MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION USING RECONSTRUCTED THERMOGRAPHIC DATA S.M. Shepard, J.R. Lhota, B.A. Rubadeux, D. Wang, and T. Ahmed Thermal Wave Imaging, Inc., 845 Livernois, Femdale, MI 48220 USA ABSTRACT. Pulsed thermography has generally been used to identify, and in some cases, measure the depth of subsurface defects. In general, quantitative analysis of pulsed thermographic data has required the presence of a reference sample or region in the field of view, which is not practical for a majority of real inspection situations. Recently, we have developed a new approach to processing pulsed thermographic data, Thermographic Signal Reconstruction (TSR), which allows quantitative characterization without the use of a reference region. INTRODUCTION In active thermography, the front surface of a solid sample is heated either instantaneously or continuously while an IR camera monitors changes in the surface temperature. Surface areas located directly above buried features that obstruct the flow of heat into the sample will temporarily appear hotter than intact areas, which cool to equilibrium more rapidly. Near surface flaws with large aspect ratios may be detected using a simple heating apparatus (e.g. a hot-air gun or heat lamp) and visual observation of the IR camera video display. However, instantaneous heating using optical flashlamps (Fig. 1), commonly referred to as Pulsed Thermography (PT), has become the preferred implementation for many NDE applications in the aerospace, power generation and automotive industries, as it offers significantly better repeatability and sensitivity than continuous heating approaches. •defect flashlamp sample FIGURE 1. Schematic of the pulsed thermography process. The sample surface is heated with a pulse of electromagnetic radiation from a flashlamp. Heat from the surface diffuses into the sample, and is obstructed by the presence of a subsurface defect. The accumulated heat energy at the defect causes a transient nonuniformity in the infrared radiation from the sample surface, which is detected by the IR camera. CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/$20.00 1270 Analysis of PT data is performed on either a local or global scale. In local analysis methods, which are simpler and more widely used, individual images taken from the cooling time sequence are examined to find anomalous "hot spots" that are indicative of subsurface defects [1]. Increased signal to noise performance is obtained by viewing a "gate", which is the average of several consecutive frames (the amount of signal to noise improvement is equal to the square root of the number of frames in the gate). Contrast between defective regions and the intact background may be enhanced by subtraction of later gates from earlier ones, or by viewing the time derivative each pixel in the gate. Conventional image processing methods may also be used to further enhance image contrast. However, there is a cost associated with the use of time gating for signal to noise improvement. Heat deposited at the sample surface diffuses in both normal and lateral directions (with respect to the sample surface). Although the normal diffusion component allows interrogation of deeper features as time elapses, the lateral components give rise to blurring of subsurface features in PT images that grows more severe as time elapses. Thus, as more frames are added to the gate to improve S/N, these include later frames in the time sequence, which have suffered the effects of diffusion blurring. Consequently, there is a trade-off between signal to noise improvement and spatial resolution that must be considered when applying local methods. In global analysis methods, the time response of each pixel in the field of view is considered over the entire duration of the heating event and subsequent cooling period. The time evolution of the difference between the amplitude of a point on the sample and that of a defect free reference point, usually referred to as a contrast curve, has been widely used to quantitatively characterize dynamic response to pulsed heating. For every frame in the data sequence, the amplitude of the reference point (or the mean amplitude of the reference region) is subtracted from the amplitude of every pixel in the image. In principle, points which lie over defect free areas will behave nearly identically to the reference and yield flat contrast curves with near-zero amplitude, while points that lie over defect areas will display contrast maxima that are correlated to feature depth. The peak, early time and inflection point, integral and moment of the contrast curve have been investigated as a means of defect characterization [2]. Defect depth maps may be created by generating a contrast curve for every pixel in the image and identifying a characteristic (e.g. peak slope time, peak contrast time) that can be correlated to subsurface depth. Contrast curve methods are not widely implemented as they are relatively insensitive to small or deep defects and their reproducibility is poor, due to the strong dependence on the position of the reference point. RECONSTRUCTION OF THERMOGRAPHIC IMAGE SEQUENCES Recently, significant improvements in signal to noise performance as well as sensitivity to smaller and deeper defects have been reported using a Thermographic Signal Reconstruction (TSR) approach to global PT sequence analysis [3-4]. The method exploits the well known observation that in a thick solid sample the surface temperature response to instantaneous uniform heating is described by the 1-dimensional heat diffusion equation f£-!