THE USE OF ULTRASOUND TO MEASURE CONTACT STIFFNESS AND PRESSURE IN LARGE CONTACTING INTERFACES C. Holmes and B. W. Drinkwater Department of Mechanical Engineering, Queens Building, University Walk, University of Bristol, BS8 1TR, UK ABSTRACT. This paper describes a study on the use of ultrasound to measure the contact pressure between a rocking graphite brick and its foundation. A hydraulic loading rig has been developed to allow ultrasonic measurements to be made of the contact interface given specific loading conditions. Ultrasonic reflection coefficient measurements have been used to obtain calibration curves of reflection coefficient against pressure for a graphite-aluminum interface. These calibration curves allow the ultrasonic data from the hydraulic loading rig to be converted to contact pressure at the interface. Results are described which show the use of this ultrasonic measurement procedure to investigate the effect of curvature and a reduction in the contact area on the brick rocking stiffness. INTRODUCTION In a Magnox type (gas-cooled) nuclear reactor, graphite bricks which are used to moderate the reaction are assembled in columns approximately 10 bricks high and 50 wide [1]. Each brick has a square cross section of width 200mm and a height of 800mm. The rocking stiffness of these columns is used to determine the natural frequency of the core for seismic response analysis. Within the reactor, the top and bottom surface of each brick is in dry contact with the one above and below it. It is this solid-solid contacting interface, which plays an important role in the rocking behavior. Figure 1 shows a photograph of a graphite brick, both full size and after machining. Robinson et al [2] measured the interfacial stiffness of graphite-graphite joints due to surface roughness with ultrasonic reflection coefficient measurements [3], where reflection coefficient is defined as the proportion of the incident signal reflected. The calculated stiffness values were used to model the effect of surface roughness on the rocking behavior of a single graphite brick. It was concluded that although surface roughness on a microscopic scale plays no significant role in the tilting behavior, long wavelength surface variation might be a factor. Experiments were also carried out to measure the load-deflection behavior of a single brick rocking on a rigid foundation. These results have been compared with elastic beam bending, a rigid body analysis and a finite CP657, Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 22, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0117-9/03/S20.00 1072 0.2m 0.8m Load (N) FIGURE 1. Magnox graphite bricks. FIGURE 1. Magnox graphite bricks. -Rigid Body Motion Rigid Body 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Motion -Beam Bending Beam Bending -FE Analysis FE Analysis - Experiment Experiment 0 10 Top of brick deflection (pm) 20 30 40 50 FIGURE 2. Load-deflection behaviour single brick rocking Topofofabrick deflection (µm) on a rigid surface. FIGURE 2. Load-deflection behaviour of a single brick rocking on a rigid surface. element analysis. It was found that the brick was up to four times more flexible than predicted. Figure 2 shows the load-deflection behavior of a graphite brick on a rigid foundation under loading. element analysis. It horizontal was found that the brick was up to four times more flexible than Most rough surface contact models, such as theofwell-known predicted. Figure 2 shows the load-deflection behavior a graphite Williamson brick on aand rigid Greenwood contact model [4], are used to model rough, nominally flat surfaces. It is foundation under horizontal loading. possible that during manufacture will also have some longand Mosthowever, rough surface contact models,engineered such as surfaces the well-known Williamson wavelength undulation or 'waviness'. Thomas and Sayles [5] defined a machine tool Greenwood contact model [4], are used to model rough, nominally flat surfaces. It is surface as a continuous band of wavelengths, with high frequencies representing the surface possible however, during manufacture engineered some long roughness, midthat range frequencies representing the surfaces wavinesswill andalso lowhave frequencies wavelength undulation or ‘waviness’. Thomas and Sayles [5] defined a machine representing errors of form. These mid-range frequencies are thought to be important intool surface as a continuous band behavior of wavelengths, with high frequencies representing the surface influencing the rocking of bricks. Ultrasonic measurements have been used roughness, mid range frequencies