Design and Upgrade of a Compact Imaging System for the APS Linac Bunch Compressor B. Yang, E. Rotela, S. Kirn, R. Lill, and S. Sharma Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439 Abstract. We present the design, performance, and recent upgrade of a high-resolution, highcharge-sensitivity imaging camera and beam position monitor (BPM) system for the APS linac beam profile measurement. Visible light is generated from the incoming electron beam using standard YAG or optical transition radiation (OTR) converter screens. Two CCD cameras share the light through a beam splitter, each with its own imaging optics. Normally, one camera is configured with high magnification and the other with large field of view. In a different lens configuration, one of the cameras focuses at the far field, allowing the measurement of beam divergence using an OTR screen, while the other camera simultaneous measures the beam size. A four-position actuator was installed recently to provide the option of two screens, a wakefield shield, and an in situ calibration target. A compact S-band beam position monitor electrode was designed to mount directly on the flag. The BPM rf circuit was fabricated from a machinable ceramic (MACOR) cylinder substrate, and the copper electrodes were deposited on the substrate. The new design and precision fabrication process make it viable to explore more complex microstrip components printed on the substrate and higher frequency applications. The proximity of the BPM and the camera (< 5 cm) will provide a precise calibration platform to study shot-toshot jitter, long-term stability of both systems, and the dependence of BPM signal on beam properties (size, charge distribution) due to nonlinearity. INTRODUCTION A chicane bunch compressor was designed and implemented at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) in 2000 [1] to increase the peak current of the bunch and improve the performance of the low-energy undulator test line (LEUTL) free-electron laser (PEL). It is expected to operate at -200 MeV with normalized emittance in the range of 1 n to 4 n mm-mrad. Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) effects are expected to be significant at these emittance levels. Their study calls for accurate emittance measurement at the level of several percent or better. TABLE 1. Electron Beam Parameters at the Three Screen Section______________ ELECTRON ENERGY (MEV) 200 ( y= 400) Single bunch charge (nC) 0.2 -- 1 .0 x Normalized emittance (n mm-mrad) 4.0 1.0 Emittance 8 (71 mm-mrad) 0.010 0.0025 Beta function at beam waist (3 (m) 1 .00 Rms beam size, ^£/3 (urn) 100 50 Rms beam size, e/j3 (urad) 100 50 CP648, Beam Instrumentation Workshop 2002: Tenth Workshop, edited by G. A. Smith and T. Russo © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0103-9/02/$19.00 393 A compact, modular imaging system [2] was designed and implemented to support studies of the low-emittance beams, with the high resolution, reliability, reproducibility, and accuracy needed. In this paper, we report several implemented and planned upgrades to the system. A new screen mount was designed and installed. It includes a wakefield shield, a YAG screen mount, an optical transition radiation (OTR) screen mount, and a calibration target. A new set of optics was designed to focus in the far field, or image the angular divergence of the electron beam when the OTR screen is employed. A compact electronic beam position monitor (BPM) was designed to mount directly on the flag. The BPM design uses a new fabrication process, which is expected to make it more viable to explore complex electrode configurations and for higher frequency applications. FOUR-POSITION SCREEN MOUNT Due to high-energy spread used for chirping the beam, the rms beam size in the horizontal direction can reach several millimeters in the midsection of the chicane. This is comparable to the aperture of the vacuum vessel of 25 mm. A smooth transition of the beam pipe is desired to reduce wakefield effects to the electron bunch. Figure 1 shows the design of the wakefield shield. Figure 2 shows an ACAD rendering of the screen mount assembly. The wakefield shield / transition is mounted at position no. 1 on a four-position vacuum feedthrough, powered by a pair of pneumatic actuators connected back-toback. The stroke of the short actuator is 38.4 mm and that of the long actuator is 76.4 mm. Four screen positions (38.4 mm spacing) can be reached by extending or contracting these two pneumatic actuators. FIGURE 1. Four position screen mount assembly: (1) Long-stroke actuator, (2) short-stroke actuator, (3) mounting block and linear bearing housing, (4) vacuum bellow, (5) wakefield shield / transition, (6) OTR screen mount, (7) YAG screen mount, (8) mirror, (9) calibration target, and (10) viewport for target illumination. 