^=o, dz2 a dt CD with the solution r= 2 1271 (2) where Q is the input energy and e is the thermal effusivity (the square root of the product of density, heat capacity and thermal conductivity). The 1 -dimensional approximation recognizes that heat diffuses in all directions, but assumes that the lateral diffusion components more or less cancel in a defect free sample. However, in the presence of an adiabatic subsurface boundary such as a void or a wall, the incident heat flow from the sample surface is impeded, and the 1 -dimensional description no longer applies locally. In effect, defect detection in pulsed thermography can be thought of as identification of areas where the 1 -dimensional assumption breaks down. In principle, the separation between normal (1 -dimensional) and anomalous cooling should be simple, and in fact, this is the case for large or very near surface cases (the same type of cases that can be readily imaged with an IR camera and heat gun excitation). However, as one attempts to detect smaller, deeper defects, or detect the presence of walls, where no deeper reference area exists, the effects of IR camera noise and instability, as well as the random structure (e.g. fibers, porosity, granularity) found in many samples, significantly complicate and limit the ability to discriminate between intact areas and boundaries. Additional insight into the surface temperature response to pulsed heating is gained by considering the time evolution of the surface temperature in the logarithmic domain [5] (Fig. 2). In this case, the solution to the ideal 1 -dimensional heat flow behavior expressed in Eq. 2 becomes which is significant in several respects: 1. For a defect- free sample, Eq. 3 describes a straight line with slope = -0.5. 2. Time dependence has been separated from input energy and material properties. 3. The linear and fixed slope behaviors are invariant with respect to sample material, input energy or IR camera calibration. Only the scale of the response will change as these parameters vary. 4. The predictable slope and straight-line behavior allows identification of a defect point without a reference point. 5. Both intact and defect points are "well-behaved", i.e. they do not undergo sudden deviations from quasi-linear behavior. In practice, logarithmic data may vary from ideal 1 -dimensional behavior for a variety of reasons (e.g. nonlinear camera response, background radiation or convective heating contributions). Nevertheless, the logarithmic behavior of the time evolution exhibits remarkable consistency, in that pixels representing defect free areas are nearly linear, and pixels corresponding to subsurface defects depart from the near-straight-line behavior at a particular time that is correlated to the depth of the defect (this time is essentially the peak slope time that is detected in time domain contrast curves). We can approximate the logarithmic time dependence of a pixel by a function, or set of orthogonal functions. In most cases, a polynomial (Eq. 4) provides an excellent fit to experimental data. ln(T(t)) - a0 + ailn(t) + a2[ln(t)]2 + a3[ln(t)]3 + a4[ln(t)]4 1272 (4) 17000 8.5 17000 16000 8.0 16000 7.5 15000 - 14000 14000 - ln T amplitude 15000 13000 13000 12000 7.0 6.5 12000 11000 6.0 1100010000 5.5 5.0 10000 9000 9000-10 90 190 290 90time (frame 190number)290 0 390 1 2 3 4 5 ln t 390 time (frame number) FIGURE 2. Comparison of linear and logarithmic temperature time plots for a points on a steel flat bottom FIGURE 2. In Comparison time plots for a pointswith on aan steel flat region. bottom hole sample. the linear of plotlinear (left)and thelogarithmic defect can temperature only be identified by comparison intact hole sample. In the linear plotbehave (left) the defect can only be slope identified comparison withuntil an intact region. However, the log plots (right) as straight lines with –0.5 by (solid black line) a subsurface However, the log plots as from straight lines with slope -0.5 (solid black line) until a subsurface defect is encountered and(right) the plotbehave deviates linear behavior. defect is encountered and the plot deviates from linear behavior. A low order expansion is applied intentionally in order to serve as low pass filter A low order appliedresponse, intentionally in order to serve as low passnoise filter that preserves the expansion essential is thermal while rejecting non-thermal that preserves the essential thermal response, while rejecting non-thermal noise contributions. In the logarithmic domain, the inclusion of higher orders only replicates contributions. In the logarithmic thedata. inclusion orders only replicates noise that appears in the later, low domain, amplitude Once of thehigher time evolution of each pixel noise that appears in the later, low amplitude data. Once the time evolution of each pixel has been approximated by Eq. 4, or a similar function, we can reconstruct the original has been approximated by Eq. 4, or a similar function, we can reconstruct the original data, since data, since