A Transverse Injection Damper at RHIC A. Drees, M. Brennan, P. Cameron, R. Connolly, R. Michnoff, C. Montag Collider-Accelerator Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton NY 11973 Abstract. During the RHIC Au-Au runs in 2000 and 2001 as well as in the polarized proton run in 2001 no transverse damping system existed. To overcome residual injection jitter and to maintain transverse beam emittances a transverse injection damping system is foreseen for the 2002/2003 run. This report describes the realization of the injection damping system and outlines the future upgrade into a bunch-to-bunch transverse instability damping system, which is expected to be required for increasing bunch intensities. INTRODUCTION Since it is planned that the injection damping system evolves into a transverse damper in future years, design and outline considerations will focus on this upgrade as much as possible to avoid duplication of efforts. For a bunch-to-bunch transverse damper a linear amplifier instead of a power supply and fast pulsing switches will be used. The choices of BPMs to be used for a transverse damper are much more constrained. It has to perform under rapid-changing conditions such as the acceleration ramp and with increased bunch intensities. RHIC accelerates from 10 GeV/u to 100 GeV/u for Au and from 23 GeV/u to 250 GeV/u for protons and allows a /3-squeeze from /3* = 10 m at injection down to /3* = 1m at flattop at certain interaction regions causing significant changes in local phase advance and /3-function. Other scenarios as un-squeezing IRs is on the list for future runs as well. Therefore, different power supply and BPMs are required for injection damping and bunch-to-bunch feedback. However, the signal conditioning for the chosen BPM, the trigger and the damper module can be used in either system. The damper module to be used for the injection damper is based on a VME board designed for the AGS damping system with a programmable FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) [1]. For the future damper the existing transverse kickers, which are currently used for a tune measurement system [2] and will serve for the injection damper, will be replaced by several dedicated 1m stripline modules in the same area to avoid conflict with the tune measurement system. For the upcoming year, since only used at injection, the kicker hardware including power supply and fast CP648, Beam Instrumentation Workshop 2002: Tenth Workshop, edited by G. A. Smith and T. Russo © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0103-9/02/$19.00 409 HV HV switches switches will will be be shared. shared. I KICKER AND BPM Each 2m-long stainless stainless steel steel striplines striplines Each ring ring has has two two kicker kicker modules with four 2m-long mounted 1m apart apart allowing allowing both, both, horizontal horizontaland andververmounted on on ceramic ceramic stand-offs stand-offs spaced 1m tical provide 4m 4m of ofstripline striplinekickers. kickers. ticalkicks. kicks. The The two two kickers kickers are are connected in series to provide Each stripline stripline subtends subtends an an angle of 70 Each 70°o at an an aperture aperture of of 77 cm. cm. The The assembly assembly isis designed to to give give 50fi 50Ω impedance impedance when opposing lines are designed are driven driven in in the the difference difference mode. Figure Figure 11 shows shows one one kicker module in the assembly area. mode. area. Each Each of of the the four four FIGURE 1. One kicker module on a work bench in the assembly area. FIGURE 1. One kicker module on a work bench in the assembly area. planes can be powered independently. So far only pulsed power has been used. The planes can be powered independently. So far only pulsed power has been used. The kick pulses are generated by fast FET switches [3] producing an approximately 140 kick pulses are generated by fast FET switches [3] producing an approximately 140 ns long pulse. By centering this pulse on the measured bunch single bunch exns long pulse. By centering this pulse on the measured bunch single bunch excitation is possible with 60 (RHIC design) and even up to 120 bunches (RHIC citation