ULTRASONIC BENCHMARK PROBLEM: APPLICATION OF A PARAXIAL MODEL TO SIDE-DRILLED HOLES AND OBLIQUE INCIDENCE T. A. Gray Center for Nondestructive Evaluation and Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA ABSTRACT. The Thompson-Gray ultrasonic measurement model is applied to two benchmark problems. The first problem considers the ultrasonic reflection from spherical pores and side-drilled holes (SDK) for normally incident longitudinal waves. The second problem examines refracted longitudinal and shear wave reflections from both SDH and spherical pores. Results are obtained for both planar and spherically focused transducers. INTRODUCTION This paper summarizes one of a set of benchmark ultrasonic modeling calculations that extends earlier results presented at the 2001 Review of Progress in QNDE conference. Those prior results are found in several papers [1-4] and are summarized in Reference [5]. In short, the previous calculations examined the simulated pulse echo response from spherical pores and circular cracks as measured using planar and focused immersion transducers at normal incidence to a fluid-solid interface. In the present study, the previous calculations are extended to include reflections from side-drilled holes (SDH) at normal incidence as before, as well as oblique incidence of the transducers to generate longitudinal or vertically polarized shear waves at refracted angles 30, 45, 60, and 75 degrees. Both spherical and SDH reflectors are considered for the oblique incidence calculations. The SDH are assumed to have the same range of diameters (0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 mm) as were considered for the previous pore and crack calculations. The measurement configurations for the present study are illustrated in Figure 1. Other details of the benchmark calculations, including probe characteristics, material properties, etc., are the same as described in Reference [1]. The model used here is the Thompson-Gray measurement model [6]. This model is based upon Auld's electromechanical reciprocity integral [7], and, in order to simplify calculations, employs the paraxial approximation in computation of ultrasonic beam displacements and transmission quantities. The Gaussian-Hermite model [8] was used to calculate the beam displacements. Scattering from spherical pores was represented using far-field plane wave scattering amplitudes based on exact solutions for longitudinal [9] and shear wave [10] backscattering. Scattering from circular cracks was computed using a CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 1800 (a) (b) FIGURE 1. Benchmark measurement configurations for normal incidence (a) and oblique incidence (b) cases. The angle 6 in (b) can assume values of 30, 45, 60, and 75 degrees. The transducer is immersed in water and the specimen is aluminum. Kirchhoff approximation [11] integrated over the face of the crack to account for beam variation [1]. For SDH, a new Kirchhoff model developed by Schmerr and Sedov [12] was used to compute the flaw scattering. The form of the measurement model in this case is denoted "Form III" and shown as Equations 7 and 8 in Reference [12]. RESULTS The first set of benchmark computations is for the normal incidence configuration shown in Fig. l(a). The responses from spherical pores, circular cracks, and SDH were calculated for flaw sizes in the range 0.125 mm < diameter < 4.0 mm and using both a planar (5 MHz, 12.7 mm diameter) and a focused (5 MHz, 25.4 mm diameter, 152.4 mm curved element) transducer. The results are shown in Figure 2. Note that the vertical scales on the graphs are expressed in dB computed from the ratio of the peak-to-peak voltage of the unrectified RF waveform relative to the peak-to-peak voltage of a reference waveform. The reference waveform, as shown in Figure 1 of Ref. [1], was the reflected signal from the front surface of