IMPROVING THE ACCURACY OF IMPACT-ECHO IN TESTING POST-TENSIONING DUCTS C. Colla via Piacenza 51, 29016 Cortemaggiore (Pc), Italy ABSTRACT. The need for greater accuracy in positioning metal ducts in concrete and in detecting their grouting faults motivated the application of the scanning impact-echo method on site for testing a posttensioned beam. 2-D data display allowed recognition of signal patterns improving interpretation reliability with regard to lateral position and concrete cover of ducts, and their grouting condition. Partially grouted ducts presenting small voiding were discriminated from fully grouted ducts and findings compared with cores. New interpretation criteria were highlighted and alternative wave behavior considered. INTRODUCTION Concern exists worldwide over the safety and durability of post-tensioned structures as a result of voids around the tendons in the ducts. Faults in tendon duct grouting permit the formation of voids in the duct, which can give rise to ingress of water and chlorides, corrosion, and increased stress. Considerable difficulties have arisen in terms of inspection techniques for these structures and also NDT has had so far a limited success. Available non destructive investigation techniques for ducts include X-ray, ultrasonic, electrical resistance, magnetic perturbation, georadar, etc. although their use presents a number of limitations and requires engineering expertise and interpretation. Today's civil engineering needs are for fast-to-apply and easy-to-interpret NDT methods with the condition that their findings are capable of providing quantitative assessment information for use in damage analysis and maintenance planning. Where possible, available testing techniques have to be modified and improved in order to ease applicability on site with minimum disruption activity, enhance data quality, provide complete and reliable information with data visualization in real-time, independently from user know-how. Furthermore, the results of the testing should be made available in a form which can be easily understood by the engineer responsible for the structure, for example in the form of 2- and 3-D data sets which can be related to structural cross-sections. WORK OBJECTIVES The work reported herein presents methodology and results from an advanced non destructive testing technique, the scanning impact-echo method, applied on site with the aim of evaluating post-tensioned concrete infrastructure. The data analysis from 2dimensional data visualization aims at providing accurate quantitative information with CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 1185 regard to concrete thickness, lateral location of metal post-tensioning ducts, estimation of their concrete cover and, finally, investigation of their grouting condition. A critical interpretation of the impact-echo data seeks to improve the accuracy of the technique on a number of tasks and introduces the recognition of signal patterns in data imaging as well as the consideration of alternative wave propagation paths in concrete around tensioning tendons. The highlighted signal patterns constitute still unreported data interpretation criteria for discriminating between fully grouted and partially grouted ducts. Result verification on large cores sampled from the tested areas have proven that the criteria provided for data interpretation are highly reliable and thus that the technique has the capability to evaluate existing post-tensioned concrete and the potential for quality control of new construction. PRINCIPLES OF THE IMPACT-ECHO TECHNIQUE The impact-echo method relies on frequency analysis of wave echos propagating inside the structural element under investigation. Through a mechanical shock generated at the surface via a metal tip, the transient stress wave propagates from the impact point in the concrete half-space as surface, compression and shear waves. The surface wave amplitude will dominate over the other waves at the concrete surface but will decrease exponentially with depth. Instead, shear and compression waves propagate into the structure along spherical wavefronts. Particle displacement due to shear waves is maximum in a direction approximately at 45° on the impact direction whilst compression wave displacement presents maximum amplitude in the direction of impact and its energy dominates that of the shear wave. The impact-echo method focuses on multiple P-wave reflections between the impact surface and the opposite surface or intermediate interfaces with sufficient impedance variation and dimension in comparison with the wavelength employed. These transient wave resonances are registered via a sensor located on the surface, close to the impact point, and their distribution of amplitudes and frequencies is analysed in the recorded spectra. Relevant signal reflections in the structure are singled out by the frequency position of peaks with dominant amplitudes. The depth (d) of interfaces may then be estimated from the relation between P-wave speed (vp) and peak frequency (/) frequency being the inverse of wave propagation time - as shown in figure 1 left [1]: = vp/2f. FIGURE 1. Principle of 1-D impact-echo testing (left) and 2-D scanning impact-echo (right). 