ULTRASONIC BACKSCATTERING PROFILES ON PERIODICALLY ROUGH INTERFACE Sung D. Kwon1, Seok S. Yoon1 Department of Physics , Andong National University, 388 Songchundong, Andong 760-749 Korea ABSTRACT. The angular dependence(profile) of backscattered ultrasound was measured for steel specimens with periodical surface roughness (l-71um). Backward radiations showed more linear dependency than normal profile. Direct amplitude increased and averaging amplitude decreased with surface roughness. Painting treatment improved the linearity in direct backward radiation below roughness of 0.03X. Scholte and Rayleigh-like waves were observed in the spectrum of averaging backward radiation on periodically rough surface. INTRODUCTION When an incident broadband pulse at an arbitrary angle of incidence will be reflected, if there is the phase matching between the incident beam and surface wave modes is satisfied, the Rayleigh wave is generated which will propagate with a given velocity along the surface[l]. When a pulse-echo method at an arbitrary angle is used on the liquid/solid boundary, the received signal is called the ultrasonic backscattering. Angular dependence of the ultrasonic backscattering involves the coherent backward radiation returning along the incident direction from backward propagating surface waves so that ultrasonic backscattering profiles involve normal profile by interface roughness and backward radiation profiles by backward propagating leaky SAW, etc[2]. During the past few years, many problems, which include the determination of the grain size and shape in metal poly crystals, and cold work in steel have been studied[3]. Recently, it was found that periodic surface roughness, as influenced by machining, can have a significant influence on the experimental measurements of attenuation and backscattering, which play a great role on these materials characterization procedures[4]. Since these surface roughness effects also have a significant influence on flaw detection, they are of considerable generic interest. Hence, these surface roughness effect should be studied in advance to evaluate the microstructural properties. In this study, roughness dependency of backscattering profiles, painting effect on rough interface for the purpose of evaluation of hidden roughness will be discussed and observation of interfacial modes by backward radiation will be reported. CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/$20.00 1265 Direct method method Direct Averagingmethod method Averaging FIGURE 1. Direct Direct and and averaging averagingbackward backwardradiation radiationmethods. methods. FIGURE 1. FIGURE 2. Surface roughness profiles measured by Sufcoder 1700 of Kosaka Lab. Ltd. FIGURE 2. Surface roughness profiles measured by Sufcoder 1700 of Kosaka Lab. Ltd. EXPERIMENTS EXPERIMENTS A broadband ultrasonic transducer was used to interrogate the specimen at different transducer was used interrogate the specimen at different anglesAofbroadband incidence.ultrasonic Incident angle was changed bytomoving continuously the probe with angles of incidence. Incident angle was changed by moving continuously the with constant angular speed. The principal frequency of used transducer was 4.7 MHz.probe Normal constant angular speed. The principal frequency of used transducer was 4.7 MHz. Normal profile was obtained around normal incidence angle and direct and averaging method were profile obtainedbackward around normal incidence direct and averaging method were appliedwas to measure radiation profile angle aroundand Rayleigh angle as shown in Fig.l. applied to measure backward radiation profile around Rayleigh angle as shown in Fig.1. Various roughness was induced by changing the movement velocity of bite. The measured Various roughness and was periodicity induced byranged changing movement velocity of bite. surface roughness fromthe1.52 to 70.74jam and from 132The to measured 520jiim? surface roughness and periodicity ranged 1.52 to 70.74µmspecimens and fromwere 132 shown to 520µm, respectively. Surface roughness profiles for from 4 different roughness in respectively. roughness for 4 to different roughness werepainting shown in Fig.2. All theSurface specimen surface profiles was painted cover the surface specimens roughness and Fig.2. All was the about specimen surface was painted to cover the surface roughness and painting thickness 60-80|im. thickness was about 60-80µm. BACKSCATTERING PROFILES AND PAINTING EFFECT BACKSCATTERING PROFILES AND PAINTING EFFECT The ultrasonic reflectivity and the angular dependence