Communication Evaluation Work Group Charter (PDF)

Health Care Homes Communication &
Evaluation Work Group
Review Date: November 5, 2015
Approved Date:
*Existing work groups are expected to review their charter every July to ensure that it still accurately describes the purpose
and the structure of the team. The charter must be submitted to the Health Policy Division Director for approval, even if no
changes were made.
Goal, Purpose and Deliverables
The goal of the Communication & Evaluation Work Group is to promote the value of Health Care Homes
Through Communications & the HCH Program Evaluation.
The purpose of the Communication and Evaluation Work Group is to:
Advise on development of Communication & Evaluation Work Group initiatives
Support implementation of Communication & Evaluation Work Group events
Advise on best practices and innovations regarding communication & evaluation
Advise on policies and procedures regarding communication & evaluation topics
Ensure patients, families, and consumers are included in Communication & Evaluation
Work Group activities
The deliverables of the Communication & Evaluation Work Group include:
1. Develop strategically focused marketing and communications plans for health care
homes advancement engaging digital, print and social media and other strategies to
build awareness and strengthen relationships with key stakeholders by 12/30/16.
2. Evaluate measures that assess population health impact to advance health equity and
the correlation to care coordination activities by 6/30/17.
3. Review program evaluation measures & assess whether to add community impact,
health capacity and/or practice transformation measures by 6/30/16.
Frequency of Meetings
The Communication & Evaluation Work Group shall meet once per quarter. Meetings shall last
approximately two (2) hours. Meetings shall be held in-person, with an option to participate via
conference call. Additional meetings will be scheduled if group feels additional time is needed to
get work done.
The meeting is considered public. Meeting notices will be posted on HCH website. In addition,
the meeting date and time will be posted on the Health Care Homes SIM Outlook Calendar.
Membership Expectations:
The Communication & Evaluation Work Group members shall:
1. Participate actively in meetings
2. Provide input and direction on presented materials and questions
3. Constructively represent the concerns and interests of their constituency
4. Participate in subgroup initiatives as determined by the committee
5. Champion the work of Health Care Homes in the community
6. Champion the work of HCHs and SIM in the community.
7. Make decisions about HCH program evaluation
Terms of Membership:
Members are solicited by program staff and serve for two year terms. Membership is renewable for up to
three terms for a total of 6 years. Members of the work group will have staggered terms to ensure
experienced work group members are present on the group at all times.
Membership includes representative from:
1. Newly certified clinic (1)
2. Certified/Recertified clinic (2) Kasey Trageser
3. SIM or IHP grantee (1)
4. Safety Net Provider (1)
5. Research Representative (2) : Nathan Shippee; Mark Caldwell
6. Marketing or Communication Expert (2) Mary Bensman; Nancy Hartzler
7. Consumer/Parent Partner (2)
8. Health Plan (1): Scott Robertson
9. Quality Improvement Organization (2) Karla Wetherby
10. DHS (1): Jeff Schiff
Current membership list is posted on our website.
The work group will have two co-chairs:
• One of the co-chairs will have a measurement and/or analytic background
• The other chair will have a communications background.
• The appointment times for each chair will be staggered
• The co-chair will be selected by the work group at the last meeting of the calendar year
Co-Chair Responsibilities:
• Assist with developing meeting agendas
• Lead meetings
• Represent the work group at the HCH Advisory Committee or as needed
• Ensure communication with program staff
Current Co-chairs: Mary Bensman (communication); Nathan Shippee (measurement)
Decision Making Process:
The work group makes decisions working towards consensus whenever possible; however, in order to
move forward, voting may be used at times. In the case of voting, at least half of the group must be
present and decisions will be made based on a 2/3 majority of those present. Decisions that involve
activities requiring mandatory staff attendance or activity costs that exceed five hundred dollars are
forwarded to the Health Care Homes Director.
Ad Hoc Teams:
The Communications & Evaluation Work Group may establish ad hoc teams to complete short-term projects
with a specific assignment and a timeline.
Life Expectancy:
This is an ongoing work group.
Reporting of Progress:
This work group will report progress and recommendations to the HCH Advisory Committee. In turn the
HCH Advisory Committee will provide feedback to the work group. The Communication & Evaluation Work
group will maintain final decision making authority.
Meeting agendas and materials are available by request. Meetings will not be recorded.