APPLICATION OF TAGUCHI METHODOLOGY FOR OPTIMIZING TEST PARAMETERS IN MAGNETO-OPTIC IMAGING Zhiwei Zeng1, Liang Xuan1, William Shih2, Gerald Fitzpatrick3, Lalita Udpa4 1 Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50010 PRI Research & Development Corporation, 25500 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance, CA 90505 PRI Research & Development Corporation, 12517 131st Court Northeast, Kirkland, WA 98034 4 Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 2 3 ABSTRACT. The optimization of experimental parameters in an NDE test is extremely crucial making accept/reject decision about a test sample. For instance, in magneto-optic imaging (MOI) defects are displayed as an analog video image that is interpreted by the inspector. Subtle images such as for small surface and subsurface defects may be difficult for the inspector to detect. Under these circumstances, digital image processing methods may assist the inspector to interpret the MOI images. The accept / reject decision for a test specimen is determined by observing the binary image obtained by thresholding the magnetic flux density distribution. The coefficient of skewness of the binary magneto-optic (MO) image can be used for calculating the probability that the image contains a crack. The larger the skewness value, implies a larger likelihood of the presence of a crack. Several test parameters affect the skewness of binary MO image and hence the likelihood of the image containing a crack. The optimal set of test parameters (frequency, threshold, etc.) that generates the maximum skewness of binary image can be found using an optimization algorithm based on the Taguchi method. The number of trials necessary for the optimization is significantly reduced with Taguchi's methodology of experimental design. INTRODUCTION The Taguchi method is a statistical analysis technique that is used in quality improvement and design of experiments. Dr. Genichi Taguchi simplified the conventional statistical tools by identifying a set of stringent guidelines for experiment layout and analysis of results. The approach ensures quality by optimizing the design of product/process and making the design insensitive to influence of uncontrollable factors (robustness) [1]. The method is especially suitable for engineers who do not possess sophisticated statistical knowledge. The most important feature of Taguchi's philosophy of quality improvement is its definition of loss function. Conventionally, a product is functionally acceptable if the measure of performance characteristic is within the allowable range. The loss function in Taguchi method is, however, defined as a quadratic function of the deviation of performance measure from its target value, as shown in Figure 1. So the basic idea underlying Taguchi's philosophy of quality control is the minimization of variation around the target value. CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 651 Taguchi Conventional Conventional 100% LAL LAL Target Target Value Value (T) (T) UAL UAL LAL –- Lower Lower allowable allowable limit LAL limit UAL –- Upper Upper allowable allowable limit UAL limit FIGURE FIGURE 1. 1. Taguchi Taguchi and and conventional conventionalloss lossfunction function To minimize the number of experiments that need to be performed without losing losing much information, Taguchi constructed a set of tables known as orthogonal arrays (OA), in information, orthogonal arrays (OA), in which all interactions of order greater than 2 are neglected [2]. The use of orthogonal arrays arrays makes the the design of experiments easy and consistent. Two orthogonal arrays are employed employed in the experimental design using Taguchi method: inner array and outer array, which handle the controllable and uncontrollable factors respectively. Controllable factors are the parameters that can be easily controlled under practical conditions. Uncontrollable factors, difficult to control in in practical operations; operations; but factors, also referred referred to as noise factors, are difficult they are under control in laboratory conditions. For each combination of controllable factors, factors, experiments/simulations are performed across all the combinations of noise factors. factors. The signal to noise ratio for each each set of parameters is then calculated and used in analysis to determine the the optimal set of parameters. The Taguchi approach involves (i) selecting the performance characteristics to be optimized, (ii) listing the controllable and uncontrollable factors and the levels of each factor factor that need to be considered, (iii) designing the experiment, (iv) conducting the experiment, (v) analyzing the results, and (vi) determining the optimal set set of of parameters parameters and influence influence of each parameter on