SIMULATION OF THE WORLD FEDERATION'S SECOND EDDY CURRENT BENCHMARK PROBLEM Y. Tian, Y. Li, L. Udpa, and S. S. Udpa Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Michigan State University 2120 Engineering Building, East Lansing, MI 48824 ABSTRACT. This paper presents computational results of the second eddy current benchmark problem proposed by the World Federation of Nondestructive Evaluation Centers. The problem involves the prediction of the change in impedance of a pancake coil as it scans the inner surface of a metal tube along both the axial and circumferential directions for detection of flaws on the outer surface. A finite element scheme is carried. The real and imaginary part of the impedance is obtained by observing the total stored energy and the dissipated energy, respectively. INTRODUCTION Eddy current tests (ECT) are carried out in many industrial settings to ascertain the structural integrity of critical components. Nuclear power plants employ such tests, for example, to inspect steam generator tubes. Numerical models simulating the inspection process can be employed, among other things, to optimize test parameters, design new and improved probes, enhance defect detection capabilities and estimate the probability of detection. The utility of these models has motivated research groups worldwide to develop a number of different modeling tools and approaches. Each of these models offers a unique set of advantages and limitations. Comparison of these models can be frustrating due to the lack of a common set of bases for evaluating their performance. The World Federation of Nondestructive Evaluation Centers (WFNDEC) is addressing this issue by proposing a series of benchmark problems for validating NDE simulation models. In this paper, we focus attention on the second eddy current benchmark problem proposed by the WFNDEC. This problem involves the simulation of a pancake type eddy current coil that scans a defect contained in a tube, a scenario that is commonly encountered in the inspection of nuclear power plant tubes. Since the coil has to move in scanning, a key challenge is to avoid having to remesh the geometry each time the coil moves relative to the defect. Existing approaches include a hybrid boundary element/finite element method and an edge element based FEM employing the reduced magnetic vector potential [1]. In this work, we model the defect in a virtual sense. This approach avoids the complexity of reformulating the problem for each scan position. We use a MATLAB based commercial software FEMLAB® package. The software package employs the CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 1816 A - V formulation based finite element method (FEM) to solve the problem. The energy method [2] is used to compute the impedance of the coil. A-V FORMULATION AND IMPEDANCE CALCULATION A-V Formulation The three-dimensional quasi-static electromagnetic problem is modeled using a potential formulation based on a magnetic vector potential A and electric scalar potential V . The time-harmonic eddy current problem is expressed by (1) and r, (2) where Je is the external current density, // is the permeability, a is the conductivity and co is the angular frequency of the excitation source. We specify zero electric and magnetic potential on the boundaries of the FEM solution domain, i.e. F = 0, nxA = 0, (3) where n is the outward normal vector on the boundaries. We set the conductivity of air surrounding the tube at a very low value instead of zero to avoid problems that are typically encountered with using FEMLAB when the dependent variable vanishes. Fortunately, the numerical error is trivial when the value of a is small compared to the conductivity of the conducting region. Impedance Calculation After A and V are solved for , we can calculate the impedance of the pancake coil (4) where R is the coil resistance and L is the coil inductance. The resistance is linked with the dissipated energy P in the conductor region in the form of R = P/I2l (5) while the inductance is linked with the total stored energy W in the whole solution domain by L = 2W/I2, where / is the external current intensity. P and W can be expressed by 1817 (6) p= (7) and (8) respectively. Here E = -vT-y&>A is the electric field intensity, B = V x A is the magnetic flux density, H = B / // is the magnetic field intensity, T refers to the solution domain, and ( j denotes the complex conjugate operator. Formula (4)-(8) represents a general scheme for calculating the coil impedance with no distinction between 2D and 3D problems. