Set-up of PEP-II Longitudinal Feedback Systems for Even/Odd Bunch Spacings D. Teytelman* and J. Fox* * Stanford Linear Accelerator Center^ P.O. Box 4349, Stanford, CA 94309 Abstract. Feedback systems installed for control of coupled-bunch longitudinal instabilities in PEP-II collider have been designed to process bunch data at one half of the ring RF frequency. As a result these systems are ideally suited for controlling ring fills where only even or only odd RF buckets are populated (even bunch spacings). However in the operation of PEP-II per bunch charge considerations require fill patterns that alternately populate even and odd buckets. In this note we present a technique that allows to use existing hardware to provide feedback control of all bunches in such fills. INTRODUCTION PEP-II is a collider comprised of two circular accelerators of differing energies, Low Energy Ring (LER) and High Energy Ring (HER) [1, 2], Both rings operate above coupled-bunch instability thresholds at the design currents. Feedback systems are required to stabilize the beams in transverse and longitudinal planes [3, 4]. Both rings have a 476 MHz RF frequency which corresponds to a bucket spacing of 2.1 ns. The operation was planned around filled bucket spacings of 4.2 ns or every other RF bucket. In order to reduce the digital signal processing load and analog bandwidth the longitudinal feedback systems were designed to operate at a 238 MHz sampling frequency (one half oftheRF). The operation of a collider is driven by luminosity considerations. Among many factors affecting the luminosity is per bunch charge. During the operation of PEP-II the combination of operating current and optimal per bunch charge made fill patterns with 6.3 ns (every third bucket) and 10.5 ns (every fifth) bunch spacings desirable. In their initial configurations the longitudinal feedback systems could not control fill patterns where both even and odd RF buckets were populated (mixed fills). A modification of the design has been made to address that problem. Here we will describe the design changes required, present corrected beam timing procedures and provide experimental results for the new mode of operation. There are three signal processing components involved in controlling unstable motion: front-end detection and sampling, filtering by digital signal processors (DSPs), and kick signal generation in the back-end. These components are illustrated in Fig. 1. In order to 1 Work supported by Department of Energy contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00515 CP648, Beam Instrumentation Workshop 2002: Tenth Workshop, edited by G. A. Smith and T. Russo © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0103-9/02/$19.00 474 From the BPMs To the kicker Analog front−end processing Analog back−end processing ADC Digital signal processing DAC FIGURE1.1. Block Blockdiagram diagramofofthe thePEP-II PEP-IIlongitudinal longitudinal feedback feedback system system FIGURE supportmixed mixedfills fillssignals signalsfrom from both both even even and and odd odd buckets buckets must must go go through through the support the signal signal processing chain and the kicker signal has to be correctly aligned with the passing processing chain and the kicker signal has to be correctly aligned with the passing bunch. bunch. Let'sstart startthe thediscussion discussionfrom from the thefront-end. front-end. Let’s FRONT-ENDSIGNAL SIGNAL PROCESSING PROCESSING FRONT-END Analogfront-end front-endprocessing processingof ofthe thelongitudinal longitudinalfeedback feedback system system is is designed designed to Analog to measure measure time of arrival of each bunch relative to the RF master oscillator clock. This time of arrival of each bunch relative to the RF master oscillator clock. This is is done done using a phase detector operating with the master oscillator derived carrier at 6 x /.. using a phase detector operating with the master oscillator derived carrier at 6 × fr f . Thebunch-induced bunch-inducedsignal signalon onthe theBPM BPMoutput output isis aa very very short short differentiated differentiated pulse. The pulse. If If such such pulseisisused usedasasananinput inputtotothe thephase phasedetector, detector, the the output output signal signal will will be be also also aa short short a apulse baseband pulse. As a result sampled signal will be very sensitive to both pulse and clock baseband pulse. As a result sampled signal will be very sensitive to both pulse and clock timing. In order to avoid this problem in PEP-II the longitudinal feedback systems use timing. In order to avoid this problem in PEP-II the longitudinal feedback systems use a comb generator filter. In response to a BPM output pulse this