ELECTRIC POTENTIAL IN EDDY CURRENT TESTING H. Hoshikawa, K. Koyama, and M. Maeda Nihon University, Izumicho Narashino Chiba 275-8575, Japan ABSTRACT. This paper indicates that eddy current is induced not only by induction electric field but also by electric potential gradient. The potential gradient plays a major role in inducing eddy current around discontinuities in the test material. The potential is generated by conversion of induction electric field where the eddy current is smaller than that induced by induction electric field. INTRODUCTION It is well known in eddy current testing that the alternating current in the exciting coil induces eddy current in the test material by electromagnetic induction. However, little has been studied about why the eddy current is diverted away from discontinuities. The authors have studied how eddy current is induced by electromagnetic induction and clarified that electric potential gradient plays a major role in inducing eddy current especially around discontinuities. When the exciting coil and test material are arranged axi-symmetrically in electromagnetic induction, no electric potential is generated in the material and the eddy current is induced only by induction electric field. As a result, attention has been concentrated to the eddy current induced by induction electric field and the role of electric potential has hardly ever been taken into consideration in eddy current testing while a lot of reports have been published on the analysis of eddy current testing [1-2]. When the exciting coil and test material are not arranged axi-symmetrically, some of the induction electric field by the exciting current is converted to electric potential gradient. The gradient causes eddy current to flow in different directions from the induction field in the area around a discontinuity. It is the gradient that diverts eddy current away around discontinuities [3]. Thus electric potential plays an important role in inducing eddy current in the test material. EDDY CURRENT IN ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION Electric current density JQ in an exciting coil of volume V generates magnetic vector potential A CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/$20.00 375 (1) where r is distance and ju magnetic permeability. A is a vector parallel to J0 near the exciting coil. Magnetic flux density B is correlated to A. B = VxA. (2) Variation of magnetic flux density induces electric field E . Combining Equations (2) and (3) leads to Equation (4). VxE = Vx(-dA/dt). (4) Equation (5) is derived from Equation (4). where (/) is scalar potential. Eddy current J is induced by E in conducting material. j = a. E = a • (-dA/dt - V0) ( a: conductivity) (6) Equation (6) indicates that eddy current is induced by electric field which comprises of induction electric field (-dA/dt) and potential gradient V0. In the meantime, eddy current has to satisfy the continuity law. V•/ =0 (7) Induction field induces the eddy current parallel to the exciting coil while potential gradient induces the eddy current in any direction. Thus it is the potential gradient that induces eddy current at places around discontinuities and far from a tangential exciting coil. Based on Ohm's law, eddy current causes electric potential drop. V0 ('.' p = I/a: resistivity) (8) In other words, eddy current is induced so that potential drop by eddy current is equal to the difference between induction field and potential gradient. If the test coil and test material are arranged axi-symmetrically, eddy current is induced only by the induction electric field and there exists no electric potential. If the test material includes discontinuities and the system is not axi-symmetric, the eddy current becomes smaller and potential gradient is generated as the remainder of subtraction of potential drop from induction electric field. V<f> = -dA/dt-p-J (9) Equation (9) indicates that the conversion of induction field to potential gradient occurs where the eddy current is smaller than that induced by induction field. In electrostatic field, electric potential is defined as the integral of electric field with respect to an arbitrary path. On the other hand, electric potential in AC electromagnetic field cannot be 376 defined as the same way because AC electric field comprises induction field and potential gradient as given by Equation (5) and is not conservative. Thus the authors have defined AC potential (/) as the integral of the potential gradient given by Equation (9) with respect to an arbitrary path in the material. p-J}-M (10) Because of the current continuity law, eddy current has to circulate continuously in the material even against the induction electric field. It is potential gradient that causes eddy current to circulate against the induction field or in directions of which the induction field has no component. Equation (10) indicates that the remainder of subtraction of potential drop from induction field is converted to electric potential, the gradient of which causes eddy current to circulate at places far from tangential exciting coils and around discontinuities in order to satisfy the current continuity law. ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION IN TRANSFORMERS The electromagnetic induction in transformers can substantiate the concept that induction electric field is converted to electric potential. Electric current in the primary winding generates induction field in the secondary winding. When the secondary winding is open, the winding carries no current and generates a high voltage that is measurable by electric instruments. This fact means that there has to be no electric field inside the secondary winding because electric field causes current to flow by Equation (6). Thus the induction field in Equation (5) has to be cancelled out with the potential gradient that is the conversion by Equation (9) of the induction field inside the secondary winding. When secondary winding is connected to closed circuits, secondary current circulates through the circuits. It is obviously the potential gradient by the secondary voltage and not the induction field by the primary current that causes the current to circulate because the potential gradient and not the induction field can generate current at arbitrary positions along the circuits. When the secondary winding is short-circuited, the secondary voltage becomes zero and a large current flows in the secondary winding. In this case, no potential gradient exists inside the secondary winding because the induction field is cancelled out with the potential drop by the large current flowing through the secondary winding as given by Equation (9). Thus the phenomena inside transformers validate the concept that induction electric field is converted to potential gradient at places in the secondary winding where current is smaller than that induced by the induction field. RESULTS BY FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS Finite element analysis was conducted to clarify the relation between eddy current and electric potential in the conducting material. Figure 1 shows the sizes of a tangential exciting coil and a conducting plate used for the analysis. A tangential coil was chosen because it should clarify electromagnetic induction phenomena where the eddy current just under the tangential coil circulates in the same direction as the coil winding, while circulating in the opposite direction at places far from the coil in order to satisfy the current continuity law. The analytical results were derived under the following condition. The conductivity of the conducting material is 1.3xl07 S/m and the frequency is 9 kHz. 377 160 1.0 ^^4,0 conducting plate FIGURE 1. Tangential coil and conducting plate used for the analysis. ©0 • electric potential :::::•:::::$:::: t t t . , . . . ._ . . . . . . , . . , ttff « .- • . .........'$..... ... . . [0 0 1 [mm] (a) eddy current (b) electric potential FIGURE 2. Eddy current and electric potential induced at the surface of conducting plate by a tangential coil. Figure 2 shows the eddy current and the electric potential induced at the surface of the conducting material. Figure 2(a) indicates that the eddy current circulates along under the exiting coil winding and in the opposite direction at places far from the coil. Figure 2(b) indicates that electric potential is developed along the coil and generates potential gradient anywhere around the coil. It can be assumed that the dominant induction field over the potential gradient induces eddy current just below the tangential coil and the dominant potential gradient over the induction field induces the backward eddy current at places far from the tangential coil. Figure 3 shows the eddy current, the eddy current component by induction field, and the eddy current component by potential gradient at the surface of the conducting plate. Figure 3(b) indicates that the induction field induces eddy current component only upward everywhere in the figure, while Figure 3(c) indicates the potential gradient induces eddy current component downward. Thus the eddy current circulates continuously as shown in Figure 3(a). Figure 4 shows the eddy current circulating along a cross section inside the conducting plate parallel to the tangential coil. The figures have the coordinate enlarged along the coil. Figure 4 (b) indicates that the eddy current component induced by induction field circulates from left to right in the figure and decays with the depth from the conducting material surface. Figure 4 (c) indicates that the eddy current component by the potential gradient circulates from right to left and stays almost constant with the depth. As a result, the eddy current circulates from left to right decaying very rapidly with the depth. 378 frequency : 9kHz - i | O :electric potential i 10 4 1U -\ ¥o . . . . . . fff f . . . . ""''-'• 6---' "^ ^•N i . . , . . . fff f . , > » 0 Y-axis(cm) 1U 4 30 i 1 -\ 0 1( , 10 -10 0 -10 X-axis(cm) 10 -10 i I t i il V 4 1 1 * " \\ * V 1 1 11 J 4 I V t x \ V i t x >s 4* xv i V U J 4/ ' / " ;::;::p::::::+ -10 0 10 X-axis(cm) X-axis(cm) (b) eddy current component by induction field (a) eddy current t i f Ml » * X -10 f »« i « < (c) eddy current component by potential gradient FIGURE 3. Eddy current distributions at the surface of conducting plate by a tangential coil. frequency: 9kHz 1-0.5 ^ .a %? ., -1 N I C "HT IT IT -1 ~HT 0 ^ lY-axis(mm) (a) eddv current - Oi 1-0.5 'r •89 b£ ? ^-1 1 I "1 "* " ~x^ 1 -> "^" ——^ —-^ I ———° ^>- ———o ^> : -^ S -1 . 7=± i u "x^ ' ** *x^ —^ —-^ ———o ^» ———o ^> -±± . 