APPLICATION OF FAST MULTIPOLE BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD TO SCATTERING ANALYSIS OF SH WAVES BY A LAP JOINT T. Saitoh1, A. Gunawan2, and S. Hirose2 1 Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology 2-12-1 O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8552 Japan 2 Department of Mechanical and Environmental Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology 2-12-1 O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8552 Japan ABSTRACT. A fast multipole boundary element method (FMBEM) in conjunction with a mode exciting method is developed for scattering analysis of SH waves by a lap joint. In the numerical calculation, reflection and transmission coefficients are obtained as a function of the wave number for the lap joint having a debonding part with various lengths. Numerical results show that due to the mode conversion, the reflection coefficients are not always proportional to the length of the debonding. INTRODUCTION A lap joint is an important structural component in aircraft, which is an adhesively bonded and riveted part between two thin plates. Because of complicated mechanical behaviors at the joint, a lap joint structure often has hidden defects which are made by debonding, fatigue, corrosion and so on. Therefore, it is required to develop an effective nondestructive technique for the detection of hidden defects at a lap joint. Lamb waves may have the potential for cheap and convenient inspection over a wide range of a plate. Therefore, several numerical studies on scattering, reflection and transmission of Lamb waves have been done to obtain quantitative information on defects in a plain plate. The finite element method (FEM) for Lamb and SH wave problems in a plate has been analyzed by several researchers [1, 2, 3, 4]. Rose et al. [5, 6] have developed a hybrid method of the boundary element method and the mode expansion technique for Lamb wave scattering analysis. Gunawan and Hirose [7] have recently proposed the mode exciting method in conjunction with the BEM. For a lap joint problem, a hybrid method, called the global local finite element method (GLFEM), has been used to study the characteristics of Lamb wave propagation[8]. Lowe et al.[9] has also used the finite element analysis to investigate the propagation of Lamb waves in the overlap region. In this paper, the mode exciting method, proposed by Gunawan and Hirose[7], is applied to the reflection and transmission of SH waves across a bonded lap joint. CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 1103 transmitted wave I <————> / \^^ * —————————————^•^^•F—————— 2h , _____ _ X ""'" ^^ ~' x 7' debonding reflected wave \Xv , bonding FIGURE 1. Reflection and transmission at a lap joint. Since the lap joint structure with complex geometry requires large scale analysis, the boundary element analysis with a fast multipole algorithm is adopted in the present study. Reflection and transmission coefficients for SH wave modes are calculated as a function of the wave number for debonding with various lengths. PROBLEM Figure 1 shows the geometry of reflection and transmission problem of SH waves across the bonded lap joint. Two semi-infinite plates with the thickness 2h are lapped over the region of the length s having partial debonding parts. When an SH wave is incident from the left plate to the overlapped region, a part of wave energy is reflected and the other energy is transmitted through the lap joint. The problem is to determine the amplitudes, r\ and t\, of reflected and transmitted waves of the mode i due to the incident SH wave of the mode j with the unit amplitude. Let the semi-infinite plates be an isotropic homogeneous elastic solid with the shear modulus IJL and the mass density p. The antiplane displacement u with time harmonic variation of exp(iut) satisfies the equation of motion /A72i/(x) + pu2u(x) = 0. (1) The traction free condition is given as a boundary condition on the boundaries except for the bonded interface: t(x)=^(x)=0 (2) where d/dn denotes the normal derivation on the boundary. For the bonded interface, it is assumed that the bonding layer is so thin that the inertia effect of the bond can be neglected and the bond is represented by the distribution of springs. Then the boundary conditions on the bonding area are expressed as t(x) = -t(x) = K(u(x] - u(x)) (3) where K is the spring constant and the variables with and without the bar ~ indicate the quantities with respect to one plate and the opposite plate, respectively. MODE EXCITING METHOD We now consider the boundary value problem in the finite regions, Q! and H 2 , bounded by the boundaries 5i U 5 l5 ^2 U 52, respectively, as shown in Fig. 2. On the edge boundaries B\ and B^ arbitrary boundary conditions are given to excite SH 