Course Catalog

BS Mechanical Engineering
Program Overview
The objectives of the mechanical engineering major are to prepare graduates to:
practice mechanical engineering in support of the design of engineered systems through the
application of the fundamental knowledge, skills, and tools of mechanical engineering.
enhance their skills through formal education and training, independent inquiry, and professional
work independently as well as collaboratively with others, while demonstrating the professional
and ethical responsibilities of the engineering profession.
successfully pursue graduate degrees at the master's and/or doctoral levels, should they choose.
Mechanical engineering is perhaps the most comprehensive of the engineering disciplines. The
mechanical engineer’s interests encompass the design of automotive and aerospace systems,
bioengineering devices, and energy-related technologies. The spectrum of professional activity for the
mechanical engineering graduate runs from research through design and development to manufacturing
and sales. Because of their comprehensive training and education, mechanical engineers often are called
upon to assume management positions.
The mechanical engineering department offers professional courses in the areas of bioengineering,
energy systems, applied mechanics, manufacturing, materials science, systems analysis, computeraided graphics and design, robotics, and automotive and aerospace engineering. The department’s
laboratories are equipped to provide extensive experimentation in these areas. Laboratory facilities
include a well-instrumented wind tunnel, a particle imaging velocimetry laser system for flow visualization,
advanced heat transfer systems, robotics, a proton exchange membrane fuel cell, engine dynamometers,
fluid flow loops, refrigeration systems, tensile testers, compression testers, torsion testers, hardness
testers, X-ray diffractometer, atomic force microscope, dynamic system simulators, a spectrum analyzer,
and a well-equipped machine shop.
Mechanical Engineering, BS degree, typical course sequence
Sem. Cr. Hrs.
First Year
LAS Foundation 2: First Year Writing
LAS Perspective 7A: Project-based Calculus I, II
LAS Perspective 1, 2, 3
Engineering Mechanics Lab
Engineering Design Tools
LAS Foundation 1: First Year Seminar†
LAS Perspective 4
Multivariable Calculus
Thermodynamics I
Fluid Mechanics I
LAS Immersion 1
Differential Equations
MECE-203, 204
Strength of Materials I and Lab
MECE-305, 306
Materials Science with Applications and Lab
Immersion 1
Cooperative Education (fall or spring)
Contemporary Issues in Mechanical Engineering (WI)
MATH-181, 182
Second Year
Third Year
Boundary Value Problems
Circuits I
Numerical Methods
Engineering Measurements Lab
Immersion 2
Cooperative Education (summer)
Cooperative Education (fall or spring)
Linear Algebra
System Dynamics
Heat Transfer I
Engineering Applications Lab
ME Extended Core Elective
Physical Science Elective II
Cooperative Education (summer)
Multidisciplinary Senior Design I, II
ME Applied Elective
Applied Statistics
LAS Immersion 3
Free Electives
ME Electives
University Physics II
Fourth Year
Fifth Year
MECE-497, 498
Total Semester Credit Hours
Please see New General Education Curriculum–Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) for more information †
The First Year Seminar requirement is replaced by an LAS Elective for the 2013-14 academic year.
Cooperative education
Students are required to complete twelve months of cooperative education, one of which must have an
international component. Many students study abroad to solidify their understanding of a foreign language
and gain experience living in another culture. They follow their study abroad experience with a co-op in
a multinational corporation in the United States, or in an international company overseas, to acquire
comprehensive experience.
MATH-181, 182 - LAS Perspective 7A: Project-based Calculus I, II
MATH-181 Project-based Calculus I
This is the first in a two-course sequence intended for students majoring in mathematics, science or
engineering. It emphasizes the understanding of concepts, and using them to solve physical problems.
The course covers two- dimensional analytic geometry, functions, limits, continuity, the derivative, rule of
differentiation, applications of the derivative, Riemann sums, definite integrals, and indefinite integrals.
(In order to be successful in this course, students earn an A in MATH-111 Precalculus, or a score of at
least 75% on the RIT Mathematics Placement Exam) Class 4, Workshop 2, Credit 4.
MATH-182 Project-based Calculus II
This is the second in a two-course sequence intended for students majoring in mathematics, science or
engineering. It emphasizes the understanding of concepts, and using them to solve physical problems.
