PREDICTION OF INSONIFYING VELOCITY FIELDS AND FLAW SIGNALS OF THE 2002 ULTRASONIC BENCHMARK PROBLEMS Sung-Jin Song1, Joon Soo Park1, Hak Joon Kirn1'2 1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea 2 Currently, Center for NDE, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 50011, USA ABSTRACT. In the present study, the radiation issues related to the ultrasonic benchmark problems of year 2002 are explored by adopting two ultrasonic measurement models based on 1) the multi-Gaussian beams and 2) the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld integral with high frequency approximation, while keeping the choice of scattering model (the plane wave far-field scattering amplitude estimated by the Kirchhoff approximation) unchanged. The insonitying beam fields and flaw signals calculated by two models showed very good agreement in most of the cases. However, they showed significant difference at the near-critical angle (which is corresponding to the cases of refracted Swaves with the refracted angle of 30°) due to the rapid variation in the transmission coefficient in that region. INTRODUCTION This paper describes our approach and results of predicting the insonifying velocity fields and flaw signals of a set of ultrasonic benchmark problems [1] proposed by the World Federation of Nondestructive Evaluation Centers. This particular set of the benchmark problems is considering the measurement of ultrasonic pulse-echo signals from two types of standard scatters (spherical voids and side drilled holes) in an aluminum specimen immersed in water, with two types of refracted (longitudinal and shear) waves generated by two kinds of transducers (with planar and focused surfaces). Thus, the present problem is, in essence, quite similar to the ultrasonic benchmark problem of the year 2001 [2], so that the prediction of flaw signals can be done by adopting a similar approach to the last year [3]. Unlike the problem of last year, however, the problem of this year considers the incidence of insonifying beams at several different refracted angles, so that a variety of interesting issues are involved in both scattering and radiation. For example, there are issues related to accuracy and computational time in the calculation of scattering fields from 3-D scatters (spherical voids) and 2-D scatters (side drilled holes). In the prediction of radiation fields, there would also be interesting problems to be considered, especially at the near-critical and high-refracted angles. hi the present study, the focus of our research endeavor was placed on the radiation issues. Specifically, we investigated the accuracy of the multi-Gaussian beam models [4] (which have been developed under the paraxial approximation and has a great advantage in computation time) in the prediction of the insonifying velocity fields and flaw signals, especially at near-critical and high-refracted angles. For this purpose, we adopted another beam model, that is the generalized Rayleigh-Sommerfeld integrals with high CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 1784 frequency assumption [5], for the bilateral comparison, while keeping the plane wave farfield scattering amplitude obtained by the KirchhorY approximation [5] as the only one scattering model for the calculation of scattered wave fields from scatters. ULTRASONIC MEASUREMENT MODELS In the present study, we implemented two ultrasonic measurement models for the calculation of responses from two standard scatters. The first one is the ultrasonic measurement model based on the multi-Gaussian beams, and the second is the model adopting the generalized Rayleigh-Sommerfeld integral with high frequency approximation. Since the details of the adopted models can be found in several references [3,4,5], here a brief description will be given for the continuity of our discussion. In the ultrasonic measurement model using the multi-Gaussian beams, the received ultrasonic signal from a small, isolated scatter in a solid specimen immersed in a fluid medium can be calculated by use of Eq. (1) for both planar and focused transducers. FM = £Mexp(2^^^ \-i7tfa Aci ) (1) where, pl9 p2 are densities of the fluid and solid, respectively, q, c2a are the velocities of the fluid and solid, respectively, and ^, k% are wave numbers in the fluid and solid, respectively. T£P is the transmission coefficient from fluid to solid, H2 is the distance from the interface to the flaw, and A(co) is the far-filed scattering amplitude (of which the explicit expressions for a spherical void and a cylindrical void will be given in the next section). And, the diffraction correction, C(o)) is given by Eq. (2). rexp (2) where, da(a = P,SV) is the polarization vector, and the definitions of other terms including 6^(0) and G 2 (7/ 2 ) matrices can be found in reference [4]. For the generalized Rayleigh-Sommerfeld integral with high frequency approximation, however, the received ultrasonic response can be calculated by Eq. (3), for both planar and focused transducers. V(<o) = p(to*£<L f S - where, 7^;P is the transmission coefficient from solid to fluid, D%(m = l,2) are distances traveled through the interface along the ray path. The incident displacement amplitude, U0 , is given by Eq. (4). 1785 3 U0 = − ρ1ν 0 1 å ρ 2 cα 2 α =P ,S 2π òS ( T12α ; p (cosθ1α )dα exp ik p1 D1α + ikα 2 D2α α 1 α 2 α 1 ) D + cα 2 D / c p1 D + cα 2 cos θ1 D / c p1 cos 2 θ 2α 2 α 2 f i * « " cos / cpl cos2 The detailed description of the terms appeared can be found in reference [5]. dS (y ) (4) (4) The detailedSCATTERING description of theAMPLITUDES terms appeared can be found in reference [5], FAR-FIELD FAR-FIELD SCATTERING AMPLITUDES The plane wave far-field scattering amplitude, denoted as A(ω ) in Eq. (1), is chosen to describe thewave scattered field from aamplitude, flaw under consideration. Based on is the The plane far-field scattering denoted as A(co) in Eq. (1), ( A ω Kirchhoff approximation, the far-field scattering amplitude from a spherical void, chosen to describe the scattered field from a flaw under consideration. Based onSV the) , can be obtained by Eq. (5). the far-field scattering amplitude from a spherical void, Asv (CD) , Kirchhoff approximation, can be obtained by Eq. (5). sin (k α 2 a ) ù é −a exp(− ik α 2 a )êexp(− ik α 2 a ) − sin A SV (ω ) = ú (*«2«)" 2 k α 2 a ûú ëê (5) (5) where, a is the radius of the spherical void. The far-filedvoid. scattering amplitude for a 3-dimensional side-drilled where, a is thecorresponding radius of the spherical corresponding far-filed scattering a 3-dimensional side-drilled hole of the The length of ∆L , A ( ω ) , can be amplitude given byforEq. (6) using the Kirchhoff SDH hole of the length of AL, A (co), can be given by Eq. (6) using the Kirchhoff SDH approximation with the assumption of small size in its diameter. The detailed discussion on with in theSchmerr assumption small[6]. size in its diameter. The detailed discussion on Eq.approximation (6) can be found and of Sedov Eq. (6) can be found in Schmerr and Sedov [6]. − ikα 2 a ì 2ü (6) A(ω ) = ∆L í H 1 (2kα 2 a ) + iJ 1 (2kα 2 a ) − ý πþ 2 î (6) where, a is the radius of the side-drilled hole, and H1 and J1 is the Struve and Bessel where, of a the is the the side-drilled hole, and HI and Ji is the Struve and Bessel functions firstradius order,ofrespectively. functions of the first order, respectively. INSONIFYING VELOCITY FIELDS: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION INSONIFYING VELOCITY FIELDS: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure of the the insonifying insonifyingvelocity velocityfields fieldsforforthethe Figure1 1shows showsthe thecalculation calculation results results of refracted S-wave (with the refracted angle of 30 ° ) produced in two media thegiven given refracted S-wave (with the refracted angle of 30°) produced in two media bybythe planar transducer using a) the multi-Gaussian beam models, and b) the Rayleighplanar transducer using a) the multi-Gaussian beam models, and b) the RayleighSommerfeld Sommerfeldintegral integralwith withhigh-frequency high-frequency approximation. approximation. (a) (b) (a)the insonifying velocity fields for the refracted (b) S-wave (with the refracted FIGURE 1. The prediction of FIGURE 1. The prediction of the insonifying velocity fields for the refracted S-wave (with the refracted angle of 30°) produced by the planar transducer using (a) the multi-Gaussian beam model, (b) the Rayleighangle of 30°) produced by the planar transducer using (a) the multi-Gaussian beam model, (b) the RayleighSommerfeld integral with high-frequency approximation. Sommerfeld integral with high-frequency approximation. 