Office of the Superintendent of Schools MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Rockville, Maryland May 25, 2004 MEMORANDUM To: Members of the Board of Education From: Jerry D. Weast, Superintendent of Schools Subject: Continued Improvement in Second Grade Achievement on a Nationally Standardized Assessment of Reading, Language, and Mathematics Four years ago, the plans for improving the early literacy skills for a new generation of children were implemented by the Montgomery County Public Schools. The effort targeted kindergarten as the gateway to elementary school and began the incremental improvement of what children were expected to know and be able to do in each subsequent grade level. Last year, the first group of children to experience those reforms reached second grade and produced record levels of achievement on a nationally standardized assessment of reading, language, and mathematics. This spring, the second group of children followed and set new records. The more than 9,900 students in Grade 2 this year—one of the most racially and ethnically diverse grade levels in the school system—achieved at least the 68th median national percentile (language) and scored as high as the 87th median national percentile (language mechanics), the highest ever performance on the Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills (CTBS).1 African American students scored above the national average in every subject on this assessment for the first time, with the highest performance in mathematics computation (68th median national percentile). They were matched by Hispanic students, who narrowly missed the national average in only one subject (reading), but reached the 76th median national percentile in mathematics computation. Overall, 75 percent of second grade scores were at or above the national average, compared to 70 percent last year and 65 percent four years ago. The national average was matched or exceeded by 61 percent of scores for Hispanic students, 60 percent for African American students, 56 percent for students receiving federal meal assistance, 50 percent for students receiving English language assistance, and 48 percent for students in special education. Each of these achievements surpassed previous levels of performance. This year’s performance levels build on a robust record of steady, incremental improvements in student achievement since the kindergarten reforms were first implemented. Median scores for African American students, for example, have climbed from the 35th median national percentile in mathematics four years ago to the 60th median national percentile this year. This progression 1 Stevenson, J. W., & Schatz, C. (2004). Results of the Spring 2004 Administration of the Grade 2 TerrNova Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills. Rockville, MD: Montgomery County Public Schools. Members of the Board of Education 2 May 25, 2004 of improvement was foreshadowed by a series of reports beginning in 2001 that documented the implementation of the school system’s early childhood education reforms that targeted the teaching and learning of reading and mathematics skills at the earliest possible age.2 At that time, there was great controversy about the appropriateness of the reform initiatives and whether children at risk of academic failure because of poverty and language would succeed in an academically rigorous school environment. In 1999-2000, for example, only 45 percent of scores for African American students and 44 percent for Hispanic students were at or above the national average (see Figure 1). Four years ago, 76 percent of scores for white and Asian students met or exceeded that benchmark, setting a comparative distinction that defined a significant portion of the achievement gap by race and ethnicity. The gains since then not only narrowed the gap but also occurred with improved achievement for all groups of students. Indeed, the performance gains by special education Figure 1: Increase in Percentage of Scores At or Above National Average by Race and Ethnicity Since 2000 2 Bridges-Cline, F. (2001). Kindergarten student progress: acquisition of reading skills year 1 of the MCPS kindergarten initiative 2000-2001. Rockville, MD: Montgomery County Public Schools. See also: Bridges-Cline, F. (2002). Results of the MCPS assessment program: 2001-02 kindergarten reading report. Rockville, MD: Montgomery County Public Schools; See also: Cooper-Martin, E., & Alban, T. (2003). Evaluation of the Montgomery County Public Schools assessment program: grades 1 and 2 reading. Rockville, MD: Montgomery County Public Schools; and See also: Curry-Corcoran, D., & Alban, T. (2003). Report on kindergarten student progress in reading for 2002-2003. Rockville, MD: Montgomery County Public Schools. Members of the Board of Education 3 May 25, 2004 students, students receiving English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), and students receiving Free and Reduced-price Meals System (FARMS) underscore the ideal situation in which achievement gaps narrow even as all groups of children improve (see Figure 2). Figure 2: Increase in Percentage of Scores At or Above National Average for Students Receiving Special Services Since 2000 The transformation in Grade 2 achievement has occurred against a backdrop of increased demographic diversity. The majority of students tested was comprised of African American students (21 percent), Hispanic students (20 percent), or Asian students (15 percent). Hispanic student enrollment has grown by 522 students (35 percent) since 2000. White student enrollment has declined by 14 percent (723 students) to 43 percent overall. The success of the reform initiatives under these conditions has been cited repeatedly at the national level,3 most recently at this year’s conferences of the National School Boards Association and the American Association of School Administrators. This July, a school system report on the Early Success Performance Plan: Closing the Gap for our Youngest Learners will be presented at the 2004 National Forum on Education Policy, sponsored by the Education Commission of the States. Nonetheless, there is still much work to be done. Achieving consistent steady progress in every subject area reflects the central challenge facing the school system. ESOL students, for example, achieved at the 76th median national percentile in mathematics computation but declined in reading to the 34th median national percentile, even though they increased to the 43rd median national percentile in language. This inconsistency is occurring as the population of ESOL has dramatically increased. Since 2000, the ESOL enrollment in Grade 2 has grown by 19 percent, to 911 students, reflecting the expansion of this segment of the student population in 3 For example, see Hodgkinson, H. L. (2003). Leaving too many children behind: a demographer's view on the neglect of America's youngest children. Washington, D.C.: Institute for Educational Leadership. Members of the Board of Education 4 May 25, 2004 Montgomery County. The county already has nearly half of the state’s ESOL population and one of the largest ESOL enrollments in the Washington area. The improved performance is building on a record of achievement across much of the school system. Nonetheless, the number of schools achieving levels of median performance in each subject area at or above the national average has increased substantially in four years, reaching its highest levels this year (see Figure 3). This underscores the strength of individual school instructional programs as improvement efforts continue to target specific groups of students. Figure 3: Percentage of Schools with Grade 2 Median Performance At or Above the National Average by Subject Area on CTBS Subject Percent in 2000 Percent in 2004 Reading 74% (87) 89% (106) Language 74% (87) 94% (112) Mathematics 85% (100) 100% (119) Language Mechanics 96% (113) 99% (118) Mathematics Computation 78% (92) 100% (119) Compared to 119 elementary schools with Grade 2 classes in 2004, and 118 schools in 2000 The school system has focused considerable support and attention on 17 schools with the largest percentage of students participating in FARMS as a measure of the impact of poverty. As a group, the performance improvements are noteworthy, with the performance of students accelerating in the last two years as the children who first benefited from full-day kindergarten in these schools reached second grade in 2003 and 2004 (see Figure 4). Notable increases this year were made in mathematics and mathematics computation. Figure 4: Increase in Median National Percentile Ranks among Grade 2 Students in the 17 Focus Schools from 2000 to 2004 on the CTBS Subject 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Reading 40 40 40 47 47 Language 43 43 43 43 55 Mathematics 43 43 43 52 70 Language Mechanics 55 55 55 65 65 Mathematics Computation 49 49 58 76 83 Much of the early evidence of success has depended on locally designed and implemented assessments of students at the early grades. The use of CTBS in Grade 2, however, provides the first opportunity for young students to complete a norm-referenced assessment that is used throughout the country as a nationally standardized benchmark of academic performance. The test provides the school system with median national percentile data that can be correlated to other measures and used analytically to assess long-term implications of the elementary school reform initiatives. Preliminary analyses by the Office of Shared Accountability, for example, Members of the Board of Education 5 May 25, 2004 indicate that student performance on the CTBS in Grade 2 is statistically related to student performance on the Maryland School Assessment (MSA) for Grade 3. The expectation is that students who reach the 50th median national percentile rank this year on the CTBS will be able to meet the state’s proficiency standards on the MSA next year. We will continue to use the CTBS for Grade 2 both as a predictive measure for future performance and as an assessment of progress made in the preceding grade levels. We know that it is not sufficient to wait until Grade 3 for a standardized measure of student performance, especially under the weight of state and federal requirements under the No Child Left Behind Act. Even though the state has discontinued the CTBS for all grade levels, it remains a useful assessment for the monitoring of student achievement at this time. Conclusion These results are not occurring in a vacuum. Evidence of increased achievement in Grade 4 last year on the CTBS hinted at the accelerated pace now evident in Grade 2. The pace is likely to accelerate again next year as the third group of students who received the early education reforms reaches Grade 2. Their ascendancy to the higher ranks of school performance is generating great expectations in the intermediate grades of elementary school, as well as among teachers and principals in middle and high schools. Our strategy in the reform effort was to begin with kindergarten and move forward, while also working back from high school. Already, the indications of more rigorous instruction and achievement grow by the month as data emerge about the percentage of students completing accelerated math in elementary and middle school, Algebra 1 or higher level math in Grade 8, and honors and Advanced Placement courses in high school. We know that a great deal of patience was required four years ago when expectations were raised by the Our Call to Action report in November 1999 and the subsequent audits, reforms, and strategic plans. The controversies that surrounded the decisions by the Board of Education to overhaul the kindergarten program seem far removed from excitement and promise being generated today. The continuing support from the County Executive and County Council for the Board of Education’s decision to improve early education programs, expand full-day kindergarten, increase staff development, and invest in grade level assessments, accountability, and technology have helped stabilize the school system’s focus on improving student achievement. Nonetheless, we know how difficult the last four years have been, and we can anticipate more challenges in the future, especially as our county continues to raise expectations for an increasingly diverse school system. The difference now, however, is that we are building on hard data from the success of our youngest students. JDW:kmy Attachment Copy to: Executive Staff Results of the Spring 2004 Administration of the Grade 2 TerraNova Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills (CTBS) Office of Shared Accountability May 2004 Jose W. Stevenson, Ph.D. Coordinator of Testing Carol Schatz, Ph.D. Evaluation