OPTICAL ABSORPTION OF EPOXY RESIN AND ITS ROLE IN THE LASER ULTRASONIC GENERATION MECHANISM IN COMPOSITE MATERIALS T. Stratoudaki, C. Edwards, S. Dixon and S. B. Palmer Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK ABSTRACT. Epoxy resins are used in various applications and are essential to the fabrication of carbon fibre reinforced composite materials (CFRCs). This paper investigates laser generated ultrasound in epoxy resins using three different lasers, a TEA CO2, a Nd:YAG and a XeCl excimer. In these partially transparent materials the ultrasonic generation mechanism is directly related to the optical absorption depth which can therefore be measured directly from the ultrasonic waveforms using for example a Michelson interferometer as detector. The present work aims firstly to relate the observed amplitude of the longitudinal wave to the optical absorption depth of the epoxy and secondly to evaluate the role of the epoxy resin to the generation of the ultrasound in CFRCs. For the latter, comparative results of generation efficiency between the three wavelengths are presented and an attempt is made to understand the way that the resin matrix influences the generation mechanism of ultrasound in composite materials. INTRODUCTION Composite materials are being increasingly used in the aircraft industry, bringing Laser Based Ultrasound (LBU) [1] to the focus of attention, as it is able to test nondestructively Carbon Fibre Reinforced Composites (CFRCs). It offers important advantages being non-contact (and practically remote), couplant free and able to deal with complex surfaces. In LBU, the ultrasound is generated using a high power pulsed laser (usually a TEA CO2) and is often detected by a Fabry-Perot interferometer [2, 3]. According to the incident laser energy used for the ultrasonic generation, two regimes are distinguished [4], In the low power thermoelastic regime, there is no damage to the material. The laser beam is focused on to the surface of the sample, causing it to expand rapidly, in times that are comparable to the rise time of the laser pulse [5]. In metals, the incident laser radiation is absorbed in the thin electromagnetic skin depth, which is of the order of 5lOnm. Thermal diffusion in the material extends the ultrasonic source to a total of ~ljiim [6]. In the case of non-metallic materials (such as CFRCs), the absorption of the laser radiation is determined by the absorption coefficient of the material and it takes place within the optical absorption depth [4, 7]. The latter is much greater and is a function of the optical properties of the material itself and the laser wavelength. As a consequence, a CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 965 bigger volume of the material is affected, the temperature rise is less and the amplitude of the longitudinal wave is greater [8]. This condition is referred to as "a buried thermoelastic source". Since CFRCs are made of carbon fibers and epoxy resin, the optical absorption depth of both these materials influences the ultrasonic generation mechanism. Thus, different sorts of buried sources are produced on the same material due to the different laser wavelengths used, as will be shown in this study. In the ablation regime (higher energy densities), the ultrasonic generation mechanism differs [9], there is plasma formation and the sample is damaged. The ultrasound is due to the recoil force exerted by the ejected matter and the pressure from the expanding plasma [10]. As a result, stronger longitudinal amplitudes are produced compared to the thermoelastic regime. For the present study, three different types of pulsed lasers were used. A mid-IR TEA CO2 (10.6|im), a near-IRNd:YAG (1064nm) and a UV XeCl excimer (308nm). EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND PREPARATION OF EPOXY RESIN SAMPLES The experimental setup (described in [11]) consists mainly of a laser generator and a laser detector. For the generation three lasers were used: a) a TEA COa (Coherent, Hull, LaserbrandlSO), b) a Q-switched fundamental Nd:YAG (Spectron Laser Systems) and c) a XeCl excimer (Lamda Physik). The generation beam spot size was kept between 0.020.03cm2, at all times. Filters and variable beamsplitters were used to control the energy. The ultrasound was detected using a modified Michelson Interferometer [13] to record the absolute epicentral displacements on the opposite side of the sample. In order for the Michelson to work the samples had to be polished at the back side. All results were taken using a single laser shot on a fresh spot. After the irradiation, the samples were inspected under an optical microscope. The CFRC sample (provided by Rolls Royce) had a thin superficial layer of resin with a mean thickness of ~12^m. For all the experiments presented in this paper the same unidirectional sample was used (orientation of the fibers: 0°/0°, average thickness ~8mm). Pure epoxy resin samples were prepared using resins commonly used for the manufacture of composites (supplied by Vantico). The first was a cold-curing epoxy resin and the second a warm-curing epoxy resin. They were used to make two samples which were slightly yellow (the cold curing sample was slightly darker than the warm). The samples were cured according to manufacturer's instructions. Information about the samples can be found in table 1. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS A good quality beam is needed for accurate determination of the damage threshold [12]. The Nd:YAG operated in TEMoo mode, its pulse duration at FWHM was 10ns and its spot size was ~0.02cm2. The FWHM of the TEA CO2 was 50ns and the spot size was ~0.03cm2. The XeCl laser had a "top hat" beam profile according to the manufacturer, its FWHM was 40ns and its spot size was ~0.02cm2. TABLE Liable of samples used. Name Epoxy Resin Hardener Thickness Comments Cold Curing Epoxy Araldite LY 5052 Aradur 5052 16.2mm Slightly yellow Warm Curing epoxy Araldite LY 3505 XB 3403 (clear) 9.8mm Slightly yellow 966 Nd;YAG (1064nm) Epicentral waveforms recorded above and below the damage threshold are shown in figure 1. Figure 2(a) shows the variation in the amplitude of the longitudinal displacement with respect to the energy. To identify the damage threshold for the IR lasers (TEA CO2 and Nd:YAG), two parameters were used: a) during the experiment, the appearance of plasma ("blue flash") and b) after the experiment, microscopic observation of the first exposed fibers and comparison with images taken before laser irradiation. TEA COi^ a0.6um) and XeCl (308nm) Waveforms recorded with these lasers on the CFRC sample above and below the damage threshold have been presented in [11]. The damage threshold for the TEA CCh has been identified and shown in figure 2(b) and the ablation threshold for the XeCl is shown in figure 2(c). The term "damage threshold" was not used in this case because there was no exposure of fibers up to the laser energies used. The criteria for identifying the ablation threshold in the case of the UV laser were: a) during the experiment the appearance of a "blue flash" denoting plasma formation b) the change of gradient in figure 2(c) and c) the change of the shapes of the waveforms recorded (as can be seen in [11]). There was no sign of yellow discoloration of the irradiated spots (as was the case with the IR lasers) even at the highest energies used and the difference was hardly noticeable under the microscope. Pure Epoxv Samples CFRCs are made of carbon fibers embedded in an epoxy resin matrix. The laser generation mechanism in non-metals relies on the optical absorption depth of the material irradiated, which depends on the laser wavelength used. In order to determine the role of the epoxy resin in the generation mechanism, a series of experiments were carried out on pure epoxy resin samples. Waveforms recorded with the TEA COa and the XeCl can be seen in figure 3. There are no waveforms recorded with the Nd:YAG because the epoxy is practically transparent at 1064nm (the optical absorption depth was measured by means of a joulemeter on the cold epoxy resin and was found to be approximately 4mm). From figure 3 it can be seen that the shape of the waveforms produced by the two lasers is similar, especially in the case of the cold curing epoxy. No Damage a-l.lmJ b-1.7mJ c-2.6mJ 0 5 10 Time (ys) FIGURE 1. Nd:YAGi epicentral waveforms. L = longitudinal, S = shear, 3L= longitudinal echo (Waveform (d) has a time offset of +0.1 us to facilitate the reader). 967 12 302520- 50- • 3.0- • 2.5- Damage threshold i2-0: • : 0 IP' " <0.5- J.. 10 • 10 * 8 Damage threshold 4 2- 0.015 20 25 0 30 Ablation 6- threshold I.--' 4 6 8 Energy (mJ) Energy (mJ) Energy (ml) 10 (b) (a) (C) FIGURE 2. L-amplitude vs. mean laser energy (a) Nd: YAG: The damage threshold occurs at (6.2mJ, 1.6nm), (b) TEA CO2: The damage threshold occurs at (37.8mJ, 1.4nm), (c) XeCl: The ablation threshold occurs at (3.28mJ50.17nm). 