REPEATABILITY OF AN ABLATION SOURCE USING A TIMEFREQUENCY REPRESENTATION Kritsakorn Luangvilai and Laurence J. Jacobs School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta GA 30332-0355 USA ABSTRACT. Ultrasonic Lamb waves attenuate when propagating through viscoelastic plates. Experimental attenuation values are usually obtained with transducers by comparing measured timedomain signals at two different locations. However, this method can measure only a few points on the attenuation-frequency dispersion curves, and usually only for some specific mode. It has been shown that multi-mode dispersion curves (plus their associated energy distribution) can be obtained by operating on the transient, time-domain signals, generated and detected with laser ultrasonics. This technique uses proper signal processing technique, namely, a time-frequency representation (TFR). The current research uses a similar methodology for Lamb wave attenuation measurements which provides a series of attenuation values for many modes. As a first step, the laser source repeatability (both amplitude and frequency spectrum) must be verified. This research studies the variation of a laser ablation source by considering the surface wave propagating on an isotropic half-space. A series of experimental time-domain surface wave signals from different propagation distances are operated on with a TFR and compared in, strictly, propagation-distance-independent energy slownessfrequency domain. The amplitude constant is defined for comparison purposes. Also, the proposed signal processing technique is instituted in an error-free manner. INTRODUCTION In plate-like structures, ultrasonic Lamb wave attenuation is one of the important characteristics of viscoelastic materials. This property is normally presented as a function of frequency and individual modes, as shown in Figure 1. Note that these curves are the imaginary parts of the wavenumbers which satisfy the complex dispersion relation at a given frequency. The dispersion relation for viscoelastic materials is the same as that of elastic materials, except that all wave speeds (longitudinal and shear) and wavenumber are complex numbers. To experimentally obtain those curves, conventional single-source generation, multi-receiver detection using transducers can be employed. Time-domain signal decay between two locations can be used to calculate attenuation. However, this method usually gives only a few points in a narrow frequency bandwidth and for only a single mode, due to the limitations of transducers. This research proposes using laser ultrasonic techniques to experimentally measure attenuation in viscoelastic plates; laser ultrasonics enables the broadband generation and detection of multi-mode Lamb waves. Moreover, the laser system is a non-contact, point-like system, which minimizes the CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 1509 source/receiver source/receivervariation variationdue duetotoother otherfactors factorssuch suchasastransducer transducercoupling couplingororpressure pressure on on transducers, transducers,and andreduces reducesdiffraction diffractionand andnear nearfield fieldeffects. effects. Previous Previous research research shows shows that that the the use use ofof laser laser ultrasonics ultrasonics with with aa time-frequency time-frequency representation representation (TFR) (TFR) signal signal processing processing technique technique isis very very effective effective inin obtaining obtaining the the dispersion dispersioncurves curvesofofan anisotropic isotropicelastic elasticplate plate[1,2]. [1,2].These Theseresults resultsshow showhow howgroup groupvelocity velocity changes changeswith withfrequency frequency(in (intwo twodimensions), dimensions),and andare arequalitatively qualitativelyencouraging, encouraging,providing providing ananexcellent excellentmatch matchwith withnumerical numericalsimulations. simulations.However, However,the theTFR TFRgives givesthree-dimensional three-dimensional results; results;the thethird thirddimension, dimension,besides besidestime timeand andfrequency, frequency,ininprinciple, principle,represents represents energy energy content contentthat thatcorresponds correspondstotoeach eachtime-frequency time-frequencycell. cell.Since Sincethis thisenergy energydimension dimensionhas hasnot not been beenquantified, quantified,this thisresearch research studies studiesit,it,and andtries triestotouse useitittotoextract extractenergy energyinformation information from fromexperimental experimentaltime time signals. signals.This Thisenergy energyinformation information will will then then lead lead toto attenuation attenuation of of ultrasonic ultrasonicLamb Lambwave wavemodes. modes. To Toexperimentally experimentallymeasure measureattenuation attenuationininviscoelastic viscoelasticplates, plates,the theentire entireprocess processcan can be bedivided dividedinto intothree threestages. stages.First, First,source sourcerepeatability repeatabilityisisstudied studiedand andverified. verified.Surface Surfacewave wave signals