the sample taken at a water path of 50.8 mm, for the case of the planar transducer, or of 152.4 mm, for the focused transducer. In both cases, the peakto-peak voltage of the reference waveform was 3.5 volts. As would be expected, as the reflector diameter increases, the amplitude for signal from the spherical void is remains less than that of the SDH while the amplitude of the crack signal starts out lower but eventually exceeds that of the SDH. Table 1 contains the raw peak-to-peak voltages corresponding to the dB results shown in Figure 2. Next, we turn our attention to the oblique incidence calculations. The first of these results are for refracted longitudinal waves. The various probe tilt angles, <|>, and metal path lengths, z, as depicted in Figure l(b), are listed in Table 2. Note that for the refracted 75° longitudinal wave, the probe tilt angle is 12.87°, which is rather near the critical angle of 13.33°. Therefore, we do not expect the paraxial approximation to be accurate in this case. The refracted longitudinal wave results for the planar and focused transducer are shown in 1801 -10 -20 30 € - SDK -8" -40 1-50 | -60 -70 -80 J____L 0 1 2 3 Diameter, mm (b) 1 2 3 Diameter, mm (a) FIGURE 2. Amplitudes of SDH, crack and spherical reflectors for normal incidence longitudinal waves. Results are for the planar transducer in (a) and for the focused transducer in (b). Amplitudes in dB relative to reference waveform. TABLE 1. Normal incidence results, peak-to-peak voltage. Planar probe Focused probe SDH sphere crack SDH sphere crack 0.125mm 0.024873 V 0.0004086 0.000511 0.078893 0.0035812 0.0042146 0.25mm 0.048279 0.002811 0.002042 0.15259 0.023939 0.016768 0.5 mm 0.086064 0.00738 0.008132 0.26805 0.057254 0.065668 1.0mm 0.11952 0.015365 0.031975 0.35784 0.11662 0.24181 2.0mm 0.16574 0.029622 0.12317 0.51147 0.2262 0.72826 4.0mm 0.22712 0.056014 0.37607 0.70333 0.42961 1.1455 Figures 3 and 4, respectively, which display the signal amplitudes in dB relative to the reference waveform amplitude. The corresponding raw peak-to-peak voltages are shown in Tables 3 and 4. The refracted shear wave results are presented next. Plots of those results in dB relative to their corresponding reference waveform amplitude are shown in Figures 5 and 6, respectively, for the planar and focused transducer. Raw peak-to-peak voltages are listed in Tables 5 and 6. Note that the probe tilt angle is 13.67° for the 30° refracted shear wave. This is very close to the longitudinal wave critical angle of 13.33°. Further, the shear wave critical angle is 28.20°, which is close to the probe tilt angle of 27.16° used for the refracted TABLE 2. Probe tilt angles and refracted metal paths for oblique incidence calculations. Probe tilt angle, <|) Refracted angle, 6 30° 45° 60° 75° L-wave 6.62° 9.39° 11.52° 12.87° S-wave 13.67° 19.52° 24.16° 27.16° 1802 Metal path, z, mm 29.3 35.9 50.8 98.1 1 2 3 Diameter, mm 1 2 3 Diameter, mm (b) (a) FIGURE 3. Oblique incidence longitudinal wave results for the planar transducer. Results for spherical pores are shown in (a) and for SDH in (b). Amplitudes in dB relative to reference waveform. -20 -30 -40 8 -50 -60 • -70 -80 -90 -100 i 1 2 3 Diameter, mm 0 1 2 3 Diameter, mm (b) (a) FIGURE 4. Oblique incidence longitudinal wave results for the focused transducer. Results for spherical cores are shown in (a) and for SDH in (bV Amplitudes in dB relative to reference waveform. 1803 -20 -25 45 3-30 4 -35 1 -40 | -45 -50 -55 1 2 3 Diameter, mm 0 1 2 3 Diameter, mm (b) (a) FIGURE 5. Oblique incidence shear wave results for the planar transducer. Results for spherical pores are shown in (a) and for SDH in (b). Amplitudes in dB relative to reference waveform. 1 2 3 Diameter, mm 1 2 3 Diameter, mm (b) (a) FIGURE 6. Oblique incidence shear wave results for the focused transducer. Results for spherical pores are shown in (a) and for SDH in (b). Amplitudes in dB relative to reference waveform. 