10 a-17.3mJ b-38.8mJ c - 54.4mJ a - 12.4mJ b-31.1mJ c - 66.9mJ 10 Time (urn) (3b) e-3.4mJ f - 5.4mJ g - 7.7mJ E < 10 15 20 Time (us) (3c) FIGURE 3.. L = longitudinal, 3L= longitudinal echo (3a) and (3b) TEA CO2 laser on cold curing and warm curing epoxy resin respectively, (3c) and (3d) XeCl excimer on cold and warm curing epoxy resin respectively. CALCULATION OF OPTICAL ABSORPTION DEPTH FROM EPICENTRAL WAVEFORMS The ultrasonic generation mechanism in non-metals is so closely dependent on the optical absorption depth that the latter can actually be calculated from the features of the longitudinal wave of the recorded waveforms. The absorbed laser radiation in the material can be deduced from Beer's Law. According to this law the extinction of the radiation in the material is exponential and the absorbed energy is the difference between light entering and exiting a layer, hence the negative differential is needed. (1) where Iabs is the intensity of the absorbed radiation, I is the incident radiation, R is the reflectance, a is the absorption coefficient and z is the direction normal to the surface. The 968 temperature distribution (T) in the affected volume decays exponentially with depth in the material also: (2) pC where p is the density and C is the specific heat capacity. In the thermoelastic regime the temperature rise is associated with the thermal expansion of the material which generates elastic waves that propagate into its bulk. In this way the rise time of the longitudinal pulse reflects the exponential decay with depth of the temperature distribution and consequently of the optical absorption [14]. In order to calculate the optical absorption depth (8) from the recorded waveforms, we need to know the longitudinal velocity (DI) and the rise time (tr) of the longitudinal pulse. The former is calculated by measuring the time difference between the first longitudinal pulse and its echo: 2d ,_ u,=-—— (3) l l-ll where d is the sample thickness and tL-3L is the time required for the longitudinal wave to travel a length equal to twice the thickness of the sample (figure 4a). For all the epoxy samples the longitudinal velocity was found approximately 2600m/s. The rise time of the longitudinal pulse is measured directly from the recorded waveforms as the time interval between the maximum of the longitudinal amplitude and its 1/e value (figure 4b). The optical absorption depth is calculated as: S = vr*r (4) Table 2 summarizes the results from the recorded waveforms for the epoxy samples. TABLE 2. Measured rise time of L-pulse and calculated optical absorption depth for the two epoxy samples. L - Pulse Rise Time (tr) in ns Name 5inum TEACO2 XeCl excimer TEAC02 XeCl excimer Cold Curing Epoxy 100 81 262 209 Warm Curing Epoxy 60 100 151 261 0 5 10 15 20 Time (urn) 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Time (urn) (a) (b) FIGURE 4. Calculation of 8 in non-metals. Warm curing epoxy resin waveform using the XeCl excimer (energy=6.9mJ) (a) L=first longitudinal pulse, 3L=longitudinal echo, (b) longitudinal rise time measurement. 969 HH HH ID- 1*1 KH S' KH HH W W W W 6 °CFRC f ; • Epoxy i. 4KH 2ij-j_ii_i <***»" * H 0 20 10 0- W 30 40 50 ||g)t«^l*l *** (** ***"^ 0 1 60 Mty 2 3 4 Energy (mJ) 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 Energy (mJ) (a) (b) FIGURE 5. (a) TEA CO2: results taken on the cold curing epoxy resin and on a CFRC, (b) XeCl: results taken on the cold curing epoxy resin and on a CFRC. 0.6 fU 2.5- M o°o 30 25 ^ " ' ^2.05 10 15 20 i| N < 0.5- 0.0- .C02 A XeCl ! « ^ .« 1.0- W , ' W r-—— ------^--i °XeCl 0- ^..........................J 20 °Nd:YAG |20 0.1 $& • 30 40 0 50 10 Energy (mJ) (a) 20 30 40 50 60 Energy (mJ) (b) FIGURE 6. (a) Results taken on the cold curing epoxy resin sample with the TEA CO2 and the XeCl. The insert is an enlargement of the area marked in dashed lines, (b) Comparative results: longitudinal amplitude vs. mean laser energy for all three wavelengths. TABLE 3. Comparative results: Damage/Ablation threshold for all three wavelengths. Nd:YAG TEA CO2 XeCl Damage Threshold Ablation Threshold Microscopical observation of the first exposed fibres (Ablative PhotoDecomposition) No exposed fibres Ablation rate at the corresponding energies: ~12 um/pulse Ablation rate at 6mJ: ~0.15 um/pulse L-Amplitude (nm) 1.62 1.15 0.17 Energy (mJ) 6.2 37.8 2 DISCUSSION The term "ablation threshold" was used instead of "damage threshold" for the XeCl excimer (figure 2(c)). This is because of the different way that UV radiation interacts with the superficial epoxy resin. The 308nm photons of the XeCl have enough energy to directly 970 excite and break the intermolecular bonds of the polymers, which is a photochemical phenomenon [15].The IR radiation has excite the vibrational modes and rely on thermal energy to ablate the material. The mechanism that the UV radiation uses is called "Ablative Photodecomposition". The ablation threshold occurs at lower energies (as can be seen in figure 2(c)) but the ablation rate (i.e. the rate of material removal from the surface of the sample) is very low [16]. This rate was measured by profilometry on the cold curing epoxy sample and was found to be approximately 0.12fim/pulse for 6mJ incident UV energy. From the results shown in table 2 for the cold curing epoxy, it can be seen that the optical penetration depths for the IR and the UV wavelength are very close. This is a coincidence, demonstrated also by the