signalscan canbe beused usedatatthis thisstage. stage.These Thesesurface surfacewaves wavesare arenon-dispersive non-dispersiveand andsingle-mode; single-mode; they they are are appropriate appropriate toto be be used used asas benchmark benchmark test test signals. signals. Second, Second, the the proposed proposed signal signal processing processing algorithm algorithm isis tested tested with with non-stationary, non-stationary, dispersive, dispersive, and and multi-moded multi-moded signals. signals. Lamb Lambwaves waves inin an an elastic elastic plate plate are are fitted fitted atat this this stage, stage,because because the the attenuation attenuation of of signal signal amplitudes amplitudesisisknown knowntotofollow followthe the 1/Vr 1/√rspreading spreadingrule. rule.Lastly, Lastly,the thesame samealgorithm algorithm can canbe be applied appliedtototime-domain time-domain Lamb Lamb wave wave signals signals from from aa viscoelastic viscoelastic plate. plate. Attenuation Attenuation in in this this plate plate can can be be obtained obtained after after accounting accounting for for geometric geometric spreading. spreading. This This paper paper presents presents the the results resultsofofthe thefirst firststage stage--source sourcerepeatability. repeatability. TIME-FREQUENCY TIME-FREQUENCYREPRESENTATION REPRESENTATION The The time-frequency time-frequency representation representation (TFR) (TFR) shows shows energy energy localization localization in in both both the the time time and and frequency frequency domains. domains. The The TFR TFR gives gives information information as as to to the the time time atat which which each each frequency frequencycomponent componentarrives. arrives.Among Amongthe themany manycandidate candidate TFRs, TFRs, aa windowed windowed Fourier Fourier 100 90 80 Attenuation (Np/m) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 11 1.2 0.8 1.2 Frequency F re q u e n c y (M (M Hz) Hz) FIGURE FIGURE1: 1:Attenuation Attenuationof of Lamb Lamb waves. waves. 1510 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 transform or short-time Fourier transform (STFT) has proved to be appropriate for transient, multi-mode Lamb wave signals, therefore an STFT will be used for transient surface wave signals. The concept of the STFT is that the time-domain signal is segmented into overlapping portions. Each portion is multiplied by a window function with the same length and then Fourier transformed. Each portion approximates the frequency distribution at the center time in that duration. Mathematically, in discrete format, the STFT value can be written as [3]: (1) where f[n] is the sampled time-domain signal, and g[n] is a symmetric window of unity norm and length N. In addition to the STFT, the reassignment method is used to refine the TFR's resolution. The reassignment algorithm compresses the amplitude contours to their centers of gravity, thus reducing the spread of amplitudes in the time- frequency map [4]. Note that this reassignment algorithm does not improve the accuracy of the TFR. The reassignment procedure has the advantages that it improves the readability of the TFR, and that it refines the fixed time-frequency grid into a fixed slowness-frequency grid. The latter will be very useful when comparing Lamb wave signals with different propagation distances, since a fixed time- frequency grid will result in a variable slowness-frequency grid. GEOMETRIC SPREADING OF SURFACE WAVES Laser excitation on the surface of semi-infinite medium (or half-space) naturally generates surface waves. For a given excitation function of source, the transient wave propagation problem, which is a boundary- value problem, can be solved conventionally by integral transform techniques [5]. Since every function can be decomposed into the superposition of time-harmonic functions by the use of a Fourier series, it is reasonable to consider the time-harmonic solution (or solve the problem in frequency domain). As a result, the problem requires only a single transformation in space. In the present case, when the point excitation is the normally applied stress, time-harmonic solutions (stresses and displacements) for isotropic elastic half-space can be written in the form: a(r,z,t) = A(r,zy(kr-'a) (2) where a is any field quantity, A is a complex amplitude, and cylindrical coordinates are employed - r is distance from the source, z is the distance into the medium, and t is time. Following Miller and Pursey [6], the amplitude on the surface, A can be separated as: A(r,0)=§r (3) Vr where AQ is a constant amplitude. From (3), clearly, the magnitudes of any quantities decrease as 1/Vr. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE This study uses an aluminum half-space specimen. A Q-switched, Nd:YAG laser, with the pulse energy that generates ultrasonic waves in ablation regime, is used to generate 1511 ultrasonic normally applied applied stress stress source, source, which which ultrasonic waves. waves. The The ablation ablation source source behaves behaves like like aa normally naturally generates a surface wave. On the detection side, a heterodyne interferometer is naturally generates a surface wave. On the detection side, a heterodyne interferometer is used to detect the out-of-plane motions at the specimen surface. The measured time-domain used to detect the out-of-plane motions at the specimen surface. The measured time-domain signals, mm every every 1.5 signals, for for propagation propagation distances distances ranging ranging from from 30 30 to to 79.5 79.5 mm 1.5 mm, mm, are are digitally digitally recorded recorded by by an an oscilloscope, oscilloscope, and and transferred transferred to to aa personal personal computer. computer. The the STFT. STFT. The The resulting resulting TFR TFR is is then then The time-domain time-domain signals signals are are operated operated on on with with the reassigned. independent of of propagation propagation distance, distance, the the time time axis axis is is reassigned. In In order order to to make make the the TFR TFR independent normalized by dividing dividing by by propagation propagation distance. distance. The The TFR TFR normalized to to energy energy slowness slowness (Sl (Slee)) axis axis by now domain, which which in in this this now presents presents the the dispersion dispersion curve curve in in energy energy slowness-frequency slowness-frequency domain, case, is expected to consist of a single, non-dispersive mode propagating with the surface case, is expected to consist of a single, non-dispersive mode propagating with the surface wave defined as as the the real real part part wave slowness. slowness. From From the the reassigned reassigned STFT, STFT, the the amplitude amplitude constants, constants, defined of and then then plotted plotted against against the the 0 in of AAo in (2), (2), at at some some typical typical frequencies frequencies are are calculated, calculated, and propagation window of of 385-point 385-point length length propagation distance, distance, r.r. Note Note that that in in this this study, study, aa rectangular rectangular window and frequency of and overlapping overlapping of of 192-point 192-point length length (from (from the the sampling sampling frequency of 100 100 MHz) MHz) is is used used in in the the STFT STFT algorithm. algorithm. To any possible possible errors introduced by by the the To make make sure sure that that the the results results are are free free from from any errors introduced processing, the whole whole part part of of the the surface surface wave wave processing, the the cases cases when when the the window window does does not not cover cover the signal the variation variation of of laser laser ablation ablation signal are are excluded. excluded. The The variation variation in in the the remaining remaining results results is is the source source only. only. RESULTS RESULTS AND AND DISCUSSION DISCUSSION A by the the A typical typical time-domain time-domain surface surface wave wave signal signal and and its its spectrum spectrum calculated calculated by normal high signal-to-noise normal Fourier Fourier transform transform isis shown shown in in Figure Figure 2. 2. This This plot plot shows shows the the high signal-to-noise ratio typical aa TFR TFR in in ratio and and broad broad frequency frequency bandwidth bandwidth of of the the optical optical system. system. Figure Figure 33 shows shows typical the the energy energy slowness-frequency slowness-frequency domain, domain, and and its its cross-section. cross-section. This This plot shows that energy localization localization arrives arrives with with the the slowness slowness of of 0.00033-0.00034 0.00033-0.00034 s/m which corresponds to the surface surface wave wave slowness slowness in in aluminum. aluminum. To To calculate calculate the amplitude constant at some specific specific frequency, the the cross-sectional cross-sectional area area at at that that frequency is computed and multiplied by the frequency, square root root of of the the propagation propagation distance. distance. The The amplitude amplitude constants are then plotted versus square propagation distances distances for for some some specific specific frequencies frequencies as shown in figure 4 and 5. Most of the propagation errors in in the the amplitude amplitude constants constants (about (about 94% 94% of of the the results) are in the order of 7%. A large errors 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 | f-0.01 I -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 -0.05 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 2 3 4 5 6 7 Frequency (MHz) (MHz) Frequency Time(µs) (MS) Time FIGURE2:2:Typical Typicaltime-domain time-domainand andfrequency frequencyspectrum spectrumofofsurface surfacewave wavesignals. signals. FIGURE 1512 variation (larger than 10%) is observed at high frequencies and a large propagation variationThe (larger than is observed at high frequencies and a large propagation distance. reasons are 10%) discussed as follows. distance. The reasons as follows.signal, the major differences in shape from Looking closelyare at discussed