
Mitchell Batavia
2249 Esplanade Avenue
Bronx, NY 10469
H: (347) 326-7812
W: (212) 998-9409
New York University
University of London
London, England (International Programmes) Distance Learning
London School of of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
From 2004 to 2008
Post Graduate Diploma (PG Dip), 2008
New York University
New York NY
From 1994 to 1997
PhD, 1997
Columbia University
New York NY
From 1982 to 1986
Motor Learning
Masters of Arts, 1986
University of Delaware
Newark DE
From 1978 to 1981
Physical Therapy
Bachelor of Science, 1981
Licensure Information/Registration Number:
Licensed in New York State 007189-1
Employment and Positions Held:
Associate Professor and Chair of Physical Therapy
Faculty rank: Associate Professor
New York University,
Department of Physical Therapy
New York, NY
Fall 2013 - Present
Associate Professor of Physical Therapy
Faculty rank: Associate Professor
New York University,
Department of Physical Therapy
New York, NY
2004- 2013
Adjunct Professor for PHT 606 Research Seminar I
College of Staten Island, City University of New York
New York, NY
Summer 2003
Physical therapy consultant, Pain Clinic
Feldenkrais Method : Awareness Through Movement group classes
Hospital for Joint Disease
New York, NY
Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy
Faculty rank: Assistant
New York University,
Department of Physical Therapy
New York, NY
Robert Salant Post Doctoral Fellow
Post Doc
New York University,
Department of Physical Therapy & NYU Medical Center,
New York, NY
Physical Therapist Consultant
Wheelchair Clinic
Terence Cardinal Cooke Health Care Center
New York, NY
Adjunct Lecturer
Course: Therapeutic exercise
Hunter College Physical Therapy Program
New York, NY
1992 -1993, 1996
Physical Therapist Consultant – Pediatrics
New York Foundling Hospital
New York, NY
Home Care Physical Therapist
Visiting Nurse Service of New York
New York, NY
Staff Physical Therapist- Acute Care
Staff Physical Therapist- Adult Rehabilitation
Staff Physical Therapist- Pediatric Rehabilitation
Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine
New York, NY
Peer Reviewed Publications
Journal Articles:
D’Andrea SJ., Batavia M. Sasson N. Effect of Horticultural Therapy on Preventing the Decline of Mental
Abilities of Patients with Alzheimer’s Type Dementia. Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture. 2007-2008;
XVIII, 9-13.
Batavia M, Gianutsos JG.Test-retest reliability of the seated Functional Rotation Test in people with
Parkinson's disease: a preliminary study. Percept Mot Skills. 2004; 99(1):259-270.
Sliwinski MM, Sisto SA, Batavia M, Chen B, Forrest GF. Dynamic stability during walking following
unilateral total hip arthroplasty. Gait Posture. 2004;19(2):141-147.
Gianutsos, J.G., Cohen, J.M. & Batavia, M. Test-retest reliability in performance of persons with
hemiparesis to track by means of compatibly-displayed myoelectric feedback derived from upper limb
muscles. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2004; 98(1):19-30.
Batavia M. Contraindications for superficial heat and therapeutic ultrasound: Do sources agree?
Archives Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2004; 85(6):1006-1012.
Batavia M. Contraindication for therapeutic massage: Do Sources Agree? Journal of Bodywork &
Movement Therapies. 2004; 8:48-57.
Batavia AI, Batavia M. Disability, Chronic Conditions, and Iatrogenic Illness. Archives Physical Medicine &
Rehabilitation, 2004;85(1):168-171.
Batavia M, Gianutsos JG. Test retest reliability of the functional rotation test in healthy adults. Perceptual &
Motor Skills. 2003;96:185-196.
Batavia AI, Batavia M. Karaoke for quads: a new application of an old recreation with potential therapeutic
benefits for people with disabilities. Disabil Rehabil. 2003;25(6):297-300.
Batavia M, Gianutsos JG, Vaccaro A, Gold JT. A do-it-yourself membrane-activated auditory feedback device
for weight-bearing and gait training. Arch Phy Med Rehabil. 2001;82:S41-S45.
Batavia M, Batavia AI, Friedman R. Changing wheelchairs: insights for manufacturers, therapists, technicians,
payers, and users. Disabil and Rehab. 2001;23:S39-S48.
