FINITE ELEMENT AND ANALYTICAL MODELS FOR LOAD TRANSFER CALCULATIONS FOR STRUCTURES UTILIZING METAL AND COMPOSITES WITH LARGE CTE DIFFERENCES A Thesis by Uday Sankar Meka Bachelor of Engineering, Madras University, India, 2004 Submitted to the Department of Aerospace Engineering and the faculty of the Graduate School of Wichita State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science May 2007 FINITE ELEMENT AND ANALYTICAL MODELS FOR LOAD TRANSFER CALCULATIONS FOR STRUCTURES UTILIZING METAL AND COMPOSITES WITH LARGE CTE DIFFERENCES I have examined the final copy of this thesis for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, with a major in Aerospace Engineering. __________________________________ Charles Yang, Committee Chair We have read this thesis and recommend its acceptance. ___________________________________ K. Suresh Raju, Committee Member ___________________________________ Hamid Lankarani, Committee Member ii DEDICATION To my parents and friends iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Dr. Charles Yang for his continuous support and guidance in helping me to complete my thesis. I acquired much knowledge from him during the entire course of my master’s degree. He always helped me in understanding the technical details and overcoming difficulties. For his valuable help, patience, and encouragement, I owe him the deepest gratitude. It’s hard to express in words my thanks towards him. I thank Dr. K. Suresh Raju and Dr. Hamid Lankarani for reviewing my thesis and making valuable suggestions. I also thank the many people who have supported me: engineers from the National Institute for Aviation Research, especially Waruna Senivaratne and Dimuthu Tilekaratne, for their kind assistance in carrying out experiments and helping with various applications. I am indebted to my colleagues Ananthram, Wenjun Sun, Santhosh Kumar, Peter Chou, Kannan, Alireza Chadegani, and Bava and, I thank all the direct and indirect support that helped me complete this thesis. Lastly and most importantly, I want to thank my parents who have been a source of encouragement and inspiration throughout my life. iv ABSTRACT Large composite structures have been increasingly used in the aviation industry. In order to achieve higher fuel efficiency, the use of light-weight, high-strength composite materials, such as carbon/epoxy, needs to be fully explored. New applications of composite materials include primary structures such as aircraft fuselages. This study dealt with thermal stresses induced in a composite aircraft fuselage, in which the fuselage skin was made of carbon/epoxy composite and was fastened to aluminum beams. These stresses resulted from the large coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) difference and also the large temperature difference between the time of assembly, which was 75ºF and the actual flight condition, which was -65ºF). This temperature difference of around 140ºF induced high thermal stresses, not only in the fasteners but also in the aluminum beams and composite panels. The two main objectives of the study are as follows: • To investigate the thermally induced stresses in the aluminum beams. • To investigate the feasibility of thermally isolating the aluminum beams from the composite fuselage skins. An experimental program was conducted to measure the strains on the top surface of an aluminum beam, which was fastened to the composite panel from thermal loads due to temperature difference and CTE mismatch. An approach was also designed to study the effects of the length of the aluminum beam on stresses. An analytical model was developed to evaluate the fastener load transfer and the thermally induced stress within the fastened aluminum/composite assemblies. Five parameters were used to develop an analytical model to calculate the load transfer between the aluminum/composite hybrid structures: equivalent area of the aluminum beam and composite panel, equivalent temperatures of the aluminum beam and v composite panel, and equivalent fastener stiffness were determined using three-dimensional finite element analysis. An attempt has been made to study the effect of fastener diameter, fastener spacing, material of the metallic beam, size of the metallic beam, thickness of the composite panel on the five parameters required to find the load transfer so that a relation could be established for a working engineer to determine these parameters without doing any finite element work. Equations correlating the five parameters with geometric and material properties were provided. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. Page INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS.........................................................................................18 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3. Objective ................................................................................................................18 Experimental Setup................................................................................................18 Specimen Configuration and Fabrication ..............................................................27 2.3.1 Aluminum/Composite Assembly Tests without Insulation ........................27 2.3.2 Aluminum/Composite Assembly Tests with Insulation .............................28 Testing for Mechanical Properties .........................................................................29 Testing for Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE)...........................................30 ANALYTICAL APPROACH ...........................................................................................32 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4. Background ..............................................................................................................1 1.1.1 Composites in Aircraft Industry....................................................................2 1.1.2 Mechanical Joints in Aircraft Structures.......................................................3 1.1.3 Design Methods ............................................................................................5 1.1.4 Importance of Bolt Preload...........................................................................6 1.1.5 Thermo-Mechanical Loading........................................................................8 1.1.6 Defining Pretension in ABAQUS.................................................................8 1.1.7 Defining Contact in ABAQUS ...................................................................10 Literature Review...................................................................................................11 Objective ................................................................................................................15 1.3.1 Solution Approach ......................................................................................17 Objective ................................................................................................................32 Governing Equations of Aluminum Beam ............................................................33 Governing Equations of Composite Panel.............................................................35 Governing Equations of Fasteners .........................................................................38 FINITE ELEMENT MODELS..........................................................................................40 4.1 4.2 Objective ................................................................................................................40 Finite Element Model Development......................................................................41 4.2.1 Finite Element Mechanical Model to Determine Aa ...................................41 4.2.2 Finite Element Mechanical Model to Determine Ac ...................................46 4.2.3 Finite Element Thermal Model...................................................................49 4.2.4 Sequentially Coupled Finite Element Analysis to Determine Ta ................50 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Chapter Page 4.2.5 Sequentially Coupled Finite Element Analysis to Determine Tc ................52 4.2.6 Sequentially Coupled Finite Element Analysis to Determine Kf ................54 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF PANEL TESTS .......................................................58 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF PARAMETRIC STUDY.......................................108 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7. Results from Material Property Tests ....................................................................58 Results from Chamber Tests of Fastened Aluminum/Composite Assembly.........58 5.2.1 Group 1 Test Results...................................................................................60 5.2.2 Group 2 Test Results...................................................................................65 5.2.3 Group 3 Test Results...................................................................................69 5.2.4 Group 4 Test Results...................................................................................73 Analytical Model Validation..................................................................................77 5.3.1 Comparison of Tests of Thick Panel without Insulation ............................77 5.3.2 Comparison of Tests of Thick Panel with Insulation (Cirlex®)..................83 5.3.3 Comparison of Tests of Thin Panel without Insulation ..............................88 5.3.4 Comparison of Tests of Thin Panel with Insulation (Cirlex®)....................93 Analytical Model Validation with Finite Element Model .....................................98 Load Transfer Prediction .....................................................................................100 Equivalent Area of the Metallic Beam (Aa) ........................................................110 6.1.1 Comparison of Aa Obtained from FEM and Equation ..............................111 Equivalent Area of the Composite Panel (Ac) .....................................................125 6.2.1 Comparison of Ac Obtained from FEM and Equation ..............................127 Equivalent Temperature of Metallic Z-Beam (Ta) ..............................................127 6.3.1 Comparison of Ta Obtained from FEM and Equation ..............................128 Equivalent Temperature of Composite Panel (Tc) ..............................................131 6.4.1 Comparison of Tc Obtained from FEM and Equation ..............................131 Equivalent Stiffness of Fastener (Kf)..……………………………………… 144 6.5.1 Comparison of Kf Obtained from FEM and Equation…………………...144 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..........................................................147 7.1 Conclusions………………………….……………………………………………147 7.2 Recommendations……..…………….……………………………………………148 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................149 viii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 5.1 Material Properties.............................................................................................................58 5.2 List of Aluminum/Composite Assembly Tests..................................................................59 5.3 Temperature Distributions Recorded from Group 1 Tests ...............................................61 5.4 Temperature Distributions Recorded from Group 2 Tests ................................................65 5.5 Temperature Distributions Recorded from Group 3 Tests ................................................69 5.6 Temperature Distributions Recorded from Group 4 Tests .................................................74 5.7 Parameters for Fastened Aluminum/Composites Assembly with Thick Composite Panel without Insulation ...................................................................................78 5.8 Equivalent Area for Aluminum Beam for Aluminum/Composites Assembly Composite Panel without Insulation ...................................................................................78 5.9 Equivalent Temperature for Aluminum with Thick Composite Panel without Insulation ...............................................................................................................78 5.10 Equivalent Area for Thick Composite Panel without Insulation ........................................79 5.11 Equivalent Temperature for Thick Composite Panel without Insulation ...........................79 5.12 Parameters for Fastened Aluminum/Composites Assembly with Thick Composite Panel and Co-Cured Cirlex® .............................................................................84 5.13 Equivalent Area for Aluminum Beam for Aluminum/Composites Assembly Composite Panel and Co-Cured Cirlex® .............................................................................84 5.14 Equivalent Temperature for Aluminum with Thick Composite Panel and Co-Cured Cirlex® .........................................................................................................84 5.15 Equivalent Area for Thick Composite Panel and Co-Cured Cirlex®..................................84 5.16 Equivalent Temperature for Thick Composite Panel and Co-Cured Cirlex® .....................85 5.17 Parameters for Fastened Aluminum/Composites Assembly with Thin Composite Panel without Insulation ...................................................................................89 ix LIST OF TABLES (continued) Table Page 5.18 Equivalent Area for Aluminum Beam for Aluminum/Composites Assembly with Thin Composite Panel without Insulation ..................................................................89 5.19 Equivalent Temperature for Aluminum with Thin Composite Panel without Insulation ...............................................................................................................89 5.20 Equivalent Area for Thin Composite Panel without Insulation..........................................89 5.21 Equivalent Temperature for Thin Composite Panel without Insulation .............................90 5.22 Parameters for Fastened Aluminum/Composites Assembly with Thin Composite Panel and Co-Cured Cirlex® .............................................................................94 5.23 Equivalent Area for Aluminum Beam for Aluminum/Composites Assembly with Thin Composite Panel and Co-Cured Cirlex® ............................................................94 5.24 Equivalent Temperature for Aluminum with Thin Composite Panel and Co-Cured Cirlex® .........................................................................................................94 5.25 Equivalent Area for Thin Composite Panel and Co-Cured Cirlex® ...................................94 5.26 Equivalent Temperature for Thick Composite Panel and Co-Cured Cirlex® .....................95 6.1 Variables used to Calculate Aa, Ac, Ta, Tc, and Kf .............................................................108 6.2 Z-Beam Dimensions According to Beam Thickness tb ....................................................109 6.3 ¼ Fractional Factorial Design............................................................................................110 x LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.1 Deformation of Bolt and Joint Members when Tightened ..................................................2 1.2 Examples of Bolted Composite Joints .................................................................................4 1.3 Overall Design Procedure ....................................................................................................6 1.4 Basic Joint Diagrams ...........................................................................................................7 1.5 Pre-Tension Section .............................................................................................................9 1.6 Prescribed assembly load is given at the pre-tension node and applied in direction n......10 1.7 Contact Surfaces. ...............................................................................................................11 1.8 Schematic of Aluminum Beam/Composite Skin Assembly ..............................................16 2.1 Side View of the New Environmental Chamber used for Testing.....................................19 2.2 Environmental Chamber used for Testing .........................................................................20 2.3 Thermocouple and Strain Gage Locations for 66-Fastener Configuration........................21 2.4 Thermocouple and Strain Gage Locations for 48-Fastener Configuration ........................22 2.5 Thermocouple and Strain Gage Locations for 32-Fastener Configuration ........................23 2.6 Thermocouple and Strain Gage Locations for 24-Fastener Configuration........................24 2.7 Thermocouple and Strain Gage Locations for 16-Fastener Configuration.........................25 2.8 Thermocouple and Strain Gage Locations for 8-Fastener Configuration...........................26 2.9 Dimensions of Cross Section of Z-Shape Aluminum Beam ..............................................27 2.10 Configuration of Chamber Tests with Cirlex® Co-Cured inside Composite panel ............29 2.11 CTE of Aluminum Sample .................................................................................................31 3.1 Aluminum/Composite Assembly........................................................................................32 3.2 Free Body Diagram of Z-Shape Aluminum Beam .............................................................33 xi LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure Page 3.3 Free Body Diagram of Flat Composite Panel .....................................................................36 3.4 Area influenced by the external load in the wide composite plate .....................................38 4.1 Mechanical FEM of Z-Shape Aluminum Beam Fastened to Composite Panel..................42 4.2 Point of application of tensile load .....................................................................................43 4.3 Displacement Contour ........................................................................................................43 4.4 Displacement measurements for the aluminum beam ........................................................44 4.5 Mechanical FEM of Flat Composite Panel with 20 Unit....................................................46 4.6 Location at which the concentrated load is applied ...........................................................47 4.7 Displacement Contour of Flat Composite Panel with 20 Units.........................................47 4.8 Displacement measurements from the composite panel....................................................48 4.9 Thermal Finite Element Model of Aluminum/Composite Assembly with Eight Units ....49 4.10 Temperature Distribution in Steady State..........................................................................50 4.11 Sequentially Coupled Finite Element Model of Z-shape Aluminum Beam ......................51 4.12 Displacement Contour of Eight Unit Z-Shape Aluminum Beam due to Thermal Load………………………………………………………………52 4.13 Sequentially Coupled Finite Element Model of Composite Panel ....................................53 4.14 Displacement Contour of Eight Unit Flat Composite Panel due to Thermal Load ...........54 4.15 Sequentially Coupled Finite Element Model of Eight Units of Assembly........................55 4.16 Deformation of Fastened Aluminum/Composites Assembly due to Thermal Load...........56 5.1 Thermocouple Locations of Chamber Tests without Insulation........................................61 5.2 Mechanical Strains of 66-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel without Insulation....................62 5.3 Mechanical Strains of 48-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel without Insulation....................62 xii LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure Page 5.4 Mechanical Strains of 32-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel without Insulation....................63 5.5 Mechanical Strains of 24-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel without Insulation....................63 5.6 Mechanical Strains of 16-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel without Insulation....................64 5.7 Mechanical Strains of 8-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel without Insulation......................64 5.8 Thermocouple Locations of Chamber Tests with Insulation.............................................65 5.9 Mechanical Strains of 66-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel with Cirlex® .............................66 5.10 Mechanical Strains of 48-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel with Cirlex® .............................67 5.11 Mechanical Strains of 32-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel with Cirlex® .............................67 5.12 Mechanical Strains of 24-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel with Cirlex® .............................68 5.13 Mechanical Strains of 16-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel with Cirlex® .............................68 5.14 Mechanical Strains of 