THE ROLE OF NOWCAST AND FORECAST INPUT PARAMETERS FOR RANGE DEPENDENT TRANSMISSION MODELS JANICE S. SENDT Thales Underwater Systems Pty, 274 Victoria Road, Rydalmere NSW 2116, Australia E-mail: [email protected] ADRIAN D. JONES AND JARRAD R. EXELBY Defence Science and Technology Organisation, P.O.Box 1500, Edinburgh SA 5111, Australia E-mail: [email protected] The Maritime Operations Division of DSTO is assisting the Royal Australian Navy in its assessment of a sonar performance prediction tool for range dependent ocean environments: TESS 2, prepared by Thales Underwater Systems. This assessment has included comparisons between acoustic transmission loss data measured by MOD at shallow ocean sites with range-dependent transmission predictions obtained by TUS. Part of this task has been the inference of the appropriate input parameters from the measured data and comparison with historic data sets. This applies to bathymetry and to seafloor acoustic properties. Examples detailed in this paper indicate the variability in properties which must be described at differing regional locations and the difficulty that can occur at arriving at suitable input parameters from historical data alone. These examples include reference to high resolution bathymetry (ocean depth) data, and the inference of seafloor reflectivity based on received signal data. 1 Introduction This paper addresses some aspects of a joint DSTO/TUS Pty task for benchmarking the range dependent acoustic transmission loss models used in the TESS 2 software. The TESS 2 software provides performance prediction for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) platform sonar sensor systems. The part of this assessment which is addressed in this paper has been the comparison of results from TESS 2 with measured results from a considerable number of shallow water sites around Australia which had been collected and analysed by DSTO. Also discussed briefly is an assessment of the potential for an MOD in-situ technique to infer seafloor reflectivity at shallow grazing angles and provide input to TESS 2 for regions for which existing holdings of seafloor properties are sparse. The TESS 2 software, in particular, the underwater component called SAGE [1], was developed by TUS Pty. SAGE allows the user to compute sonar performances in detection range for realistic ocean environments located at a user defined latitude and longitude. It achieves its purpose by accessing appropriate internal global databases and supplying the necessary parameters to run range dependent sonar performance models. 547 N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (eds.), Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, 547-554. © 2002 All Rights Reserved. Printed in the Netherlands. 548 J.S. SENDT ET AL. The databases include bathymetry, wave height, wind speed, sound speed, sediment thickness and a global sediment province database (TUS proprietary). This paper addresses the approach taken in analyzing the input data from three different sites. The data available from the measured results included start-of-track and end-of-track core samples, a number of sound speed profiles along the track and echo soundings at approximately every 1 km for most tracks. The data available from the SAGE databases included gridded 30” bathymetry and globally gridded 2’ sediment province information. The latter provides sediment information along the whole length of the track whilst the core data only provides information at two points on the track. Sound speed versus depth profiles determined from site bathythermograph data were used in preference to the available historic data. Additionally, a review of the geological work for the area was undertaken to assist in understanding the biogenic and fine detail of the area. At this point in time, this input data has been used only in the two SAGE transmission loss models, namely RAM [2] which is a parabolic equation (PE) model used for frequencies below about 400 Hz and RAVE which is a ray model (TUS proprietary) used for higher frequencies. The examples shown in this paper, which refer to the use of SAGE data within a TESS 2 framework, are from the RAM model. 