USING ULTRASONIC DIFFRACTION GRATING SPECTROSCOPY TO CHARACTERIZE FLUIDS AND SLURRIES M. S. Greenwood1, A. Brodsky2, L. Burgess2, and L. J. Bond1 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99352 University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 2 ABSTRACT. In ultrasonic diffraction grating spectroscopy, the grating surface is in contact with the liquid or slurry. The ultrasonic beam, traveling in the solid, strikes the back of the grating and produces a transmitted m = 1 beam in the liquid. The angle of this beam in the liquid changes with frequency and the so-called critical frequency occurs when the angle is 90°. At this point, the signal of the reflected m = 0 wave—the signal observed in the experiment—increases and this increase is used to characterize the liquid or slurry. INTRODUCTION The objective is to measure the speed of sound in liquids and slurries and to measure the particle size of a slurry. The research for liquids is presented here. The method of ultrasonic diffraction grating spectroscopy (UDGS) is analogous to that for optics using grating light reflection spectroscopy (GLRS) [1-3]. The optical method has been successful in determining the particle size of a slurry in the range from about 2 to 200 nanometers and also measuring the index of refraction. Because of the larger wavelength, ultrasonics can measure larger particle sizes. Ultrasonic diffraction gratings have been used for nondestructive evaluation [4,5], but, not to the authors' knowledge, for characterizing fluids and slurries. The ultimate goal of this project, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Environmental Management Science Program, is to gain enough knowledge to develop a sensor in which the ultrasonic diffraction grating is positioned in the wall of a pipeline to measure particle size of a slurry on-line and in real time. At DOE sites, there is a need to characterize slurries, as the radioactive wastes are retrieved from underground storage tanks and transported through pipelines, in order to prevent pipeline plugging. In many industries, there is also need for particle size measurements for process control. A U.S. patent application has been filed. BASIC CONCEPTS The ultrasonic diffraction grating is formed by machining parallel triangularshaped grooves on the flat surface of a half-cylinder, as shown in Fig. 1. The CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 1637 FIGURE 1. Photograph of 300 micron stainless steel ultrasonic grating. half-cylinder has a diameter of 5.08 cm and the grating has a groove spacing of 300 microns with a 120° included angle. The grating is placed in the immersion chamber (27.9 cm diameter), shown in Fig. 2, which is filled with the liquid. The send and receive transducers are suspended from the movable arms. The beam from the send transducer travels through the liquid, through the stainless steel, and strikes the back surface of the grating at an angle 9. The receive transducer, oriented at an identical angle 9, receives the signal reflected by the diffraction grating. In order to understand how UDGS can be used to measure the speed of sound, consider a longitudinal wave striking the back of a 300 micron stainless steel grating at an incident angle of 30°, as shown in Fig. 3. The specularly reflected m = 0 longitudinal wave, measured in the experiment, is shown, as well as the reflected m = 0 shear wave, and the transmitted m = 0 longitudinal waves. The positions of the m = 0 waves are, of course, unchanged when the frequency changes. However, the diffracted m = 1 longitudinal wave in water does change with frequency. Fig. 3 shows its position at a FIGURE 2. Photograph showing setup of experimental apparatus. 1638 *ed Shear Wave, Incident Longitudinal Wave Reflected Longitudinal Wave, m = 0 Diffracted Longitudinal Wave at 5.66 MHz, m * 1, Angle « W deg Transmitted Lsngitm Wave, m = 0 FIGURE 3. Diagram showing reflected and transmitted diffracted waves when an incident longitudinal beam strikes the grating at an angle of 30°. frequency of 7 MHz and 6 MHz. As the frequency decreases, the angle increases, and at a frequency of 5.65 MHz, the angle becomes 90°. At this frequency, called the critical frequency, the wave transforms from a traveling wave and becomes evanescent. This means that it is an exponentially decaying wave in the liquid or slurry. At a slightly smaller frequency, the evanescent wave disappears. In order to conserve energy, the energy is redistributed to all other waves, and an increase in amplitude of the specularly reflected signal is expected. This increase in amplitude was observed in the GLRS optics experiments and the first objective of these experiments was to observe a similar increase in amplitude for the UDGS experiments. The possibility of UDGS to measure particle size is due to the penetration of the evanescent wave into the slurry. As the wave interacts with the particles, some attenuation of the signal occurs. As a result, the signal of the reflected m = 0 wave, which is measured by the receive transducer, decreases in amplitude. Since the attenuation is dependent upon particle size, an algorithm can be developed to determine particle size. Such an algorithm for the data from the GLRS experiments has been developed [1-3]. Critical Frequency Calculation The critical frequency fcR is obtained from Snell's law and the grating equation. The angle 6 is defined as the angle that the incident longitudinal wave, traveling in the solid, makes with the normal to the grating surface. The angle (fa is the angle of the longitudinal wave traveling in the liquid. For the m = 0 longitudinal wave in the liquid, angle <fa is obtained from Snell's law: sinff 1639 (1) where CL is the speed of sound in the solid and c is the velocity of sound in the liquid. The angles for non-zero values of m are given by the grating equation: m c sin^ m -sin^ 0 =—— / d ,-. (2) where the diffraction order m is positive for the orientation shown in Fig. 3, f is the frequency, and d is the grating spacing. For m = 1, the critical frequency occurs when cpi is equal to 90° and is given