of backscattering have been usefulThe and ultrasonic classical technique to assess surfacedependence roughness. Fig.3 is the normalhave profiles reflectivity and thetheangular of backscattering been of (a) unpainted and technique (b) paintedtosteel specimens. As shown in Fig.3(a), reflectivity(peak useful and classical assess the surface roughness. Fig.3 the is the normal profiles intensity of normal decreased with roughness and the profile width became wider of (a) unpainted and profile) (b) painted steel specimens. As shown in Fig.3(a), the reflectivity(peak as the roughness increased the linearity not good. When rough surface was painted intensity of normal profile)but decreased withwas roughness and the profile width became wider and normal profile but failed distinguish roughness and wesurface can't use as thehidden, roughness increased thetolinearity wassurface not good. When rough wasnormal painted profile in evaluating hiddenfailed roughness since the profiles nearly pattern. and hidden, normal profile to distinguish surface showed roughness andsame we can’t use normal profile in evaluating hidden roughness since the profiles showed nearly same pattern. 1266 (a) (a) (b) (b) FIGURE 3. Normal profiles of unpainted and painted steel specimens: (a) unpainted (b) painted. FIGURE 3. Normal profiles of unpainted and painted steel specimens: (a) unpainted (b) painted. BACKSCATTERED INTENSITY (dB) Fig.4 of direct direct backward backward radiation radiation intensity(peak intensity(peak Fig.4 shows shows the the roughness roughness dependence dependence of intensity of profile). These intensities of not only the unpainted and but also the painted painted intensity of profile). These intensities of not only the unpainted and but also the specimens increased with roughness. Specially, painting treatment in direct method specimens increased with roughness. Specially, painting treatment in direct method improved roughness range range than than 0.03 0.03 wavelength wavelength of of SAW SAW as as shown shown improved the the linearity linearity in in smaller smaller roughness in Fig.4. Painting equalized the generation efficiency of SAW and made the surface in Fig.4. Painting equalized the generation efficiency of SAW and made the surface roughness painting layer. layer. Therefore Therefore the the unique unique factor factor roughness the the subsurface subsurface periodic periodic fatigue fatigue under under painting affecting roughness scattering scattering of of SAW SAW so affecting the the direct direct radiation radiation intensity intensity became became the the roughness so that that the the roughness linearity than than the the unpainted. unpainted. roughness dependence dependence showed showed better better linearity Averaging related to to the the SAW SAW generation generation and and the the Averaging backward backward radiation radiation intensity intensity is is related attenuation of SAW during propagation from and to corner. As the surface roughness attenuation of SAW during propagation from and to corner. As the surface roughness increased, increased, the the generation generation of of SAW SAW decreased decreased and and SAW SAW attenuated attenuated by by the the roughness roughness scattering and the energy leakage during propagation so that the averaging radiation scattering and the energy leakage during propagation so that the averaging radiation intensity decreased with roughness as shown in Fig.5. Since the generation efficiency is intensity decreased with roughness as shown in Fig.5. Since the generation efficiency is more important factor affecting the averaging intensity in the roughness range used in this more important factor affecting the averaging intensity in the roughness range used in this experiment, better linearity linearity than than the the painted. painted. experiment, the the unpainted unpainted specimen specimen showed showed better £u PQ -25 25 After After Painting Painting -35 35 -45 45 -55 55 -25 -25 -35 -35 -45 -45 00 55 10 10 -55 -55 15 15 0 0 ROUGHNESS, ROUGHNESS,Ra(µm) Ra(jim) 5 5 10 10 ROUGHNESS, ROUGHNESS, Ra(µm) Ra(um) FIGURE FIGURE4.4.Roughness Roughnessdependence dependenceofofdirect directbackward backwardradiation radiationintensity. intensity. 