FAST TECHNIQUES FOR CALCULATING DISPERSION RELATIONS OF CIRCUMFERENTIAL WAVES IN ANNULAR STRUCTURES J. Fong1, MJ.S. Lowe1, D. Gridin2, R.V. Craster2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College, London, SW7 2BX, UK Department of Mathematics, Imperial College, London, SW7 2BX, UK ABSTRACT. Dispersion curves are essential for analyzing and understanding the physical behaviors of guided waves propagating in structures. For circumferential waves in annular structures, the calculation of dispersion curves can be very time consuming. Furthermore, due to the nature of the mathematical functions involved in the curved structure geometry, the solutions can become unstable at high frequencies. In this paper three asymptotic approximation methods are introduced, which resolve the instability problem and speed up the calculations. Comparison of dispersion relations evaluated from the exact and asymptotic approximation methods are presented, showing errors to be typically less than 0.1%, except for the very low frequency region. Results obtained using a two dimensional finite element technique are also presented for comparison. INTRODUCTION Inspection techniques to find defects in annular structures using guided waves are potentially very efficient in covering a large area rapidly [1,2]. These techniques utilize Lamb type waves propagating in either the axial or circumferential direction. The physical behavior of these guided waves can be understood and interpreted with dispersion curves, which have been thoroughly studied by previous investigators [3,4]. In general, the computation of dispersion relations of the frequency and the wavenumber requires finding the roots of a complicated determinant [4,6], which is solved numerically. This is implemented, for example, in the DISPERSE program developed at Imperial College [3,5] which treats both flat plate and cylindrical geometries. However, in the case of waves travelling in a cylinder, and at high frequencies, many of the terms within the determinant become either exponentially very large or very small causing a poor conditioning of the determinant. This is not due to the well known "large f-d problem", which may be eliminated by appropriate choice of the matrix formulation [5]. Instead, it is caused by the nature of the Bessel functions contained in the elements of the eigen-problem matrix when the order and the argument of the functions are both large. Therefore tracing dispersion curves at high frequencies can be numerically unstable and time consuming. It is the authors' intention to address these problems by employing various asymptotic approximation methods. As an example, circumferential waves are chosen for our investigation in this paper but similar approximation approaches can be adopted for axial cylindrical waves. This paper is divided into two main sections. First, it starts with a brief introduction to the formulation of the dispersion relations for the circumferential Lamb waves using exact and various asymptotic approximation methods (refer to Gridin et al [6] for the full CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 213 details of the theory). Then, comparison of each asymptotic method and exact solution will be presented. In the second section, an alternative method to extract dispersion relations for annular structures using a two-dimensional axially symmetry finite element (FE) method [7] is also being employed, providing further results for comparison. ANALYTICAL METHODS Exact Dispersion Relations of Circumferential Lamb Waves in an Annulus We start by considering the Euler equation of motion in the polar coordinates 9 and r as shown in figure 1 . Since the problem is two-dimensional, it is convenient to introduce the potentials cp and \|/ to represent the displacement fields, which reduces the equations of motions to two uncoupled Helmholtz equations. We then assume the modal solutions in the following form: <p(r90) = 0(ry»V(r,0) = V(r)etv° (1) where v is the angular wavenumber The modal equations are substituted into the uncoupled equations of motion to form the Bessel equations for 4> and *¥ where the general solutions are in terms of the Bessel function of the first kind (J) and second kind (Y): * = alJv(kLr)+a2Yv(kLr\ ¥ = <*3Jv(kTr)+aJv(kTr) (2) where kL and kT are the bulk longitudinal and shear wavenumbers (^CO/CL, A/r^co/Ci in which CL and CT are the longitudinal and shear bulk velocities), and a} 2 3 4 correspond to the wave field amplitudes For the case of an annular structure in vacuum, stress free conditions at the inner and outer surfaces are applied (i.e. (Tee and <sre - 0 at r = rj and r^). The outcome is that the dispersion relation can be described by an eigen-problem matrix, £>, relating the frequency (aj) and the angular wavenumber (v). The elements in the eigen-problem matrix, D, are composed of a combination of 4 pairs of Bessel functions and their derivatives, namely Jv[A;rz -r 1 2 ] and ^[A: r i -r 1 2 J. For each angular wavenumber (v), there is an infinite number of frequencies (<2^) that satisfy the eigen-problem corresponding to the mth order propagating mode. D(v,a>m).a=0 (3) where a is column vector of the wave field amplitudes In the authors' implementation, the dispersion curves are traced numerically first by specifying an angular wavenumber value (v), which is substituted into Z), where the roots are extracted by evaluating the determinant of £>, the process is then repeated for a 2nd v value nearby. The obtained v-CQm pairs are then used to linearly extrapolate an estimated angular wavenumber value in a small frequency step, 8(O. Convergence is obtained by iterating over a range of angular wavenumbers as demonstrated in Figure 2. The estimation points switch to a quadratic extrapolation once a third point is available and the tracing process is repeated until the assigned limit is reached (full details of the technique are given inRef[5]). 