ACOUSTIC EMISSION PERFORMANCE FOR DAMAGE MONITORING OF IMPACTED FRP COMPOSITE LAMINATES M.P. Amoroso, C. Caneva, F. Nanni, M. Valente Dept. of Materials and Chemical Engineering, University of Rome "La Sapienza" Via Eudossiana 18, Rome, Italy ABSTRACT. The purpose of paper is to emphasize the AE capabilities on detection and characterization of the impact damage of FRP composite laminates. These materials, in particular FRP, have anisotropic and non homogeneous property that confer it a hardy predictable mechanism of damage such as initiation, growth and propagation of failure, delamination, breaking of matrix and fibers, debonding, pull-out and more else, as a consequence of impact. Impact in composite materials, even if it is performed with low velocity can cause considerable and also invisible damage, so, knowing the behavior of this material after impact is useful especially to the aeronautical industry that uses a great deal of composite material. AE is a suitable NDT method to detect in real time the progressive damage that occurs, giving information about nature and location of the dam. By means of AE we have characterized the damage of composite laminates and evaluated the cumulative damage of FRP. In the spirit of the impact field we have also analyzed many aspect of the damage like the magnitude of the damage, the residual life of the composite. INTRODUCTION Excellent resistance to low velocity impact is always more and more requested in most of polymer composite materials applications. Low velocity impacts usually are characterized by small amplitudes and cause damages contained in very well defined areas of the structure. Low velocity impacts are therefore pretty much different from high velocity impacts (or ballistic impacts), which are limited to specific applications specially in the military field. Low velocity impacts, on the contrary, happen very frequently in many common industrial applications such as in the transportation industry (aeronautics, railway systems, automobile and naval industry), industrial plants and civil engineering. Low velocity impacts on traditional monolithic materials do not cause severe problems, since they usually happen on the material surface where the phenomenon cause local plastic deformation, indentations or superficial microcracks. In fiber reinforced materials, instead, the situation is completely different since usually there can be no external (i.e. superficial) evidence of the occurred impact, but, on the contrary, there can be severe internal damages such as delaminations, matrix and fibres fracture, debonding and pull outs. CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 1447 Damage onset and increase can cause mechanical performance decrease in composite structures, which can often remarkably reduce their residual life. In fact, even if the effect of low velocity impact is initially localized and does not bring immediately to structure failure, nevertheless such impacts are extremely dangerous since the small damaged areas usually act as point of onset for large and fatal structural failures. This phenomenon is, therefore, particularly dangerous so that it can bring to a drastic limitation in the use of composite materials for many structural uses (as in the field of aeronautics and spatial structures) where availability is the major goal and has always to be guaranteed. It is therefore of great importance to be able to detect and evaluate quickly the effect of impacts on composite structures (usually made of laminates), by using non destructive evaluation methods. To detect impact damage (usually small and localized), Acoustic Emission AE is particularly suitable since it is very sensitive, easy to use, can be use on large structures and allow to perform in-field evaluations. Moreover this technique can insure a dynamic evaluation of damage, which can point out the real effect of the damage and evaluate the structural resistance modification of the material subjected to mechanical loads, independently from the damage extension, localization and depth. AE can foresee damage evolution and therefore help to evaluate critical stress that can cause damage propagation. AE can select and distinguish impact damage characteristics. As previously reported, in fact, it is well known that impact damage can cause matrix and fibres fracture, matrix-fiber debonding and fiber pullout. Such effects are easily recognized and identified by using AE. This aspect is particularly