filter produces a burst a comb generator filter. In response to a BPM output pulse this filter produces a burst of pulses spaced at TrJ6. When such a burst is phase detected baseband signal has a of pulses spaced at Tr f /6. When such a burst is phase detected baseband signal has a rectangular envelope with duration equal to that of the input burst [5]. Figure 2 shows rectangular envelope with duration equal to that of the input burst [5]. Figure 2 shows the front-end block diagram. the front-end block diagram. Originally both PEP-II longitudinal systems were equipped with 4-tap comb generaOriginally both PEP-II longitudinal equipped with 4-tap comb generators that resulted in a baseband pulse systems of 1.4 nswere duration. A timing diagram using such tors that resulted in a baseband pulse of 1.4 ns duration. A timing diagram using comb generators is given in Fig. 3. By comparing the baseband phase signal withsuch the comb is given Fig. 3. By theonly baseband phase can signal the ADCgenerators sampling clock we in determine thatcomparing only even or odd buckets be with sampled ADC sampling clock we determine that only even or only odd buckets can be sampled for a fixed clock. for aThe fixed clock. comb generator design allows one to stretch the detected pulse. If we lengthen The comb design allows one(2.1 to stretch pulse. If weclock lengthen the basebandgenerator pulse to span 2 RF buckets ns < Tthelsedetected < 4.2 ns), the ADC can the baseband pulse to span 2 RF buckets (2.1 ns < Tpulse < 4.2 ns), the ADC clock can be set up to sample both even and odd buckets. This arrangement is illustrated in Fig. 4 beforseta up to sample even and oddcase buckets. This arrangement is If illustrated Fig. 4 10-tap comb both generator. In this the pulse is 3.5 ns long. for eveninbuckets for a 10-tap comb generator. In this case the pulse is 3.5 ns long. If for even buckets we put the sampling clock within T0^set < 1.4 ns of either rising or falling edges of the we put the clock To within or falling edges of the f f set < T1.4lsens—of pulse, oddsampling buckets will be within sampled Treither — T0ffrising set = 1.4 ns — T0ffset of the pulse, odd buckets will be sampled within T pulse − Tr f − To f f set = 1.4 ns − To f f set of the 475 From BPMs LNA Double-balanced mixer X 6xRF FIGURE 2. Low pass filter \ ToADC Prog de delay line Block diagram of longitudinal front-end analog processing opposite edge. To minimize timing jitter sensitivity we set T0ttset = 700 ps. We can arbitrarily select whether to sample filled even buckets near the front or the tail of the pulse. However that choice, as we will see later, affects set up of the back-end. In addition, examining Fig. 4 we see, that for the timing shown bucket 3 is sampled by clock pulse 1. If even buckets are sampled near the front of the pulse, bucket 3 gets sampled by clock pulse 2. This sample shift would not affect feedback processing in these bunchby-bunch feedback systems with independent digital signal processing for each bunch. However analysis of beam data acquired by the DSPs is dependent on which sampling model (pulse front or tail) is chosen. In order to eliminate ambiguity we've chosen in BPM signal MAA/V V Comb generator oil tput WAr Baseband phase Sampling clock Time, RF periods FIGURE 3. Timing with 4-tap comb generator. The top trace shows BPM signals for 3 bunches in the every third bucket fill pattern. Dashed lines show ideal synchronous times, bunches 0 and 6 arrive early while bunch 3 is late. 476 V A/WW Comb generator output Baseband phase Sampling clock 5 6 Time, RF periods FIGURE 4. Timing with 10-tap comb generator. PEP-II to sample even buckets at the tail of the pulse. There are several trade-offs in mixed fill pattern sampling with a long comb generator. First of all, the longer baseband pulse increases coupling between the neighboring bunches. In an ideal system with fast pulse rise and fall times there would be no coupling for pulse lengths below 4.2 ns. However due to ringing in RF components (such as the low-pass filter) baseband pulse can last longer than the length of the comb generator burst. The coupling is worst at the minimal bunch spacing of 4.2 ns. Since the pulse is lengthened by a ringing tail, coupling is most significant for all odd bucket fill patterns. Another negative effect comes from tap spacing errors in the comb generator. If tap spacing is different from nominal Tr /6, frequency of the resulting burst is offset from 6 x fr,. Consequently detected phase pulse will ride on a slope. Since for mixed fill patterns we sample the pulses at different points for even and odd buckets, the bunch signals will have differing DC offsets. Even though overall DC offset is rejected by the