The course covers techniques of integration including integration by parts, partial fractions, improper
integrals, applications of integration, representing functions by infinite series, convergence and
divergence of series, parametric curves and polar coordinates. (C or better in MATH-181 Project-based
Calculus I) Class 4, Workshop 2, Credit 4.
MECE-102 - Engineering Mechanics Lab
This course examines classical Newtonian mechanics from a calculus-based fundamental perspective
with close coupling to integrated laboratory experiences. Topics include kinematics; Newton’s laws of
motion; work, energy, and power; systems of particles and linear momentum; circular motion and rotation;
and oscillations and gravitation within the context of mechanical engineering, using mechanical
engineering conventions and nomenclature . Each topic is reviewed in lecture, and then thoroughly
studied in multiple accompanying laboratory sessions. Students conduct experiments using modern data
acquisition technology; and analyze, interpret, and present the results using modern computer software.
(Corequisite MATH-181) Class 1, Lab 1, Studio 1, Credit 3.
MECE-104 - Engineering Design Tools
This course is an introduction to graphical communication as a tool in documenting the results of an
engineering design. Emphasis is placed on the use of computer-aided drafting and 3-D solid modeling
systems to prepare working drawings packages of basic components and assemblies. Students combine
the practice of sketching along with computer-based solid modeling to produce a parametric design. At
the conclusion of the course, students will be able to prepare working drawings, with appropriate views,
dimensions, title blocks, and bill of materials. This course will also introduce students to the skills they
will need to address open-ended engineering design problems which require the fabrication of a prototype
from engineering drawings. Students will learn about problem definition, concept development, feasibility
assessment, man- aging design parameter tradeoffs using engineering analysis, developing a preliminary
design drawing package and constructing a working prototype. Class 2, Lab 2, Studio 2, Credit 4
MECE-103 - Statics
This basic course treats the equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies under the action of forces. It
integrates the mathematical subjects of calculus, vector algebra and simultaneous algebraic equations
with the physical concepts of equilibrium in two and three dimensions. Topics include concepts of force
and moment, trusses, frames, machines, friction, centroids and moments of inertia. (MECE-102;
corequisite: MATH-182) Class 3, Credit 3
MATH-219 - Multivariable Calculus
This course is principally a study of the calculus of functions of two or more variables, but also includes
vector-valued functions and their derivatives. The course covers limits, partial derivatives, multiple
integrals, and includes applications in physics. Credit cannot be granted for both this course and MATH221. (C or better in MATH-182 Project-based Calculus II or MATH-173 Calculus C or equivalent) Class
3, Credit 3.
MECE-205 - Dynamics
A basic course in the kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies. Newton’s Laws and the
theorems of work-energy and impulse momentum are applied to a variety of particle problems. Systems
of particles are employed to transition to the analysis of rigid body problems. Absolute and relative motion
are used to investigate the kinematics and kinetics of systems of rigid bodies. Newton’s Laws and the
theorems of work-energy and impulse-momentum are also applied to a variety of rigid body problems.
(MECE-103) Class 3, Credit 3.
MECE-110 - Thermodynamics I
A basic course introducing the classical theory of thermodynamics. Applications of the first law of
thermodynamics are used to introduce the student to thermodynamic processes for closed and open
systems. The Clausius and Kelvin-Planck statements of the second law are then correlated with the
concept of entropy and enthalpy to investigate both real and reversible processes and the thermodynamic
properties of pure substances. (MECE-102; co- requisite: MATH-182) Class 3, Credit 3.
MECE-210 - Fluid Mechanics I
Includes the physical characteristics of a fluid: density, stress, pressure, viscosity, temperature, vapor
pressure, compressibility. Descriptions of flows: Lagrangian and Eulerian; stream-lines, path-lines,
streak-lines. Classification of flows. fluid statics: hydrostatic pressure at a point, pressure field in a static
fluid, manometry, forces on submerged surfaces, buoyancy, standard and adiabatic atmospheres . Flow
fields and fundamental laws; systems and control volumes, Reynolds Transport theorem, integral control
volume analysis of basic equations for stationary and moving control volumes. Inviscid Bernoulli and the
Engineering Bernoulli equation, some applications. Incompressible flow in pipes; laminar and turbulent
flows, separation phenomenon, dimensional analysis. (MECE-110) Class 3, Credit 3.