0 =2: _; _ ~ lY-axis(mm) (b) eddy current component by induction field 1-0.5 io QQ:electric potential r .a '-l.f -1 0 1 Y-axis (mm) (c) eddy current component by potential gradient FIGURE 4. Enlarged eddy current distribution at a cross section of a conducting plate along the tangential coil Figure 5 shows the eddy current and electric potential at the surface of a conducting plate with a slit flaw. Figure 5 (a) indicates that the flaw diverts and decreases the eddy current toward it. As a result, plus and minus electric potentials are developed at both sides of the flaw as shown in Figure 5(b). Thus the resulting potential gradient forces the eddy current to circulate along and under the flaw in order to comply with the continuity law of current. 379 I : electric potential 10 I li • tt 01 « H Tt [mm] -10 [mm] (a) eddy current (b) electric potential FIGURE 5. Eddy current and electric potential distributions at the surface of a conducting plate with a slit flaw frequency :9kHz J - - «t. - t ' t f t » . «.: , ,: P: t t ' :flaw . t t 1 Q « *: > ' L X-axis (mm) ?! - QOrelectric potential "f" • • if •_ t ] I t '* 50 r— 1——v' S - >-l - t ' - -2 -. , < i , t i t . , ? . .-2 -1 0 1 (a) eddy current 2K ' t 1 ' 2 -' ' i ' • » ' » • ' i ' '- f t - a1 \ t • f——f—: ' \ t - -2 -, .t, .t,t. ,t. -2 - 1 0 1 2 X-axis(mm) (b) eddy current component by induction field X - i i t * - \, f\ t ' i l(y \ ^-i - t i i \ -2 ~i , * i , * i * , i k , \~ - 2 - 1 0 1 2 X-axis (mm) (c) eddy current component by potential gradient FIGURE 6. Enlarged surface eddy distributions around a slit flaw Figure 6 shows the enlarged eddy current distributions around a slit flaw. Figure 6(b) shows the eddy current component induced by induction field. The component seems to be constant toward the flaw. Figure 6(c) shows the eddy current component induced by potential gradient. It is obvious from the figures that the component develops so as to cancel out the eddy current component perpendicular to the flaw as shown in Figure 6(a) Figure 7 shows the eddy current circulating along a cross section inside the conducting plate parallel to the tangential coil. The figures have the coordinate enlarged along the coil. Figure 7 (b) indicates that the eddy current component induced by induction field circulates from left to right in the figure and decays with the depth from the conducting material surface. Figure 7 (c) indicates that the eddy current component by the potential gradient circulates from right to left near the surface and from left to right under the flaw. As a result, 380 i— V\ C , P -axis(mm) N * I t 1 j. • 5 <^/ ~ 0 05 I" ' 08 "~^ N 1 5 , lit: -1 : - — : T" 0 O o e 0 0 • >-|- -IT 4 ' >~ 0 ' r^ , ~T « • 0 0 0 0 e . ~*~ Y-axis (mm) -^ ——^ —L^ -. o ! -o_ —°~" i _Ii. i 1 Y-axis(mm) \^/\_R/ .cicvui^ pviciinrti ^ o N i .r : (a) eddy current 0 (b) eddy current component by induction field 1-0.5 t 1 r f -1 ? 9 ' e P e o e 0 "-^ 0 • -**' ! , 3: : 1 Y-axis(mm) ^ 0 ' (c) eddy current component by potential gradient FIGURE 7. Enlarged eddy current at a cross section along the tangential coil in a plate with a slit flaw. /x 10 [mm] (a) eddy current (b) electric potential FIGURE 8. Eddy current and electric potential distributions at the surface of conducting plate by a circular pancake coil little eddy current circulates close to the flaw and large eddy current circulates under the flaw as shown in Figure 7 (a). Figure 8 shows the eddy current and electric potential distributions at the surface of the conductor by a circular pancake coil of 9 mm outer diameter. Since the coil and the plate are arranged axi-symmetrically, the eddy current is induced axi-symmetrically and no electric potential is developed in the plate as shown in the figures. 381 ) : electric potential 1U . . . . ' . . . . . . . J. . . . . . s » « . . 0 • . . •. ^ \ VN*s.*--«-t-*-,b^V ^ tr -0.00025 X H0 0 (a) eddy current i [mm] (b) electric potential FIGURE 9. Eddy current and electric potential distributions at the surface of a conducting plate with a slit flaw by a circular pancake coil Figure 9 shows the eddy current and electric potential distributions at the surface of the conductor by the a circular pancake coil when the conductor has a slit flaw at its center. The figure shows that eddy current is diverted from the flaw and two peaks of plus and minus potential are developed at both sides of the flaw. Thus the gradient of electric potential around the flaw diverts the eddy current from the flaw. The difference of the electric potential along flaws can provide a method to detect the depth of the flaws [4-5]. CONCLUSION The authors have tried to explain qualitatively the phenomena of electromagnetic induction in eddy current testing. It has been clarified that some of the induction electric field is converted to electric potential where the eddy current is smaller than that induced by induction field. The gradient of electric potential plays a major role in inducing eddy current at places far from a tangential coil and around discontinuities. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dodd, C. V. and Deed, W. E., "Analytical Solution to Eddy Current Probe-Coil Problems," Journal of Applied Physics, 39, 6, 2829-2838 (1968). Onoe, M., "An Analysis of a Finite Solenoid Coil Near a Conductor," (in Japanese) Journal of BEE of Japan, 88-10, 961,1894-1902 (1968). Hoshikawa, H., Koyama, K., Maeda, M. 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