is possible with 60 (RHIC design) and even up to 120 bunches (RHIC upgrade) per ring where the bunch spacing is about 110 ns. Only one out of the 60 upgrade) per ring where the bunch spacing is about 110 ns. Only one out of the 60 or 120 bunches respectively is kicked. All switches for all striplines in both rings or 120 bunches respectively is kicked. All switches for all striplines in both rings are charged by one 5kV/2A power supply. Most BPMs used in RHIC are realized are charged by one 5kV/2A power supply. Most BPMs used in RHIC are realized by short circuited transmission lines of 23 cm length, with a design impedance of by short transmission linesThe of 23 cm length, with listed a design impedance 50Ω, andcircuited an aperture of 7 cm [5]. selection of BPMs in tables 1 to 4of 50fi, and an aperture of 7 cm [5]. The selection of BPMs listed in tables 1 to 4 below is based on devices with analog signals available in the 1002 service building, below is based on devices with analog signals available in the 1002 service building, close to the 2 o’clock interaction region (IR2). close to the 2 o'clock interaction region (IR2). 410 II KICKER LOCATION As can be seen in table 1 and 3 the actual kicker location discriminates the vertical plane by more than a factor of 10 and 20 for the f3* = 3ra and /3* = Ira lattices. Thus, it would be favorable to move the kickers such that during the ramp, when /3* is changed from 10 m up to 1 m, the kicker efficiency would not drop in the vertical plane. To do so, the kickers have to be closer to Q3. However, because of the increasing /3-functions, the kicker aperture (7 cm) becomes a concern. Figure 2 shows the vertical and horizontal beam profiles in terms of a around IR2 for beams at 100 GeV with a normalized emittance of 40 Trmm mrad. In order to avoid the kickers being the limiting aperture, they have to be at > 6 <7, allowing them to move as close as -52 m from the IR. This move by approximately 10 m is actually planned for the next run and would reduce the vertical /3-function by 25% at injection while increasing it by a factor of 5 to 10 during the ramp and at storage. The vertical kicker- strength at injection is affected by 10% only and therefore not a problem. The required kick strength g for a linear amplifying system can be defined as: (1) with / = 78 kHz being the revolution frequency, t being the required damping time and (3SQ, (3S being the (3- functions at the location of the kicker and at the location of the BPM respectively. Equation 1 can be used as a conservative estimate for the required bang-bang kick strength. After a certain number of turns, however, the bang-bang damper would become counter-productive. Therefore the injection damper will be limited to a few hundred turns for damping. For linear damping, a given amplitude should generate a kick Ax' of: and (2) Ax1 The achievable kick angle for a single 3 kV pulse is about 11 //rad at injection for Au and p [6]. Using the /3-functions at the kicker and the Q3 (Ql) BPMs (see table 1 and 3) and a damping time of 200 turns, i.e. 2.5 msec, results in an approximate orbit amplitude of 32 mm vertically (Ql) and 75 mm horizontally (Q3). The largest observed amplitudes at injection in the straight sections were < 25 mm in both planes. Therefore, the existing kick strength should be sufficient to antagonize injection oscillations in both planes. Ill SELECTION OF BPMS The kick angle after one pulse with 3 kV received by an ion going through the kickers is approximately 10 //rad at injection energy (7 w 10) [6]. The effect of such a kick translates into a beam offset given by: 411 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -80 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 distance from IR2 (m) FIGURE 2. Horizontal (solid line) and vertical beam profile (dotted line) in units of sigma around IR2. The dashed line indicates the current kicker location. (4) where /3Xjy(so) is the /3-function at the location SQ of the kicker and /3Xjy(s) is the respective horizontal or vertical /3-function and ty the relative phase advance between location s and SQ. Table 1 and 3 summarize the values of the /3 functions at the location of the