2 Large bathymetry variations At one site, a comparison of the bathymetry data showed an anomalous point where the DSTO echo sounder data recorded a 30 m depth discrepancy (at 8 km along the track) to the gridded data. The DSTO data around this point was more sparse than along the rest of the track, with the previous point 6 km distant and next point 2 km distant from the point in question (see Fig. 1). Agreement along the rest of the track was good. Thus the echo sounder dataset was showing a gully possibly 8 km wide. The question arose as to whether this point actually existed or was a misreading. Depth, m 90 110 Echo sounder 30sec Bathy 130 150 0 5 10 15 20 25 Range, km Figure 1. Bathymetry data at first site – echo sounder versus 30 second database. INPUT PARAMETERS FOR TRANSMISSION MODELS 549 In turn, a doubt was raised as to whether the gridded data was in error. It was also noted that the impact of this point on transmission loss was large (see Fig. 2). A review of other data for this site showed that the track was crossing a relict river bed and that the echo sounder point was indeed correct. However the agreement between the measured and calculated results showed that the gridded bathymetry data gave the best match. The transmission loss values calculated with the echo sounder data gave a discrepancy of up to 10 dB at the ranges of the bathymetry discrepancy. The transmission loss discrepancy continued at further ranges by producing an “out of phase” transmission loss pattern. Figure 2. Comparison of measured transmission loss and values calculated using either gridded bathymetry or echo sounder bathymetry with 8 km wide, 30 m deep gully centred 8 km from source. Transmission data at 100 Hz for source and receiver at 18 m depth. As the river channel does not appear in the gridded data set, its width may be presumed less than 1 km. Accordingly, the width of the gully was reduced to 1 km and the transmission loss re-calculated. Figure 3 shows that the transmission loss results for the revised echo sounder data now show better agreement with the measured results. Reducing the width further would allow the results to converge on the values obtained with the gridded data set. If the measured dataset was larger, it would then be possible to use the transmission loss model to infer the correct bathymetry profile, particularly as there is only a one point discrepancy. The existence of relict river beds is not an uncommon occurrence on the continental shelf region. The results of this study emphasise the need for point bathymetry data to be used in acoustic transmission loss modelling as well as gridded data. This data should be provided as a “bedform” database and include the location, width and depth of relict river beds. 550 J.S. SENDT ET AL. Figure 3. Comparison of measured transmission loss and values calculated using either gridded bathymetry or modified echo sounder bathymetry with 1 km wide, 30 m deep gully centred 8 km from source. Transmission data at 100 Hz for source and receiver at 18 m depth. 3 Biogenic effects One of the difficulties in predicting transmission loss with reliability in Australian northern waters is the biogenic impact. A grab sample may be analyzed into gravel/sand/mud, based on mean grain size, but when this analysis also includes a calcium content of 90% then the description is insufficient to discriminate between oolitic type grain and the casts of marine mammals. If a porosity measurement has also been taken then this will allow discrimination between the two to be quantified, and if this is not available, then a marine geological description of the area can allow an estimate to be made. Data obtained for a second site illustrates the difficulties which may be encountered. At the second site, the following data had been recorded across a 20 km track: 1. A surficial sediment grab sample at the start and end of the track. 2. 11 sound velocity profiles along the track. 3. Echo sounder depth data at approximately 300 m intervals (Fig. 4). 4. Transmission loss measurements at known ranges (Fig. 5). Additional data which was available from the SAGE database: 5. The sediment province data for the track. 6. The calcium carbonate % for the sediment. 7. 30 arc second gridded bathymetry. 8. Sediment thickness data. 551 INPUT PARAMETERS FOR TRANSMISSION MODELS Depth, m 80 90 100 110 0 5 10 15 20 25 Range, m Figure 4. Echo sounder bathymetry along the 20 km track, second site. Figure 5. Comparison of predicted and measured transmission loss at 100 Hz for source and receiver at 18 m depth. The marine geological description for the area stated that there were irregularly spaced sand waves. The high carbonate content of the sediment is due to the pellets of eroded limestones and the relic skeletal debris. 552 J.S. SENDT ET AL. The core data describes the sediment as 95% sand and 95% calcite across the entire track. If the core descriptors alone are used then the seabed would be reflective and the transmission loss would decrease slowly with range. As this was not the case, in fact, at the beginning of the track the transmission as measured is quite lossy (one-third octave data is presented in Fig. 5), then the porosity of the sediment must be higher than would be expected assuming a “standard sand”. It may be then be speculated that the calcium carbonate content is due to the skeletal debris. It is also noted that for the deeper bathymetry, further along the track, the seabed becomes more reflective indicative of a reduction in the skeletal debris content of the sediment and an increase in the pellets. As the transmission loss values at the start of the track indicate that the seabed is acting as an absorbing layer, it is essential to get an estimate on the thickness of the sediment to the acoustic basement as reflections from this layer may impact on the transmission loss results. Shallow water seismic data is available for this area and estimates from the two way travel time based on the speed of sound for the surficial sediment give a sediment depth of 70 m [4]. This value is used as the sediment thickness in the transmission calculation for the data presented in Fig. 5. 