two plates. The variation J of J vanishes if and only if Ẑ Z where Z is the solution of Eq.(4) with the boundary conditions (23). Moreover k J Z PS Z 1Z (28) 2 We want to evaluate F, which is related to J Z F 2 J Z k 143 (29) EVALUATION OF THE FLOW RATE We introduce appropriate test functions; the evaluation of min J Ẑ gives an approximation of J Z and then an evaluation of F versus the inverse Knudsen number. We remark that an important point is that, in the case of the Poiseuille problem, the choice of the trial functions is difficult, since in the free molecular limit the flow rate tends to an infinite value. We put d q̂ x x2 Ẑ sgncx (30) 2 where , , , are constants to be varied in order to obtain the best value of J Ẑ . Then we consider the integral form of the B.E. Ẑ x cx d 2 sgncx x t x d sgnc exp cx x 2 exp x d 2 sgncx cx Ẑ q̂ t k 2 cx cx dt (31) We put in Eq.(31) the expressions of q̂ x and Ẑ d2 sgncx given by Eq.(30) and, by means of analytical calculations, we obtain the expression of the trial function Ẑ x cx : exp x Ẑ x cx d 2 sgncx k x2 2 2 cx k 2x cx 2 2c2x d 2 4 d cxsgncx 2 2 c2 x (32) Then we put Ẑ x cx given by Eq.(32) in Eq.(25). The result of some calculations gives the expression of J Ẑ , which is a polynomial of the second order with respect to the constants , , , that are to be determined. The derivatives of J Ẑ with respect to , , vanish in correspondence of the optimal values of , , in the trial function we have chosen, Eq.(30). Plugging these values into the expression of J Ẑ , we find the optimal value of the functional J Z and arrive to the numerical results for the flow rate. Once the pressure gradient and the distance between the plates are fixed, the dependence of the volume flow rate on the pressure is given by the following non dimensional quantity [1]: Q F 2 2 kd 4 2 J Z k 2 (33) where d is the rarefaction parameter (inverse Knudsen number). For thermal diffusion, it was shown [1], [2] that the values of Q, in the two limiting cases of free molecular flow and hydrodynamic regime, can be approximated by: 1 2 Q 1 6 is the numerical ratio of the slip constant log 0 (34) Q where (35) to . For the BGK model 1 0161 [1]. NUMERICAL RESULTS The numerical results, showing the flow rate (Q) versus the inverse of the Knudsen number ( ), are presented in Tables 1 to 4. We compare our findings with those published by other authors. The outcomes of our method, obtained assuming the complete accommodation of the molecules on the walls, are shown in Table 1. Since an estimate of J Z is given through the evaluation of min J Ẑ , the variational method approximates Q from above. This is said in order to gain a better comparison with [1]. The ability of our analytical approach to reach very small values of the rarefaction parameter has been used to test the validity of the free molecular limit of the flow rate given by (34) (see Figure 1). In Tables 2 and 3 we list the results obtained in the case of Maxwell’s boundary conditions, according to which part of the gas is reemitted specularly. In going from the complete thermal diffusion ( 1) to the entirely specular reflection ( 0) the Poiseuille flow rate increases significantly. 