CALCULATION OF ULTRASOUND EXCITED BY A PULSED THERMAL SOURCE DISTRIBUTED ALONG THE DEPTH DIRECTION J. He and X. R. Zhang State Key Lab. of Modern Acoustics and Institute of Acoustics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093 Y. Y. Huang and D. C. Xian Synchrotron Radiation Lab., Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China ABSTRACT. When an intensive pulsed laser or ion beam impinging a material surface gradually loses its energy and heating the material along the passing path of the beams, a pulsed ultrasonic wave can be excited due to a thermal source distributed along the depth direction. We deduce an expression and calculate the epicenter displacement of ultrasound. Investigation results show that: the waveform of displacement depends on the distribution depth, the type of thermal source, the properties of samples, and the ratio between the thickness of the absorption layer and the duration of excitation beam. The detail process, results and discussions are presented. INTRODUCTION It is well known that the ultrasonic pulses can be excited by thermal sources respectively caused by particles beams, such as the beams of photons, electrons, protons, and ions. Scientists have investigated the acoustic radiation induced by intensity modulated beam of H + ions and Ar+ [1, 2], time-resolved elastic waves generated by modulated ion beams [3]. Lyamshev [4] reviewed the works studied before 1992. Teichert et al. [5] reported the evidence for acoustic waves induced by focused ion beams. Recently people paid their attention on the ultrasonic pulse generated by fast intensity heavy ion beam [6-9]. They used 3xl010 Uranium ion beam at energy of 50 MeV/u to 200 MeV/u, 2xlOn 40Ar18+ with duration of 50 ns about 50-100 kg/g specific energy and 1-2 Tw/g specific power in solid peak, and Xe+ ion 20Mev/u etc., as excitation sources. Al, Cu, lead or PMM A used as targets. Kambara et al. reported that the waveform of the pulse does not depend on the material and thickness of the sample much, but depends more on the position of the irradiation. Deemer reported the time-resolved acoustic waveforms during implantation are similar to those generated by a laser in the thermoelastic generation regime [10]. However, as we know that the interaction between laser beam with solid take place in the surface of the solid, i.e., the surface electrons absorb the photon's energy when a laser beam impinge a solid surface, except for the weak absorption material. The ion beam can CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 289 penetrate into solid with a penetrating depth and associated damage profiles. So, we must consider the mechanism of the ultrasonic pulse generated by pulsed fast ion beam as a thermoelastic source distributed along the depth direction. We regard the ion excitation source as a thermal source distributed along the ion beam-impinging path. Thus the pulsed ultrasonic waveform is excited by a thermal source distributed along the depth direction. The depth distribution of the ion, associated damage profiles, determines the distribution of the thermal source. We divided the depth into several parts, each parts as a sublayer source, and deduced an expression to calculate the epicenter displacement of ultrasound by weight addition of the contributions coming from the sublayers. The results show that the waveform depends on the material properties. The detail process, results and discussions are presented in this paper. THE CALCULATION OF THE PROJECTED RANGES RP OF HEAVY IONS The ratio of energy loss of ion (i.e., stopping range) is given by ^_^V N z B dx (1) m0v where E is the instantaneous energy of the particle, e is the electron charge, ze the particle charge, x the distance along the track of the ions, m0 the mass of static ion, z the number of atoms of absorption medium, N the atomic number absorbed by medium per unit number/cm3,1 the potential energy of ion for absorbed atom, B= (In 2mov2 - Inl (l-ji2)-|32), (5 the relative velocity of light. We calculate the energy E and energy loss ratio dE/dx of ions as the function of the implanting depth. The dE/dx can result thermal source in target. We calculate the stopping range (depth distribution of the energy loss) of 12C+, 40Ar+, 136 + 238 + Xe , U ions etc. implant into Al, Si, PMMA and water by using TRIM96 calculations respectively. Some calculation results are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 as examples. From Figur.l, we can see that the distribution of the energy loss along the penetrating track of the ions depends on the kind of the ion and the properties of targets. From Figure 2, we see that the penetrating depth for water is larger that that for metals. THE CALCULATION OF THE WAVEFORMS The Velocity of the Ion Generally, the velocity of heavy ion depends on the energy of the ion and given by Vion=cjl——————————5-2 (2) (l + E/931.19) 290 20000-1 140012 + C implant Al j 12001000- (a) i 800600- ^ 400/ • 50 Mev /' 200- / „.' 