394 FIGURE FIGURE 2. 2. ACAD ACAD 3-D 3-D rendering rendering of of the the four-position four-position screen screen mount mount assembly. assembly. At At position position no. no. 2, 2, aa 45-degree 45-degree mirror mirror is is mounted mounted as as an an OTR OTR screen. screen. ItIt isis used used for for high-intensity high-intensity (charge (charge density) density) electron electron beams. beams. At At position position no. no. 3,3, aa YAG YAG scintillator scintillator screen screen (20 (20 mm mm ×x 15 15 mm mm ×x 0.1 0.1 mm) mm) isis mounted mounted with with aa mirror. mirror. ItIt isis used used for for lowlowintensity intensity electron electron beams. beams. At At position position no. no. 4, 4, an an aluminum-coated aluminum-coated prism prism isis used used as as aa first first surface surface mirror, mirror, in in conjunction conjunction with with aa calibration calibration target. target. The The target target isis designed designed to to have have aa dark dark metallic metallic coating coating with with an an etched etched dot dot matrix matrix at at 0.25 0.25 mm mm spacing. spacing. The The illumination illumination light light isis fed fed from outside of the vacuum through a viewport. Images of these bright dots in from outside of the vacuum through a viewport. Images of these bright dots inthe the dark dark background background are are convenient convenient for for the the video video digitizer digitizer to to pick pick out out and and perform perform profile profile analysis. The center coordinates of the dots are used to calibrate pixel sizes, analysis. The center coordinates of the dots are used to calibrate pixel sizes, while while the the µm-diameter dots rms rms image image size size of of these these 1010-//m-diameter dots are are used used to to obtain obtain optical optical resolution resolution of of the the camera. camera. Since Since the the optical optical distance distance from from the the calibration calibration target target isis the the same same as as from from the the YAG YAG screen, screen, the the target target is is also also used used as as aa focusing focusing aid. aid. OPTICS OPTICS FOR FOR BEAM BEAM DIVERGENCE DIVERGENCE MEASUREMENT MEASUREMENT By By design, design, the the camera camera module module has has two two cameras cameras sharing sharing the the light light with with aa beam beam splitter. Normally, each camera has its own imaging optics, one is used splitter. Normally, each camera has its own imaging optics, one is used for for highhighresolution resolution imaging imaging but but covers covers only only aa part part of of the the screen, screen, while while another another isis used used for for lowlowresolution resolution imaging imaging and and covers covers the the full full view view of of the the screens. screens. By By reconfiguring reconfiguring the the optics, optics, however, however, one one camera camera could could be be equipped equipped with with optics optics for for the the far far field, field, i.e., i.e., with with object object space space at at infinity. infinity. 395 Measurement Using OTR Angular Distribution To measure relatively large beam divergence (crx< ~ 0.1/j}, we can use the features in the angular distribution of the optical transition radiation. A linear polarizer installed in the turn table can be used to select the direction of polarization to be along the x or y-axis. When the x-polarization is selected, the OTR angular distribution is, where (ft, 8y) is the angle from the specular direction, and A is a constant. For an electron beam with Gaussian divergence distribution, with rms divergence of (a^, 0y), the observed spatial distribution is ]]g(ex-elt',ey-ey'}ix(ex',ey'}delt'dey'. (3) -n -n If we integrate over the y-coordinates to