important in structural composite materials since the effect caused by impact damage depends on the laminate type and composition, which include the type of matrix (polyesther or epoxy), the type of reinforce (glass, kevlar or carbon) as well as on the stacking sequence, the type of cloth. Purpose of the present research was to evaluate AE ability to characterize the effects of low velocity impacts so that it was possible to evaluate damage (in terms of decrease of mechanical resistance) and to obtain quantitative information on residual life of a specific material after impact. The research was carried out on laminates. At first impacts were performed then the effect of such impact on the laminate mechanical behavior was evaluated by performing AE measurements during tensile tests. At the end, the analysis of AE data together to those recorded during the mechanical tests allowed to point out the presence of a damage threshold above which the material mechanical properties start to decrease. MATERIALS AND METHODS Many tests have been carried out by the authors on different polymer composite materials in order to evaluate the AE effectiveness in detecting damage on both impacted and virgin specimens. In this paper, though, only the results achieved on GFRP impacted laminates will be presented. The results obtained from tests carried out on other class of polymer composite materials are described in other papers reported in the references. The materials involved in this research were GFRP laminates containing glass woven roving as reinforce. The laminates, manufactured by RTM process, had these characteristics: 1448 Matrix: polyesther resin ( Lonza 1629NT) Catalizator: MetiletilChetone Peroxide Reinforce: 10 layers of glass woven roving (type K1555 510 g / m 2 ) Volume percentagepolyesther of fibres: resin 37,7% Matrix: (Lonza 1629NT) The samples, 120 mm long, Peroxide 20mm wide and 3.5 mm thick, were finished with Catalizator: MetiletilChetone tabs to allow the 10correct during Reinforce: layers ofgripping glass woven rovingthe (typemechanical K1555 5 lOgtest. / m2) Moreover, two semicircular notches were performed in the central zone of the specimens, in order to Volume percentage of fibres: 37,7% localize the AE signal and allow a better analysis of the acquired data. Each notch was 4 The4 samples, 120leaving, mm long, 20mm wide and specimen 3.5 mm thick, wereoffinished mm high and mm wide, therefore, a new width 16mm.with The tabs to part allow theresearch correct was gripping duringinto thedifferent mechanical test. Moreover, two experimental of the articulated phases. semicircular notches wereimpacts performed in carried the central of the specimens, in order During the first phase, were out zone at three different energies: 5, to 10 localize the AE signal and allow a better analysis of the acquired data. Each notch was and 15 J by using an impact tower. The steel impactor has a hemispheric head with4 a mm high and 4 mm wide, leaving, therefore, a new specimen width of 16mm. The radius experimental of 5mm. The to be was impacted were a steel plate having a partsamples of the research articulated intoplaced differentonphases. thickness of During 20mm.the first phase, impacts were carried out at three different energies: 5, 10 In phase of thetower. experimentation, mechanical tests were head carried andthe 15 second J by using an impact The steel impactor has a hemispheric without a both onradius virginofand impacted samples an Instron 8033 universal machine 5mm. The samples to by be using impacted were placed on a steel tensile plate having a thickness at a strain rate of of20mm. 2 mm/min. At first simple tensile tests were performed in order to the secondproperties phase of the experimentation, teststests werewere carried out evaluate the Inmechanical of the material, thenmechanical cyclic tensile carried both on virgin and impacted samples by using an Instron 8033 universal tensile machine out in order to evaluate the effect of increasing damage on both damaged and at a strain rate of 2Inmm/min. At first simple tensile were performed in orderthat to undamaged materials. particular, a specific cyclictests procedure was adopted evaluate the mechanical properties of the material, then cyclic tensile tests were carried consisted steps ofthe 50 effect cyclesofeach, performed between 0 and σmax. This out ofinconsecutive order to evaluate increasing damage on both damaged and maximum load value was increased each step following this