A LAMB WAVE STUDY ON THERMAL DAMAGE IN A DEGRADED PLATE I. K. Park1, Y. Cho2, and J. L. Rose3 ! R. I. of NDE Technology, Seoul National University of Technology, 172, Gongneung-dong, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 139-743, Korea 2 School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Inje University, Kimhae City, Kyongsangnam-Do, South Korea 3 Ultrasonic Lab, Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA ABSTRACT. The feasibility of Lamb waves for monitoring thermally degraded materials is explored. It turns out that the use of Lamb waves leads to a promising nondestructive technique for the purpose of microstructure evaluation and material characterization of such materials. This is because Lamb modes can interact with entire area of a plate-like specimen while a conventional point-by-point technique is confined to just local investigations. Consequently, Lamb modes' data can show a better sensitivity and provide us with various features for thermal damage evaluation, compared to ones of local inspection, which results in the enhancement of experimental reliability. 2.25Cr-lMo steel specimens for various degradation levels were prepared by isothermal aging heat treatment at 650°and evaluated by the present technique to investigate the influence of the thermal damage to the Lamb wave feature based on the modal energy loss ratio. INTRODUCTION Recently, the typical material degradation found in the atomic or turbine power plant is due to high temperature creep and aging [1,2]. However, it is not always possible or practical to evaluate well-prepared specimens of identical condition to ones in use for laboratory test. In this sense, development of an efficient and reliable technique to monitor material degradation condition has been of great concern [3]. It is well known that various ultrasonic waves have been used for material inspection and condition monitoring [8]. This study aims at investigating the potential of Lamb waves for the characterization of thermally damaged materials. Furthermore, the experimental data based on the Lamb wave technique is correlated with the ones of conventional, visual material characterization by TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy) so that the feasibility of the present approach is verified. In this study, it is proposed to apply ultrasonic Lamb waves to evaluate degradation of thermally damaged materials. 2.25Cr-1.0Mo steel, which is widely CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 1379 used in various fields, including the power industry due to its resistance against the environment of high temperature and corrosion. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS Specimens The test material is 2.25Cr-lMo steel used as a turbine rotor material for a hightemperature and high-pressure power plant. The reason why this material was chosen for this study is that there is much demand for this alloy in various industries because of its unique characteristics like corrosion resistance and the suitability for use in a high temperature environment. The chemical composition (in wt%) of the material is given in Table 1. Table 2 shows the accelerated aging time at 650°C for equivalent microstructure served at 538°C. This is to simulate the microstructures of long term served materials at elevated temperature because of the difficulty to sample the aged materials on site [7]. All specimens were given homogenous treatment to obtain uniform substructure. Surface roughness of the specimens were maintained within 1 fm rms. The sheet type specimen of 90mm in length, 24mm in width and 10.6 mm thickness was used for measuring ultrasonic characteristics. Especially for Lamb wave test, the thickness was selected as 2.4 mm. Table 3 shows the mechanical properties of test materials. Experimental Setup for Bulk Wave Immersion Test Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the experimental setup for measuring attenuation by the immersion test. Broadband immersion type transducers of 0.5 inch diameter with 25 and 50 MHz center frequency were used along with a ultrasonic C-scan system as shown in Figure 1. Analog signals were digitized using a Lecroy 9374M digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) with a sampling rate of I GHz. Data processing was performed by the Pentium PC and MATLAB software routines. The pulse echo technique was used for attenuation coefficient measurements. Ultrasonic waveforms are to be viewed on the CRT of an ultrasonic probe and oscilloscope. The attenuation values were analyzed in frequency domain through an FFT of the waveforms averaged 1,000 times in the oscilloscope. Experimental Setup for Lamb Wave Test Figure 2 shows a schematic diagram of the experimental setup for the Lamb wave pitch-catch test. A couple of 1 MHz commercial type contact longitudinal transducers supplied by Japan Probe Co., along with the Ritec tone burst system is used to generate and receive the Lamb wave signals. The RF waveforms of each specimen were obtained by varying propagation distance between the two transducers. Mode identification was TABLE 1. Chemical composition of 2.25CrMo steel (wt. %). Element Composition Element Composition C 0.138 P 0.014 Si 0.142 Mn 0.46 S 0.004 Cr 2.27 Mo 0.97 Fe Bal. 1380 carried out with the as-received specimen for the modes, S0 and A1 at fd =2.4 MHz mm and the results are given in Table 4. carried