COUPLED TRANSIENT THERMAL AND PULSED EC MODELING FOR NOT OF MATERIALS SUBJECTED TO LASER BASED HEAT TREATMENT S. Veeraraghavan and Krishnan Balasubramaniam* Center for Non Destructive Evaluation, ^Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, Chennai -600036, INDIA ABSTRACT. The pulsed eddy current (PEC) technique is widely used to detect and quantify flaws in conducting plates .This method has been used to test materials subjected to heat treatment. Material properties such as conductivity show a marked change with temperature. As the heat diffuses into the material, the probe output changes owing to the changing material properties. Hence, it becomes difficult to obtain consistent results when searching for defects. Such problems can be effectively tackled by combining thermal and pulsed eddy current analysis for getting a reference data for the signals acquired from the probe. In this paper, a model is presented which combines transient thermal analysis and PEC Finite Element Model to track the probe output changes occurring during Laser based heat treatment of thin sheet conducting materials. The first step encompasses modeling of the laser treatment process using a three dimensional Finite Difference method .Properties of the material such as conductivity and specific heat capacity changes with temperature. Such parameters can be averaged over the temperature range of the laser treatment process and used in the model. The thermal model can also be extended to heterogeneous materials like Carbon reinforced composites. The temperature distribution in the material which is obtained from the thermal model is used as the input data for the axisymmetric PEC Finite element analysis. Hence the probe output can be tracked over the entire time interval. This forms an effective basis for combining the physics of two diffusive phenomena, i.e. thermal and pulsed eddy current in the NDE and control of such processes. INTRODUCTION This paper studies the use of pulsed eddy current (PEC) method for the monitoring of laser surface heat treatment process. Surface transformation hardening is based on rapid localized heating and cooling induced by a scanning laser beam on hardenable alloys. This method creates a wear resistant zone with good fatigue properties on load-bearing surfaces. The method is more flexible than induction hardening and more rapid than gas carburising with less distortion. Surface melting is another process which allows wear, corrosion and oxidation properties to be improved by refining, homogenizing or transforming the microstructure of a wide range of engineering alloys. The composition and properties of the surface can also be modified by the addition of small amounts of alloy elements. The wear resistance of aluminum is increased by alloying with silicon, CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 351 and titanium is hardened by melting in a nitrogen atmosphere. Composite surfaces can be produced by injecting hard ceramic particles into a laser melted surface[7]. The mechanics of laser material removal has been studied in detail in the past. The defects that occur during laser treatment are primarily due to high energy laser material interaction which leads to ductile fracture. High pressure shock waves are generated under hydrodynamic conditions by the ablation of a skin layer. High strain rate (over 100 s"1) shock compression leads to extensive crystallographic slip and twinning. A tensile state of stress is generated on release and voids form due to strain localization and incompatibility conditions. Material failure occurs due to void coalescence[7]. In the pulsed eddy current method, an air-core coil is placed over the conducting material and a pulsed excitation of sufficient amplitude and frequency is given. The signal is sampled and acquired through an A/D converter. In the case of surface treatments where low power CW (continuous wave) lasers are normally used, the coil can be placed above the region that is under treatment. However, when using high power pulsed lasers, the place where the coil is placed has to be carefully selected in order to avoid the high conducting plasma which may shield the coil. PULSED EDDY CURRENT METHOD : MODELING An axisymmetric pulsed eddy current finite element method is used for the modeling work. The governing equation for the pulsed eddy current method is derived from the Maxwell's law and is shown in equation (1) V x l/ji(V x A) - Js - a(8A/8t) (1) where a is the conductivity of the material; A is the magnetic vector potential; Js is the source current density; and ji is the permeability of the material. The objective of the numerical analysis procedure is to solve the governing equation. Without a(8A/8t) term, the equation is an elliptic partial differential equation which can be solved using spatial discretisation (FEM method). The transient nature of the solution is due to the pulsed excitation source. Due to the presence of this term, the solution evolves as a function of time. Hence, the time is also discretized and the finite difference method is employed for marching in time. For the finite element model, quadrilateral elements are used, therefore, the trial function Ae within the element can be approximated by the nodal values AI, Aj, Ak, and AI and the shape function N. In matrix form this can be written as, A(r,z,t) = [N(r,z)][A(t)]e (2) The element matrix is derived