1804 TABLE 3. Planar probe results for refracted L-waves, peak-to-peak voltage. sphere SDH 0.125mm 6 = 30° 0.000365 V 6 = 45° 0.000256 L_ e = 60° 0.000108 6 = 75° 0.000016 6 = 30° 0.023427 0 = 45° 0.017743 6 = 60° 0.008473 0 = 75° 0.001569 0.25mm 0.002484 0.001729 0.000727 0.000105 0.045376 0.034337 0.016386 0.003031 0.5mm 0.006300 0.004285 0.001773 0.000252 0.080332 0.060469 0.028757 0.005311 1.0mm 2.0mm 0.013019 0.025145 0.008792 0.016995 0.003619 L0.007002 0.000513 0.000994 0.109620 0.153300 0.081524 0.114710 0.038492 0.054371 0.007079 0.010015 4.0 mm 0.047587 0.032180 0.013270 0.001885 0.209750 0.156840 0.074364 0.013702 TABLE 4. Focused probe results for refracted L-waves, peak-to-peak voltage. sphere SDH 0.125mm 0 = 30° 0.001044V 0 = 45° 9.85E-05 0 = 60° 6.67E-06 0 = 75° 7.62E-07 0 = 30° 0.027029 0 = 45° 0.003808 0 = 60° 0.000735 0 = 75° 9.49E-05 0.25 mm 0.007165 0.000706 4.65E-05 5.28E-06 0.052512 0.007456 0.001431 0.000185 0.5 mm 0.018502 0.002596 0.00018 1.36E-05 0.093827 0.013755 0.002571 0.000333 1.0mm 0.038934 0.005101 0.000326 2.56E-05 0.13104 0.020889 0.003617 0.000476 2.0mm 0.0755 0.00912 0.000661 4.99E-05 0.1851 0.027125 0.005097 0.00067 4.0mm 0.14302 0.016989 0.001265 9.73E-05 0.25455 0.037767 0.006925 0.000909 2.0mm 0.004738 0.022981 0.015791 0.003488 0.039978 0.21131 0.16654 0.045739 4.0mm 0.009881 0.047378 0.032326 0.007207 0.054826 0.28995 0.22855 0.062825 TABLE 5. Planar probe results for refracted S-waves, peak-to-peak voltage. sphere SDH 0.125mm 0 = 30° 0.000181 V 0 = 45° 0.000947 0 = 60° 0.000693 0 = 75° 0.000161 0 = 30° 0.008268 0 = 45° 0.044012 0 = 60° 0.035087 0 = 75° 0.009491 0.25mm 0.000708 0.003226 0.002099 0.000474 0.014777 0.077926 0.061587 0.016608 1805 0.5 mm 0.000958 0.004561 0.003082 0.000671 0.020648 0.10719 0.083421 0.022693 1.0mm 0.001994 0.009711 0.006707 0.001488 0.027495 0.14554 0.11475 0.031459 TABLE 6. Focused probe results for refracted S-waves, peak-to-peak voltage. sphere SDK 0.125mm 9 = 30° 0.000989 V 6 = 45° 0.003721 6 = 60° 0.000752 6 = 75° 1.18E-05 6 = 30° 0.014478 6 = 45° 0.056759 0 = 60° 0.011899 6 = 75° 0.000499 0.25mm 0.0035 0.012495 0.002262 5.04E-05 0.02569 0.10094 0.021143 0.000881 0.5 mm 0.004839 0.017734 0.003236 8.3E-05 0.036293 0.138 0.029784 0.001219 1.0mm 0.010268 0.037807 0.007051 0.000148 0.049658 0.18437 0.040606 0.00163 2.0mm 0.024297 0.089418 0.016542 0.000358 0.072444 0.2673 0.058984 0.00236 4.0mm 0.050395 0.18437 0.034969 0.000745 0.099606 0.36644 0.080984 0.003232 75° shear wave. Therefore, in both of these cases, we expect significant error in the paraxial model predictions. SUMMARY As part of a series of the results of ultrasonic modeling benchmark calculations, this paper presents a series of simulated results for normal and oblique incidence measurements made on aluminum samples containing circular cracks, spherical pores and side-drilled holes. The calculations were made using the Thompson-Gray measurement model, which employed the Gaussian-Hermite ultrasonic beam model and incorporated exact scattering amplitude formulations for spherical pores and Kirchhoff approximations for the cracks and SDH. Because of the paraxial approximations used in this modeling approach, computational results are not expected to be accurate in cases where the transmitted ultrasonic beam is near the critical angle for longitudinal or shear waves. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Program at the Center for Nondestructive Evaluation, Iowa State University. REFERENCES 1. Gray, T. A. and R. B. Thompson, "Solution of an Ultrasonic Benchmark Problem Within the Paraxial Approximation," in Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, edited by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti, Plenum Press, New York, vol. 21,2002, pp. 1925-1932. 2. Schmerr, L. 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