214 search range extrapolation staring points (vj Angular wavenumber (v) FIGURE 1. The geometry of the circumferential waves problem. FIGURE 2. Typical dispersion curves tracing procedure. Asymptotic Approximation Methods As stated in the introduction, the exact solution is computationally expensive and prone to instability. Therefore rapid convergent methods based on the asymptotic approximation are introduced in this paper. Three main asymptotic methods are presented here. Full details are given in [6]. In the first method (method 1) the Bessel functions and their derivatives in the eigen-problem matrix, £>, are replaced with the leading terms and the first derivatives of the uniform asymptotic expansions, expressed in terms of Airy functions (refer to [8]). This method does not resolve the instability problem at high frequencies since the nature of the Airy functions is similar to the Bessel functions. However, it significantly reduces the complication to calculate the Bessel functions, thus the time required for the calculations. In the second method (method 2), it is assumed that the bulk longitudinal wavelength is much smaller than the inner radius (i.e. kLr\ » 1). This means that all the arguments of the Bessel functions in matrix D are large and any higher asymptotic order in the matrix elements may be neglected. Furthermore, the calculation of the Bessel functions and their derivatives adopts the leading terms and their first derivatives of a conditional asymptotic expansions for large-arguments. The approximation divides the calculation into 3 regimes depending on the order and the argument of the Bessel functions in the following relationship: Regime I: x < z Regime II: x « z Regime III: x > z (4) where x and z are the order and the argument of the Bessel functions respectively By choosing the appropriate regime to represent the Bessel functions in the dispersion relation, the dispersion curves can be divided into 9 regions as demonstrated in figure 3. With further mathematical manipulations, the dispersion relation in each region may be described by a single equation, expressed in basic trigonometric functions. The physical behavior of the partial waves corresponding to each region was analyzed as shown in figure 4 where the length of the arrows indicates the magnitude of ki and kT at radius r/ and r2. Due to the geometry of the annular structures, the wave front of these partial waves rotates around the central axis. Thus there are infinite numbers of sets of longitudinal-shear partial waves pairs along the inner and outer surfaces for this problem. When tracing across a region boundary, one of the partial waves changes from homogeneous to inhomogeneous (i.e. from real to imaginary wavenumber) or vice versa. This explains why an appropriate regime is required to represent the Bessel function correctly in each region. Nonetheless this method eliminates the need to assemble the 215 FIGURE 3. Typical example of regions defined in method 2 for the dispersion curves matrix D for each iteration, and the instability problem at high frequency, by expressing the solutions with trigonometric functions. In general there are many terms in the dispersion relation equation of each region, some are exponentially large but some are exponentially small. In the last method (method 3), we can take advantage of this property to further increase the speed of the iteration by neglecting the exponentially small terms in the equations, leaving the average and exponentially large terms. Since only the roots of the equations are needed, the accuracy of the solutions should not be affected. In figure 5, a dispersion relation function is plotted using both method 2 and method 3. It can be observed that a significant reduction in amplitude and removal of the exponential growth property of the functions were achieved using method 3, which makes iteration of the roots quicker and more stable. NUMERICAL RESULTS As an example, numerical results of the dispersion curves for the circumferential Lamb waves in an annular structure have been obtained using the exact solution and the three asymptotic approximation solutions, and are shown in Figure 6. The annular structure is steel (Q = 5960m/s, CT - 3260m/s and p - 7932kg/m3) and has a geometry of inner, r/, and outer, r2, radius of 0.02 and 0.021 respectively. In figure 6a and 6b, corresponding to the exact and uniform asymptotic approximation method (method 1), there are no solutions found at the large-frequency region, this is due to the instability of the eigen-matrix D as discussed in the previous section. On top of that, some obvious inconsistencies at the very low frequencies are observed in all asymptotic methods, which is apparently caused by the large-arguments assumption in the asymptotic expansions for the Bessel functions that do not cover the very low frequencies. Despite this, only few modes exist at these low frequencies and they are often of little practical value, therefore no amendment is necessary. By simple observation, there are few other differences between all 4 curves shown in figure 6. To investigate the actual difference of each method, a more specified analysis was conducted to measure the relative error for the dispersion curves. The relative error is defined as the percentage difference in angular wavenumber between the approximation and the exact solution. 216 (a) Homogeneous partial wave Inhomogeneous partia! wave ;:• Longitudinal partia! wave ——» Shear partial wave FIGURE 4. Partial waves at the boundaries of an annular structure corresponding to different locations in figure 3. (a) Region 1. (b) v= 0}j. (c) Region 3. (d) Region 5. (e) Region 7. (f) Region 9. dispersion relation function , f(v,co) 0 -8 ""rr^±lj _ .. _ / X _.