improve statistics, the resultant profile is For y» 1, we could change the limits of the integration to infinity. Inserting Eqs. (1) - (3) into (4), one obtains the following expression, where p = y0x,andcrp=ycrx,. (6) For very small beam divergence, Eq. (5) gives ^(0)DAcJ/,(c7 p «l). (7) The entire profile can be calculated with a given beam divergence ox> (Fig. 3). However, for a quick estimate of the beam divergence, the ratio of the center minimum and the maximum of the angular distribution can be used, . Fmax Fmax The ratio for Gaussian beams with ap « 1 can be easily modeled. The results can be summarized in the following relations, (9) This fitted expression has an accuracy of 1% or better for ax < 0.8/7(Fig. 4). 396 INTENSITY(ARB. (ARB.UNITS) UNITS) INTENSITY 0.5 0.5 0.5 CO 0.4 0.4 0.4 CD 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 j= 0.2 0.2 CO σx=0.5/γ σx=0.5/γ z LU t 0.1 0.1 0.1 σ =1/γ σxx=1/γ σx=0.2/γ σx=0.2/γ σx=0 σx=0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 22 3 33 4 44 5 55 OBSERVATION ANGLE (γθ OBSERVATION ANGLE ANGLE (γθ (y0xx))) OBSERVATION x FIGURE 3. Minimum/maximum ratio of the 1-D OTR profile for Gaussian electron beam. FIGURE of the the 1-D 1-D OTR OTR profile profile for foraaaGaussian Gaussianelectron electronbeam. beam. FIGURE 3. 3. Minimum/maximum Minimum/maximum ratio ratio of For compressor, the dynamic range of the system For our application at the the APS APS bunch bunch compressor, compressor,the thedynamic dynamicrange rangeof ofthe thesystem system For our our application application at at the APS bunch is limited by the video digitizer, which has an 8-bit resolution at zero noise. If we set isis limited which has has an an 8-bit 8-bit resolution resolutionatatzero zeronoise. noise.IfIfwe weset set limited by by the the video video digitizer, digitizer, which the noise level at 2 bit, the usable dynamic range is about 6 bit. Best measurements the noise level at 2 bit, the usable dynamic range is about 6 bit. Best measurements the noise level dynamic range is about 6 bit. Best measurements -6 can lowest measurable beam divergence given by can obtain ratio of ηηr/ >> 222"-66,, hence lowest measurable measurablebeam beamdivergence divergenceisis isgiven givenby by can obtain obtain aa ratio ratio of hence the the lowest −6 −6 2 1 σ ≥ 2 === 1—,, , (10) (10) σvxxx>^— ≥ (10) γγ 88γγ 400. with Table Table shows that higher resolutionwill will be or or 0.3 mrad for γy= Comparison with Table 111shows shows that that higher higher resolution resolution willbe be γ == 400. 400. Comparison or 0.3 0.3 mrad mrad for needed for the measurements at the APS bunch compressor. needed APS bunch bunch compressor. compressor. needed for for the the measurements measurements at the APS 7 %y LU o 11 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 LU s LU RELATIVE RELATIVE ERROR ERROR BEAM DIVERGENCE DIVERGENCE(γσ (γσxx)) BEAM 11 OC O DC DC LU LU 1 LU DC CO 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.001 0.001 0.001 11 MINI-TO-MAX RATIO ηη)) MINI-TO-MAX RATIO RATIO (((rj) FIGURE 1-D OTR profile for Gaussian electron beam, FIGURE 4. 4. The The minimum/maximum minimum/maximum ratio FIGURE 4. The minimum/maximum ratio of of the the 1-D 1-D OTR OTR profile profile for foraaaGaussian Gaussianelectron electronbeam, beam, circles: curve: fit by Eq. (9), (9), and triangles: the relative circles: calculated calculated ratio ratio for for aa given circles: calculated ratio for given beam beam divergence, divergence, curve: curve: fit fit by by Eq. Eq. (9), and and triangles: triangles:the therelative relative errorin inbeam beam divergence divergence between between the calculation and error between the exact exact calculation and the fit. fit. error in beam divergence and the the fit. 397 Measurement Using OTR Interferometer To divergence measurements measurements ((o^ 0.1/j^, we To improve improve the resolution of the beam divergence σx' <<0.1/ γ), we could foil is is to to be be inserted inserted at at the the first first station station could use use the the OTR OTR interferometer [3]. One thin foil of mid-station, of the the three-screen three-screen section, and an OTR screen/mirror is inserted at the mid-station, 1.0 m downstream from the foil. The The far-field far-field camera camera located located atat