MATH-231 - Differential Equations
This course is an introduction to the study of ordinary differential equations and their applications. Topics
include solutions to first order equations and linear second order equations, methods of undetermined
coefficients, variation of parameters, linear independence and the Wronskian, vibrating systems, Laplace
transforms, and an introduction to systems of equations. (MATH-173 Calculus C or MATH-182 Projectbased Calculus II) Class 3, Credit 3.
MECE-203, 204 - Strength of Materials I and Lab
MECE-203 Strength of Materials I
A basic course in the fundamental principles of the mechanics of deformable media, including stress,
strain, deflections and the relationships among them. The basic loadings of tension, compression, shear,
torsion and bending are also included. (MECE-103) Class 3, Credit 3.
MECE-204 Strength of Materials I Laboratory
A required laboratory course taken in support of MECE-203. Students are introduced to reduction and
analysis of data, basic experimental techniques, and effective report writing. (Corequisite: MECE-203)
Lab 1, Credit 1.
MECE-305, 306 - Materials Science with Applications and Lab
MECE-305 Materials Science with Applications
This course provides the student with an overview of structure, properties, and processing of metals,
polymers, and ceramics. Materials selection is also discussed. There is a particular emphasis on steels,
but significant attention is given to non-ferrous metals, ceramics, and polymers. This course does not
include a laboratory component. (MECE-104) Class 3, Credit 3.
MECE-306 Materials Science with Applications Laboratory
A required laboratory course taken in support of MECE-305. (Corequisite: MECE-305) Lab 2, Credit 1.
MECE-499 - Cooperative Education (fall or spring)
One semester of full-time, paid employment in the mechanical engineering field. (MECE-110, MECE203, EGEN-099).
MATH-326 - Boundary Value Problems
This course provides an introduction to boundary value problems. Topics include Fourier series,
separation of variables, Laplace’s equation, the heat equation, and the wave equation in Cartesian and
polar coordinate systems. (MATH-219 Multivariable Calculus or MATH-221 Multivariable and Vector
Calculus, and MATH-231 Differential Equations) Class 3, Credit 3.
EEEE-281 - Circuits I
Covers basics of DC circuit analysis starting with the definition of voltage, current, resistance, power and
energy. Linearity and superposition, together with Kirchhoff’s laws, are applied to analysis of circuits
having series, parallel and other combinations of circuit elements. Thevenin, Norton and maximum power
transfer theorems are proved and applied. Circuits with ideal op-amps are introduced. Inductance and
capacitance are introduced and the transient response of RL, RC and RLC circuits to step inputs is
established. Practical aspects of the properties of passive devices and batteries are discussed, as are
the characteristics of battery-powered circuitry. The laboratory component incorporates use of both
computer and manually controlled instrumentation including power supplies, signal generators and
oscilloscopes to reinforce concepts discussed in class as well as circuit design and simulation software.
(MATH-182; corequisite PHYS-212) Class 3, Lab 3, Credit 3
MECE-317 - Numerical Methods
This course entails the study of numerical methods as utilized to model and solve engineering problems
on a computing device. Students learn to implement, analyze and interpret numerical solutions to a
variety of mathematical problems commonly encountered in engineering applications. Topics include
roots of algebraic and transcendental equations, linear systems, curve fitting, numerical differentiation
and integration, and ordinary differential equations. Applications are taken from student’s background in
engineering, science and mathematics courses. The MATLAB programming language is taught and
utilized for computer implementation. (MATH-231, MECE-102) Class 3, Credit 3.
MECE-211 - Engineering Measurements Lab
A required laboratory course taken concurrently with MECE-210. Includes the physical characteristics of
a fluid: density, stress, pressure, viscosity, temperature, vapor pressure, compressibility. Descriptions of
flows: Lagrangian and Eulerian; stream-lines, path-lines, streak-lines. Classification of flows. fluid statics:
hydrostatic pressure at a point, pressure field in a static fluid, manometry, forces on submerged surfaces,
buoyancy, standard and adiabatic atmospheres . Flow fields and fundamental laws; systems and control
volumes, Reynolds Transport theorem, integral control volume analysis of basic equations for stationary
and moving control volumes. Inviscid Bernoulli and the Engineering Bernoulli equation, some
applications. Incompressible flow in pipes; laminar and turbulent flows, separation phenomenon.
Dimensional analysis. (Corequisite: MECE-210) Lab 2, Credit 2.
MECE-499 - Cooperative Education (summer)
One semester of full-time, paid employment in the mechanical engineering field. (MECE-110, MECE203, EGEN-099).