Specialist OFFICE OF SHARED ACCOUNTABILITY Dr. Theresa Alban, Acting Director 850 Hungerford Drive Rockville, Maryland 20850 (301) 279-3448 Dr. Jerry D. Weast Dr. Frieda K. Lacey Superintendent of Schools Chief of Staff Results of the Spring 2004 Administration of the Grade 2 TerraNova Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills (CTBS) Four years ago Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) embarked on a series of academic reforms in early elementary school education, which included, among other features, a revised kindergarten curriculum, a strong emphasis on reading and mathematics, and sharply reduced class sizes (15:1 in kindergarten and 17:1 in Grades 1 and 2). The second group of students to receive the benefits of these reforms has now reached Grade 2, and the effect of these reforms continue to positively influence the achievement of these students in key content areas measured by the nationally normed TerraNova Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills (CTBS).1 Countywide results from the spring 2004 administration of the CTBS show that this year’s Grade 2 students earned major gains in reading, mathematics, and language mechanics relative to the 2003 results, while maintaining a high level of performance in language and mathematics computation. The median national percentile rank these students earned on the language mechanics and the mathematics computation content areas is now above the 80th national percentile, the first time that two CTBS results in MCPS have reached this level of achievement.2 These results are shown below in Table 1 and in Attachment B. Table 1 Grade 2 Median National Percentile Ranks for the Nation and MCPS 2000–2004 MCPS 3 Subtest Nation 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Reading 50 64 64 64 64 73 Language 50 55 68 68 68 68 Mathematics 50 70 70 70 70 79 Language Mechanics 50 77 77 77 77 87 Mathematics Computation 50 68 68 76 83 83 The sections that follow reveal the same pattern of success among racial and ethnic groups, especially African American and Hispanic students, and among students who receive support services, particularly students who receive special educations services. Improvements also were evident among the elementary schools that have been the focus of targeted interventions over the past several years. These gains are notable because of the large numbers of students tested, particularly Hispanic students. Since 2000, the number of Hispanic students has grown from 1,486 to 2,008, or a 35 percent increase (Attachment A). Increased participation generally leads to declining scores. Yet, this is not the case among MCPS Hispanic students in Grade 2. ______________________ 1. 2. 3. The Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills (CTBS), 5th edition, is a component of the TerraNova series of assessments published by CTB/McGraw-Hill. The TerraNova CTBS was normed nationally in 1996. The median is the middle score of a group. That is, half of the scores are above it and half are below. Thus, if the median national percentile rank for a group of local students is 78, one can then say that half of the students in the local group outperformed 78 percent of students in the national reference group. Results for 2000 were recalculated in order to make them comparable with the 2001–2004 results. The original 2000 results were not comparable because the student inclusion criteria used by the Maryland State Department of Education to calculate median national percentile ranks was different from the criterion used since 2001. 1 Results by Racial/Ethnic Groups Table 2 below shows positive strides in many areas for each racial and ethnic group since 2000, and particularly over the past two years. During this period, African American and Hispanic students have made measurable progress towards the level of performances of their Asian American and White peers. In 2004, African American students are performing above the national average, or 50th percentile, in all of the CTBS content areas, with three of these at or above the 60th percentile. Hispanic students on the other hand have consistently improved their reading scores over time to within three points from the national average in 2004. Their performance on the other four content areas is now above the national average, especially mathematics computation, which surpassed the 70th percentile, the first ever for this minority group. White and Asian American students continued to maintain or improve their already high performance. Both groups have performances in mathematics computation at or above the 90th percentile. This year Asian American students also posted a median national rank above the 90th percentile in language mechanics (Attachment B). Table 2 Grade 2 Median National Percentile Ranks by Race/Ethnicity, 2000–2004 African American Asian American Subtest 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 Reading 40 47 40 47 64 73 73 73 55 Language 43 43 43 43 68 68 68 82 55 Mathematics 35 43 43 43 79 79 87 79 60 Language Mechanics 55 65 55 65 87 87 79 87 65 Mathematics Computation 40 49 49 68 87 90 90 94 68 Subtest Reading Language Mathematics Language Mechanics Mathematics Computation White 2002 2003 82 82 82 82 79 79 2004 73 82 87 94 94 2000 40 35 43 2001 34 43 43 Hispanic 2002 34 43 43 2003 40 43 52 2004 47 55 60 2000 82 68 79 2001 82 68 79 55 55 55 65 65 77 87 87 87 87 49 49 49 68 76 68 76 83 90 90 2004 82 82 87 Results by Gender Results for male and female students in 2004 were the same for language (68th percentile), mathematics (79th percentile), and mathematics computation (83rd percentile). Female students did better than male students in reading (73rd vs. 64th percentile) and language mechanics (87th vs. 77th percentile). (Attachment B). 2 Results of Nonstandard Administrations Students who take the CTBS mathematics computation subtest with a calculator in accordance with their Individualized Education Program or Section 504 Plan participate in nonstandard administrations of this subtest. A total of 87 students used this accommodation (less than 1 percent of the students in Grade 2 who took the Mathematics Computation subtest). Their median percentile rank was 94. Results by Support Services Like the trend for racial/ethnic groups, the performance of students receiving support services, which includes English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), special education, and Free and Reduced-price Meals System (FARMS), also shows an ongoing trend toward higher scores on the CTBS over time, and particularly in 2003 and 2004, when the first two groups of students that received the advantages of reforms began to take the CTBS. ESOL students, while experiencing a decline in reading this year, have made considerable progress since 2000. Their 2004 performance in mathematics computation surpassed the 76th national percentile, the first time ever for this group. Like their ESOL counterparts, the performance of students receiving FARMS services also surpassed the 70th national percentile in 2004, the first time ever for this group as well. Their scores on this content area and in language mechanics and mathematics are now above the national average. Finally, in 2004, students receiving special education services moved out of a pattern of mixed performances in previous years to one of substantial gains in every CTBS content area. Their performance is now above the national average in three of the five content areas. These results are summarized on Table 3 below. Subtest Reading Language Mathematics Language Mechanics Mathematics Computation Table 3 Median National Percentile Ranks for Grade 2 Students Receiving Support Services, 2000–2004 ESOL Special Education 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 25 21 25 40 34 34 40 40 34 27 21 35 35 27 27 27 27 43 29 29 35 43 29 29 35 35 52 2004 47 35 52 45 36 45 55 55 45 45 45 45 55 40 31 49 68 76 40 40 49 58 68 Subtest Reading Language Mathematics Language Mechanics Mathematics Computation 2000 34 35 35 55 40 2001 34 35 35 55 40 3 FARMS 2002 34 35 35 55 49 2003 40 43 43 55 58 2004 47 43 52 65 76 What is remarkable about the gains of ESOL students is that they have occurred within a context of increasing participation rates. It is usually expected that as a higher number of students take a test, the scores will decline. This has not materialized for these students on this test, even though the number of ESOL students tested rose by 19 percent in the 2000–2004 period. The participation rate of students receiving FARMS and special education services has also risen by 2 and 1 percent, respectively, in the same period (Attachment A). Results by School A total of 118 elementary schools participated in the Grade 2 CTBS testing in 2000 and 2001, while a total of 119 schools participated in 2002 to 2004. Attachment H presents school-byschool results. In 2004 the majority of schools received a median national percentile rank well above the national average in all CTBS content areas. All 119 schools are above the national average in mathematics and mathematics computation. Table 5 summarizes these results. Table 5 Number (N) and Percentage (%) of MCPS Schools Scoring at the 50th Median National Percentile Rank and Above, 2000–2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 Subtest N % N % N % N % Reading 87 90 90 93 74 76 76 78 Language 87 94 92 92 74 80 77 77 Mathematics 100 85 104 88 104 87 111 93 Language Mechanics 113 96 112 95 115 97 118 99 Mathematics Computation 92 95 78 81 105 88 117 98 2004 N % 106 89 112 94 119 100 118 99 119 100 A substantial number of the 119 elementary schools received a median national percentile rank of 75 or above in 2004. Such a performance places the average students in these schools at the top 25 percent in the nation. As can be seen on Table 6 below, the number of schools reaching this level of excellence since 2000 has increased across all content areas. Eighty percent of all schools received a median national percentile rank of 75 in language mechanics, and 90 percent of schools achieved the same performance in Mathematics Computation in 2004. Table 6 Number (N) and Percentage (%) of MCPS Schools Scoring at the 75th Median National Percentile Rank and Above, 2000–2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 Subtest N % N % N % N % Reading 24 24 31 37 20 20 26 31 Language 25 27 30 31 21 23 25 26 Mathematics 39 40 46 54 33 34 39 45 Language Mechanics 60 65 78 77 51 55 66 65 Mathematics Computation 49 49 66 94 42 42 55 79 4 2004 N % 44 37 50 42 69 58 95 80 107 90 Results for the CTBS Battery Index and Focus Schools An analysis of the number of students and the percentage of their scores at the 50th national percentile rank and above (i.e., the CTBS battery index) and an examination of the performance of students in the 17 schools most highly impacted by poverty and second language learning provide additional evidence that the school reforms are making a sustained difference in academic achievement for all children. As these reforms began to take hold among students and schools following the first few years of implementation, the rate of achievement accelerated. The CTBS Battery Index is similar to the standards of performance required by the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation, namely, the percentage of students who performed at or above a designated cut score. For this analysis, the cut score is the CTBS 50th national percentile rank, since it is the national average and it is slightly above the proficiency standards of the NCLBmandated Maryland School Assessment (MSA) for Grade 3. On the basis of this cut score, results can be combined across subtests to provide an overall performance indicator on the battery of CTBS tests. The resulting CTBS battery index is then the percentage of scores that are at or above the CTBS 50th national percentile across the five CTBS subtests. The 2000–2004 trend data in Table 4 show that the CTBS battery index remained stable, for the most part, for all student groups during the initial years, began to pick up by 2002, and stepped up over the past 2 years. Appendix G presents the percentage of students who performed at or above the CTBS 50th national percentile rank disaggregated by subtest for individual schools. Table 4 Number (N) of Students and Percentage (%) of All CTBS Subtest Scores at the 50th National Percentile and Above, 2000–2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 N % N % N % N % N % All Students 9,947 64.5 9,851 64.0 9,812 67.0 10,076 69.6 9,965 74.8 Female Male 4,831 5,116 66.2 62.9 4,804 5,047 65.7 62.4 4,754 5,058 68.9 65.2 4,897 5,179 72.8 66.5 4,777 5,188 77.4 72.3 Asian Am. African Am. White Hispanic 1,290 2,120 5,023 1,486 75.8 45.1 75.9 43.6 1,228 2,141 4,800 1,651 76.6 45.4 76.9 41.4 1,362 2,063 4,602 1,752 79.6 48.4 79.8 45.3 1,409 2,143 4,570 1,919 82.5 52.0 80.9 52.8 1,498 2,124 4,300 2,008 85.3 60.4 84.9 60.7 ESOL Non-ESOL 764 9,183 36.2 66.8 832 9,019 34.2 66.8 911 8,901 37.8 70.0 1,277 8,799 47.7 72.8 911 9,054 49.6 77.3 Special Ed. Non-Sp. Ed. 988 8,959 39.5 67.2 878 8,973 38.7 66.4 924 8,888 40.5 69.7 1,027 9,049 42.6 72.6 999 8,966 48.2 77.7 FARMS Non-FARMS 2,702 7,245 40.1 73.5 2,615 7,236 38.9 73.1 2,608 7,204 41.8 76.1 2,771 7,305 48.4 77.6 2,757 7,208 55.6 82.1 5 A similar trend is evident when analyzing the performance of Grade 2 students in the 17 focus elementary schools. The trend data in Table 7 shows a significant acceleration in the rate of achievement as the full effect of the reforms get under way among the students in these schools in 2003 and 2004. Attachments D, E, and F show the performance of the 17 focus elementary schools individually. Table 7 Median National Percentile Ranks, 2000–2004 Performance of the 17 Focus Elementary Schools with Grade 2 Subtest Reading Language Mathematics Language Mechanics Mathematics Computation 2000 40 43 43 55 49 2001 40 43 43 55 49 2002 40 43 43 55 58 2003 47 43 52 65 76 2004 47 55 70 65 83 Conclusion The remarkable progress that Grade 2 students demonstrated on the CTBS 2004 helps to further underscore the constructive impact that the early elementary school reforms initiated four years ago are having on the achievement of all students. Students in 2003 and 2004, the first beneficiaries of these reforms, particularly those who are members of minority groups and/or recipients of special services, are gradually realizing equality of performance in key content areas with those groups that have traditionally excelled in achievement measures. 