1186 (1) An advancement in the possibilities offered by the traditional impact-echo testing method, based on data collection at local points, is the scanning version of impact-echo [2]. Here, thanks to high density data collection at discrete points equally spaced along survey lines, impact-echo waveforms and spectra may be visualized on site in real time also as 2dimensional data imaging (Fig. 1 right). These plots, or impactechograms, may be directly related to structural crosssections of the object under investigation as one axis represents the testing position on the concrete along the survey line, whilst the other axis indicates the recorded frequency or corresponding values of calculated depth. Intensities of gray tones represent amplitudes of wave reflection at interfaces. In the impactechograms, the relevant wave reflection frequencies (those with maximum amplitude) are more easily identifiable and analyzed than in peak comparison of single spectra from scattered measurement stations. In fact, it is the immediate recognition of signal patterns in the 2-D data plots that allows a more rapid and reliable analysis of data from scanning impact-echo. WAVE PROPAGATION FOR THE AIMS OF TESTING POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE The wave resolution is a critical point particularly in the case of testing posttensioned concrete. The relative small dimension of the ducts and particularly of the tendons inside in comparison to typical impact-echo wavelengths and the approximate round shape of the tendons hardly represent an ideal reflection surface for the aims of impact-echo testing. From the equation of wave propagation, v =ft (2) where v is the wave speed and A is the wavelength, it is evident that the relationship between wavelength and dimension and depth of the duct is fundamental in detecting the metal tendons or any air pockets in the grout inside the ducts. For this reason, the use of higher frequency waves, with their shorter wavelength, will be preferable in post-tensioned concrete testing. These are characterized by higher maximum useful frequency, fmax, although their maximum amplitudes is lower and attenuation due to absorption and scattering is greater. So that if in most impact-echo applications, broadband frequency stress waves in the range up to circa 30 kHz are commonly employed, for the testing of ducts frequencies up to 50 kHz and above are more appropriate. The minimum useful wavelength of a broadband frequency wave is obtained from the maximum frequency, see equation (3). The maximum frequency of useful energy, fmax, may be approximated from the impact contact time, tC9 as seen in equation (4). A<min ~ V' Jmax' fmax=1.25/tc. \*) (4) It has been reported that, given a wave of sufficiently short wavelength, a flaw or other inhomogeneity in concrete can be detected via impact-echo depending upon its lateral dimensions in function of depth. If the lateral dimensions are at least one-fourth of the depth, the presence of the flaw can be detected; its depth can be determined if the dimension is greater than one-third of the depth [1]. Furthermore it is required that the depth of the flaw be greater or equal to half of the wavelength for the waveform to capture the periodic response between impact surface 1187 and top of the flaw. Further, the flaw's lateral dimensions will determine which frequency components will be reflected, i.e. those with wavelength smaller or equal to the flaw's dimension. In addition, the applicability of the method to bonded post-tensioning tendons depends on the geometry of the structure and the location and arrangement of the tendon ducts [1]. The tendon ducts themselves, when made of thin steel are invisible to the impact-echo waves whilst the grout inside the ducts present acoustic impedance similar to concrete. The expected impact-echo response to the main cases that may be present in posttensioned concrete is represented in figure 2, where the black arrows represent the schematic propagation path of compression waves. According to [1], in the presence of a void duct (case b), to a shifted thickness frequency of the plate,/r, (lower frequency than for the solid plate response of case a and equation (1) is registered due to a longer wave propagation path) is associated a duct frequency peak, f& corresponding to compression wave reflection at the top side of the void in the duct, as follows: a (5) (6) where a is a shift factor depending on the size and position of the duct, T is the plate thickness and dvoid is the duct concrete cover. In presence of a partially void duct, with the void not directly at the top of the duct, case c in figure 2, the impact-echo response of the plate will be somehow similar to the previous one, but with the reflection at the duct occurring