MECE-499 - Cooperative Education (fall or spring)
One semester of full-time, paid employment in the mechanical engineering field. (MECE-110, MECE203, EGEN-099).
MATH-241 - Linear Algebra
This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of linear algebra, with an emphasis on matrix
manipulation. Topics include Gaussian elimination, matrix arithmetic, determinants, of a matrix,
eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. Various applications are studied throughout the course. (MATH-219
Multivariable Calculus or MATH-221 Multivariable and Vector Calculus or MATH-190 Discrete
Mathematics for Computing or MATH-200 Discrete Mathematics and Introduction to Proofs) Class 3,
Credit 3.
MECE-320 - System Dynamics
This required course introduces the student to lumped parameter system modeling, analysis and design.
The determination and solution of differential equations that model system behavior is a vital aspect of
the course. System response phenomena are characterized in both time and frequency domains and
evaluated based on performance criteria. Laboratory exercises enhance student proficiency with model
simulation, basic instrumentation, data acquisition, data analysis, and model validation. (MATH-231,
MECE-205, MECE- 317; corequisite: EEEE-281) Class 2, Lab 1, Credit 3.
MECE-310 - Heat Transfer I
A basic course in the fundamentals of heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation, together
with applications to typical engineering systems. Topics include one- and two-dimensional steady state
and transient heat conduction, radiation exchange between black and gray surfaces, correlation
equations for laminar/turbulent internal and external convection, and an introduction to heat exchangers
analysis and design by LMTD and NTU methods. (MECE-210) Class 3, Credit 3.
MECE-301 - Engineering Applications Lab
This course builds on prior laboratory experiences, by providing students with the opportunity to work in
teams to design and perform open-ended experiments. Students will complete two open-ended
experiments involving theoretical and empirical analyses of Mechanical Engineering systems, one based
on thermo-fluids sciences and one based on solid mechanics. (MECE- 102, MECE-104, MECE-204,
MECE-211) Lab 2, Credit 2.
MECE-499 - Cooperative Education (summer)
One semester of full-time, paid employment in the mechanical engineering field. (MECE-110, MECE203, EGEN-099).
MECE-497, 498 - Multidisciplinary Senior Design I, II
MECE-497 Multidisciplinary Senior Design I
The first of a two-course capstone design sequence. Students work in multidisciplinary design teams in
an environment approximating an industrial setting. Emphasis is placed on teamwork and on developing
good oral, written and interpersonal communication skills. In this course, student teams develop their
proposed final design of a mechanical system after identifying possible alternative concepts. The final
design must be supported by sound engineering analyses and by engineering drawings necessary to
build a prototype. This course is intended to be taken as a capstone design experience near the
conclusion of the student’s program of study. (MECE-301, MECE-499) Class 3, Credit 3.
MECE-498 Multidisciplinary Senior Design II
The second of the two-course capstone design sequence. The same student teams from Senior Design
I return to build and test a working prototype of their previously developed final design. Continued
emphasis is placed on teamwork and on developing good oral, written and interpersonal communication
skills. (MECE-497) Class 3, Credit 3.
STAT-205 - Applied Statistics
This course covers basic statistical concepts and techniques including descriptive statistics, probability,
inference, and quality control. The statistical pack- age Minitab will be used to reinforce these techniques.
The focus of this course is on statistical applications and quality improvement in engineering. This course
in intended for engineering programs and has a calculus prerequisite. Note: This course may not be taken
for credit if credit is to be earned in STAT- 145 or STAT-155. (MATH-182 Project-based Calculus II or
MATH-173 Calculus C, or permission of instructor) Class 3, Credit 3.
PHYS-212 - University Physics II
This course is a continuation of PHYS-211, University Physics I. Topics include electrostatics, Gauss’
law, electric field and potential, capacitance, resistance, DC circuits, magnetic field, Ampere’s law,
inductance, and geometrical and physical optics. The course is taught in a lecture/workshop format that
integrates the material traditionally found in separate lecture and laboratory courses. (PHYS- 211 or
PHYS-211A or PHYS-206 and credit or co-registration in PHYS-207, or all of the following three courses:
MECE-102, MECE-103, and MECE-205; MATH- 182 Project-based Calculus II or MATH-182A or MATH172; a grade of C or better is required in all prerequisites) Workshop 6, Credit 4.