the the second second station station records records the the interferogram. interferogram. To at this this geometry, geometry, we we calculated calculated the the To illustrate illustrate the resolution resolution of the interferometer at OTR beam σcrxx', ==σO"yy', ==a. The result result isis σ . The OTR intensity intensity distribution for circular electron beam given given by by aa simple simple integral, π 2π 3 π (1 + q 2 ) q 2 K (θ ) = 4 A∫ ∫ cos G (γθ , q ) dq , (11) (11) 2 2 pλ 2 0 0 (1 + q ) where where a σpp = = ya γσ , pλ = γ 2λ / L and (12) + q 2 − 2 pq cos φ dφ . (12) πσ p 0 p Assuming we we have have 1 meter meter foil-mirror spacing, and an observation Assuming observation wavelength wavelength of of 0.63 0.63 µm, we we show show several several sample sample calculations calculations in Fig. 5, including the |Lim, in Fig. 5, including the beam beam conditions conditions listed in in Table Table 1. 1. From From the the simulated simulated interferogram, interferogram, we listed we conclude conclude that that the the geometry geometry is is γ. suitable for for the the measurement measurement of of beams suitable beams with with divergence divergence less less than than 0.1/ Q.l/y. = G ( p, q ) = G(p,q) π 1 2 ∫ exp − 2σ ( p 1 ) 2 2 INTENSITY (ARB. UNITS) 0.30 0.30 0.25 CO 0.25 σx=0.04/γ σx=0.1/γ 0.20 σx=0.02/γ 0.15 σx=0 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 OBSERVATION ANGLE OBSERVATION ANGLE (γθ) (76) FIGURE 5. The OTR interferometer light intensity as a FIGURE 5. The OTR interferometer light intensity as a function function of of observation observation angle angle (in (in far far field). field). generate intensity Beam with with lower lower emittance emittance (0^=0) (σx=0) generate Beam intensity oscillations oscillations that that extends extends to to higher higher angles, angles, while while generates oscillations beam with with higher higher emittance emittance (o^=0.1/^ (σx=0.1/γ) generates beam oscillations that that damps damps in in aa short short range. range. COMPACT ELECTRONIC ELECTRONIC BEAM COMPACT BEAM POSITION POSITION MONITOR MONITOR The shorted shorted A/4 λ/4 wave wave S-band S-band BPM The BPM electrode electrode shown shown in in Fig. Fig. 66 was was designed designed as as aa test vehicle for evaluating the performance of a new compact BPM electrode. The goal test vehicle for evaluating the performance of a new compact BPM electrode. The goal 398 was was to to reduce reduce the the size size and and assembly assembly complexity complexity for for the the BPM, BPM, so so aa flag flag and and BPM BPM combination can be used in a limited length of beam line. This concept of combining combination can be used in a limited length of beam line. This concept of combining diagnostics diagnostics also also has has the the advantage advantage of of using using aa cross cross calibration calibration scheme scheme that that can can be be implemented to verify the performance of each of the instruments. The proximity implemented to verify the performance of each of the instruments. The proximity of of the micron the BPM BPM and and the the camera camera (< (< 55 cm) cm) will will give give us us aa good good opportunity opportunity to to study, study, to to micron precision, precision, the the dependence dependence of of BPM BPM signal signal on on beam beam properties properties (size, (size, charge charge distribution) due to nonlinearity. It also provides a precise calibration distribution) due to nonlinearity. It also provides a precise calibration platform platform to to study study shot-to-shot shot-to-shot jitter, jitter,and andlong-term long-term stability stability of ofboth bothsystems. systems. Several Several design design features features can can be be seen seen from from Fig. Fig. 6: 6: (1) (1) The The rf rf microstrip microstrip circuit circuit and and vacuum vacuum feedthrough feedthrough connectors connectors are are replaceable. replaceable. This This isis achieved achieved by by welding welding the the feedthrough feedthrough connectors connectors to to aastandard standard removable removable vacuum vacuum flange. flange. The The center center conductors conductors make make contact contact to to the the stripline stripline via via aa beryllium beryllium copper copper spring spring contact. contact. This This design design simplifies assembly of the BPM and enables the replacement of a connector simplifies assembly of the BPM and enables the replacement of a connector in in the the event of damage. (2) The BPM electrodes are fabricated on a machinable (MACOR) event of damage. (2) The BPM electrodes are fabricated on a machinable (MACOR) ceramic ceramic cylinder cylinder substrate substrate with with aa dielectric dielectric constant constant of of 4.88. 