0-^" 0 2000 600 Mev 15000- \ / Xe implant Al ........ ./600 Mev __-— - N -\-""^""""* ~\ \.s 240 Mev 1000 Mev ^ 10000- ! / (b) 5000*1 \ 6000 '-: >j i l l 0- A000 2000Me> * \S 0 8000 10000 12000 20 40 ! 60 80 100 120 140 160 Distance from enter points (^irn) Distance from enter points (jim) 120003000025000- 10000- "^\t -.,.. ^Mev 2000015000- "^-,N (c) X \ 8000- 2000 Mev U implant PMMA 130 Mev 6000- \f A 220 Mev \ 4000- 10000- \\ \ 5000- 13^Mevl | 0' 0 20 2000! i : U implant Al ' 40 60 80 Distance from enter points (jam) Xe implant PMMA 70 Mev 0- -10 100 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Distance from enter points (um) FIGURE 1. The power losses of ion beam versus the distance from enter points of the beam, (a) for C+ ion beam implanting into Al, (b) Xe+ ion beam implanting into Al, (c) for IT1" ion beam implanting into Al, and (d) for U1" ion beam implanting into PMMA, respectively. lm 200M ZUUMev ~400Mev 400 Mev 600 Mev 1000- iooMev ' ^ 300 Mev / 500 Mev 800- ^ 600- / 400- 50 Mev 200- •*^ •••**' i ——^ C implant water -200 -|——,——,——,——,——,——j——,——,——,——, -2.0xl03 0.0 2.0xl03 4.0xl03 6.0xl03 S.OxlO3 diatance from enter point (|im) FIGURE 2. The energy losses of ion beam versus the distance from enter points of the beam, for C+ ion beam implanting into water. where c is the velocity of the photons (light velocity) in vacuum, c=2.998 108 m/s. E is the energy of ion and the unit of E is MeV/amu (or Me/u). For example, as the 12C+ ion with energy of 50 MeV/amu (Total energy is 600 MeV), the ion velocity is about 9.448xl07 m/s, If the energy is IMeV (total energy 12 MeV), vion:r1.336xl07 m/s. It is faster than the velocity of ultrasound in metals and water. It can be assume that the thermal source in sublayer caused after ion arrived. 291 The Thermal Model We assume that when an intensive ion beam impinging a material surface, gradually loses its energy and heating the material along the passing path of the beams, a pulsed ultrasonic wave can be excited by dividing the distribution layer into many sublayers (sub sources), and considering the waves excited at different positions can only be reflected when it arrived the surface of sample, as a first approximation. FigureS shows a transient distribution thermal source consisted by several sub-sources, each have different sonic transit time depending on the calculation results of the energy deposition points by using strim96 software. We deduce an epicenter displacement gn (hn+dn; dn; t) expression for nth sublayer source, based on the laser ultrasonic pulse generated due to a surface modification by transparent overlay model [11], as follows d^2 _ dFf dt ' n Fin(t) = — Ab2h~1H(t-t1)(a|39t) dF^ n dt ' 2 2__ 1/2 ' n dt > n » n (3a) F2n(t) = —Ab 2 (h n +2d n )~ 1 H(t-t 2 )[ocy(y 2 +4 C 2 «P)^ 2 ] c=a(t 2 /t 2_ 1) i/2 (3b) F 3 n (t)-4Ab 2 H(t-t 3 ){y(Ca(39t) 2 /[a(h n +d n ) + p]}c=f(t) (3c) where a=l/cL, b=l/cr, K = ^- , A = — , cc = (a 2 +£ 2 ) 1 / 2 , (3 = (b2 y = (b2 + 2£ 2 ), and H is the step function. 5R = (y2 - 4£ 2 <xp)~ l , 11 = ahn, t2 = a(hn + 2dn), C = f(t) is the inverse function of t3 = adn+ b (hn +dn) t = (a2 + £ 2 ) 1 / 2 d n + (b2 +£ 2 ) 1 / 2 (h n +d n ) Then we calculate the epicenter displacement of ultrasound by weight addition of the contributions coming from the sublayers. The total displacement is given by G = F(t)ic n g n , (4) n=l where C n = (—)n is the weight factor, F(t) is the laser profile in time domain, ax 292 140012001000X 800jg 6004002000- 2n 7 —— c mplantAl 100 Mev 2n-l/ n ____—-—-• ^ 7 1 0 0 50 100 150 A Distance from enter points (jxm) FIGURE 3. Schematic diagram of a distribution thermal source, where point 0 is the surface of target. The Calculation Results and Discussions The