procedure (1): undamaged materials. In particular, a specific cyclic procedure was adopted that consisted of consecutive steps of 50 cycles each, performed between 0 and amax This σmax-i each = σmax-(i-1) + 10% σ (1) maximum load value was increased step following this rott.procedure (1): In all cases, strain gauges were used in the notched area to evaluate the occurring strain. In allacquisition cases, strain(Vallen gauges were used in was the notched evaluate the occurring AE AMSY-4) carried area out tocontemporarily to the strain. mechanical tests and to this aim four piezoelectric probes were applied on each AE acquisition (Vallen AMSY-4) was carried out contemporarily to the specimen. Two probes wereto positioned nearpiezoelectric the grips and werewere usedapplied as guards, mechanical tests and this aim four probes on while each the other two (active sensors) were placed just andand below area. The specimen. Two probes were positioned near above the grips were the usednotched as guards, while total gain was settled at 60 dB and theplaced threshold at 45 and dB.below The frequency the other two (active sensors) were just above the notchedacquisition area. The window wasgain between 100 and 300 total was settled at 60 dBkHz. and the threshold at 45 dB. The frequency acquisition window was between 100 and 300 kHz. Impact side Impact side AeAe sensors sensorsspacing spacing70 70 mm mm Toapparatus AE apparatus To AE FIGURE 1. Specimen sketch. FIGURE 1. Specimen sketch. 1449 Cumulative Counts Cumulative Counts Stress (MPa) (MPa) Stress o U I Strain Strain Strain FIGURE 2 Stress (MPa) and AE cumulative counts vs strain for woven roving laminates impacted at 5 J. FIGURE Stress (MPa) (MPa)and andAE AEcumulative cumulativecounts counts strain woven roving laminates impacted FIGURE 22 Stress vsvs strain forfor woven roving laminates impacted at 5 5 J. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION RESULTS ANDDISCUSSION DISCUSSION RESULTS AND Figure 2 reports the stress (MPa) and AE cumulative counts vs strain for woven Figure 22 reports the stress (MPa) and cumulative counts vs strain for woven theat stress (MPa) andAE AE counts vs strain for woven rovingFigure laminatesreports impacted 5 J. As it is possible tocumulative see from this diagram the counts vs roving laminates impacted atat55J.J.As it itisispossible to to seesee from thisthis diagram the the counts vs vs roving laminates impacted As possible from diagram counts strain curve confirm the results obtain from the mechanical test since a continuous strain curve confirm the results obtain from testtest since a continuous strain curve obtain fromthe themechanical mechanical since a continuous increase was confirm recorded,the butresults seems to to be be more more sensitive: acoustic activity activity starts before increase was recorded, but seems sensitive: acoustic starts before increase was recorded, but seems to be more sensitive: acoustic activity starts before any appreciable change in the stress-strain curve. Therefore, AE activity is far more any appreciable appreciable change ininthe stress-strain curve. Therefore, AEAE activity is far more any change the stress-strain curve. Therefore, activity is far more representative of of the the status status of of the the material material respect respect the the simple simple mechanical mechanical test. test. representative representative the status of thethe material respect the simple mechanical test. of the Figure 33ofreports, reports, instead, AE mean mean amplitude distribution analysis Figure instead, the AE amplitude distribution analysis of the Figure 3 reports, instead, the AE mean amplitude distribution analysis of the events. The mean is done taking the values at five different load level (as UTS %). The The events. The mean is done taking the values at five different load level (as UTS %). events. The mean is done taking the values at five different load level (as UTS %). behavior of the impacted specimens is different since the first step of loading. The behavior of the impacted specimens is different since the first step of loading. The The behavior of the impacted specimens is different since the firstfracture. step ofAmplitude loading. The phenomenon involved is of of high energy energy and involves involves fibre fracture. Amplitude phenomenon involved is high and fibre increases from frominvolved to 15 impacted specimens, that there is still large phenomenon high energy andsignificant involves that