kickers and BPMs for the blue and yellow ring respectively. Phase advances, relative to 6 o'clock (IR6) for the two rings are listed in table 2 and 4. The actual lattice strongly favors the horizontal plane when resulting beam displacements are calculated. The typical phase advance in one turn in RHIC is approximately 0.21/27T to 0.23/27T for both planes, corresponding to about 80°. During the ramp the tune would vary from 0.2 to 0.25 at most. In general, the tunes are fairly close and separated by some 0.01 to 0.02 only. Therefore, after one full turn, a local phase advance of close to 0° or 180° between BPM and kicker is most suitable for the damper. With this configuration a total shift of close to 90° will be kept. The neighboring Q3 BPMs offer 0° relative to the new position in the horizontal plane. The Ql BPMs on the other side of the IR provide an approximate phase advance of close to 180° relative to the new kicker location in the vertical planes. 412 TABLE 1. Approximate j3 functions at the location of the blue kicker and blue BPMs around IR2 for various lattices. The DX BPM are closest to the IR, indicated by the double line. device plane kicker Q3BPM Q1BPM DXBPM DXBPM Ql BPM Q3BPM Q4BPM Q5BPM Q6BPM Q7BPM Q8BPM Q9BPM Q10 BPM HV HV HV HV HV HV HV HV V H HV HV V H s(m) 2491.7 2519.0 2530.9 2547.6 2564.2 2580.9 2592.8 2629.1 2636.9 2651.7 2668.9 2682.0 2699.4 2710.8 0*1Om /Mm) A / M 34 16 141 48 73 72 17 17 17 17 73 73 49 140 36 20 8 56 42 15 13 49 45 13 12 43 44 11 f3\ 3m /Mm) 86 426 211 26 26 211 154 18 8 38 11 46 12 44 /?* Lm /Mm) Py (m) 118 5 633 231 314 314 37 37 37 37 314 314 230 634 17 38 62 11 37 20 10 47 47 10 12 43 44 11 Py (m) 6 153 210 26 26 210 424 32 59 18 48 11 42 11 TABLE 2. Approximate phase advances relative to IR6 at the location of the blue kicker and blue BPMs around IR2 for various lattices.The DX BPM are closest to the IR, indicated by the double line. Values for the new kicker location are in brackets. device kicker Q3BPM Q1BPM DXBPM DXBPM Q1BPM Q3BPM Q4BPM Q5BPM Q6BPM Q7BPM Q8BPM Q9BPM Q10 BPM plane HV HV HV HV HV HV HV HV V H HV HV V H s(m) 2491.7 2519.0 2530.9 2547.6 2564.2 2580.9 2592.8 2629.1 2636.9 2651.7 2668.9 2682.0 2699.4 2710.8 /?*!Om Ar/27r My/2?r 18.52 (18.55) 18.97 (19.13) 18.58 19.24 18.60 19.26 18.68 19.34 18.90 19.56 18.98 19.64 19.00 19.34 19.39 19.71 19.82 19.91 20.06 20.14 19.66 19.78 19.83 19.90 20.02 20.11 20.23 20.32 413 /?* 3m p* Lm /W27T My/2?r Ar/27T ^ y /27T 18.55 18.58 18.58 18.62 19.01 19.05 19.05 19.43 19.51 19.71 19.85 19.95 20.09 20.18 19.05 19.25 19.26 19.29 19.68 19.72 18.53 18.55 18.55 18.58 19.00 19.03 19.03 19.43 19.51 19.67 19.82 19.92 20.06 20.15 19.05 19.21 19.21 19.24 19.66 19.69 19.69 19.73 19.76 19.82 19.92 20.03 20.17 20.26 19.73 19.78 19.81 19.87 19.98 20.08 20.21 20.30 TABLE 3. Approximate j3 functions at the location of the yellow kicker and BPMs around IR2 for various lattices. The order is defined by the direction of the beam. The DX BPM are closest to the IR, indicated by the double line. device Q10 BPM Q9BPM Q8BPM Q7BPM Q6BPM Q5BPM Q4BPM kicker Q3BPM Q1BPM DXBPM DXBPM Ql BPM Q3BPM plane V H HV HV V H HV HV HV HV HV HV HV HV s(m) 2710.8 2699.4 2682.0 2668.9 2651.7 2636.9 2629.1 2620.1 2592.8 2580.9 2564.2 2547.6 2530.9 2519.0 0*1Om /Mm) A / M 12 43 11 44 13 45 49 13 15 42 56 8 20 36 34 16 141 48 73 72 17 17 17 17 73 73 49 140 f3\ 3m /Mm) 12 44 11 47 18 59 32 85 426 211 26 26 211 154 Py (m) 42 11 46 11 38 8 18 6 153 210 26 26 210 424 p Lm /Mm) Py (m) 12 42 44 11 10 47 47 10 20 37 62 11 38 17 118 5 633 231 314 314 37 37 37 37 314 314 230 634 TABLE 4. Approximate phase advances relative to IR6 at the location of the yellow kicker and BPMs around IR2 for various lattices. The order is reverted in s to reflect the direction of the beam. The DX BPM are closest to the IR, indicated by the double line. Values for the new kicker location are in brackets. device plane /?*!