Beam Based Calibration of BPM Position Sensitivity at SPring-8 Storage Ring S. Sasaki*, K. Soutome* and H. Tanaka* *SPring-8/JASRI, Kouto 1-1-1, Mikazuki, Sayo, Hyogo 679-5198, Japan Abstract. A method for beam based calibration of BPM position sensitivity is proposed, and preliminary result at SPring-8 Storage Ring is presented. Beam based alignments of the BPM offsets were performed in various accelerator facilities. We extended this kind of beam based alignment techniques to calibrate the position sensitivity of the BPM. When the strength of one quadrupole magnet is changed slightly, a certain amount of extra COD arises, depending how much the offset from the quadrupole center the COD has. The amplitude of COD and the distance from the quadrupole center has a certain functional relation which is defined by the quadrupole magnet field distribution and the storage ring optics parameters. By comparing the COD amplitude and the BPM position reading, we can re-scale the position sensitivity of the BPM. Recently, a preliminary test of the method was performed. In this paper the obtained result are presented. INTRODUCTION The beam based calibration of beam position monitor(BPM) offsets are applied in various accelerator facilities.[1-5] The common method is a minimum search of closed orbit distortion(COD) occurred by a small change of the focusing strength of a quadrupole magnet with scanning the orbit around the quadrupole axis. In performing this kind of measurement, the amount of extra COD occurred by the quadrupole strength change has a relationship to the offset from the quadrupole axis. This relationship can be used for calibrating the position sensitivity of the BPM adjacent to the quadrupole magnet whose strength is changed. We describe the principle of the method first, the preliminary measurement performed at the SPring-8 storage ring next PRINCIPLE OF THE METHOD First, we pose the following conditions for the method to be valid. 1. BPM are linear, which means the measured position (jt, y) of a BPM is expressed as * = *o + F-> and > y = yo + > CP648, Beam Instrumentation Workshop 2002: Tenth Workshop, edited by G. A. Smith and T. Russo © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0103-9/02/$19.00 425 C1) where, *0 and j0 are offsets of horizontal and vertical directions, Sx and Sy are position sensitivity coefficients, and u and v are defined as u= (A 1 +A 4 )-(A 2 +A 3 ) (A 1 +A 2 )-(A 4 +A 3 ) v= AX+A2+A3+A4 AX+A2+A3+A4 or, in another definition, which is used for SPring-8 Storage Ring, u=2Al+A2 A 4 +A 3 V 1 AI-\ =2 A2~A3 A2+A3' where A 1? A2, A3, A4 are the signal amplitude of the electrodes from 1 to 4, shown as figure 1 270mm FIGURE 1. Cross section of the BPM part of the vacuum chamber. The coordinates(jc, y) and electrode No. and its amplitudes^, • • •, A4) are defined as shown in the figure. 2. The optics of the storage ring is linear, which means the COD caused by a single kick at s = s0 is expressed as (2) COD(s) = where, COD(s): COD at position s along the storage ring, /3(i): beta function at s, dsf ( rc dsf \ , v: tune ( = / nl A ) , where C is the circumference of the storage =r 7o ring. 0(^ 0 ) : kick angle at ^ = ^0. 3. The kick angle generated by changing the quadrupole strength is expressed as B(SQ) = dK'L' 0 (SQ) = 6K - L - o), for x direction, and 0 ) , for y direction, (3) (4) where 0(s0): kick at s = s0, 6K: amount of the change of the quadrupole strength, L: quadrupole length, 8X(sQ), 57(^0): offset of the orbit from the quadrupole axis. If the *0 and j0 in the equations (1) coincide with the quadrupole axis, <5X(s0) = u/Sx and8Y(xQ)=v/Sy. Since we performed measurements for only y direction, because of the analysis convenience, we describe only v-direction case hereafter. The equation (2) becomes CODy(s) = 8K-L 2sm(jtvy) (5) 426 The equation (5) suggests that the Sy can be calibrated if all the storage ring optics parameters are accurate and the COD(s) are measured without any error. This means that the COD generated by quadrupole strength change is used as a reference for the BPM position reading to be calibrated. The method is applicable for obtaining the deviation of the coefficients from the common factor to all the BPM. If all the BPM has same amount of factor difference of the position sensitivity coefficients from the true value, the exact value of the coefficients cannot be obtained since the COD(s) themselves are measured with the BPM. MEASUREMENT SPring-8 storage ring and its BPM Before proceeding to the experimental method, the SPring-8 storage ring and its BPM are briefly described. The storage ring is a third generation synchrotron radiation source with the stored electron energy of 8 GeV. It consists of 40-normal and 4-long-straight cells. Normal cell is a double bend achromat type. Each normal cell has 6 BPM, and the long straight cell has 8 BPM. A BPM consists of 4 button pickups as shown in figure 1. The electrodes are welded directly on a long vacuum chamber with the lengths up to over 5 m. The chamber is a ante-chamber type one, as shown in figure 1. The tuning frequency for detection of electrode signals is same as RF acceleration frequency, which is 508.58 MHz. Experiment We adopted the following procedure for the measurement of the beam based calibration of the BPM position sensitivity. 