phase servo loop in the feedback front-end, these even to odd bucket offsets cannot be easily compensated. DSP FILTERS AND POST-PROCESSING The feedback processing is done on a bunch-by-bunch basis. The harmonic number of PEP-II is 3492 and so the feedback system acquires 3492/2 = 1746 bunch samples per revolution. These bunch signals are downsampled and processed independently from each other. Thus, as long as the bunch phase signal is properly sampled, it is processed in the same manner within any of the 1746 processing channels. However post-processing of the data acquired by the feedback system does depend on the actual fill pattern. As shown in Fig. 4 the signal from filled bucket 0 or 1 appears in processing channel 0. In order to accurately extract modal information from the bunchby-bunch time-domain record we need to know whether even or odd bucket is filled. This 477 Time, RF periods FIGURE 5. Back-end kick signals and timing to the bunch arrivals information is not present in the data, therefore knowledge of the fill pattern is needed for proper signal reconstruction. Once the fill pattern is known it is easy to determine RF bucket to feedback processing channel correspondence. For front-end timing setup described in section bucket and channel numbers are related as follows: (1) BACK-END SIGNAL PROCESSING The correction values computed by the DSPs are converted into a baseband analog signal using a D/A clocked at frf/2. The D/A output is then a series of 4.2 ns long steps. In the frequency domain most of the power is in the DC to /ry/4 band. The longitudinal feedback kicker for PEP-II is designed with center frequency of 9frJ4. Therefore the baseband output of the D/A is mixed with a carrier frequency to place the power within kicker bandwidth. A carrier signal at 9/ry/4 undergoes a 90 degree phase shift over one RF period. If bunch 0 is timed for maximum positive kick, bunches 1 and 3 will arrive at zero crossings while bunch 2 will see negative kick. To avoid this in PEP-II longitudinal feedbacks phase of the carrier is shifted by -90 degrees every RF period using quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK). In this discussion we will consider the bunch passage time through the longitudinal kicker to be short relative to the carrier wavelength. PEP-II kickers have three field gaps spaced at 1/4 carrier wavelength. However we can model these as a single short (broadband) gap in combination with a bandpass kicker transfer function. When the bunch passes through the gap it samples the kick voltage. In order to maximize the effect, the kick has to be timed so that a bunch samples the peak of the waveform. As the single-bunch kick is 4.2 ns long there are multiple peaks that can be synchronized with the beam. However, the requirement to affect both even and odd RF buckets restricts the timing. In Fig. 5 waveforms of the back-end signals are shown. Our goal is to chose a kick timing relative to the beam so that both buckets 0 and 1 would sample peaks of the channel 0 kick waveform. There are 5 possible timing settings. However, in order to 478 −60 -60 −65 -65 Response (dBV) −70 -70 Even Odd L. −75 −80 -85 −85 -90 −90 -95 −95 0 1 22 3 3 Delay (ns) (ns) Delay 4 4 5 6 FIGURE6. 6. PEP-II PEP-IILER front-end timing timing sweep. sweep. Approximate Approximate extent of the phase detector output pulse FIGURE LER front-end indicatedby bydashed dashed vertical vertical lines. lines. The The "even" "even" arrow arrow indicates indicates where the pulse from an even filled bucket isisindicated sampled by by the the ADC, ADC, while while "odd" "odd" pointer pointer shows shows the the sampling sampling for the odd bucket. isis sampled minimize interbunch interbunch coupling coupling we we try to use the peaks closest to the burst center point. minimize For the the carrier carrier phasing phasing shown shown in in Fig. Fig. 55 there there are are two two timing settings which place either For the even or the odd bunch closer to the center point. The choice between the two settings the even or the odd bunch closer to the center arbitrary. isis arbitrary. interesting to to note note that that both both in in the the front-end front-end and and the back-end we are dealing ItIt isis interesting with sampling sampling of of aa finite-duration finite-duration pulse. pulse. In In the the front-end, the ADC clock samples the with baseband phase phase while while in in the the back-end the bunch samples an amplitude-modulated QPSK baseband carrier.However However for for the the front-end front-end setup setup where where ADC ADC samples samples the carrier. the tail tail of of the the pulse pulse we we have have to configure configure the the back-end back-end so so