8-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel with Cirlex® ...............................69 5.15 Mechanical Strains of 66-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel without Insulation .....................70 5.16 Mechanical Strains of 48-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel without Insulation .....................71 5.17 Mechanical Strains of 32-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel without Insulation .....................71 5.18 Mechanical Strains of 24-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel without Insulation .....................72 5.19 Mechanical Strains of 16-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel without Insulation .....................72 5.20 Mechanical Strains of 8-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel without Insulation......................73 5.21 Mechanical Strains of 66-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel with Cirlex®...............................74 5.22 Mechanical Strains of 48-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel with Cirlex®...............................75 5.23 Mechanical Strains of 32-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel with Cirlex®...............................75 5.24 Mechanical Strains of 24-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel with Cirlex®...............................76 xiii LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure Page 5.25 Mechanical Strains of 16-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel with Cirlex®...............................76 5.26 Mechanical Strains of 8-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel with Cirlex® ................................77 5.27 Configuration of Chamber Tests without Insulation .........................................................79 5.28 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 66-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thick Panel) .........................................................80 5.29 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 48-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thick Panel) .........................................................81 5.30 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 32-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thick Panel) .........................................................81 5.31 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 24-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thick Panel) .........................................................82 5.32 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 16-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thick Panel) .........................................................82 5.33 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 8-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thick Panel) ...........................................................83 5.34 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 66-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thick Panel) ..................................................85 5.35 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 48-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thick Panel) ..................................................86 5.36 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 32-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thick Panel) ..................................................86 5.37 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 24-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thick Panel) ..................................................87 5.38 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 16-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thick Panel) ..................................................87 5.39 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 8-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thick Panel) ....................................................88 xiv LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure Page 5.40 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 66-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thin Panel) ...........................................................90 5.41 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 48-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thin Panel) ...........................................................91 5.42 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 32-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thin Panel) ...........................................................91 5.43 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 24-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thin Panel) ...........................................................92 5.44 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 16-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thin Panel) ...........................................................92 5.45 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 8-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thin Panel) .............................................................93 5.46 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 66-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thin Panel)....................................................95 5.47 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 48-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thin Panel)....................................................96 5.48 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 32-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thin Panel)....................................................96 5.49 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 24-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thin Panel)....................................................97 5.50 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 16-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thin Panel)....................................................97 5.51 Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 8-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thin Panel)......................................................98 5.52 Temperature Distribution in Steady State for Aluminum/Composite Assembly without Insulation (Thin Panel) ........................................................................99 5.53 Deformation of Fastened Aluminum/Composites Assembly due to Thermal Load..........99 xv LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure Page 5.54. Load Transfer Comparison for 24 units (half of 48 F case) for Aluminum/Composite Assembly (Thin Panel)................................................................100 5.55 Load Transfer Comparison between with and without Insulation Material for 66-Fastener Setup (Thick Panel) .................................................................101 5.56 Load Transfer Comparison between with and without Insulation Material for 48-Fastener Setup (Thick Panel) .................................................................102 5.57 Load Transfer Comparison between with and without Insulation Material for 32-Fastener Setup (Thick Panel) .................................................................102 5.58 Load Transfer Comparison between with and without Insulation Material for 24-Fastener Setup (Thick Panel) .................................................................103 5.59 Load Transfer Comparison between with and without Insulation Material for 16-Fastener Setup (Thick Panel) .................................................................103 5.60 Load Transfer Comparison between with and without Insulation Material for 8-Fastener Setup (Thick Panel) ...................................................................104 5.61 Load Transfer Comparison between with and without Insulation Material for 66-Fastener Setup (Thin Panel) ...................................................................104 5.62 Load Transfer Comparison between with and without Insulation Material for 48-Fastener Setup (Thin Panel) ...................................................................105 5.63 Load Transfer Comparison between with and without Insulation Material for 32-Fastener Setup (Thin Panel) ...................................................................105 5.64 Load Transfer Comparison between with and without Insulation Material for 24-Fastener Setup (Thin Panel) ...................................................................106 5.65 Load Transfer Comparison between with and without Insulation Material for 16-Fastener Setup (Thin Panel) ...................................................................106 5.66 Load Transfer Comparison between with and without Insulation Material for 8-Fastener Setup (Thin Panel) .....................................................................107 6.1 Dimensions of Metallic Z-Beams ....................................................................................109 6.2 Equivalent Area Aa (aluminum) for D=0.1875",tb=0.13",tp=0.125"................................112 xvi LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure Page 6.3 Equivalent Area Aa (Titanium) for D=0.1875",tb=0.13",tp=0.125" .................................112 6.4 Equivalent Area Aa (Steel) for D=0.1875",tb=0.13",tp=0.125"........................................112 6.5 Equivalent Area Aa (Aluminum) for D=0.1875",tb=0.25",tp=0.08".................................113 6.6 Equivalent Area Aa (Titanium) for D=0.1875",tb=0.25",tp=0.08" ...................................113 6.7 Equivalent Area Aa (Steel) for D=0.1875",tb=0.25",tp=0.08"..........................................113 6.8 Equivalent Area Aa (Aluminum) for D=0.1875",tb=0.13",tp=0.08".................................114 6.9 Equivalent Area Aa (Titanium) for D=0.1875",tb=0.13",tp=0.08" ...................................114 6.10 Equivalent Area Aa (Steel) for D=0.1875",tb=0.13",tp=0.08"..........................................114 6.11 Equivalent Area Aa (Aluminum) for D=0.1875",tb=0.5",tp=0.125".................................115 6.12 Equivalent Area Aa (Titanium) for D=0.1875",tb=0.5",tp=0.125" ...................................115 6.13 Equivalent Area Aa (Steel) for D=0.1875",tb=0.5",tp=0.125"..........................................115 6.14 Equivalent Area Aa (Aluminum) for D=0.1875",tb=0.25",tp=0.125"...............................116 6.15 Equivalent Area Aa (Titanium) for D=0.1875",tb=0.25",tp=0.125" .................................116 6.16 Equivalent Area Aa (Steel) for D=0.1875",tb=0.25",tp=0.125"........................................116 6.17 Equivalent Area Aa (Aluminum) for D=0.25",tb=0.13",tp=0.08".....................................117 6.18 Equivalent Area Aa (Titanium) for D=0.25",tb=0.13",tp=0.08" .......................................117 6.19 Equivalent Area Aa (Steel) for D=0.25",tb=0.13",tp=0.08"..............................................117 6.20 Equivalent Area Aa (Aluminum) for D=0.25",tb=0.5",tp=0.125".....................................118 6.21 Equivalent Area Aa (Titanium) for D=0.25",tb=0.5",tp=0.125" .......................................118 6.22 Equivalent Area Aa (Steel) for D=0.25",tb=0.5",tp=0.125"..............................................118 6.23 Equivalent Area Aa (Aluminum) for D=0.25",tb=0.25",tp=0.125"...................................119 xvii LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure Page 6.24 Equivalent Area Aa (Titanium) for D=0.25",tb=0.25",tp=0.125" .....................................119 6.25 Equivalent Area Aa (Steel) for D=0.25",tb=0.25",tp=0.125"............................................119 6.26 Equivalent Area Aa (Aluminum) for D=0.25",tb=0.25",tp=0.08".....................................120 6.27 Equivalent Area Aa (Titanium) for D=0.25",tb=0.25",tp=0.08" .......................................120 6.28 Equivalent Area Aa (Steel) for D=0.25",tb=0.25",tp=0.08"..............................................120 6.29 Equivalent Area Aa (Aluminum) for D=0.375",tb=0.25",tp=0.125".................................121 6.30 Equivalent Area Aa (Titanium) for D=0.375",tb=0.25",tp=0.125" ...................................121 6.31 Equivalent Area Aa (Steel) for D=0.375",tb=0.25",tp=0.08"............................................121 6.32 Equivalent Area Aa (Aluminum) for D=0.375",tb=0.5",tp=0.08".....................................122 6.33 Equivalent Area Aa (Titanium) for D=0.375",tb=0.5",tp=0.08" .......................................122 6.34 Equivalent Area Aa (Steel) for D=0.375",tb=0.5",tp=0.08"..............................................122 6.35 Equivalent Area Aa (Aluminum) for D=0.375",tb=0.13",tp=0.125".................................123 6.36 Equivalent Area Aa (Titanium) for D=0.375",tb=0.13",tp=0.125" ...................................123 6.37 Equivalent Area Aa (Steel) for D=0.375",tb=0.13",tp=0.125"..........................................123 6.38 Equivalent Area Aa (Aluminum) for D=0.375",tb=0.5",tp=0.125"...................................124 6.39 Equivalent Area Aa (Titanium) for D=0.375",tb=0.5",tp=0.125" .....................................124 6.40 Equivalent Area Aa (Steel) for D=0.375",tb=0.5",tp=0.125"............................................124 6.41 Equivalent Area Ac of 0.25" Thick Composite Panel for Different Fastener Diameters...........................................................................................125 6.42 Equivalent Area Ac of the Composite Panel as a Function of x .......................................126 6.43 Equivalent Area Ac as a Function of x for Different Panel Thicknesses..........................126 xviii LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure Page 6.44 Comparison of Equivalent Area Ac as a Function of x for Different Panel Thicknesses.......................................................................................127 6.45 Comparison of Ta Obtained from FEM and Equations as a function of Fastener Diameter D for tp=0.13", tb=0.125"...............................................................128 6.46 Comparison of Ta Obtained from FEM and Equations as a function of Fastener Diameter D for tp=0.25", tb=0.08".................................................................129 6.47 Comparison of Ta Obtained from FEM and Equations as a function of Fastener Diameter D for tp=0.5", tb=0.125".................................................................129 6.48 Comparison of Ta Obtained from FEM and Equations as a function of Fastener Diameter D for tp=0.25", tb=0.125"...............................................................130 6.49 Comparison of Ta Obtained from FEM and Equations as a function of Fastener Diameter D for tp=0.5", tb=0.08"...................................................................130 6.50 Comparison of Tc (Aluminum) for D=0.1875", tp=0.13", tb=0.125" ...............................132 6.51 Comparison of Tc (Titanium) for D=0.1875", tp=0.13", tb=0.125"..................................132 6.52 Comparison of Tc (Steel) for D=0.1875", tp=0.13", tb=0.125" ........................................132 6.53 Comparison of Tc (Aluminum) for D=0.1875", tp=0.25", tb=0.08" .................................133 6.54 Comparison of Tc (Titanium) for D=0.1875", tp=0.25", tb=0.08"....................................133 6.55 Comparison of Tc (Steel) for D=0.1875", tp=0.25", tb=0.08" ..........................................133 6.56 Comparison of Tc (Aluminum) for D=0.1875", tp=0.13", tb=0.08" .................................134 6.57 Comparison of Tc (Titanium) for D=0.1875", tp=0.13", tb=0.08"....................................134 6.58 Comparison of Tc (Steel) for D=0.1875", tp=0.13", tb=0.08" ..........................................134 6.59 Comparison of Tc (Aluminum) for D=0.1875", tp=0.25", tb=0.04" .................................135 6.60 Comparison of Tc (Titanium) for D=0.1875", tp=0.25", tb=0.04"....................................135 6.61 Comparison of Tc (Steel) for D=0.1875", tp=0.25", tb=0.04" ..........................................135 xix LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure Page 6.62 Comparison of Tc (Aluminum) for D=0.1875", tp=0.25", tb=0.125" ...............................136 6.63 Comparison of Tc (Titanium) for D=0.1875", tp=0.25", tb=0.125"..................................136 6.64 Comparison of Tc (Steel) for D=0.1875", tp=0.25", tb=0.125" ........................................136 6.65 Comparison of Tc (Aluminum) for D=0.25", tp=0.5", tb=0.125" .....................................137 6.66 Comparison of Tc (Titanium) for D=0.25", tp=0.5", tb=0.125"........................................137 6.67 Comparison of Tc (Steel) for D=0.25", tp=0.13", tb=0.125" ............................................137 6.68 Comparison of Tc (Aluminum) for D=0.25", tp=0.13", tb=0.08" .....................................138 6.69 Comparison of Tc (Titanium) for D=0.25", tp=0.13", tb=0.08"........................................138 6.70 Comparison of Tc (Steel) for D=0.25", tp=0.13", tb=0.08" ..............................................138 6.71 Comparison of Tc (Aluminum) for D=0.25", tp=0.25", tb=0.125" ...................................139 6.72 Comparison of Tc (Titanium) for D=0.25", tp=0.25", tb=0.125"......................................139 6.73 Comparison of Tc (Steel) for D=0.25", tp=0.25", tb=0.125" ............................................139 6.74 Comparison of Tc (Aluminum) for D=0.25", tp=0.25", tb=0.08" .....................................140 6.75 Comparison of Tc (Titanium) for D=0.25", tp=0.25", tb=0.08"........................................140 6.76 Comparison of Tc (Steel) for D=0.25", tp=0.25", tb=0.08" ..............................................140 6.77 Comparison of Tc (Aluminum) for D=0.375", tp=0.25", tb=0.125" .................................141 6.78 Comparison of Tc (Titanium) for D=0.375", tp=0.25", tb=0.125"....................................141 6.79 Comparison of Tc (Steel) for D=0.375", tp=0.25", tb=0.125" ..........................................141 6.80 Comparison of Tc (Aluminum) for D=0.375", tp=0.13", tb=0.125" .................................142 6.81 Comparison of Tc (Titanium) for D=0.375", tp=0.13", tb=0.125"....................................142 6.82 Comparison of Tc (Steel) for D=0.375", tp=0.13", tb=0.125" ..........................................142 xx LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure Page 6.83 Comparison of Tc (Aluminum) for D=0.375", tp=0.5", tb=0.125" ...................................143 6.84 Comparison of Tc (Titanium) for D=0.375", tp=0.5", tb=0.125"......................................143 6.85 Comparison of Tc (Steel) for D=0.375", tp=0.5", tb=0.125" ............................................143 6.86 Comparison of Kf Obtained from FEM and Equations as a Function of Fastener Diameter D for tp=0.25", tb=0.125"...............................................................145 6.87 Comparison of Kf Obtained from FEM and Equations as a Function of Fastener Diameter D for tp=0.13", tb=0.125"...............................................................145 6.88 Comparison of Kf Obtained from FEM and Equations as a Function of Fastener Diameter D for tp=0.5", tb=0.125".................................................................146 6.89 Comparison of Kf Obtained from FEM and Equations as a Function of Fastener Diameter D for tp=0.5", tb=0.08"...................................................................146 xxi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background In structural applications such as aircraft and spacecraft, composite components are often fastened to other structural components (composites or metal) by mechanical means or by adhesive bonding. While bonded joints have advantages such as low weight, distributed load transfer, and perfect sealing of the structure, the low resistance of a composite joint to interlaminar stresses limits the loads that can be transferred. Bolted joints are thus preferred for transferring high loads and have particular relevance for future primary structures. They are also preferred in situations where disassembly is required for inspection or repair. Combining these two techniques has been considered unnecessary in terms of structural performance, since the adhesive provides a stiffer load path and hence transfers the majority of the load. Mechanically fastened joints are used frequently and are one of the most important elements in composite structures such as aircraft. Regardless of the combination of material in the parts joined, the joint is a critical element whose design is vital for overall structural performance. Improper design may lead to overweight or defective structures. Bolted joints are classified by the service loads placed on them. If those loads are applied parallel to the axes of the bolts, the joint is called a tensile joint. If the line of action of loads is essentially perpendicular to the axes of the bolts, the joint is called a shear joint. The purpose of bolts in all tensile and most shear joints is to create a clamping force between the joint members to prevent them from separating. If the joint is exposed to shear loads, the bolts must also prevent the joint members from slipping. 