1. Make a bump across one of the quadrupole magnet and its adjacent BPM. This BPM is the target for calibration. 2. Change the quadrupole strength slightly. 3. Measure COD all around the storage ring before and after the change of the quadrupole strength. 4. Repeat the step from 1 to 3 for the predefined set of bump heights. We adopt the amplitude of the tune component of the COD fourier spectrum for the indicator of the amount of the extra COD caused by the single kick generated with quadrupole strength change. After transformation from (y (.?.•), s*) to the normalized coordinate ( fourier-cosine and -sine components were calculated, where y - is the position reading value of j— th BPM. The definition of the cosine (Cy(n)) and sine(Sy(ri)) components of 427 the n-th fourier harmonics are Cy(n) = ' cosHyJdfc , Sy(n) = - sin(^)<%, (6) where (f>y(s) = ——— , and the amplitude is Ay(ri) = Vy We approximated the fourier components by the summations of measured values as, -*y,), (?) The sign to the amplitude was applied as Ay(ri) <— sgn(Cy(ra)) -Ay(ri) , for the analysis convenience, where sgn(jt) = < _ 1 ~~ . Further modification to the Ay(ri) was made for normalization to the kick angle as \ /,^\ Mn) = ——. Taking the n as the integer part of the vertical tune(ra =18), the position reading values of the target BPM were plotted against the normalized fourier amplitude of the extra COD-difference occurred by change of quadrupole strength for each bump height. The plot is expected to be on a straight line, and the slope has the information about the BPM position sensitivity. preliminary result We made measurements on 8 BPM-quadrupole sets for vertical direction. They are listed in table 1. The quadrupole strength was changed by changing the current applied to the magnet. The change of the current(<57) were the same for all the measured quadrupoles, which was 10 A. The amount of strength change 6K was obtained as 6K = K • (5///0), for the magnets operated in the linear range of excitation curve, where K is the nominal value of strength, /0 is the nominal current applied in usual operations. Corrections were applied for the magnets whose nominal current were non-linear range of the excitation curve. Relative changes of the strength(6^T/^T) are also listed in table 1. In figure 2(left), an example of the extra COD caused by 10-A change of the quadrupole current is shown. The calculated value from the designed optics parameter and the unit kick angle at the same quadrupole was plotted on the same graph. The 428 TABLE 1. Measured set of BPM and quadrupole magnet and relative variation of quadrupole strength £ Jf set No. BPM(serial No. / the cell) Q magnet(cell-No. in the cell) 23/4-5 87 /15-3 119/20-5 122/21-2 144 / 24-6 192 / 32-6 227 / 38-5 266/45-2 4-8 15-4 20-8 21-3 24-10 32-10 38-8 45-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 48 96 144 192 240 288 10 20 30 —( K 2.6 2.0 2.6 2.6 4.5 4.5 2.6 2.6 40 50 harmonics order BPM No FIGURE 2. Calculated(open circles) and measured(closed diamonds) COD(left) and their fourier spectra(right) for the 7-th set of BPM-quadrupole(serial No. 227 BPM) in Table 1. Calculation was made using the linear part of the designed optics parameters. Fourier components were calculated up to 50-th order harmonics. agreements of the COD pattern were quite good for all the measured set of quadrupole and BPM. It shows that the nonlinearity of the optics parameter was small enough so that the condition 2 was fulfilled. An example of fourier spectrum of the extra COD is shown in figure 2(right) with the spectrum of the calculated COD. The spectrum also agrees well. The n = 18 component of the fourier spectrum was used for the estimation of the sensitivity coefficient, since the integer part of the vertical tune is 18 for normal operation condition of the SPring-8 storage ring. The BPM reading values are plotted against the normalized amplitude A^(18) as shown in figure 3. The graph shows a linear dependency, and the data were fitted with a straight line. The slope, which we express as a here, is related to the sensitivity coefficient. To compare the sensitivity obtained with the designed optics parameters, the COD