using the weak formulation of the governing equation (1) e where, e [S]e = 352 (3) FIGURE 1. Axisymmetric mesh for pulsed eddy current analysis (dimensions in meters). We note that the conductivity is contained in the Ce term. The resistivity for Aluminum is 2.65e-6 ohm-cm. The temperature coefficient for aluminum is 0.004308 ohm/deg Celsius. The conductivity decreases with an increase in temperature. Modeling of the Laser heating process by finite difference method can give accurate estimates of the temperature profiles [2,8]. These temperature values are converted to the conductivity matrix using the temperature coefficient and are given to the axisymmetric model. Equation (3) contains a time dependent A' term. Crank-Nicholson scheme is used for the evaluation of this term. This is a time-stepping procedure in which the derivative is obtained using a recurrence relation between the time steps. A(n)}/At + A(n)}/2 (4) (5) After substituting the above equations in (3),the element matrix equation is obtained. The contributions from each of the elements are summed to form the global matrix for the entire solution domain. The magnetic flux potential can then be computed. After solving for the potential, the signal from the coil is extracted and analyzed for detecting and characterizing defects. Voltage induced in the coil is given by, V = - 27i n (8(pA)/8t) (6) Where n is the number of turns in the coil, and p is the radius at the considered node. The mesh employed for modeling the geometry is shown in Fig. 1. A single turn coil whose outer radius is 3.03 cm and inner radius is 0.61 cm is used for modeling purpose. Thickness of the coil and the material are taken as 3.84 cm and 3.1 cm respectively. 1.2 £, 0.8 1 °4 i 0.2 O 0.5 -0.2 Time (ms) Time (ms) FIGURE 2. Excitation current density (A/m2) versus time (milliseconds). FIGURES. Output voltage of the coil: coil voltage(V) versus time (milliseconds) Dirichlet boundary conditions are used in the analysis with the magnetic vector potential zero along all four boundaries of the solution space. A gaussian excitation pulse with a duration of 0.5 ms and peak current density of 107 A/m2 has been used Fig. 2. The output voltage of the coil is shown in Fig. 3. During the initial period when the current applied to the coil increases, the flux increases and the induced EMF is negative. Later the polarity of the induced EMF becomes positive due to the decrease in flux. The peak amplitude and the zero crossing time contain a significant amount of information relating to the specimen [4]. The diffusion process has also been studied by way of animation of the flux plots. The applied magnetic field does not penetrate into the material during the initial period; therefore the induced eddy current is weak. Subsequently, when the applied magnetic field penetrates deep into the metal the eddy current magnitude reaches a maximum. Finally the eddy current decays to zero due to the losses in the specimen. The pulse contains a broad range of frequency components. As in the case of conventional EC methods, the PEC method is also limited by the skin depth phenomenon (Equation 7). Skin depth = (1 vl/2 (7) The decrease in conductivity due to laser heating gives an increased skin depth which aids in identification of defects. Also the above equation implies that for far side defects, the low frequencies are affected and for surface defects both high and the low frequencies are affected by the presence of the defect [1]. THERMAL MODEL Figure 4 shows the schematic representation of a laser based material processing method. The laser head contains a rotating mirror which changes the path of the laser. A focusing lens is used to concentrate the laser power to the desired region in the material. The parameters that can be varied in the process are the laser power, the focal spot radius and the laser scanning velocity. The process can be controlled by changing these parameters. 354 Laser Head Gaussian Laser Beam FocussingLens Test Piece loving Carriage Grooved region FIGURE 4. Schematic representation of a laser based material processing method. FIGURES. Heat balance within a differential element of size dx*dy*dz at )* node. The objective of the thermal model is to obtain the distribution of temperature within the material which is subjected to CW laser. For obtaining this, a three dimensional heat transfer model is developed with the following assumptions, 1. Distribution of power within the focused spot is assumed to be Gaussian, operating in a TEMoo mode. 2. Plasma effects are neglected and the ejected/vaporized material will not affect the incoming laser beam. 3. Latent heat of melting and solidification are neglected since they are much smaller than the latent heat of vaporization. 4. Convection and radiation losses to the surroundings are neglected [2]. For heat transfer analysis the considered portion of the geometry is divided into a number of elements. Fig. 5 shows the heat balance within a small differential element of size dx*dy*dz i.e. say at (m^pf* node where m,n,p are chosen along the length, width and thickness direction of the considered portion. The general heat transfer by conduction is formulated using finite difference technique. The rate equation for energy balance in a typical differential control volume can be represented by the Equation 8., Q +Q =Q ZZ- in 2Z- g + 2^ out (8) E ^s where Qin is the rate of heat input, Eg is the energy generation rate, Qout is the rate of heat output, Es is the energy storage rate at (m^pf* node respectively. The rates of heat input Qin and heat output Qout can be obtained by summing the rates of heat inputs and outputs along all the directions. (9a) fi f c = f i / f i , + f i . (9b) Here, x, y and z axes are chosen along the length, thickness and the width of the considered portion of the volume respectively. 