McDonough AL, Batavia M, Chen FC, Kwon S, Ziai J. The validity and reliability of the Gaitrite system: a
preliminary evaluation. Arch Phy Med Rehabil. 2001;82:419-425.
Batavia M, McDonough AL. Demonstrating the stretch reflex: a mechanical model. Amer Bio Teacher.
McDonough AL, Chen FC, Batavia M. The effect of molded in-shoe orthotics on pressure distribution patterns on
the foot. Phys Ther Case Rep. 1999;2:3-10.
Batavia M, Batavia AI. Pressure sore in a man with tetraplegia and a poorly fitting wheelchair: a case report with
clinical and policy implications. Spinal Cord. 1999;37:140-141.
Batavia M, Gianutsos JG, Ling W, Nelson AJ. The effect of circumferential wrist pressure on reproduction
accuracy of wrist placement in healthy young and elderly adults. J of Geront Med Sci. 1999;54A:M177-M183.
Batavia M, Gianutsos JG, Kambouris M. An augmented auditory feedback device. Arch Phy Med Rehabil.
Systematic Review Proposals Submitted
Batavia M, Cox D, Spencer S, Turner-Stokes L, Khan F. Vocational rehabilitation for people with acquired brain
injury [Protocol]. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016
Batavia M. The Wheelchair Evaluation: A Clinician’s Guide 2 ed. Sudbury, MA:Jones and Bartlett; 2010.
Batavia, M. Contraindications in Physical Rehabilitation: Doing No Harm. St Louis:Saunders; 2006
Batavia M. Clinical Research for Health Professionals: A User-Friendly Guide. Boston MA: Butterworth
Heinemann; 2001.
Batavia M. The Wheelchair Evaluation: A Practical Guide. Boston MA: Butterworth Heinemann; 1998.
Books Submitted
Batavia AI, Batavia M. Wisdom from a Chair: Thirty Years of Quadriplegia Booklocker, Florida 2016
Digital Work
Digital Slide Presentation of : The Wheelchair Evaluation: A Clinician’s Guide (2 ed.) Sudbury, MA;
Jones and Bartlett 2010, CD (Power point format). This project involved extensive slide preparation,
power point animation, and video clips. ISBN 978-0-7637-6172-1 (included with textbook)
Peer Reviewed Scientific and Professional Presentations:
Sylvester Carter, Mitchell Batavia Gregory Gutierrez, THE RELIABILITY OF QUALISYS’ OQUS
SYSTEMDepartment of Physical Therapy, Steinhardt School, New York University, New York, NY, USA APTA
Conference 2015
"Concurrent Validity of a Functional Rotation Test". Academy Annual Assembly, San Francisco CA Poster
presentation 230a, November 3, 2000.
"Test-Retest Reliability of a Functional Rotation Task Performed by Seated Persons with Parkinsonism."
4 presentation 191, November 3, 2000.
Academy Annual Assembly, San Francisco CA. Poster
“Tissue compliance meter: a reliability study.” APTA Annual Meeting and Exposition, Washington DC, June 5-8,
Gianutsos JG, Gold JT, Hutchinson M, Richter EF, Ahn JH, Batavia M. Standing Induced via Segmental
Reflex Pathways of Persons with Spinal Paralysis: A Case Series [Abstract] Arch Phys Med & Rehab Med
2003, 84:A3.
Gianutsos JG, Hutchinson M, Siasoco V, Batavia M. The Effect of Dynamic Ranging and Therapeutic
Exercise on the Motor Planning and Motor Performance of Persons with Parkinson’s Disease [Abstract].
Arch Phys Med & Rehab. 2002; 83:1677.
Gianutsos, JG, Batavia M, Hutchinson M. Incongruous Relation Between Head Motion and Cursor
Direction Affects Motor Tracking Performance [Abstract]. 2002; Arch Phys Med & Rehab; 83: 1691.
Gianutsos JG, Batavia M, Jaiswal A, Milin M, Lambrou S. Concurrent Validity of a Functional Rotation Test
[Abstract]. Arch Phys Med & Rehab. 2000; 81(9): 1303.