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION The basic geometry of the second eddy current benchmark problem is shown in Fig 1. The specimen is an Inconel tube with an inner diameter Di =19.69 mm and an outer diameter D0 = 22.23 mm. The conductivity and relative permeability of the tube is <7 = 106 S/m and 1, respectively. The tube contains a defect (void) whose depth h can be 20%, 40% and 60% of the tube wall thickness. The other two dimensions of the defect are fixed at w = 3 mm and t = 1 mm, respectively. FIGURE 1. Basic Geometry, (upper) Pancake coil, (lower left) X-Z cross-section of the tube, (lower right) Y-Z cross-section of the tube. Defect is shown in black color. 1818 L 0.05 0,04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 -0.05 -0.08 FIGURE 2. Y-Z cross-section of the FEMLAB solution domain. The moving pancake coil with TV = 400 turns is energized by an alternating current source with excitation current intensity / = 100 mA and frequency / = 100, 150 or 200 KHz. The coil has an inner diameter di — 1 mm, an outer diameter d0 = 3 mm and height h0 =0.8 mm. The coil also moves 10 steps along the axial direction with a step size of 1 mm and 4 steps along the circumferential direction with a step size of 10°. The lift-off between the coil and the inner surface of the tube is 0.8 mm The object of the problem is to predict the change in the impedance of the pancake coil, AZ, as it moves past the defect. This kind of information could be further investigated to determine the position and size of the defect. NUMERICAL SIMULATION AND RESULTS Numerical simulations are carried out using a PC equipped with a 2.2 GHz INTEL® Pentium 4 processor and 1 GB physical memory. As indicated earlier, FEMLAB®'s electromagnetic module was used to model the three-dimensional qausi-static problem. Fig 2 shows the geometry of the problem. The length of the tube is set at 100 mm, which approximates a tube of 'infinite' length. The tube occupies a small portion of the cylindrical FEM solution domain whose diameter is 80 mm and length equals 120 mm. We use the Krylov subspace method [3] to solve the problem. The convergence criterion is based on the residual and the convergence tolerance is set atlO~ 8 . The mesh contains about 30,000 nodes and 170,000 linear tetrahedrons. A preconditioning technique, called the symmetric successive over-relaxation (SSOR) method is employed to minimize computation time and memory. Self-Inductance In order to validate the code, we calculated the inductance of the coil inside an infinite region of air and compared the result with those obtained using a well-known empirical formula for calculating the impedance of pancake coils [4]. Expressed in the metric system, the empirical formula takes the form of 1819 _ x 1A 10 7 rT = __ . Henries , (9) 4/20 where, 1+ 0.225|^^^| +0.64| ^^ I AO The FEMLAB results obtained with different meshes are given in Table 1 and compared with the result obtained using the empirical formula. TABLE 1. Self-inductance calculations, (unit: H) FEMLAB Results Empirical Formula 2.2013e-4 1003 nodes 4072 nodes 13452 nodes 2.4393e-4 2.1959e-4 2.2154e-4 Mesh Noise Control The geometry involves stepping the coil through 40 positions within the tube. In addition, three different defect sizes have to be modeled. It is not only cumbersome to build a new geometry for each case, but also difficult to avoid error introduced in the result when the geometry is remeshed. In order to avoid this difficulty, we model the defect in virtual sense. Coil Defect 60% 20% axial direction FIGURE 3. (left) a prototype is build to model different sizes of the defect at certain axial position; (right); VDA structure for axial scan. 1820 It is observed that the changes in impedance of a coil moving around a fixed defect can be equivalently invoked by a fixed coil transferring electromagnetic energy to a virtually moving defect. This idea can be implemented by constructing a virtual defect array (VDA) as illustrated in Fig 3. At first, a prototype virtual defect at a certain position is divided into three parts to model three different sizes of the defect. Replicas of such prototypes are stacked together to describe relative positions between the coil and the defect. The Fig 3 also includes a VDA structure describing the relative axial positions. The conductivity of each cell of such a structure