6 Attachment A TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS (CTBS) 2000–2004 Number (N) of Grade 2 Students Tested By Race/Ethnicity African American Asian American Hispanic White Native American 2000 2120 1290 1486 5023 28 2001 2141 1228 1651 4800 31 2002 2063 1362 1752 4602 33 2003 2143 1409 1919 4570 35 2004 2124 1498 2008 4300 35 TOTAL 9947 9851 9812 10076 9965 2000–2004 Change N % +4 0% +208 +16% +522 +35% -723 -14% +18 0% 2000–2004 Number (N) of Grade 2 Students Tested By Special Services ESOL FARMS Special Education 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 764 2702 988 832 2615 878 911 2608 924 1277 2771 1027 911 2757 999 2000–2004 Change N % +144 +55 +11 +19% +2% +1% Attachment B SPRING 2004 TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS (CTBS) Grade 2 Results Number of Students Tested (N) and their Median National Percentile (MNP) Ranks Countywide Subtest N Reading Language Mathematics Language Mechanics Mathematics Computation MNP 9953 9953 9938 9928 9846 73 68 79 87 83 Number of Students Tested (N) and their Median National Percentile (MNP) Ranks By Race/Ethnicity African American N MNP Subtest Reading Language Mathematics Language Mechanics Mathematics Computation 2120 2120 2117 2116 2079 55 55 60 65 68 Asian American N MNP 1497 1497 1495 1493 1491 73 82 87 94 94 Hispanic N MNP 2004 2003 2002 1999 1979 47 55 60 65 76 N White MNP 4297 4298 4290 4285 4262 82 82 87 87 90 Number of Students Tested (N) and their Median National Percentile (MNP) Ranks By Gender Subtest Reading Language Mathematics Language Mechanics Mathematics Computation N Male MNP 5181 5180 5174 5164 5112 64 68 79 77 83 N Female MNP 4772 4773 4764 4764 4734 73 68 79 87 83 ___________________________ Note: The median is the middle score of a group. That is, 50 percent of the scores are above it and 50 percent are below it. Thus, if the median national percentile rank for a group of local students is 78, one can then say that half of the students in the local group outperformed 78 percent of students in the national reference group. The median national percentile for the national reference group is 50. Attachment C SPRING 2004 TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS (CTBS) Grade 2 Results Number of Students Tested (N) and Their Median National Percentile (MNP) Ranks ESOL Students ESOL Subtest Reading Language Mathematics Language Mechanics Mathematics Computation N MNP 908 907 907 902 893 34 43 52 55 76 Non-ESOL N MNP 9045 9046 9031 9026 8953 73 68 79 87 90 Number of Students Tested (N) and Their Median National Percentile (MNP) Ranks Free and Reduced-price Meals System (FARMS) FARMS Subtest Reading Language Mathematics Language Mechanics Mathematics Computation Non-FARMS MNP N MNP N 2751 2750 2746 2741 2700 47 43 52 65 76 7202 7203 7192 7187 7146 82 82 87 87 90 Number of Students Tested (N) and Their Median National Percentile (MNP) Ranks Special Education Students Subtest Reading Language Mathematics Language Mechanics Mathematics Computation Special Education N MNP 997 997 992 981 906 47 35 52 55 68 General Education N MNP 8956 8956 8946 8947 8940 73 68 79 87 90 ________________________________________ Note: The median is the middle score of a group. That is, 50 percent of the scores are above it and 50 percent are below it. Thus, if the median national percentile rank for a group of local students is 78, one can then say that half of the students in the local group outperformed 78 percent of students in the national reference group. The median national percentile for the national reference group is 50. Attachment D TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS (CTBS) 2001–2004 Grade 2 Results Focus Elementary Schools Reading and Mathematics (Median National Percentile Ranks) Reading School Mathematics 2001 2002 2003 2004 2001 2002 2003 2004 Broad Acres Brookhaven Burnt Mills East Silver Spring Gaithersburg Glen Haven Harmony Hills Highland Maryvale Montgomery Knolls New Hampshire Estates Rolling Terrace Rosemont Summit Hall Viers Mill Weller Road Wheaton Woods 29 47 40 40 34 29 34 40 34 47 29 47 40 47 40 47 40 34 51 47 47 40 34 47 29 34 47 34 47 34 34 55 40 40 47 55 47 47 47 34 40 44 55 40 47 47 47 47 47 47 55 55 64 47 47 55 55 47 40 47 40 40 55 51 47 64 47 47 22 43 43 43 43 29 43 43 43 52 29 52 43 43 52 52 52 35 60 52 52 39 52 43 35 43 52 52 52 29 35 60 52 52 52 60 52 52 52 35 52 52 79 60 52 60 43 60 70 60 60 65 70 52 60 52 79 70 52 70 52 70 65 60 70 79 60 70 FOCUS SCHOOLS 40 40 47 47 43 43 52 70 Attachment E 2001–2004 TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS (CTBS) GRADE 2 RESULTS Focus Elementary Schools Language Mechanics and Mathematics Computation (Median National Percentile Ranks) Language Mechanics School 2001 2002 2003 Broad Acres Brookhaven Burnt Mills East Silver Spring Gaithersburg Glen Haven Harmony Hills Highland Maryvale Montgomery Knolls New Hampshire Estates Rolling Terrace Rosemont Summit Hall Viers Mill Weller Road Wheaton Woods 36 77 65 55 65 45 55 65 36 65 45 55 55 65 55 77 77 55 55 65 65 65 65 65 45 36 77 45 65 55 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 55 65 55 71 55 55 55 65 65 65 55 77 77 77 FOCUS SCHOOLS 55 55 65 Mathematics Computation 2004 2001 2002 2003 2004 77 87 65 65 77 77 65 50 45 55 65 77 55 71 87 65 77 24 40 40 40 76 24 58 49 58 40 31 68 68 49 68 68 58 49 58 83 49 58 40 58 49 76 49 49 83 40 58 76 58 68 49 76 58 76 76 49 83 76 90 68 58 83 58 76 90 76 90 94 83 68 76 76 90 83 76 83 58 87 76 68 76 94 83 80 65 49 58 76 83 Attachment F 2001–2004 TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS (CTBS) Grade 2 Results Focus Elementary Schools Language (Median National Percentile Ranks) Language School 2001 2002 2003 2004 Broad Acres Brookhaven Burnt Mills East Silver Spring Gaithersburg Glen Haven Harmony Hills Highland Maryvale Montgomery Knolls New Hampshire Estates Rolling Terrace Rosemont Summit Hall Viers Mill Weller Road Wheaton Woods 27 43 35 35 35 27 35 43 35 43 35 43 55 43 43 55 43 43 55 43 55 49 43 55 35 35 35 43 43 35 35 43 43 39 55 55 43 43 55 35 43 43 55 35 49 55 49 43 43 55 43 55 55 55 55 55 68 55 43 55 43 68 68 55 55 68 43 68 FOCUS SCHOOLS 43 43 43 55 Attachment G CTBS Battery Index by Subtest for Individual Schools Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading ASHBURTON ES BANNOCKBURN ES BARNSLEY (LUCY V.) ES BEALL ES BEL PRE ES BELLS MILL ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 84 70 80 83 98 82 57 62 81 66 80 71 53 72 79 96 95 100 107 72 142 129 171 153 134 61 86 76 75 84 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 53.6% 77.1% 73.8% 72.3% 69.4% 91.5% 89.5% 88.7% 82.7% 92.4% 66.2% 64.8% 64.2% 73.6% 60.8% 70.8% 56.8% 61.0% 64.5% 69.4% 45.1% 61.2% 46.2% 61.4% 62.7% 73.8% 72.1% 73.7% 78.7% 91.7% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 84 56.0% 70 75.7% 80 73.8% 83 73.5% 98 76.5% 82 86.6% 57 84.2% 62 88.7% 81 82.7% 66 89.4% 81 55.6% 70 72.9% 53 64.2% 72 72.2% 79 67.1% 96 62.5% 95 60.0% 100 58.0% 107 69.2% 72 72.2% 142 54.9% 129 63.6% 171 48.5% 153 66.0% 134 68.7% 61 77.0% 86 79.1% 76 81.6% 75 76.0% 84 94.0% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 84 70.2% 70 82.9% 80 75.0% 83 80.7% 97 79.4% 82 86.6% 57 94.7% 62 88.7% 81 91.4% 66 93.9% 81 67.9% 70 74.3% 53 62.3% 72 75.0% 79 79.7% 95 69.5% 95 61.1% 100 68.0% 103 76.7% 72 87.5% 142 64.1% 129 58.9% 171 67.3% 153 72.5% 134 80.6% 61 75.4% 85 80.0% 76 77.6% 74 79.7% 84 94.0% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 84 66.7% 70 88.6% 80 82.5% 83 81.9% 98 75.5% 82 86.6% 57 89.5% 62 87.1% 81 82.7% 66 90.9% 80 68.8% 71 74.6% 53 64.2% 72 72.2% 79 74.7% 96 78.1% 95 75.8% 100 77.0% 106 77.4% 72 84.7% 142 79.6% 129 73.6% 171 64.3% 153 73.9% 133 77.4% 61 85.2% 85 85.9% 75 90.7% 73 89.0% 84 90.5% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 84 58.3% 69 81.2% 79 91.1% 83 84.3% 97 83.5% 82 85.4% 57 86.0% 62 74.2% 80 76.2% 65 87.7% 76 65.8% 70 64.3% 53 54.7% 69 81.2% 79 82.3% 95 65.3% 94 58.5% 99 65.7% 101 75.2% 72 81.9% 142 61.3% 129 50.4% 170 62.9% 153 80.4% 133 82.7% 61 77.0% 85 78.8% 75 84.0% 73 78.1% 83 90.4% G-1 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading BELMONT ES BETHESDA ES BEVERLY FARMS ES BRADLEY HILLS ES BROAD ACRES ES BROOKE GROVE ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 54 88 62 79 70 54 56 64 61 61 103 91 78 89 85 62 89 57 72 64 73 82 89 95 70 99 89 101 101 87 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 70.4% 71.6% 82.3% 78.5% 74.3% 66.7% 80.4% 76.6% 91.8% 91.8% 84.5% 71.4% 85.9% 83.1% 84.7% 75.8% 88.8% 86.0% 93.1% 93.8% 24.7% 22.0% 29.2% 47.4% 57.1% 64.6% 69.7% 71.3% 60.4% 71.3% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 54 68.5% 88 71.6% 62 71.0% 79 62.0% 70 71.4% 54 63.0% 56 78.6% 64 76.6% 61 88.5% 61 82.0% 103 85.4% 91 68.1% 78 74.4% 89 74.2% 85 87.1% 62 71.0% 89 83.1% 57 80.7% 72 90.3% 64 93.8% 73 26.0% 82 26.8% 89 40.4% 95 57.9% 70 61.4% 99 65.7% 89 58.4% 101 66.3% 101 48.5% 87 70.1% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 51 64.7% 88 73.9% 62 85.5% 79 79.7% 70 88.6% 54 77.8% 55 78.2% 63 81.0% 61 88.5% 61 88.5% 104 82.7% 92 71.7% 77 84.4% 89 82.0% 85 87.1% 61 86.9% 89 93.3% 57 87.7% 72 93.1% 64 98.4% 73 34.2% 83 21.7% 89 38.2% 95 53.7% 70 72.9% 99 84.8% 89 77.5% 101 73.3% 101 71.3% 87 74.7% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 51 78.4% 88 69.3% 62 88.7% 79 69.6% 70 75.7% 54 55.6% 56 80.4% 64 78.1% 61 91.8% 58 86.2% 103 87.4% 91 84.6% 78 92.3% 89 89.9% 85 89.4% 62 72.6% 89 82.0% 57 89.5% 72 97.2% 64 93.8% 30 40.0% 82 37.8% 89 50.6% 95 66.3% 70 78.6% 98 81.6% 88 78.4% 101 84.2% 101 70.3% 87 80.5% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 51 45.1% 86 60.5% 62 67.7% 79 81.0% 70 82.9% 54 79.6% 55 87.3% 63 84.1% 61 96.7% 61 90.2% 101 84.2% 81 75.3% 74 87.8% 86 82.6% 85 95.3% 61 82.0% 89 79.8% 55 76.4% 72 80.6% 64 90.6% 68 47.1% 83 20.5% 88 37.5% 95 43.2% 70 91.4% 93 81.7% 85 72.9% 92 65.2% 91 79.1% 87 72.4% G-2 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading BROOKHAVEN ES BROWN STATION ES BURNING TREE ES BURNT MILLS ES BURTONSVILLE ES CANDLEWOOD ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 67 55 58 39 59 58 55 41 66 49 84 83 77 88 83 78 93 87 99 66 132 110 108 132 123 64 61 70 55 61 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 43.3% 45.5% 50.0% 59.0% 54.2% 58.6% 50.9% 61.0% 45.5% 65.3% 82.1% 84.3% 87.0% 85.2% 83.1% 37.2% 32.3% 46.0% 46.5% 45.5% 60.6% 62.7% 63.0% 55.3% 70.7% 76.6% 72.1% 68.6% 83.6% 78.7% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 67 53.7% 55 43.6% 58 60.3% 39 59.0% 59 62.7% 58 48.3% 55 58.2% 41 53.7% 66 47.0% 49 71.4% 84 81.0% 83 88.0% 77 80.5% 88 77.3% 83 73.5% 78 42.3% 93 32.3% 87 43.7% 99 48.5% 66 53.0% 132 66.7% 110 68.2% 108 56.5% 132 41.7% 123 66.7% 64 75.0% 61 65.6% 70 77.1% 55 74.5% 61 75.4% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 65 47.7% 54 38.9% 55 61.8% 39 64.1% 59 69.5% 59 61.0% 55 61.8% 41 73.2% 65 52.3% 49 65.3% 84 89.3% 83 85.5% 77 85.7% 88 87.5% 83 84.3% 78 47.4% 93 48.4% 87 51.7% 99 56.6% 66 57.6% 132 59.8% 111 58.6% 108 