representing the waviness and low frequencies previously to determine the interfacial pressure over small contact areas such as a ball bearing-raceway wheel-rail system [6, 7]. The aim of thisare paper is to describe a method in representing errors ofor form. These mid-range frequencies thought to be important for mapping the contact pressure the surface of a rocking graphite have brick. been This used is influencing the rocking behavior of atbricks. Ultrasonic measurements accomplished using a hydraulic loading rig, which allows the load-deflection behavior to be previously to determine the interfacial pressure over small contact areas such as a ball measured concurrently with ultrasonic bearing-raceway or wheel-rail system [6,measurements 7]. The aim of ofthe thisinterface. paper is to describe a method for mapping the contact pressure at the surface of a rocking graphite brick. This is EXPERIMENTAL LOADING RIG accomplished using a hydraulic loading rig, which allows the load-deflection behavior to be measured concurrently with ultrasonic measurements of the interface. Experimental Set-Up EXPERIMENTAL LOADING RIG An experimental rig has been developed to allow the pressure distribution of a graphite-aluminum interface to be mapped using ultrasound. The experimental rig is shown Experimental Set-Up An experimental rig has been developed to allow the pressure distribution of a graphite-aluminum interface to be mapped using ultrasound. The experimental rig is shown 1073 Water Bath Focussed Ultrasonic Transducer Aluminium Plate Hydraulic Actuator FIGURE FIGURE3.3.Schematic Schematicofofexperimental experimentalloading loadingrig. rig. FIGURE4.4.Photograph Photographofofexperimental experimentalrig rigfrom from above above showing showing steel steel support FIGURE support plate plate and and trapezoidal trapezoidalscanning scanning areas. areas. Figure3,3,from fromwhich whichititcan canbe beseen seenthat, that, aa steel steel support support plate plate provides ininFigure provides rigidity rigidity and and acts acts as a water bath for ultrasonic coupling. The desired loading condition is applied via as a water bath for ultrasonic coupling. The desired loading condition is applied via four four hydraulicactuators. actuators.AAphotograph photographofofthe theexperimental experimental rig rig is is shown shown in hydraulic in Figure Figure 4, 4, from from which which the water baths which allow constant coupling during scanning can be seen. the water baths which allow constant coupling during scanning can be seen. Experimental Method Experimental Method Before each test, the graphite and aluminum surfaces were polished using various Before each test, the graphite and aluminum surfaces were polished using various grades of abrasive paper. The surface profile was measured using a Taylor Hobson Talysurf grades of abrasive paper. The surface profile was measured using a Taylor Hobson Talysurf Profilometer. Linear Variable Displacement Transducers (LVDT's) were then mounted on Profilometer. Linear Variable Displacement Transducers (LVDT’s) were then mounted on the brick, and the brick positioned in the center of the rig. A 10MHz ultrasonic transducer the brick, and the brick in the center of the of rig.1.6mm) A 10MHz transducer with a focal length of positioned 203mm (-6dB focal diameter was ultrasonic then focused on the with a focal length of 203mm (-6dB focal diameter of 1.6mm) was then focused on the back face of the aluminum plate and a reference scan taken. The amplitude of the reflected back face of the aluminum plate and a reference scan taken. The amplitude of the reflected signal was recorded at 1mm intervals using a tri-axial ultrasonic scanning tank with the signal was recorded at 1mm intervals using a tri-axial ultrasonic scanning tank with the inspection software Winspect™. inspectionThis software Winspect. reference scan was of an aluminum-air interface, at which almost all This of reference scanwave waswas ofreflected. an aluminum-air at which almost (99.9995%) the incident In this case,interface, the reflection coefficient is all (99.9995%) of the incident wave was reflected. In this case, the reflection coefficient equal to unity. The rocking load was then applied and at each load increment, the interface is equal to unity.once The more. rocking loadscans was then and atbyeach load increment, interface was scanned These wereapplied then divided the reference to give the reflection was scanned once more. These scans were then divided by the reference to give reflection 1074 coefficient at the interface. This allowed the reflection coefficient to