Gianutsos JG, Batavia M, Milin M, Lambrou S, Jaiswal A. Test-Retest Reliability of a Functional Rotation
Task Performed by Seated Persons with Parkinsonism [Abstract]. Arch Phys Med & Rehab 2000; 81 (9):
Gianutsos J, Batavia M, Athena V, Gold V. Improved Gait Symmetry and Cadence in a Patient with
Spina Bifida using Physical Therapy Augmented with Auditory Feedback [Abstract]. Arch Phys Med &
Rehab . 1999; 80:1172.
Gianutsos JG, Batavia M, Kramskiy V, Hutchinson M. Mechanical ranging and exercise in the
Rehabilitation of Parkinson's Disease. [Poster presentation] at the 11th European Congress of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation , May 26-28, 1999.
Batavia M, McDonough AL, Ziai J Tissue Compliance Meter: A Reliability Study [Abstract] Physical
Therapy. 1999; 79 (5): S40-41.
Garcia R, Batavia M, Ling W, McDonough A. Difference between Static Angles and Angular Velocities as
Measured on a Clock by Standard Goniometry, the Ariel Performance Analysis System, and the Qualisys
MacReflex Analysis System [Abstract]. Physical Therapy. 1997; 77(5): S75. Abstract 235-SA.
Batavia M, Garcia R. Concurrent validity of a dynamic movement measured by Ariel Performance
Analysis system, the Qualisys MacReflex Motion Analysis System, and an electrogoniometer [Abstract].
Physical Therapy. 1996; 76(5): S75. Abstract 235-M.
Garcia R and Batavia, M. Validity and Reliability of Ariel, MacReflex Motion Analysis System, and Two
Physical Therapists {Abstract]. Physical Therapy World Congress, Washington, D.C., 1995.
Non-Peer Reviewed Presentations:
Batavia M. Feldenkrais & His Method Guest Lecturer / Workshop Hunter College / Graduate Center of
CUNY Doctorate in Physical Therapy Program , PHT 872 Topics in Physical Therapy 2 Hrs Workshop
October 21, 2010, Fall 2012 ; Fall 2013
Batavia M.“Evidence-Based Practice” (with computer station lab) Hudson Valley District Meeting, APTA .
New York Medical College 7- 9:00 P.M. Feb 15 , 2006
Batavia M.“Evidence-Based Practice” Greater New York District Meeting, APTA New York University 6th
7:30 P.M. Oct 17 , 2005
Funded /In Review Grant Activity
Batavia M / Principal Investigator
Functional Rotation Testing in Non-Disabled Adults and in Persons with Parkinson’s Disease
Spring 2002, New York University, Goddard Award
Batavia M / Principal Investigator
Development of a Tissue Compliance Meter
April 17, 2000, New York University, School of Education Research Challenge Fund
Membership in Scientific/Professional Organizations:
American Physical Therapy Association
Neurology Section (APTA)
New York Chapter (APTA)
Education section (APTA)
Consultative and Advisory Positions Held:
Cochrane Injury Group Non pharmacological interventions for chronic pain in people with spinal
cord injury Review number INJ0129 Oct 2012
Manuscript Reviewer
JNPT-D-14-00120R1, entitled "Are the 10 Meter and 6 Minute Walk Tests Redundant in
Parkinson Disease?". Spring 2015
JNPT-D-15-00068, entitled Reliability and validity of self-reported balance and mobility
measures in Multiple Sclerosis Summer 2015
JNPT-D-12-00041 for the Journal of Neurologic Physical Therap, July-Aug 2012
Book Review
for Publisher the Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, Jan 2012
Methods: A Framework
for Evidence-Based
for resubmission
of manuscript
resubmission Journal
of Practice
April 2011Williams & Williams,m Feb 4, 2011
ID TIDS-10-2011-041 Reliability of the overground walk test in persons with Parkinson’s
Book Review
for ;Publisher
Disability and Rehabilitation Journal, Dec 2011
Research Methods: A Framework for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Hurley, Denegar, Hertel
Lippincott Williams & Williams 2011. Feb 4, 2011
Editorial Board Member
Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy Aug 2010- Present
Cochrane Injury Group Protocol: Non-pharmacological interventions for chronic pain in people
with spinal cord injury Dec 2010
Cochrane Injury Group Protocol: Passive movement therapy for the prevention of contractures in
people with brain and spinal cord injury Sept/Oct 2010
Cochrane Injury Group Protocol: Interventions for managing skeletal muscle spasticity following
traumatic brain injury Sept/Oct 2010
Statistical Consultant
Student Project- Other College Dominican College Physical therapy program. Assisted in running
their Meta-analysis. Topic: "The Effectiveness of Gait Training in the Post-Stroke Population: A
Meta-Analysis", March 2010
Author Requested Review
Functional Outcome Measurements of a Veteran with a Hip Disarticulation Using a Helix 3D Hip
Joint: A Case Report. Nelson LM, Neil Carbone N. Summer 2010
Manuscript Reviewer
JNPT Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy October 2010
JNPT-D-09-00033R1, for the Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy March 2010
JNPT Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy July 2010.