1 In the case of a tension joint, both joint members are bolts, which behave like stiff springs, one being compressed and the other being stretched, as shown in Figure 1.1. Figure 1.1. Deformation of Bolt and Joint Members Elastically when Tightened [1]. Like springs, they acquire potential energy when tightened. When released, they suddenly snap back to their original dimension [1]. This stored energy allows bolts to maintain the clamping force between the joint members after they are tightened. In shear joints, bolts resist slip by acting as shear pins, and joint integrity is determined by shear strength of the bolts and joint members. In many shear-loaded joints, slip is prevented by friction restraint between joint members. These friction forces are created by the clamping load. 1.1.1 Composites in the Aircraft Industry A composite material may be defined as the combination of two or more materials on a macroscopic scale to form another useful material. Examples of composite materials range from common reinforced concrete to glass fiber reinforced plastics (GFRP) and carbon fiber composites, to name only a few. The term “advanced composites” is usually used for the composite materials consisting of polymer matrix and glass or carbon/graphite fibers. Composite materials, if properly used, offer many advantages over metals. Such advantages include: high 2 strength and high stiffness-to-weight ratio, good fatigue strength, corrosion resistance, and low thermal expansion. In order to achieve higher fuel efficiency, the use of light-weight, highstrength composite materials, such as carbon/epoxy, needs to be fully explored. Large composite structures have been increasingly used in the aviation industry. New applications of composite materials include primary structures such as aircraft fuselages. These large composite parts are usually attached, either by fasteners or adhesive bonding, to metallic structures. Computer software and test data are well established for calculating mechanical loads of aircraft structures during flight, take off, and landing. However, thermally induced loads due to large coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch between the metallic and composite structures, such as those between aluminum frames and composite fuselage skins, have not been thoroughly investigated. Due to the large CTE mismatch between composite materials and metallic materials, the temperature change from the aircraft assembly line to the actual flight condition induces high thermal stresses, which might result in premature failure. 1.1.2 Mechanical Joints in Aircraft Structures Joints which are fastened mechanically are critical elements in aircraft structures. Therefore, design of the joint is of great importance, because improper design may lead to overweight or defective structures and high life cycle costs of the aircraft. For joints in composite structures, this is even more pronounced because of their inability to yield, the low transverse strength, anisotropy, and sensitivity to temperature and moisture. Mechanically fastened joints, such as those that are bolted and riveted, are preferable where disassembly for inspection or maintenance is important. 3 Typical applications of mechanically fastened joints in composite aircraft structures are the skin to spar/rib connections in, for example, a wing structure, the wing to fuselage connection, and the attachment of fittings. Examples of such joints are shown in Figure 1.2. Figure 1.2. Examples of Bolted Composite Joints. Mechanically fastened joints can be classified into two general types by the amount of load being transferred as lightly loaded and highly loaded joints. An Example of lightly loaded joints is the connection between substructure and skin. Root joint of a wing is an example of a highly loaded joint. Dissimilar materials can be fastened by means of mechanical joints. This feature is used intensively in the aircraft industry to join aluminum components with composite structures. Most of the mechanical joints encountered in aircraft structures have multiple fasteners. The number and type of fasteners needed to transfer the given loads are usually established by airframe designers relative to available space, productivity, and assembly. 4 1.1.3 Design Methods Improper design of bolted joints may lead to overweight or structural problems and high life cycle costs of the aircraft. Mechanically fastened joints are difficult to design due to many parameters and complex phenomena such as contact and friction involved in the behavior of the joints. The tensile strength of bolts are of primary interest since it determines the amount of preload that can be applied to the bolt and the amount of working load it can see thereafter. It is important to recognize, therefore, that the load carrying ability of a given fastener is reduced if the fastener also experiences torsion or shear loads as well as tensile loads. Several analysis programs for composite bolted joints are available for composite structure designers. Snyder et al, [3] examined six different analytical programs and discussed their merits and disadvantages. In Figure 1.3 the overall design procedure for the case when finite element analysis (FEA) is used in each step is presented. First, the internal load distribution in the joint is determined. The more important the joint is considered to be, the more detailed the modeling that is performed. Then, the local stress distribution around the fastener is determined by detailed FEA or by analytically based methods, and the strength is predicted using the appropriate failure criteria. The determination of the local stress distribution in a bolted laminate is, in general, a three-dimensional problem. The three-dimensional stress state is due to the effects of bending and clamping of the fastener. Load distribution analysis is performed to calculate the load distribution between the fasteners in a multi-fastener joint and a cut-out part of the laminate around the fastener. Load 5 distribution analyses are often performed on large structures, which result in rather coarse meshes and simplified modeling of the joints. Global Structural Analysis Load Distribution Analysis Local Stress Analysis Figure 1.3. Overall Design Procedures. 1.1.4 Importance of Bolt Preload A bolt is tightened by applying torque to the head and/or nut. As the bolt is tightened, it is stretched (preloaded). Preload tension is necessary to keep the bolt tight, increase joint strength, 6 create friction between parts, and improve fatigue resistance. As a nut is rotated on a bolt's screw thread against a joint, the bolt is extended. Because internal forces within the bolt resist this extension, a tension force or bolt preload is generated. The reaction to this force is a clamp force that is the cause of the joint being compressed. Bolt extension and joint compression are shown in Figure 1.4. The slope of the lines represents the stiffness of each part. The clamped joint is usually stiffer than the bolt. Figure 1.4. Basic Joint Diagrams. Preload has been shown to be the critical factor in ensuring the static and dynamic reliability of a bolted joint [4]. In the control of preload using the torque control method, the bulk relationship between the applied torque and the clamping force can be expressed by the following equation, which is widely used in industry: T = kDP (1.1) where D is the nominal diameter of the bolt, K is the torque coefficient, and P is the clamping force created in the fastener. The amount of clamping force provided by installed fasteners is quite important in the mechanical behavior of bolted joints. As has been observed, mechanically fastened joints with high clamp-ups yield better strength to applied static loading than joints with low clamp-ups [5]. 7 The main reason for this is that, in bolted joints with highly tightened fasteners, a larger part of the applied load is transferred by friction forces than in joints with low-tightened fasteners. 1.1.5 Thermo-Mechanical Loading The analysis of the thermal phenomena occurring in a bolted joint is complex since heat flow depends on many independent parameters such as surface roughness, surface waviness, thermal conductivity, Poisson’s ratio, yield stress, hardness, applied load, and geometry of the system. When a structure is exposed to a change in operating temperature, thermally induced stresses arise from constrained thermal expansion or contraction. In addition, both mechanical and thermal properties may change over the range of temperature. The combined effect of altered thermal environment and additionally applied mechanical loading results in a complex thermomechanical loading of the structure, which might result in premature failure. Thermal effects in addition to mechanically applied loads create a state of thermo-mechanical loading for the bolted joint. Elevated temperatures may degrade the load-carrying capabilities of the joint and consequently impose additional challenges on the joint design. Unfortunately, design tools such as those developed by Ram Kumar et al, [6] do not include temperature effects. 1.1.6 Defining Pretension in ABAQUS ABAQUS, a pre-processing and post-processing software is used to define the pretension section as a surface inside the fastener that cuts it into two parts, as shown in Figure 1.5. The surface, which contains the element and face information, is defined with the *SURFACE, TYPE=ELEMENT option [7]. The *PRE-TENSION SECTION option is used along with the required SURFACE parameter to convert the surface into a pre-tension section across which pretension loads are applied. The required NODE parameter is used to assign a controlling node to the pre-tension section. The assembly load is transmitted across the pre-tension section by 8 means of the pre-tension node. The pre-tension node should not be attached to any element in the model. It has only one degree of freedom (degree of freedom 1), which represents the relative displacement at the two sides of the cut in the direction, of the normal as shown in Figure 1.6. The coordinates of this node are not important. A concentrated load of 1167 pounds is applied to the pre-tension node by using the *CLOAD option. This load is the self-equilibrating force carried across the pre-tension section, acting in the direction of the normal on the part of the fastener underlying the pre-tension section (the part that contains the elements that are used in the definition of the pre-tension section). Figure 1.5. Pre-Tension Section. Controlling the Pre-Tension Node during the Analysis 9 The initial adjustment of the pre-tension section is maintained by using the *BOUNDARY, FIXED option once an initial pre-tension is applied in the fastener; this option enables the load across the pre-tension section to change according to the externally applied loads to maintain equilibrium. If the initial adjustment of a section is not maintained, the force in the fastener will remain constant. Figure 1.6. Prescribed Assembly Load Given at Pre-Tension Node Applied in Direction n. 1.1.7 Defining Contact in ABAQUS When two plates are mechanically fastened, it is necessary to define interactions between the surfaces in contact. The contact between the upper plate and lower plate, fastener and cylindrical hole of the upper plate, and fastener and cylindrical portion of the lower plate can be defined using the contact pair approach in ABAQUS. This approach is based on the master-slave concept, and the contact problem is solved using the Lagrange multiplier method [8]. The contact pairs are defined from surfaces, which in turn are defined from free-element faces. Since sliding between different parts is assumed to be small, the ‘small sliding’ option can be used. The small sliding option implies that a possible contact between master and slave nodes are defined at the 10 beginning of the analysis and are not redefined during the analysis. The different surfaces used to define contact pairs when tow plates are joined with a fastener are shown in Figure 1.7. Figure 1.7. Contact Surfaces. 1.2 Literature Review Computer software and test data are well established for calculating mechanical loads of aircraft structures during flight, take-off, and landing. However, the thermally induced loads due to large CTE mismatch between the metallic and composite structures, such as those between aluminum frames and composite fuselage skins, have not been thoroughly investigated. In a single-lap composite joint, the stress field in the vicinity of the bolt hole in a composite is three dimensional because inter-laminar stresses are present at the free edges, and also, bending of the bolt due to stresses and secondary bending in the composite lap joint create a nonuniform stress distribution between the bolt and hole edge. Despite this, most of the studies on bolted joints in composite structures are two dimensional. Ireman [8] conducted a threedimensional stress analysis of bolted single-lap composite joints to determine the non-uniform stress distributions through the thickness of composite laminates in the vicinity of the bolt hole. 11 A number of different joint configurations including laminate lay-up, bolt diameter, bolt type, bolt pretension, and lateral support condition were studied. Ireman set up an experimental program to measure deformations, strains, and bolt loads on test specimens for validation of the numerical model developed. The total load transferred was measured using three strain gauges positioned between two fasteners, and the load transferred by the bearing was measured using an instrumented steel bolt [8]. Bolted joints are widely used in composite structures. However, most studies of composite structural joints are concerned with single-bolt joint. The problems of a multi fastener are more complex than a single bolted joint [9]. Determining the loading magnitude and direction is the main concern. Xiao Peng, et al, studied the load distribution of multi-fastener composite joints under applied shearing load or off-axis tensile load. In this study, finite element analysis was used, and the bolts were assumed to be rigid. The effects of material and geometric properties on bolt-load distribution were considered. It was concluded that for multi-bolt joints under off-axis tensile load distribution changes with various angles of off-axis loading and also the degree of non-uniformity of a bolt-loading distribution under a shearing load is larger than under tensile load, and the degree of non-uniformity between the two rows will be improved with an increase in the number of bolts in a row. Snyder et al, [3] examined six different analytical programs, but none of these programs focused on analyzing multiple-row joints under generalized in-plane loading. Eriksson [10] carried out the analysis of multiple-row bolted composite joints under in-plane loading conditions. The stress analysis is typically done in two steps. 12 • Source analysis (load distribution analysis), the objective of which is to determine the distribution of applied load between fasteners and the load distribution far away from the fastener holes. • Target analysis (detailed stress analysis), the objective of which is to determine the stress distributions around the bolt holes, which are required for the subsequent failure analysis. The failure analysis was done according to simple point stress criteria. Experiments were performed using single-bolt specimens to validate the target and failure analyses for a graphite/epoxy material. The stresses and strengths of a bolted joint depend on many factors such as end distance, plate width, bolt clearance, number of bolts, bolt spacing, and load distribution between bolts. Most analyses assume the contact stresses, ignore friction, consider only perfectly fitting bolts, ignore the way in which the individual bolt holes load up and neglect bolt spacing. Considering the above factors, Rahman[11] developed a geometrically nonlinear finite element analysis to determine the stresses in a double-bolted mechanical joint of orthotropic plates. The bolts were in series, and the loaded plates were considered to be under plane stress and to behave orthotropically linear elastic. This problem is nonlinear due to the change in contact area with the change in load. In an externally loaded multiple bolted joint, the amount of load taken by each bolt (hole) and the boundary of each loaded hole that contacts the bolt were determined using this approach. The results could be extended readily to an additional number of bolts. Polymer matrix composites are generally joined by mechanical fastening or adhesive bonding. Since adhesive provides a stiffer load path and transfers the majority of load, combining these two methods was considered unnecessary in terms of structural performance. Hybrid joining techniques (combining mechanical fastening and hybrid bonding) could be 13 motivated in non-aerospace applications like joining polymer matrix composite composites. Kelly [12] investigated the distribution of load in hybrid (bolted/bonded) composite single-lap joints to identify joint configurations and conditions where the method offers improved structural performance. Load transferred by the adhesive and the bolt in a hybrid joint was calculated using both the finite element method and experimentally using a specially designed instrumented bolt. Finite element analysis included a parametric study to investigate the effect of selected geometric and material parameters on the load distribution through the joint. The parametric study indicated an increase in load transferred by the bolt with an increase in adherend thickness, increase in adhesive thickness, and increase in overlap length, pitch, and adhesive modulus. Lin[13] investigated the response of bolted composite single-lapped joints loaded in tension. The failure behavior of single-lapped mixed composite joints with variations in bolting arrangement and clamping pressure was studied. The C-scan NDT method was used to observe the failure mechanism. This Author also conducted a three-dimensional failure analysis to predict the site of damage initiation in the joint. Johan Ekh [14] investigated the load transfer in multi-fastener single-shear joints. Plates with different thicknesses, and stiffnesses, and CTEs (coefficient of thermal expansion) were used. A finite element model was validated using an instrumented fastener in the experimental program. Any variation in clearance between different holes implies that the load is shifted to the fastener where the smallest clearance occurs. Temperature influenced the load distribution because of different bolt clearances at the holes caused by the eccentricity of the holes. In composite laminates used in aircraft structures, the CTE can be smaller than that of aluminum, which implies that hole eccentricity changes when temperature changes. It was observed that the effective clearance was more at 20ºC than at -50ºC which approximately corresponds to a 14 situation where the joint was manufactured and assembled at room temperature and the aircraft was operating at a temperature of -50ºC. This resulted in more load transfer at 20ºC. In 1979, Perry and Hyer established testing procedures [15]. Testing of 16-ply double-lap quasi-isotropic specimens was conducted at temperatures of -250ºF, 75ºF, and 600ºF. Wichorek observed a 30% reduction in bearing strength at the 600ºF testing temperature, in comparison to room temperature, and an 18% increase in bearing strength at the low temperature of -250ºF, in comparison to room temperature. Other experimental investigations also revealed strength reductions at elevated temperatures for bolted composite material joints [16-17]. Another area where effects due to mismatch in coefficient of thermal expansion is studied is in bonded repairs. Experiments were conducted to measure the thermal residual strains in bonded repairs [18]. The load distribution among fasteners in a bolted joint were experimentally measured using strain gages, which generally involve the use of many gages that are bonded to either surface of the bolted plate [18]. Two analytical models are available to determine the thermal residual stresses due to CTE mismatch between the skin material and the repair material. Experimental results from an investigation that examines the combined effects of temperature, joint geometry, and out-of-plane constraint upon the response of mechanically fastened composite joints are presented by Wilson and Pipes [19]. 1.3 Objective Composites are currently being used in primary structures such as aircraft fuselages. These composite structures are usually attached to metallic structures either by fasteners or bonding. Thermal stresses that arise due to CTE mismatch between composite and metallic structures have not been thoroughly investigated. Due to large CTE differences and temperature change from an aircraft assembly line, where the temperature is around 75ºF, to actual flight conditions, where 15 the temperature is around -65ºF large thermal stresses are induced, which may result in premature failure. When a composite aircraft fuselage is fastened to aluminum beams, the temperature difference of 140ºF (75ºF at assembly and -65ºF during flight) induces stresses not only in the fasteners but also in the aluminum beams and composite skins. These high-thermal stresses can be reduced by decreasing the temperature change from the aircraft assembly line, where the aluminum/composite structures are assembled, to the actual flight. Therefore, an approach to maintain aluminum beams at higher temperature by adding a layer of insulating material between the beam and the composite panel was investigated since it is difficult to maintain the outer fuselage skin at a higher temperature, as shown in Figure 1.8. Figure 1.8 Schematic of Aluminum Beam/Composite Skin Assembly. Hence, the two maintain objectives of this study were as follows: • To investigate the thermally induced stresses in the aluminum beams. • To investigate the feasibility of thermally isolating the aluminum beams from the composite fuselage skins. 