was calculated in the case of the 1-mm offset of the target quadrupole, and the fourier amplitude of n = 18 component was obtained for the calculated COD, which we express 429 (18) here. Since the calculated data make a line connecting the origin (0,0) and the point (A^calc (18), 1 mm), the slope of this line is - i^tilc y 2 1.5 1 0.5 D) 0 I -0.5 0 -1 0_ -1.5 CO E E "y = -0.35947 + 2.5447A (18) -2 -1 -0.5 0 A y (18) 0.5 N FIGURE 3. BPM reading values of serial No. 227 BPM vs. 18-th order harmonics of normalized fourier amplitude for each bump height (open circles). The line indicates the fitted straight line. The slope of the line consists of the measured data should be equal to I/Ay (18), if the sensitivity derived from the measured COD is accurate. Here we introduce the ratio of the slope of measured data(a)to the slope of the calculated line as r ; r= The obtained values of a, 1' /A^ (18), and r are summarized in table 2. Jcalc x / TABLE 2. Summary of fitted slope, the inverse of the calculated fourier amplitude, and the ratio of them, for the measured set of BPM and quadrupoles 1 Set No. BPM (serial No. / cell-No, in the cell) | a\ 1-1 1-2* 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 23/4-5 23/4-5 87 / 15-3 119/20-5 122/21-2 144 / 24-6 192/32-6 227 / 38-5 266/45-2 2.43 2.42 2.74 2.28 2.55 2.29 2.31 2.54 2.57 2.31 2.31 2.32 2.24 2.34 2.20 2.18 2.33 2.36 1.05 1.05 1.18 1.01 1.09 1.04 1.06 1.09 1.09 * The measurement for BPM 4-5 was made twice with the interval of about 1 month, from which the reproducibility of the measurement is estimated to be 0.4% 430 DISCUSSION The reproducibility of the measurement was estimated to be less than 1% from the difference of two measurements on the same BPM (BPM 4-5), as noted in the table 2. The slope fitted with the measured data agree withe calculated values within 10% except one BPM(serial No. 87: 15-cell No.3 BPM). The values of r are different from unity above the reproducibility level. Suppose the accuracy of r is the level of reproducibility, corrections to the sensitivity coefficients^) must be applied, and the serial No. 87 BPM has the correction as large as 18%. 0.2 0.0001 -0.2 48 96 144 192 240 10 288 20 30 40 50 harmonics order BPM No FIGURE 4. Calculated(open circles) and measured(closed diamonds) COD(left) and their fourier spectra(right) for the serial No. 87 BPM. Calculation was made using the linear part of the designed optics parameters. Fourier components were calculated up to 50-th order harmonics. 2 1.5 E 1 0.5 D) C 0 -0.5 0 -1 Q_ -1.5 CO "y = -0.1074 - 2.7403A" (18) -2 -1 -0.5 0 A N y (18) 0.5 FIGURE 5. BPM reading values of serial No. 87 BPM vs. 18-th order harmonics of normalized fourier amplitude for each bump height (open circles). The line indicates the fitted straight line. In figure 4, the COD and its spectrum are shown for the serial No. 87 BPM. The COD and the fourier spectrum have the similar patterns of the calculated ones. The plot of BPM reading valued vs. fourier amplitude is shown in figure 5. The data are on a straight line. From these figures, we can judge that the cause of 18% difference from the unity of the r value is not the non-linearity effect. 431 For the SPring-8 Storage Ring BPM, the sensitivity coefficients were obtained by scanning an RF antenna. The antenna was supported by the single end and attached to an x — y stage for scanning purpose. The antenna consisted of a supporting rod and a semi-rigid coaxial cable with center conductor disclosed at the tip of the cable. The total length of the antenna (rod, cable) from the top end to the supporting end was about 2 m. The measurement was done for all the 288 BPM of the storage ring before installing the vacuum chambers. The sensitivity values obtained the RF antenna scanning method varied from BPM to BPM by several %. If this variation of the values of Sy came from the measurement accuracy of the RF antenna method, the several % of correction to Sy is plausible. However, the 18-% correction, as in the case of serial No. 87 BPM, exceeded our expectation. Thus, the estimation of the accuracy of this method must be investigated to decide whether the 18-% correction should be applied or not. SUMMARY We propose a method for beam based calibration of BPM position sensitivity, and made preliminary measurements for some of the BPM in the SPring-8 storage ring. The reproducibility of the measurement of this method is better than 1%. The level of accuracy of the measurement should be investigated further. REFERENCES Peter Rqjsel, "A beam position measurement system using quadrupole magnets magnetic centra as the position reference", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A343 (1994) 374-382 A. 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