4.88. The The rfrf circuit circuit isis etched etched on on the copper/ceramic substrate with a process similar to printed circuit-board the copper/ceramic substrate with a process similar to printed circuit-board technology. technology. The The ceramic ceramic cylinder cylinder isis captivated captivated in in the the BPM BPM housing housing by by aa threaded threaded transition sleeve. The new design and precision fabrication process make transition sleeve. The new design and precision fabrication process make itit viable viable to to explore explore more more complex complex microstrip microstrip components components printed printed on on the the substrate substrate and and higher higher frequency frequency applications. applications. The The fabrication fabrication costs costs are are expected expected to to be be much much lower lower than than the the 34 mm BPM currently in use in the APS LINAC. 34 mm BPM currently in use in the APS LINAC. The The connectors connectors followed followed by by aa bore bore in in the the metal metal housing housing form form 50-ohm 50-ohm transmission transmission lines lines to to each each of of the the four four blades. blades. The The wall wall current current isis intercepted intercepted by by the the 26.24-mm 26.24-mm long long electrode electrode that that forms forms 50 50 ohms ohms impedance impedance with with the the vacuum vacuum chamber. chamber. The The gap gap that that is is formed formed between between the the vacuum vacuum chamber chamber and and the the stripline stripline isis 3.48 3.48 mm. mm. The The total total length length of of the the test test BPM BPM stripline stripline assembly assembly is is 54.61 54.61 mm mm and and the the inner inner electrode electrode radius radius 35 35 mm, mm, which which isis the the same same as as that that for for the the linac linac vacuum vacuum chamber. chamber. The The downstream downstream end end of of the the transmission transmission line line isis electrically electrically shorted, shorted, which which also also provides provides the the mechanical mechanical strength strength and and rigidity rigidity to to support support the the striplines. striplines. FIGURE FIGURE 6. 6. Test Test BPM BPM assembly. assembly. 399 The preliminary electromagnetic modeling indicates that the ceramic actually The preliminary electromagnetic modeling indicates that the ceramic actually improve pincushion distortion performance as compared in Fig. 7. The thickness of improve pincushion distortion performance as compared in Fig. 7. The thickness of the ceramic has not been optimized and is presently set to 3.4 mm for mechanical the ceramic has not been optimized and is presently set to 3.4 mm for mechanical reasons. The overall performance is expected to be similar to the standard S-band [3], reasons. The overall performance is expected to be similar to the standard S-band [3], which is presently used in all APS linac applications. which is presently used in all APS linac applications. FIGURE7.7.Vertical Verticalplane planeequipotential equipotential lines lines with with ceramic FIGURE ceramic (left) (left) and andwithout withoutceramic ceramic(right), (right),showing showing largerlinear linearregion regionininthe thecase caseof ofceramic ceramic housing housing (field (field lines larger lines being being parallel paralleland andequal equalspacing). spacing). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Wewish wishtoto thank thank G. G. Decker, Decker, S. S. Milton, Milton, M. We M. Borland, Borland, and and O. O.Singh Singhfor forhelpful helpful discussions, encouragement, and support. discussions, encouragement, and support. REFERENCES REFERENCES 1. Borland, M et al., A Highly Flexible Bunch Compressor for the APS LEUTL FEL, Proc. LINAC 1. 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