out with the as-received specimen for the modes, SO and Al at f d =2.4 MHz mm and the results are given in Table 4. TABLE 2. Accelerated aging time at 650 for equivalent microstructure served at 538 . TABLE 2. Accelerated aging time at 650°C for equivalent microstructure served at 538°C. Time served As80,000 170,000 260,000 at 538 (hr) received Time served AsAging time 170,000 260,000 80,000 3,100 0 1,500 4,800 received at 538°C(hr) at 650 (hr) Aging time 4,800 0 1,500 3,100 at 650°C(hr) TABLE 3. Mechanical properties of test materials. TABLE 3. Mechanical properties of test materials. Tensile Yield Mechanical Elongation Strength Strength Properties (%) 2 ) (MPa) (kgf/mm Yield Tensile Mechanical Elongation Strength Strength Value 49 64.3 24 Properties (%) (kgtfmm2) (MPa) Value 3-Axial Controller Hitachi, miscope20 49 64.3 Pulser/Receiver 24 Hardness (Hv) Hardness 203.8 (Hv) 203.8 Digital Oscilloscope Digital Oscilloscope RF signal Lecroy 9374M Lecroy 9374M ASCII File Zig Probe Data analyzer Pentium III Water Zig Specimen FIGURE 1. A schematic diagram of experimental setup. FIGURE 1. A schematic diagram of experimental setup. 1381 FIGURE Lamb wave wave pitch-catch pitch-catch test. test. FIGURE 2. 2. Experimental Experimental setup setup for for Lamb Presented below is is thethephase Presented below phasevelocity velocitydispersion dispersioncurves curvesfor forthe theas-received as-receivedspecimen. specimen. 15 A2 Cph[mm/¥ ì sec] S2 10 A1 S1 S0 5 A0 0 0 0 0 .5 0.5 1 1 1 .5 1.5 2 2 .5 3 f·d z·m m ] 3 2 [M H2.5 3 .5 3.5 4 4 4 .5 4.5 5 5 FIGURE 3. The phase velocity dispersion curves for the as-received specimen. FIGURE 3. The phase velocity dispersion curves for the as-received specimen. TABLE 4. Group velocity comparisons for S0 and A1 at fd=2.4 MHz mm. TABLE 4. Group velocity comparisons for SO and Al at fd=2.4 MHz mm. Lamb modes Lamb modes Group velocity Group velocity S0 (theory) SO (theory) 1.8 1.8 S0 (exp.) SO1.915 (exp.) 1.915 A1(theory) A 1 (theory) 3.6 3.6 A1(exp.) Al(exp.) 3.724 3.724 RESULTS AND DISSCUSSION RESULTS AND DISSCUSSION Microstructure Observation by SEM & TEM and Conventional Bulk Wave Tests Microstructure Observation by SEM & TEM and Conventional Bulk Wave Tests In order to investigate the change of carbide morphology and carbide to degradation In order to investigate the change of carbide morphology and carbide to steps, we observed a change of microstructure with increasing degradation time with a degradation steps, we observed a change of microstructure with increasing degradation field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and transmission electron time with a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and transmission microscope (TEM) for the 2.25CrMo steel material. Figure 4 shows the results of the TEM electron microscope (TEM) for the 2.25CrMo steel material. Figure 4 shows the results of micrographs morphology of the carbides agingwith timeaging in thetime as-received and artificially the TEM micrographs morphology of thewith carbides in the as-received and aged specimens. Carbides became coarsened and spheroidized as the aging time was 1382 artificially aged specimens. Carbides became coarsened and spheroidized as the aging time was increased. Micro acicular carbide decreased in number and in 1,500 hours it was not observed. Grain boundary carbide coarsened and grew into a union. Figure 5 shows the dependence of the Vickers hardness value on aging time. We can tell that the downfall of the hardness value grew saturated as the degradation time passed. The value of hardness decreases more rapidly in a short aging time and the change becomes slower in longer aging time. Since these change of hardness values is related to the material degradation extent, we can predict destructive measurement indirectly and also identify the possibility of an evaluation of material degradation as well. Material Condition Monitoring Based on Modal Energy Loss Even though the data from the bulk wave immersion tests shows a feasibility for material condition monitoring as presented in Figure 6, the deviation in experimental data doesn't seem to be significant enough to be a reliable feature considering inevitable experimental uncertainties and error sources. In addition, they appear to have some problem in consistency. The Lamb wave technique is motivated by such findings. For the Lamb wave tests, the variation in the modal energy loss ratio is monitored with respect to aging time change expecting the feature can allow us to tell about a material condition during its degradation. This is because such a change of microstructure of the alloy as the appearance of the carbide precipitation may cause energy loss. (a) (b) (d) (c) FIGURE 4. TEM micrographs showing the morphology of the carbide (a) as-received (without thermal aging) (b) 920 hr aging time (c) 1800 hr aging time (d) 3700 hr aging time 1383 Vickers Hardness ( Hv ) 280 280 260 260 I 240 ^ 240 O 220 200 180 18 160 0 10000 10000 20000 20000 30000 30000 40000 40000 50000 60000 50000 60000 D e g ra d a tio n TTime im e (( hhours o u rs ) ) Degradation FIGURE5.5. Effect Effectof of degradation degradation time time on FIGURE on Vickers Vickers of of 2.25Cr-1.0Mo 2.25Cr-1.0Mosteel steelhardness hardnessatateach eachprobe probedistance. distance. Attenuation Coefficient [dB/mm] 1 .5 1 .2 0 .9 • a s -re c e iv e d as-received 1200hr • 1200hr 1800hr A 1800hr 