C. J. Spanos CUSUM, MA and EWMA Control Charts Increasing the sensitivity and getting ready for automated control: The Cumulative Sum chart, the Moving Average and the Exponentially L11 1 C. J. Spanos Shewhart Charts cannot detect small shifts The charts discussed so far are variations of the Shewhart chart: each new point depends only on one subgroup. Shewhart charts are sensitive to large process shifts. The probability of detecting small shifts fast is rather small: Fig 6-13 pp 195 Montgomery. L11 2 C. J. Spanos Cumulative-Sum Chart If each point on the chart is the cumulative history (integral) of the process, systematic shifts are easily detected. Large, abrupt shifts are not detected as fast as in a Shewhart chart. L11 CUSUM charts are built on the principle of Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE). 3 C. J. Spanos Maximum Likelihood Estimation The "correct" choice of probability density function (pdf) moments maximizes the collective likelihood of the observations. If x is distributed with a pdf(x,θ) with unknown θ, then θ can be estimated by solving the problem: m maxθ Σ pdf(xi,θ) i=1 This concept is good for estimation as well as for comparison. L11 4 C. J. Spanos Maximum Likelihood Estimation Example To estimate the mean value of a normal distribution, collect the observations x1,x2, ... ,xm and solve the maximization problem: m maxµest 1 Σ 1 e-2 i=1 σ 2π xi-µest 2 σ L11 5 C. J. Spanos MLE Control Schemes If a process can have a "good" or a "bad" state (with the control variable distributed with a pdf fG or fB respectively). This statistic will be small when the process is "good" and large when "bad": m f (x ) Σ log f GB(xii) i=1 L11 6 C. J. Spanos MLE Control Schemes (cont.) Note that this counts from the beginning of the process. We choose the best k points as "calibration" and we get: m k f B(x i) f B(x i) S m = Σ log - min k < m Σ log >L f G(x i) f G(x i) i=1 i=1 or S m = max (S m-1+log f B(x m) , 0) > L f G(x m) This way, the statistic Sm keeps a cumulative score of all the "bad" points. Notice that we need to know what the "bad" process is! L11 7 C. J. Spanos The Cumulative Sum chart If θ is a mean value of a normal distribution, is simplified to: m S m = Σ (x i - µ 0) i=1 where µ0 is the target mean of the process. This can be monitored with V-shaped limits. Advantages The Cusum chart is very effective for small shifts and when the subgroup size n=1. Disadvantages The Cusum is relatively slow to respond to large shifts. Also, special patterns are hard to see and analyze. L11 8 C. J. Spanos Example 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 UCL=13.4 µ0=-0.1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 LCL=-13.6 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 L11 9 C. J. Spanos The CUSUM design Need to set L(0) (i.e. the run length when the process is in control), and L(δ) (i.e. the run-length for a specific deviation). Figure 7-3 Montgomery pp 227 L11 10 C. J. Spanos The CUSUM design 2 ln 1- β α δ2 δ= ∆ θ = tan -1 ∆ σx 2A d= d θ L11 11 ARL vs. Deviation for CUSUM L11 C. J. Spanos 12 C. J. Spanos CUSUM chart of furnace Temperature difference Detect 2Co, σ =1.5Co, α=.0027 β=0.05, θ = 18.43o, d = 6.6 50 3 40 2 30 B 20 C 0 A 10 1 -1 -2 0 -3 -10 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 L11 13 C. J. Spanos Tabular CUSUM A tabular form is easier to implement in a CAM system SH( i ) = max [ 0, xi - ( µo + K ) + SH( i - 1 ) ] SL( i ) = max [ 0, ( µo - K ) - xi + SL( i - 1 ) ] SL( 0 ) = SH( 0 ) = 0 K = ∆/2 H = 2dσxtan(θ) L11 H d θ 14 C. J. Spanos Cusum Enhancements To speed up CUSUM response one can use "modified" V masks: 15 10 5 0 -5 0 20 40 60 80 100 Other solutions include the application of Fast Initial Response (FIR) CUSUM, or the use of combined CUSUMShewhart charts. L11 15 C. J. Spanos General MLE Control Schemes Since the MLE principle is so general, control schemes can be built to detect: • single or multivariate deviation in means • deviation in variances • deviation in covariances An important point to remember is that MLE schemes need, implicitly or explicitly, a definition of the "bad" process. The calculation of the ARL is complex but possible. L11 16 C. J. Spanos Control Charts Based on Weighted Averages Small shifts can be detected more easily when multiple samples are combined. Consider the average over a "moving window" that contains w subgroups of size n: Mt = xt + xt-1 + ... +xt-w+1 w 2 V(Mt) = nσw The 3-sigma control limits for Mt are: UCL = x + 3 σ nw 3 LCL = x - σ nw Limits are wider during start-up and stabilize after the first w groups have been collected. L11 17 C. J. Spanos Example - Moving average chart w = 10 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 sample L11 18 C. J. Spanos The Exponentially Weighted Moving Average If the CUSUM chart is the sum of the entire process history, maybe a weighed sum of the recent history would be more meaningful: zt = λxt + (1 - λ)zt -1 0 < λ < 1 z0 = x It can be shown that the weights decrease geometrically and that they sum up to unity. t-1 zt = λ Σ ( 1 - λ )j x t - j + ( 1 - λ )t z0 j=0 UCL = x + 3 σ LCL = x - 3 σ λ (2-λ)n λ (2-λ)n L11 19 C. J. Spanos Two example Weighting Envelopes relative importance 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 10 EWMA 0.6 EWMA 0.1 L11 20 30 40 50 -> age of sample 20 EWMA Comparisons 15 λ=0.6 C. J. Spanos 10 5 0 -5 -10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 sample 100 120 140 160 15 10 λ=0.1 5 0 -5 -10 L11 21 C. J. Spanos Another View of the EWMA •The EWMA value zt is a forecast of the sample at the t+1 period. • Because of this, EWMA belongs to a general category of filters that are known as “time series” filters. xt = f (xt - 1, xt - 2, xt - 3 ,... ) xt- xt = at Usually: p xt = Σ φixt - i + i=1 q Σ θjat - j j=1 •The proper formulation of these filters can be used for forecasting and feedback / feed-forward control! •Also, for quality control purposes, these filters can be used to translate a non-IIND signal to an IIND residual... L11 22 C. J. Spanos Summary so far.. While simple control charts are great tools for visualizing the process,it is possible to look at them from another perspective: Control charts are useful “summaries” of the process statistics. Charts can be designed to increase sensitivity without sacrificing type I error. It is this type of advanced charts that can form the foundation of the automation control of the (near) future. Next stop before we get there: multivariate and modelbased SPC! L11 23
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