C. J. Spanos Multivariate Control and Model-Based SPC T2, evolutionary operation, regression chart. L12 1 C. J. Spanos Multivariate Control Often, many variables must be controlled at the same time. Controlling p independent parameters with parallel charts: α' = 1 - (1 - α)p P{all in control} =(1 - α)p If the parameters are correlated, the type I (false alarms) and type II (missed alarms) rates change. We need is a single comparison test for many variables. In one dimension, this test is based on the student t statistic: t= L12 (x - µ 0) (x - µ 0) ~ t(n-1) = 2 sx s n 2 C. J. Spanos IR Charts 3 1 UCL=2.5 2 CD 1 0 Avg=-0.2 -1 -2 -3 LCL=-2.9 50 100 150 200 Monitoring Multiple Un-correlated Variables CD UCL=3.3 3 Thick 2 1 Avg=0.1 0 -1 -2 -3 100 150 200 1.0 Thick UCL=3.0 3 Angle 2 1 Avg=-0.1 0 -1 -2 1 -3 50 LCL=-3.1 100 150 200 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 Angle UCL=3.0 3 0.5 2 1 X-miss Type I Error vs Number of Variables LCL=-3.2 50 Avg=0.0 0 -1 -2 LCL=-3.0 1 -3 50 100 150 0.4 200 0.3 X-miss 1 3 UCL=2.9 0.2 Avg=-0.1 0.1 Y-Miss 2 1 0 -1 -2 LCL=-3.0 -3 50 100 150 200 0.0 0 Y-Miss 1 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 UCL=3.0 2 Refl 1 Avg=0.0 0 -1 -2 -3 LCL=-2.9 50 100 150 200 type I, 3sigma type I, 0.05 Refl L12 3 C. J. Spanos Multivariate Control (cont.) To compare p mean values to an equal number of targets we use the T2 statistic: T2 = n (x - x)' S -1 (x - x) p(n - 1) T2α, p, n - 1 = n - p Fα, p, n - p x1 x1 with x = x2 ... xp , x= x2 ... xp S is the covariance matrix, x are the means for the last sample and x the global means. We get an alarm when the T2 exceeds a critical value (set by the F-statistic). L12 4 C. J. Spanos Example: Center and left temps are correlated 610 608 606 604 602 600 610 608 606 604 602 600 L12 0 20 40 60 80 100 5 C. J. Spanos Examining the two Variables Together Correlations Cent Temp 1.0000 0.6094 Variable Cent Temp Left Temp Left Temp 0.6094 1.0000 608 607.5 607 606.5 606 605.5 605 604.5 604 603.5 603 602.5 602 L12 601 603 605 607 609 6 C. J. Spanos Example (cont.) Since left and center are correlated, with estimated σ =1.15, ρ=0.61, their deviation from the target 605 can be determined by a single plot: 30 α = 0.05 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 L12 7 C. J. Spanos Example (cont.) For two parameters, representation is possible: another graphical 610 608 606 604 602 600 600 L12 602 604 606 center 608 610 8 C. J. Spanos Example - Multivariate Control of Plasma Etch Five strongly correlated parameters* can be collected during the process: Haifang's Screen Dump L12 * Tune vane, load coil, phase error, plasma imp. and peak-to-peak voltage. 9 C. J. Spanos Example - Multivariate SPC of Plasma Etch (cont.) 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1 2 3 4 5 UCL 55.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 The first 24 samples were recorded during the etching of 4 "clean" wafers. The last 6 are out of control and they were recorded during the etching of a "dirty" wafer. L12 10 C. J. Spanos Evolutionary Operation - An SPC/DOE Application A process can be optimized on-line, by inducing small changes and accepting the ones that improve its quality. EVOP can be seen as an on-line application of designed experiments. Example: Assume a two-parameter process: y = f (x 1, x 2) + e and assume the following approximate model: y - a x 1 + b x 2 + c x 1x 2 If we knew a, b, and c, we would know how to change the process in order to bring y closer to the specifications. Of course this model will only be applicable for a narrow range of the input parameters. L12 11 C. J. Spanos Evolutionary Operation (cont.) 2 design a 2 factorial experiment x2 y5 +1 y3 H y1 L -1 -1 y2 y4 L H +1 x1 (Note that x1 and x2 are scaled so that they take the values -1, +1, at the edges of the experiment). L12 12 C. J. Spanos Evolutionary Operation (cont.) Once the effects are known, choose the best corner of the box and start a new experiment around it: x2 x1 The process terminates when I find a box whose corners are no better than its center. L12 13 C. J. Spanos Evolutionary Operation (cont.) The values of a, b and c (or the respective "effects" and "interactions") can be estimated: a = Effx1 = 1 [(y3+y4) - (y2+y5)] 2 b = Effx2 = 1 [(y3+y5) - (y2+y4)] 2 c = Intx1x2 = 1 [y2+y3 - (y4+y5)] 2 This calculation is repeated for n-cycles until one of the effects emerges as a significant