1104 X2 incident c s incident a&+a£^/^+ b i2 b0L-+^ ^\^ scattering L S2 +c L ^\^ o o i i Q V^rf n £+4Zr scattering xt St FIGURE 2. Wave field in plates with finite lengths. wave modes in the domains ^i and ^2. For the other boundaries Si and 52, the same boundary conditions as shown in Fig. 1 are specified. In general, there are nonpropagating wave modes as well as propagating modes in a plate. The nonpropagating modes, however, decay rapidly with the distance from the disturbances of source and scatterer. Therefore only propagating wave modes can propagate in the intermediate portions of the plates as shown in Fig. 2, if the distances between the lap region and the boundaries, BI and £ 2) are large enough. In such a situation, the wave field around the lap joint between finite plates is almost equivalent to the wave field around the lap joint of infinite plates subjected to the incident waves from both right and left sides. Without the loss of generality, we suppose that the debonding occurs at the center part of |#i < b/2 on the overlapped boundary and thus the problem is symmetric with respect to the origin. Also it is assumed that four propagating modes of L^ and L^ are excited as shown in Fig. 2, where the sign ± denotes the SH wave propagating in the ±£1-direction, respectively. In Fig. 2, the terms of a^L^ -f- ai and col/o" + ciLj~ are considered as incident waves and the terms are scattered waves. Therefore the scattering process "+ of bQLQ + fri^r and can be written as + + (4) It is noted that after solving the boundary value problem defined in the regions Cti and n2 as shown in Fig. 2, the coefficients a^ b^ q and di (i — 0,1) can be obtained by decomposing the solutions into SH wave modes of LQ and L^ [11]. The objective of this study is to determine the coefficients of reflection and transmission in infinite plates subjected to the incident wave with the unit amplitude as shown in Fig. 1. For the incident waves propagating from the left hand side, we have the following expressions: 1x (5) r}Lj- + tl0L+ 1 X (6) Similarly, we have the expressions for the incident waves from the right hand side as follows: lx 1x -»• + r\Ll + tl0Lo + 1105 (7) (8) where the symmetric property of the problem is used. Multiplying eqs.(5), (6), (7) and (8) by ao, ai, CQ and GI, respectively, taking summation of these equations, and comparing the right hand side with eq.(4) yield the following equations: cQt° + ci*J - b0 + airj + cot? + cjtj a c r (9) = 61 (10) c r ao*o + i*o + o o + i o = d0 aot? + aitj + cor? + c^r} = d^. (11) (12) Since the coefficients, a*, 6;, q and ^ (i = 0,1), are already known by the mode decomposition of the solution of the problem as shown in Fig. 2, eight variables, r\ and £? (i^j — 1,2), are unknown in the above equations. As seen in eqs.(9)-(12), only four equations are obtained for a set of boundary values given on B\ and B^- Therefore another set of boundary values are given on B\ and BI to obtain more four equations, which give a sufficient number of equations to determine eight coefficients , r\ and FAST MULTIPOLE BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD In order to obtain the coefficients, a^ b^ Q and di (i — 0, 1) in eq.(9)-(12), the boundary value problem defined in the finite regions Q! and O2 is necessary to be solved. Because of the complex geometry of the lap joint, a large matrix calculation is required to solve the boundary value problem. Since in the large-scale computation, a matrix solver with iterative scheme is generally used to reduce the computational memory, it is necessary to assemble the matrix components quickly at each iterative time. The fast multipole boundary element method (FMBEM)[10] has been developed to meet such demand for solving large-scale problems. A brief description on the FMBEM is shown in the sequel. The boundary integral equation for the internal domain Q& (k = 1,2) is written as c(x)u(x) = j^ U(x, v)t(y)dT(y) - j^ T(x, y)«(y)dT(y), for x e rk (13) where Ffc = Sk U Bk, c(x) is the free term at the point x. Here U(x,y) and T(x,y) are fundamental solutions given by U(x,y) = \kTr), T(x,y) = U(x,y) = -H?\kTr} (14) where r = \x — y|, kT is the wave number of SH wave and H^ is the first kind Hankel function of the n-th order. Suppose that the boundary Fk is divided into the Nk elements of rk(j = 1, . . . , 7V fc ), i.e., Tk = SJLiTj, and the displacement and traction are approximated by constant values, uk and tk, on the element Tk. Eq.(13) is then expressed in the discretized form Nk Nk (x^ y}dT(y)uk (i = 1, . . . , Nk, k = 1, 2). (15) 1106 near field: II far field: D field pointy FIGURE 3. The concept of fast multipole boundary element method. In the FMBEM, the elements are divided into near-field and far-field groups depending on the distance between the field point a^ and the element F*. For example, the first term of the RHS in eq.