performance. performance. In this paper, we apply the Taguchi method to Magneto-optic inspection method. The simulations are performed performed to validate the feasibility of using the Taguchi method for optimizing simple experimental parameters such as frequency frequency and threshold. MAGNETO-OPTIC IMAGING Magneto-optic Imaging is a relatively new non-destructive evaluation technique of of detecting subsurface aircraft skin structures. A schematic figure of subsurface cracks and corrosions in aircraft the the MOI system is shown in Figure 2. The magneto-optic sensor used in the MO instrument consists of a garnet film that has a magnetic anisotropy property with an “easy” "easy" axis of magnetization (very sensitive to magnetic field) field) normal to the sensor surface and a "hard" “hard” axis of the magnetization (insensitive to magnetic field) in the plane of the sensor. Light source source Polarizer Analyzer Bias coil Lap joint Sensor FIGURE FIGURE 2. 2. Schematic Schematic of of MOI MOI instrument instrument [1] [1] 652 Induction foil foil Aluminum Aluminum plates plates Current foil foil Current Air gap ' 0.35m 0.35m *————6mm Sin™————* ^Airpap> 1mm 11st layer layer X f 1mm nd nd Rivet Rivet 1mm ) 1mm layer 22 layer rd rd 1mm Crack > ) 1mm layer 3 layer Crack | S7I y ' / x : 4mm 4mm (a) (a) (b) (b) FIGURE 3. Geometry Geometryunder underinvestigation investigationand andpredicted predictedbinary binaryMO MOimage image (a) Geometry Geometry (b) (b) binary binaryimage image An induction foil foil carrying alternating alternating current current is is used used to to induce induce eddy eddy current current into into the the test test specimen. Anomalies in the specimen, specimen, such such as fasteners fasteners and and cracks, cracks, generate generate aa magnetic magnetic field component normal to the specimen field specimen and sensor sensor surface. surface. An An easy-to-interpret easy-to-interpret and and realrealtime binary-valued binary-valued image image reflecting reflecting the the anomalies anomalies of of the the magnetic magnetic fields fields isis then then generated. generated. Details of the principles of the the magneto-optic magneto-optic inspection inspection method method can can be be found found in in [3, [3, 4, 4, 5]. 5]. The performance performance of an MOI system system under under given given measurement measurement conditions, conditions, can can be be evaluated using the the concept concept of skewness skewness to to quantify quantify the the strength strength of of the the field/flaw field/flaw interaction represented represented in the binary MO MO image. image. The The larger larger the the skewness skewness value, value, implies implies aa larger likelihood of the presence of a crack. crack. Several Several test test parameters parameters affect affect the the skewness skewness of of binary MO image and hence hence the the detectability detectability of of flaws. flaws. In In this this experiment, experiment, we we try try toto optimize the test parameters parameters simultaneously simultaneously in in detecting detecting aa buried buried crack crack in inthe thethird third layer layerof of aluminum plates, as shown in Figure 3 (a). (a). A A typical typical crack crack has has height height 1mm, 1mm, width width O.lmm 0.1mm finite element model [6, 7, 8] is utilized to predict the binary MO and length 5mm. 5mm. A 3-D finite image for a given given test test condition. condition. Figure Figure 33 (b) (b) is is the the predicted predicted image image corresponding correspondingtotothe the geometry of Figure Figure 3 (a). (a). Parametric studies on the the performance performance of of MOI MOI system system are are usually usually conducted conducted to to seek the optimum value of a particular particular test parameter parameter while while keeping keeping other other parameters parameters fixed. The Taguchi method, on the other hand, changes fixed. changes parameter parameter values values simultaneously simultaneouslytoto look for the optimum set of test parameters. Ideally, one would like to the optimum set parameters. Ideally, one would like to have have maximum maximum skewness. At At the the same same time, time, the the performance performance of of MOI MOI isis expected expected toto be be robust robust under under variations of the parameters. parameters. The The Taguchi Taguchi method method provides provides an an optimal optimal tradeoff tradeoff by by conducting a signal to noise ratio analysis. analysis. The The number number of of trials trials necessary necessary for for the the optimization is significantly significantly reduced reduced with with Taguchi's Taguchi’smethodology methodologyof ofexperimental experimentaldesign. design. EXPERIMENT DESIGN AND SIMULATION The The performance performance