by fJCR CR= ———~——— • (3) EXPERIMENTAL MEASUREMENTS FOR STAINLESS STEEL GRATINGS An extensive set of measurements has been obtained for 304 SS gratings having a grating spacing of 200 microns and 300 microns. Data were obtained for water and sugar water solutions, 10% by weight, 20%, and 30% and for eight incident angles ranging from 20° to 55°. Only a small fraction of the data will be presented here. The data were obtained using a computer-controlled system that has been developed at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The pulser-receiver printed circuit board outputs a toneburst signal of 200 volts p-p with a maximum amplification of 70 dB. The change in frequency in these experiments was 0.05 MHz. Data are obtained sequentially as the frequency changes from an initial frequency to the final frequency and printed to a file. Signal averaging is also used. In order to account for the transducer response, data were also obtained for a half-cylinder with a smooth face. Effects of transmission for the liquid-to-SS transition and for the SS -to-liquid transition were also included. The send and receive transducers have a diameter of 0.635 cm. Fig. 4 shows data obtained for the 300 micron SS grating and water, as the incident angle is varied. The arrows in this figure (and all subsequent figures) indicate the theoretical values of the critical frequency, calculated from Eq. (3). In order that the curves do not overlap, the data are offset by the amount shown in the figure(s). The data shows an increase at the expected critical frequency. Fig. 5 shows the data obtained for the 300 micron grating at an incident angle of 40° for water, 10% sugar water (SW), 20% SW, and 30% SW. One sees that the critical frequency, as expected, changes with fluid due to the change in the velocity of sound. Previously, the velocity of sound in sugar water solutions at room temperature had been measured. The larger peaks in Fig. 5 do not change with the liquid change and, therefore, are due to effects in stainless steel. An m = -1 shear wave in stainless steel is produced and is located in the -x+y quadrant, using the terminology indicated in Fig. 3, and has a negative angle relative to the +y axis. As the frequency of the incident longitudinal wave decreases, the m = -1 shear wave approaches -90° and then becomes an evanescent wave also. The straight line indicates the frequency at which this occurs. Fig. 6 shows the data obtained for the 200 micron grating for an incident angle of 30°, using water and three sugar water solutions. 1640 300 micron SS grating, Water Variation of Critical Frequency with Angle data + 0.3 V data + 0.2 V • 20 deg • 25 deg 30 deg x 35 deg • 40 deg • 45 deg + 50 deg • 55 deg 5 55 4 6 8 Frequency (MHz) FIGURE 4. Data obtained using 300 micron SS grating and water for incident angles ranging from 20° to 55°. Incident Angle = 40 deg, 300 micron SS grating Variation of Critical Frequency for Water and Sugar Water Solutions FIGURE 5. Data obtained using 300 micron SS grating and an incident angle of 40° using water, 10% sugar water (SW), 20 % sugar water and 30% sugar water. EXPERIMENTAL MEASUREMENTS FOR REXOLITE GRATING Measurements were also obtained for a plastic Rexolite™ grating having a grating spacing of 406 microns with a 120° included angle. Fig. 7 shows data obtained 1641 Incident Angle = 30 deg, 200 micron SS grating Variation of Critical Frequency for Water and Sugar Water Solutions 0.1 Frequency (MHz) FIGURE 6. Data obtained using 200 micron SS grating and an incident angle of 30° using water, 10% SW, 20% SW, and 30% SW. 406 micron Rexolite Grating Incident Angle = 25 deg +- Water *~1038(10%SW) 1081 (20% SW 1127 (30% SW) Frequency (MHz) FIGURE 7. Data obtained using 406 micron Rexolite grating at an incident angle of 25° for three sugar water solutions having a density of 1038 kg/m3, 1081 kg/m3, and 1127 kg/m3. for water, 10% SW (1038 kg/m3), 20% SW, and 30% SW. The arrows show the critical frequencies expected. Unfortunately, the minimum is so broad that the precise critical frequency cannot be determined. However, there is another very interesting feature: Note the large separation at the maximum between the four sets of data. This is an indication that the data is quite sensitive to small changes in density. Additional data, obtained for small changes in the density of the sugar water solution, are shown in Fig. 8. Changes in density as small as 0.5% can easily be observed. 1642 406 micron Rexolite Grating 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Frequency (MHz) FIGURE 8. Data obtained using 406 micron Rexolite grating for small changes in the density of the sugar water solutions, ranging from a density of 1005 kg/m3 to 1127 kg/m3. CONCLUSIONS AND PATH FORWARD The large amount of data obtained for the two stainless steel gratings consistently shows that the peak in the data occurs at the critical frequency, similar to those shown in Figs 3, 4, and 5. Improvements in the grating design and in the experimental apparatus are currently underway. The goal is to increase the amplitude and resolution of the peak due to the critical frequency. Results show that the Rexolite grating can be used to distinguish between small changes in the density of the liquid. After the design has been maximized for liquids, experiments using slurries will be undertaken. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by the Environmental Management Science Program of the Office of Environmental Management, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is operated for the DOE by Battelle Memorial Institute under Contract No. DE-AC06-76RL01830. REFERENCES 1. Brodsky, A. M., Burgess, L. W., and Smith, S. A. AppliedSpectroscopy 52, 332A (1998). 2. Anderson, B. B., Brodsky, A. M. and Burgess, L. W. Physical Review 54, 912 (1996). 3. Smith, S. A., Brodsky, A. M., Vahey, P. G. and Burgess, L. W. Analytical Chemistry 72,4428 (2000). 4. deBilly, M. and Quentin, G. J. Phys. D: Appl Phys. 15, 1835 (1982). 5. Bridge, B. and Tahir, Z. British Journal ofNDT 31, 9 (1989). 1643
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