ATTENUATION COEFFICIENT ESTIMATION USING EQUIVALENT DIFFRACTION POINTS WITH MULTIPLE INTERFACE REFLECTIONS T.P. Lerch1 and S. P. Neal2 Industrial and Engineering Technology Department, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, University of Missouri - Columbia Columbia, MO 65201 2 ABSTRACT. The ultrasonic attenuation coefficient of a fluid or solid material is an acoustic parameter routinely estimated in nondestructive evaluation (NDE) and biological tissue characterization. In this paper, a new measurement and analysis technique for estimating the attenuation coefficient as a function of frequency for a fluid or solid is described. This broadband technique combines two established concepts in attenuation coefficient estimation: (1) frequency spectrum amplitude ratios of front surface, first back surface, and second back surface reflections from interfaces of materials with plate-like geometries, and (2) equivalent diffraction points within the transducer wave field. The new approach yields estimates of the attenuation coefficient, reflection coefficient, and material density without the need to make diffraction corrections. This simplifies the overall estimation process by eliminating the transducer characterization step, that is, by eliminating experimental characterization of the effective radius and focal length of the transducer which are required when careful calculated diffraction corrections are applied. In this paper, attenuation coefficient and reflection coefficient estimates are presented for water and three solids with estimates based on measurements made with two different transducers. INTRODUCTION The ultrasonic attenuation coefficient of a medium is an acoustic parameter routinely estimated in nondestructive evaluation (NDE) and biological tissue characterization. Knowledge of the ultrasonic attenuation of a given material is useful to the NDT field inspector searching for flaws in various structural materials, the material scientist characterizing the mechanical properties of the material, and the biologist investigating the acoustic properties of various types of biological tissue. One of the challenges associated with making accurate attenuation coefficient measurements is to separate the energy loss due to absorption and scattering within the medium from other possible sources of energy loss including those due to reflection and transmission at interfaces, diffraction of the transducer's wave field, measurement system inefficiencies, and misalignment of the transducer and specimen. In this paper, we will consider four attenuation coefficient estimation approaches (see Table 1): 1) a Classical Approach driven by the ratio of magnitude spectra from two interface reflections; 2) the Papadakis Approach which eliminates the need to make explicit corrections for reflection CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/$20.00 1759 TABLE 1. Summary of attenuation coefficient estimation approaches. Classical Papadakis Equal Diffraction New Approach input output input Water Attenuation cancel cancel input Diffraction Corrections input input output input cancel System Effects cancel cancel cancel Solid Thickness input input input Wavespeed in Solid input input input Solid Density input output input R&T Coefficient cancel input input output cancel and transmission losses by utilizing three interface reflections [1]; 3) an Equal Diffraction Point Approach which adjusts the water path to eliminate the need for diffraction corrections [2-4]; and 4) and a New Approach which combines the Papadakis and Equal Diffraction Point approaches to simultaneously estimate reflection, transmission, and attenuation coefficients without making diffraction corrections. Corrections are, however, required for water attenuation due to variable water path lengths. The water attenuation coefficient is easily calculated based on the widely accepted work of Pinkerton [5]. Conversely, correcting for transducer diffraction requires full characterization of the transducer's parameters (radius and focal length) across the transducer's useful bandwidth. Transducer characterization can be a very time- and labor-intensive process. Since each transducer has its own unique set of parameter values, the characterization process must be implemented for each transducer used to make a measurement. This paper will proceed with a model-based review of three existing attenuation coefficient estimation approaches introduced above. Models which describe the New Approach for the estimation of solid and fluid attenuation coefficients will then be presented. Results will be shown for attenuation and reflection coefficient estimation for water and for three solids. The paper concludes with a brief discussion section. REVIEW OF ATTENUATION