T(t) = exp[a0 + a1ln(t) + a2[ln(t)]22+ a3[ln(t)]33+ a4[ln(t)]44] (5) T(t) - exp[a0 + ailn(t) + a2[ln(t)] + a3[ln(t)] + a4[ln(t)] ] (5) nd The reconstructed time sequence in Eq. 5 is readily differentiable, so that 1stst, 2->nd n or The reconstructed time sequence in Eq. 5 is readily differentiable, so that 1 , 2 ~ or higher order time derivative images can be created (Fig. 3). If the entire sequence of TSR higher order time derivative images can be created (Fig. 3). If the entire sequence of TSR images is to be stored, it is only necessary to save the polynomial coefficients, regardless of images is to is only necessary the polynomial of the length of be thestored, imageitsequence. Images to (orsave derivative images) coefficients, representing regardless any point in the length theduration image sequence. Images derivative images)using representing any point time duringofthe of acquisition are (or created on demand Eq. 5 (creation of in a timex during the duration acquisition are created on demand using Eq. 5on(creation of a 320 240 image from a 6thof order polynomial requires approximately 0.1 sec a 700 MHz 320 x 240PC). imageAs from 6th order requires approximately 0.1 sec on a 700 MHz Pentium a aresult, thepolynomial TSR method provides a significant degree of data Pentium PC). As a result, the TSR method provides a significant degree of data compression. For example, a 500 frame, 320 x 240 pixel, 16-bit image sequence normally compression. For example, a 500 frame, 320 x 240 pixel, 16-bit image sequence normally occupies 78.8 MB or RAM, while the corresponding data set comprising the coefficients of MB or RAM, while dataspace. set comprising the coefficients of aoccupies 6ththorder78.8 polynomial requires less the thancorresponding 5 MB of storage a 6 order polynomial requires less than 5 MB of storage space. FIGURE 3. Raw (left) and TSR 1st stderivative (right) PT images of a steel plate at 550 msec after flash FIGURE 3. sample Raw (left) TSR 1 derivative images of a steel plate at0.125” 550 msec flash heating. The has and 3 horizontal sets of flat(right) bottomPT holes at depths of 0.200”, and after 0.050”, from heating. The sample has 3 horizontal sets of flat bottom holes at depths of 0.200",contrast 0.125" and top to bottom, respectively. The derivative image has higher signal to background and 0.050", great from top to bottom, derivative sensitivity to therespectively. deepest set ofThe holes (top). image has higher signal to background contrast and great sensitivity to the deepest set of holes (top). 1273 COMPARISON OF CONVENTIONAL AND RECONSTRUCTED SEQUENCES COMPARISON OF CONVENTIONAL AND RECONSTRUCTED SEQUENCES Raw and reconstructed thermographic sequences were created for a 0.5" thick steel Rawhole and target, reconstructed thermographic were created a 0.5” thick steel flat bottom with sets of 5 holes at sequences depths of 0.050", 0.125"forand 0.200" beneath flat bottom hole target, with sets of 5 holes at depths of 0.050”, 0.125” and 0.200” beneath the sample surface. The diameter of the holes was 1", 0.75", 0.50", 0.25", 0.125". The the sample The diameter of thewith holes was 1”, 0.75”, The front surfacesurface. of the sample was coated a washable black0.50”, poster0.25”, paint 0.125”. to enhance IR front surface of the sample was coated with a washable black poster paint to enhance IR emissivity and light absorption. A commercial pulsed thermography system (EchoTherm®, emissivity and light absorption. A commercial pulsed thermography system (EchoTherm , Thermal Wave Imaging, Inc.) was used for flash excitation, data acquisition and Thermal Wave Imaging, Inc.) was used for flash excitation, data acquisition and reconstruction of the data sets. The system uses an IR camera with an InSb detector reconstruction of the data sets. The system uses an IR camera with an InSb detector operating at 60 Hz, and 2 linear xenon flashtubes, each driven by a 5 kJ power supply, operating at 60 Hz, and 2 linear xenon flashtubes, each driven by a 5 kJ power supply, yielding a flash pulse with a 2 msec duration. Digital data was acquired directly from the yielding a flash pulse with a 2 msec duration. Digital data was acquired directly from the IR camera immediately prior to flash heating, and continued for 3 seconds (180 frames). IR camera immediately prior to flash heating, and continued for 3 seconds (180 frames). Viewed on a frame-by-frame basis, the raw and reconstructed images appear to be Viewed on a frame-by-frame basis, the raw and reconstructed images appear to be nearly identical, although there is less granular noise in a reconstructed image than in the nearly identical, although there is less granular noise in a reconstructed image than in the corresponding raw The effects effects of of the the reconstruction reconstruction process process are are somewhat somewhatmore more corresponding raw image. image. The evident as aa movie, movie, as as noise noise in in the the original original sequence sequencevaries variesinin evident when when the the sequence sequence is is viewed viewed as time, variations in in the the reconstructed reconstructed image image are are extremely extremely time, while while small small pixel-to pixel-to pixel pixel spatial spatial variations stable over the period of the entire sequence. The effect of the reconstruction process