be mapped at each load increment. ULTRASONIC REFLECTION COEFFICIENT CALIBRATION MEASUREMENTS Introduction In order to convert the measured reflection coefficient values from the loading rig to contact pressure, the relationship between reflection coefficient and contact pressure must be found. This was done using a series of calibration experiments on small graphite and aluminum specimens. Table 1 shows the elastic and ultrasonic properties of PGA graphite and aluminum. When an ultrasonic wave is incident on the boundary between two perfectly bonded materials, the reflection coefficient is given by [8], where, Zj and Z2 are the respective acoustic impedances of the two materials (defined as the product of the density and the wave velocity through the material [9]). For non-similar materials, the perfect contact reflection coefficient is non-zero. For a graphite-aluminum interface, this value is 0.68, which can be compared with 0.87 for graphite- steel. However, if the surfaces are rough and the interface is between perfectly bonded and zero contact, the system becomes more complex. The interstices that form between asperities on the opposing surfaces cause scattering of the ultrasound, which is highly frequency dependent. In this case, the reflection coefficient will vary depending on the amount of contact between the surfaces and the frequency of ultrasound used to interrogate the interface. Experimental Apparatus and Method The calibration measurements were carried out using the experimental set-up developed by Drinkwater et al [10]. Figure 5 shows a schematic the apparatus used. The graphite specimens used, were 20mm in diameter and 20mm high. The top 5mm was tapered to ensure that the applied load was evenly distributed. The compressive load was applied via a Zwick 1478 mechanical loading machine. The apparatus was designed such that the 10MHz transducer was focused at the center of the graphite-aluminum interface. A reference measurement was taken at the beginning of the test with no applied load, i.e. zero contact between the surfaces. As the load was increased, the reflection from the interface was recorded and divided by the initial reference (in the frequency domain) to give the reflection coefficient. The load was then decreased and finally, an end-reference was taken when the load had been fully removed. The end-reference was used to check that the reflection coefficient returned to unity, indicating a good test. The reflection coefficient at the center frequency of the transducer was used to provide the reflection coefficient against pressure curve for the interface. Figure 6 shows a best-fit to the loading data from three separate tests on graphitealuminum surfaces. This curve provides an empirical relationship between reflection 1075 Graphite Aluminium Water Bath Transducer Holder FIGURE 5. Schematic of experimental calibration rig. coefficient and contact pressure for a graphite-aluminum surface prepared to the same surface roughness. It was found using a linear regression technique that the best-fit line followed the empirical equation, P[=aRC2+bRC + c (2) Where, Pn is the pressure calculated from the nominally applied load, RC is the measured reflection coefficient and a, b and c are constants equal to 42.86, -109.94 and 67.08 respectively. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Example: 3 Region Contact In order to validate the measurement technique and allow comparison with simple theory, a brick was prepared such that it rocked with only three regions in contact. The A 0.5 1 1.5 2 Experimental Data j 2.5 Contact Pressure (MPa) FIGURE 6. Calibration curve showing experimental scatter and best-fit line. 1076 regions of contact were positioned as shown in Figure 7. The three regions were manufactured using abrasive paper and were spherical to allow comparison with Hertzian regions of contact were positioned as shown in Figure 7. The three regions were contact theory [11]. 