each time-domain Looking time-domain signal,the themain majorportion differences shape peaks from one signal to theclosely others atis each in the trail following (the in smaller one signal the others is inThat thepart trailoffollowing main portion (the smaller following twotopositive peaks). the signalthe is higher in frequency than thepeaks main following two positive peaks).ofThat of the signal is higher in frequency the main part. As a result, the spectrum the part surface wave portion is naturally more than sensitive, i.e. part. As a result, the spectrum of the surface wave portion is naturally more sensitive, i.e. more varied, from measurement to measurement, at higher frequencies than at lower more varied, from measurement to measurement, at higher frequencieswindow than at(which lower frequencies, when compared to the center frequency. Since the rectangular frequencies, when compared to the center frequency. Since the rectangular window (which results in the largest sidelobes) is used, this variation at high frequencies is then more results in the is distances used, this (and variation high frequencies is then more pronounced. Forlargest large sidelobes) propagation their atassociated lower signal-to-noise pronounced. large propagation distances associated signal-to-noise ratio), the mainFor characteristics of the waves are (and moretheir easily distorted lower by other factors such the main in characteristics of inside the waves are the more easily and distorted othersystem. factorsThese such asratio), imperfections material (both and on surface) noise by in the as imperfections in material (both inside and on the surface) and noise in the system. These distortions will introduce some variation to the results especially, again, for the high distortions will introduce some variation to the results especially, again, for the high frequency components. frequency components. CONCLUSION CONCLUSION This research uses the STFT technique to verify the 1/√r geometric spreading of the This the The STFT technique the lA/r geometric of the amplitudes ofresearch surface uses waves. variation of to theverify amplitude constants is spreading the variation of amplitudes of surface waves. The variation of the amplitude constants is the variation of laser ablation source that is due to the complicated ablation mechanism. The results show laser ablation source that is due to the complicated ablation mechanism. The results show that the variation is about 7%, provided that the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficiently large as that the variation is about 7%, provided that the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficiently large as presented in this research. This condition emphasizes the careful design of the experiments. presented in this research. This condition emphasizes the careful design of the experiments. Besides that, in order to use the TFR to correctly extract the energy (in terms of amplitude) Besides that, in order to use the TFR to correctly extract the energy (in terms of amplitude) distribution, the parameters of the algorithm are critical and need to be properly selected. In distribution, the parameters of the algorithm are critical and need to be properly selected. In the results shown here, both the repeatability of the source and the processing procedure the results shown here, both the repeatability of the source and the processing procedure support the idea of using this methodology to experimentally measure attenuation of Lamb support the idea of using this methodology to experimentally measure attenuation of Lamb waves wavesininviscoelastic viscoelasticplates. plates. -4 x 10 5 x 10 5 4.5 4.5 4 4 Energy slowness (s/m) 3.5 ^ 3.5 I 3 3 2.5 2.5 2 1.5 1.5 11 0.5 0.5 00 0 Magnitude Magnitude 1 2 33 44 55 66 Frequency (MHz) 7 8 9 Frequency Frequency (MHz) (MHz) FIGURE3:3:Energy Energyslowness-frequency slowness-frequencydispersion dispersioncurve curveand anditsitscross-section cross-sectionofofthe thesurface surfacewave. wave. FIGURE 1513 10 10 1MHs •M. 2 1.5 A 1 " ' • • * * . ^*N- .» **^ 1j5 1 V-V ..'«..*• ->..?•• 0.5 ** n °0 20 40 00 80 "0 20 r(mm) xHl"* 1j4>MHz x lOf* 2.5 2J5 2 2 1-B 1jB 1 1 as O.fl n ao 40 r(mm) 40 80 80 r(mm) eg 1.6 MHz *„** ». * ***< • •. #** n w 2G 40 BO 60 r(mm) FIGURE 4: Experimental amplitude constants vs propagation distance at 0.6, 1.0, 1.4, 1.8 MHz. 2.5 2.5 2 • * *" 4 k' 2 m * •»" •' 1 1 0.5 0-5 I 20 40 W °(» 00 20 40 60 «0 i-(mm) jt^ X|Q4 3 MHZ 2-5 2.5 2 2 1.B >4MHZ 1.B *•-*.-.> v:^,/ 1 ""v—^ - 1 0.5 0.5 n n 20 40 60 BO 20 r(mm) 40 60 80 T(mm) FIGURE 5: Experimental amplitude constants vs propagation distance at 2.2, 2.6, 3.0, 3.4 MHz. 1514 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research is partially supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number CMS-021283. REFERENCES 1. Niethammer, M., Jacobs, L., Qu, J., Jarzynski, J., J. Acous. Soc. Am. 109(5), 1841-1847 (2001). 2. Valle, C. Niethammer, M., Qu, J, Jacobs, L., J. Acous. Soc. Am. 110(3), 1282-1290 (2001). 3. 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