
First Grade News
In The Classroom
Valentine’s Day
The Valentine’s party will be held in the
afternoon on Friday, February 12th. Class lists
were previously sent home, but additional
copies are available. Your child should bring a
card for each classmate.
Important Dates
February 5th
Class Pictures
February 10th
Report Cards go Home
February 12th
Valentine’s Day Party
February 15th
President’s Day/No
Now that winter is here, please send
children in with warm coats, hats, and
gloves. Students only stay in at recess when
the temperature is below freezing. We
welcome donations of pencils, glue sticks,
and sanitizer wipes. Thank you!
In Math, students will use non-standard
units to measure length. They will create a
train of blocks, paperclips, popsicle sticks (etc.)
to measure length. Students will use a third
object to compare the lengths of two items.
When a third object is used, it is called the
Law of Transitivity.
In Reading, students will use text
features to locate facts from information
books and websites. First graders will examine
the natural features, climate, and humanmade features in the United States of
America. They will also work in small groups to
study these features in states as well.
Remember to have your child read for fifteen
minutes each night.
In Writing, first graders will use
prepositions to describe where things are
located. Students will also learn how to take
notes and use them to write informative
In Social Studies, the students will learn
how maps are created using a “bird’s- eye”
view. They will practice making a map with a
title, compass rose, and a key.
In Science, the students will study rocks,
sand, and soil in our environment. They will use
their observation skills to compare samples of
these earth materials.
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