144 TABLE 1. Poiseuille flow rate Q vs for thermal diffusion. Comparison between our results , Cercignani & Daneri’s results (1963) [1] and Barichello et al.’s results (2001) [10]. From above 1 1 1 1 10 10 10 10 0 01 0 02 0 03 0 04 0 05 0 06 0 07 0 08 0 09 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 10 10 5 6 5 4 3 8 1650 6 8550 5 5574 4 2736 3 0497 2 7111 2 5239 2 3969 2 3022 2 2276 2 1664 2 1151 2 0710 2 0327 1 8082 1 7025 1 6409 1 6019 1 5762 1 5592 1 5483 1 5418 1 5387 1 5534 1 5948 1 6489 1 7102 1 7763 1 8454 1 9169 1 9901 2 0646 2 1401 2 2166 2 2937 2 3715 2 4497 2 5285 2 6075 2 6870 2 7667 2 8467 3 0499 2 7114 2 5242 2 3973 2 3026 2 2228 2 1668 2 1154 2 0716 2 0331 1 8087 1 7030 1 6415 1 6025 1 5769 1 5599 1 5491 1 5427 1 5396 1 5546 1 5963 1 6497 1 7117 1 7775 1 8468 1 9184 1 9928 2 0664 2 1421 2 2185 2 2957 2 3734 2 4516 2 5302 2 6091 2 6880 2 7669 2 8458 1 From below 10 Mean value 2 3023 2 0326 1 8080 1 7021 1 6403 1 6010 1 5751 1 5578 1 5465 1 5367 1 5362 1 5484 1 5862 1 6481 1 7091 1 7746 1 8432 1 9140 1 9863 2 0598 2 1343 2 2094 2 2851 2 3611 2 4375 2 5111 2 5909 2 6678 2 7447 2 8216 2 0328 1 8083 1 7025 1 6409 1 6017 1 5760 1 5588 1 5478 1 5397 1 5379 1 5515 1 5912 1 6489 1 7104 1 7760 1 8450 1 9162 1 9895 2 0631 2 1382 2 2135 2 2904 2 3672 2 4445 2 5221 2 6000 2 6779 2 7558 2 8337 2 0327 1 7025 1 6019 1 5592 1 5418 1 5387 1 5949 1 9908 2 2949 2 6093 Experiments on gas flow in capillaries with highly polished walls already showed that the observed gas volume flow rates are greater than those calculated theoretically assuming complete diffuse molecular scattering by the walls [8]. The discrepancy between our results and those reported in [10] is negligible for 1 but it increases decreasing the accommodation coefficient , in the free molecular regime. The source of this discrepancy should be related, according to us, to the different ways in which the methods used (the variational approach in our work and the discrete ordinates method in [10], [11] ) treat the double divergence met for 0 in the entirely specular reflection ( 0). The variational approach faces the problem (shared by all the boundary conditions considered) of a nearly singular matrix in solving the linear system formed putting to zero the derivatives of J Ẑ with respect to the parameters , , . This feature is peculiar only to a narrow free molecular flow region ( 0 1). Due to the numerical source of such singularity, we replaced the full expression of the vanishing elements of the matrix with their limit for 0 in the 145 TABLE 2. results Poiseuille flow rate Q vs for Maxwell’s boundary conditions. Comparison between our and Barichello et al.’s results (2001) [10]. 0 80 0 88 0 96 10 1 1 1 1 10 10 10 10 0 01 0 05 0 10 0 30 0 50 0 70 0 90 1 00 2 00 5 00 7 00 9 00 6 11 2015 9 3720 7 5546 5 7516 4 0201 2 9586 2 5853 2 1993 2 0874 2 0320 2 0057 1 9992 2 0410 2 4369 2 7437 3 0601 5 4 3 3 0897 2 7077 2 2448 2 1023 2 0388 2 0092 2 0019 2 0414 2 4382 2 7461 3 0635 10 9 9627 8 3411 6 7317 5 1370 3 6096 2 6722 2 3388 1 9824 1 8710 1 8195 1 7963 1 7911 1 8383 2 2339 2 5394 2 8546 1 00 10 2 7383 2 4060 2 0011 1 8766 1 8220 1 7976 1 7921 1 8386 2 2351 2 5414 2 8576 8 7574 7 3436 5 9422 4 5549 3 2296 2 4154 2 1224 1 7920 1 6857 1 6396 1 6201 1 6162 1 6692 2 0645 2 3686 2 6828 2 4374 2 1482 1 7945 1 6863 1 6399 1 6202 1 6163 1 6694 2 0655 2 3704 2 6853 10 8 1648 6 8550 5 5574 4 2736 3 0485 2 2956 2 0229 1 7025 1 6019 1 5592 1 5418 1 5387 1 5947 1 9899 2 2933 2 6070 2 3023 2 0327 1 7025 1 6019 1 5592 1 5418 1 5387 1 5949 1 9908 2 2949 2 6093 TABLE 3. Poiseuille flow rate Q vs for Maxwell’s boundary conditions. Comparison between our results , Barichello et al.’s results (2001) [10] and Siewert’s results (2002) [12]. 