factor. L12 14 C. J. Spanos Evolutionary Operation (cont.) To decide whether an effect is significant, we need a good estimate of the process sigma. The sigma of the process can be estimated from the difference of the last average and the new value at each of the experimental points. This value is distributed as: N ( 0, σ2 n ) n-1 The 95% confidence interval of each effect is: +/- 2n s and of the change-in-mean effect is: +/- 1.78 s n L12 15 C. J. Spanos Example - Use EVOP on a cleaning solution The yield from the first 4 cycles of a chem. process is shown below. The variables are % conc. (x1) at 30 (L), 31 (M), 32 (H) and temp. (x2) at 140 (L), 142 (M), 144 F (H). Cycle Y1 M-M 1 60.7 2 69.1 3 66.6 4 60.5 avg Y 64.2 L12 Y2 L-L 69.8 62.8 69.1 69.8 67.9 Y3 H-H 60.2 62.5 69.0 64.5 64.1 Y4 H-L 64.2 64.6 62.3 61.0 63.0 Y5 L-H 57.5 58.3 61.1 60.1 59.3 conc. effect = 1 [(y 3+y 4) - (y 2+y 5)] = -0.025 2 temp. effect = 1 [(y 3+y 5) - (y 2+y 4)] = -3.800 2 interaction = 1 [y 2+y 3 - (y 4+y 5)] = 4.825 2 chng in mean = 1 [y 2+y 3+y 4+y 5 - 4y 1] = -0.540 5 16 C. J. Spanos Example - EVOP on a cleaning solution (cont.) We use the range of consecutive differences in order to estimate the sigma of the process: Take range of ( y ji - y j-1 i ) for i = 1,2,3,4,5 ave rage for j = 2,3,4 R D = 7.53 and RD = σ n/(n-1) , i.e. σ =2.787 d2 The 95% confidence limits for concentration, temperature and their interaction are: +/- 2 σ / n = +/- 2.787 So, temperature and interaction are significant. Their signs dictate moving to point 2 (L-L). L12 17 C. J. Spanos EVOP Monitoring in the Fab L12 18 C. J. Spanos Regression Chart - Model Based SPC In typical SPC, we try to establish that certain process responses stay on target. What happens if there is one assignable cause that we know and we can quantify? If, for example, the deposition rate of poly is a function of the time since the last tube cleaning, it will never be "in control". In cases like this, we build a regression model of the response vs the known effect, and we try to establish that the regression model remains valid throughout the operation. Limits around the regression line are set according to the prediction error of the model. A t-statistic is used to update the model whenever necessary. L12 19 C. J. Spanos Regression chart (cont.) Regression Chart Polysilicon Deposition Rate 1100 1400 UCL 1348.96 1200 1000 1000 900 797.24 800 2σ 800 600 700 400 600 LCL 245.51 500 200 0 L12 10 Sample Count 20 0 10 20 30 # of runs after clean 20 Regression Chart (cont.) C. J. Spanos • The regression chart can be generalized for complex equipment models. • An empirical model is built to describe the changing aspects of the process. • The difference between prediction and observation can be used as the control statistic • If the control statistic becomes consistently different than zero, its value can be used to update the model. L12 21 Model Test and Adaptation C. J. Spanos LPCVD Model ln(Ro) = A + B ln (P) + C(1/T) + D (1/Q) After substitution, the equation used is: Y = A + BxB + CxC + DxD Control Limits: Y +/- (t * s) n Cumulative t= Σ i=1 L12 (Y i-y i) sy 22 C. J. Spanos Actual Rate [ln(Å/min)] Regression Chart (Example) Actual Rate [ln(Å/min)] 5.6 5.5 5.4 5.3 Actual Rat UCL LCL 5.2 5.1 5.0 4.9 4.8 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Model Rate [ln(Å/min)] 6.0 5.9 5.8 5.7 5.6 Actual 5.5 UCL 5.4 5.3 LCL 5.2 5.1 5.0 4.9 4.8 Model Rate [ln(Å/min) L12 23 C. J. Spanos Regression Chart (Example) Outdated Model Updated Model 5.6 5.6 5.5 5.5 5.4 5.3 Actual Rate UCL 5.2 LCL 5.1 5.0 4.9 4.8 4.8 5.3 Actual Rate 5.2 Revised UCL Revised LCL 5.1 5.0 4.9 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Model Rate [ln(Å/min)] L12 Actual Rate [ln(Å/min)] Actual Rate [ln(Å/min)] 5.4 5.5 5.6 4.8 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Revised Model Rate [ln(Å/min)] 24 C. J. Spanos Summary so far... As we move from classical, human operator oriented techniques, to more automated CIM based approaches: • We need to increase sensitivity (reduce type II error), without increasing type I error. (CUSUM, EWMA). • We need to distinguish between abrupt and gradual changes. (Choice of EWMA shape). • We need to accommodate multiple sensor readings (T2 chart). • We need to accommodate multiple recipes and products in each process (EVOP, model-based SPC). L12 25
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