Author Requested Review
Functional Outcome Measurements of a Veteran with a Hip Disarticulation Using a Helix 3D Hip
Joint: A Case Report. Nelson LM, Neil Carbone N. Summer 2010
Manuscript Reviewer
JNPT Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy October 2010
JNPT-D-09-00033R1, for the Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy March 2010
JNPT Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy July 2010.
Manuscript Reviewer
JNPT-D-08-00007, Clinical assessment of knee proprioception in stroke Spring 2008
JNPT D 07-0001 Outcomes of a patient post stroke following a short burst of intensive gait
training Fall 2007
JNPT 007-11w Development and Validation of the Circumduction Assessment Scale for
Hemiparesis Spring 2007
Tenure Review
Dr Maria Knikou’s application for tenure. College of Staten Island, City University of New York,
September 2007
Author-Requested Review
Crow J et al. The Use of Joint Mobilization for Arthrofibrosis Following Bilateral Hip Resurfacing
Arthroplasty: A Case Report Review of manuscript in preparation, 2007
Student Advisor - International
Nigel Selwood Student; Occupational Therapy at the Division of Occupational Therapy, University
of Liverpool; United Kingdom 2005-2006
Manuscript Reviewer
Perceptual and Motor Skills A reliable method for measuring trunk rotation movement Evans, K.
August 2005
Proof Reader, Indexer, Graphs, and Editing
ABI Professional Publishing for RE: Andrew I. Batavia; Independent Living: A Viable Option for
Long-Term Care, Spring 2003
Panel Member
Research Symposium, Dominican College Physical therapy program. Topic: "Should physical
therapy clinicians be performing research or is this best left to academics and research
laboratories at institutions, April 5, 2003
Manuscript Reviewer
JNPT Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy Manuscript
JNPT Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy Manuscript
JNPT Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy Manuscript
JNPT Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, Manuscript
# 002-05
# 002-25
# 002-27
# 001-19
March 2002
January 2003
March 2003
August 2001
Manuscript Reviewer
Butterworth Heinemann Lundon K. Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Science: Principles for
Management of Non-Mineralized Connective Tissues, July 2000- August 2001
Butterworth Heinemann Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Science: Principles for Management of NonMineralized Connective Tissues July 2000
Butterworth Heinemann Smits J.G., Boone E.C. Put Both Hands on the Ladder: Workbook for
the Recovery of Hand Functions for Stroke Patients, April 1999
Community Service:
National Physical Therapy Month – ABC network, New York City - 2008
Clinical/ Research service at the Motor Control laboratory and Clinic (RR414), Rusk Institute NYUMC;
Director, John Gianutsos, Ph.D. Once a week, weekly, 1998-2003.