COEFFICIENT ESTIMATION APPROACHES Classical Approach Consider a solid material sample of plate-like geometry interrogated at normal incidence in an immersion mode in water. A Classical Approach for estimation of the attenuation coefficient for the solid involves measurement of a first back surface reflection along with a front surface reflection and/or a second back surface reflection. Using a linear time-invariant system modeling approach, the Fourier transform of the measured front surface reflection can be modeled as: = p(f)Rwsc(2Zwf,f)exp(-2Zwfaw(f)) (1) We adopt a simplified notation throughout the remainder of the paper with frequency dependence implicit and with each symbol representing the absolute value of its associated complex quantity. The Fourier transform of the front surface reflection, F ( f ) , becomes: F = j3Rc(2zwfy (2) where f i , the system efficiency factor, accounts for all transducer and electronics related effects, R — Rws is the water-to-solid reflection coefficient, zwf is the water path length 1760 for the front surface reflection experiment, C\2zwf J accounts for beam diffraction in the water, and aw is the attenuation coefficient in the water. Noting that the product of r\ transmission coefficients, T^STSW, can be written as l-R , the first and second back surface reflections can be modeled as: Bl = /?(l - R2 ]RC(2zwbl }e~2z^a™ C(2zs >T2z ^ (3) B2 = j3l-R2R3C(2zwb2)e-2z^a-C(4zs)e^z^ (4) where zs is the plate (solid) thickness, as is the attenuation coefficient in the solid, and zwbl and zwb2 are the water path lengths for the first and second back surface reflections. In Equations (1) - (4), we assume that (3 - fif - fi^i - fib2 • The solid attenuation coefficient can be estimated using any two (or all three) of the measured signals. The diffraction terms are often calculated for the water/solid case by replacing the two diffraction terms in (3) or (4) by a single diffraction term, C(2zwe ) , with the equivalent water path length, zwe , calculated as follows: c \ve ~ zw ~*~ uc zs w z c ^z\vebl ~ ^zwbl " • uc* "^zs w ^Zweb2 = c ^Zwb2 ~ ^ u~c ^ z s w v^/ where zw = z^ = zw^; - zw^2 f°r fixed water path, cs and c^ are the wave speeds in the solid and water, respectively, and zwe - z w since z5 = 0. We can now solve for as using F and BI or using BI and B2 as follows: F C(2zw2 ) - ____ —— D .Oi or C(2zwM)(l-R2) <* = 1l ,n C(2zwM] — C(2zweb2)R2 The front surface reflection is corrected for diffraction in the water, and the back surface reflections are corrected for interface losses and for diffraction in the water and solid. Papadakis Approach The Papadakis Approach uses the front surface and the first two back surface reflections to eliminate fi and simultaneously estimate R and as . The ratio of spectra corrected for diffraction is used to yield two new quantities denoted Ml and M2 by Papadakis. l-R2 1761 F ii transducer it T fr 1 1 Hi ( 1 2Azw 2V Motor Controller water T ? m ill J| t ? WiiKi Hill i FIGURE 1. Typical immersion system depicting the measurement approach for the New Technique. The transducer is not translated laterally as the figure implies. These two equations are then solved for R and as as follows: M1-M2 1 + M1-M2 R= 1 Ml a, =- In2z p 1 + M1-M2 (8) Equal Diffraction Point Approach - Solid Attenuation Coefficient Estimation The Equal Diffraction Point Approach involves adjusting the water path (see Fig. 1) so that the equivalent water path length is the same for each reflection. The penalty is that the aw must be known, and a correction of form exp(2zwaw) must be applied to each reflection. With the water path for the front surface reflection used to dictate the value for zwe (that is, zwe = zwf), the equalities given in Equation (5) can be used to solve for the required water path for B\ as zwbi = zwf-(cs/cw)zs and for B2 as Z wb2 ~ zwf ~(cs/cw)^zs • The * superscript is introduced to indicate that the water paths are associated with an equal diffraction point approach. The change in water path (Fig. 1) * between reflections, Az,, by successive is given * / / \ * z * z * Z * wf -- zwbl wbl = =- wbl ~ \vb2 w = (cs /cw)zs = zwf Incorporating these ideas, the water attenuation terms for the back surface reflections can be re-written as follows: -2z*wb2aw = -2 (9) The key to this approach is that the diffraction terms, C\2zwe], are equivalent for each of the three measured reflections. Folding the equalities in Equation (9) into Equations (1) (3), canceling the common diffractions terms, and solving for as yields: F 2z -In- or 1762 2z, (10) Note that the relatively difficult to implement diffraction corrections in Equations (6) and (7) are replaced by water attenuation corrections in Equation (10). Equal Diffraction Point Approach - Fluid Attenuation Coefficient Estimation The same basic