that that the the bunch samples samples the head of the kick pulse. to EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS EXPERIMENTAL In this this section section we we will will describe describe the the procedures for setting up the correct front-end front-end and In back-end timings timings and and present present experimental experimental data data for feedback control of even/odd filling back-end filling patterns. The The front-end front-end timing timing is is controlled controlled by by the setting of the programmable delay patterns. line. The The delay delay line line allows allows one one to to adjust adjust the the placement of the phase detector output pulse line. relative to to the the ADC ADC clock. clock. The clock signal signal is locked to the ring master oscillator and relative for fixed fixed RF RF voltage voltage phase remains in a constant relation to the beam phase. for In order order to to determine determine optimal optimal setting setting for for the the front-end front-end delay delay line line an an automated automated timing In timing utility isis used. used. First First aa single single bucket bucket in in the the ring ring is is filled filled to to nominal nominal per per bunch bunch charge. charge. The The utility feedback system system is is set set up up to to deliver deliver aa back-end back-end correction correction signal signal for for only only one one channel channel feedback the channel channel that that must must sample sample the the filled filled bucket. bucket. Then Then under under program program control control the the delay delay -- the 479 −45 -45 Odd Even −50 -50 Response (dBV) −55 -55 −60 >-60 CO −65 -65 IT −70 -70 −75 -75 −80 -80 −85 -85 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 12 13 Delay Delay (ns) (ns) 14 14 15 15 16 16 FIGURE LER back-end FIGURE 7. 7. PEP-II PEP-IILER back-end timing timing sweep. sweep. The The dashed dashed lines lines show show the the DAC DAC pulse pulse length length of of 4.2 4.2 ns. ns. This This pulse pulse isis stretched stretched due due to to the the bandlimiting in the kicker. The "even" "even" arrow indicates the point where the the even even bucket bucket samples samples the the kick kick waveform. waveform. line line isis swept swept through through aa range range of of values values and and at at each each setting setting the baseband spectrum of the the DAC DAC output output isis measured. measured. Due Due to the RF noise excitation the beam oscillates at the synchrotron synchrotron frequency. frequency. That That motion motion is is amplified amplified by the feedback filter and allows the determination determination of of the the amplitude amplitude sampled sampled by by the ADC. By selecting a spectral component at at the the synchrotron synchrotron resonance peak we obtain sampled signal amplitude versus delay as shown shown in in Fig. Fig. 6. 6. Note Note that that the the delay delay axis axis goes goes in the opposite direction from the time axis, axis, that that isis larger larger delay delay setting setting corresponds corresponds to sampling sampling the earlier part of the pulse. Since Since we we decided decided to sample sample the even buckets towards the tail of the pulse the "even" timing timing arrow arrow is is placed placed closer closer to to the the left edge of the delay sweep. A A similar similar automated automated procedure procedure is is used used to set set the the back-end delay line. In this case with aa single single bunch bunch in in the the ring ring we we program program the the DSPs DSPs to produce sinusoidal sinusoidal excitation at the synchrotron synchrotron frequency frequency in in aa single single channel. channel. As the delay line is swept through the region of of interest interest at at each each setting setting we we record record the the spectrum spectrum of the beam via the phase-detector output. output. When When the the kicker burst is is correctly correctly aligned aligned with the beam the driven motion is is maximal. maximal. By By plotting the signal signal amplitude at the synchrotron frequency frequency against the delay delay setting setting we we get get the the magnitude response of the kicker as illustrated in Fig. 7. Here two response response lobes lobes 2.1 2.1 ns apart are selected for even and odd bucket timing. As expected two the positions of of even even and and odd odd buckets buckets are are reversed relative to the front-end sweep. the After the the optimal optimal timing timing settings settings are are determined we are able to fill the rings in After the even/odd even/odd fill fill patterns, patterns, for for example every third bucket. After filling the LER to the 800 mA mA we we recorded recorded beam beam data data in in the closed-loop feedback configuration to verify 800 verify the system system stability. stability. In In Fig. Fig. 88 the the RMS amplitudes amplitudes of the recorded data are show show for the the first 12 12 DSP DSP channels. channels. Empty Empty channels channels show show RMS motion of 11 ADC count while the first 480 RMS RMSmotion motion(ADC (ADCcounts) counts) 2.5 2.5 c !