United Methodist Church New York City, December 2002
Coalition for the Homeless Mobile Soup Kitchen New York City, December 2002
Caring Community Senior Center, New York City, July 2000
Services to the University/College/School on Committees/Councils/Commissions:
Professional School Library Advisory Committee 2005-2010
Chair - Doctoral Affairs Committee Fall 2011 to 2013
Steinhardt Faculty Academic Affairs Committee 2011 – 2013
Steinhardt Faculty Senate 2011 – 2013
Steinhardt Reviewer- Dissertation of the year award reviewer Spring 2012
Steinhardt Reviewer - Challenge Grant Reviewer – Summer Development Spring 2012
Steinhardt Convocation DPT student & Dissertation Award Announcer
Steinhardt Doctoral Convocation 2012
Steinhardt Strategic Planning Committee – Spring 2012- Fall 2012
Steinhardt Reviewer- Dissertation of the year award reviewer Spring 2012
Steinhardt Reviewer - Challenge Grant Reviewer – Summer Development Spring 2012
Steinhardt Strategic Priorities Group fall 2013, Member
Steinhardt Implementation Planning Group (IPG) spring 2013 – summer 2013, Co-Chair
Steinhardt, Division of Health Doctoral Proposal Review Panel (Currently Chair), 1999-Present
Steinhardt, Doctoral Affairs Committee 2007 – 2011
Outstanding Dissertation Award sub-committee 2008, 2009
Steinhardt, Grievance Advisory Panel; Member 2006-2010 –Elected
Steinhardt, Dean’s Advisory Committee 2006-2009
Steinhardt School of Education, School Naming Committee 2006
Chairperson 2013 - Present
Associate Professor Search, Chair 2012-2013
APTA – Education Section Department rep Fall 2012
Admissions 1999 – Present
Curriculum 2001- Present
Faculty Development Research & Technology 2001- Present
Professional Student Progress 1999 – Present
Promotion & Tenure 2009 - Present
Web page 1999 – Present
Committee (Acting Chair) 2005, 2011
Honors Personnel
and Awards:
MARQUIS Who's Who in America 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010
Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare 2009-2010
John G Gianutsos Award for Special Educational Contribution
NYU Langone Medical Center, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Rusk Institute
Who's Who in American Education - 2006-2007, 2007-2008
AcademicKeys Who's Who in Education, 2003.
Who's Who in the World, 2005.
Robert Salant Post Doctoral Fellow
New York University
Research Challenge Fund
New York University,
School of Education
Arch Award
New York University
NIDRR Traineeship For Physical Therapy Clinical Research Doctoral Studies
New York University
Cum Laude
University of Delaware
DeWitt Wallace Reader's Digest Fellow
New York University Medical Center
Continuing Education Attended:
Education Leadership Conference (APTA) 2012 CT APTA Self Study Workshop (Accreditation)
Chicago, Feb 7-8, 2012
Teaching with Technology, NYU Center of Teaching Exellence, February 24, 2012 (all day)
IRB Made Easy Dr. McCutcheon NYU’s Office of Sponsored Programs Conference Room, 665
Broadway January 31, 2012 (4-6 PM)
Bobst Library Workshop Google email and Google docs PC-2 Lab 11 AM; 2 PM, January 2012
Statistical Methods in Epidemiology– Advanced Module EP 202, International Programmes, London
School of of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London, Distance Learning completed June
Ethics and Jurisprudence: A Practical Application (4 hrs) Author James Jacobson, MD, MBA, CPE,FACP,
FACPE. Web based course Communicate & Negotiate, LLC Temple, TX . (Thurs)
January 20, 2011
Rotator Cuff and Impingement Disorder (4 hrs) Author Kim Johnson PT MHSM. Web based course Communicate & Negotiate, LLC Temple, TX (Wed) January 19, 2011.
Teaching with Technology – Center of Teaching Excellence & Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,
NYU, full-day conference. Speakers included: Christopher Hoadley, Associate Professor of Administration,
Leadership, and Technology-Cyrus Patell, Associate Professor of English-Mark Siegal, Associate
Professor of Biology and others. (Friday) April 16, 2010.
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation I – The Institute of Physical Art, Inc Presenter: Vicky Saliba
Johnson PT, FFCFMT – Hunter College, NYC– (28 hours), (Thursday-Sunday) October 1- 4 2009
Current Teaching Responsibilities in the Entry-Level Program
Fall Semester
Physical Therapy Examination of the Neuromuscular System (E44.2252)
Clinical Inquiry and Decision-making II (E44.2287)
Spring Semester
Critical Inquiry and Decision-making III (E44.2288)
Advanced Evidence-Based Orthopedic Physical Therapy (•PT-GE 2605)
Physical Therapy Interventions/Prevention Programs/Wellness Programs for the
Neuromuscular System (E44.2262)
Doc Colloquim
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular
10 Facilitation lecture/lab Principles of Exercise
The Wheelchair Evaluation Lecture/Lab Prescription, Application, and as