INTERACTIVE SOFTWARE TOOLS FOR INSPECTION QUALIFICATION P. Leggat, D. McNab and A. McNab Centre for Ultrasonic Engineering, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Gl 1XW, UK ABSTRACT. The demonstration of ultrasonic inspection reliability through Inspection Qualification is important for non-routine or safety critical tests. However, since Inspection Qualification is time consuming and costly, the provision of interactive software tools to aid the process offers substantial advantages. This paper describes such an interactive tool set to aid Inspection Qualification. Operating within a 3D CAD environment it consists of ray tracing, coverage map and defect/ray interaction tools. Initial ray amplitudes are also calculated and displayed, and estimation of favorable surface scanning positions determined. INTRODUCTION Inspection Qualification tends to be carried out where component integrity is essential for safety or in cases of non-routine geometries. A key element in this process, as developed by the European Network for Inspection Qualification (ENIQ), is to produce a Technical Justification which documents evidence that a testing procedure would detect established worst case defects present within the examined component. The Technical Justification details all the information relating to the testing procedure and combines evidence from physical reasoning and simulation models linked to experiments on test pieces. This builds up to a sizeable document that is time consuming and costly to produce. This paper describes an interactive software toolset that can aid the process of inspection design and provide a speedier means of producing evidence for Inspection Qualification. The first of these is the ray tracing tool, which allows the user to track the path of the ultrasound within the component. Following on from this is the coverage map tool which establishes the volumetric coverage achieved during the scan. Also incorporated is the defect/ray interaction tool which provides feed-back on defect/ray incident angles achieved during the scan. In addition, predictions of ray amplitudes are determined. And lastly, back projection of normal rays from hypothetical defects are established. These tools will aid the NDT engineer in designing ultrasonic tests and assist him in collecting proof that the tests are fit for their intended purpose. CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 1884 (a) (a) (b) FIGURE 1. (a) Plate Plate butt buttweld weldcomponent componentwith withstriplike striplike defect inserted. Nozzle component FIGURE 1. (a) defect inserted, (b) (b) Nozzle component with with circular inserted. circular defectdefect inserted. SOFTWARE PLATFORM SOFTWARE PLATFORM The The tool tool set operates within a software platform [1] designed using using VisualVisual C++ and set operates within a software platform [1] designed using OpenGL for the graphical display. The software contains a number of scalable C++ and using OpenGL for the graphical display. The software contains a CAD geometries that are represented by facets. Strip like, circular and elliptical facets number of scalable CAD geometries that are represented by facets. Strip like, can be inserted into the facets components to inserted representinto possible defects. Figure 1 shows two circular and elliptical can be the components to represent geometries with defects inserted. possible defects. Figure 1 shows two geometries with defects inserted. RAY TRACING RAY TRACING The The ray tracing tool tool displays raysrays that that represent the path of the ultrasound within ray tracing displays represent the path of the ultrasound the component. Both a selected dB-down contour of the beam and the beam axis within the component. Both a selected dB-down contour of the beam and the are represented, one principalinplane of the beam. tool can be used to can emulate beam axis arein represented, one principal plane This of the beam. This tool be a scan of the component. To execute a ray trace there are two options within used to emulate a scan of the component. To execute a ray trace there are two the software for setting up the scan. options within the software for setting up the scan. The first option requires the user to select a component surface, a scan origin and The first option requires the user to select a component surface, a scan scanning increments in the primary and secondary directions; for a flat plate the origin and scanning increments in the primary and secondary directions; for a flat primary and secondary directions would normally correspond to the x and y axes of the plate the primary and secondary directions would normally correspond to the x component. and y axes of the component. The second option is to design an algorithm, or 'geometry code'. This approach is The second option is to design an algorithm, or ‘geometry code’. This used in industry to establish the exact positions of the probes on the component approach is used in industry to establish the exact positions of the probes on the surface, given the coordinates of the controlling manipulator. Both these options are component surface, given the coordinates of the controlling manipulator. Both suitable for flat scanning surfaces, but in the case of curved surfaces, geometry codes these options are suitable for flat scanning surfaces, but in the case of curved are employed to overcome the inaccuracies of the faceted surface representation of the surfaces, geometry are employed overcome inaccuracies of the component. Figure 2codes illustrates ray tracingtowithin a pipe the component. The mainbeam faceted surface representation of the component. Figure 2 illustrates ray tracing and the upper and lower extents