16 Another important task of this study was to predict the load transfer due to CTE mismatch without performing any finite element modeling for different geometries and materials of the assembly. 1.3.1 Solution Approach In the effort to investigate the thermally induced stresses on the aluminum beam, strain gages were attached at the locations of interest to record strains during testing. Strain readings were analyzed to obtain separate thermal and mechanical strains so that the mechanical loads due to temperature change could be determined. Analytical models were developed to evaluate the strains and load transfer for each fastener. Parameters included in the analytical model, such as equivalent areas of the aluminum beam and composite panel, equivalent temperatures of aluminum beam and composite panel, and fastener stiffness, were obtained using finite element models. To investigate the feasibility of thermally isolating the aluminum beams from the composite fuselage skins, experiments were designed to test aluminum/composites assemblies with the composite side exposed to a temperature that changed from 75ºF to -60ºF, which simulates the ambient temperature from the manufacturer assembly line to the actual flight condition. The Kapton®-based insulating material, Cirlex®, was identified and used in the tests to thermally isolate the aluminum beams to reduce heat loss to the outside ambient air so that the temperature change of the aluminum beams could be minimized. Temperatures were recorded at representative locations throughout the test specimens. Finite element analysis approaches were developed to simulate the temperature distribution. The load transfer for different geometries and materials of the assembly due to CTE mismatch, equations correlating the five parameters included in the analytical model with geometric and material properties were provided. 17 CHAPTER 2 EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 2.1 Objective The two main objectives of carrying out tests of the Z-shape aluminum beam/flat composite panel were as follows: (1) to investigate the feasibility of thermally isolating the aluminum beams from the flat composite panel so that stress due to temperature changes could be reduced, and (2) to validate the load transferred across the fasteners obtained from the analytical model. 2.2 Experimental Setup To investigate the effects of size (length) on thermally induced stresses, an environmental chamber was built to accommodate the aluminum/composite assembly (68 inches by 36 inches). Each of the three bays was 12 inches wide so that the central bay could be isolated from the two side bays in order to minimize any edge effects from the assembly. The environmental chamber consisted of a warm chamber at the bottom and a cold chamber at the top, as shown in Figures 2.1 and 2.2. A heat blanket was used to supply a constant rate of heat (400 W) to the warm chamber. A baffle was added between the heat blanket and the test assembly to ensure a uniform temperature distribution. The outer wall of the chamber was made of plywood, and the inner walls were insulated by a 1.5-inch-thick rigid sheet of PVC foam. Thus, the warm chamber controlled the amount of heat supplied to the test assembly. The top portion of the environmental chamber was fixed with a cold chamber in which liquid nitrogen was injected at a controlled rate to cool the air inside the chamber down to a stable temperature of -65°F. Two fans were installed on the walls to generate air circulation. Weather strips were used between the brackets and the composite panel to prevent cold air from leaking. 18 Figure 2.1. Side View of the Environmental Chamber used for Testing. For studying the effects of length, six test setups were defined, based on finite element and analytical model simulations. For the longest setup, 66 fasteners were used for each of the three beams with a fastened length of 65 inches. After the tests were performed with 66 fasteners, the same number of fasteners were taken out from each of the two ends (lengthwise) to shorten the fastened length to 48-fastener, 32-fastener, 24-fastened, 16-fastener, and 8-fastener lengths. For each setup, different numbers of thermocouples and strain gages were applied at different locations to record the temperature and strain data of the assembly. Figure 2.3 to Figure 2.8 show the numbers and locations of thermocouples and strain gages used in different configurations. 19 Figure 2.2. Environmental Chamber used for Testing. 20 Figure 2.3. Thermocouple and Strain Gage Locations for 66-Fastener Configuration (10 TCs and 30 SGs). 21 Figure 2.4. Thermocouple and Strain Gage Locations for 48-Fastener Configuration (15 TCs and 25 SGs). 22 Figure 2.5. Thermocouple and Strain Gage Locations for 32-Fastener Configuration (15 TCs and 24 SGs). 23 Figure 2.6. Thermocouple and Strain Gage Locations for 24-Fastener Configuration (15 TCs and 25 SGs). 24 Figure 2.7. Thermocouple and Strain Gage Locations for 16-Fastener Configuration (15TCs and 19 SGs). 25 Figure 2.8. Thermocouple and Strain Gage Locations for 8-Fastener Configuration (14 TCs and 14 SGs). 26 2.3 Specimen Configuration and Fabrication A total of four test assemblies, consisting of a Z-shape aluminum beam fastened to a composite panel were used. Two test specimens consisted of 0.25-inch composite panel fastened to an aluminum beam (one of which had Cirlex® embedded) and the other two test specimens consisted of 0.13" composite panel fastened to the aluminum beam (one of which had Cirlex® embedded). A detailed description of the test specimens follow. 2.3.1 Aluminum/Composite Assembly Tests without Insulation The test specimen consisted of three 68 inch-long Z-shape aluminum beam, fastened to the composite panel using titanium fasteners 0.25 inch with a pitch of one inch. The cross section of the Z-shape aluminum beam is shown in Figure 2.9. Figure 2.9. Dimensions of Cross Section of Z-Shape Aluminum Beam. A torque of 87.5 lb-in was applied to tighten the fasteners. The composite panel was fabricated with uni-directional and plain-weave graphite/epoxy prepeg. The laminate stacking sequence was balanced, symmetric, and quasi-isotropic, consisting of thirty four plies [0f/[45/0/45/90]4]s obtaining the cured thicknesses of 0.25 inch and [0f/[45/0/-45/90]2]s consisting of 18 plies obtaining a thickness of 0.13 inch. The edges of the cured panel were trimmed to obtain the 27 dimensions of 68 inch by 36 inch. Dimensions of the substrates and fasteners were taken prior to assembly to accommodate in the finite element model. 2.3.2 Aluminum/Composite Assembly Tests with Insulation When the temperature was reduced, the aluminum beams contracted more than the composite panel, and due to interaction, through the fasteners, between the aluminum beams and the composite panel, resulting in tensile stresses on the aluminum beams and compressive stresses on the composite panel. Proper insulation material helped to reduce the thermally induced stresses by maintaining the aluminum beams at a higher temperature. Cirlex® (solid Kapton® sheet from Fralock of Canoga Park, CA) was used for this purpose. Considering the structural integrity of the assembly, three Cirlex® strips each 68 inch by 2.75 inch by 0.06 inch in size for the 0.25-inch thick composite panel and 68 inch by 2.75 inch by 0.12 inch in size for the 0.13-inch thick composite panel were embedded at the mid-plane of the composite panel located at the point where the three aluminum beams were attached, as shown in Figure 2.10. For maintaining proper adhesion between Cirlex® and the composite prepeg, a layer of 0.0025-inchthick T-576 adhesive was added at each Cirlex®/prepreg interface, making the final lay-up 0f[45/0/-45/90]4/T-576/Cirlex®/T-576/[90/-45/0/45]4/0f for the 0.25-inch-thick composite panel and 0f[45/0/-45/90]2/T-576/Cirlex®/T-576/[90/-45/0/45]2/0f for the 0.13-inch-thick composite panel. The entire panels were co-cured in an autoclave. 28 Figure 2.10. Configuration of Chamber Tests with Cirlex® Co-Cured Inside Composite Panel. 2.4 Testing for Mechanical Properties The tensile moduli of both the aluminum and composite laminates were obtained according to ASTM D3039, Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composites (D3039) procedure. Rectangular test specimens machined to have a width and length of 1 inch and 9 inches, respectively. Specimens were untabbed, because the strength was not evaluated. However, each end was wrapped with two layers of emery cloth to minimize damages to the specimen from grip pressure. Tensile testing was conducted in a servo-hydraulic material test system (MTS) at a displacement controlled rate of 0.05 inch/min. In order to obtain tensile modulus and Poisson’s ratio, longitudinal and transverse strains were measured using a biaxial extensometer. Tensile stress, σt, was calculated by σt = P A 29 (2.1) where P and A correspond to tensile load and the cross-sectional area of the gage section, respectively. Tensile strain was calculated as the ratio between extensometer displacement and the extensometer gage length for each direction. Then, the stress-strain was plotted, and the tensile modulus was calculated from the slope of the linear fit of the strain range given in the ASTM D3039 test procedure. Typically, it is between 1,000 and 3,000 micro strains. 2.5 Testing for Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) is defined as the fractional change in length or volume of a material for a unit change in temperature. When the temperature of an object increases, the object usually expands. Solid bodies expand in all directions when heated, but composite tend to expand and contract at different rate on all direction depend on the fiber orientation of the composite part. The CTE test was conducted in accordance with the ASTM E831, Standard Test Method for Linear Thermal Expansion of Solid Materials by Thermo-mechanical Analysis on the Perkin Elmer thermo-mechanical analyzer (TMA). The temperature ramp method was used, where the force is constants, and displacement is monitored under a linear temperature ramp to provide intrinsic property measurements. The temperature signal of the TMA was calibrated using indium and zinc reference materials with known CTE values. Test specimens were machined to sizes of no more than 10 mm (0.394 inch) by 10 mm in length and width, and no more than 10 mm in height. They were placed inside the TMA using the quartz holder of the TMA instrument. Then, a quartz probe was lowered onto the specimen to apply a pre-load to hold the specimen in place. This fixture was made of quartz because of negligible CTE so that the total displacement during temperature application could be assumed 30 was due to displacement (expansion) of the specimen. Each test specimen was then heated to the temperature of interest at a constant temperature ramp rate of 5.0°C/min. The coefficient of linear thermal expansion was calculated between the desired temperature ranges. Figure 2.11 shows the use of the expansion probe to accurately measure small CTE changes in an aluminum sample between -80°C and 40°C at a temperature ramp rate of 5°C/min. Figure 2.11. CTE of Aluminum Sample. 31 CHAPTER 3 ANALYTICAL APPROACH 3.1 Objective This chapter focuses on the analytical models developed to calculate the load transferred across the fasteners in an aluminum/composite joint subjected to thermal load. Thermal loads or stresses arise due to change in temperature between the assembly level and the actual flight conditions, and are also due to mismatch of coefficients of thermal expansions between the aluminum beam and the flat composite panel. The analytical models developed by Ananthram [21] can be used for any fastened assembly with dissimilar metals and different substrate dimensions. While deriving the analytical model, one bay of Z-shape aluminum beam fastened to a composite panel was considered instead of three bays, shown in Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1. Aluminum/Composite Assembly. 32 3.2 Governing Equations of Aluminum Beam The free body diagram of each unit of aluminum beam is shown in Figure 3.2. The length of each unit is one inch. Due to symmetry in length, only the left half of the entire assembly was considered, and the right ends represent the center of the assembly. In the model derivation only in-plane load transfer in the x-direction is considered since out of plane displacements in the zdirection are very small. As shown in the figure, the right end, which represents the center of the assembly, is fixed in the x-direction, and the left end of the assembly is free to contract. Figure 3.2. Free Body Diagram of Z-Shape Aluminum Beam. Based on the free body diagram of Figure 3.2, the force equilibrium conditions of unit 1 can be written as P1a − F1 − P2a = 0 (3.1) Similarly, for the ith unit of the aluminum, the force equilibrium conditions become Pi a − Fi − Pi a+1 = 0 33 (3.2) where P is the bypass force, F is the load transferred by the fastener, i = 1… N specifies the unit number, and the superscript a denotes the aluminum beam. The force boundary conditions are PNa+1 = 0 (3.3) The different coefficients of thermal expansion of the aluminum beam and composite panel and changes in temperature would result in different expansion and contraction. Therefore, tensile and compressive forces would be acting on the aluminum beam and composite panel. Each unit of the aluminum beam reduces its length because of the change in temperature. The reduction in length of the ith unit of aluminum beam ∆uiTa due to temperature change from To to Ta is ∆u iTa = α a (T o − T a ) La (3.4) where αa is the CTE of aluminum, To represents the temperature at which the aluminum beam/composite panel is assembled, and Ta represents the “equivalent” temperature of the aluminum beam at which the thermally induced stresses are to be determined. The length of each unit of the aluminum beam La, is one inch. If N units of the aluminum beam are considered with unit N at the left end and unit 1 at the a , due to mechanical right end, then the change in length of the ith unit of aluminum beam ∆u iM loads as a result of CTE mismatch, is given by ∆u a iM Fi L fa =− a a − E A0.625 N F j La ∑E j = i +1 a A aj −i (3.5) Here, the mechanical loads are the summation of deformations from the fastener forces from the ith unit to the very left edge of the assembly. If an assembly of eight units is considered, the change in length of unit 1, which is located close to the center of the assembly, is given by 34 ∆u a 1M F3 La F1 L fa F2 La F4 La =− a a − a a − a a − a a E A0.625 E A1 E A2 E A3 (3.6) It should be noted in equation (3.5) that Aia which represents the “equivalent” cross sectional area of the aluminum beam unit, is a function of distance and will be determined by finite element analysis discussed in the next chapter. Lfa, which is 0.625 inch, represents the distance from the left edge of the fastener hole to the right edge of the unit, and Ea is the Young’s modulus of aluminum. Therefore, reduction in length of the ith unit of aluminum beam is a ∆uia = uia − uia−1 = ∆uiTa + ∆uiM (3.7) From equations (3.4) and (3.5), the kinematics equation of the ith unit of aluminum beam becomes u −u a i a i −1 F L fa = α (T − T ) L − a i a − E A@ 0.625 a o a a N ∑E j = i +1 F j La a A@a j −i (3.8) where i = 1… N . The displacement boundary condition is u 0a = 0 (3.9) where u 0a is the displacement at the center of the assembly. 3.3 Governing Equations of Composite Panel Similarly, for the composite panel based on the free body diagram shown in Figure 3.3, the force equilibrium condition on the composite panel is − Pi c + Fi + Pi +c 1 = 0 35 (3.10) Figure 3.3. Free Body Diagram of Flat Composite Panel. where P is the bypass force, F is the load transferred by the fastener, i = 1… N specifies the unit number, and the superscript c denotes the composite panel. The force boundary condition is PNc +1 = 0 (3.11) The reduction in length of the ith unit of composite panel due to temperature change ∆uiTc is ∆u iTc = α c (T o − Ti c ) Lc (3.12) where αc is the CTE of composite panel, To represents the temperature at which the aluminum beam/composite panel is assembled, and Tc represents the “equivalent” temperature of the composite panel at which the thermally induced stresses are to be determined. Tc is a function of distance and is determined from finite element analysis. The length of each unit of the composite panel, La, is one inch. The load transferred by fastener Fi and the bypass force Pi c+1 compress the ith unit of the composite panel. Similar to the aluminum beam, the equivalent area Aic of the ith unit of the 36 composite panel determined from finite element analysis varies from unit to unit because the composite panel is wide, and the area affected by the fastener and bypass loads is a function of the distance from where the load is applied as shown in Figure 3.4. Therefore, the reduction in the length of ith unit of the composite panel due to mechanical loads ∆uiMc is the summation of the deformations due to all fastener forces from the ith unit to the very left edge of the assembly. ∆u c iM Fi L fc = c c + E A0.375 N F j Lc ∑E j = i +1 c (3.13) A cj −i When the assembly of eight units is considered, the change in length of unit 1 of the composite, panel which is close to the center of the assembly, is given by ∆u1cM = F3 Lc F1 L fc F2 Lc F4 Lc + + + E c A0c.375 E c A1c E c A2c E c A3c (3.14) where Ec is the Young’s modulus of the composite plate, Lfc is the actual length in of each unit that is deformed by the fastener load, which is the distance from the right edge of fastener hole to the right edge of the unit, and Lc is the length of each unit. Therefore, the reduction in length of the ith unit of the composite panel is ∆uic = uic − uic−1 = ∆uTc + ∆u Mc (3.15) From equations (3.12) and (3.13), the kinematics equation of the ith unit of the composite panel becomes u −u c i c i −1 Fi L fc = α (T − Ti ) L + c c + E A@ 0.375 c o c c N ∑E j = i +1 F j Lc c A@c j −i (3.16) where i =1… N , and the displacement boundary condition is u 0c = 0 37 (3.17) where u 0c is the displacement at the center of the assembly. Figure 3.4 Area influenced by the external load in the wide composite plate. 3.4 Governing Equations of the Fasteners The fastener force is related to its deformation as Fi = K f (u ia − u ic ) (3.18) where Kf represents the equivalent fastener stiffness, which is calculated from the finite element model. The description of how to determine Kf is given in Section 4.2.6. Based on equations (3.1) to (3.18), there are a total of 5N+4 unknowns Pi a , Pi c , (i = 1...N + 1) u , u , (i = 0...N ) a i c i Fi , (i = 1...N ) 38 which are N + 1 bypass forces on the aluminum beam, N + 1 bypass forces on the composite panel, N + 1 displacements of the aluminum units, and N + 1 displacements of the composite units and N fastener loads. A total of 5N governing equations in terms of the unknowns and all the parameters can be obtained from equations (3.1) to (3.18). With the inclusion of four boundary conditions based on equations (3.3), (3.9), (3.11), and (3.17) there are a total of 5N+4 equations. The mathematical solver Maple 10 was used to solve these 5N+4 equations. The mechanical strains obtained on the bottom flange of the aluminum beam between the fasteners were compared with strains obtained from the tests. Once the strains were validated, the load transferred by the fasteners in the assembly could be predicted. 