1786 Transmission coefficient 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0 10 10 20 30 20 30Refracted 40 50 Angle 60 70 Refracted Angle 40 50 60 70 80 80 90 90 FIGURE 2. The transmission coefficient of the refracted S-wave through the water/aluminum interface. FIGURE 2. The transmission coefficient of the refracted S-wave through the water/aluminum interface. The refracted beam patterns calculated by two beam models showed significant difference inThe the refracted solid specimen, as shown in Figure 1. The transmission coefficient of the beam patterns calculated by two beam models showed significant refracted S-wave very rapidas(according to the angle incidence) coefficient around theofcritical difference in thevaries solid specimen, shown in Figure 1. Theoftransmission the angle, whereS-wave the beam patterns in Figure 1 wastoconsidered, asincidence) shown in Figure rapid refracted varies very rapid (according the angle of around 2. theThis critical variation in thethe transmission coefficient in fact, the major source in ofFigure the difference, since angle, where beam patterns in Figureis,1 was considered, as shown 2. This rapid in the transmission coefficient fact, the major source of the difference, since thevariation multi-Gaussian beam models does is, notin account this variation, while the Rayleighthe multi-Gaussian beam Thus, modelsone does not to account thiscareful variation, while the RayleighSommerfeld integral does. needs be very when adopting the multiSommerfeld Thus, needs to beangles, very careful adopting the multiGaussian beamintegral modelsdoes. around theone near critical wherewhen the multi-Gaussian beam Gaussian beam models around the near critical angles, where the multi-Gaussian beam models break down. models break down. Figure 3 shows the similar calculation results of the insonifying velocity fields Figure 3 showswith the similar calculation results of°.the insonifying fields for the refracted S-wave the refracted angle of 75 The refractedvelocity beam patterns for the refracted S-wave with the refracted angle of 75°. The refracted beam patterns calculated by two beam models showed difference to the some extent. However, it is hard by two models to the some extent. However, it is hard to calculated justify which one beam is correct, andshowed which difference is not, at this moment, since in this particular case to justify which one is correct, and which is not, at this moment, since in this particular case the angle of refraction is quite high so that the refracted angle can also vary very rapidly the angle of refraction is quite high so that the refracted angle can also vary very rapidly even with a small change in the angle of incidence. In fact, there is a possibility that both even with a small change in the angle of incidence. In fact, there is a possibility that both models could to have have further furtherinvestigation investigationtotoclarify clarify models couldbreak breakdown. down.Thus, Thus,ititisisstrongly strongly needed needed to thisthis issue. issue. (a) (b) (b) S-wave (with the refracted FIGURE 3. The prediction (a) of the insonifying velocity fields for the refracted FIGURE 3. The prediction of the insonifying velocity fields for the refracted refracted angle of 75°) produced by the planar transducer using (a) the multi-Gaussian beamS-wave model, (with (b) thethe Rayleighangle of 75°) produced by the planar transducer using (a) the multi-Gaussian beam model, (b) the RayleighSommerfeld integral with high-frequency approximation. Sommerfeld integral with high-frequency approximation. 