at a slightly lower frequency than in case b. If dpan void is the depth to the air pocket in the duct and 7 is a correction factor for the flaw depth, it will be: fd = (0.96vp/2dpartvoid)-r CO Finally, in presence of a fully grouted duct, case d, part of the wave will travel through the tendons and reach the bottom of the plate, while part of the energy will be reflected at the grout/tendons interface. Here, however, because of the higher acoustic impedance of steel in comparison to concrete and grout, the compression wave will not undergo a phase change such as at a concrete/air interface (concrete has a higher impedance than air). Therefore the reflected wave arriving back at the impact point will not be sensed by the transducer until its second arrival, when the wave is incident upon the impact surface as a tension wave, after a phase change occurred between the first and second propagation into the solid. With these motivations, the following equation has been proposed for the concrete cover of a filled duct [1], with the notation that however the frequency response registered at the tendons will be higher than the value predicted by equation (8), where dtendon is the depth to the shallower tendon wires: fd = Vp/4dtendon llr.. J;*.. , . , , . , (8) ^ FIGURE 2. Cases of impact-echo responses in post-tensioned concrete. 1188 DATA COLLECTION AND INTERPRETATION During the dismantle of a 30-year old highway bridge, part of a post-tensioned concrete I-beam has been made available for non destructive field testing and scanning impact-echo measurements have been carried out [3]. The web thickness of the girder (3.65 m high) was smaller than 30 cm and contained corrugated steel ducts (circa 67 mm in diameter) spaced about 28 cm on centerline at the area of testing. Twelve 1-cm diameter metal tendons were contained in each duct. Vertical measurement lines run on the web for a length just over 0.9 m and oriented approximately transversally to the known direction of the post-tensioning ducts. The main component of the measurement equipment consisted of a single impactecho testing unit on which are assembled both the wave impact source - a small-size metal blade driven by a solenoid- and the transducer for detection of the wave reflections. On the concrete of the girder object of this investigation, the operating frequency of the commercial testing equipment (Olson IE II) was contained on average in a range between 10 Hz and 23 kHz. The equipment settings during data collection included a rate of 150375, 2048 points and a frequency resolution smaller than 0.1 kHz. A PC with dedicated software was used for data collection, visualization and storage. As an example, the unfiltered impactechogram obtained from data collected along one of the vertical survey lines is shown in Fig. 3 left, as frequency plot in a range from 3 kHz to 15 kHz (other relevant signals were not recognized outside this frequency range). The darker tones of gray in the image represent higher signal amplitudes. The horizontal black band at about 7 kHz frequency is the most evident feature in the image. It represents the wave reflection at the backside of the web and allows calculating the thickness of the concrete web. An estimation of wave propagation velocity in concrete of 3800 m/s and the use of equation (1) led to evaluate the concrete web as 270 mm thick. This thickness frequency line has a regular horizontal ongoing which testifies of the uniform web thickness and constant wave velocity in the concrete, thus providing indication that the concrete is homogeneously good. Only between stations 10 and 35, a small shift in the thickness frequency towards lower frequencies is registered. At the station point at 22 cm, in the middle of this region, the web shifted thickness frequency value recorded is 6.53 kHz, thus a frequency drop of circa 4% is registered. As a shifted thickness frequency is associated with the presence of a unfilled or partially filled duct see fig. 2 cases b and c -, this position was associated with the presence in the plate of a duct with grouting faults. Other important features in the image are strong reflections appearing approximately between 1 1 and 12 kHz frequency. Their signal intensity is weaker than the thickness fre- ;;;:::;-;:t; : ft "if 1ft FIGURE 3. Impact echogram (left), core with grouting flaw (middle) and core with filled duct (right). 