characteristic characteristic in in this this study study is is chosen chosen to to be be the the coefficient coefficient of of skewness (CS) skewness (CS) of of the the binary binary MO MO image. image. The The larger larger the the coefficient coefficient of of skewness skewness associated associated with critical flaw with aa critical flaw the the better better the the performance performance of of the the MOI MOI system. system. The The standard standard definition definition of CS is the third moment of the experimental/predicted data, which is given of CS is the third moment of the experimental/predicted data, which is givenby by N CS = ∑ (x i =1 − µ) 3 i σ3 . (1) (1) where 1, 2, 2, …, ..., TV) are data data (x (x coordinate coordinate of of black where xt(i xi (i = = 1, N) are black pixel pixel in in Figure Figure 33 (b)) (b)) with with TV N the the number data, ju expectation and a the number of of data, µ the the expectation and σ the standard standard deviation. deviation. This This is is valid valid for for linear linear eddy current eddy current excitation. excitation. The The skewness skewness of of an an MO MO image image should should be be measured measuredwith withrespect respecttoto the origin (rivet center in Figure 3 (a)) for rotating current excitation. The alternative the origin (rivet center in Figure 3 (a)) for rotating current excitation. The alternative definition of definition of the the coefficient coefficient of of skewness skewness of of an an MO MO image image used used in in this this paper paper isisthe thenegative negative 653 ratio of the sum of the x coordinates of the black pixels with positive x coordinates to the sum of the x coordinates of black pixels with negative x coordinates, i.e., (2) where 1, x > 0 0, else (3) CS is then normalized as CS = - 1> (l - mm(CSQ,l/CSQj) (4) with , ;c>0 sign(x)=j 0, * = 0 (5) such that CSe (-1, l); CS is positive when the image skews in +x direction, negative when the image skews in -x direction, zero when the image does not skew. Four test parameters are believed to affect the skewness of MO image. They are, namely, excitation current value, excitation current frequency, threshold (bias setting) and liftoff. Since increasing current value is equivalent to reducing liftoff, we do not consider the effect of liftoff in this paper. These parameters are controllable factors and incorporated in the inner array. Their variations are noise factors and incorporated in the outer array. The Taguchi method is utilized to choose the optimum set of parameters that yield an MO image with maximum coefficient of skewness and are less sensitive to their variations. The factors and the levels of each factor considered in this paper are listed in Table 1. TABLE 1. Factors and levels Factors Controllable Uncontrollable Current value (A) Excitation frequency (B) Threshold (C) Variation of A (D) Variation of B (E) Variation of C (F) Level 1 120 3000 0.2 -24 -40 -0.04 654 Levels Level 2 Level 3 240 360 4000 5000 0.4 0.6 +24 0 0 +40 +0.04 0 Unit Amp Hz Gauss Amp Hz Gauss TABLE 2. Orthogonal array L9(34) L9(34) 1 2 3 4 ^^^Q)lumn Trial^^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 1 TABLE 3. Summary of simulation results Trial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.4168 0.3088 0.1417 0.4164 0.3589 0.3852 0.4153 0.3923 0.3692 0.0088 0.0405 0.0336 0.0031 0.0148 0.0204 0.0026 0.0542 0.0061 (S/N), (S/N)2 33.4877 17.6460 12.5056 42.5668 27.6783 25.5288 44.1593 17.1984 35.6870 4.6829 3.1948 1.3213 4.6771 3.8597 4.2212 4.6611 4.2955 4.0017 ju : Mean Response a : Standard Deviation (SM02=-l01og10(MS£>) The standard OA L9(34), as shown in Table 2, is used for the experiment layouts of both the inner array and the outer array. Factors A, B and C are assigned to the first three columns in the inner array. Their variations, i.e., factors D, E and F, are assigned to the first three columns in the outer array. The last columns of both the inner and outer arrays are left empty. For each combination of the simulation conditions in both the inner array and the outer array, the 3-D finite element model using A-v formulation [6] is performed. The model has been validated by comparing the simulated image with the corresponding experimental image [6, 7]. For each row of the inner array, all trials in the outer array are performed. The resultant coefficients of skewness are then used in calculating statistical quantities, such as mean response, standard deviation and signal to noise ratio, as shown in Table 3. The total number of trials using the Taguchi method is 81 (92). This demonstrates the efficiency of the Taguchi 's experimental design when compared with the full factorial design where the total number of trials required is 729 (272). 