approach used for estimation of as can be used to estimate the attenuation coefficient in a fluid using a quartz specimen as the solid with known, essentially zero, attenuation. With as = aq « 0 and exp(2zqaq)-^ 0 , solution for aw yields: I o A D 1 ^log———LT- 2Azw r-'/i or r»/\ 7 ? aw =——^log—2y ^ A F(l-R ) (ii) 2Azw A NEW ATTENUATION COEFFICIENT ESTIMATION APPROACH Application to Attenuation Coefficient Estimation for a Solid By using the front surface reflection and the two back surface reflections, with measurements made at equal diffraction points, we can eliminate J3 and simultaneously estimate R and as without making diffraction corrections. We start with the three reflections, each corrected for water attenuation. With slight notational changes to indicate that equal diffraction point measurements are being used, we then follow the Papadakis approach as given in Equations (7) and (8) to reach the new estimation form for as : "* V 7?Z -2z^h'yava BI l-R* 2 1-R B, Ml -Ml \l + Ml*-M2* ' - = ^r- 1 2zs 02) Ml* 1 + M1*-M2* The New Approach yields estimates of R and as ; however, the diffraction corrections in Equation (7) are replaced by water attenuation corrections in Equation (12). Application to Attenuation Coefficient Estimation for a Fluid The same basic approach can be used to estimate the attenuation coefficient in a fluid given a solid sample with known attenuation. Again, for illustrative purposes, we use water and quartz with the following equations yielding estimates of R and aw: M1 »=^ *——^- *=^ = ———,—— M2 1763 (14) i,i »,<, M7 -M2 =———- D M1*-M2* JR = J————*———sr * * I , 1 + M1*-M2* a wW =———In———————— M l * (15) EXPERIMENTS AND DATA ANALYSIS The New Approach was used to estimate the reflection and attenuation coefficients for water and three solids of plate-like geometry: stainless steel (zs = 1.28 cm), fused quartz (zs = 0.64 cm), and plastic (zs= 0.73 cm). The apparatus employed for these measurements is typical of most ultrasonic immersion inspection systems (see Fig. 1). All equipment is commercially available. The transducer is driven by a pulser/receiver unit and positioned with the motor controller. The rf signals are captured by the data acquisition card on the PC and ultimately transferred to a work station for data analysis. Three wave trains, each containing the A-scan time pulses from the front, first back, and second back surface reflections, are digitally captured. The measurement process begins by setting the water path at the desired length for the front surface reflection. At this water path, the wave train is digitized and stored on the data acquisition PC. The transducer is then axially translated toward the specimen a distance equal to Azw to place the first back surface reflection at an equivalent diffraction point to that of the front surface reflection. The resulting wave train is digitally captured and stored. The transducer is again axially translated a distance of Azw toward the specimen in order to place the second back surface reflection at the equivalent diffraction point for the first two reflections. As before, this wave train is digitized and stored. Data analysis is performed with software written and stored on a separate workstation. Inputs include the three, digitized wave trains measured at equivalent diffraction points, the wave speeds of the water and the solid, the water attenuation (when the attenuation of a solid is measured), and the thickness of the specimen. Individual signals are extracted from the wave train with a rectangular window and then transformed into the frequency domain with a standard FFT routine. Equations (12-13) or (14-15) are used to determine the reflection and attenuation coefficients, each as a function of frequency, based on the magnitude spectra of the three reflections. DISSCUSION OF RESULTS The results of the series of measurements implementing the New Approach are shown in Figures 2 and 3, where Fig. 2 summarizes the results for water attenuation measurements and Fig. 3 summarizes the results associated with attenuation coefficient estimation for fused quartz, stainless steel, and plastic. Reflection and attenuation coefficients for each material are measured with two unfocused-transducers: a 10 MHz, 1/4" diameter transducer and a 15 MHz, V£" diameter transducer. Figure 2 shows the experimental reflection coefficients for the water-fused quartz interface and the attenuation coefficient for water, each as a function of frequency. The experimental reflection coefficients found with both the 10 MHz %" and 15 MHz V2" transducers are basically constant across the useful bandwidth of each transducer and 1764 Water/Quartz Reflection Coefficient Water Attenuation Coefficient 0.15 0.35 0.1 0.9 0.05 0 0.75 -0.05 0.7 -0.1 Reflection Coefficient with