57.4% 131 50.4% 123 70.7% 64 78.1% 61 77.0% 70 74.3% 55 70.9% 61 86.9% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 65 66.2% 54 59.3% 58 65.5% 39 64.1% 59 86.4% 58 72.4% 55 63.6% 40 77.5% 66 50.0% 49 81.6% 82 86.6% 83 88.0% 77 83.1% 88 78.4% 83 85.5% 78 55.1% 93 58.1% 87 59.8% 99 64.6% 66 60.6% 132 75.0% 110 83.6% 82 65.9% 131 61.8% 122 80.3% 64 90.6% 61 85.2% 70 80.0% 55 76.4% 61 86.9% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 65 36.9% 49 36.7% 57 56.1% 39 69.2% 59 78.0% 59 62.7% 55 47.3% 41 75.6% 65 50.8% 49 69.4% 77 92.2% 79 89.9% 72 84.7% 82 85.4% 75 92.0% 78 52.6% 93 39.8% 81 66.7% 96 61.5% 66 59.1% 131 63.4% 110 61.8% 108 61.1% 131 55.0% 123 76.4% 63 77.8% 61 62.3% 70 72.9% 55 76.4% 61 82.0% G-3 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading CANNON ROAD ES CARDEROCK SPRINGS ES CARSON (RACHEL) ES CASHELL ES CEDAR GROVE ES CLARKSBURG ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 65 55 71 67 53 62 51 55 54 60 109 123 113 121 110 73 49 55 66 58 95 93 92 103 90 58 59 55 52 76 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 49.2% 54.5% 57.7% 59.7% 67.9% 83.9% 90.2% 90.9% 90.7% 90.0% 60.6% 66.7% 68.1% 69.4% 87.3% 71.2% 79.6% 74.5% 84.8% 79.3% 66.3% 66.7% 57.6% 73.8% 81.1% 56.9% 67.8% 63.6% 44.2% 84.2% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 65 63.1% 55 58.2% 71 56.3% 67 49.3% 53 69.8% 62 83.9% 51 76.5% 55 92.7% 54 87.0% 60 90.0% 109 54.1% 123 66.7% 113 63.7% 121 66.9% 110 82.7% 73 72.6% 49 75.5% 55 83.6% 66 84.8% 58 77.6% 95 54.7% 93 63.4% 92 65.2% 103 69.9% 90 78.9% 58 53.4% 59 71.2% 55 65.5% 52 51.9% 76 81.6% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 64 54.7% 55 47.3% 71 57.7% 67 55.2% 53 71.7% 62 87.1% 51 80.4% 54 96.3% 54 100.0% 60 93.3% 109 67.9% 122 82.0% 113 62.8% 121 78.5% 110 81.8% 73 69.9% 48 87.5% 54 85.2% 66 92.4% 58 93.1% 95 74.7% 92 75.0% 92 73.9% 102 85.3% 90 87.8% 60 66.7% 58 65.5% 55 81.8% 52 63.5% 76 88.2% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 64 70.3% 55 70.9% 71 71.8% 67 62.7% 53 77.4% 62 85.5% 50 90.0% 55 96.4% 54 83.3% 59 79.7% 109 79.8% 123 80.5% 113 70.8% 121 75.2% 110 78.2% 73 86.3% 50 92.0% 55 94.5% 66 92.4% 58 82.8% 95 64.2% 93 87.1% 92 73.9% 103 75.7% 90 82.2% 59 72.9% 59 78.0% 55 83.6% 52 69.2% 76 89.5% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 59 47.5% 48 41.7% 65 66.2% 64 59.4% 53 75.5% 62 80.6% 50 70.0% 54 94.4% 54 94.4% 60 93.3% 103 60.2% 120 70.0% 113 59.3% 115 68.7% 108 80.6% 71 66.2% 50 72.0% 55 74.5% 65 86.2% 58 91.4% 95 58.9% 91 61.5% 90 60.0% 99 86.9% 90 86.7% 55 47.3% 53 66.0% 49 89.8% 49 63.3% 70 90.0% G-4 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading CLEARSPRING ES CLOPPER MILL ES CLOVERLY ES COLD SPRING ES COLLEGE GARDENS ES CRESTHAVEN ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 79 69 58 69 71 77 91 88 71 67 82 75 68 68 64 39 55 38 54 46 81 61 79 78 80 96 98 80 94 96 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 67.1% 42.0% 55.2% 59.4% 67.6% 54.5% 25.3% 39.8% 40.8% 52.2% 84.1% 77.3% 79.4% 85.3% 81.3% 89.7% 94.5% 97.4% 83.3% 97.8% 58.0% 68.9% 60.8% 80.8% 77.5% 53.1% 46.9% 52.5% 42.6% 56.3% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 79 62.0% 69 44.9% 58 65.5% 69 62.3% 71 64.8% 77 45.5% 91 30.8% 88 43.2% 71 39.4% 67 55.2% 82 80.5% 75 86.7% 68 80.9% 68 76.5% 64 85.9% 39 84.6% 55 76.4% 38 94.7% 54 85.2% 46 91.3% 81 51.9% 61 70.5% 79 73.4% 78 73.1% 80 78.8% 96 52.1% 98 42.9% 80 57.5% 94 47.9% 96 59.4% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 76 61.8% 69 39.1% 57 66.7% 68 70.6% 70 74.3% 77 58.4% 91 29.7% 88 47.7% 71 49.3% 67 67.2% 81 91.4% 75 88.0% 68 83.8% 68 89.7% 63 95.2% 39 87.2% 55 92.7% 38 94.7% 54 94.4% 46 100.0% 81 66.7% 60 78.3% 80 86.3% 78 78.2% 80 78.8% 97 55.7% 98 50.0% 80 57.5% 94 59.6% 96 74.0% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 79 73.4% 69 62.3% 58 77.6% 68 70.6% 70 80.0% 77 55.8% 89 34.8% 88 51.1% 70 52.9% 67 76.1% 82 89.0% 75 90.7% 68 89.7% 68 89.7% 64 96.9% 39 87.2% 55 98.2% 38 97.4% 54 88.9% 46 100.0% 81 53.1% 61 68.9% 79 73.4% 78 75.6% 80 86.3% 96 72.9% 98 60.2% 80 76.3% 94 62.8% 96 80.2% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 77 54.5% 67 34.3% 56 66.1% 65 81.5% 70 81.4% 76 53.9% 89 36.0% 85 62.4% 70 58.6% 67 74.6% 80 86.3% 74 91.9% 68 85.3% 68 89.7% 64 95.3% 39 89.7% 55 94.5% 38 94.7% 54 90.7% 46 97.8% 81 60.5% 60 78.3% 78 96.2% 78 91.0% 80 95.0% 92 53.3% 92 48.9% 77 66.2% 91 64.8% 93 83.9% G-5 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading DALY (CAPT. JAMES E.) ES DAMASCUS ES DARNESTOWN ES DIAMOND ES DREW (DR. CHARLES R.) ES DUFIEF ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 105 106 98 89 103 54 47 63 66 53 61 64 64 76 76 78 82 59 64 75 63 58 52 53 73 71 59 71 80 90 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 38.1% 46.2% 40.8% 43.8% 51.5% 63.0% 72.3% 61.9% 60.6% 81.1% 78.7% 87.5% 92.2% 81.6% 86.8% 70.5% 52.4% 69.5% 71.9% 84.0% 44.4% 43.1% 46.2% 52.8% 57.5% 88.7% 83.1% 83.1% 91.3% 87.8% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 105 42.9% 106 50.9% 98 39.8% 89 47.2% 103 63.1% 54 57.4% 47 70.2% 63 50.8% 66 60.6% 53 71.7% 61 82.0% 64 68.8% 64 87.5% 76 77.6% 76 84.2% 78 62.8% 82 48.8% 59 69.5% 64 78.1% 75 86.7% 63 54.0% 58 56.9% 52 55.8% 53 43.4% 73 63.0% 71 90.1% 59 72.9% 71 78.9% 80 85.0% 90 93.3% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 108 59.3% 104 51.9% 96 41.7% 89 64.0% 103 65.0% 54 75.9% 47 72.3% 63 54.0% 66 62.1% 53 84.9% 61 83.6% 64 82.8% 64 96.9% 76 92.1% 75 96.0% 79 74.7% 82 63.4% 59 83.1% 62 80.6% 76 86.8% 63 60.3% 58 60.3% 52 61.5% 53 56.6% 72 66.7% 70 94.3% 59 94.9% 71 84.5% 80 90.0% 90 91.1% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 106 64.2% 106 67.0% 84 59.5% 86 53.5% 103 72.8% 54 74.1% 47 74.5% 63 77.8% 66 56.1% 53 75.5% 61 90.2% 64 92.2% 63 95.2% 76 86.8% 76 96.1% 78 78.2% 82 79.3% 59 83.1% 62 87.1% 71 84.5% 63 66.7% 58 63.8% 52 65.4% 53 52.8% 73 69.9% 70 94.3% 59 84.7% 71 88.7% 80 83.7% 90 90.0% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 108 42.6% 105 47.6% 89 39.3% 86 68.6% 103 70.9% 54 63.0% 45 51.1% 61 60.7% 66 62.1% 53 79.2% 57 64.9% 63 69.8% 63 92.1% 75 77.3% 75 94.7% 79 69.6% 80 70.0% 58 82.8% 61 83.6% 72 93.1% 63 61.9% 56 73.2% 46 76.1% 49 69.4% 73 78.1% 70 94.3% 59 84.7% 69 89.9% 76 96.1% 89 93.3% G-6 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading EAST SILVER SPRING ES FAIRLAND ES FALLSMEAD ES FARMLAND ES FIELDS ROAD ES FLOWER HILL ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 107 92 78 86 67 87 82 83 73 79 85 87 92 99 82 78 92 93 86 98 97 77 92 83 86 98 75 91 85 91 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 48.6% 34.8% 48.7% 47.7% 44.8% 62.1% 37.8% 56.6% 49.3% 55.7% 75.3% 81.6% 79.3% 84.8% 85.4% 91.0% 81.5% 89.2% 87.2% 86.7% 62.9% 62.3% 60.9% 71.1% 69.8% 51.0% 56.0% 47.3% 55.3% 47.3% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 107 47.7% 93 37.6% 78 56.4% 86 40.7% 67 50.7% 87 60.9% 82 37.8% 83 59.0% 74 43.2% 79 54.4% 85 72.9% 87 80.5% 92 73.9% 99 82.8% 82 79.3% 78 89.7% 92 83.7% 93 90.3% 86 91.9% 98 82.7% 97 66.0% 77 64.9% 92 65.2% 83 71.1% 86 76.7% 98 55.1% 75 58.7% 91 54.9% 85 58.8% 91 52.7% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 107 52.3% 93 37.6% 78 55.1% 86 53.5% 66 60.6% 86 60.5% 82 41.5% 82 68.3% 74 59.5% 79 62.0% 85 78.8% 87 78.2% 91 81.3% 96 85.4% 82 86.6% 77 92.2% 92 91.3% 91 97.8% 86 89.5% 98 91.8% 97 77.3% 77 71.4% 92 73.9% 83 71.1% 86 81.4% 97 47.4% 75 53.3% 91 48.4% 85 58.8% 91 70.3% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 107 60.7% 93 52.7% 78 65.4% 86 53.5% 60 75.0% 86 90.7% 83 73.5% 83 71.1% 74 64.9% 79 58.2% 85 80.0% 87 89.7% 91 80.2% 99 86.9% 82 84.1% 78 97.4% 92 93.5% 92 97.8% 86 96.5% 98 88.8% 97 80.4% 77 80.5% 92 78.3% 83 68.7% 86 83.7% 98 69.4% 54 74.1% 91 75.8% 85 74.1% 91 73.6% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 102 45.1% 88 38.6% 75 48.0% 85 65.9% 63 73.0% 86 74.4% 82 61.0% 83 61.4% 73 69.9% 79 70.9% 84 78.6% 86 75.6% 91 80.2% 99 82.8% 82 80.5% 77 89.6% 91 95.6% 92 93.5% 86 90.7% 97 89.7% 93 76.3% 76 68.4% 90 74.4% 83 74.7% 84 79.8% 94 42.6% 75 50.7% 90 33.3% 83 71.1% 89 71.9% G-7 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading FLOWER VALLEY ES FOREST KNOLLS ES FOX CHAPEL ES GAITHERSBURG ES GALWAY ES GARRETT PARK ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 84 69 71 79 80 86 97 105 89 96 69 77 69 83 73 79 86 86 79 95 126 108 109 120 100 57 73 95 78 68 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 71.4% 68.1% 76.1% 83.5% 78.7% 60.5% 69.1% 66.7% 65.2% 64.6% 39.1% 45.5% 46.4% 59.0% 53.4% 36.7% 41.9% 38.4% 45.6% 55.8% 54.8% 63.9% 65.1% 42.5% 63.0% 66.7% 76.7% 87.4% 91.0% 82.4% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 84 75.0% 69 72.5% 71 76.1% 79 87.3% 80 78.8% 86 61.6% 97 70.1% 105 72.4% 89 61.8% 96 78.1% 69 33.3% 77 44.2% 69 46.4% 83 55.4% 73 63.0% 79 48.1% 86 39.5% 86 51.2% 79 51.9% 95 61.1% 126 59.5% 108 65.7% 109 69.7% 120 50.8% 100 59.0% 57 80.7% 73 76.7% 95 86.3% 78 87.2% 68 88.2% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 84 78.6% 69 81.2% 71 74.6% 79 93.7% 80 86.2% 86 65.1% 96 72.9% 104 76.0% 89 68.5% 96 80.2% 69 50.7% 77 51.9% 69 53.6% 82 58.5% 73 74.0% 79 62.0% 86 43.0% 82 42.7% 79 57.0% 95 58.9% 126 68.3% 108 81.5% 109 68.8% 120 52.5% 100 73.0% 58 72.4% 72 84.7% 95 87.4% 78 88.5% 68 85.3% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 84 79.8% 67 76.1% 68 88.2% 80 90.0% 80 83.8% 86 75.6% 97 84.5% 105 81.0% 88 77.3% 96 86.5% 69 63.8% 77 72.7% 69 60.9% 83 74.7% 73 69.9% 79 75.9% 86 57.0% 86 65.1% 79 63.3% 95 69.5% 126 77.0% 108 84.3% 109 80.7% 120 67.5% 98 80.6% 57 84.2% 72 81.9% 95 88.4% 78 88.5% 68 89.7% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 84 81.0% 67 61.2% 66 75.8% 80 91.3% 80 91.3% 82 67.1% 95 73.7% 103 80.6% 88 78.4% 96 89.6% 66 48.5% 73 47.9% 67 40.3% 80 56.3% 73 83.6% 73 54.8% 86 64.0% 86 55.8% 78 69.2% 95 68.4% 126 64.3% 108 77.8% 106 67.9% 120 63.3% 99 60.6% 58 65.5% 72 70.8% 95 77.9% 78 94.9% 68 83.8% G-8 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading GEORGIAN FOREST ES GERMANTOWN ES GLEN HAVEN ES GLENALLAN ES GOSHEN ES GREENCASTLE ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 73 68 80 59 70 67 61 78 75 76 72 77 78 86 77 80 75 66 69 64 112 118 125 120 100 114 102 104 82 131 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 50.7% 52.9% 40.0% 54.2% 51.4% 59.7% 49.2% 60.3% 56.0% 60.5% 31.9% 24.7% 32.1% 31.4% 53.2% 52.5% 45.3% 60.6% 63.8% 59.4% 60.7% 70.3% 66.4% 68.3% 70.0% 37.7% 38.2% 47.1% 39.0% 44.3% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 73 47.9% 68 54.4% 80 42.5% 59 50.8% 70 51.4% 67 55.2% 61 44.3% 78 56.4% 75 57.3% 76 57.9% 72 41.7% 77 27.3% 78 39.7% 86 39.5% 77 71.4% 80 67.5% 75 60.0% 66 74.2% 69 68.1% 64 76.6% 112 58.9% 118 61.0% 125 61.6% 120 63.3% 100 67.0% 114 38.6% 102 33.3% 104 49.0% 82 32.9% 131 40.5% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 73 54.8% 68 64.7% 80 55.0% 59 50.8% 70 60.0% 67 59.7% 61 60.7% 78 60.3% 74 60.8% 76 56.6% 72 34.7% 76 28.9% 78 57.7% 85 36.5% 77 76.6% 79 62.0% 74 62.2% 66 66.7% 69 66.7% 64 81.2% 112 65.2% 117 66.7% 124 71.8% 120 77.5% 100 81.0% 116 44.8% 102 45.1% 104 52.9% 82 41.5% 131 59.5% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 73 54.8% 68 82.4% 80 57.5% 64 62.5% 70 60.0% 67 73.1% 61 72.1% 75 68.0% 75 70.7% 76 72.4% 71 64.8% 77 45.5% 79 72.2% 86 51.2% 77 70.1% 80 71.2% 74 64.9% 65 73.8% 69 82.6% 64 82.8% 112 79.5% 118 86.4% 124 83.9% 120 75.8% 100 80.0% 114 46.5% 102 54.9% 104 58.7% 70 54.3% 131 53.4% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 72 48.6% 66 71.2% 79 59.5% 64 57.8% 69 63.8% 67 53.7% 61 49.2% 78 52.6% 75 74.7% 76 76.3% 70 25.7% 77 20.8% 75 36.0% 83 44.6% 76 84.2% 75 64.0% 65 64.6% 64 78.1% 69 84.1% 63 74.6% 110 50.9% 117 70.1% 122 67.2% 119 74.8% 98 83.7% 115 60.9% 102 55.9% 103 67.0% 81 58.0% 131 70.2% G-9 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading GREENWOOD ES HARMONY HILLS ES HIGHLAND ES HIGHLAND VIEW ES JACKSON ROAD ES JONES LANE ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 116 99 112 106 94 65 68 76 70 69 109 97 117 98 122 87 57 57 52 50 60 68 76 72 68 88 74 79 92 91 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 74.1% 83.8% 82.1% 80.2% 89.4% 43.1% 19.1% 42.1% 31.4% 49.3% 26.6% 33.0% 28.2% 41.8% 36.9% 57.5% 35.1% 47.4% 69.2% 64.0% 43.3% 48.5% 52.6% 40.3% 47.1% 78.4% 77.0% 83.5% 67.4% 71.4% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 116 66.4% 99 80.8% 112 83.0% 106 88.7% 94 86.2% 65 53.8% 68 33.8% 76 51.3% 70 40.0% 69 56.5% 109 37.6% 97 39.2% 117 31.6% 98 40.8% 122 48.4% 87 43.7% 57 21.1% 57 47.4% 52 67.3% 50 68.0% 60 48.3% 68 47.1% 76 51.3% 72 45.8% 68 60.3% 88 77.3% 74 79.7% 79 83.5% 92 67.4% 91 80.2% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 115 60.9% 98 84.7% 112 81.3% 106 90.6% 92 87.0% 65 55.4% 68 42.6% 76 44.7% 70 60.0% 69 69.6% 109 52.3% 97 35.1% 116 39.7% 98 51.0% 122 57.4% 88 62.5% 56 60.7% 