655 ANALYSES ANALYSES Main Effects Main Effects One is One is There are two definitions of signal to noise ratio (S/N) that are commonly used. There are two definitions of signal to noise ratio (S/N) that are commonly used. µ 2 (S / N )1 = 10 log10(VI 2 (6) σ V ) and the other one is and the other one is (S / N )2 = −10 log(MSD) 10 (MSD ) (S/N)2=-lQlog w (7) (7) with deviation of of the the image image skewness skewnessfrom fromthe thetarget targetvalue valueexpressed expressedasas with mean mean square square deviation MSD = 1 n 2 ∑ ( yi − t ) n i =1 = (µ − t ) + σ 2 2 (8) (8) In µ is response, aσ is is the the standard standard deviation, deviation,yyt i isis the the rth ithresult resultininthe the In (6) (6) ~~ (8), (8), ju is the the mean mean response, outer array, n is the number of simulation conditions in the outer array, and t is the target outer array, n is the number of simulation conditions in the outer array, and t is the target value the absolute absolute value value of of the the coefficient coefficientof ofskewness). skewness). value (1 (1 for for the To make the performance of MOI system robust to to variations variations of of parameters, parameters, To make the performance of MOI system robust definition (6) of S/N is preferred. Among the nine combinations of test parameters, the77thth definition (6) of S/N is preferred. Among the nine combinations of test parameters, the set Definition (7) (7) measures measures the the deviation deviation of of quality quality set has has the the highest highest robustness. robustness. Definition characteristic from the the target target value, value, which which is is consistent consistent with with Taguchi's Taguchi’s quadratic quadratic loss loss characteristic from function utilized in in the the further further analysis analysis in in this this paper. paper. function and and utilized The indicate the the general general trend trend of of the the influence influence of of the the factors. factors.They Theyare are The main main effects effects indicate calculated by averaging the S/N ratios for each control factor at the same level. Main calculated by averaging the S/N ratios for each control factor at the same level. Main effects from Table Table 33 are are listed listed in in Table Table 44 and and plotted plotted in inFigure Figure4.4. effects calculated calculated from TABLE Main effects effects TABLE 4. 4. Main Factors Factors Factor A Factor A Factor B B Factor Factor C C Factor Level 11 Level 3.066 3.066 4.674 4.674 4.400 4.400 Level22 Level 4.253 4.253 3.783 3.783 3.958 3.958 FIGURE 4. Main Main effects effects FIGURE 4. 656 Level33 Level 4.319 4.319 3.181 3.181 3.281 3.281 A3 FIGURE 5. Interaction AxC FIGURE A×C Generally the optimal set of parameters parameters may may not not appear appear ininthose thosetrial trialconditions conditionsinin the orthogonal orthogonal array, because the the the Taguchi's Taguchi’s experimental experimental design design isis aa partial partial factorial factorial design. Optimal condition is found found as the design. the combination combination of of the the best best level level of of each each factor. factor. Observing Figure 4, the Observing the optimal optimal condition condition isis Levels Levels 3, 3, 11 and and 11 for forFactors FactorsA,A,BBand andCC respectively, which is not respectively, not included included in in Table Table 3. 3. AA confirmation confirmation run runisisperformed performedwith withthe the condition A A33BBid condition signal to to noise noise ratio ratio isis 3.7115, 3.7115, much much less lessthan thanother other 1C1 and the resultant signal values of S/N S/N ratios in Table 3. We should note values note that that we we have have neglected neglectedall allthe theinteractions interactions between test test parameters. parameters. between Two factors factors are are said Two said to to interact interact when when the the effect effect of of changes changes inin one one ofof them them determines the the influence influence of determines of the the other other factor factor and and vice vice versa versa [1]. [1].Analyses Analysesofofresults resultsshow show that the the interaction interaction between that between current current value value and and threshold, threshold, denoted denoted asas AxC, A×C, cannot cannot be be neglected, as represented graphically in Figure 5. The combination A Ci should neglected, as represented graphically in Figure 5. The combination A33C1 should be be replaced by by the 2C2 replaced the other other combination combination that that yields yields the the maximum maximum S/N S/Nratio. ratio.Since SinceAid, A1C1,AA 2C2 and A Cs have almost the same S/N ratios, the optimal set of test parameters are AiBiCi, 3 and A3C3 have almost the same S/N ratios, the optimal set of test parameters are A1B1C1, A2BiC2 and AsBiCs, i.e., frequency at Level 1 (3000 Hz), current value and threshold at A 2B1C2 and A3B1C3, i.e., frequency at Level 1 (3000 Hz), current value and threshold at the same level (linearly (linearly proportional). the same level proportional). Further Further studies studies reveal reveal the the fact factthat thatusing usingthreshold threshold proportional to the current value will yield almost identical binary MO proportional to the current value will yield almost identical binary MO images. images. The The optimal combinations combinations appear appear in optimal in Table Table 3. 