primary calculation results of waveforms excited by a pulsed thermal source distributed along the depth direction is shown in Figure 4. In calculation, the function F (t) is Gaussian. In the Figure 4 the symbol T denotes the duration of the pulsed ion beam. From Figure 4, we can see that the waveform depends on the duration of the C+ ion beam. Figure 5 and Figure 6(a) show the waveform depends on the duration T of the U+ and Ar+ ion beams respectively. By comparing the Figure 5 with Figure 4, it can be see that the precursory pulse generated by U+beam is narrower than that generated by C+ ion beam, when the target material and the duration of the ion beams are the same. It is due to the U+ ion is heavier than the C+ ion. We can say that the heavier the ions, the narrower the precursory pulse is generated. Figure 6 (b) shows the waveform depends on the kind of the ion beam, when the other conditions are the same. From Figure 6(b), it can clearly know that the heavier the ion, the narrower the duration of the ionsound pulse is. For comparison, we calculate the displacement waveform generated by the distribution thermal source and —— i=100ns, o i- 150ns ----- T = 200ns,—— i = = 1000ns 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 1540 1560 1580 1600 1620 1640 Time(ns) Time (ns) FIGURE 4. The waveforms excited by pulsed C+ implanting with energy 50 MeV and six duration into target Al with thickness of 10 mm, (a) shows waveform including L- and T-waves, (b) shows L- pulse only for clearly seen. 293 that generated by single buried thermal source too. We assume that the single thermal source is located at the position where the value of the dE/dx is maximum. The calculation result is shown in Figure 7. (a) •a 0.0 _ 1.5-1 ——t=l 00ns o T=150ns ——-x=200ns ........ T -500 ns A <r=700ns — T=1000ns (b) 1.0- A 0.5- J*L 0.0- U implant Al 130 Mev, 10mm -0.5- U implant Al 130 Mev, 10 mm "-1.0- .1 0- 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 — — - T =200 ns ........ T -500 ns A i=700ns ---•• T=1000ns 1550 1580 1590 1560 1570 Time (ns) 1600 Time (ns) FIGURE 5 The waveforms excited by pulsed U1" implanting with energy 130 MeV and six duration into target Al with thickness of 10 mm, (a) shows waveform including L- and T-waves, (b) shows L- pulse only for clearly seen. 1.51*1.0- ——— T=100ns o T =150 ns — —-1=200 ns ........ T =500 ns * t=700ns • • • - • • T =1000 ns (a) A lo.5, 2.5-^ -1.5- | 0.0§-0.5- Xe implant Al 70 Mev, 10mm -1.0- ———•———.————•———i———•———, 1550 1560 1570 - - - Xe+ implanting PMMA ——— U+ implanting PMMA —©— C+ implanting PMMA 'b' oo°o0oo o O 1 ° A°OO °0oo0o° -2.0- 1580 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Tims (ns) Time (ns) FIGURE 6 (a) The waveforms of L-pulse excited by pulsed Xe+with energy 130 MeV and six duration implanting into target Al with thickness of 10 mm, (b) shows the comparison of the L- waveforms between it is excited by pulsed Xe+, U4", and C+ beams implanting into PMMA. ——<f imlplant into Al lOOMeV, 8ns, h=2 mm § 0.5^0.01-0.5———12C+ imlplant into Al 100MeV,8ns,h=2mm one layer -1.5-2.0 200 400 600 800 Time (ns) FIGURE 7 The comparison of the waveform between it is excited by distribution source and by single thermal source. 294 From Figure 7, it can be seen that the waveform generated by one thermal source is different with that generated by distribution source. By comparing the Figure 4 to Figure 7 each other, it is obvious that the waveform also depends on the properties of the target material. CONCLUSIONS As the above mentioned, some conclusion can be drawn: The expression for calculation of epicenter displacement of ultrasound generated distribution thermal source is deduced. The waveform is calculated by weight addition of the contributions coming from the sublayer sources. Investigation results show that: The waveform of displacement depends on the distribution depth and type of thermal source, the properties of samples, and the ratio between the thickness of the absorption layer and the duration of excitation beam. The shorter the thermal source, the duration of ultrasound is the narrower, when the temperature increase and the sample thickness are fixed. The double polarity of the waveform decreases with the increasing the duration of the thermal source even change into a single polarity. 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