on stable over the period of the entire sequence. The effect of the reconstruction process on temporal noise is illustrated in Figure 4, where reconstructed and raw data sequences on temporal noise is illustrated in Figure 4, where reconstructed and raw data sequences on aa single The statistical statistical correlation correlation between between the the 22 180-frame ISO-frame single pixel pixel are are compared compared directly. directly. The sequences in the the figure figure shows shows the the significant significant reduction reductioninintemporal temporal sequences is is 0.99942, 0.99942, and and the the inset inset in noise over a 50-frame interval. However, it is also instructive to consider the effect that noise over a 50-frame interval. However, it is also instructive to consider the effect that TSR has on spatial noise performance as a function of time. As an example, we consider TSR has on spatial noise performance as a function of time. As an example, we consider the 15 xx 15 15 pixel pixel region region surrounding surrounding the the single single pixel pixelconsidered considered the standard standard deviation deviation of of aa 15 previously (Fig. 4, right). In the raw data, the standard deviation exhibits considerable previously (Fig. 4, right). In the raw data, the standard deviation exhibits considerable frame-to-frame However, the the reconstructed reconstructed data data exhibits exhibits very very little little frame-toframe-toframe-to-frame variation. variation. However, frame first few few frames frames during during and and after after flash flash heating, heating,when whenthe the frame variation, variation, except except for for the the first camera is driven beyond the limits of its calibration. The relative stability of the TSR camera is driven beyond the limits of its calibration. The relative stability of the TSR standard to the the raw raw data data suggests suggests that that temporal temporal noise noise has has been been standard deviation deviation compared compared to effectively from the the reconstructed reconstructed sequence. sequence. effectively removed from 3000 25 25 450 2500 20 20 400 350 stdev amplitude 2000 1500 300 50 1000 60 70 80 90 100 15 15 10 10 55 - 500 0 0 0 50 100 150 150 200 00 50 50 100 100 150 150 200 200 time(f(frame) time rame) (frame) time (f rame) FIGURE 4. Comparison of raw FIGURE raw and and reconstructed reconstructed sequences. sequences. (Left) (Left) The Theraw rawand andreconstructed reconstructed(gray (grayline) line) time evolution evolution curves for a single pixel over time over an an intact intact region region have have aa statistical statisticalcorrelation correlationofof 0.99942. 0.99942. The The inset shows shows the the detailed detailed behavior behavior over inset over aa 50 50 frame frame interval. interval. (Right) (Right) The Theraw rawand andTSR TSRstandard standarddeviation deviationofofa a 15 xx 15 15 pixel pixel region region surrounding 15 surrounding the the intact intact point point isis plotted plotted as as aa function function ofoftime. time. The Thereconstructed reconstructedcurve curve shows little little frame-to-frame frame-to-frame variation shows variation and and isissignificantly significantlylower lowerthan thanthe theraw rawcurve. curve. 1274 STATISTICAL CONTRAST ANALYSIS contrast Contrast curves have been widely used for quantitative analysis of pulsed thermographic data. A contrast curve is formed formed by subtracting the time history of aa designated reference pixel (or the mean of a group of reference pixels), corresponding corresponding to to aa defect from the time history of the pixel under consideration. defect free free region of the sample, from Unlike the raw raw time history, history, which is monotonically decreasing, the contrast curve of a defect defect free free point is (ideally) flat), while the contrast curve representing a defect has aa distinct peak, indicating the time at which maximum defect-background contrast occurs. Various investigations have used the peak contrast, peak contrast time, or the time at which the ascending slope of the contrast curve is maximized to characterize subsurface defects. In practice, implementation of contrast curve analysis methods is complicated by the fact that results are highly dependent on the placement of the reference point, and and the the dominance of noise as deeper or more subtle defects are encountered. Comparison of of raw and and reconstructed data (Fig. 5) from from the steel flat flat bottom hole contrast curves for raw sample show that the overall behavior is identical, but the TSR contrast curve is almost completely free of temporal noise. As alternative alternative to to contrast As contrast analysis analysis using using aa reference reference point, point, the the time time evolution evolution of of the the standard deviation deviation in in aa region region surrounding surrounding the may also be studied. standard the defect defect may also be studied. Best Best results results are are achieved when the sampling region is approximately the side of the the defect under under consideration, but but covering covering only only half half the consideration, the defect defect area, area, so so that that the the region region contained contained roughly roughly an equal equal amount