56 55.4% 51 88.2% 50 78.0% 61 41.0% 68 55.9% 76 50.0% 72 45.8% 68 64.7% 88 81.8% 74 89.2% 79 91.1% 92 70.7% 91 78.0% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 115 75.7% 99 90.9% 112 93.8% 106 91.5% 90 88.9% 65 75.4% 68 54.4% 76 63.2% 70 71.4% 69 72.5% 109 58.7% 97 61.9% 117 47.9% 97 55.7% 122 50.0% 88 54.5% 57 45.6% 57 45.6% 52 84.6% 50 82.0% 60 53.3% 68 60.3% 76 71.1% 72 58.3% 68 72.1% 88 88.6% 74 94.6% 79 91.1% 88 81.8% 91 83.5% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 113 53.1% 96 80.2% 112 76.8% 104 93.3% 94 89.4% 64 62.5% 62 53.2% 70 52.9% 70 67.1% 69 79.7% 99 52.5% 95 45.3% 113 41.6% 97 73.2% 122 68.0% 82 58.5% 56 62.5% 55 65.5% 52 94.2% 50 80.0% 61 42.6% 66 54.5% 74 41.9% 71 66.2% 68 63.2% 84 81.0% 70 84.3% 75 93.3% 87 85.1% 91 82.4% G-10 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading KEMP MILL ES KENSINGTON PARKWOOD ES LAKE SENECA ES LAKEWOOD ES LAYTONSVILLE ES LUXMANOR ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 112 106 100 102 100 54 52 68 69 77 61 54 53 71 55 104 94 86 92 108 97 89 89 96 104 38 39 41 48 45 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 47.3% 40.6% 37.0% 35.3% 59.0% 75.9% 78.8% 83.8% 75.4% 80.5% 68.9% 66.7% 60.4% 50.7% 50.9% 77.9% 79.8% 87.2% 76.1% 88.9% 74.2% 76.4% 75.3% 75.0% 78.8% 76.3% 87.2% 85.4% 79.2% 86.7% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 112 50.0% 106 39.6% 100 35.0% 102 38.2% 100 71.0% 54 61.1% 52 76.9% 68 75.0% 69 76.8% 77 77.9% 61 63.9% 54 63.0% 53 50.9% 71 52.1% 55 49.1% 103 88.3% 94 83.0% 86 83.7% 92 83.7% 108 86.1% 97 73.2% 89 66.3% 89 68.5% 96 80.2% 104 85.6% 38 84.2% 39 79.5% 41 78.0% 48 70.8% 45 93.3% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 111 51.4% 106 47.2% 100 42.0% 101 50.5% 99 71.7% 53 79.2% 52 71.2% 68 82.4% 68 85.3% 77 79.2% 61 70.5% 54 66.7% 52 67.3% 70 52.9% 55 69.1% 103 85.4% 94 86.2% 86 89.5% 92 91.3% 108 92.6% 97 71.1% 89 75.3% 89 78.7% 96 86.5% 104 88.5% 38 94.7% 39 89.7% 41 87.8% 48 91.7% 45 88.9% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 112 67.0% 104 60.6% 100 56.0% 102 59.8% 100 79.0% 54 70.4% 52 67.3% 68 80.9% 68 88.2% 77 79.2% 61 65.6% 54 70.4% 53 64.2% 70 61.4% 55 63.6% 103 92.2% 94 88.3% 86 90.7% 92 88.0% 108 90.7% 97 66.0% 89 79.8% 89 91.0% 96 90.6% 104 94.2% 38 84.2% 39 89.7% 41 90.2% 48 79.2% 46 91.3% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 110 54.5% 104 48.1% 100 43.0% 102 60.8% 100 85.0% 49 73.5% 49 63.3% 63 77.8% 68 83.8% 73 76.7% 55 76.4% 51 72.5% 51 66.7% 70 67.1% 55 69.1% 99 81.8% 90 86.7% 85 89.4% 88 90.9% 104 97.1% 97 54.6% 89 62.9% 89 61.8% 95 88.4% 104 89.4% 38 89.5% 39 87.2% 40 82.5% 48 85.4% 46 95.7% G-11 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading MARSHALL (THURGOOD) ES MARYVALE ES MATSUNAGA (SPARK M.) ES MCAULIFFE (S. CHRISTA) ES MCNAIR (RONALD A.) ES MEADOW HALL ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 73 87 75 90 102 68 90 89 88 101 111 161 180 122 122 114 111 119 151 160 96 104 107 56 66 63 56 58 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 68.5% 59.8% 69.3% 73.3% 63.7% 26.5% 34.4% 34.8% 52.3% 44.6% 64.9% 67.7% 71.7% 50.8% 45.9% 53.5% 63.1% 58.8% 61.6% 63.1% 55.2% 68.3% 76.6% 44.6% 45.5% 30.2% 50.0% 53.4% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 73 61.6% 87 60.9% 75 60.0% 90 71.1% 102 54.9% 68 35.3% 90 30.0% 89 37.1% 88 51.1% 101 51.5% 111 68.5% 161 71.4% 180 73.9% 122 47.5% 122 50.0% 114 50.0% 111 66.7% 119 62.2% 151 63.6% 160 65.0% 96 64.6% 105 71.4% 107 76.6% 56 50.0% 66 51.5% 63 36.5% 56 46.4% 58 62.1% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 75 72.0% 87 59.8% 75 64.0% 90 74.4% 100 72.0% 68 48.5% 88 47.7% 90 50.0% 88 69.3% 101 64.4% 111 74.8% 161 72.0% 181 87.8% 122 55.7% 121 47.1% 113 67.3% 110 68.2% 119 67.2% 152 72.4% 161 74.5% 96 81.2% 105 71.4% 107 90.7% 56 46.4% 66 45.5% 63 46.0% 56 39.3% 58 69.0% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 73 79.5% 87 81.6% 75 72.0% 90 70.0% 101 60.4% 68 50.0% 88 29.5% 89 39.3% 88 53.4% 101 49.5% 111 84.7% 159 83.0% 180 85.6% 122 49.2% 120 65.8% 113 57.5% 108 57.4% 119 55.5% 152 80.9% 161 85.7% 96 90.6% 105 77.1% 107 93.5% 56 60.7% 66 59.1% 62 51.6% 55 50.9% 58 60.3% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 74 54.1% 87 54.0% 75 65.3% 90 77.8% 99 68.7% 68 32.4% 88 52.3% 89 68.5% 88 78.4% 101 74.3% 111 79.3% 156 81.4% 180 87.2% 122 49.2% 120 46.7% 111 69.4% 109 82.6% 115 67.8% 152 66.4% 159 74.2% 95 78.9% 102 71.6% 107 88.8% 54 33.3% 66 48.5% 62 46.8% 56 55.4% 58 65.5% G-12 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading MILL CREEK TOWNE ES MONOCACY ES MONTGOMERY KNOLLS ES NEW HAMPSHIRE ESTATES ES OAKLAND TERRACE ES OLNEY ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 62 76 50 69 83 47 43 50 46 35 80 92 90 105 93 111 119 100 116 87 108 116 112 110 124 88 84 90 99 96 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 56.5% 46.1% 56.0% 71.0% 79.5% 68.1% 58.1% 56.0% 58.7% 77.1% 53.8% 48.9% 44.4% 41.0% 41.9% 27.0% 20.2% 35.0% 47.4% 40.2% 52.8% 46.6% 61.6% 62.7% 60.5% 65.9% 56.0% 70.0% 70.7% 62.5% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 62 69.4% 76 51.3% 50 64.0% 69 71.0% 83 77.1% 47 63.8% 43 48.8% 50 60.0% 46 47.8% 35 80.0% 80 45.0% 92 48.9% 90 32.2% 105 41.9% 93 45.2% 111 33.3% 119 32.8% 100 40.0% 116 50.0% 87 63.2% 108 49.1% 116 43.1% 112 56.2% 110 61.8% 124 57.3% 88 52.3% 84 64.3% 90 60.0% 99 67.7% 96 55.2% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 62 66.1% 76 59.2% 50 74.0% 69 76.8% 83 90.4% 47 76.6% 43 58.1% 50 76.0% 46 73.9% 35 80.0% 79 60.8% 92 50.0% 89 51.7% 105 57.1% 93 57.0% 112 29.5% 119 31.9% 100 58.0% 115 56.5% 86 69.8% 109 58.7% 116 52.6% 112 67.9% 109 70.6% 124 66.9% 87 70.1% 84 67.9% 90 71.1% 97 74.2% 96 67.7% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 62 66.1% 74 64.9% 50 82.0% 69 79.7% 82 79.3% 47 72.3% 43 72.1% 50 74.0% 46 65.2% 35 88.6% 80 75.0% 92 70.7% 90 67.8% 107 59.8% 93 54.8% 111 53.2% 119 39.5% 99 46.5% 115 67.0% 85 58.8% 108 67.6% 115 67.0% 112 79.5% 109 70.6% 124 69.4% 88 65.9% 84 65.5% 90 65.6% 98 65.3% 96 67.7% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 56 60.7% 73 67.1% 48 85.4% 68 94.1% 79 94.9% 44 75.0% 43 48.8% 50 58.0% 46 71.7% 35 82.9% 79 51.9% 91 36.3% 90 48.9% 107 65.4% 93 60.2% 112 36.6% 119 31.9% 99 48.5% 116 58.6% 84 88.1% 109 55.0% 115 52.2% 111 66.7% 109 72.5% 124 67.7% 84 58.3% 84 61.9% 87 66.7% 98 72.4% 96 62.5% G-13 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading PAGE (WILLIAM TYLER) ES POOLESVILLE ES POTOMAC ES RESNIK (JUDITH A.) ES RIDE (DR. SALLY K.) ES RITCHIE PARK ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 49 69 52 52 62 80 75 64 77 91 102 108 116 116 102 116 95 100 81 105 116 128 109 110 84 57 55 50 61 55 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 46.9% 49.3% 53.8% 53.8% 53.2% 63.8% 58.7% 73.4% 59.7% 73.6% 74.5% 85.2% 82.8% 85.3% 92.2% 44.0% 53.7% 54.0% 53.1% 59.0% 57.8% 47.7% 54.1% 56.4% 60.7% 61.4% 69.1% 70.0% 68.9% 70.9% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 49 42.9% 69 52.2% 52 51.9% 52 44.2% 62 56.5% 80 53.8% 75 62.7% 64 70.3% 77 61.0% 91 68.1% 102 81.4% 108 82.4% 116 84.5% 116 84.5% 102 93.1% 116 45.7% 95 58.9% 100 57.0% 81 53.1% 105 63.8% 116 61.2% 128 49.2% 109 56.9% 110 52.7% 85 62.4% 57 57.9% 56 66.1% 50 68.0% 61 57.4% 55 76.4% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 49 57.1% 69 59.4% 52 67.3% 52 59.6% 62 77.4% 80 70.0% 75 72.0% 64 85.9% 76 75.0% 90 83.3% 102 87.3% 108 86.1% 116 90.5% 117 89.7% 102 93.1% 117 52.1% 95 61.1% 100 64.0% 81 67.9% 105 79.0% 117 56.4% 129 48.1% 109 58.7% 110 62.7% 85 71.8% 59 81.4% 56 64.3% 50 70.0% 61 67.2% 55 87.3% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 49 69.4% 69 65.2% 52 65.4% 52 71.2% 62 77.4% 80 65.0% 75 65.3% 64 87.5% 75 58.7% 90 66.7% 102 83.3% 107 89.7% 116 94.8% 116 89.7% 102 94.1% 116 69.0% 95 80.0% 100 78.0% 81 76.5% 105 76.2% 117 71.8% 128 58.6% 109 69.7% 110 73.6% 85 76.5% 57 80.7% 56 67.9% 50 82.0% 61 65.6% 55 76.4% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 45 48.9% 67 73.1% 52 73.1% 52 67.3% 56 83.9% 79 57.0% 75 45.3% 64 57.8% 77 70.1% 91 74.7% 101 77.2% 107 82.2% 117 84.6% 116 86.2% 102 89.2% 114 54.4% 95 58.9% 99 69.7% 81 72.8% 105 77.1% 113 53.1% 128 39.8% 104 55.8% 109 72.5% 84 72.6% 59 79.7% 56 71.4% 50 72.0% 61 68.9% 55 83.6% G-14 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading ROCK CREEK FOREST ES ROCK CREEK VALLEY ES ROCK VIEW ES ROCKWELL (LOIS P.) ES ROLLING TERRACE ES ROSEMARY HILLS ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 93 83 86 86 84 41 57 46 43 48 75 72 84 79 71 83 79 82 65 66 101 107 98 122 104 175 193 167 169 155 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 62.4% 69.9% 67.4% 65.1% 52.4% 43.9% 47.4% 50.0% 44.2% 56.2% 44.0% 45.8% 41.7% 53.2% 59.2% 63.9% 68.4% 72.0% 63.1% 84.8% 49.5% 47.7% 46.9% 49.2% 53.8% 72.6% 72.5% 77.2% 76.9% 81.3% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 93 67.7% 83 74.7% 86 61.6% 86 69.8% 84 52.4% 41 41.5% 57 57.9% 46 67.4% 43 55.8% 48 50.0% 75 53.3% 72 48.6% 84 52.4% 79 58.2% 71 71.8% 83 59.0% 79 63.3% 82 62.2% 65 69.2% 66 80.3% 101 57.4% 107 48.6% 98 46.9% 122 55.7% 104 60.6% 175 70.9% 193 68.4% 167 74.3% 168 75.6% 155 85.2% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 93 71.0% 83 79.5% 86 81.4% 86 79.1% 82 67.1% 40 55.0% 56 58.9% 45 57.8% 43 46.5% 48 58.3% 75 48.0% 72 41.7% 84 48.8% 78 52.6% 71 64.8% 82 72.0% 79 73.4% 82 76.8% 65 84.6% 66 84.8% 101 64.4% 107 53.3% 98 52.0% 122 58.2% 104 65.4% 174 69.5% 194 76.8% 167 82.0% 169 78.7% 156 82.1% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 93 78.5% 83 89.2% 86 72.1% 86 83.7% 84 76.2% 40 45.0% 57 78.9% 46 76.1% 42 78.6% 48 72.9% 75 62.7% 72 58.3% 84 60.7% 79 73.4% 71 76.1% 84 60.7% 79 77.2% 82 74.4% 51 74.5% 66 84.8% 101 64.4% 107 51.4% 98 66.3% 122 60.7% 104 72.1% 175 76.6% 192 75.5% 167 87.4% 169 79.3% 156 88.5% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 93 73.1% 83 83.1% 86 79.1% 86 77.9% 82 69.5% 40 42.5% 53 54.7% 44 52.3% 41 68.3% 41 82.9% 74 47.3% 72 43.1% 80 55.0% 76 75.0% 67 74.6% 69 56.5% 79 62.0% 82 62.2% 65 84.6% 66 81.8% 101 59.4% 107 60.7% 96 78.1% 121 76.0% 104 77.9% 174 64.4% 181 71.8% 167 83.2% 169 83.4% 155 85.8% G-15 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading ROSEMONT ES SEQUOYAH ES SEVEN LOCKS ES SHERWOOD ES SLIGO CREEK ES SOMERSET ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 84 76 76 70 72 94 98 85 77 86 50 42 40 38 45 74 80 86 79 69 47 110 109 115 121 74 74 66 78 58 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 27.4% 36.8% 36.8% 45.7% 50.0% 57.4% 48.0% 62.4% 54.5% 57.0% 82.0% 73.8% 85.0% 92.1% 82.2% 63.5% 56.3% 69.8% 73.4% 63.8% 57.4% 62.7% 55.0% 64.3% 61.2% 86.5% 81.1% 93.9% 92.3% 86.2% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 84 33.3% 76 51.3% 76 40.8% 70 50.0% 72 58.3% 94 64.9% 98 48.0% 85 72.9% 77 62.3% 86 58.1% 50 76.0% 42 66.7% 40 90.0% 38 89.5% 45 73.3% 74 59.5% 80 55.0% 86 66.3% 79 59.5% 69 66.7% 47 51.1% 110 58.2% 109 46.8% 115 54.8% 121 57.9% 74 87.8% 74 78.4% 66 87.9% 78 83.3% 58 81.0% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 83 26.5% 76 46.1% 76 27.6% 70 45.7% 72 63.9% 94 76.6% 98 67.3% 85 68.2% 76 64.5% 86 75.6% 50 88.0% 42 90.5% 40 92.5% 38 100.0% 45 91.1% 75 77.3% 80 67.5% 86 75.6% 79 75.9% 70 70.0% 54 64.8% 114 60.5% 113 60.2% 115 72.2% 122 74.6% 73 86.3% 74 74.3% 66 78.8% 77 89.6% 58 86.2% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 82 43.9% 75 54.7% 76 51.3% 58 67.2% 72 56.9% 94 83.0% 98 68.4% 85 81.2% 77 80.5% 86 67.4% 50 90.0% 42 81.0% 40 90.0% 38 94.7% 45 77.8% 74 78.4% 80 80.0% 86 74.4% 79 70.9% 70 72.9% 47 59.6% 110 65.5% 109 65.1% 115 63.5% 121 57.9% 73 90.4% 74 90.5% 66 87.9% 77 87.0% 58 86.2% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 82 24.4% 74 58.1% 75 32.0% 69 53.6% 68 69.1% 89 79.8% 96 74.0% 84 76.2% 74 62.2% 86 83.7% 50 88.0% 39 82.1% 40 90.0% 38 94.7% 44 88.6% 75 73.3% 79 60.8% 86 72.1% 79 72.2% 70 65.7% 54 64.8% 113 61.1% 112 64.3% 115 80.9% 122 79.5% 73 76.7% 74 75.7% 66 80.3% 77 80.5% 58 86.2% G-16 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading SOUTH LAKE ES STEDWICK ES STONE MILL ES STONEGATE ES STRAWBERRY KNOLL ES SUMMIT HALL ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 80 79 75 94 91 84 84 109 95 102 129 116 128 112 106 72 80 69 76 61 83 87 87 94 96 73 81 67 93 82 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 42.5% 49.4% 42.7% 55.3% 56.0% 65.5% 64.3% 63.3% 53.7% 63.7% 84.5% 91.4% 85.9% 75.9% 90.6% 73.6% 77.5% 75.4% 75.0% 78.7% 57.8% 47.1% 55.2% 56.4% 52.1% 27.4% 44.4% 32.8% 44.1% 40.2% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 80 48.8% 79 48.1% 75 40.0% 94 54.3% 91 48.4% 84 65.5% 84 61.9% 109 60.6% 95 52.6% 102 63.7% 129 79.8% 116 81.0% 128 85.9% 112 83.9% 106 92.5% 72 77.8% 80 83.7% 69 56.5% 76 71.1% 61 85.2% 83 61.4% 87 50.6% 87 63.2% 94 58.5% 96 72.9% 73 32.9% 81 44.4% 67 28.4% 93 38.7% 82 