can be adjusted to form the real defect with a specific position and size while the material properties of other cells are the same as the metal tube. Four geometries are constructed corresponding to each of the four circumferential movement of the coil while each one includes a VDA structure for simulating each axial scan. The error associated with the axial scan process is completely eliminated while the error due to the circumferential scan is also reduced due to the very high mesh density around the defect region. An alternative procedure is to describe the region around the defect in a manner that allows circumferential scans along all four value of a (0, 10, 20, 30) without remeshing for each case. Simulation Results A total 360 calculations are carried out to account for 10 axial positions, 4 circumferential positions, 3 defect sizes, and 3 excitation frequencies. Figure 4 shows the effect of different defect sizes when the defect is scanned axially with the excitation frequency / = 150 KHz and the angle of rotation a - 0° . Figure 5 shows the similar results obtained when the angle of rotation a - 20°. Figure 6 shows the variation in impedance as the defect is scanned along the circumferential direction. The excitation frequency / = 150 KHz and the axial position of the coil is d = 0 mm. Figure 7 shows the variations in impedance when a 60% deep defect is scanned along the axial and circumferential direction. The excitation frequency / = 150 KHz. Figure 8 shows the effect of variation in the excitation frequency when a 60% deep defect is scanned along the axial direction (a - 0°). u.^o - 0.2- S. 0.15 - « 0.1 - D> ~ VN n * V^J\ —+—20% Defect -•—40% Defect -A— 60% Defect r\ f\c 0- -0.05 0 n n4 A-v /\ • \ f Vs. fi]* w^ 0.051 r-3**.... 1 00 _n ne; . -0.1 0.2a> a 0.15 i 'E 0.05 5 10 Axial Distance (mm) Real Part FIGURE 4 Change in impedance for an axial scan. OC = 0° , f = 150 KHz. (left) locus of change of impedance, (right) magnitude of impedance change along Y-axis. 1821 A 0.12 - & r 0.12 - ^ 1 0.08 - J r\ nc • -4— 20% Defect 0.1 - -•—40% Defect 0.08- \ " \ ^ f\ f\c y —A— 60% Defect B 0.04E 0.02 0.0.02 - ————,————,————,————, -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 W^/ -**^ —I 0.04 00? - ^\ XX n - *^^nh* • 10 Axial Distance (mm) Real Part FIGURE 5 Change in impedance for an axial scan, a — 20° . (left) locus of change of impedance, (right) magnitude of impedance change along Y-axis. Imaginary Part n o*\ \\ 0.2 - \ 0.15- X Pv/ \J 0.1 r\ HR 0 - -n DF; -0.1 -0.05 0.05 0 10 20 Angle of Rotation (degree) Real Part FIGURE 6 Change in impedance for a circumferential scan, (left) locus of change of impedance, (right) magnitude of impedance change along Y-axis. —4— rotation angle 0 A 0.3 3^^ 1 • rotation angle 1 0 rotation angle 20 ——— rotation angle 30 —— ... . _ ———— . _ .. _ —— __ _, Magnitude n OK 0.2 - ^\ 0.15, / •-—^^ 0.1 - »\ \\ ^A^ 0 2 "^ 4 6 8 1 Axial Distance (mm) FIGURE 7 Change in impedance for both axial and circumferential scan, (left) locus of change of impedance, (right) magnitude of impedance change along Y-axis. 1822 0.3- u.o • t: 0.25 (0 t °- 2 <5 0.15£ 0.05 0-0.05 -0 .1 \^^* \ \ \^ im\V -+- f=100KHz -•— f=150KHz \ >. ^^Vx^ \ A——— r^y—— -*— f=200KHz 0)0.15! ——————' s 0.1 <- y*"-^^ 1 o nc iti^* -0.05 0 « °-25 ; 1 a2 ' 3 \ / ±. 0 - —————^^f""« C) 5 0.05 0 1 Real Part m m m 1 Axial Distance (mm) FIGURE 8 Effect of different excitation frequency (60% defect a = 0° ). (left) locus of change of impedance, (right) magnitude of impedance change along Y-axis. SUMMARY The second eddy current benchmark problem proposed by the World Federation of Nondestructive Evaluation Centers has been studied using the finite element method. The approach avoids errors that are typically introduced when the geometry has to be remeshed to model the scanning process. The reasonable numerical results are achieved. REFERENCES 1. Fukutomi, H., Takagi, T., Tani, J. and Kojima, F., Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation II, eds. R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, T. Takagi and S. S. Udpa, IOS Press, 1998,p305. 2. Ida, Nathan, Three Dimensional Finite Element Modeling of Electromagnetic Nondestructive Testing Phenomena, Ph.D dissertation, Colorado State University, 1983. 3. Saad, Y., Schultz, M. H., SIAMJ. of Set. Statist. Comp., 7, pp856-869,1986. 4. Palanisamy, P., Ph.D dissertation, Colorado State University, 1980. 1823
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