3100hr V 3100hr 4800hr + 4800hr 0 .6 0 .3 0 25 30 25 30 35 40 F re q u e35n c y [M H z40] 45 45 50 50 Frequency [MHz] FIGURE 6. Attenuation coefficient measured by bulk wave. FIGURE 6. Attenuation coefficient measured by bulk wave. Unlike a bulk wave test, modal energy loss of Lamb waves can not simply be Unlike a bulk wave test, modal energy lossofoftheir Lamb waves natures. can not Rather, simply itbe measured in terms of an amplitude decrease because dispersive measured terms of an aamplitude decrease of surrounded their dispersive natures.ofRather, is a betterinway to define modal energy term because as the area by envelope the RF it iswaveform a better way to define a modal energy as theofarea surrounded by envelope of the RF since the modal energy is theterm function amplitude as well as duration time. waveform sinceRF thewaveforms modal energy the function as wellsetup as duration Two different wereiscaptured basedofonamplitude the pitch-catch varying time. the Two different RF transmitter waveformsand were captured based the on the pitch-catch setup the distance between receiver by adding time-delay barrier withvarying 15.3 mm distance between and Then, receiver adding the time-delay barrier 15.3and mm length as shown transmitter in Figure 7. thebyareas of the two envelopes are with defined determined as A1 in andFigure A2, respectively thisareas study.of the two envelopes are defined and length as shown 7. Then,inthe Figureas8Al andand 9 represent the correlation determined A2, respectively in thisbetween study. aging time and the energy loss ratio A2/A1Figure experimentally obtained atthef=1.0 MHz for S0 andaging A1 modes, respectively. is 8 and 9 represent correlation between time and the energyIt loss notedA2/A1 that the energy loss ratio of A1 decrease from 0.7 to 0.1 with It ratio experimentally obtained at mode f=1.0 MHz for remarkably SO and Al modes, respectively. aging increase indicating factdecrease that 2.25Cr-1.0Mo a very isrespect noted to that the time energy loss ratio of Al the mode remarkablyalloy frombecomes 0.7 to 0.1 with lossy material to thermal respect to agingdue time increasedamage. indicating the fact that 2.25Cr-1.0Mo alloy becomes a very The result ofto thethermal S0 mode also tends to descend with an increase of aging time but its lossy material due damage. sensitivity to be as good as thetoone of the with A1 mode. Compared to the bulk The doesn’t result ofseem the SO mode also tends descend an increase of aging time but attenuation dataseem by the Figure 6, it isCompared proved that modal itswave sensitivity doesn't to beimmersion as good astestthegiven one ofinthe Al mode. to the bulk energy loss ratio of theby Lamb modestest cangiven be a more reliable feature to wave attenuation data the wave immersion in Figure 6, and it issensitive proved that modal classify the level of material degradation. A further detailed study on the difference in energy loss ratio of the Lamb wave modes can be a more reliable and sensitive feature to sensitivity the ofenergy lossdegradation. feature of Lamb modes may be required on thein classify the oflevel material A further detailed study on thebased difference correlation between their wave structures and microstructures of the alloy. sensitivity of the energy loss feature of Lamb modes may be required based on the correlation between their wave structures and microstructures of the alloy. 1384 0 .2 0m m 1 5 .3 m m Amplitude [V] 0 .1 0 .0 -0 .1 -0 .2 0 10 20 Tim e [jis] 30 40 50 15.3mm T im e [ µ s ] FIGURE7.7. The The variation variation of of RF-signal RF-signal envelope envelope of FIGURE of SO S0 mode mode atatf=1.0 f=1.0MHz MHzdue duetotothe theincrease increaseofof15.3 15.3 mmininpropagation propagation distance. distance. mm -Area (A2/A1) 1 .0 2 A re a (A 2 /A 1 ) 1 .0 0 Area rate £ 0.98 2 0 .9 8 0 .9 6 0 .9 4 0 .9 2 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 2500 1 Aging 500 2time 000 2500 [hr.] A g in g tim e [h r.] 3000 3000 3500 3500 4000 4000 FIGURE 8. The variation of SO energy loss at f=lMHz with respect to aging time. FIGURE 8. The variation of S0 energy loss at f=1MHz with respect to aging time. 0 .8 0.7 A re a (A 2 /A 1 ) 0 .7 0.6 0 .6 0.5 Area rate S < 0 .5 0.4 0 .4 0.3 0 .3 0.2 00.1 .2 0 .1 0 500 1000 1500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 A g i n g tim e [hr.] 2000 2500 3000 3000 3500 3500 4000 4000 A g in g t im e [ h r . ] FIGURE 9. The variation of Al energy loss at f=lMHz with respect to aging time. FIGURE 9. The variation of A1 energy loss at f=1MHz with respect to aging time. 1385 CONCLUSIONS The feasibility of material degradation evaluation by Lamb waves is explored along with the results of TEM for microstructure change of a 2.25Cr-1.0Mo steel subjected to thermal damage. Due to carbide precipitation increase and spheroidization near grain boundaries of the microstructure during thermal degradation, the material becomes lossy resulting in the promising feature of the Lamb wave modal energy loss ratio for its condition monitoring. Lamb waves can be successfully applied to material condition monitoring, as long as a proper mode selection is achieved. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is supported by the research fund of Seoul National University of Technology. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Yamashita, M., Viswanathan, U. 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