of the 6dB beam width are represented by colour within a pipe component. The mainbeam and the upper and lower extents of the coded rays. 6dBStriplike, beam width are represented bydefects colour can coded circular and elliptical be rays. inserted into the component and the Striplike, circular and elliptical defects insertedand into the- component defect properties - rotation (orientation), skew,can tilt,be position size can be altered and the defect properties rotation (orientation), skew, tilt, position size in - can through the defect dialog. The defect dialog for the strip-like defect isand shown Figure be altered through the defect dialog. The defect dialog for the strip-like defect is 3. The defect orientation, tilt and skew can also be altered using defect selection dials, shown in Figure 3. The defect orientation, tilt and skew can also be altered using defect selection dials, shown in Figure 4, and the defect can also be moved to the required position by dragging with the mouse. 1885 shown in Figure 4, and the defect can also be moved to the required position by dragging with the mouse. 14) 24) O r [200_____1300_____l4Tin_____L5Q1 FIGURE FIGURE 2. 2. Ray Raytracing tracingwithin withinaapipe pipecomponent. component. FIGURE3.3. Defect Defectdialog dialogfor forthe thestrip-like strip-likedefect. defect. FIGURE 1886 —Ill FIGURE4.4. Defect Defect dials. dials. FIGURE COVERAGE MAPS MAPS COVERAGE Without reference to hypothetical any hypothetical defect, coverage the Without reference to any defect, coverage maps maps definedefine the volumetric volumetric coverage achieved within a component by scanning with the probe. coverage achieved within a component by scanning with the probe. Within the Within the Technical Justification, coverage maps are produced for each probe to Technical Justification, coverage maps are produced for each probe to be used to be used to demonstrate that full coverage of the volume of interest is achievable. demonstrate that full coverage of the volume of interest is achievable. The coverage The coverage mapping tool utilizes information from the ray trace of the scan. It mapping tool utilizes information from the ray trace of the scan. It operates by operates by voxelising the component into 1mm3 voxels; if a voxel is ‘hit’ by the voxelising the component into 1mm3 voxels; if a voxel is 'hit' by the beam, then that beam, then that voxel is tagged and assigned a flag. This provides a method for voxel is tagged and beam assigned a This provides a methodJustification. for determining determining probe coverage 3D for the Technical At probe beam coverage in 3D for the Technical Justification. At present this information present this information is in 2D and is calculated ‘by hand’. Figure 5 illustrates is in 2D is calculated 'by hand'. 5 illustrates the with output from the coverage the and output from the coverage mapFigure tool when a flat plate, an excavated section map tool when a flat plate, with an excavated section above the weld area, is scanned above the weld area, is scanned using a 70º probe. The figure shows the effect of using areflection 70° probe. The shows the effect of reflection the face oftothe excavation, from thefigure face of the excavation, together withfrom colour-coding indicate together with colour-coding to indicate coverage by the beam axis and the leading coverage by the beam axis and the leading and trailing beam edges. In this and trailing edges. small the section of thesection, weld area, below the instancebeam a small sectionInofthis the instance weld area,a below excavated is missed excavated during thesection, scan. is missed during the scan. J.-1P.Q...........................1-50... FIGURE 5. Example of coverage map display for a 70º probe scan of a flat plate. FIGURE 5. Example of coverage map display for a 70° probe scan of a flat plate. 1887 (b) (a) FIGURE6.6. (a) (a) Strip-like Strip-like defect defect inserted Incident angle mapmap on defect face.face. FIGURE insertedinto intothe thewall wallofofa pipe, a pipe.(b)(b) Incident angle on defect RAYTRACING TRACING TOOLS TOOLS FOR RAY FORDECISION DECISIONSUPPORT SUPPORT Technical Justification documents may full Technical Justification documents maypresently presentlyinclude includeresults results from from full simulation modelling and evidence from experimental test blocks. It may not be simulation modelling and evidence from experimental test blocks. It may not be necessary to produce extensive evidence at this highest level if the ray tracing tools necessary to produce this highestdefect leveland if the ray tracing can, through physical extensive reasoning, evidence establish at a worst-case demonstrate its tools can, through physical reasoning, establish a worst-case defect detectability. To this end, the tool presently establishes the incident angle of theand ray demonstrate itsthedetectability. To allows this end, the tool presently establishes the with respect to defect normal and prediction of ray amplitudes along the ray. incident angle of the ray with respect to the defect normal and allows prediction of ray amplitudes along the ray. Defect/Ray Interaction The defect/ray interaction tool allows the user to establish the incident angles of the Defect/Ray Interaction beam axis ray with respect to the defect normal during the scan. This tool utilizes information from the ray trace of thetool scanallows and results are displayed as a the colour coded The defect/ray interaction the user to establish incident map on for incident angles 0° to 90°. Figure 6(a)the shows angles ofthe thedefect beam face, axis ray with respect to from the defect normal during scan.a stripThis likeutilizes defect inserted into afrom pipe the wall.rayThe output from theand defect/ray toolas is tool information trace of the scan results interaction are displayed in Figure 6(b).theIndefect futureface, therefor willincident be an option to from display information a illustrated colour coded map on angles 0º this to 90º. Figure numerically. 