52.4% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 80 38.7% 79 48.1% 75 33.3% 94 61.7% 91 58.2% 85 74.1% 84 69.0% 109 67.0% 95 62.1% 102 65.7% 129 89.1% 115 96.5% 126 92.1% 112 86.6% 106 92.5% 72 75.0% 80 87.5% 69 75.4% 76 82.9% 61 91.8% 86 46.5% 87 44.8% 87 65.5% 94 69.1% 95 75.8% 73 34.2% 80 43.8% 67 43.3% 93 60.2% 82 68.3% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 80 65.0% 78 56.4% 75 61.3% 94 69.1% 91 59.3% 84 78.6% 84 73.8% 109 86.2% 95 74.7% 102 72.5% 129 89.9% 116 94.8% 127 93.7% 109 94.5% 106 93.4% 72 88.9% 80 92.5% 69 88.4% 76 90.8% 62 88.7% 82 79.3% 87 67.8% 87 79.3% 94 83.0% 96 77.1% 73 50.7% 81 64.2% 67 62.7% 93 51.6% 82 70.7% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 80 48.7% 77 48.1% 73 42.5% 92 72.8% 90 75.6% 85 65.9% 84 44.0% 108 51.9% 94 75.5% 102 70.6% 126 77.8% 115 90.4% 125 88.8% 112 88.4% 106 96.2% 72 84.7% 80 93.7% 68 79.4% 76 92.1% 62 95.2% 86 43.0% 86 38.4% 86 58.1% 94 71.3% 94 76.6% 67 28.4% 78 42.3% 65 53.8% 91 67.0% 79 67.1% G-17 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading TAKOMA PARK ES TRAVILAH ES TWINBROOK ES VIERS MILL ES WASHINGTON GROVE ES WATERS LANDING ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 163 135 121 102 118 91 96 86 82 73 67 81 92 84 87 106 116 86 103 103 53 58 63 66 63 113 84 110 96 110 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 70.6% 63.0% 62.0% 56.9% 76.3% 82.4% 76.0% 89.5% 87.8% 89.0% 55.2% 51.9% 39.1% 50.0% 55.2% 44.3% 39.7% 53.5% 49.5% 62.1% 50.9% 48.3% 52.4% 42.4% 69.8% 61.1% 52.4% 61.8% 71.9% 66.4% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 163 68.7% 135 67.4% 121 57.0% 102 51.0% 118 72.0% 91 87.9% 96 79.2% 86 81.4% 82 85.4% 73 83.6% 67 49.3% 81 45.7% 92 44.6% 84 65.5% 86 64.0% 106 45.3% 116 47.4% 86 44.2% 103 49.5% 103 60.2% 53 50.9% 58 44.8% 63 57.1% 66 42.4% 63 71.4% 113 58.4% 84 61.9% 110 63.6% 96 79.2% 110 69.1% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 166 69.3% 135 73.3% 121 73.6% 102 58.8% 118 78.8% 91 92.3% 96 76.0% 86 83.7% 82 92.7% 73 87.7% 67 67.2% 80 58.7% 91 51.6% 84 73.8% 86 69.8% 106 54.7% 116 54.3% 86 66.3% 102 71.6% 103 80.6% 53 56.6% 58 50.0% 63 46.0% 66 43.9% 61 72.1% 112 56.2% 84 51.2% 110 51.8% 95 70.5% 110 75.5% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 163 70.6% 135 65.9% 121 60.3% 102 56.9% 118 78.0% 91 93.4% 96 83.3% 85 90.6% 81 96.3% 73 86.3% 67 77.6% 80 71.2% 91 57.1% 84 81.0% 86 74.4% 106 51.9% 116 58.6% 85 69.4% 103 74.8% 103 76.7% 53 71.7% 58 55.2% 62 67.7% 66 37.9% 63 79.4% 110 74.5% 84 77.4% 109 72.5% 96 81.2% 110 74.5% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 165 66.7% 135 65.2% 121 71.9% 102 60.8% 117 79.5% 91 73.6% 96 71.9% 85 71.8% 80 90.0% 73 87.7% 65 67.7% 76 71.1% 87 69.0% 80 76.2% 82 73.2% 106 48.1% 116 63.8% 85 77.6% 103 84.5% 103 96.1% 46 63.0% 53 45.3% 58 56.9% 62 50.0% 57 78.9% 111 55.0% 84 48.8% 108 59.3% 94 75.5% 110 80.0% G-18 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading WATKINS MILL ES WAYSIDE ES WELLER ROAD ES WESTBROOK ES WESTOVER ES WHEATON WOODS ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 81 93 74 83 97 111 97 115 110 108 99 101 98 88 95 54 47 56 44 48 63 43 43 54 43 87 90 93 87 106 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 59.3% 48.4% 52.7% 63.9% 58.8% 84.7% 83.5% 78.3% 87.3% 88.9% 38.4% 46.5% 36.7% 48.9% 44.2% 85.2% 91.5% 87.5% 93.2% 91.7% 58.7% 60.5% 74.4% 72.2% 76.7% 42.5% 34.4% 38.7% 51.7% 46.2% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 81 59.3% 93 51.6% 74 56.8% 83 68.7% 97 61.9% 111 83.8% 97 88.7% 115 79.1% 110 80.0% 108 87.0% 99 45.5% 101 48.5% 98 46.9% 88 56.8% 95 45.3% 54 64.8% 47 85.1% 56 87.5% 44 93.2% 48 89.6% 63 58.7% 43 48.8% 43 58.1% 54 63.0% 43 60.5% 87 49.4% 90 46.7% 93 45.2% 87 46.0% 106 65.1% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 81 53.1% 92 62.0% 74 70.3% 83 68.7% 97 75.3% 110 90.0% 96 84.4% 114 86.8% 109 87.2% 107 93.5% 99 48.5% 101 49.5% 97 53.6% 88 65.9% 95 68.4% 54 81.5% 47 87.2% 56 85.7% 44 95.5% 48 93.8% 63 69.8% 43 65.1% 43 67.4% 54 61.1% 43 69.8% 89 46.1% 89 57.3% 93 51.6% 87 71.3% 105 71.4% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 81 69.1% 91 71.4% 74 60.8% 83 83.1% 97 75.3% 111 92.8% 97 91.8% 115 90.4% 111 91.0% 107 95.3% 99 68.7% 101 81.2% 97 64.9% 88 73.9% 95 72.6% 54 70.4% 47 85.1% 56 94.6% 44 88.6% 48 87.5% 62 75.8% 43 74.4% 43 72.1% 54 85.2% 43 86.0% 87 64.4% 90 65.6% 93 60.2% 86 70.9% 106 70.8% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 81 39.5% 91 59.3% 71 69.0% 79 81.0% 97 75.3% 110 88.2% 96 83.3% 114 83.3% 111 87.4% 107 94.4% 98 54.1% 101 59.4% 97 53.6% 88 75.0% 95 82.1% 52 65.4% 47 83.0% 55 81.8% 44 86.4% 48 91.7% 61 57.4% 42 66.7% 41 61.0% 52 53.8% 43 65.1% 89 48.3% 89 57.3% 89 60.7% 85 89.4% 104 82.7% G-19 Attachment G Performance of Grade 2 Students on CTBS Subtests for each Elementary School Percentage of Scores At or Above the 50th National Percentile (NP) Reading WHETSTONE ES WOOD ACRES ES WOODFIELD ES WOODLIN ES WYNGATE ES 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Number Tested 90 98 85 109 91 83 102 83 98 114 75 78 85 86 73 91 83 72 65 68 92 74 100 87 84 Pct. At/Above 50th NP 47.8% 50.0% 49.4% 55.0% 67.0% 91.6% 89.2% 89.2% 82.7% 86.8% 65.3% 73.1% 80.0% 70.9% 84.9% 60.4% 57.8% 62.5% 69.2% 80.9% 89.1% 78.4% 85.0% 81.6% 95.2% Language Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 90 56.7% 98 62.2% 85 49.4% 109 53.2% 91 65.9% 83 88.0% 102 89.2% 83 88.0% 98 81.6% 114 76.3% 75 65.3% 78 61.5% 85 67.1% 86 58.1% 73 67.1% 91 72.5% 83 63.9% 72 59.7% 65 69.2% 68 76.5% 92 78.3% 74 89.2% 100 84.0% 87 85.1% 84 94.0% Mathematics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 89 66.3% 98 64.3% 85 56.5% 109 69.7% 91 79.1% 83 85.5% 102 91.2% 84 91.7% 97 86.6% 114 86.8% 75 82.7% 78 87.2% 86 80.2% 86 74.4% 73 86.3% 91 74.7% 83 65.1% 72 70.8% 65 78.5% 68 77.9% 90 87.8% 74 82.4% 100 86.0% 87 73.6% 84 96.4% Language Mechanics Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 90 73.3% 98 75.5% 85 70.6% 109 71.6% 91 79.1% 83 89.2% 102 91.2% 83 95.2% 97 91.8% 114 87.7% 75 76.0% 78 91.0% 86 87.2% 86 76.7% 73 76.7% 91 72.5% 82 70.7% 72 69.4% 65 64.6% 69 79.7% 92 90.2% 74 91.9% 100 94.0% 87 89.7% 84 97.6% Math Computation Pct. At/Above Number 50th NP Tested 89 71.9% 95 67.4% 81 71.6% 106 80.2% 91 84.6% 83 68.7% 102 73.5% 84 71.4% 97 75.3% 114 63.2% 75 69.3% 78 89.7% 84 79.8% 86 80.2% 72 91.7% 91 63.7% 77 57.1% 72 56.9% 63 85.7% 69 85.5% 90 73.3% 74 78.4% 100 82.0% 87 82.8% 84 90.5% G-20 Attachment H School by School Results TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS: GRADE 2 MEDIAN NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKS BY SCHOOL SPRING 2001 & 2002 & 2003 & 2004 LANG NO. TSTED ----- LANG MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH NO. TSTED ----- MATH MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH COMP NO. TSTED ----- MATH COMP MDIAN %TILE ----- GRADE ----- YEAR ---- ASHBURTON ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 61 80 83 98 82 73 73 82 61 80 83 98 82 82 82 82 61 80 83 97 87 83 79 79 61 80 83 98 94 87 87 77 61 79 83 97 90 90 90 83 BANNOCKBURN ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 56 62 81 66 90 90 90 90 56 62 81 66 95 82 82 82 56 62 81 66 87 87 87 94 56 62 81 66 94 77 87 87 56 62 80 65 90 83 76 90 LUCY V. BARNSLEY ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 69 53 72 79 73 73 73 64 69 53 72 79 68 68 68 68 69 53 72 79 79 70 79 79 69 53 72 79 77 65 77 87 69 53 69 79 76 58 83 83 BEALL ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 90 100 107 72 64 64 73 69 90 100 107 72 68 55 68 82 90 100 103 72 60 70 79 79 90 100 106 72 87 77 87 94 90 99 101 72 58 76 83 87 BEL PRE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 123 170 153 134 64 47 64 69 123 170 153 134 68 43 68 68 123 170 153 134 52 60 70 79 123 170 153 133 77 65 77 87 123 169 153 133 58 76 83 83 BELLS MILL ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 82 76 75 84 82 82 82 90 82 76 75 84 82 82 82 95 82 76 74 84 87 79 79 87 82 75 73 84 87 87 87 94 82 75 73 83 90 90 90 90 SCHOOL ------ READ MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH NO. TSTED ----- READ NO. TSTED ----- TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS: GRADE 2 MEDIAN NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKS BY SCHOOL SPRING 2001 & 2002 & 2003 & 2004 LANG NO. TSTED ----- LANG MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH NO. TSTED ----- MATH MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH COMP NO. TSTED ----- MATH COMP MDIAN %TILE ----- GRADE ----- YEAR ---- BELMONT ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 85 62 79 70 73 73 73 73 85 62 79 70 68 68 68 68 85 62 79 70 70 75 79 79 85 62 79 70 77 77 77 77 85 62 79 70 68 76 83 76 BETHESDA ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 54 64 61 61 82 82 90 90 54 64 61 61 68 82 82 82 53 63 61 61 79 87 87 87 54 64 61 58 77 87 94 91 54 63 61 61 90 90 94 94 BEVERLY FARMS ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 78 78 89 85 82 82 82 90 78 78 89 85 82 82 68 82 79 77 89 85 79 79 87 94 78 78 89 85 94 87 94 94 79 74 86 85 83 83 83 94 BRADLEY HILLS ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 85 58 72 64 90 86 90 90 85 58 72 64 82 68 82 82 85 58 72 64 94 87 94 94 85 58 72 64 87 87 94 94 85 56 72 64 83 83 83 90 BROAD ACRES ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 80 88 95 70 29 34 47 55 80 88 95 70 27 43 55 55 81 88 95 70 22 35 52 65 80 88 95 70 36 55 65 77 81 87 95 70 24 49 49 94 BROOKE GROVE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 83 100 101 87 73 73 64 73 83 100 101 87 55 68 43 68 83 100 101 87 79 70 70 79 82 100 101 87 77 77 77 77 83 91 91 87 76 68 83 83 BROOKHAVEN ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 45 58 39 59 47 51 55 64 45 58 39 59 43 55 55 55 45 55 39 59 43 60 60 70 45 58 39 59 77 55 65 87 45 57 39 59 40 58 76 83 SCHOOL ------ READ MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH NO. TSTED ----- READ NO. TSTED ----- TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS: GRADE 2 MEDIAN NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKS BY SCHOOL SPRING 2001 & 2002 & 2003 & 2004 LANG NO. TSTED ----- LANG MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH NO. TSTED ----- MATH MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH COMP NO. TSTED ----- MATH COMP MDIAN %TILE ----- GRADE ----- YEAR ---- BROWN STATION ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 49 41 66 49 55 55 47 64 49 41 66 49 55 55 43 68 49 41 65 49 60 70 52 60 49 40 66 49 65 77 50 77 49 41 65 49 49 68 58 83 BURNING TREE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 75 78 88 83 90 86 90 90 75 78 88 83 82 82 82 82 75 78 88 83 87 87 87 87 75 78 88 83 94 87 87 87 75 73 82 75 83 83 90 90 BURNT MILLS ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 90 87 99 66 40 47 47 47 90 87 99 66 35 43 43 55 90 87 99 66 43 52 52 52 90 87 99 66 65 65 65 65 90 81 96 66 40 83 58 68 BURTONSVILLE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 108 109 132 123 73 64 55 64 108 109 132 123 68 55 43 68 108 109 131 123 60 60 52 70 108 83 131 122 87 65 65 87 108 109 131 123 83 68 58 83 CANDLEWOOD ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 61 71 55 61 73 73 82 82 61 71 55 61 68 68 82 82 61 71 55 61 70 70 70 87 61 71 55 61 87 87 87 87 61 71 55 61 76 83 90 83 CANNON ROAD ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 45 70 67 53 55 64 55 73 45 70 67 53 55 68 43 68 45 70 67 53 43 52 60 79 45 70 67 53 65 65 65 77 45 64 64 53 49 68 68 76 SCHOOL ------ READ MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH NO. TSTED ----- READ NO. TSTED ----- TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS: GRADE 2 MEDIAN NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKS BY SCHOOL SPRING 2001 & 2002 & 2003 & 2004 LANG NO. TSTED ----- LANG MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH NO. TSTED ----- MATH MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH COMP NO. TSTED ----- MATH COMP MDIAN %TILE ----- GRADE ----- YEAR ---- CARDEROCK SPRINGS ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 48 55 54 60 90 90 90 90 48 55 54 60 68 95 82 82 48 54 54 60 70 94 94 87 48 55 54 59 87 87 77 77 48 54 54 60 76 94 90 90 RACHEL CARSON ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 117 113 121 110 73 73 73 82 117 113 121 110 68 68 68 82 117 113 121 110 79 60 79 79 117 113 121 110 77 87 77 77 117 113 115 108 76 68 76 76 CASHELL ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 48 55 66 58 90 73 90 82 48 55 66 58 82 82 82 82 47 54 66 58 79 83 94 94 49 55 66 58 94 94 87 87 49 55 65 58 83 76 83 90 CEDAR GROVE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 89 92 103 90 73 60 73 82 89 92 103 90 55 68 68 82 89 92 102 90 70 70 87 87 89 92 103 90 87 77 77 94 89 90 99 90 68 68 90 90 CLARKSBURG ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 50 55 52 76 64 64 40 