3. Hence Hence no no further furtherconfirmation confirmationruns runsare areneeded. needed. Analysis of of Variance Variance Analysis Interaction AxC is assigned to the last column of the inner array. Analysis of Interaction A×C is assigned to the last column of the inner array. Analysis of variance is performed performed to variance is to estimate estimate the the percent percent contribution contribution of of each each factor, factor,which whichisishelpful helpful in determining which of the factors need to be controlled and which do not. in determining which of the factors need to be controlled and which do not. In the left part of Table 5, the degree of freedom of the error term (f ) is negative, In the left part of Table 5, the degree of freedom of the error term (efe) is negative, which is not meaningful. In order to calculate other statistical measurements involving the which is not meaningful. In order to calculate other statistical measurements involving the division byfe, the factor that has small variance (Interaction AxC in this case) is pooled to division by fe, the factor that has small variance (Interaction A×C in this case) is pooled to obtain new, positive estimate of S (sum of squares of the error term) andf . Pooling is the obtain new, positive estimate of See (sum of squares of the error term) ande fe. Pooling is the TABLE 5. ANOVA table TABLE 5. ANOVA table Factor Factor A A B B C C AxC A×C error error Total Total f f 2 22 22 24 4 -2 -2 8 8 Before pooling Before S pooling V S V 2.982 1.491 2.982 1.491 3.382 1.691 3.382 1.691 1.906 0.953 1.906 0.953 0.940 0.235 0.940 0.235 0.000 0.000 9.211 9.211 After pooling After f S V pooling F f S V F 2 2.982 1.491 3.171 2 2.982 1.491 3.171 2 3.382 1.691 3.597 3.382 1.691 3.597 22 1.906 0.953 2.028 2 1.906 0.953 2.028 Pooled Pooled (4) (4) Pooled Pooled 2 0.940 0.470 0.940 0.470 9.211 82 8 9.211 f: degrees of freedom S: sum of squares V: variance f: degrees of freedom of squares V: variance F: variance ratio S:P:sum Percent contribution F: variance ratio P: Percent contribution 657 P (%) P (%) 22.166 22.166 26.510 26.510 10.490 10.490 40.834 40.834 100.00 100.00 process of disregarding the contribution of a selected factor and subsequently adjusting the contributions of other factors [2]. The percent contributions for the factors are listed in the last column of Table 5. Among the three test parameters considered, frequency has most influence on the performance on the MOI system in detecting the buried crack as shown in Figure 2 (a). Other factors or errors, such as interactions between parameters, have a total contribution of 41%. CONCLUSIONS Taguchi's methodology of parameter design has been found to be an effective and efficient way of optimizing test parameters in NDE systems. This paper investigates the application of the Taguchi method in choosing optimal and robust test parameters for MOI inspection in detecting a critical flaw buried in the third layer. The optimal set of parameters determined for this inspection geometry is frequency at 3000 Hz with current value and threshold linearly proportionally varied. By performing analysis of variance, frequency is found to have most influence on the variance of system performance among the parameters considered. Although much of these findings are as expected this study was intended as an example of the feasibility of using Taguchi method as a tool for optimizing the parameters in any nondestructive inspection. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This material is based upon work supported by the Federal Aviation Administration under Contract #DTFA03-98-D-00008, Delivery Order #IA013 and performed at Iowa State University's Center for NDE as part of the Center for Aviation Systems Reliability program. REFERENCES 1. R. K. Roy, A Primer on The Taguchi Method, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990 2. S. Brisset et al, "Optimization with Experimental Design: An Approach Using Taguchi's Methodology and Finite Element Simulations", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 37, No. 5, September 2001, pp. 3530-3533 3. C. Chen, Finite Element Modeling of MOI for NDE Applications, M.S. Thesis, Iowa State University, 2000 4. B. L. 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