Diffraction Error 0.15 Attenuation Coefficient with Diffraction Error 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 0.65 0.6 10 12 Frequency (MHz) 10 12 Frequency (MHz) FIGURE 2. Experimental results for fluid attenuation coefficient estimation using the New Approach. compare well to the theoretical value. The attenuation coefficient estimates shown in the upper right graph compare well to one another and to Pinkerton's widely accepted result [5]. The three water paths used to achieve equal diffraction measurements are 25.4, 22.8, and 20.2 cm for the front, first back, and second back surface reflections, respectively. These water paths were used for both transducers to further demonstrate the robustness of the approach. For the 10MHz /4" transducer, these water paths place the measurement point its far field, while for the 15MHz W transducer, the water paths correspond to the near field. The lower two graphs in Fig. 2 demonstrate what happens when incorrect equivalent diffraction points are chosen. Notice the deviation from theory, especially the frequency dependence, in the experimental reflection coefficient which has been caused by the diffraction error. In this instance, the diffraction error creates an additional perceived loss of energy which the data analysis assigns to the water attenuation coefficient, resulting in an overestimation of the water attenuation coefficient as shown in the lower right graph. As seen in Fig. 3, the experimental reflection coefficients for the water-stainless steel and water-fused quartz interfaces are also relatively constant across the useful frequency spectra of both transducers. Although slightly oscillatory in nature, the experimental reflection coefficients for the plastic also tend to be constant. Attenuation coefficients for the three different solids are also shown in Fig. 3. These solids were chosen because of their relatively wide range in attenuations, from fused quartz with no apparent attenuation to a plastic with a substantial attenuation coefficient. Because attenuation is very sensitive to material properties such as grain size and alignment, it becomes very difficult to compare these results to a generally accepted standard. Notice however the robustness of the new technique in returning consistent attenuation coefficients estimates for the two transducers, without transducer characterization or the formal application of diffraction corrections. 1765 Reflection Coefficients vs. Frequency Attenuation Coefficients vs. Frequency 0.9 fO.B I 0.7 o I 0.6 u 1 0.5 0.4 0. Q.G O.B 1 1.2 Frequency (Hz) 1.4 x 1.6 ^ FIGURE 3. Experimental results for solid attenuation coefficient estimation using the New Approach. Data acquired with the 10 MHz transducer is represented with 'o'; the 15 MHz transducer is represented with '•'. CONCLUSIONS A new measurement and analysis technique for estimating the attenuation coefficient as a function of frequency for either a fluid or solid is described. By acquiring and analyzing the front surface, first back surface, and second back surface reflections at equivalent diffraction points, diffraction corrections due to the beam spread of the transducer are no longer necessary. The new technique greatly simplifies the overall estimation process by eliminating the need for transducer characterization. Attenuation and reflection coefficients are experimentally determined with the new technique for water and three solids. The measurements are made with two different transducers at different regions in their wave fields (near field, far field). The attenuation coefficients for water correspond very well to previously published values. The attenuation coefficients for stainless steel, plastic, and fused quartz computed from the two transducers show very good agreement. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was supported in part by the Cancer Research Center (CRC), Columbia, MO, the Department of Radiology at the University of Missouri-Columbia (MU), and the National Science Foundation. A portion of this research was carried out while Terry Lerch was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Missouri-Columbia. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Papadakis, E. P., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 44 (3), 724 (1968). Ophir, J., Maklad, N. F., and Bigelow, R. H., Ultrasonic Imaging 4 (3), 290 (1982). Insana, M. F., Zagzebski, J. A., and Madsen, E. L., Ultrasonic Imaging 5, 331 (1983). Margetan, F. M., Thompson, R. B., and Yalda-Mooshabad, L, in Review of Progress in QNDE, Vol. 12, eds. D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti, Plenum, New York, 1993, p. 1735. 5. Pinkerton, J. M. M., Proc. Phys. Soc. London B62, 129 (1949). 1766
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