90 50 55 52 76 68 68 55 82 49 55 52 76 70 79 60 94 50 55 52 76 77 87 65 94 50 49 49 70 83 83 68 94 CLEARSPRING ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 66 58 69 71 40 60 64 73 66 58 69 71 43 68 68 55 66 57 68 70 43 70 79 70 66 58 68 70 65 77 77 87 66 56 65 70 40 72 83 83 CLOPPER MILL ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 84 87 71 67 29 40 29 55 84 87 71 67 35 35 43 55 84 87 71 67 22 43 43 60 82 87 70 67 36 55 55 77 84 84 70 67 40 68 58 83 SCHOOL ------ READ MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH NO. TSTED ----- READ NO. TSTED ----- TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS: GRADE 2 MEDIAN NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKS BY SCHOOL SPRING 2001 & 2002 & 2003 & 2004 LANG NO. TSTED ----- LANG MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH NO. TSTED ----- MATH MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH COMP NO. TSTED ----- MATH COMP MDIAN %TILE ----- GRADE ----- YEAR ---- CLOVERLY ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 73 68 68 64 82 73 82 82 73 68 68 64 82 82 82 95 73 68 68 63 87 83 87 87 73 68 68 64 87 87 94 94 73 68 68 64 90 90 90 94 COLD SPRING ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 55 38 54 46 90 93 90 90 55 38 54 46 68 82 82 95 55 38 54 46 79 94 94 94 55 38 54 46 94 98 94 98 55 38 54 46 94 94 94 94 COLLEGE GARDENS ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 58 80 78 80 73 64 73 82 58 80 78 80 68 68 68 82 58 81 78 80 87 70 87 87 58 80 78 80 77 77 77 87 58 79 78 80 90 90 94 94 CRESTHAVEN ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 90 82 94 96 47 55 40 55 90 82 94 96 43 55 43 55 90 82 94 96 52 52 52 70 90 82 94 96 65 77 65 87 90 79 91 93 49 68 68 90 CAPT. JAMES DALY ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 101 98 89 103 47 40 47 55 101 98 89 103 55 35 43 68 100 96 89 103 52 35 60 70 101 84 86 103 65 55 55 77 101 89 86 103 49 40 76 76 DAMASCUS ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 43 63 66 53 73 55 64 82 43 63 66 53 82 55 55 68 43 63 66 53 70 52 65 79 43 63 66 53 77 77 55 77 43 61 66 53 49 68 80 90 DARNESTOWN ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 64 64 76 76 90 90 82 90 64 64 76 76 68 95 82 95 64 64 76 75 79 87 87 94 64 63 76 76 87 94 87 94 64 63 75 75 76 90 83 90 SCHOOL ------ READ MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH NO. TSTED ----- READ NO. TSTED ----- TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS: GRADE 2 MEDIAN NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKS BY SCHOOL SPRING 2001 & 2002 & 2003 & 2004 LANG NO. TSTED ----- LANG MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH NO. TSTED ----- MATH MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH COMP NO. TSTED ----- MATH COMP MDIAN %TILE ----- GRADE ----- YEAR ---- DIAMOND ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 80 59 64 75 64 82 73 73 80 59 64 75 43 68 68 82 80 59 62 76 70 87 79 87 80 59 62 71 87 87 87 87 80 58 61 72 76 83 83 90 CHARLES R. DREW ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 50 52 53 73 47 47 55 55 50 52 53 73 68 55 43 68 50 52 53 72 79 60 52 60 50 52 53 73 77 77 55 87 50 47 49 73 90 76 76 83 DUFIEF ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 55 71 80 90 82 82 90 82 55 71 80 90 82 68 82 95 55 71 80 90 79 87 94 94 55 71 80 90 77 87 94 94 55 69 76 89 94 90 94 94 EAST SILVER SPRING ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 84 79 86 67 40 47 47 47 85 79 86 67 35 55 43 55 85 79 86 66 43 52 52 60 85 79 86 60 55 65 55 65 85 76 85 63 40 49 76 76 FAIRLAND ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 80 84 73 79 47 55 47 64 80 84 74 79 35 55 43 55 80 83 74 79 43 60 60 60 81 84 74 79 77 77 65 55 81 84 73 79 58 68 76 76 FALLSMEAD ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 81 93 99 82 82 82 82 82 81 93 99 82 82 82 82 82 81 92 96 82 87 87 87 94 81 92 99 82 87 87 87 87 81 92 99 82 90 87 90 87 FARMLAND ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 87 93 86 98 82 90 82 90 87 93 86 98 82 82 95 82 87 91 86 98 87 87 87 87 87 92 86 98 94 94 94 94 87 92 86 97 90 94 94 90 SCHOOL ------ READ MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH NO. TSTED ----- READ NO. TSTED ----- TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS: GRADE 2 MEDIAN NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKS BY SCHOOL SPRING 2001 & 2002 & 2003 & 2004 LANG NO. TSTED ----- LANG MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH NO. TSTED ----- MATH MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH COMP NO. TSTED ----- MATH COMP MDIAN %TILE ----- GRADE ----- YEAR ---- FIELDS ROAD ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 74 92 83 86 64 73 73 73 74 92 83 86 68 68 68 82 74 92 83 86 79 79 79 79 74 92 83 86 87 94 77 87 74 90 83 84 76 83 76 83 FLOWER HILL ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 71 92 85 91 64 47 55 47 71 92 85 91 55 55 55 55 71 92 85 91 52 43 60 60 50 92 85 91 77 77 77 77 71 91 83 89 58 40 83 76 FLOWER VALLEY ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 66 72 79 80 73 73 90 82 66 72 79 80 68 68 82 82 66 72 79 80 70 75 87 87 64 69 80 80 77 94 94 94 66 67 80 80 68 76 90 90 FOREST KNOLLS ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 92 106 89 96 73 73 73 73 92 106 89 96 68 82 68 68 92 105 89 96 79 70 70 79 92 106 88 96 87 87 77 94 92 104 88 96 83 90 83 90 FOX CHAPEL ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 70 71 83 73 47 47 64 55 70 71 83 73 43 43 55 68 70 71 82 73 52 52 60 70 70 71 83 73 65 55 65 77 70 69 80 73 49 40 58 90 GAITHERSBURG ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 84 88 79 95 34 40 47 55 84 88 79 95 35 49 55 55 84 84 79 95 43 39 52 52 84 88 79 95 65 65 65 77 84 88 78 95 76 58 76 76 GALWAY ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 103 109 120 100 64 64 47 64 103 109 120 100 68 68 55 55 103 109 120 100 87 70 52 70 103 109 120 98 94 87 77 82 103 106 120 99 90 68 68 68 SCHOOL ------ READ MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH NO. TSTED ----- READ NO. TSTED ----- TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS: GRADE 2 MEDIAN NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKS BY SCHOOL SPRING 2001 & 2002 & 2003 & 2004 LANG NO. TSTED ----- LANG MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH NO. TSTED ----- MATH MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH COMP NO. TSTED ----- MATH COMP MDIAN %TILE ----- GRADE ----- YEAR ---- GARRETT PARK ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 66 95 78 68 73 90 82 78 66 95 78 68 82 82 82 68 66 95 78 68 79 79 83 94 66 95 78 68 87 94 87 87 66 95 78 68 76 90 94 90 GEORGIAN FOREST ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 64 80 59 70 55 47 55 55 64 80 59 70 55 43 55 55 64 80 59 70 60 52 52 60 64 80 64 70 87 55 65 55 64 79 64 69 83 68 68 83 GERMANTOWN ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 55 78 75 76 55 55 55 64 55 78 75 76 43 55 55 68 55 78 74 76 60 60 60 52 55 75 75 76 77 65 65 77 55 78 75 76 58 58 83 76 GLEN HAVEN ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 69 77 86 77 29 34 34 55 69 77 86 77 27 43 35 68 68 77 85 77 29 52 35 79 69 78 86 77 45 65 55 77 69 74 83 76 24 40 49 90 GLENALLAN ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 64 66 69 64 47 55 64 64 64 66 69 64 68 68 68 82 64 66 69 64 60 65 70 83 64 65 69 64 77 77 77 91 64 64 69 63 58 80 83 90 GOSHEN ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 114 126 120 100 73 69 73 82 114 126 120 100 68 55 68 82 113 125 120 100 70 79 79 79 114 125 120 100 87 77 77 87 114 122 119 98 76 68 83 90 GREENCASTLE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 101 105 82 131 40 47 40 40 101 105 82 131 35 43 35 43 101 105 82 131 43 52 39 52 100 105 70 131 55 65 55 55 101 104 81 131 58 68 58 76 SCHOOL ------ READ MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH NO. TSTED ----- READ NO. TSTED ----- TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS: GRADE 2 MEDIAN NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKS BY SCHOOL SPRING 2001 & 2002 & 2003 & 2004 LANG NO. TSTED ----- LANG MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH NO. TSTED ----- MATH MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH COMP NO. TSTED ----- MATH COMP MDIAN %TILE ----- GRADE ----- YEAR ---- GREENWOOD ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 90 112 106 94 82 82 82 82 90 112 106 94 82 82 82 82 90 112 106 92 87 87 87 87 90 112 106 90 87 94 94 94 90 112 104 94 76 83 90 90 HARMONY HILLS ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 61 75 70 69 34 47 40 47 61 75 70 69 35 55 43 55 61 75 70 69 43 43 52 70 61 75 70 69 55 65 71 65 61 69 70 69 58 58 83 83 HIGHLAND ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 88 118 98 122 40 29 44 40 88 118 98 122 43 35 43 43 88 117 98 122 43 35 52 52 89 118 97 122 65 45 55 50 89 114 97 122 49 49 76 76 HIGHLAND VIEW ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 55 56 52 50 34 44 82 73 55 56 52 50 35 43 68 68 54 55 51 50 60 60 87 79 55 56 52 50 45 41 77 82 55 54 52 50 76 76 83 83 JACKSON ROAD ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 64 76 72 68 47 55 47 47 64 76 72 68 43 55 43 55 64 76 72 68 60 48 43 70 64 76 72 68 65 77 60 77 64 74 71 68 58 49 68 68 JONES LANE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 67 79 92 91 82 82 73 82 67 79 92 91 82 82 82 82 67 79 92 91 87 87 75 79 67 79 88 91 94 94 87 87 67 75 87 91 90 90 90 83 KEMP MILL ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 102 100 102 100 40 40 34 55 102 100 102 100 35 35 39 68 102 100 101 99 43 35 52 60 102 100 102 100 55 55 55 82 102 100 102 100 49 49 68 83 SCHOOL ------ READ MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH NO. TSTED ----- READ NO. TSTED ----- TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS: GRADE 2 MEDIAN NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKS BY SCHOOL SPRING 2001 & 2002 & 2003 & 2004 LANG NO. TSTED ----- LANG MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH NO. TSTED ----- MATH MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH COMP NO. TSTED ----- MATH COMP MDIAN %TILE ----- GRADE ----- YEAR ---- KENSINGTON PARKWOOD ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 40 68 69 77 90 82 82 82 40 68 69 77 82 82 82 82 40 68 68 77 79 87 87 87 40 68 68 77 87 82 87 77 40 63 68 73 83 83 83 90 LAKE SENECA ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 49 53 71 55 64 55 55 55 49 53 71 55 55 55 55 43 49 52 70 55 70 70 52 70 49 53 70 55 77 65 65 55 49 51 70 55 83 68 72 68 LAKEWOOD ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 84 86 92 108 82 82 82 82 84 86 92 108 82 82 82 82 84 86 92 108 87 87 87 87 84 86 92 108 94 94 87 87 84 85 88 104 83 90 94 94 LAYTONSVILLE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 87 89 96 104 73 73 73 78 87 89 96 104 68 68 68 68 87 89 96 104 70 70 87 87 87 89 96 104 87 87 87 94 87 89 95 104 58 58 83 94 LUXMANOR ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 39 41 48 45 90 90 82 82 39 41 48 45 82 82 68 82 39 41 48 45 87 87 79 94 39 41 48 46 87 94 77 87 39 40 48 46 83 83 76 94 THURGOOD MARSHALL ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 84 75 90 102 64 73 82 64 84 75 90 102 55 68 68 55 84 75 90 100 60 60 70 70 84 75 90 101 77 77 77 65 84 75 90 99 58 76 72 76 MARYVALE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 87 91 88 101 34 34 55 47 87 91 88 101 35 35 55 55 87 91 88 101 43 43 79 70 86 90 88 101 36 36 55 45 87 90 88 101 58 76 90 83 SCHOOL ------ READ MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH NO. TSTED ----- READ NO. TSTED ----- TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS: GRADE 2 MEDIAN NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKS BY SCHOOL SPRING 2001 & 2002 & 2003 & 2004 LANG NO. TSTED ----- LANG MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH NO. TSTED ----- MATH MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH COMP NO. TSTED ----- MATH COMP MDIAN %TILE ----- GRADE ----- YEAR ---- SPARK M. MATSUNAGA ES 2 2002 2003 2004 112 161 180 73 73 73 112 161 180 68 68 75 112 161 181 79 70 79 112 159 180 87 87 87 112 156 180 83 90 90 S. CHRISTA MCAULIFFE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 116 113 111 119 47 55 64 64 116 113 111 119 55 55 68 68 116 112 110 119 43 60 70 60 116 112 108 119 65 55 55 55 116 110 109 115 49 76 90 76 RONALD A. MCNAIR ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 155 96 104 107 64 64 73 73 155 96 105 107 68 68 68 82 155 96 105 107 79 79 60 87 155 96 105 107 87 87 77 87 155 95 102 107 83 83 76 90 MEADOW HALL ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 60 63 56 58 47 34 51 60 60 63 56 58 55 35 43 68 60 63 56 58 43 43 39 65 60 62 55 58 65 55 55 65 60 62 56 58 58 49 58 72 MILL CREEK TOWNE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 68 49 69 83 47 55 82 82 68 49 69 