1787 TABLE 1. Insonifying velocities at the center of the flaw (unit: mm/s) TR and Reft Wave Angle (degree) Model RSI 0° 0.3073 0.3035 0 0.0578 Focused transducer (Refracted P-wave) MGB 1.6777 RSI 1.5760 Focused transducer (Refracted S-wave) MGB 0 RSI 0.3055 Planar transducer (Refracted P-wave) Planar transducer (Refracted S-wave) MGB RSI MGB 30° 45° 60° 75° 0.2817 0.2303 0.1471 0.0552 0.2774 0.2269 0.1452 0.0544 0.2695 0.5907 0.4864 0.2297 0.3955 0.5829 0.4803 0.2264 1.0027 0.9472 0.3119 0.0755 0.0342 0.3269 2.3564 0.0720 0.9656 0.1417 2.3729 0.9435 0.1379 1.2179 1.7366 0.0343 Table 1 summarizes the prediction of the insonifying velocities at the center of the flaws by two beam models considered. The predictions of the multi-Gaussian beam agreed very well with those of the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld integral, except at the near critical angle (which is corresponding to the case of the refracted S-wave with the refracted angle of 30°). TIME-DOMAIN WAVEFORMS: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The calculation of the time-domain waveforms requires the estimation of the system efficiency factors for the given transducers, which was done by adopting the wellknown front-surface reflection model given by Rogers and Van Buren [7]. By taking the inverse Fourier transform to the frequency-domain responses from the standard reflectors (calculated by Eq. (1) or Eq. (3)), we obtained the time-domain flaw signals. (Here, it is worthwhile to note that for the case of the side-drilled holes Eq. (3) were integrated along the axis of the hole in the lit region of the insonifying beam.) Figure 4 shows the predicted time domain waveforms for (a) a spherical void and (b) a side-drilled hole with the diameter of 0.125 mm located at the depth of 25.4 mm from the specimen surface by use of the refracted shear wave (with the refracted angle of 30°) produced by the planar transducer. The solid line is the prediction made by the multiGaussian beam model, while the dotted line by the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld integral with high-frequency approximation. The waveforms predicted by two models agreed very well in their shape. However, there were significant differences in their amplitudes. As discussed above, this discrepancy resulted from the rapid variation in the transmission coefficient around the near-critical angle, where these particular waveforms were predicted. We have calculated all of the time-domain waveforms for the complete combination of transducer, refracted wave, and scatter type and size. However, due to the space limitation the entire waveforms cannot be presented here. From the set of complete waveforms, it was observed that two beam models showed very good agreement in the prediction of the shape of waveforms. In addition, the peak-to-peak amplitudes of the waveforms, which is summarized in Tables 2 and 3 for spherical voids and side-drilled holes, respectively, showed very good agreement for most of the cases, except at the nearcritical angle (which is corresponding to the case of the refracted S-wave with the refracted angle of 30°). As pointed out earlier, even though the results of two model predictions at the high-refracted angle of 75° agreed each other, it would be necessary to have further investigation for the verification of prediction. 1788 TABLE 2 The predicted peak-to-peak voltages of waveforms for the spherical voids with various size in diameter, located at the depth of 25.4 mm from the specimen surface. (unit: volt) Diameter (mm) Refr. Refracted Model Wave Angle 1 4 2 0.125 0.25 0.5 MGB 0.00044 0.0017 0.0059 0.0134 0.0237 0.0472 RSI 0.000438 0.0017 0.0058 0.0133 0.0234 0.0466 MGB 0.0003 0.0012 0.0041 0.0091 0.0162 0.032 RSI 0.00030 0.0012 0.004 0.0089 0.0159 0.0318 MGB 0.000129 0.00050 0.0017 0.0038 0.0067 0.0134 RSI 0.000127 0.000490 0.0017 0.0037 0.0066 0.0131 MGB 0.000018 0.000071 0.00024 0.00053 0.00096 0.0019 RSI 0.000018 0.000070 0.00024 0.00052 0.00094 0.0019 MGB 0.000204 0.000718 0.0017 0.003 0.0061 0.0122 RSI 0.000476 0.0017 0.0039 0.0065 0.013 0.0258 MGB 8=30° 0-45o L-wave, Planar Tr. 6=60° — /j — j(j S-wave Planar Tr. o 45° 0.001 0.0036 0.0084 0.0146 0.0291 0.0576 RSI 0.001 0.0036 0.0083 0.0146 0.029 0.0578 MGB 0.000750 0.0026 0.0056 0.0098 0.0195 0.0388 RSI 0.000744 0.0025 