1189 quency, but clearly recognizable in the impactechogram. These features are interpreted as the presence of three ducts in the concrete [3]. In particular, between station 15 and 25, a high intensity reflection region appears between 10.5 kHz and 12 kHz frequency, with maximum peak amplitude at 11 kHz. Associated with this peak is what appears as a hyperbola extending downwards and with its branches reaching the plate thickness frequency in the region where a shift in the thickness frequency has been described. The peculiar hyperbolic shape of this reflection, so far unrecorded in published literature of impact-echo data from post-tensioning ducts or other structures, constitutes a well recognizable signal patter in the impactechogram. Due to its appearance in combination with a small shift of the thickness frequency towards lower values, this feature was interpreted as a supplementary data interpretation criterion for a duct with grouting faults [3], either an unfilled or most likely a partially filled duct. The concrete cover to the void or partially filled duct can be calculated from equation (6) in the first case or following equation (7) in the second. The estimated duct depth would be contained between 173 mm and circa 158 mm if a frequency shift of about 1 kHz were supposed in the second case. The lateral position of the duct along the measurement line was considered at the point of highest frequency in the hyperbola signature, thus with center at station 22. In addition to this duct, as mentioned above indications of two other ducts appear in the impactechogram. Two short horizontal segments are discernable at 11.9 kHz between stations 45 and 55, and between stations 72 and 82 respectively. At the position of these ducts, with estimated center at station 50 and 78, were combined neither hyperbolic signatures nor shift in the web thickness frequency, thus leading to interpret their grouting condition as good. By using equation (8), the concrete cover of fully grouted ducts was estimated smaller than 80 mm for both these ducts. DESTRUCTIVE VERIFICATION OF RESULTS To verify the impact-echo data interpretation from the 2-dimensional analysis exposed above, the position of large cores (200 mm in diameter) was carefully chosen and marked on the concrete surface. In particular, two cores (see figure 3 middle and right) were bored along the measurement line corresponding to the data of figure 3-left The inspection of cores sampled from the tested area has permitted to accurately measure both the web thickness and the ducts concrete cover, besides ascertaining their lateral position. Furthermore, the grouting condition of the ducts could be observed on the samples. The concrete cores showed a thickness between 275 mm and 280 mm; this permitted to adjust the estimated wave propagation speed to 3920 m/s and to re-calculate the depth values provided above to more accurately represent real figures of duct concrete cover. The lateral position of the three ducts as indicated by the analysis of the impact-echo data was found to be correct, with a small error ranging between 5 mm and 10 mm. This value was considered satisfactory. Observation of the core from the area on the left hand side of figure 3-left showed that the grouting condition of this duct was faulty, with the duct partially unfilled by the presence of a small air void between the tendons on one side of the duct section. This void reaches almost the top of the duct (figure 3-center). Thus this check confirmed the impactecho data interpretation of an unfilled or partially filled duct. It was also possible to verify the condition of the middle duct, thanks to a second core. The duct appeared fully grouted (figure 3-right), thus again satisfactorily confirming the data interpretation. Instead, the verification of the concrete cover values for the same two ducts proved the estimated vertical position as indicated by the impact-echo interpretation to be 1190 erroneous: excessive in one case and conservative in the other. For the partially grouted duct a depth of 97 mm was measured on the core whilst the re-calculate impact-echo value yields 163 mm by using equation (7) as above, thus an error of+68%. For the neighboring duct, fully grouted, the real depth to the shallower metal tendons, which in this case coincides with the duct depth, is 96 mm while the impact-echo interpretation indicates 82 mm (error:-15%). Therefore, if the precision of the lateral location of ducts in concrete and especially the interpretation of duct's grouting condition have shown to be reliable, the depth indications for both ducts were considered unsatisfactory. CONCRETE COVER ACCURACY FOR FULLY AND PARTIALLY GROUTED DUCTS The above observations show that the employed equations (7) and (8) failed in providing satisfactory values of concrete cover for partially grouted and fully grouted ducts respectively. In particular, the recorded signal frequency for these 2 categories of ducts were very similar, and the criterion of a partially filled duct exhibiting a frequency almost double than that of a grouted duct - implicit in the comparison of equations (7) and (8)-, could not be verified in the data from this testing. Similar observations and error ranges to those highlighted above were verified on all the data collected on this structure. Therefore, alternatively to the solutions sketched in fig. 2, other options of compression wave propagation paths in concrete in the presence of filled and partially filled ducts were empirically considered in view of the recorded frequency values read in the data. One plausible explanation is to consider