83 55 68 68 82 68 49 69 83 60 79 87 87 67 49 69 82 65 87 94 94 68 48 68 79 76 90 94 94 MONOCACY ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 34 50 46 35 55 64 64 73 34 50 46 35 55 55 43 82 34 50 46 35 52 70 70 79 34 50 46 35 65 65 65 87 34 50 46 35 58 72 76 90 MONTGOMERY KNOLLS ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 89 90 105 93 47 47 40 40 89 90 105 93 43 35 35 43 89 89 105 93 52 52 60 52 89 90 107 93 65 77 55 55 89 90 107 93 40 49 68 58 SCHOOL ------ READ MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH NO. TSTED ----- READ NO. TSTED ----- TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS: GRADE 2 MEDIAN NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKS BY SCHOOL SPRING 2001 & 2002 & 2003 & 2004 LANG NO. TSTED ----- LANG MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH NO. TSTED ----- MATH MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH COMP NO. TSTED ----- MATH COMP MDIAN %TILE ----- GRADE ----- YEAR ---- NEW HAMPSHIRE ESTATES ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 115 100 116 87 29 34 47 40 115 100 116 87 35 43 49 68 115 100 115 86 29 52 52 70 115 99 115 85 45 45 65 65 115 99 116 84 31 49 58 87 OAKLAND TERRACE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 112 112 110 124 47 60 64 64 112 112 110 124 43 55 62 55 112 112 109 124 52 70 60 65 112 112 109 124 65 77 65 71 112 111 109 124 58 68 76 68 OLNEY ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 80 90 99 96 55 64 82 73 80 90 99 96 55 62 68 55 80 90 97 96 60 70 79 70 80 90 98 96 55 65 77 77 80 87 98 96 68 76 76 68 WILLIAM TYLER PAGE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 64 52 52 62 47 55 55 55 64 52 52 62 55 55 43 55 64 52 52 62 60 60 60 70 64 52 52 62 77 60 77 87 64 52 52 56 68 90 76 83 POOLESVILLE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 69 65 77 91 73 73 64 73 69 65 77 91 68 68 55 68 69 65 76 90 70 70 70 87 69 65 75 90 77 87 55 65 69 65 77 91 49 58 76 76 POTOMAC ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 107 116 116 102 82 82 82 90 107 116 116 102 82 82 82 82 107 116 117 102 87 94 87 94 107 116 116 102 94 94 94 98 107 117 116 102 83 83 87 90 JUDITH A. RESNIK ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 92 102 81 105 55 55 55 55 92 102 81 105 55 55 55 68 92 102 81 105 52 70 70 79 92 102 81 105 77 77 77 77 92 101 81 105 68 76 83 83 SCHOOL ------ READ MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH NO. TSTED ----- READ NO. TSTED ----- TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS: GRADE 2 MEDIAN NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKS BY SCHOOL SPRING 2001 & 2002 & 2003 & 2004 LANG NO. TSTED ----- LANG MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH NO. TSTED ----- MATH MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH COMP NO. TSTED ----- MATH COMP MDIAN %TILE ----- GRADE ----- YEAR ---- SALLY K. RIDE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 117 109 110 84 55 55 55 64 117 109 110 85 55 55 55 68 118 109 110 85 43 70 60 79 117 109 110 85 65 77 82 87 118 104 109 84 40 58 76 83 RITCHIE PARK ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 52 50 61 55 73 73 64 73 53 50 61 55 68 68 55 82 53 50 61 55 70 79 60 79 53 50 61 55 87 77 77 87 53 50 61 55 76 76 83 83 ROCK CREEK FOREST ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 78 85 86 84 82 64 73 55 78 85 86 84 82 68 68 55 78 85 86 82 87 70 87 65 78 85 86 84 94 77 87 87 78 85 86 82 90 83 90 76 ROCK CREEK VALLEY ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 51 46 43 48 55 51 47 60 51 46 43 48 68 68 55 49 51 45 43 48 60 52 43 60 51 46 42 48 77 77 77 71 51 44 41 41 58 58 76 90 ROCK VIEW ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 63 86 79 71 55 40 55 64 63 86 79 71 55 55 55 68 63 86 78 71 43 48 52 60 63 86 79 71 65 65 77 77 63 82 76 67 49 58 80 83 ROCKWELL ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 78 82 65 66 73 78 64 73 78 82 65 66 55 55 68 75 78 82 65 66 70 70 79 79 78 82 51 66 65 77 77 87 78 82 65 66 68 68 83 83 ROLLING TERRACE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 105 98 122 104 47 47 47 55 105 98 122 104 43 43 55 68 105 98 122 104 52 52 60 65 105 98 122 104 55 65 65 77 105 96 121 104 68 83 83 76 SCHOOL ------ READ MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH NO. TSTED ----- READ NO. TSTED ----- TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS: GRADE 2 MEDIAN NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKS BY SCHOOL SPRING 2001 & 2002 & 2003 & 2004 LANG NO. TSTED ----- LANG MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH NO. TSTED ----- MATH MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH COMP NO. TSTED ----- MATH COMP MDIAN %TILE ----- GRADE ----- YEAR ---- ROSEMARY HILLS ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 171 167 169 155 82 82 82 82 171 167 168 155 82 82 68 82 172 167 169 156 79 87 79 79 170 167 169 156 77 87 77 87 172 167 169 155 76 90 90 90 ROSEMONT ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 72 77 70 72 40 34 47 51 72 77 70 72 55 35 49 55 72 77 70 72 43 29 43 60 71 77 58 72 55 55 65 55 72 76 69 68 68 40 58 68 SEQUOYAH ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 93 86 77 86 55 64 55 64 93 86 77 86 55 68 55 68 93 86 76 86 79 79 60 70 93 86 77 86 65 87 77 65 93 85 74 86 83 83 68 83 SEVEN LOCKS ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 38 40 38 45 82 82 86 82 38 40 38 45 68 82 82 82 38 40 38 45 87 87 87 94 38 40 38 45 87 94 87 77 38 40 38 44 83 90 90 90 SHERWOOD ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 73 86 79 69 64 73 73 64 73 86 79 69 55 68 55 68 73 86 79 70 70 79 79 70 73 86 79 70 87 77 65 87 73 86 79 70 76 76 76 72 SLIGO CREEK ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 102 109 115 121 73 64 73 64 102 109 115 121 55 43 55 55 106 113 115 122 70 70 70 79 102 109 115 121 65 65 65 55 106 112 115 122 76 68 90 90 SOMERSET ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 72 66 78 58 90 90 90 82 72 66 78 58 82 82 82 82 72 66 77 58 79 75 79 87 72 66 77 58 94 87 94 87 72 66 77 58 83 83 90 90 SCHOOL ------ READ MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH NO. TSTED ----- READ NO. TSTED ----- TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS: GRADE 2 MEDIAN NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKS BY SCHOOL SPRING 2001 & 2002 & 2003 & 2004 LANG NO. TSTED ----- LANG MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH NO. TSTED ----- MATH MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH COMP NO. TSTED ----- MATH COMP MDIAN %TILE ----- GRADE ----- YEAR ---- SOUTH LAKE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 74 75 94 91 55 47 55 55 74 75 94 91 43 43 55 43 74 75 94 91 43 35 60 52 73 75 94 91 65 65 65 65 74 73 92 90 49 49 76 83 STEDWICK ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 79 109 95 102 73 64 55 64 79 109 95 102 68 55 55 68 79 110 95 102 70 70 60 70 79 110 95 102 87 87 77 77 79 109 94 102 49 58 83 76 STONE MILL ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 113 129 112 106 82 82 90 82 113 129 112 106 82 82 82 82 113 127 112 106 94 87 87 94 113 128 109 106 94 98 94 94 113 126 112 106 90 90 90 94 STONEGATE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 74 69 76 61 73 82 82 73 74 69 76 61 82 68 75 82 74 69 76 61 87 79 79 87 74 69 76 62 94 87 94 87 74 68 76 62 94 94 94 94 STRAWBERRY KNOLL ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 81 87 94 96 55 55 55 60 81 87 94 96 55 55 55 68 81 87 94 95 43 70 60 70 81 87 94 96 65 87 77 77 81 86 94 94 40 58 76 80 SUMMIT HALL ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 78 67 93 82 47 34 47 47 78 67 93 82 43 35 43 55 77 67 93 82 43 35 60 70 78 67 93 82 65 65 55 71 78 65 91 79 49 58 76 76 TAKOMA PARK ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 135 121 102 118 73 73 60 82 135 121 102 118 68 55 55 75 135 121 102 118 79 79 60 79 135 121 102 118 77 65 65 77 135 121 102 117 83 83 72 83 SCHOOL ------ READ MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH NO. TSTED ----- READ NO. TSTED ----- TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS: GRADE 2 MEDIAN NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKS BY SCHOOL SPRING 2001 & 2002 & 2003 & 2004 LANG NO. TSTED ----- LANG MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH NO. TSTED ----- MATH MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH COMP NO. TSTED ----- MATH COMP MDIAN %TILE ----- GRADE ----- YEAR ---- TRAVILAH ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 91 86 82 73 82 90 90 90 91 86 82 73 82 82 82 82 91 86 82 73 79 87 87 87 91 85 81 73 94 94 94 87 91 85 80 73 76 83 90 90 TWINBROOK ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 72 92 84 87 55 44 51 55 72 92 84 86 43 43 68 68 71 91 84 86 60 52 60 70 71 91 84 86 65 55 77 87 72 87 80 82 76 76 83 87 VIERS MILL ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 110 87 103 103 40 55 47 64 110 87 103 103 43 43 43 68 110 87 102 103 52 60 70 79 110 86 103 103 55 65 77 87 110 86 103 103 68 76 90 94 WASHINGTON GROVE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 52 63 66 63 47 55 44 73 52 63 66 63 43 55 43 82 52 63 66 61 43 43 43 70 52 62 66 63 55 77 36 77 52 58 62 57 49 58 54 76 WATERS LANDING ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 82 110 96 110 55 64 73 64 82 110 96 110 68 55 82 68 82 110 95 110 52 52 70 70 82 109 96 110 77 77 87 77 82 108 94 110 49 68 90 76 WATKINS MILL ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 89 76 83 97 47 55 73 64 89 76 83 97 55 55 68 68 89 76 83 97 60 60 79 79 88 76 83 97 65 55 87 87 89 73 79 97 58 68 83 83 WAYSIDE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 93 115 110 108 82 82 90 86 93 115 110 108 82 82 82 82 92 114 109 107 87 79 87 87 93 115 111 107 94 87 87 94 93 114 111 107 83 87 90 90 SCHOOL ------ READ MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH NO. TSTED ----- READ NO. TSTED ----- TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS: GRADE 2 MEDIAN NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKS BY SCHOOL SPRING 2001 & 2002 & 2003 & 2004 LANG NO. TSTED ----- LANG MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH NO. TSTED ----- MATH MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH COMP NO. TSTED ----- MATH COMP MDIAN %TILE ----- GRADE ----- YEAR ---- WELLER ROAD ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 96 101 88 95 47 40 47 47 96 101 88 95 55 43 55 43 96 100 88 95 52 52 60 60 96 100 88 95 77 65 77 65 96 100 88 95 68 58 76 83 WESTBROOK ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 46 56 44 48 90 86 90 90 46 56 44 48 82 82 82 82 46 56 44 48 87 87 87 87 46 56 44 48 87 87 87 87 46 55 44 48 76 76 90 90 WESTOVER ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 37 43 54 43 73 73 73 73 37 43 54 43 55 55 55 55 37 43 54 43 70 70 56 70 37 43 54 43 77 77 87 87 37 41 52 43 76 76 58 68 WHEATON WOODS ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 88 92 87 106 40 40 55 47 88 92 87 106 43 39 43 68 88 92 87 105 52 52 60 70 88 92 86 106 77 65 77 77 88 88 85 104 58 68 90 80 WHETSTONE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 94 85 109 91 55 47 64 73 94 85 109 91 68 43 55 68 94 85 109 91 60 52 79 79 94 85 109 91 77 77 77 87 94 81 106 91 76 76 83 90 WOOD ACRES ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 100 84 98 114 90 90 86 82 100 84 98 114 82 82 89 82 100 85 97 114 87 87 79 79 100 84 97 114 87 87 87 77 100 85 97 114 83 76 76 68 WOODFIELD ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 77 85 86 73 73 73 78 82 77 85 86 73 68 68 55 68 77 86 86 73 79 79 70 87 77 86 86 73 77 87 77 77 77 84 86 72 90 83 83 94 SCHOOL ------ READ MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH NO. TSTED ----- READ NO. TSTED ----- TERRANOVA COMPREHENSIVE TESTS OF BASIC SKILLS: GRADE 2 MEDIAN NATIONAL PERCENTILE RANKS BY SCHOOL SPRING 2001 & 2002 & 2003 & 2004 LANG NO. TSTED ----- LANG MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH NO. TSTED ----- MATH MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH MDIAN %TILE ----- MATH COMP NO. TSTED ----- MATH COMP MDIAN %TILE ----- GRADE ----- YEAR ---- WOODLIN ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 77 72 65 68 73 64 73 82 77 72 65 68 68 68 68 68 77 72 65 68 60 70 79 79 76 72 65 69 77 65 65 65 77 72 63 69 68 58 83 90 WYNGATE ES 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 69 100 87 84 90 90 82 90 69 100 87 84 82 82 68 82 69 100 87 84 79 87 79 94 69 100 87 84 87 87 94 94 69 100 87 84 76 83 90 94 COUNTY OVERALL 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 9238 9826 10060 9953 64 64 64 73 9240 9826 10061 9953 68 68 68 68 9226 9801 10028 9938 70 70 70 79 9201 9764 9995 9928 77 77 77 87 9227 9623 9902 9846 68 76 83 83 SCHOOL ------ READ MDIAN %TILE ----- LANG MECH NO. TSTED ----- READ NO. TSTED -----
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