39 CHAPTER 4 FINITE ELEMENT MODELS 4.1 Objective The objective of finite element modeling is to determine the five parameters needed in the analytical model used to calculate load transfer across the fasteners. Based on the analytical model, six finite element models were developed and executed to determine equivalent area of the Z-shape aluminum beam Aa, equivalent area of the composite panel Ac, equivalent temperatures of the Z-shape aluminum beam Ta and composite panel Tc, and stiffness of the fasteners Kf. An additional model to determine β, the bending factor to compare the strains obtained from test results and analytical models, was also developed. Finite element models were developed and executed by using the general pre-processing and post-processing finite element software ABAQUS/Standard. Mechanical Finite Element Models In order to determine the equivalent area of the Z-shape aluminum beam Aa, threedimensional finite element models were constructed consisting of eight units of Z-shape aluminum beam fastened to the composite panel using titanium fasteners. A flat composite panel of 20 units was built to determine the equivalent area Ac. Thermo-Mechanical Finite Element Models To compare the temperature distribution within the Z-shape aluminum/composite panel assembly during the environmental chamber test, a steady-state heat transfer finite element analysis of eight units of Z-shape aluminum/composite panel was carried out, which gave the temperature distribution at each node. Three sequentially coupled finite element analysis models 40 were developed and executed to determine equivalent temperatures of the aluminum beam Ta and composite panel Tc, and stiffness of the fastener Kf. 4.2 Finite Element Model Development A three-dimensional bolted joint assembly for both the mechanical and thermo-mechanical analysis is described in this section. ABAQUS/Standard 6.5 was utilized to develop all the mechanical models, thermal models, and mechanical/thermal coupled models. Non-linear analyses using linear eight-node three-dimensional brick elements were conducted. Contact and friction were included in the finite element models. Model Description As shown in Figure 4.1, the model for finite element analysis consisted of a Z-shape aluminum beam fastened to a wide composite panel using countersunk titanium fasteners. It should be noted that a total of eight units, each one inch in length, were constructed while performing finite element analysis, although the actual testing length varied up to 66 inches. 4.2.1 Finite Element Mechanical Model to Determine Aa When the Z-shape aluminum beam was fastened to the composite panel, most of the load was taken by the bottom flange, so it was required to find the equivalent area of the aluminum beam. For this purpose, an aluminum/composite assembly of eight units was constructed using ABAQUS 6.5. The meshed model with boundary conditions is shown in the Figure 4.1. “Surface contact” was defined between the aluminum/composite contact surfaces, the fastener and the aluminum hole, and the fastener and the composite hole. The finite element model was developed using three-dimensional brick elements. Eight-node linear brick elements enhanced with incompatible modes (C3D8I) were used for developing the aluminum beam, composite panel, and titanium fasteners. The behavior between perpendicular surfaces in contact was 41 established as “hard contact,” which meant that no penetration was allowed. The tangential surface behavior was governed by the penalty friction formulation. The coefficients of friction used were 0.2 for aluminum/composites surfaces and 0.07 for the fastener/aluminum holes and fastener/composite holes. A pre-load or pretension load of 1,750 pounds was applied in the pretension step. Right end of the assembly was fixed and a load of 1,000 pounds was applied at the free end, as shown in Figure 4.2. The tensile load was applied at the center of the flat composite panel. Figure 4.1. Mechanical FEM of Z-Shape Aluminum Beam Fastened to Composite Panel. Contact was defined between the fastener and the aluminum hole, the fastener and the composite panel hole, and between the aluminum beam and the composite panel. The contact pair approach based on a master-slave algorithm was used with finite sliding allowed between surfaces in contact. Since this process involves several surfaces in contact with each other, nonlinear contact analysis was included. A friction coefficient of 0.07 was assumed between the fastener and the holes, and 0.2 between the aluminum beam and the composite panel. The 42 displacement contour shown in Figure 4.3 reveals that the displacement is not uniform along the cross section of aluminum beam, and most of the load transferred across the fastener is taken by the bottom flange. Therefore, it is not reasonable to use the entire cross-sectional area of the Zshape beam. Figure 4.2. Point of Application of Tensile Load. Figure 4.3. Displacement Contour. 43 Extracting Aa from Finite Element Model Analyses were performed in two steps. First, a bolt-clamping load was applied through application of A pre-tension load of 1,750 pounds to the mid-surface of the bolt. Application of the pre-tension load is discussed in Section 1.1.6. Second, a tensile load of 1,000 pounds was applied at the free end, as described earlier. After the analysis was completed, the displacement of each unit at the center node of the aluminum beam’s bottom flange following the end of the load step was recorded, as shown in Figure 4.4. In addition, contact forces, including those between the aluminum beam and the composite panel, and between the fastener and the aluminum hole were also recorded. Figure 4.4. Displacement Measurements for the Aluminum Beam. 44 As discussed in the previous chapter, the equivalent area of the aluminum beam is a function of distance x. From Equation (3.5) of Chapter 3, the change in length of unit 8 of the aluminum beam ∆u 8a , close to the applied load, is given by F8 L fa ∆u = − a a E A0.625 a 8 (4.1) Again, the change in length of unit 7 of the aluminum beam is given by ∆u 7a = − F7 L fa F8 La − E a A0a.625 E a A1a (4.2) . . . . Similarly, for unit 1 the change in length is given by ∆u1a = − 8 F j La F1 L fa − ∑ E a A0a.625 j = 2 E a A aj−1 (4.3) Therefore, for eight units of the aluminum/composite assembly, there are eight equations, where Fi is the load transferred by the ith fastener, which was obtained from the finite element analysis; La is the length of each unit of the aluminum beam (one inch), Lfa; which is 0.625 inch, represents the distance from the left edge of the fastener hole to the right edge of the unit; Ea is the Young’s modulus of aluminum; and ∆ uia , obtained from the results of finite element analysis, represents the deformation of the ith unit, i=1....8. Therefore, the above eight equations were solved simultaneously to obtain eight values of Aa. These values of Aa signify that the equivalent area Aa increases while the distance of the load increases up to a certain value and then remains constant. 45 4.2.2 Finite Element Mechanical Model to Determine Ac To find the area of the 12-inch-wide composite panel as a function of distance, 20 units of the composite panel, each one inch in length were constructed. Figure 4.5 shows the meshed model of 20 units of the composite panel with one end fixed and a compressive load of 1,132 pounds applied at the center of the edge of the hole of the last unit, which is at a distance of 0.625 inch from the left end of unit 20, as shown in Figure 4.6. The load was applied at this location with the assumption that the load from the fastener was transferred onto the composite panel at this point. Three-dimensional linear brick elements (C3D8I) were used for developing 20 units of the composite panel. Figure 4.5. Mechanical FEM of Flat Composite Panel with 20 Units. 46 Figure 4.6 Location at which Concentrated Load is Applied. As shown in Figure 4.7, displacement of the units near the point where load was applied is very non-uniform, and as the location of interest is moved away from that point of load application, displacement becomes more uniform hence, the finite element model with 20 units was required to describe this trend. Figure 4.7. Displacement Contour of Flat Composite Panel with 20 Units. 47 Displacements of the center nodes at the left and the right edges of each unit i (or i-1) were recorded from the output database file and are represented as ui and ui-1 respectively. The relative displacement ∆uic of each unit was calculated as ui - ui-1. The equivalent area of unit 20 A1c , which is closest to the load, was then calculated as PLc A = c c E ∆u 20 c 1 (4.4) Similarly, the equivalent area of unit 19 A2c was calculated as A2c = PLc E c ∆u19c (4.5) where P is the compressive force applied, Ec is the Young’s modulus of the composite panel, and Lc is the length of the unit under consideration. Hence, equivalent areas of the subsequent units were also obtained in a similar manner. Figure 4.8 Displacement Measurements from the Composite Panel. 48 4.2.3 Finite Element Thermal Model to Describe Temperature Distribution of Aluminum/Composite assembly A steady-state heat transfer analysis was done to obtain proper temperature distribution of the Aluminum/Composite assembly. The finite element model of eight units of the assembly is shown in Figure 4.9. Linear three-dimensional eight-node hex diffusion (DC3D8) elements were used in this analysis. The aluminum beam was exposed to a room temperature of 77°F, the bottom surface of the composite panel was exposed to -65°F air, and all other surfaces were insulated in the heat transfer analysis. Figure 4.9. Thermal Finite Element Model of Aluminum/Composite Assembly with Eight Units. 49 The temperature distribution at the end of analysis is shown in Figure 4.10. It can be seen that temperature of the aluminum beam is higher at the top flange and lower at the bottom flange, and that the temperature of the composite panel underneath the aluminum beam is much lower than the composite panel away from the beam. Figure 4.10. Temperature Distribution in Steady State. 4.2.4 Finite Element Analysis to Determine Ta Due to the non-uniform temperature distribution shown in Figure 4.10, a sequentially coupled thermal-stress analysis was required to determine the equivalent temperature of the aluminum beam Ta. This is the most common approach thermal-stress analysis, where the thermal field is the driving force for stress analysis, i.e., nodal temperatures from the thermal model described in Section 4.2.3 were fed as the thermal load. The eight units of aluminum beam 50 were modeled with one end fixed, as shown in Figure 4.11, and the rest of the beam was free to deform under the thermal load. In this analysis, three-dimensional eight-node stress elements (C3D8I) were used. The displacement contour at the end of thermal/mechanical analysis is shown in Figure 4.12. Figure 4.11. Coupled Finite Element Model of Z-shape Aluminum Beam. After execution of the finite element model, the reduction in length of each aluminum unit ∆ uia , which is calculated as ui - ui-1, was recorded at the bottom flange, and the equivalent temperature of the ith aluminum beam unit Tia was back-calculated as Ti a = T o − 51 ∆uia α a La (4.6) where the initial room temperature To is 77°F, αa is the CTE of aluminum, and the unit length of each aluminum beam unit La is one inch. Figure 4.12. Displacement Contour of an Eight-Unit Z-Shape Aluminum Beam due to Thermal Load. 4.2.5 Finite Element Analysis to Determine Tc Similarly, eight units of composite panel were used in performing the thermal/mechanical analysis to determine the equivalent temperature of the composite panel Tc, as shown in Figure 52 4.13, with one end of the panel fixed and the rest of the panel free to expand under the thermal load. Eight-node, three-dimensional stress elements (C3D8I), as described in Section 4.2.4, were used. Figure 4.13. Coupled Finite Element Model of Composite Panel. The displacement of an eight-unit model of a composite panel due to thermal loads is shown in Figure 4.14. As discussed in Section 4.2.3, the temperature of the portion of the composite panel underneath the aluminum beam was much higher than the rest of the composite panel because aluminum beam acted as a heat source for the composite panel. Due to the higher temperatures at the center of the beam, concentrated tensile forces were developed at the center of the panel. Hence, as described in Section 3.3, the same concept, which was used to determine the equivalent area of the composite panel Ac, was used to determine Tic. The equivalent temperature of unit i was calculated as 53 ∆u ic Ti = T − c c α L c o (4.7) where ∆ u ic is the reduction of lengths of the ith unit of the composite at the central location, αc is the CTE of composite, and the length, Lc, of each unit of the composite panel is one inch. Figure 4.14. Displacement Contour of Eight Unit Flat Composite Panel due to Thermal Load. 4.2.6 Finite Element Analysis to Determine Kf To determine the stiffness of the fastener, a thermal/mechanical analysis of eight units of aluminum/composite assembly was constructed and executed, as shown in Figure 4.15. Nodal temperatures obtained from Section 4.2.3 were used as thermal input. Three-dimensional eightnode elements (C3D8I) were used the right end of the assembly was fixed, and the rest of the aluminum/composite assembly were free to expand under the thermal load. It must be noted that this analysis included friction between the joints, and hence it is assumed that part of the load was transferred through the contact surfaces of the aluminum beam and composite panel and the 54 rest through the fasteners. Similar to what was explained in Section 4.2.1, the analyses were done in two steps. In the first step, a pre-tension load of 1,750 pounds was applied at the mid-plane of the fastener, and in the second step, the nodal temperatures obtained from the thermal model were fed as input to the coupled model in the form of thermal load. Figure 4.15. Coupled Finite Element Model of Eight Units of Assembly. From the displacement contour shown in Figure 4.16, it can be seen that contraction of the bottom flange of the aluminum beam due to temperature changes was restricted by the composite panel through loads from the fasteners. The composite panel contracted more than the amount due to thermal load because of the compressive load from aluminum beam through the fasteners. 55 Displacements uia and uic of each unit of the aluminum beam and composite panel were recorded from the FEA model at the center node of each unit at the end of load step. The load transferred by the ith unit of the fastener, which is the sum of contact or friction force between the aluminum surface and composite surface Fj, and the contact force between the fastener and hole Fb was obtained as output from the ABAQUS model. Finally, the fastener stiffness was calculated as Kf = Fb + F j u ia − u ic (4.8) Figure 4.16. Deformation of Fastened Aluminum/Composite Assembly due to Thermal Load. Mechanical strains obtained from the physical tests were compared with strains obtained from the analytical model. In the physical tests, strains were recorded on the top surface of the 56 bottom flange of the aluminum beam, but the strains obtained from the analytical models were those at the mid-plane of the bottom flange of aluminum beam. Therefore, in order to be able to compare the strains, a factor that converts the mid-plane strain to the top surface was necessary. The bending conversion factor is defined as βi for the ith unit as βi = ε iTop ε icenter (4.9) where the strain at the top surface of the bottom flange ε iTop and at the center of the bottom flange ε icenter are extracted from the finite element model. Because only mechanical strains were considered, the Z-shape aluminum beam is under tension loads from the fasteners at the bottom flange. The bottom flange bends up, so the strain at the top surface is smaller than the strain at center. Therefore, the value of β is less than one. Because the bending effect is small, the value of β is very close to one. This also validates the assumption that only the in-plane force needs to be considered. 57 CHAPTER 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS OF PANEL TESTS 5.1 Results from Material Property Tests Results from tests conducted to obtain material properties are shown in Table 5.1 along with the values found in literature. The numbers obtained from tests were used in analytical models and finite element modeling. Table 5.1. Material Properties. Material Aluminum Beam Composite Panel Titanium Fastener Cirlex® Young’s Modulus (Msi) Poisson’s Ratio Thermal Conductivity @73° F (×10-6 Btu/in·sec·°F) Literature Test Literature Test Test 10.6 10.878 0.328 1,750 - 7.975 0.323 16.9 - 0.264 0.556 CTE (×10-6/°F) Literature Test - 10.90 10.90 - 4.75 - 1.446 0.31 100 - 4.8 - 0.327 2.27 1.025 11.1 46.95 5.2 Results from Chamber Tests of Fastened Aluminum/Composite Assembly A total of four group tests were conducted for using the fabricated environmental chamber. Details of these tests are shown in Table 5.2. In each of the specimens, three Z-shape aluminum beams were fastened on the composite panel using 0.25 inch Hi-Lock fasteners. Three Cirlex® strips each of 68 inches in length and 2.75 inches in width, were embedded in the mid-plane of composite panel under the three aluminum beams for Groups (2) and (4) specimens. 58 Table 5.2. List of Aluminum/Composite Assembly Tests. # of Fasteners Composite Type Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Thick Panel Without Insulation Thick Panel With Cirlex® Thin Panel Without Insulation Thin Panel With Cirlex® Dimensions of Flat Composite Panel 68"×36"×0.25" 66,48,32,24,16,8 2 68"×36"×0.25" with Cirlex® 68"×2.75"×0.06" embedded 66,48,32,24,16,8 68"×36"×0.13" 66,48,32,24,16,8 68"×36"×0.13" with Cirlex® 68"×2.75"×0.12" embedded # of Tests for Each Case 2 2 2 66,48,32,24,16,8 The temperature distribution of the assembly and the strains on the top surface of the bottom flange of the aluminum beam were recorded. Strain readings ε taken during the test actually included two components: • Temperature output εT0 – the output of the strain gage due to the change of electric resistance of the gage material from the temperature change, which was truncated by applying the polynomial supplied by the strain gage manufacturer (Vishay MicroMeasurements), calculated as ε T 0 = −3.09 × 10 2 + 6.52 × 10 0 T − 3.49 × 10 −2 T 2 + 4.28 × 10 −5 T 3 (5.1) where T represents the temperature at the instance at which strains were recorded • Actual deformation of the strain gage, which includes the following: (1) thermal strain εT – due to thermal contraction, and (2) mechanical strain εM – due to tensile stress. The thermal strain can be calculated by ε T = α (T − T o ) 59 (5.2) where α is the CTE of the aluminum beam, and To represents the initial temperature (77°F). Therefore, the mechanical strain was obtained by truncating the original strain reading ε by the thermal output εT0 and the thermal strain εT as ε M = ε − εT 0 − εT 5.2.1 (5.3) Group 1 Test Results Six different configurations with different fastened lengths were tested to study length effects: 66-fastener (fastened length was 65 inches with one inch pitch) setup, 48-fastener (fastened length was 47 inches) setup, 32-fastener (fastened length was 31 inches) setup, 24fastener (fastened length was 23 inches) setup, 16-fastener (fastened length was 15 inches) setup and, 8-fastener (fastened length was 7 inches) setup. The 66-fastener setup was tested first and fasteners were taken out evenly from the two ends to reduce the fastened length to 47 inches, 31 inches, 23 inches, 15 inches, and finally 7 inches. Each setup was tested at least twice to ensure repeatability. The strain gage locations along the cross-section of the aluminum/composite assembly are shown in Figure 5.1. The temperature distributions in the steady state were recorded and are shown in Table 5.3. The thermocouple locations were shown previously in Figures 2.3 to 2.8. With an inside chamber temperature of -65°F, the temperature difference between the bottom surface of the composite panel and the top surface of the aluminum bottom flange varied from 34ºF to 50ºF. 60 Figure 5.1. Thermocouple Locations of Chamber Tests without Insulation. Table 5.3. Temperature Distributions Recorded from Group 1 Tests. No. of Fasteners TC1 TC2 TC3 TC4 TC5 TC7 66F 48F 32F 24F 16F 8F 16 19 22 25 26 30 15 18 21 24 24 28 14 18 20 22 23 27 11 12 15 19 18 20 9 11 12 18 17 18 -25 -28 -31 -32 -27 -27 For each setup, the mechanical strains between fasteners at the top surface of the aluminum bottom flange are shown in Figures 5.2 to 5.7, respectively. The strain gage locations are shown previously in Section 2.2. For all cases with different fastened lengths, the peak strain of aluminum always occurred around the center of the fastened assembly because the strain accumulated from the free ends and reached the maximum value at the center. Moreover, the peak strain increased when the fastened length increased until the fastened length reached a certain value, and the peak strain remained constant. 61 66 Fasteners 500 Mechanical Micro Strain 400 300 200 100 Test1 0 Test2 -100 -200 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.2. Mechanical Strains of 66-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel without Insulation. 48 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 -100 Test1 -200 Test2 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.3. Mechanical Strains of 48-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel without Insulation. 62 32 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 400 300 200 Test1 Test2 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.4. Mechanical Strains of 32-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel without Insulation. 24 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strains 400 300 200 100 0 Test1 Test2 -100 -200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.5. Mechanical Strains of 24-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel without Insulation. 63 16 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 400 300 200 100 0 Test1 Test2 -100 -200 0 10 20 30 x (in) 40 50 60 Figure 5.6. Mechanical Strains of 16-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel without Insulation. 8 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 200 100 0 Test1 Test2 -100 -200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.7. Mechanical Strains of 8-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel without Insulation. 