that the wave is not reflected at the concrete/tendon interface but that it travels around the tendons, thus reaching the tendons at the furtherer side from the impact point, and from there it travels back to the impact surface after being diffracted by the metal tendons. This would imply that the frequency values registered in the data correspond not to the depth of the shallower tendons but to the deepest. Without the use of the modified equation (8), it would be possible to calculate the concrete cover of filled ducts simply by using equation (1) and considering that the obtained value is the sum of the concrete cover plus the diameter of the bundle of tendons: Uduct + "^tendons ~ Vp '2jrear tendon (9) where dduct is the concrete cover of a filled duct, 0tendons is the tendon bundle diameter (which can be readily estimated) and frear tendon is the frequency corresponding to the deepest tendon. The re-calculation allowed to obtain a greatly improved value of depth for the fully grouted duct and the error was contained within 9 mm (+5% or less) by considering 0tendons = 60 mm. The impact-echo response for the partially grouted duct is somehow more complicated and a clear explanation for the hyperbola signature need to be developed. It is possible that due to the presence of the air pocket in the grout that changes the stiffness of the plate at this positions, the wave generates a transient resonance that can be detected also before and after the impact and sensor are positioned at azimuth over the duct thus allowing to record the highlighted hyperbola feature. It may also be possible that at reading stations over the region of the hyperbola, shear waves contribute to detect the small flaw in the duct, as the air pocket will constitute a concrete/air interface of high impedance contrast. Note that shear wave amplitudes present a maximum in a direction approximately 1191 at 45° to the impact surface and shear wave wavelengths are almost half of longitudinal wave's. In addition, the flaw in this case presents a boundary (its larger lateral dimension) almost perpendicular to the impact surface. It would be: Wpart void ~ Vs '^Jpart void v •*•"/ where vs is the shear wave propagation velocity (vs = 0.62 vp) and fpan voi(j is the frequency corresponding to the reflection at the impact-near side of the small flaw in the duct. In this case, an approximate calculation considering the flaw depth at 105 mm, shows that the depth error would be contained within 5 mm (or circa 5%). CONCLUSION The scanning impact-echo, a non destructive evaluation acoustic technique, was applied on site for investigating a post-tensioned concrete beam and visualizing in real time cross-sections of the concrete web containing metal tensioning ducts (67 mm in diameter). Thanks to recognition of clear signal patterns in the impactechograms produced, the method was successful in calculating the thickness of the concrete beam and in locating precisely the lateral position of the ducts. It was also accurate in evaluating correctly the grouting condition of the ducts by identifying voiding in one of the ducts and in indicating filled ducts. Autopsy of the beam in the form of large cores confirmed that discrimination between fully grouted and partially grouted ducts was reliable. The 2-dimensional data visualization allowed to single out a hyperbolic feature which can be used as new interpretation criterion for partially grouted ducts with a small flaws. Furthermore, option hypotheses of shear wave reflection and longitudinal wave diffraction in concrete around ducts were formulated as complementary to compression wave reflection behavior in impact-echo testing, which led to improve figures of concrete cover calculation for post-tensioning ducts. Further investigations of this aspect are needed and comparison with analytical prediction is required. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The article includes reference to research work carried out by the author as former BAM (Bundesanstalt fur Materialforschung und -prufung) employee under BASt research project FE 86.017/2000/B4. Funding of the project by the Bundesanstalt fur StraBenwesen (BASt) and Dr J. Krieger, who acted as project officer, are gratefully acknowledged, as well as facilities provided by BAM. REFERENCES 1. Sansalone, M. and Streett, W., Impact-Echo, nondestructive evaluation of concrete and masonry, Bullbrier Press, Ithaca, N.Y., 1997, 340 pp. 2. Colla, C., Schneider, G. and Wiggenhauser H., "Automated impact-echo: method improvements via 2- and 3-D imaging of concrete elements", in 8th Structural Faults and Repair, edited by M.C. Forde, Engineering Technics Press, Edinburgh, 1999, CDRom. 3. Colla, C., "Impact-echo", in Technical material investigation at the demolition of the Haiger viaduct, edited by M. Krause et al., BAM-BASt internal research project FE 86.017/2000/B4 report, Berlin-Bergisch Gladbach, v. July 2001, p. 29-57, (in German, unpublished). 1192
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