September 8, 2015

Luxmanor Elementary School PTA Meeting
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Welcome at 7:32 PM, introduction of the PTA Board Members
Principal’s Report – Given by Assistant Principal David Nguyen
a. Discussed that Principal Ryan Forkert is on family leave.
b. There are 3 classes in each grade.
c. The new start time is a bit confusing but everyone is adjusting. The biggest concern is
the buses.
d. The ESOL Back to school night is September 17.
e. There is a Farm to School Program coming soon, which is when local farms send food to
our school. In October there is a yogurt and fruit program that our school has been
selected to pilot for MCPS.
Our school is applying for a Maryland Green School designation.
g. The Health Room needs clothing donations, if you have donations, please bring them.
Officers’ Report
A. President’s Report
a. Discussed the budget will be proposed for a vote.
b. The volunteer fair will be after the meeting. We are still looking for volunteers
for Chairs for Silent Auction and Fun Fair committees.
B. Treasurer’s Report
a. Discussed the details of the budget.
b. BINGO Night is possible, please see Debbie Berger if interested. If there is
enough interest, we will amend the budget later.
c. The Health and Safety Committee spoke about increasing their program.
d. The new cultural arts chair has an increased budget to bring more assemblies to
the school.
e. Cynthia King made a motion to pass the budget and Debbie Corwin seconded
the motion, passed
C. MCCPTA News nothing yet
Committee Reports
a. Book fair: needs volunteer help: September 28-October 2
b. Bylaws: 5 members, they explained their role in the process. There were 30 submissions
and they will be available in November. They may have a November Bylaw meeting.
c. It’s important to become a member of the List Serv.
d. September 11 is the Back to School picnic at 6 PM.
New Business
8:13 PM Concluded before the volunteer fair