* 0 2 2 Q 1.5 1.5 -1.5 o ' 0 0 - 1 1 o 0.5 0.50 io.5 0) 2 22 1 1 0 o o 0 6 66 DSP channel DSP DSPchannel channel 8 88 0 . CO 4 44 10 10 10 12 12 1 FIGURE 8. RMS of of the beam beam data recorded recorded by the the DSPs. Bucket Bucket 0 is sampled by by channel 00 while while FIGURE FIGURE8.8. RMS RMS ofthe the beamdata data recordedby by the DSPs. DSPs. Bucket 00 isis sampled sampled by channel channel 0 while bucket 3 signal is in channel 1. bucket bucket33signal signalisisininchannel channel1.1. channels filled buckets show counts. Since the front-end is timed timed to to sample sample channels sampling channelssampling samplingfilled filled buckets buckets show show 222 counts. counts. Since Since the the front-end front-end isis timed to sample even buckets near the tail of the pulse we can reconstruct the underlying fill pattern even buckets near the tail of the pulse we can reconstruct the underlying fill pattern even buckets near the tail of the pulse we can reconstruct the unambiguously. unambiguously. unambiguously. In amplitudes of the coupled-bunch eigenmodes are shown. These In Fig. average In Fig. Fig.999 average average amplitudes amplitudes of of the the coupled-bunch coupled-bunch eigenmodes eigenmodes are are shown. shown. These These values are obtained by transforming the abovementioned data set to the eigenmodal values values are are obtained obtained by by transforming transforming the the abovementioned abovementioned data data set set to to the the eigenmodal eigenmodal basis. measurement was made in the closed-loop configuration we obtain obtain the the basis. Since the basis.Since Sincethe the measurement measurement was was made made in in the the closed-loop closed-loop configuration configuration we we obtain the steady-state modal amplitudes. Most of the eigenmodes are damped by the feedback to steady-state steady-statemodal modalamplitudes. amplitudes.Most Most of of the the eigenmodes eigenmodes are are damped damped by by the the feedback feedback to the noise floor with the notable exception of eigenmode 0 oscillating at 0.09 degrees. the the noise noise floor floor with with the the notable notable exception exception of of eigenmode eigenmode 00 oscillating oscillating at at 0.09 0.09degrees. degrees. This mode isis excited excited by the RF noise from the klystron klystron high-voltage high-voltage This lowest-frequency Thislowest-frequency lowest-frequency mode mode is excited by by the the RF RF noise noise from from the the klystron power The fill pattern has periodic minigaps which act to alias mode every power supplies. powersupplies. supplies.The Thefill fill pattern pattern has has periodic periodic minigaps minigaps which which act act to to alias alias mode mode 000 every every 72 revolution harmonics. 72 revolution harmonics. 72 revolution harmonics. SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY Amplitude Amplitude (deg@RF) (deg@RF) Modification in combination with proper proper front-end front-end Modification of of the the comb comb generator generator length length in in combination combination with front-end and and back-end have enabled enabled PEP-II PEP-II to the mixed mixed back-end timing timing procedures procedures described described here here have to use use the the even/odd optimize luminosity. Under Under these even/odd ring ring filling filling patterns patterns required required to to optimize optimize luminosity. these conditions conditions we of longitudinal coupled-bunch instabilities wehave havedemonstrated demonstratedfeedback feedback stabilization stabilization of of longitudinal longitudinalcoupled-bunch instabilities atatthe thedesign designbeam beamcurrents. currents. 0.1 0.1 0.08 O.06 0.06 0.04 0.02 -0.02 0 0 200 200 400 400 400 600 600 600 Mode number Modenumber number Mode 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1200 1200 FIGURE modal amplitudes in the LER LER at at 800 800 mA mA FIGURE9. 9. Average Averagemodal modalamplitudes amplitudesin inthe 481 REFERENCES 1. PEP-II: An asymmetric B factory, conceptual design report (1993). 2. Seeman, J., et al., "Status Report of PEP-II Performance," in EPAC 2000: Proceedings, IOP Publishing, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2001, pp. 38^2. 3. 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