<3m s(m) Q10 BPM Q9BPM Q8BPM Q7BPM Q6BPM Q5BPM Q4BPM kicker Q3BPM Q1BPM DXBPM DXBPM Q1BPM Q3BPM V H HV HV V H HV HV HV HV HV HV HV HV 2710.8 2699.4 2682.0 2668.9 2651.7 2636.9 2629.1 2620.1 2592.8 2580.9 2564.2 2547.6 2530.9 2519.0 8.54 8.62 8.74 8.83 8.95 9.02 9.07 9.12 (9.16) 9.18 9.21 9.29 9.51 9.59 9.61 F 3m My/2?r |W27T 8.37 8.49 8.60 8.70 8.81 9.13 9.18 9.25 (9.4) 9.51 9.54 9.62 9.84 9.92 9.94 414 iW27r 8.57 8.65 8.78 8.88 8.99 9.05 9.09 9.12 9.14 9.15 9.18 9.57 9.61 9.62 F Lm jU y /27T M*/27T My /27T 8.33 8.41 8.56 8.66 8.80 9.00 9.08 9.26 9.46 9.46 9.50 9.89 9.92 9.93 8.60 8.68 8.82 8.93 9.03 9.09 9.12 9.14 9.16 9.16 9.19 9.61 9.64 9.64 8.36 8.45 8.60 8.70 8.85 9.01 9.09 9.33 9.49 9.49 9.52 9.94 9.97 9.97 IV TRIGGER AND DATA ACQUISITION Figure 3 sketches the signal processing and triggering of both, the BPMs and the kickers, for a bang-bang injection damping system. The damper module is based on the existing AGS module and needs adjustments for the RHIC damper in the I/O area. RHIC Injection Damping System Hi Volt. Switches Trigger HV out - HVout Trigger HVin HV out + FIGURE 3. Block diagram for the RHIC injection damper. The V124 module [7] receives and decodes the beam synchronous event link [8]. The raw data acquisition from the two BPM planes will be triggered by two channels of the V124 board where a total of 8 channels is available. Each channel for BPM readout and the kicker trigger has the appropriate delay so, on turn-by-turn acquisition, the same bunch will be observed on the BPM and then kicked. Start turn number, total number of turns for acquisition and damping as well as time delays are all parameters which can be remotely set from a console level computer. In general, the V124 allows the system to be triggered by any event broadcasted on the beam synchronous link such as the injection-event, start-acceleration-event or on demand. However, to damp injection oscillations only the injection-event is going to be used. The raw (bipolar) signal from the BPM will be attenuated by a programmable attenuator of 0-30 db. In the signal conditioning version as used by the ARTUS tune meter two signal processing modules compute the two difference signals and the sum of all stripline signals for each ring. We are currently working on an 415 upgrade of the signal conditioning, which will then be used by both systems, the tune meter and the transverse injection damper. It will also be used for signal conditioning in the future bunch-to-bunch transverse damper. v CONCLUSION The existing kicker modules, once moved by approximately 10 m, are suitable to act as a transverse injection damper. A basic design of a signal conditioning exists and is currently in use for the ARTUS tune meter system. However, it is planned to upgrade this version for both, the damper and the tune meter, for future runs starting in FY'03. The actual damping module is based on the existing AGS damper module and needs some modifications. This module, together with the signal conditioning design, will be kept for the future bunch-to-bunch transverse damper. Relative to the new kicker location, the existing Q3 and Ql BPMs provide a suitable phase advance after one turn of about 90° and 270° respectively. The high /3-function at the BPMs of 140 m and 71 m eases an amplitude measurement with good signal to noise ratio in both planes. For the future feedback system, the injection damping kickers will be replaced by several dedicated 1m stripline modules in the same area to avoid conflict with the tune measurement system. REFERENCES 1. Michelle Wilinski et al., "Enhancements to the Digital Transverse Dampers at the Brookhaven AGS", these proceedings. 2. A. Drees, R. Michnoff,M. Brennan, J. DeLong, "ARTUS: The Tune Measurement System at RHIC" proceedings BIW2000, Boston, 2000. 3. Behlke Electronic GmbH, http://www.euretek.com/ 4. J. Xu et al., "The Transverse Damper System for RHIC", Proceedings of the Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC) in San Francisco, 1991. 5. P. Cameron et al., "RHIC Beam Position Monitor Assemblies", IEEE Proc., 1995 PAC. 6. P. Cameron, R. Connolly, A. Drees, W. Ryan, H. Schmickler, T. Shea, D. Trbojevic, "ARTUS: A Rhic TUne Measurement System", RHIC/AP/98-125, internal note. 7. H. Hartmann, T. Kerner, "RHIC beam synchronous trigger module", Proc. PAC 1999 (p. 696). 8. T. Kerner, C. R. Conkling Jr., B. Oerter, "V123 Beam Synchronous Encoder Module", Proc. PAC 1999 (p. 699). 416
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