355 The rates of heat input and heat output along the x direction in a differential volume can be obtained from the Fourier's law of heat conduction and by using the element formulation. The rates of heat input (Qx) and output (Qx+dx) along y and z directions can also be obtained in a similar fashion. The rate of energy generation ( Eg ) depends on the distribution of power within the focused spot size. Since this distribution is Gaussian in nature, the power varies from point to point and the rate of heat generation is given by: • = p p at x = 0,y = 0 and z = w/2 in the plane y = 0, where r = d/2 = 0 at all other locations (10) Where P is the incident power in watts and r is the focused spot size in mm The rate of energy storage can be expressed as, where V is the scanning velocity. The resulting equation is obtained as, ^P *m*P +K AxAy Ax; "** 'P~^ + ^^ Az MA/> m/tf The boundary conditions employed are: 1) Kx(dT/dx) = 0 along x = 0 and x = 1 2) Ky(dT/dy) = 0 along y - 1 3) Kz(dT/dz) = 0 along z = 0 and z = w £m,n,P, Km5n,p, pm,n,P, Cp m5n,P and Lm5n,p denote the emissivity, thermal conductivity, density, specific heat and latent heat of vaporization of the differential element at the (m^pf* node. 356 r700 0 De (m m ) '0 6 Width(mm) FIGURE 6. Results of the coupled model: The Steady state temperature distribution as a deformed mesh around the region of laser impact on the material. The equation (12) results in N number of algebraic equations when the considered portion of the material is divided into N number of elements. The equations are solved using the LU decomposition method. The solution gives the temperature distribution in the laser affected region. From this temperature distribution the conductivity variation is found. The temperature distribution is shown in Fig. 6 as a deformed mesh. The power of the laser chosen is 100 W and the scanning velocity of 400 m d s is used. RESULTS The results of the coupled model are shown in the Fig. 7 as the variation of the coil voltages obtained over time. A variation in the voltage response of the coil is seen when the thermal effect is taken into account. This effect mainly comprises of a decrease in the overall magnitudes of the voltages obtained and also a negative shift in the zero crossing time of the signal. Further information about the thermal effect is obtained by looking at the frequency domain. The Fourier transform of the coil voltage obtained by the coupled model shows a shift in the low frequency components as shown in Fig 8. This is because the laser heating primarily affects the surface, hence, the low frequency components change appreciably. Apart from this frequency shift, we can also see that the amplitudes variations are smaller when compared to the model which does not take the thermal effect into account. CONCLUSIONS This paper is directed towards the modeling of a novel method concerning the use of pulsed eddy current in the monitoring of the laser surface heat treatment process. It has been shown in principle that it will be possible to interpret the PEC data obtained during the process accurately if the thermal effect due to laser heating is also taken into account. Future work involves development of inverse models which can be used to automate the monitoring of the laser treatment method. Such models should effectively reconstruct the 357 0.000008 -i 0.000007 E 0.000006 0.000005 ^ 0.000004 :> o.ooooos ~ 0.000002 0.000001 0 120 ° Time (ms) 170 220 Frequency(Hz) FIGURE 8. Comparison at lower frequencies of the coil voltage obtained by the coupled model and the model which does not take the heating into account (shown as the dotted line). FIGURE 7. Results of the coupled model: variation of the coil voltages obtained over time. conductivity profiles ,thus allowing one to interpret the phenomenon of void formation and spalling during laser treatment. This coupled model serves to provide reference data for such inverse models. In addition to carrying out such studies on metals, studies may be carried out with anisotropic materials. In such cases, modeling of the material structure also becomes critical since the material properties like thermal conductivity ,density etc. vary in each differential element. The equations have to be changed to accommodate this variation of material properties in space. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors like to thank Dr Satish Udpa, Michigan State University for his guidance during the initial stages of this work. The authors acknowledge the members of Center for NDE, IIT-Madras for their support during this work. REFERENCES 1. Patel, U. and Roger, D., IEEE trans. Magnetics 3, pp.1593-1596 (1996). 2. Phanindranath, V. and Babu, N.R., Int. J. Mach. Tools. Manufacture. 36(1), pp.1-16 (1996). 3. Nakagawa, N., "Photoinductive NDE Method: Review of the Principle and Applications", in Review of Progress in QNDE, Vol. 18(A), eds. D. O. Thompson and D. E. 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