fibre fracture. increases 55 JJ to 15isJJ of impacted specimens, significant there is still Amplitude aa large contribution of 5fibre fibre to15the theJ strength strength ofspecimens, materials. At At 80% 80% of of that the failure failureisthere there a increases from J toto impactedof significant there still isis a alarge contribution of materials. the decrease of of the the amplitude Value, meaning that the the main main80% phenomenon that is isthere nowis a contribution of fibre to theValue, strength of materials. At of the failure decrease amplitude meaning that phenomenon that now occurring of is less less energetic. AtValue, this step stepmeaning delamination debonding and pull-out occur. occur. This occurring is this delamination pull-out decrease the energetic. amplitudeAt that debonding the main and phenomenon that This is now behavior is isis the the same for all allAtthe the impacted compositesdebonding but itit isis possible possible to select select theThis behavior for composites but to the occurring lesssame energetic. thisimpacted step delamination and pull-out occur. several levels of damage by low velocity impact, or residual mechanical strength, in the several levels of damage by low velocity impact, or residual mechanical strength, in behavior is the same for all the impacted composites but it is possible to select terms of AE amplitude. several levels of damage by low velocity impact, or residual mechanical strength, in terms of AE amplitude. WOVEN ROVING ^ 40 Sa !* 1 25 - |2Q f-15 < to 3 5tO% 40% 60% 80% 9l% % Strength to Failure FIGURE t for FIGURE 3. 3. Mean Mean Amplitude Amplitude over over threshold threshold vs vs % % aσrarupt forall alllaminates. laminates. FIGURE 3. Mean Amplitude over threshold vs % σrupt for all laminates. 1450 One of the aim of the present research was to find a quantitative characterization of damage caused by low-velocity impacts in PMCs, by using AE technique coupled to a test methodology the material can foreseecharacterization its residual life One of thethat aimsimulate of the present researchservice was tolife findand a quantitative [1].of damage caused by low-velocity impacts in PMCs, by using AE technique coupled to This methodology, already investigated thecan authors reported a test methodology that has simulate the been material service lifebyand foreseeand its was residual life in previous papers [1-3]. It is based on the performance of cyclic tests and correlates the [1]. onset or This increase of damage to the material Young modulus decay, as depicted methodology, has already been investigated by the authors and was reportedby Equation (2). in previous papers [1-3]. It is based on the performance of cyclic tests and correlates the onset or increase of damage to the material Young modulus decay, as depicted by Equation (2). D = 1-(E/E0) (2) 1-(E/E ) the 0Young modulus of the virgin material (2) and In which D is a damage parameter,DE=0 is E is the actual modulus [2]. In this research, instead, a new damage parameter is In whichwhich D is a is damage is the Young of thebyvirgin material introduced based parameter, on acousticE0emission data modulus and is given Equation (3). and E is the actual modulus [2]. In this research, instead, a new damage parameter is introduced which is based on acoustic emission data and is given by Equation (3). D = counts / total counts (3) D = counts / total counts (3) Where the term counts indicates the number of counts until a partial state and total counts is the the term number of total counts fracture. number is also Where counts indicates the registered number of atcounts until Count a partial state and total a significant related to impact damage phenomenon: an high countis number counts isparameter the number of total counts registered at fracture. Count number also a means an extent impact damage. significant parameter related to impact damage phenomenon: an high count number means an extent Diagram of impact figuresdamage. 4 to 7 report the trend of D parameter evaluated by Diagram of figures 4 tomesurements 7 report the of Dof parameter mechanical test monitored by AE as atrend function σrupt. %. evaluated by mechanical test monitored by AE mesurements as a function of am t %. Damage vs %σrupt. forr virgin specimens Damage vs %(?rupt. f° virgin specimens IIIIIIIII iiill! ili D Illi; iilll till! iiii llllililliiilill %σrupt FIGURE 4. Parameter D as a function of % σrupt. for virgin specimen evaluated mechanically (pink line) FIGURE 4. Parameter D as a function of % anqrt for virgin specimen evaluated mechanically (pink line) and by AE measurements (blue line). and by AE measurements (blue line). 