64 5.2.2 Group 2 Test Results Six setups for different fastened lengths were tested with Cirlex® co-cured inside the 0.25 inch thick composite panel. These six setups were the same as those used for the assembly without Cirlex®. At least two repeatable tests were completed for each setup. The average temperature distribution in the steady-state condition is shown in Table 5.4, and the thermocouple locations are shown previously in Figures 2.3 to 2.8. For the tests with Cirlex®, under the same temperature boundary conditions as the tests without insulation, the temperature difference between the bottom surface of the composite panel and the top surface of the aluminum bottom flange varied from 29°F to 38°F for the tests with. Figure 5.8. Thermocouple Locations of Chamber Tests with Insulation. Table 5.4. Temperature Distributions Recorded from Group 2 Tests. No. of Fasteners TC1 (deg F) TC2 (deg F) TC3 (deg F) TC4 (deg F) TC5 (deg F) TC7 (deg F) 66F 48F 32F 24F 16F 8F 22 27 22 25 25 25 20 26 20 23 22 22 19 24 19 21 20 21 17 22 16 17 16 16 11 15 8 11 11 10 -26 -22 -26 -18 -23 -22 65 The mechanical strains for configurations with different fastened lengths are shown in Figures 5.9 to 5.14. Strain gage locations were the same as in the tests without insulation. The trend of strain distributions was also similar. The peak values of mechanical strain were less than the peak strains of tests without insulation, as expected because the aluminum beam was relatively warmer when a Cirlex® layer was added in the composite panel. 66 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 Test1 -100 Test2 -200 -300 0 10 20 30 x (in) 40 50 60 Figure 5.9. Mechanical Strains of 66-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel with Cirlex®. 66 48 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 -100 Test1 -200 Test2 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.10. Mechanical Strains of 48-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel with Cirlex®. 32 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 Test1 -100 Test2 -200 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.11. Mechanical Strains of 32-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel with Cirlex®. 67 24 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 -100 Test1 -200 Test2 -300 -400 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.12. Mechanical Strains of 24-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel with Cirlex®. 16 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 Test1 -100 Test2 -200 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.13. Mechanical Strains of 16-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel with Cirlex®. 68 8 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 Test1 -100 Test2 -200 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.14. Mechanical Strains of 8-Fastener Setup of Thick Panel with Cirlex®. 5.2.3 Group 3 Test Results Again, six setups for different fastened lengths were tested without insulation material. These six setups were the same as the previous two groups. At least two repeatable tests were completed for each setup. The average temperature distribution in the steady-state condition is shown in Table 5.5, and the thermocouple locations are shown previously in Figures 2.3 to 2.8. The temperature difference between the bottom surface of composite panel and the top surface of aluminum bottom flange varied from 26°F to 38°F. Table 5.5. Temperature Distributions Recorded from Group 3 Tests. No. of Fasteners TC1 TC2 TC3 TC4 TC5 TC7 66F 48F 32F 24F 16F 8F 14 19 24 25 29 30 13 16 21 22 25 27 9 14 19 19 23 24 6 10 15 15 19 21 1 6 8 8 10 15 -25 -24 -25 -24 -22 -23 69 The mechanical strains for configurations with different fastened lengths are shown in Figures 5.15 to 5.20. Strain gage locations were the same as in the tests without insulation. The trend of strain distributions was also similar. The peak values of mechanical strain were less than the peak strains of tests without insulation, as expected because the aluminum beam was relatively warmer when a Cirlex® layer was added in the composite panel. 66 Fasteners 500 Mechanical Micro Strain 400 300 200 100 Test1 0 Test2 -100 -200 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.15. Mechanical Strains of 66-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel without Insulation. 70 48 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 -100 Test1 -200 Test2 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.16. Mechanical Strains of 48-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel without Insulation. 32 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 400 300 200 100 0 Test1 Test2 -100 -200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.17. Mechanical Strains of 32-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel without Insulation. 71 24 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strains 400 300 200 100 0 Test1 Test2 -100 -200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.18. Mechanical Strains of 24-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel without Insulation. 16 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 400 300 200 100 0 Test1 Test2 -100 -200 0 10 20 30 x (in) 40 50 60 Figure 5.19. Mechanical Strains of 16-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel without Insulation. 72 8 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 200 100 0 Test1 Test2 -100 -200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.20. Mechanical Strains of 8-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel without Insulation. 5.2.4 Group 4 Test Results Similar to group 3, six setups for different fastened lengths-66F, 48F, 32F, 24F, 16F, 8F were tested with Cirlex® co-cured inside the 0.13 inch thick composite panel. Two tests were done for each case. The average temperature distribution in the steady-state condition is shown in Table 5.6, and the thermocouple locations are shown previously in Figures 2.3 to 2.8. Under the same temperature boundary conditions as the tests without insulation, the temperature difference between the bottom surface of the composite panel and the top surface of the aluminum bottom flange varied from 32°F to 41°F for the tests with Cirlex®. 73 Table 5.6. Temperature Distributions Recorded from Group 4 Tests. No. of Fasteners TC1 TC2 TC3 TC4 TC5 TC7 66F 48F 32F 24F 16F 8F 23 27 25 27 29 30 22 25 23 25 25 28 20 24 22 24 23 27 17 20 18 20 19 23 13 16 14 16 10 19 -23 -22 -23 -21 -22 -22 The mechanical micro strains for both tests for different fastened lengths are shown in Figures 5.21 to 5.26. Strain gage locations were the same as in the tests without insulation. The trend of strain distributions was also similar. The peak values of mechanical strain were less than the peak strains of tests without insulation, as expected because the aluminum beam was relatively warmer when a Cirlex® layer was added in the composite panel. 66 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 400 300 200 100 Test1 0 Test2 -100 -200 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.21. Mechanical Strains of 66-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel with Cirlex®. 74 48 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 -100 Test1 -200 Test2 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.22. Mechanical Strains of 48-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel with Cirlex®. 32 Fasteners M echanical M icro Strain 400 300 200 Test1 Test2 100 0 -100 -200 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.23. Mechanical Strains of 32-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel with Cirlex®. 75 24 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 400 300 200 Test1 Test2 100 0 -100 -200 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.24. Mechanical Strains of 24-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel with Cirlex®. 16 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 Test1 100 Test2 0 -100 -200 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.25. Mechanical Strains of 16-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel with Cirlex®. 76 8 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 200 100 Test1 0 Test2 -100 -200 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.26. Mechanical Strains of 8-Fastener Setup of Thin Panel with Cirlex®. 5.3 Analytical Model Validation An analytical model was developed using six parameters, as described in Chapter 3. These six parameters required for the analytical model were obtained from finite element analysis, as described in Chapter 4. The mechanical micro strains obtained from the tests are compared with those obtained from the analytical model. Once the mechanical strains were validated the load transferred by each fastener could be obtained from the analytical model. 5.3.1 Comparison of Tests of Thick Panel without Insulation As described in Chapter 4, six parameters, (equivalent area for aluminum beam and composite panel, equivalent temperature for aluminum beam and composite panel, equivalent fastener stiffness, and bending factor) were determined by finite element analyses. These results are shown in Tables 5.7 to 5.11. The x-direction is consistent with the x-direction shown in Figure 5.27. The x-coordinate used in Tables 5.8 and Table 5.10 is the distance between the 77 point where the equivalent area is calculated and where the load is applied. However, the xcoordinate used in Table 5.11 is the global x-coordinate, as specified in Figure 5.27. It can be seen that the equivalent area Ac increases when x increases until Ac reaches the geometric limit (12 in. × 0.25 in. = 3 in.2). The calculated bending factor β is 0.9, which means that the strain on the top surface of the aluminum bottom flange is very close to the strain at the mid-plane of the aluminum bottom flange. In another words, the bending effects in the assembly are very small. Table 5.7. Parameters for Fastened Aluminum/Composites Assembly with Thick Composite Panel without Insulation. Equivalent Equivalent Temperature Material Equivalent Area A (in.2) Stiffness K T (°F) (lb/in) Varied Varied Aluminum Beam (shown in Table 5.8) (shown in Table 5.9) Varied Varied Composite Panel (shown in Table 5.10) (shown in Table 5.11) Titanium Fastener 4.5×105 Table 5.8. Equivalent Area for Aluminum Beam for Aluminum/Composites Assembly with Thick Composite Panel without Insulation. Distance x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 (in) Aa (in2) 0.146 0.214 0.246 0.261 0.267 0.271 0.272 7 0.272 Table 5.9. Equivalent Temperature for Aluminum with Thick Composite Panel without Insulation. Fasteners Ta (°F) 66 10 48 12 32 13 24 19 16 18 8 19 78 Table 5.10. Equivalent Area for Thick Composite Panel without Insulation. Distance x (in) 0.375 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ac (in2) Distance x (in) 0.35 0.47 0.80 1.11 1.40 1.67 1.92 2.14 2.33 2.50 2.64 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ac (in2) 2.74 2.83 2.89 2.93 2.95 2.96 2.97 2.98 2.99 3 c 2 Note: The equivalent area of composite panel A remains 3 in. when distance x equals or exceeds 20 inches. Table 5.11. Equivalent Temperature for Thick Composite Panel without Insulation. X T (°F) 66F and 48F Tc (°F) 32F and 24F Tc (°F) 16F and 8F c Note: 0 -21.73 -19.49 -16.03 1 -33.49 -25.15 -22.18 2 -41.82 -35.78 -33.66 3 -45.84 -41.87 -40.20 4 -48.18 -45.44 -44.03 5 -49.63 -47.63 -46.38 6 -50.49 -48.92 -47.77 7 -50.89 -49.53 -48.42 The equivalent temperature of the composite panel Tc remains constant when x equals or exceeds 8 inches. Figure 5.27. Configuration of Chamber Tests without Insulation. 79 The temperature distributions from finite element model of each case with different fastened length closed matched the test results. After the six parameters for the fastened aluminum/composite assembly without insulation were substituted into the governing equations, the mechanical strains were solved and compared with the test results as for the six test configurations of thick composite panel without Cirlex®, shown in Figures 5.28 to 5.33. 66 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 500 400 300 200 100 Test 0 Analytical Model -100 -200 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.28. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 66-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thick Panel). 80 48 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 -100 Test -200 Analytical Model -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.29. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 48-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thick Panel). 32 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 400 300 Test 200 Analytical Model 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.30. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 32-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thick Panel). 81 24 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strains 400 300 200 100 0 Test Analytical Model -100 -200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.31. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 24-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thick Panel). 16 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 Test Analytical Model -100 -200 0 10 20 30 x (in) 40 50 60 Figure 5.32. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 16-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thick Panel). 82 8 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 200 100 0 Test Analytical Model -100 -200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.33. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 8-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thick Panel). 5.3.2 Comparison of Tests of Thick Panel with Insulation (Cirlex®) Similar to the analytical model for assemblies without insulation, six parameters for the assembly with the thick composite panel and co-cured Cirlex® were obtained from finite element analyses. The results are shown in Tables 5.12 to 5.16. Again, the x-coordinate used in Tables 5.13 and 5.15 is the distance between the point where the equivalent area is calculated and where the load is applied, while the x-coordinate used in Table 5.16 is the global x-coordinate as specified in Figure 5.27. The bending factor β for the assembly with co-cured Cirlex® is also 0.9. 83 Table 5.12. Parameters for Fastened Aluminum/Composites Assembly with Thick Composite Panel and Co-Cured Cirlex®. Equivalent Equivalent Temperature Material Equivalent Area A (in.2) Stiffness K T (°F) (lb/in) Varied Varied Aluminum Beam (shown in Table 5.13) (shown in Table 5.14) Varied Varied Composite Panel (shown in Table 5.15) (shown in Table 5.16) Titanium Fastener 4.8×105 Table 5.13. Equivalent Area for Aluminum Beam for Aluminum/Composites Assembly with Thick Composite Panel and Co-Cured Cirlex®. Distance x (in) 0 Aa (in2) 0.146 1 0.214 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.246 0.261 0.267 0.271 0.272 0.272 Table 5.14. Equivalent Temperature for Aluminum with Thick Composite Panel and Co-Cured Cirlex®. Fasteners Ta (°F) 66 18 48 21 32 10 24 16 16 12 8 12 Table 5.15. Equivalent Area for Thick Composite Panel with Co-Cured Cirlex®. Distance x (in) 0.375 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ac (in2) Distance x (in) 0.35 0.79 1.11 1.38 1.61 1.82 2.01 2.18 2.32 2.44 2.53 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ac (in2) 2.59 2.64 2.67 2.69 2.70 2.71 2.71 2.71 2.71 2.71 c 2 Note: The equivalent area of composite panel A remains 2.71 in. when distance x equals or exceeds 20 inches. 84 Table 5.16. Equivalent Temperature for Thick Composite Panel with Co-Cured Cirlex®. x (in) Tc (°F) 66F & 32F Tc (°F) 48F Tc (°F) 24F,16F & 8F Note: 0 -37.81 -36.72 -37.28 1 -50.26 -49.81 -50.11 2 -56.64 -55.74 -56.53 3 -59.54 -58.13 -59.31 4 -60.63 -59.32 -60.42 5 -61.23 -60.04 -61.11 6 -61.74 -60.51 -61.62 7 -61.83 -60.74 -61.71 The equivalent temperature of composite panel Tc remains constant when x equals or exceeds 8 inches. Substituting the six parameters into the governing equations, the mechanical strains were solved and compared with the test results for the assembly with thick composite panel and cocured Cirlex®, as shown in Figures 5.34 to 5.39. Again, the analytical results correlate fairly well with the test results. 66 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 Test -100 Analytical Model -200 -300 0 10 20 30 x (in) 40 50 60 Figure 5.34. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 66-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thick Panel). 85 48 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 -100 Test -200 Analytical Model -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.35. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 48-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thick Panel). 32 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 Test -100 Analytical Model -200 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.36. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 32-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thick Panel). 86 24 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 -100 Test -200 Analytical Model -300 -400 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.37. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 24-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thick Panel). 16 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 Test -100 Analytical Model -200 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.38. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 16-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thick Panel). 87 8 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 Test -100 Analytical Model -200 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.39. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 8-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thick Panel). 5.3.3 Comparison of Tests of Thin Panel without Insulation As described in the two previous sections, six parameters, (equivalent area for aluminum beam and composite panel, equivalent temperature for aluminum beam and composite panel, equivalent fastener stiffness, and bending factor) were determined by finite element analyses. The results are shown in Tables 5.17 to 5.21. The x-coordinate used in Tables 5.18 and 5.20 is the distance between the point where the equivalent area is calculated and where the load is applied. The x-coordinate used in Table 5.21 is the global x-coordinate, as specified in Figure 5.27. The bending factor β calculated is still 0.9, which means the strain on the top surface of aluminum bottom flange is very close to the strain at the mid-plane of the aluminum bottom flange. In another words, the bending effects in the assembly are very small. 88 Table 5.17. Parameters for Fastened Aluminum/Composites Assembly with Thin Composite Panel without Insulation. Material Aluminum Beam Composite Panel Titanium Fastener Equivalent Area A (in.2) Equivalent Temperature T (°F) Varied (shown in Table 5.18) Varied (shown in Table 5.20) - Varied (shown in Table 5.19) Varied (shown in Table 5.21) - Equivalent Stiffness K (lb/in) 4.0 ×105 Table 5.18. Equivalent Area for Aluminum Beam for Aluminum/Composites Assembly with Thin Composite Panel without Insulation. Distance x (in) 0 Aa (in2) 0.165 1 0.217 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.268 0.289 0.302 0.311 0.316 0.318 Table 5.19. Equivalent Temperature for Aluminum without Insulation for Thin Composite Panel Fasteners Ta (°F) 66 9 48 10 32 11 24 10 16 13 8 16 Table 5.20. Equivalent Area for Thin Composite Panel without Insulation. Distance x (in) 0.375 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ac (in2) Distance x (in) 0.27 0.46 0.633 0.784 0.92 1.04 1.15 1.253 1.336 1.4 1.45 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ac (in2) 1.49 1.51 1.53 1.538 1.54 1.542 1.545 1.55 1.56 1.56 Note: The equivalent area of composite panel Ac remains 1.56 in.2 when distance x equals or exceeds 20 inches. 89 Table 5.21. Equivalent Temperature for Thin Composite Panel without Insulation. 0 -20.49 -19.64 -17.74 X Tc (°F) 66F & 48F Tc (°F) 32F & 24F Tc (°F) 16F & 8F 1 -25.92 -25.23 -23.55 2 -37.16 -36.71 -35.51 3 -43.24 -42.88 -41.94 4 -46.70 -46.40 -45.61 5 -48.78 -48.52 -47.82 6 -50.01 -49.77 -49.12 7 -50.59 -50.36 -49.73 After the six parameters for the fastened aluminum/composite assembly with the thin panel without insulation were substituted into the governing equations, the mechanical strains were solved and compared with the test results, as shown in Figures 5.40 to 5.45 for the six test configurations without Cirlex®. As can be seen from the figures, the analytical results correlate reasonably well with the test results. 66 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 500 400 300 200 100 Test 0 Analytical Model -100 -200 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.40. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 66-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thin Panel). 90 48 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 -100 Test -200 Analytical Model -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.41. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 48-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thin Panel). 