6(a) shows a strip-like defect inserted into a pipe wall. The output from the defect/ray interaction tool is illustrated in Figure 6(b). In future there will be an Amplitude Prediction option to display this information numerically. It is also possible within the software to calculate amplitudes at positions within the Amplitude beam. ThisPrediction has been done by incorporating validated beam modelling algorithms [2] for single crystal probes. In the final application, this information, along with the It angles is also for possible within the software at positions incident the scan will form an input to to calculate some kindamplitudes of rule. This rule will within the beam. This has been done by incorporating validated beam modelling consider the measure of incident angle and amplitude to decide whether the defect is algorithms [2] for single crystal probes. the final application, this information, probably detected, or whether further, moreIndetailed modelling, is required. along with the incident angles for the scan will form an input to some kind of rule. This rule will consider the measure of incident angle and amplitude to decide whether the defect is probably detected, or whether further, more detailed modelling, is required. 1888 (a) (b) (b) *>-r—-> FIGURE 7. (a) Back projection of rays from a strip-like defect inserted into a flat plate, (b) Back projection of rays from a circular defect inserted into a pipe. FIGURE 7. (a) Back projection of rays from a strip-like defect inserted into a flat plate. (b) Back projection of rays from a circular defect inserted into a pipe. PROJECTION OF NORMAL RAYS An additional tool to aid the engineer allows projection of normal rays from the extremes of a hypothetical defect RAYS to the inspection surfaces, to show over what extent PROJECTION OF NORMAL of the scan it is possible to achieve normally incident rays on the defect. These rays can thenAn beadditional interrogated the probeallows anglesprojection required of to normal achieverays specular tooltotoestablish aid the engineer reflection from the defect. Figure 7(a) shows projection of normal rays from a stripfrom the extremes of a hypothetical defect to the inspection surfaces, to show over like defect inserted into a flat plate. This tool may prove particularly useful what extent of the scan it is possible to achieve normally incident rays on the for designing inspections components with tocurved surfaces, where therequired normal rays defect. These rays canfor then be interrogated establish the probe angles intersect thespecular surface at varying from angles; shows theshows case of a circularofdefect to achieve reflection theFigure defect.7(b) Figure 7(a) projection inserted into afrom pipea wall. normal rays strip-like defect inserted into a flat plate. This tool may prove particularly useful for designing inspections for components with curved surfaces, where the normal AND rays intersect the surface CONCLUSIONS FURTHER WORKat varying angles; Figure 7(b) shows the case of a circular defect inserted into a pipe wall. Our plans are to expand on this work by mapping visual information to the defect CONCLUSIONS FURTHER face relating to theAND dB-down incidentWORK beam amplitude achieved during the scan. We also intend to include information regarding the location of diffraction 'glint' points on Our plans arewith to expand this workincident by mapping visualbeam information to the It is defect edges, along their on maximum dB-down amplitudes. defect face relating to the dB-down incident beam amplitude achieved during the that hoped that the knowledge obtained can be used as an input to a rule base scan. We also intend to include information regarding the location of diffraction determines whether the defect can immediately be classed as detectable or if further ‘glint’ points on to defect edges,out. along with their maximum incident dB-down beam modelling needs be carried amplitudes. It is hoped that the knowledge obtained can be used an input tosoftware a In conclusion, progress has been made in demonstrating thatasinteractive rule base that determines whether the defect can immediately be classed as tools can aid the process of ultrasonic test design and Inspection Qualification. The detectable or ifassists furtherthe modelling needs to be carried out. visual display user in understanding the physical reasoning of the tests. In In conclusion, progress has been made in demonstrating that interactive addition, the time needed to analyze the performance of a testing procedure and software tools can aid the process of ultrasonic test design and produce evidence for the Technical Justification is greatly reduced, thusInspection decreasing the Qualification. The visual display assists the user in understanding the physical cost. reasoning of the tests. In addition, the time needed to analyze the performance of a testing procedure and produce evidence for the Technical Justification is greatly reduced, thus decreasing the cost. 1889 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work has been funded by the UK EPSRC, BNFL-Magnox Generation, and British Energy Pic. REFERENCES 1. Reilly, D., McNab A. and Toft, M., "Interactive 3-D visualisation and analysis of NDT data in a CAD environment", Review of Progress in Quantitative Non Destructive Evaluation, Vol. ISA, 1998, pp. 789-796.Smith, H. L. and Jones, T., J. 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