0.0056 0.0097 0,0193 0.0386 MGB 0.000179 0.000612 0.0013 0.0022 0.0044 0.0089 RSI 0.000177 0.00060 0.0013 0.0022 0.0043 0.0087 MGB 0.0013 0.005 0.0172 0.0384 0.0693 0.1394 RSI 0.0012 0.0048 0.0165 0.0367 0.0656 0.1315 MGB 1.389E-04 5.414E-04 0.0019 0.0052 0.0083 0.0171 RSI 1.57E-04 0.000612 0.0022 0.0059 0.0091 0.0187 MGB 9.92E-06 3.88E-05 1.382E-04 3.653E-04 5.82 IE-04 0.0012 RSI l.OOE-05 3.86E-05 0.000138 0.00036 5.857E-04 0.0012 MGB 9.18E-07 3.52E-06 1.2 IE-05 2.779E-05 4.753E-05 9.223E-05 RSI 9.92E-07 3.82E-06 1.3 IE-05 3.24E-05 5.353E-05 1.053E-04 MGB 0.0011 0.0038 0.0087 0.0152 0.0304 0.0609 RSI 0.0025 0.0086 0.0197 0.0347 0.0691 0.1379 MGB 0.004 0.0137 0.0314 0.0564 0.113 0.2261 0.0593 0.1186 0.2376 9=60° 9=75° 9=30° L-wave, Focused Tr. 9=45° 9=60° 9=75° 9=30° S-wave Focused Tr. 9=45° 9=60° RSI 0.0042 0.0145 0.0329 MGB 0.00079897 0.0027 0.0058 0.0101 0.0199 0.0395 RSI 7.57E-04 0.0026 0.0056 0.0098 0.0195 0.039 MGB 1.3496E-05 4.92E-05 1.363E-04 2.295E-04 4.676E-04 9.245E-04 RSI 1.49E-05 5.37E-05 1.45E-04 2.41E-04 4.8 IE-04 9.56E-04 9=75° 1789 TABLE 3 The predicted peak-to-peak voltages of waveforms for the side-drilled holes with various size in diameter, located at the depth of 25.4 mm from the specimen surface. (unit: volt) Diameter (mm) Refr. Refracted Models Wave Angle 1 2 4 0.125 0.25 0.5 MGB 0.0236 0.0456 0.081 0.1122 0.1538 0.2194 RSI 0.0239 0.0466 0.0824 0.1133 0.1551 0.2179 MGB 0.0181 0.0346 0.0614 0.0843 0.1175 0.1695 RSI 0.0181 0.0346 0.0612 0.0838 0.1141 0.1622 MGB 0.0087 0.0166 0.0294 0.0403 0.0561 0.0811 RSI 0.0086 0.0165 0.0289 0.0396 0.054 0.0769 MGB 0.0016 0.0031 0.0055 0.0074 0.0102 0.0146 RSI 0.0016 0.003 0.0053 0.0073 0.0099 0.0141 MGB 0.0099 0.0178 0.0249 0.0334 0.0469 0.0652 0.021 0.0374 0.0506 0.0689 0.0976 0.1372 MGB 0.053 0.0936 0.1282 0.174 0.2458 0.3473 RSI 0.053 0.0933 0.1268 0.1727 0.2435. 0.3429 MGB 0.042 0.0737 0.0984 0.1358 0.1934 0.2772 RSI 0.0419 0.074 0.0993 0.1363 0.1922 0.2719 MGB 0.0116 0.0201 0.0264 0.037 0.0521 0.0753 RSI 0.0115 0.0259 0.0361 0.0512 0.0727 MGB 0.027 0.0527 0.0954 0.1388 0.2021 0.3216 6=30° L-wave, Planar Tr. 0=45° 6=60° 6=75° 0=30° S-wave, Planar Tr. 0=45° RSI 6=60° 0=75° L-wave, Focused Tr. 0.02 RSI 0.026 0.0509 0.0913 0.1277 0.1691 0.2388 MGB 0.0037 0.0073 0.0135 0.0208 0.0291 0.0456 RSI 0.0044 0.0087 0.0159 0.0235 0.0307 0.0435 MGB 7.12E-04 0.0014 0.0025 0.0037 0.005 0.0072 RSI 8.98E-04 0.0017 0.0031 0.0046 0.0061 0.0086 MGB 9.21E-05 1.79E-04 3.25E-04 4.68E-04 6.35E-04 9.08E-04 RSI 1.16E-04 2.24E-04 4.05E-04 5.80E-04 7.79E-04 0.0011 MGB 0.0173 0.0305 0.0419 0.0561 0.0748 0.092 RSI 0.0606 0.1117 0.1501 0.2085 0.2944 0.4141 MGB 0.0655 0.1171 0.1704 0.2367 0.3439 0.5133 RSI 0.0846 0.1514 0.2102 0.2906 0.4104 0.578 MGB 0.0139 0.0246 0.034 0.0463 0.0665 0.097 RSI 0.0104 0.0185 0.0271 0.0361 0.0513 0.0724 MGB 5.79E-04 0.001 0.0014 0.002 0.0028 0.0041 RSI 8.46E-04 0.0013 0.0018 0.0026 0.0037 0.0052 0=45° 0=60° — /j 0=30° S-wave, Focused Tr. 0=45° 0=60° 0=75° 1790 (V) 0.015 ................ 0.01 I : . j ! ... j M M ii L .... l........._j...........L.......... ...........ii : H 0.005 1 1 | 1 1 \ 11 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 (us) -0.01 \ i i vi - * ! i ¥ ! i ; I! -0.005 ....................j.... ....................... ......^ 0 | —— MOB j I ..i ...... I! . ............. T t .:.. i 0 0.5 1 i 1.5 2 l l ! 1 1 1 ii 2.5 .» 3.5 4 4.5 5 (US) (a) (b) FIGURE 4. Predicted time domain waveform from (a) a spherical void and (b) a side-drilled hole with the diameter of 0.125 mm located at the depth of 25.4 mm from the specimen surface by use of the refracted shear wave (with the refracted angle 30°) produced by the planar transducer. SUMMARY In the present study, we have investigated the radiation issues related to the ultrasonic benchmark problems of year 2002, by adopting two ultrasonic measurement models based on 1) the multi-Gaussian beams and 2) the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld integral with high frequency approximation. The insonifying beam fields and flaw signals calculated by two models showed very good agreement in most of the cases. 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