2014 Arrival Departure Procedures

August 23, 2014
Dear Westbrook Families,
It was a delight to welcome so many new and returning families to our Open House on Friday! As
many of you remarked, what a difference a year makes. We always see this with our children,
when a few short months of summer vacation cause them to seem a foot taller and so much more
grown up. T his year we noticed it with our building as well. We are freshly painted, and we were
not scurrying to complete last minute construction. Westbrook staff has been working hard all
summer to prepare for the return of our students. Now we welcome you back for the official start
of the new school year.
Our arrival and dismissal routines will remain similar to last year. At Arrival; staff will be on
duty starting at 8:30 to receive your children. Students supervised by their parents or caregivers
may play on the field or on the equipment until the bell or whistle sounds at 8:40. We will line up
to enter the building at 8:45. Kindergarten and THIRD GRADE will line up on the Kindergarten
play area. This is a change from last year for Third Grade. First Grade, Second Grade and
Fourth Grade will line up on the paved play area. Fifth Grade will line up in front of the school.
Cones with teacher names will be placed each day to help wit h lineup. During the first weeks of
school; teachers will also be there to greet your children and help them find their line up area. Our
school day officially begins at 8:50am. Students arriving after that time should enter with an adult
through the main office doors.
If your child rides the bus we strongly encourage you to have your child follow this routine from
the first day. It is easier for teachers to know how to send your child home on the bus if they
arrived on the bus. It is also easier for your child to get used to a new routine. Bus routes are
posted on our website. Look for the nearest location to your home, do your best to calculate an
estimated arrival time, and remain patient. Bus schedules are sometimes delayed the first weeks
of school, since bus drivers, children and parents are still getting used to the routines, riders and
stops. Students who ride the bus are greeted by a staff member and directed to their line up area.
Kindergarten students are escorted from their bus to the Kindergarten lineup area by student
patrols. T he bus loop is only for busses and car riders should not be dropped off there.
T he “Kiss and Learn” area for car riders is located on the side of the building within the staff
parking lot. T here is NO LEFT T URN into the school parking lot during drop off hours. If you
must drive your child to school; follow Baltimore to Glen Cove Parkway so that you can turn right
into the parking lot. Please be sure that your child can exit the passenger side quickly and
independently, pull your car all the way forward in this area, and keep the carpool line moving.
Staff and student patrols are on hand to ensure that your child gets up the stairs and to the lineup
area safely. We recommend that Kindergarten students ride the bus or walk; since we do not escort
students from this area to the lineup. Our parking lot is tiny and it is easy for this area to become
congested. T here is NO “Kiss and Learn” area at dismissal. You should park in a legal spot on the
street; and walk to the school to meet your child if you plan to drive them home.
At Dismissal; Fourth Grade and Fifth Grade students exit from the front of the building. You
may wish to designate a specific location to meet your fourth or fifth grade student, since busses
are also dismissed from the front of the school. Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade and
Third Grade students are dismissed from the Atrium and Rear doors of the school and are escorted
to their morning lineup locations. T eachers will ask students to wait with them; until the teacher
is sure that an adult is there to pick them up. Please help the teacher by allowing her to release
your child to you from dismissal. T his is for your child’s safety.
T he following dates are opportunities for us to connect as a school community.
 Back to School Night for grades 1- 2 at 7:00pm on Tuesday, September 9th
 Back to School Night for Grades 3-5 at 7:00pm on Tuesday, September 16 th
 Rededication of our new addition and Celebration of Westbrook’s 75 th Opening Day,
T uesday, September 23 rd at 7:00pm. More details to follow!
Our partnership for the success of Westbrook’s children continues to grow. We look forward to
welcoming your child for a successful school year on Monday, August 25 th, the first day of school!
Jennifer S. Lane