similarity of the shapes of the waveforms in figure 3. Comparisons were made between results of the cold curing epoxy and the CFRC. CFRC vs. Cold Curing Epoxv Resin Sample The first comparison was between results recorded using either the TEA CO2 or XeCl excimer on the cold curing epoxy and CFRC sample. The energy vs. amplitude graphs can be seen in figure 5. The results have been corrected for the different thickness of the two samples. For this reason, a series of experiments was carried out on pure epoxy resin samples of various thicknesses. The recorded longitudinal amplitude was found to follow a 1/thickness law which agrees with [17]. From figure 5(a) it can be seen that with the IR laser the behavior both on the CFRC and on the epoxy sample follow similar curves, bearing in mind that the data have not been corrected for the different attenuation of the two samples. On the other hand, for the excimer laser, figure 5(b) shows that the two curves are not similar. It is obvious that there is a change of gradient on the results from the CFRC sample (due to the change from the thermoelastic regime to the photo-ablative regime). From this figure it is noted that the presence of the carbon fibers plays a significant role on the laser generation mechanism of ultrasound. IR vs UV laser wavelength The second comparison was between results on either the cold curing epoxy resin or CFRC sample and different lasers (TEA CO2 and XeCl). In figure 6 results recorded with the two lasers on the pure epoxy resin sample are compared. Because of experimental limitations (damage of the joulemeter at higher UV laser energies), the energy range of the experimental data was limited between 0.5 and lOmJ. Nevertheless, as the inset of figure 6 shows, the curves of the two wavelengths are quite close (very close to the experimental error). This is mainly because for these two wavelengths the optical absorption depths on this epoxy resin are similar (table 2). Comparative results of the 3 wavelengths on the same unidirectional CFRC Results taken on the same CFRC sample are compared in figure 6(b). The data from the TEA CC>2 laser have been corrected for the small difference in spot size. In the case of the Nd:YAG (1064nm), most of the energy is absorbed in the first layer of carbon fibers [7] as the resin is almost transparent. At 10.6fim (TEA COa ), both the superficial resin and the carbon fibers absorb strongly [7, 18]. The same happens at 308nm (XeCl) but in this case, because of the different way that the UV radiation interacts with the superficial epoxy resin (Ablative Photo-Decomposition), the generation mechanism is different. The fact that the three lasers produce three different sorts of buried source is most easily observed in the generation efficiency graph shown in figure 6(b) and the shape of the recorded waveforms 971 [11]. Table 3 summarizes the results shown in figure 6(b) and emphasizes the criteria used for the determination of the damage threshold. Given the fact that our CFRC sample had a 12|im layer of superficial epoxy resin and that our measurements were single shot, the ablation rate at the damage threshold was calculated. For the UV laser an insignificant amount of material was removed. CONCLUSIONS From the results shown both in figure 6(b) and table 3, the NdrYAG at 6mJ produced similar amplitude longitudinal waves to the TEA CCb at 40mJ. This shows that the NdrYAG is at least 6 times more energy efficient than the TEA C(>2. In the case of the excimer laser, although the ablation threshold was found to be very low, the damage was localized at the superficial resin layer of the CFRC. Exposure of fibers was never observed, up to the maximum energy densities used and the ablation rate was found to be very low. At the same laser wavelength it has been observed that the presence of the carbon fiber layer plays a significant role in the generation mechanism. It is possible that absorption of energy by the carbon fibers seeds the photo-ablative decomposition in the overlying epoxy layer. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is supported by the E.U. (Marie-Curie fellowship HPMF-CT-2000-00999). REFERENCES 1. Davies S. J., Edwards C., Taylor G. S. and Palmer S. B, J. Phys. D, 26, pp.329-348 (1993). 2. Taylor G. S., Hutchins D. A., Edwards C. and Palmer S. B., Ultrasonics, 28, pp.343349(1990). 3. Monchalin J.-P., Neron C., Bouchard P., Heon R. and Padioleau C., Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal, 43, No. 1., (1997). 4. Scruby C. B. and Drain L. E., Laser-Ultrasonics: Techniques and Applications, Adam Hilger, Bristol, UK, 1990. 5. Rose L. F. R., J Acoustic Soc. Am. 75 pp.723-733 (1984). 6. Doyle P.A., J. Phys. D: Appl.Phys, 19, pp.1613-1623 (1986). 7. 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