(15) can be written as ffk;Near ux dr jyk;Far ,y)dr(y)*£= E L,N^ ( ^y^ (y^+ E /^..tfte.tfWv)**(16) The integral over the element in near field is carried out in the same manner as the conventional BEM, while for the elements in far field, the integrals are evaluated using the multipole expansion of the fundamental solution. Using the Graf's addition theorem of the Hankel function, the integral with respect to the element r*>Far may be expressed ,/cjFa 3 i9 y}dT(y)tk = (17) Applying the Graf s addition theorem to the term M&J again, we have the following recursive form Maj = UaZ(UZY(UYX . . . (UBAUAj) . . .)) (18) where UBA denotes the operator that relates the series expansion at the point A to the expansion at the point B. If the points for expansions can be taken in hierarchy structures as shown in Fig. 3, the computational memory and time for the recursive calculation in eq.(18) can be reduced drastically. Similar procedure can be applied to the evaluation for Li0i(Xi) with respect to the field point av NUMERICAL RESULTS In the following, all numerical calculations are made for the overlapped boundary with the length s/h — 1 and the debonding part with various lengths of b/h = 0, 0.25, 0.5 and 0.8. Also, the spring constant K is taken as hK/fi = I in the calculation. Figure 4 shows the reflection and transmission coefficients rf and t® (i = 0, 1,2) as a function of the nondimensional wave number fc^/i for the incident wave of the zeroth SH mode. In all figures, the reflection and transmission coefficients vary irregularly near the wave numbers fc^/i = ?r/2 and TT, which correspond to the cut-off frequencies of the first and second SH modes, respectively. For the wave number of &r/i > 7T/2 and except for the cut-off frequency, the reflection coefficient r$ shows a larger value as the debonding length b becomes longer. Also the transmission coefficient t® becomes smaller with the increase of the debonding length b. These tendencies match our intuition. It is, however, interesting to see that the reflection coefficient rj shows a smaller value with the increase 1107 0 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 i t, 0.8 0 1 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 ( 1 o . kTh 0 o b/h 0.8 2 0.8 -o.o -0.25 0.6 1 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 I kTh FIGURE 4. Reflection and transmission coefficients versus Z. O kTh t for the SHo mode incidence. of the value b due to the mode conversion, which phenomenon is contradictory to our expectation. Figure 5 shows the reflection and transmission coefficients r\ and t\ (i — 0,1,2) for the incident wave of the first SH mode. As expected, the coefficients r\ and t\ show larger and smaller values, respectively, for the larger debonding length. However, the reflection coefficient TQ shows a different tendency against our expectation. It is noted that TO and t\ are identical to rj and t®, respectively, due to the reciprocal relationship. CONCLUSIONS The FMBEM in conjunction with the mode exciting method was applied to the scattering analysis of SH waves by debonding defects at the lap joint. The reflection and transmission coefficients were calculated as a function of the wave number for various lengths of debonding and wave modes. The numerical results showed that due to the 1108 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1 "kxli 2 3 kTh 4 5 4 5 b/h -0.0 0.6 -0.25 -0.5 -0.8 -0.8 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 2 3 4 5 0 kTh kTh t," b/h 0.8 -0.0 0.6 -0.25 -0.5 -0.8 0.4 0.2 0.2 1 -0.25 -0.5 -0.8 0.6 0.4 0 b/h -0.0 0.8 2 3 kTh 4 5 0 1 2 3 kTh FIGURE 5. Reflection and transmission coefficients versus ^h for the SHi mode incidence. mode conversion, the reflection coefficients are not always proportional to the length of the debonding. In near future, we will extend our method to inplane problems and problems with more complex geometries like T-shaped or cross-shaped joints, which require larger-scale computation. REFERENCES 1. Koshiba, M., Karakida S. and Suzuki M., IEEE Trans. Sonics Ultrason. SU-31, 18-25 (1984). 2. Datta S. K., Al-Nassar Y. and Shah A. EL, "Lamb wave scattering by a surface breaking crack in a plate", in Review of Progress in QNDE 10A, edited by D. 0. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti, Plenum Press, New York, 1991, pp.97-104. 3. Guo, N. and Cawley, P., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 94, 2240-2246 (1993). 1109 4. Moulin, E., Assaad, J. and Delebarre C., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 107, 87-94 (2000). 5. Cho, Y. and Rose, J. L., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 99, 2097-2109 (1996). 6. J. L. 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