amount of of defective an defective and and intact intact pixels. pixels. Comparison Comparison of of standard standard deviations deviations for for raw raw and reconstructed reconstructed data data (Fig. (Fig. 6, left) show show the the frame-to-frame frame-to-frame consistency consistency of and 6, left) of the the standard standard deviation, compared compared to to the the raw raw data, data, although although the the amplitudes amplitudes are are nearly nearly the deviation, the same. same. However, the the standard standard deviation deviation of background region However, of aa 25 25 xx 25 25 pixel pixel background region over over aa defect defect free free are are is significantly significantly reduced result. This is reduced in in the the TSR TSR result. This apparent apparent reduction reduction in in background background spatial spatial noise, as as aa consequence consequence of noise, of temporal temporal noise, noise, yields yields aa small small increase increase in in detectability detectability in in the the TSR images. images. Comparison TSR Comparison of of conventional conventional contrast contrast and and TSR TSR standard standard deviation deviation data data (Fig. (Fig. right) shows nearly identical 66 right) shows nearly identical peak peak behavior. behavior. However, However, the the standard standard deviation deviation decays decays more slowly slowly than the raw raw contrast, defect retains more than the contrast, since since the the area area above above the the defect retains heat heat in in aa nonuniform distribution distribution for nonuniform for some some time time after after peak peak contrast contrast has has occurred. occurred. 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0.75", 0.125" 0.50", 0.125" 0.50", 0.200" 0 100 200 200 time time (frames) (frames) 300 300 400 400 FIGURE 5. bottom holes holes in FIGURE 5. Comparison Comparison of of raw raw and and TSR TSR contrast contrast for for 33 flat flat bottom in aa steel steel plate plate sample. sample. Behavior Behavior of of the raw raw and and TSR TSR curves curves is is nearly nearly identical, but temporal temporal noise the identical, but noise is is significantly significantly reduced reduced in in the the TSR TSR data. data. The The deepest hole hole exhibits exhibits negative negative contrast deepest contrast later later in in the the sequence, sequence, as as aa consequence consequence of of placement placement of of the the reference reference region. region. 1275 500 150 0.75", 0.125" 125 stdev 100 0.75", 0.125" 400 300 0.50", 0.125" 75 200 50 100 0.50", 0.125" 25 0 reference 0 0 0 0 50 50 100 150 100 150 time time (frames) (frames) 200 200 250 250 50 100 150 200 250 -100 time (frames) time (frames) FIGURE for raw raw and and TSR TSR (gray) (gray) data, data. (right) (right) Comparison Comparison FIGURE6.6. (left) (left) Comparison Comparison of of local local standard standard deviation deviation for of time histories histories for for 0.50" 0.50” and and 0.75" 0.75”diameter diameterholes holeslocated located0.125" 0.125” ofraw rawcontrast contrast and and TSR TSR standard standard deviation deviation time beneath to allow allow comparison comparison with with the the contrast contrast data. data. beneaththe the surface. surface. Standard Standard deviation deviation has has been been scaled scaled to CONCLUSION CONCLUSION The reduces the the temporal temporal noise noise content content of of the the The reconstruction reconstruction process process significantly significantly reduces time image sequence, sequence, while while providing providing an an time response response of of each each pixel pixel in in aa thermographic thermographic image excellent representation of the true thermal nature of the data. However, the reduction excellent representation of the true thermal nature of the data. However, the reduction inin temporal in temporal temporal noise, noise, which which isis essentially essentially aa linear linear temporal noise noise also also yields yields aa reduction reduction in combination and aa snapshot snapshot of of the the instantaneous instantaneous temporal temporal combination of of the the focal focal plane plane nonuniformity nonuniformity and noise. to characterize characterize subsurface subsurface defects defects demonstrates demonstrates noise. The The use use of of the the standard standard deviation deviation to the performance of of the the reference reference region. region. the spatial spatial noise noise reduction, particularly in the performance Standard those of of the the contrast contrast curve, curve, but but no no Standard deviation deviation peak peak characteristics characteristics are similar to those arbitraryreference reference region region isis required. required. arbitrary REFERENCES REFERENCES Vavilov,“Infrared "Infrared Techniques Techniques for for Materials Analysis and Nondestructive 1.1. Vavilov, Nondestructive Testing", Testing”, Infrared Methodology Methodology and and Technology, Technology, Monograph Series Infrared Series International International Advances Advances in in NDT,X. X. Maldague, Maldague, Ed., Ed., pp. 230-309, Gordon and Breach, US, NDT, US, 1994. 1994. Maldague, X.V., X.V., Infrared Infrared Technology Technology for 2.2. 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