1267 15 15 BACKSCATTERED INTENSITY (dB) -20 -20 -20 After After Painting Painting -30 -30 -40 -40 -50 -50 -30 -40 -50 0 0 20 20 40 40 60 60 0 80 20 0 80 ROUGHNESS, Ra(µm) ROUGHNESS, Raftim) 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 ROUGHNESS, Ra(µm) ROUGHNESS, Raftim) FIGURE 5. Roughness dependence of averaging backward radiation intensity. FIGURE 5. Roughness dependence of averaging backward radiation intensity. OBSERVATION OF 0F INTERFACIAL INTERFACIAL MODES MODES OBSERVATION Fig.6(a) is is the the averaging averaging backward backward radiation radiation spectrum spectrum on on 520jim 520µm periodically periodically rough Fig.6(a) rough interface when the incidence position was 3cm apart from corner and interface when the incidence position was 3cm apart from corner and involves involves three three frequency peaks peaks of of 0.92, 0.92, 2.54 5.24MHz. The The appearance appearance of of these these three three peaks peaks can frequency 2.54 and and 5.24MHz. can be be explained as as followed: followed: Some of the the incident incident energy energy at at Rayleigh Rayleigh angle angle is transformed to explained Some of is transformed to Scholte wave wave and and Rayleigh-like Rayleigh-like wave propagate along the interface. interface. Some Scholte wave propagate along the Some of of this this energy energy will reradiate reradiate along along the the Rayleigh Rayleigh angle water as as the the these these waves waves scatter will angle into into water scatter and and converted converted to backward propagating waves from subsequent groove and troughs. The to backward propagating waves from subsequent groove and troughs. The leaky leaky energy energy from backward backward propagating propagating Rayleigh Rayleigh waves waves have have three three frequency frequency components components of of from (1) 0.92MHz: Originally (1) 0.92MHz: Originally induced induced Rayleigh Rayleigh wave, wave, of of which which intensity intensity and and peak peak frequency decrease as propagating distance increases frequency decrease as propagating distance increases (2) 2.54MHz: (2) 2.54MHz: Rayleigh Rayleigh wave wave converted converted from from Scholte Scholte waves waves by by scattering scattering from from subsequent grooves and troughs, of which peak frequency corresponds subsequent grooves and troughs, of which peak frequency corresponds to to the resonant resonant frequency frequency determined by grating grating theory[5] theory[5] the determined by (3) 5.24MHz: (3) 5.24MHz: Rayleigh-like Rayleigh-like wave, wave, of of which which the the velocity velocity is is same same with with Rayleigh Rayleigh wave and the peak frequency in spectrum corresponds to wave and the peak frequency in spectrum corresponds to the the resonant resonant frequency by grating theory[5] frequency determined determined by grating theory [5] . (b) (a) FIGURE 6. Spectra of (a) averaging backward radiated and (b) normally reflected signals at 3cm. FIGURE 6. Spectra of (a) averaging backward radiated and (b) normally reflected signals at 3cm. 1268 At initial stage of propagation after corner reflection in averaging method, because originally induced Rayleigh wave has so relatively great intensity and wide spectrum with central frequency 4.7MHz, Scholte and Rayleigh-like components are veiled so that we can't observe the resonant frequencies in the averaging backward radiation spectrum. But as the propagation distance increases, the intensity of originally induced Rayleigh wave decreases and the peak frequency and width in the spectrum decrease, consequently showing the 0.92MHz peak frequency at 6 cm propagation distance. Then three frequency components are not overlapped anymore and their intensities are comparable so that we can distinguish three separated modes as shown in Fig.6(a). Wood anomalies[6] shown in Fig.6(b) are another evidence of the existence of two interface waves. Missing of 2.62MHz and 5.43MHz components in the spectrum of normally reflected ultrasound are by the generation of Scholte wave and Rayleigh-like wave, respectively. CONCLUSION 1. The peak intensities of backward radiation profiles by direct method and averaging method increased and decreased with surface roughness, respectively. 2. Painting treatment greatly improved the linearity in smaller roughness range than 0.03 wavelength of SAW in direct method. 3. Frequency components by Scholte wave and Rayleigh-like wave were observed in the spectrum of backward radiated ultrasound corresponding to missing components in Wood anomalies of grating diffraction effect. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by grant No. R05-000-00086-0 from the Basic Research Program of the Korea Science & Engineering Foundation. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bertoni, H.L. and Tarmir, T, Appl. 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