0 10 0 30 0 50 0 70 10 1 1 1 1 10 10 10 10 0 01 0 05 0 10 0 30 0 50 0 70 0 90 1 00 2 00 3 00 5 00 7 00 9 00 6 5 4 3 35 7878 32 1378 28 4926 24 8348 21 2359 19 0675 18 3751 17 7585 17 6709 17 6079 17 5683 17 5554 17 5605 17 6681 17 9605 18 2798 18 6058 21 3780 18 2484 15 1267 12 0048 8 9536 7 1033 6 4962 5 9344 5 8397 5 7764 5 7390 5 7273 5 7412 5 8504 6 1398 6 4554 6 7786 16 4212 13 8118 11 2126 8 6219 6 1073 4 5744 4 0575 3 5600 3 4576 3 3953 3 3610 3 3510 3 3750 3 4859 3 7724 4 0844 4 4048 5 2233 4 5564 3 7785 3 5444 3 4377 3 3839 3 3682 3 3766 3 7744 4 0881 4 4102 12 7 2100 5 2428 4 5801 3 8061 3 5718 3 4640 3 4090 3 3928 3 5037 3 7884 4 1005 4 4215 12 8148 10 7254 8 6477 6 5833 4 5938 3 3761 2 9538 2 5296 2 4198 2 3610 2 3315 2 3237 2 3591 2 4717 2 7554 3 0640 3 3816 region 0 1, in order to eliminate numerically computed integrals. This trick enabled us to reach very small values of the accommodation coefficient and of the rarefaction parameter . A further progress in understanding the source of discrepancy between the two methods could be done comparing the results for 0 5. Unfortunately, in [10] these results are not reported and in [13], where some points relative to 0 25 are calculated, the critical region 0 1 is completely missing. In Table 4 we list the results for the Cercignani-Lampis scattering kernel, with two model parameters, t , n , and compare our outputs with those reported in [13] where the S model of the Boltzmann equation was numerically solved by the discrete velocity method. The discrepancy between the two methods near the free molecular regime is remarkably reduced in comparison with the previous case even at small values of t and n . From Table 4 and Figure 2, one can see that the Poiseuille flow rate significantly depends on the accommodation 146 TABLE 4. Poiseuille flow rate Q vs for Cercignani-Lampis’ scattering kernel. Comparison between our results and Sharipov’s results (2002) [13]. n 0 25 1 10 6 1 10 4 0 01 01 02 10 20 35 10 0 0 25 0 50 0 75 10 0 25 0 50 0 75 10 0 25 0 50 0 75 10 0 25 0 50 0 75 10 0 25 0 50 0 75 10 0 25 0 50 0 75 10 0 25 0 50 0 75 10 0 25 0 50 0 75 10 0 25 0 50 0 75 10 n 05 13 t 13 979 10 269 8 922 8 166 11 371 7 660 6 313 5 557 8 766 5 100 3 781 3 048 7 380 3 887 2 672 2 023 7 155 3 608 2 422 1 803 6 898 3 340 2 145 1 539 6 920 3 372 2 188 1 595 7 096 3 550 2 368 1 776 8 113 4 558 3 366 2 766 n 0 75 13 9 230 5 262 3 822 3 052 7 918 4 109 2 754 2 039 7 536 3 808 2 501 1 817 6 944 3 370 2 164 1 554 6 940 3 391 2 205 1 611 7 110 3 566 2 384 1 792 8 125 4 572 3 380 2 780 13 723 10 099 8 837 8 166 11 116 7 490 6 228 5 557 8 562 4 958 3 709 3 048 7 342 3 840 2 643 2 023 7 105 3 605 2 418 1 808 6 884 3 330 2 139 1 539 6 917 3 371 2 187 1 595 7 094 3 549 2 367 1 776 8 101 4 550 3 363 2 766 8 699 5 014 3 726 3 052 7 596 3 952 2 693 2 039 7 319 3 699 2 457 1 817 6 913 3 352 2 157 1 554 6 963 3 389 2 204 1 611 7 110 3 565 2 383 1 792 8 114 4 564 3 377 2 780 n 10 13 13 581 10 004 8 790 8 166 10 974 7 395 6 181 5 557 8 445 4 877 3 668 3 048 7 316 3 808 2 625 2 023 7 102 3 598 2 411 1 808 6 870 3 321 2 134 1 539 6 915 3 369 2 186 1 595 7 094 3 549 2 367 1 776 8 092 4 544 3 360 2 766 8 480 4 893 3 675 3 052 7 441 3 865 2 655 2 039 7 202 3 633 2 429 1 817 6 889 3 338 2 150 1 554 6 932 3 386 2 203 1 611 7 109 3 565 2 383 1 792 8 104 4 557 3 373 2 780 13 13 484 9 939 8 757 8 166 10 877 7 331 6 149 5 557 8 364 4 820 3 639 3 048 7 296 3 785 2 611 2 023 7 101 3 571 2 399 1 808 6 856 3 311 2 129 1 539 6 912 3 367 2 186 1 595 7 094 3 549 2 367 1 776 8 083 4 538 3 357 2 766 8 369 4 824 3 642 3 052 7 356 3 812 2 630 2 039 7 134 3 590 2 408 1 817 6 871 3 326 2 144 1 554 6 928 3 384 2 202 1 611 7 109 3 565 2 383 1 792 8 095 4 551 3 370 2 780 coefficient of the tangential momentum t in the whole range of the Knudsen numbers considered: it increases decreasing t and ddQ is not constant. 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