-— ——..^ _ DO 750 /-x, \ J \ / 1 \l .x^/ ------\ /---------4/ ; 8 DO Aiguiar woven i jmber 8 50 (\ ) 9( _ _^. 6 dispersion relation o function , fCvxo) -6 _-1O — -^\, |i ' 2 / j. i / Jt 700 750 —\h il- 800 Ang U ar wa venu m be r (v) FIGURE 5. Dispersion relation function of region 5 at frequency of 25MHz for an annular structure (r/ = 0.02 and r2 = 0.021) using method 3 (top) and method 2 (bottom) with a "zoom-in" for low angular wavenumber values. no roots are found in these regions 2000! 2000 FIGURE 6. First 45 modes of dispersion curves for the circumferential Lamb waves in an annular structure with a frequency upper limit of 50MHz (ri = 0.02m and r2 = 0.021m). (a) Exact solution, (b) Uniform asymptotic approximation (Method 1). (c) Conditional asymptotic approximation (Method 2). (d) Simplified Conditional asymptotic approximation (Method 3). 217 The relative error measures the percentage error in angular wavenumber of the mth mode at each frequency step, 8co, thus a 3-D plot can be mapped over the area of the dispersion curves for each method, as demonstrated in figure 7. However, the calculation is limited by the fact that the exact solution calculations collapse at high frequencies. The box in the projected dispersion curves of figure 7a indicates the area where the relative errors are possible for calculation. Simplification of the dispersion relations retains reasonable accuracy in all 3 methods, with typical error of less than 0.1%, other than at very low frequency region and near the boundaries of the approximation regions. Generally accuracy increases with increasing frequency apart from the boundaries. The sharp peaks at very low frequencies that have been truncated in figure 7 coincide with the observed inconsistency in figure 6, which are due to the large argument assumption for the Bessel functions. Figure 8 shows the time taken to trace the first 45 modes of the dispersion curves in figure 6 for various methods using Matlab™ on a P4 1.6GHz computer, revealing the superior performance of the asymptotic schemes. 40 35 (a) 30 25 ?0 fre ^^(MH2) FIGURE 7. Measurement of the relative error in angular wavenumber, v, of dispersion curves for circumferential waves in an annular structure (r2 = 0.02, r2 = 0.021). (a) Relative error plot for method 1, projecting over the exact dispersion curves area, (b) Relative error plot for method 2. (c) Relative error plot for method 3. Solution 1 Method Met'hod "Finite 2 3 Element FIGURE 8. Time for tracing the dispersion curves as FIGURE 9. Schematic diagram of an 2D cyclic in figure 6 using exact, various asymptotic methods and axial symmetry model for extraction of dispersion finite element method (with element size of 0.5%). curves. 218 o increasing n Radial d isplacement — 1400 Circumferential displacement FIGURE 10. Dispersion curves extracted using finite element method with mode shapes at certain points. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS Theory The use of the standard commercial Finite Element (FE) programs to extract dispersion curves for guided waves has been previously reported by Wilcox et al [7] and so only a brief description is given here. 2D axisymmetric harmonic elements are employed to represent the cross section of the structure (see figure 9). The wall thickness, d, is divided into a desired number of elements, and a symmetry boundary in the z direction is applied to the top and the bottom of the elements. Now, assuming the waves propagate in the 9 direction, the circumferential harmonic order, n, of the FE model is identical to the angular wavenumber, v, in the analytical formulation, except that here n must be integer. The natural frequencies (cOm) corresponding to a certain harmonic order, n, can be solved using an "Eigensolver routine" in most FE packages. By solving Cf^ for the first m mode of a number of models with different harmonic orders, a complete set of dispersion curves can be calculated (see figure 10). Our results were obtained using the program Finel developed at Imperial College [9]. FE Results The accurate calculation of the curves relies on the spatial accuracy with which the elements represent the mode shapes. Typically at least four elements are required to represent one displacement harmonic cycle correctly. The mode shape complexity increases both with increasing mode order m, and with increasing frequency, as illustrated in figure 10. To demonstrate this, the average error in frequency of the first 20 modes (in comparison with the exact analytical solutions) are calculated at each small n interval and also for a number of different element sizes as a percentage of the wall thickness (0.001m in this case) shown in figure 11. Furthermore, errors are also calculated for each individual mode order, m, and a number of element sizes at a fixed harmonic order of 1200 in figure 12. These plots clearly suggest that more elements are required in order to obtain accurate results for high m and high frequency. However, this would also significantly increase the calculation time. 219 average error in frequency of the first 20 modes average error in frequency FIGURE 11. Average error plot of the first 20 modes as a function of angular wavenumber and element size. FIGURE 12. Error plot as a function of mode order and element size at a fixed n of 1200. CONCLUSIONS The benefits of using asymptotic methods to calculate circumferential Lamb dispersion relations for an annular structure have been investigated. The proposed asymptotic methods have resolved the instability problem at high frequencies and have significantly sped up the tracing time without compromising the accuracy. 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