32 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 400 300 200 100 0 Test -100 Analytical Model -200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.42. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 32-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thin Panel). 91 24 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strains 400 300 200 100 0 Test -100 Analytical Model -200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.43. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 24-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thin Panel). 16 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 Test -100 Analytical Model -200 0 10 20 30 x (in) 40 50 60 Figure 5.44. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 16-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thin Panel). 92 8 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 200 100 0 Test Analytical Model -100 -200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.45. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 8-Fastener Setup without Insulation (Thin Panel). 5.3.4 Comparison of Tests of Thin Panel with Insulation (Cirlex®) Similar to the analytical model for assemblies without insulation, six parameters for the assembly with thin composite panel and co-cured Cirlex® were obtained from finite element analyses. The results are shown in Tables 5.22 to 5.26. Again, the x-coordinate used in Tables 5.23 and 5.25 is the distance between the point where the equivalent area is calculated and where the load is applied, while the x-coordinate used in Table 5.26 is the global x-coordinate, as specified in Figure 5.27. The bending factor β for the assembly with co-cured Cirlex® is also 0.9. 93 Table 5.22. Parameters for Fastened Aluminum/Composites Assembly with Thin Composite Panel and Co-Cured Cirlex®. Material Aluminum Beam Composite panel Titanium Fastener Equivalent Area A (in.2) Equivalent Temperature T (°F) Varied (shown in Table 5.23) Varied (shown in Table 5.25) - Varied (shown in Table 5.24) Varied (shown in Table 5.26) - Equivalent Stiffness K (lb/in) 4.4×105 Table 5.23. Equivalent Area for Aluminum Beam for Aluminum/Composites Assembly with Thin Composite Panel and Co-Cured Cirlex®. Distance x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (in) Aa (in2) 0.165 0.217 0.268 0.289 0.302 0.311 0.316 0.318 Table 5.24. Equivalent Temperature for Aluminum with Thin Composite Panel and Co-Cured C Cirlex®. Fasteners Ta (°F) 66 13 48 15 32 14 24 15 16 19 8 19 Table 5.25. Equivalent Area for Thin Composite Panel with Co-Cured Cirlex®. Distance x (in) 0.375 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ac (in2) Distance x (in) 0.32 0.47 0.61 0.72 0.8 0.86 0.92 0.96 0.99 1.02 1.04 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ac (in2) 1.05 1.06 1.065 1.07 1.07 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.1 1.1 Note: The equivalent area of composite panel Ac remains 1.1 in.2 when distance x equals or exceeds 20 inches. 94 Table 5.26. Equivalent Temperature for Thick Composite Panel with Co-Cured Cirlex®. X (in) Tc (°F) 66F & 32F Tc (°F) 48F Tc (°F) 24F,16F & 8F Note: 0 -27.61 -26.72 -27.24 1 -34.54 -34.81 -34.16 2 -44.22 -43.74 -43.58 3 -51.46 -50.13 -51.54 4 -56.66 -55.32 -56.27 5 -58.42 -58.04 -58.15 6 -58.79 -58.51 -57.62 7 -60.83 -60.74 -59.65 The equivalent temperature of composite panel Tc remains constant when x equals or exceeds 8 inches. Substituting the six parameters into the governing equations, the mechanical strains were solved and compared with the test results for the assembly with the thick composite panel and co-cured Cirlex®, as shown in Figures 5.46 to 5.51. Again, the analytical results correlate fairly well with the test results. 66 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 400 300 200 100 Test 0 Analytical Model -100 -200 -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.46. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 66-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thin Panel). 95 48 Fasteners 400 Mechanical Micro Strain 300 200 100 0 -100 Test -200 Analytical Model -300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.47. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 48-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thin Panel). 32 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 400 300 Test Analytical Model 200 100 0 -100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.48. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 32-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thin Panel). 96 24 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 400 300 Test Analytical Model 200 100 0 -100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.49. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 24-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thin Panel). 16 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 300 Test 200 Analytical Model 100 0 -100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.50. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 16-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thin Panel). 97 8 Fasteners Mechanical Micro Strain 200 Test Analytical Model 100 0 -100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.51. Mechanical Strains Comparison between Tests and Analytical Model for 8-Fastener Setup with Co-Cured Cirlex® (Thin Panel). 5.4 Analytical Model Validation with Finite Element Model The analytical model developed using the equations in Chapter 3 were validated using a finite element model. For this purpose, 24 units (48F case) of Z-shape aluminum fastened to a thin composite panel without insulation was built and was subjected to temperature boundary conditions obtained from the 48 fastener case in the group 3 tests. The load transfer obtained from the analytical model was compared with the load transfer obtained from the finite element sequentially coupled analysis. The temperature distribution under the steady-state condition at the end of thermal analysis is shown in Figure 5.52. The temperature distribution obtained at the end of thermal analysis was fed as input to the sequentially coupled analysis of 24 units of the aluminum/composite assembly with the right end fixed. The same procedure as described in Section 4.2.6 was followed to find the load transfer. The final deformation of the entire assembly is bent up, as shown in Figure 5.53. 98 Figure 5.52. Temperature Distribution in Steady State for Aluminum/Composite Assembly Without Insulation (Thin panel). Figure 5.53. Deformation of Fastened Aluminum/Composites Assembly due to Thermal Load. 99 In each unit, the load transferred by the ith fastener Fi is defined as the summation of contact force between the fastener and hole, and the friction between the aluminum and composite surfaces. Both the contact force and friction were obtained from finite element analysis. Figure 5.54 shows the comparison of load transfers obtained from finite element analysis using ABAQUS and the analytical model. It can be seen from this graph that load transfers for each unit obtained from the analytical model are close to those obtained from finite element analysis. Hence, the analytical model derived is a valid one and can be used to obtain the load transferred by each fastener for different lengths of the aluminum/composite assembly, once the strains from the test data are validated. 450 400 load transfer 350 300 250 200 150 abaqus 100 maple program 50 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 unit # Figure 5.54. Load Transfer Comparison for 24 Units (half of 48F case) for Aluminum/Composite Assembly (Thin Panel). 5.5 Load Transfer Prediction The load transfer of each fastener in the aluminum beam/composite panel assemblies can be predicted after the validation of the analytical model. Figures 5.55 to 5.66 show the load transfer prediction for different fastened lengths. Load transfers are compared for assemblies 100 without insulation and for assemblies with the co-cured Cirlex® layer for both thin and thick panel. It is noted that the peak stress of the aluminum beam occurs at the center of the assembly. This is because stress “accumulates” from the free ends and finally peaks at the center. However, the load transfer through the fasteners has the opposite trend. The end fasteners take the highest load while the fasteners at the center carry very little load. It is also noted that the peak load transfer is approximately reduced by 21 percent when the 0.06-inch Cirlex® layer is added in the thick composite panel and by 25 to 32 percent when the 0.12-inch Cirlex® layer is added in the thin composite panel. 66-Fastener 400 Load Transfer (lb) Without Insulation 300 With Cirlex 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.55. Load Transfer Comparison with and without Insulation Material for 66-Fastener Setup (Thick Panel). 101 48-Fastener 400 Load Transfer (lb) Without Insulation With Cirlex 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.56. Load Transfer Comparison with and without Insulation Material for 48-Fastener Setup (Thick Panel). 32-Fastener 400 Without Insulation Load Transfer (lb) With Cirlex 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.57. Load Transfer Comparison with and without Insulation Material for 32-Fastener Setup (Thick Panel). 102 24-Fastener 400 Without Insulation Load Transfer (lb) With Cirlex 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.58. Load Transfer Comparison with and without Insulation Material for 24-Fastener Setup (Thick Panel). 16-Fastener 400 Without Insulation With Cirlex Load Transfer (lb) 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.59. Load Transfer Comparison with and without Insulation Material for 16-Fastener Setup (Thick Panel). 103 8-Fastener Load Transfer (lb) 300 Without Insulation 200 With Cirlex 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.60. Load Transfer Comparison with and without Insulation Material for 8-Fastener Setup (Thick Panel). 66-Fastener 400 Load Transfer (lb) Without Insulation 300 With Cirlex 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.61. Load Transfer Comparison with and without Insulation Material for 66-Fastener Setup (Thin Panel). 104 48-Fastener 400 Load Transfer (lb) Without Insulation With Cirlex 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.62. Load Transfer Comparison with and without Insulation Material for 48-Fastener Setup (Thin Panel). 32-Fastener 400 Load Transfer (lb) Without Insulation With Cirlex 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.63. Load Transfer Comparison with and without Insulation Material for 32-Fastener Setup (Thin Panel). 105 24-Fastener 400 Load Transfer (lb) 300 200 100 Without Insulation With Cirlex 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.64. Load Transfer Comparison with and without Insulation Material for 24-Fastener Setup (Thin Panel). 16-Fastener Load Transfer (lb) 400 300 200 100 Without Insulation With Cirlex 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.65. Load Transfer Comparison with and without Insulation Material for 16-Fastener Setup (Thin Panel). 106 8-Fastener 400 Without Insulation Load Transfer (lb) With Cirlex 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x (in) Figure 5.66. Load Transfer Comparison with and without Insulation Material for 8-Fastener Setup (Thin Panel). 107 CHAPTER 6 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION FOR PARAMETRIC STUDY A method was developed for the working engineer to predict the load transfer due to CTE mismatch without doing any finite element modeling for different geometries and materials of the assembly. The five parameters required to determine the load transfer, as discussed in Chapter 3, are the equivalent areas of metallic beam and composite panel Aa and Ac, equivalent temperatures of metallic beam and composite panel Ta and Tc, and equivalent stiffness of the fastener Kf. The variables included in this study are the metal beam cross-section size and length, composite panel thickness, fastener diameter and spacing, and material of metal beam, as listed in Table 6.1. It should be noted that as the thickness of the beam changes the cross-section geometry also changes, i.e., the height of the metallic beam and lengths of the top and bottom flanges change with thickness of the beam. Therefore, the Z-beam geometries used for calculation are defined by Figure 6.1, with the values listed in Table 6.2. Table 6.1. Variables used to Calculate Aa, Ac, Ta, Tc, and Kf. Fastener Diameter (D) 0.1875" 0.25" 0.375" 4D 5D 6D Composite Panel Thickness (tp) 0.13" 0.25" 0.5" Metal Beam Thickness (tb) 0.04" 0.08" 0.125" Aluminum Titanium Steel Fastener Spacing (p) Metal Material 108 Figure 6.1. Dimensions of Metallic Z-Beams. Table 6.2. Z-Beam Dimensions According to Beam Thickness tb. Beam Thickness (tb) (inch) 0.125 α (inch) 1 β (inch) 1.75 γ (inch) 4 0.08 0.64 1.13 2.58 0.04 0.32 0.56 1.29 Using a design of experiments approach, the final matrix of finite element models to be conducted for five parameters (Aa, Ac, Ta, Tc and Kf) was developed. Fractional factorial designs were set up for all of them. The idea behind fractional factorial designs is to deliberately introduce aliasing in a controlled way. One-quarter fractional factorial design consisting of 27 models for each metal material was created for Aa, Ta, and Kf. For Tc, three models for different thicknesses of 0.13-inch, 0.25-inch, and 0.5-inch were developed for Ac . The 27 models in Table 6.3 were modeled and analyzed as described in Chapter 5. 109 Table 6.3. One-Quarter Fractional Factorial Design. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Fastener Diameter (D) (inch) 0.1875 0.1875 0.1875 0.1875 0.1875 0.1875 0.1875 0.1875 0.1875 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 Fastener Spacing 4D 4D 4D 5D 5D 5D 6D 6D 6D 4D 4D 4D 5D 5D 5D 6D 6D 6D 4D 4D 4D 5D 5D 5D 6D 6D 6D Thickness of Composite Panel (inch) 0.13 0.25 0.5 0.13 0.25 0.5 0.13 0.25 0.5 0.13 0.25 0.5 0.13 0.25 0.5 0.13 0.25 0.5 0.13 0.25 0.5 0.13 0.25 0.5 0.13 0.25 0.5 Thickness of Metal Beam (inch) 0.125 0.08 0.04 0.08 0.04 0.125 0.04 0.125 0.08 0.08 0.04 0.125 0.04 0.125 0.08 0.125 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.125 0.08 0.125 0.08 0.04 0.08 0.04 0.125 6.1 Equivalent Area of Metallic Beam (Aa) The equivalent area of the metallic beam is influenced by its thickness (tb), thickness of the composite panel (tp), fastener diameter (D), fastener spacing (p) and material of the beam. Three different metallic beam materials (aluminum, titanium and steel) were used, as shown in Table 6.1. 110 As discussed in Chapter 3, most of the load in the Z-beam was taken by the bottom flange of the beam. Therefore, more displacement was observed here. It can be noted from Section 3.1, that the equivalent area of the Z-beam is a function of distance. It can also be seen that the Zbeam equivalent area Aa, increased up to certain distance and then remained constant. After obtaining the equivalent area as a function of distance for the above 27 cases, the data was analyzed by a statistician, and equations in terms of thickness of the metallic beam tb, thickness of the composite panel tp, fastener diameter D, and fastener spacing were developed for the three metallic beam materials. A a (aluminum) = −3.325 − 9.718(t b t p ) 2 + 0.78t b 0.02401D 0.05306t b − + 3.1715e tb − tp tp De x p A a ( titanium) = −4.418 + 2.0808( Dt p ) 2 − 7.057t b t p D + 4.107e tb − A a ( steel ) = −4.272 − 0.02857 pD − 1.593t b t p D + 4.107e tb − 1.34t b De x p 1.34012t b De x p p: Spacing Parameter=4 for Fastener Spacing 4D, Spacing Parameter=5 for Fastener Spacing 5D, Spacing Parameter=6 for Fastener Spacing 6D 6.1.1 Comparison of Aa Obtained from FEM and Equation In this section, the equivalent area of the metallic beam obtained from finite element analysis is compared with that obtained from the developed equation for various cases mentioned in Table 6.3. From the comparisons shown in Figures 6.2 to 6.40, it can be noted that the developed equation predicts the equivalent area of the metallic beam very closely. 111 0.3 Aa (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (AL) EQUATION (AL) 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x (in) Figure 6.2. Equivalent Area Aa (aluminum) for D=0.1875",tb=0.13",tp=0.125". 0.4 0.35 Aa (in-in) 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 FEM (TI) 0.1 EQUATION (TI) 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x (in) a Figure 6.3. Equivalent Area A (titanium) for D=0.1875",tb=0.13",tp=0.125". 0.4 0.35 Aa (in-in) 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 FEM (ST) 0.1 EQUATION (ST) 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x (in) a Figure 6.4. Equivalent Area A (steel) for D=0.1875",tb=0.13",tp=0.125". 112 0.15 Aa (in-in) 0.125 0.1 0.075 0.05 FEM (AL) EQUATION (AL) 0.025 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x (in) Figure 6.5. Equivalent Area Aa (aluminum) for D=0.1875",tb=0.25",tp=0.08". 0.15 Aa (in-in) 0.125 0.1 0.075 0.05 FEM (TI) EQUATION (TI) 0.025 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x (in) a Figure 6.6. Equivalent Area A (titanium) for D=0.1875",tb=0.25",tp=0.08". 0.15 Aa (in-in) 0.125 0.1 0.075 0.05 FEM (ST) EQUATION (ST) 0.025 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x (in) a Figure 6.7. Equivalent Area A (steel) for D=0.1875",tb=0.25",tp=0.08". 113 0.15 Aa (in-in) 0.125 0.1 0.075 0.05 FEM (AL) EQUATION (AL) 0.025 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x (in) Figure 6.8. Equivalent Area Aa (aluminum) for D=0.1875",tb=0.13",tp=0.08". 0.15 Aa (in-in) 0.125 0.1 0.075 0.05 FEM (TI) EQUATION (TI) 0.025 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x (in) Figure 6.9. Equivalent Area Aa (titanium) for D=0.1875",tb=0.13",tp=0.08". 0.15 Aa (in-in) 0.125 0.1 0.075 0.05 FEM (ST) EQUATION (ST) 0.025 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x (in) Figure 6.10. Equivalent Area Aa (steel) for D=0.1875",tb=0.13",tp=0.08". 114 0.35 0.3 Aa (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (AL) EQUATION (AL) 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x (in) Figure 6.11. Equivalent Area Aa (aluminum) for D=0.1875",tb=0.5",tp=0.125". 0.35 0.3 Aa (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (TI) EQUATION (TI) 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x (in) Figure 6.12. Equivalent Area Aa (titanium) for D=0.1875",tb=0.5",tp=0.125". 0.35 0.3 Aa (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (ST) EQUATION (ST) 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x (in) a Figure 6.13. Equivalent Area A (steel) for D=0.1875",tb=0.5",tp=0.125". 115 0.35 0.3 Aa (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (AL) EQUATION (AL) 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x (in) Figure 6.14. Equivalent Area Aa (aluminum) for D=0.1875",tb=0.25",tp=0.125". 0.35 0.3 Aa (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (TI) EQUATION (TI) 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x (in) Figure 6.15. Equivalent Area Aa (titanium) for D=0.1875",tb=0.25",tp=0.125". 0.35 0.3 Aa (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (ST) EQUATION (ST) 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x (in) Figure 6.16. Equivalent Area Aa (steel) for D=0.1875",tb=0.25",tp=0.125". 116 0.15 Aa (in-in) 0.125 0.1 0.075 0.05 FEM (AL) EQUATION (AL) 0.025 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x (in) Figure 6.17. Equivalent Area Aa (aluminum) for D=0.25",tb=0.13",tp=0.08". 0.15 Aa (in-in) 0.125 0.1 0.075 0.05 FEM (TI) EQUATION (TI) 0.025 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x (in) a Figure 6.18. Equivalent Area A (titanium) for D=0.25",tb=0.13",tp=0.08". 0.15 Aa (in-in) 0.125 0.1 0.075 0.05 FEM (ST) EQUATION (ST) 0.025 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x (in) a Figure 6.19. Equivalent Area A (steel) for D=0.25",tb=0.13",tp=0.08". 117 0.35 FEM (AL) 0.3 EQUATION (AL) Aa (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x (in) Figure 6.20. Equivalent Area Aa (aluminum) for D=0.25",tb=0.5",tp=0.125". 0.35 0.3 Aa (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (TI) EQUATION (TI) 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x (in) Figure 6.21. Equivalent Area Aa (titanium) for D=0.25",tb=0.5",tp=0.125". 0.35 0.3 Aa (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (ST) EQUATION (ST) 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x (in) Figure 6.22. Equivalent Area Aa (steel) for D=0.25",tb=0.5",tp=0.125". 118 0.35 0.3 Aa (in-in) 0.25 FEM (AL) 0.2 EQUATION (AL) 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x (in) 7 8 9 10 Figure 6.23. Equivalent Area Aa (aluminum) for D=0.25",tb=0.25",tp=0.125". 0.35 0.3 Aa (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (TI) EQUATION (TI) 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x (in) a Figure 6.24. Equivalent Area A (titanium) for D=0.25",tb=0.25",tp=0.125". 0.35 0.3 Aa (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (ST) EQUATION (ST) 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x (in) Figure 6.25. Equivalent Area Aa (steel) for D=0.25",tb=0.25",tp=0.125". 119 0.125 Aa (in-in) 0.1 FEM (AL) 0.075 EQUATION (AL) 0.05 0.025 0 0 2 4 6 x (in) 8 10 12 Figure 6.26. Equivalent Area Aa (aluminum) for D=0.25",tb=0.25",tp=0.08". 0.125 Aa (in-in) 0.1 0.075 0.05 FEM (TI) 0.025 EQUATION (TI) 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 x (in) a Figure 6.27. Equivalent Area A (titanium) for D=0.25",tb=0.25",tp=0.08". 