1451 Damagevs vs %a %σrrupt. forvirgin virginspecimens specimensimpacted impactedaa55JJ Damage upt. for DD D Damage vs %σrupt. for virgin specimens impacted a 5 J Damage vs %σrupt. for virgin specimens impacted a 5 J %σ rupt rupt %σ rupt %σrupt FIGURE 5. Parameter D as aa function function of % aσnqrt For specimens FIGURE 5. 5.Parameter ofof% specimensimpacted impactedatat5J5Jevaluated evaluatedmechanically mechanically rupt. For FIGURE ParameterDDDas functionof rupt. For specimens impacted at 5J evaluated mechanically FIGURE 5. by Parameter asasaafunction %%σσ (pink line) and AE measurements (blue line). rupt. For specimens impacted at 5J evaluated mechanically (pink line) and by AE measurements (blue line). (pink line) and by AE measurements (blue line). (pink line) and by AE measurements (blue line). Damage vs riinf. for Damage vsvs%cy %σ for virgin specimens impacted at10 10JJJ Damage %σrupt. forvirgin virginspecimens specimensimpacted impactedat at 10 D D D rupt.for virgin specimens impacted at 10 J Damage vs %σrupt. %σ %σ rupt rupt %σ rupt D D D FIGURE 6.6.6.Parameter DDDas %%σa^ specimens impacted 10J evaluated mechanically FIGURE Parameter afunction functionof σrupt.For Forspecimens specimensimpacted impacted 10J evaluated mechanically FIGURE Parameter asasaafunction ofof% For atatat 10J evaluated mechanically FIGURE 6. Parameter D as a function ofline). % σrupt. rupt. For specimens impacted at 10J evaluated mechanically (pink line) and by AE mesurements (blue (pink (pinkline) line)and andby byAE AEmesurements mesurements(blue (blueline). line). (pink line) and by AE mesurements (blue line). r Damage vs impacted Damage vsvs%(?rupt. %σ for specimens atat 1515 J JJ Damage %σrupt.f° forspecimens specimensimpacted impacted at 15 Damage vs %σrupt. rupt. for specimens impacted at 15 J %σ rupt %σ rupt %σrupt FIGURE Parameter asasaaafunction function specimens mechanically FIGURE 7.7.7.Parameter DDDas %%σa^ specimensimpacted impactedatat15J 15 evaluated J evaluated mechanically rupt. For FIGURE Parameter functionofof% σ rupt. For specimens impacted at 15J evaluated mechanically (pink line) and AE measurements (blue line). (pink line) and byby AE measurements (blue (pink line) and by AE measurements (blue FIGURE 7. Parameter D as a function of line). %line). σ For specimens impacted at 15J evaluated mechanically rupt. (pink line) and by AE measurements (blue line). 1452 Such diagrams show that a damage threshold is easily recognizable at the point at which D start to increase from zero. Moreover, it is possible to correlate the stress (as % arott) at which D >0 with the impact energies. In particular, damage initiation was recorded at almost 70%arott in the case of virgin specimens, at 60%arott in the case of specimens impacted at 5J, at 50%arott in the case of specimens impacted at 10J and at 20%arott in the case of specimens impacted at 15J. The amazing thing is that damaged evaluated by means of AE perfectly match the trend of damage evaluated by mechanical data. CONCLUSIONS The results obtained by AE analysis on impacted composite laminates to assess the damage effects and explain the microstructural modifications due to impact confirm and improve the conventional methods based on mechanical tests. AE even improves the evidence of the damage kinds (delamination, matrix microfractures, fibre failure), and it is able to evaluate the damage extension. Furthermore it is possible by AE to define an impact energy threshold below of that impact damage is negligible. In conclusion, AE is a very important tool to evaluate the health state of structural composite materials for large volume applications. REFERENCES 1. G. Briotti, C. Caneva, C. Scarponi, M. Valente. Impact Behaviour of Jute Fiber Composites.Proc. of 8th International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/8). Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, August 5-11, 2001. 2. F. Billi, C. Caneva, M. Valente. Amplitude Analysis in the Assay of Impacted Composites Damage Tolerance. Proc. of 24th European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing. Senlis-France 24th-26th May 2000. 3. F. Billi, C. Caneva, M. Valente. Damage Tolerance Assessment on Polymeric Matrix Impacted Composites by means of Acoustic Emission. 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