8 shows the surface profile to of allow regioncomparison number 1 along a single manufactured usingFigure abrasive paper and were spherical with Hertzian traverse. Using the experimentally measured values of amplitude and width, it was possible contact theory [11]. Figure 8 shows the surface profile of region number 1 along a single to traverse. calculateUsing the effective radius of curvature. radius of curvature region 1 is 2.0m. the experimentally measuredThe values of amplitude andofwidth, it was possible The rocking loadsradius wereofthen appliedThe to radius rock the brick onto region11. Figure 9 to calculate the effective curvature. of curvature of region is 2.0m. shows a contour map loads of the reflection coefficient this region. These1. reflection The rocking were then applied to rockover the brick onto region Figure 9 coefficient values were then converted to contact pressure, using equation 2. Figure 10 shows a contour map of the reflection coefficient over this region. These reflection shows a vertical (V) and horizontal (H) cross section of this point compared with Hertzian coefficient values were then converted to contact pressure, using equation 2. Figure 10 contact for (V) a radius of curvature of 2.0m. It can be point seen that the measured peak showstheory a vertical and horizontal (H) cross section of this compared with Hertzian pressure is 25% lower than the predicted pressure, although the contact area is correct to contact theory for a radius of curvature of 2.0m. It can be seen that the measured peak within 5%. is 25% lower than the predicted pressure, although the contact area is correct to pressure within 5%. CONCLUSIONS CONCLUSIONS A method of measuring contact pressure and stiffness in large contacting interfaces A method of contact pressure stiffness in contacting interfaces has been developed. A measuring hydraulic rig has been usedand to measure thelarge load-deflection behavior been developed. A hydraulic rig has load been and usedcontact to measure the load-deflection of has a Magnox graphite brick under various conditions. Calibrationbehavior of a Magnox graphite brick under various load and contact conditions. Calibration FIGURE 7. Schematic of brick contact regions used in experiment. Horizontal line shows the scan line for FIGURE 7. Schematic of brick contact regions used in experiment. Horizontal line shows the scan line for thethe surface profile shown in in Figure surface profile shown Figure8.8. Amplitude (µm) 20 0 -20 -40 -60 0 55 1010 15 15 20 20 25 25 Traverse TraverseLength Length(mm) (mm) FIGURE 8. Horizontal surfaceprofile profileofofregion region1,1,measured measuredusing using aa Talyor Talyor Hobson Talysurf FIGURE 8. Horizontal surface Talysurf Profilometer. Profilometer. 1077 Increasing pressure / Increasing pressure / decreasingreflection reflectionL decreasing coefficient coefficient 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 m — Distance (mm) Contact Pressure (MPa) FIGURE pressure over over region region 1.1. FIGURE9.9.Contour Contourplot plotofofultrasonically ultrasonically measured measured contact contact pressure 14 12 10 Hertz -Hertz 8 6 Exp (V) -Exp(V) 4 Exp (H) -Exp(H) 2 0 -8 - 6-4 - -2 4 - 0 2 20 24 4 66 8 -6 Distance (mm) (mm) Distance FIGURE10. 10.Contact Contactpressure pressuredistribution distribution over over region region 1. 1. FIGURE measurements on on graphite-aluminum graphite-aluminum interfaces interfaces have have been been used measurements used to to convert convert the the measured measured reflectioncoefficient coefficient into into contact contact pressure pressure at at the the interface interface between reflection between the the graphite graphite brick brickand and aluminumfoundation. foundation. ananaluminum Thecontact contactpressure pressuredistribution distribution has has been been compared compared with The with Hertz Hertz contact contact theory theoryfor for a brick rocking on three spherical contact regions. The results show good qualitative a brick rocking on three spherical contact regions. The results show good qualitative agreement with with theory theory with with an an underestimate underestimate of of load load at at the agreement the interface. interface. The The contact contact area area measured experimentally is within 5% of the theoretical value and the peak measured experimentally is within 5% of the theoretical value and the peak pressure pressure isis approximately25% 25% lower lower than than predicted. predicted. Further Further work work is approximately is required required to to minimize minimizethe theerrors errors associated with the calibration curve at higher pressures. associated with the calibration curve at higher pressures. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is supported by BNFL Magnox U.K. through the IMC. We would like This work is supported by BNFL Magnox U.K. through the IMC. We would like to thank John Payne of BNFL Magnox for his assistance. to thank John Payne of BNFL Magnox for his assistance. REFERENCES 1. Payne, J. F. B. and Steer, A., Nuclear Electric Internal Report. 1078 2. Robinson, A. M., Drinkwater, B. W., Dwyer-Joyce, R. S. and Payne, J. F. B., Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs. 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