0.125 Aa (in-in) 0.1 0.075 0.05 FEM (ST) 0.025 EQUATION (ST) 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 x (in) a Figure 6.28. Equivalent Area A (steel) for D=0.25",tb=0.25",tp=0.08". 120 0.35 0.3 Aa (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (AL) 0.05 EQUATION (AL) 0 0 2 4 6 x (in) 8 10 12 Figure 6.29. Equivalent Area Aa (aluminum) for D=0.375",tb=0.25",tp=0.125". 0.35 0.3 Aa (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (TI) 0.05 EQUATION (TI) 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 x (in) Figure 6.30. Equivalent Area Aa (titanium) for D=0.375",tb=0.25",tp=0.125". 0.35 0.3 a A (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (ST) EQUATION (ST) 0.05 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 x (in) a Figure 6.31. Equivalent Area A (steel) for D=0.375",tb=0.25",tp=0.125". 121 Aa (in-in) 0.1 0.075 0.05 FEM (AL) 0.025 EQUATION (AL) 0 0 2 4 6 x (in) 8 10 12 Figure 6.32. Equivalent Area Aa (aluminum) for D=0.375",tb=0.5",tp=0.08". 0.125 a A (in-in) 0.1 0.075 0.05 FEM (TI) 0.025 EQUATION (TI) 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 x (in) a Figure 6.33. Equivalent Area A (titanium) for D=0.375",tb=0.5",tp=0.08". 0.125 a A (in-in) 0.1 0.075 0.05 FEM (ST) 0.025 EQUATION (ST) 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 x (in) a Figure 6.34. Equivalent Area A (steel) for D=0.375",tb=0.5",tp=0.08". 122 0.35 0.3 Aa (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (AL) 0.05 EQUATION (AL) 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 x (in) a Figure 6.35. Equivalent Area A (aluminum) for D=0.375",tb=0.13",tp=0.125". 0.35 0.3 a A (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (TI) 0.05 EQUATION (TI) 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 x (in) a Figure 6.36. Equivalent Area A (titanium) for D=0.375",tb=0.13",tp=0.125". 0.35 0.3 a A (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (ST) EQUATION (ST) 0.05 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 x (in) Figure 6.37. Equivalent Area Aa (steel) for D=0.375",tb=0.13",tp=0.125". 123 0.35 0.3 Aa (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (AL) 0.05 EQUATION (AL) 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 x (in) Figure 6.38. Equivalent Area Aa (aluminum) for D=0.375",tb=0.5",tp=0.125". 0.35 0.3 a A (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (TI) 0.05 EQUATION (TI) 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 x (in) a Figure 6.39. Equivalent Area A (titanium) for D=0.375",tb=0.5",tp=0.125". 0.35 0.3 a A (in-in) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 FEM (ST) EQUATION (ST) 0.05 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 x (in) a Figure 6.40. Equivalent Area A (steel) for D=0.375",tb=0.5",tp=0.125". 124 6.2 Equivalent Area of Composite Panel (Ac) The equivalent area Ac of the composite panel is a function of distance from where the load is applied. The area of the panel increases up to a certain distance from the free end and then remains constant. The equivalent area Ac of the panel does not depend on fastener size (D) and fastener spacing (p), which is explained in Figures 6.41 and 6.42 for a composite panel of thickness 0.25 inch thick and D=0.25 inch and three different fastener spacings of 4D, 5D, and 6D, respectively. However, as the thickness of the panel tp increases, the amount of area that takes load also increases, which can be seen in Figure 6.43. Ac for different diameters 4 3.5 Ac (in-in) 3 2.5 D=0.1875" 2 D=0.25" D=0.375" 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 15 x (in) 20 25 30 Figure 6.41. Equivalent Area Ac of 0.25" thick Composite Panel for Different Fastener Diameters. 125 4 4D 2 c A (in-in) 3 3D 6D 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 x (in) Figure 6.42. Equivalent Area Ac of Composite Panel as a Function of x (Steel Z-Beam with for tb=0.125", D=0.25", and Different p). 7 tp=0.13" tp=0.25" tp=0.5" 6 c A (in-in) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 x (in) Figure 6.43. Equivalent Area Ac as a Function of x for Different Panel Thicknesses. From Chapter 3, it can be seen that the composite panel equivalent area of composite panel Ac, increases up to certain distance and then remains constant. Therefore, an equation for this equivalent area Ac as a function of distance x was developed by analyzing data obtained from finite element analysis of three models of thicknesses 0.13 inch, 0.25 inch, and 0.5 inch. A c = −0.257 + 12.73t p e − x − 0.01025t p x 2 + 6.07t p ln x − 3.63t p 126 2 6.2.1 Comparison of Ac Obtained from FEM and Equation 7 6 c A (in-in) tp=0.13" (fem) 5 tp=0.25" (fem) 4 tp=0.5" (fem) tp=0.13" (equation) 3 tp=0.25" (equation) tp=0.5" (equation) 2 1 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 x (in) Pigure 6.44. Comparison of Equivalent Area Ac as a Function of x for Different panel Thicknesses. 6.3 Equivalent Temperature of Metallic Z-beam (Ta) The equivalent temperature of the Z-shape metallic beam Ta is a specific number, and it depends on parameters like fastener size D and spacing, material of the metallic beam, thickness of the metallic beam tb, and thickness of the composite panel tb. As discussed in Section 4.2.4, equivalent temperatures of the metallic beam were found for 27 cases as listed in Table 6.3. Using the data obtained from finite element analysis of these models, three equations for different beam materials were developed by a statistician. T a (aluminum) = −4.42 + 702.06t p t b − 4905.4(t p t b ) 2 T a ( titanium) = −11.05 + 784t p t b − 6212(t p t b ) 2 − 124t b D + p T a ( steel) = −8.23 + 810t p t b − 6437(t p t b ) 2 − 118.9t b D + 1.04 p p: Spacing Parameter=-1 for Fastener Spacing 4D, Spacing Parameter=0 for Fastener Spacing 5D, Spacing Parameter=1 for Fastener Spacing 6D 127 6.3.1 Comparison of Ta Obtained from FEM and Equation The equivalent temperature of the aluminum beam, Ta as a function of diameter of the fastener D was compared for various cases, keeping constant both thickness of the metallic beam tb and thickness of the composite panel tp. It can be seen that the equivalent temperatures of the metallic beam are lower when the titanium beam is used and higher when the aluminum beam is used, which is evident from the fact that the CTE of aluminum is higher than steel which is higher than that of titanium. Figures 6.45 to 6.49 show that the equation predicts the results very closely. t b and t p are constant 10 FEM(AL) 6 FEM(ST) 2 EQUATION(AL) 0 Ta ( F) FEM(TI) EQUATION(TI) -2 EQUATION(ST) -6 -10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 D (in) Figure 6.45. Comparison of Ta Obtained from FEM and Equations as a Function of Fastener Diameter D for tp=0.13", tb=0.125". 128 t b and t p are constant 10 FEM(AL) 6 FEM(ST) 2 EQUATION(AL) 0 Ta ( F) FEM(TI) EQUATION(TI) -2 EQUATION(ST) -6 -10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 D (in) Figure 6.46. Comparison of Ta Obtained from FEM and Equations as a Function of Fastener Diameter D for tp=0.25", tb=0.08". t b and t p are constant 20 FEM(AL) FEM(TI) 0 Ta ( F) 16 FEM(ST) 12 EQUATION(AL) EQUATION(TI) 8 EQUATION(ST) 4 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 D (in) Figure 6.47. Comparison of Ta Obtained from FEM and Equations as a Function of Fastener Diameter D for tp=0.5", tb=0.125". 129 t b and t p are constant 20 FEM(AL) FEM(TI) 0 Ta ( F) 16 FEM(ST) 12 EQUATION(AL) EQUATION(TI) 8 EQUATION(ST) 4 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 D (in) Figure 6.48. Comparison of Ta Obtained from FEM and Equations as a Function of Fastener Diameter D for tp=0.25", tb=0.125". t b and t p are constant 20 FEM(AL) FEM(TI) 0 Ta ( F) 16 FEM(ST) 12 EQUATION(AL) EQUATION(TI) 8 EQUATION(ST) 4 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 D (in) Figure 6.49. Comparison of Ta Obtained from FEM and Equations as a Function of Fastener Diameter D for tp=0.5", tb=0.08". 130 6.4 Equivalent Temperature of Composite Panel (Tc) The equivalent temperature of the composite panel Tc is a function of distance from the free end and depends on different factors such as fastener size and spacing, material of the metallic beam, thickness of the metallic beam, and thickness of the composite panel. Similarly, three equations for different materials of the metallic beam were developed using the data obtained from the 27 finite element models as T c (aluminum) = −18.1 + 0.1134 x 2 − 14.325 x + 45.55t b FS1 + 28.76t b FS 2 + 151.5t p t b − 18.66 D FS1=1 for Fastener Spacing 4D otherwise 0, FS2=1 for Fastener Spacing 5D otherwise 0. T c ( titanium ) = −12.2 + 0.894 x 2 − 11.97 x + 13.24t b FS1 − 5.4 ln D + 9.89 ln t b FS1=1 for Fastener Spacing 4D otherwise 0 T c ( steel ) = −7.71 + 0.0948 x 2 − 12.824 x + 13.9t b FS1 − 5.71 ln D + 10.79 ln t b FS1=1 for Fastener Spacing 4D otherwise 0 In all three equations, FS1 and FS2 are Spacing Parameters 6.4.1 Comparison of Tc Obtained from FEM and Equations Figures 6.50 to 6.85 show the comparison of equivalent temperatures of the composite panel as a function of distance from the free end. It can be seen that the equivalent temperatures of the panel are lower when a titanium beam was used and higher when an aluminum beam was used. These figures reveal a close prediction of Tc. 131 -10 FEM (AL) -20 EQUATION -30 c 0 T ( F) 0 -40 -50 -60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x (in) c Figure 6.50. Comparison of T (aluminum) for D=0.1875", tp=0.13", tb=0.125". -10 FEM (TI) -20 EQUATION ( ) -30 c 0 T ( F) 0 -40 -50 -60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x (in) Figure 6.51. Comparison of Tc (titanium) for D=0.1875", tp=0.13", tb=0.125". Tc ( 0F) 0 -10 FEM (ST) -20 EQUATION (S ) -30 -40 -50 0 1 2 3 x (in) 4 5 6 Figure 6.52. Comparison of Tc (steel) for D=0.1875", tp=0.13", tb=0.125". 132 0 -10 FEM (AL) Tc ( 0F) -20 EQUATION -30 -40 -50 -60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x (in) Figure 6.53. Comparison of Tc (aluminum) for D=0.1875", tp=0.25", tb=0.08". Tc ( 0F) 0 -10 FEM (TI) -20 EQUATION ( ) -30 -40 -50 -60 0 1 2 3 x (in) 4 5 6 Figure 6.54. Comparison of Tc (titanium) for D=0.1875", tp=0.25", tb=0.08". Tc ( 0F) 0 -10 FEM (ST) -20 EQUATION -30 -40 -50 -60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x (in) Figure 6.55. Comparison of Tc (steel) for D=0.1875", tp=0.25", tb=0.08". 133 -10 FEM (AL) -20 EQUATION -30 c 0 T ( F) 0 -40 -50 -60 0 2 4 6 8 x (in) Figure 6.56. Comparison of Tc (aluminum) for D=0.1875", tp=0.13", tb=0.08". Tc ( 0F) 0 -10 FEM (TI) -20 EQUATION ( ) -30 -40 -50 -60 0 2 4 x (in) 6 8 Figure 6.57. Comparison of Tc (titanium) for D=0.1875", tp=0.13", tb=0.08". Tc ( 0F) 0 -10 FEM (ST) -20 EQUATION -30 -40 -50 -60 0 2 4 x (in) 6 8 Figure 6.58. Comparison of Tc (steel) for D=0.1875", tp=0.13", tb=0.08". 134 0 -10 FEM (AL) Tc ( 0 F) -20 EQUATION -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 0 1 2 3 4 x (in) 5 6 7 Figure 6.59. Comparison of Tc (aluminum) for D=0.1875", tp=0.25", tb=0.04" 0 -10 FEM (TI) Tc ( 0 F) -20 EQUATION -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 0 1 2 3 4 x (in) 5 6 7 Figure 6.60. Comparison of Tc (titanium) for D=0.1875", tp=0.25", tb=0.04" 0 -10 FEM (ST) Tc ( 0 F) -20 EQUATION (S ) -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x (in) Figure 6.61. Comparison of Tc (steel) for D=0.1875", tp=0.25", tb=0.04". 135 -10 FEM (AL) -20 EQUATION ( ) -30 c 0 T ( F) 0 -40 -50 -60 0 1 2 3 4 5 x (in) 6 7 8 9 Figure 6.62. Comparison of Tc (aluminum) for D=0.1875", tp=0.25", tb=0.125". Tc ( 0 F) 0 -10 FEM (TI) -20 EQUATION -30 -40 -50 -60 0 1 2 3 4 5 x (in) 6 7 8 9 Figure 6.63. Comparison of Tc (titanium) for D=0.1875", tp=0.25", tb=0.125". -10 FEM (ST) -20 EQUATION -30 c 0 T ( F) 0 -40 -50 -60 0 1 2 3 4 5 x (in) 6 7 8 9 Figure 6.64. Comparison of Tc (steel) for D=0.1875", tp=0.25", tb=0.125". 136 -10 FEM (AL) -20 EQUATION ( ) c 0 T ( F) 0 -30 -40 -50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x (in) Figure 6.65. Comparison of Tc (aluminum) for D=0.25", tp=0.5", tb=0.125". Tc ( 0 F) 0 -10 FEM (TI) -20 EQUATION -30 -40 -50 -60 0 1 2 3 4 x (in) 5 6 7 8 Figure 6.66. Comparison of Tc (titanium) for D=0.25", tp=0.5", tb=0.125". Tc ( 0 F) 0 -10 FEM (ST) -20 EQUATION (S ) -30 -40 -50 -60 0 1 2 3 4 x (in) 5 6 7 8 Figure 6.67. Comparison of Tc (steel) for D=0.25", tp=0.5", tb=0.125". 137 Tc ( 0 F) 0 -10 FEM (AL) -20 EQUATION -30 -40 -50 -60 0 1 2 3 4 x (in) 5 6 7 8 Figure 6.68. Comparison of Tc (aluminum) for D=0.25", tp=0.13", tb=0.08". Tc ( 0F) 0 -10 FEM (TI) -20 EQUATION ( ) -30 -40 -50 -60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x (in) Figure 6.69. Comparison of Tc (titanium) for D=0.25", tp=0.13", tb=0.08". 0 -10 FEM (ST) Tc ( 0F) -20 EQUATION -30 -40 -50 -60 0 1 2 3 4 x (in) 5 6 7 8 Figure 6.70. Comparison of Tc (steel) for D=0.25", tp=0.13", tb=0.08". 138 Tc ( 0 F) 0 -10 FEM (AL) -20 EQUATION -30 -40 -50 -60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x (in) 7 8 9 10 Figure 6.71. Comparison of Tc (aluminum) for D=0.25", tp=0.25", tb=0.125". Tc ( 0 F) 0 -10 FEM (TI) -20 EQUATION ( ) -30 -40 -50 -60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x (in) 7 8 9 10 Figure 6.72. Comparison of Tc (titanium) for D=0.25", tp=0.25", tb=0.125". 0 -10 FEM (ST) Tc ( 0F) -20 EQUATION (S ) -30 -40 -50 -60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x (in) 7 8 9 10 Figure 6.73. Comparison of Tc (steel) for D=0.25", tp=0.25", tb=0.125". 139 0 -10 FEM (AL) Tc ( 0 F) -20 EQUATION ( ) -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 0 2 4 6 x (in) 8 10 12 Figure 6.74. Comparison of Tc (aluminum) for D=0.25", tp=0.25", tb=0.08". 0 -10 FEM (TI) Tc ( 0F) -20 EQUATION -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 0 2 4 6 x (in) 8 10 12 Figure 6.75. Comparison of Tc (titanium) for D=0.25", tp=0.25", tb=0.08". 0 -10 FEM (ST) Tc ( 0 F) -20 EQUATION -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 0 2 4 6 x (in) 8 10 12 Figure 6.76. Comparison of Tc (steel) for D=0.25", tp=0.25", tb=0.08". 140 0 -10 FEM (AL) Tc ( 0F) -20 EQUATION ( ) -30 -40 -50 -60 0 2 4 6 x (in) 8 10 12 Figure 6.77. Comparison of Tc (aluminum) for D=0.375", tp=0.25", tb=0.125". -10 FEM (TI) -20 EQUATION -30 c 0 T ( F) 0 -40 -50 -60 0 2 4 6 x (in) 8 10 12 Figure 6.78. Comparison of Tc (titanium) for D=0.375", tp=0.25", tb=0.125". 0 -10 FEM (ST) Tc ( 0 F) -20 EQUATION (S ) -30 -40 -50 -60 0 2 4 6 x (in) 8 10 12 Figure 6.79. Comparison of Tc (steel) for D=0.375", tp=0.25", tb=0.125". 141 0 -10 FEM (AL) Tc ( 0F) -20 EQUATION ( ) -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 0 2 4 6 8 x (in) 10 12 14 Figure 6.80. Comparison of Tc (aluminum) for D=0.375", tp=0.13", tb=0.125". 0 -10 FEM (TI) Tc ( 0F) -20 EQUATION ( ) -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 x (in) Figure 6.81. Comparison of Tc (titanium) for D=0.375", tp=0.13", tb=0.125". Tc ( 0 F) 0 -10 FEM (ST) -20 EQUATION (S ) -30 -40 -50 -60 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 x (in) Figure 6.82. Comparison of Tc (steel) for D=0.375", tp=0.13", tb=0.125". 142 Tc ( 0 F) 0 -10 FEM (AL) -20 EQUATION ( ) -30 -40 -50 -60 0 2 4 6 8 10 x (in) 12 14 16 18 Figure 6.83. Comparison of Tc (aluminum) for D=0.375", tp=0.5", tb=0.125". 0 -10 FEM (TI) Tc ( 0F) -20 EQUATION -30 -40 -50 -60 0 2 4 6 8 10 x (in) 12 14 16 18 Figure 6.84. Comparison of Tc (titanium) for D=0.375", tp=0.5", tb=0.125". 0 -10 FEM (ST) Tc ( 0F) -20 EQUATION (S ) -30 -40 -50 -60 0 2 4 6 8 10 x (in) 12 14 16 18 Figure 6.85. Comparison of Tc (steel) for D=0.375", tp=0.5", tb=0.125". 143 6.5 Equivalent Stiffness of the Fastener (Kf) Similarly, equivalent stiffness of the fastener Kf also depends on fastener size, spacing, thickness of the metallic beam and composite panel, and also material of the metallic beam. As discussed in Chapter 3, the equivalent stiffness of the fastener was calculated from the displacements of each unit of the Z-beam and composite panel, and the summation of contact forces. The equations obtained from SAS analysis of 27 models for calculating equivalent stiffness of the fastener for three different metallic beams are 2 K f (aluminum) = 2754421 − 22299256t b 90727 − 7216639043( t b t p ) 4 + − 2522476e tb D 2 Dp ( pD) K f ( titanium ) = 8677548 + 148242t b 4 − 9155528e −tb − 1954562t p D 2 K f ( steel ) = −2193016 + 8133495t b p + 1506070e D + 26486 D2 p: Spacing Parameter=4 for Fastener Spacing 4D, Parameter=5 for Fastener Spacing 5D, Parameter=6 for Fastener Spacing 6D 6.5.1 Comparison of Kf Obtained from FEA and Equations This section compares the values of stiffness of the fastener obtained using FEA and those obtained using the developed equation in Figures 6.86 to 6.89. Since the stiffness of the fastener is a single number, the comparison is done by varying the diameter of the fasteners, keeping the thickness of the metallic beam and thickness of the composite panel constant. 144 16 14 FEM (AL) 12 Kf (lb/in)10 5 FEM (TI) 10 FEM (ST) 8 EQUATION (AL) 6 EQUATION (TI) EQUATION (ST) 4 2 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 D (in) Figure 6.86. Comparison of Kf Obtained from FEM and Equations as a Function of Fastener Diameter D for tp=0.25", tb=0.125". 16 14 FEM (AL) 12 Kf (lb/in)10 5 FEM (TI) 10 FEM (ST) 8 EQUATION (AL) 6 EQUATION (TI) EQUATION (ST) 4 2 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 D (in) Figure 6.87. Comparison of Kf Obtained from FEM and Equations as a Function of Fastener Diameter D for tp=0.13", tb=0.125". 145 16 14 FEM (AL) 12 Kf (lb/in)10 5 FEM (TI) 10 FEM (ST) 8 EQUATION (AL) 6 EQUATION (TI) EQUATION (ST) 4 2 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 D (in) Figure 6.88. Comparison of Kf Obtained from FEM and Equations as a Function of Fastener Diameter D for tp=0.5", tb=0.125". 6 Kf (lb/in)10 5 FEM (AL) FEM (TI) 4 FEM (ST) EQUATION (AL) EQUATION (TI) 2 EQUATION (ST) 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 D (in) Figure 6.89. Comparison of Kf Obtained from FEM and Equations as a Function of Fastener Diameter D for tp=0.5", tb=0.08". 146 CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS An analytical model was developed to investigate the behavior of a fastened aluminum/composite assembly under thermal loads. Necessary parameters, such as equivalent area, equivalent temperature, and equivalent fastener stiffness, were determined by finite element analyses. Two 68 inches by 36 inches by 0.13 inches (thin panel) composite panel/aluminum beam assemblies and two 68 inches by 36 inches by 0.25 inches (thick panel) fabricated were tested using an environmental chamber. Two of the four composite panels have three Cirlex® strips (68"×2.75"×0.06" for the 0.25-inch thick panel and 68"×2.75"×0.12" for the 0.13-inch thin panel) embedded in the mid-plane of the composite panel and co-cured with the prepreg. The Cirlex® strips, located where the aluminum beams were fastened, acted as a thermal barrier to reduce heat loss and raise the temperature of the aluminum beams. The effect of beam length was also studied. 7.1 Conclusions The following conclusions related to load transfer behavior in a bolted joint are drawn from this investigation: • The developed analytical model for a thermal-loading condition predicts accurate load transfer across the fasteners. Hence, the model can be used to predict and reduce thermal stresses in hybrids of aluminum and composite structures. • The analytical model can be used to calculate load transfer across the fasteners in joints of different shapes and material properties, which would assist designers. • The peak load transfer can be reduced when the Cirlex® layer is added to the composite panel. It is also noted that the peak load transfer is approximately reduced by 21 percent 147 when the 0.06-inch Cirlex® layer is added in the thick composite panel and by 25 to 32 percent when the 0.12-inch Cirlex® layer is added in the thin composite panel. • Parameters included in the analytical model, such as equivalent areas, Young’s modulus, CTEs of the substrates, and temperature change of the aluminum/composite assemblies, can be changed to analyze assemblies with different materials, geometries, and dimensions in other applications. In other words, the developed models can be applied not only to the aluminum/composite assemblies but also to any fastened assemblies with dissimilar materials. Effects from assembly geometry, such as substrate length, on stress levels can be predicted. Therefore, the models can assist designers in reducing structure loads due to CTE mismatch. • The concept of using a β factor is efficient to compare the strain results obtained from the analytical model with the experimental surface strains, and this method of determining joint flexibility can be used to design the joints effectively. • To investigate the bolted joint behavior, it is not necessary to build the FE model of the complete joint, thereby reducing the computational time. • Equations correlating the five parameters with geometric and material properties can be provided. 7.2 Recommendations • The analytical model developed can be further modified to calculate the out-of-plane load transfer due to the warping effect of the joint subjected to temperature change. • The analytical model developed can be verified when an I-beam or any other crosssections are used instead of a Z-beam. 148 REFERENCES 149 LIST OF REFERENCES [1] Bickford, J. 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