4 In-situ determination of seafloor reflectivity In support of optimum sonar performance prediction capability, MOD has on-going programmes of research on rapid environmental sensing techniques, with an emphasis on the determination of effective seafloor parameters. In particular, MOD has developed a unique method for in-situ determination of seafloor specular reflectivity [5]. The potential value of this technique as an adjunct to the TESS 2 system is under present investigation. Progress in this work is illustrated below. To assess the potential for the MOD in-situ determination of seafloor reflectivity, three-way comparisons have been carried out between: (i) measured transmission loss data determined by MOD at specified ranges; (ii) predictions of transmission loss obtained by the TESS 2 system; (iii) predictions of transmission loss obtained using inverted seafloor reflectivity as input to the KRAKENC model [6]. The measured data shown in this paper are obtained at a site near the shelf break, for which bathymetry along two tracks is indicated by Fig. 6. Here, Run 5 was along a track which proceeded down the continental slope, whereas Run 6 was an intersecting track which followed the bathymetry contours, thereby retaining near uniform depth. The acoustic data capture was afforded by deployment of sonobuoys and Mk 61 SUS from a P-3C maritime patrol aircraft of the Royal Australian Air Force. For each track, the signal received from a single SUS was input to the MOD algorithm and seafloor reflectivity determined for shallow grazing angles. The comparisons of transmission loss are shown in Figs. 7 and 8 respectively for Run 6 (KRAKENC run range-independent) and Run 5 (KRAKENC run rangedependent). Here, the measured data was processed in one-third octave bands, the KRAKENC data was obtained by coherent processing at frequencies within each onethird octave and then incoherently averaged, and the TESS 2 (RAM) prediction was obtained coherently at a single frequency (250 Hz). 553 INPUT PARAMETERS FOR TRANSMISSION MODELS 0 Run 5 Run 6 Depth (m) -100 -200 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 Range (km) Figure 6. Bathymetry along Run 5 and Run 6 at 3rd site. Transmission Loss (dB) 40 TESS 2 in-situ inversion 250 Hz measured 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Range (km) Figure 7. TL measured & predicted, Site 3 Run 6 – range-independent, 250 Hz. As shown by the data in each of Figs. 7 and 8, the agreement between the TESS 2predicted and measured transmission loss values is very good for this site. This is presumed due to the fact that considerable seafloor data exists in the historical record from which the SAGE data was derived. Also at each site, the transmission data based on the in-situ seabed reflectivity is close to the measured data. 554 J.S. SENDT ET AL. Transmission Loss (dB) 40 TESS 2 in-situ inversion 250 Hz measured 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 0 10 20 30 40 50 Range (km) Figure 8. TL measured & predicted, Site 3 Run 5 – range-dependent, 250 Hz. 5 Conclusions Based on the data presented in this paper, it does appear that operational models for the prediction of sonar system performance may be best employed in a way in which collated or gridded databases of historical information are supplemented, judiciously, by the input of additional quality data for the local region. In shallow oceans, the spatial variability in ocean depth and in seafloor properties requires range-dependent modelling which is supplemented by local sampling when feasible. Acknowledgements The authors thank Mr. Paul Clarke for his assistance in the preparation of this paper. References 1. TESS 2 operator’s manual, TUS (2000). 2. Collins, M.D., User’s guide for RAM versions 1.0 and 1.0p, available at: [email protected] 3. Jones, H.A., Marine geology of the Northwest Australian Continental Shelf, Bulletin 136, Bureau of Mineral Resources (1973). 4. Gravity, magnetic and seismic profiles of the Timor Sea, Australian Geological Survey Organisation. 5. Jones, A.D., Bartel, D.W., Clarke, P.A. and Day, G.J., Acoustic inversion for seafloor reflectivity in shallow water environment. In Proc. UDT Pacific 2000, Australia, 7– 9 February 2000. 6. Porter, M.B., The KRAKEN normal mode program. Rep. SM-245, SACLANT Undersea Research Centre (1995).
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