A Digital Signal Receiver VXI Module For BPM And Phase Detection Processing Brian E. Chase, Keith G. Meisner Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Box 500, Batavia IL 60510 Abstract A VXI module containing eight digital receivers is described for use in the Fermilab Main Injector, Tevatron and Recycler Low Level RF systems. It is used as a phase detector and radial position processor for multi-harmonic RF operation. This module is also slated for use in the Recycler Electron Cooling system as a multiple beam BPM processor. The module and its many operational modes are discussed. INTRODUCTION The Fermilab Main Injector RF System supports many RF accelerating frequencies. The 53 MHz RF is currently the main accelerating system, while other harmonics are designed for coalescing multi-bunch protons and antiprotons (pbars) before transfer into the Tevatron for Collider operation. The proposed scheme to decelerate hot Tevatron pbars in the Main Injector for storage in the Fermilab Recycler Ring will require using 2.5 MHz RF in a closed loop feedback mode, with new detectors, preamps, and signal processing for phase and radial position detection at 2.5 MHz. A Digital Signal Receiver (DSR) module has been prototyped that is compatible with the existing LLRF platform and provides the required processing. This module far exceeds the accuracy and dynamic range of the present analog processing equipment. The DSR also fits the dual beam measurement requirements for the BPM system in the Electron Cooling straight section of the Recycler Ring. DIGITAL SIGNAL RECEIVER Hardware Description The DSR VXI module has eight digital radio channels that are controlled and read out by a single Digital Signal Processor (DSP). The channels may be synchronized in pairs, or in groups of pairs to make coherent measurements between multiple inputs. Synchronized DSR channels form the core of any Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) or vector processing function, while the DSP uses the channel vectors to compute complex functions in real time. This real time data is then presented to off module processes in a variety of high speed data ways. CP648, Beam Instrumentation Workshop 2002: Tenth Workshop, edited by G. A. Smith and T. Russo 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0103-9 368 Each DSR channel receives signal through a daughter card that allows custom analog preprocessing and anti-alias filtering. The daughter card output drives an Analog Devices AD6644 14 bit, 65 MSPS ADC and an AD6620 Digital Receiver Processor. The digital receiver contains a frequency translator and three cascaded filters. It outputs I and Q data that is read out by the ADSP-21062 DSP. The DSP provides additional narrow band filtering of the I/Q data, and calculations of position or phase at data rates of up to 1 MHz. The DSP also programs the AD6620s, drives an eight channel DAC, and provides digital control of the analog processing daughter cards. All ADCs are clocked from a common front panel input. Each AD6620 channel pair is separately programmable to allow processing at different center frequencies, bandwidths, decimation rates and gains. Noise sources on the DSR module include VXI bus transfers, on-board clocks, DSP internal processes, and data transfers from the AD6620s. This noise must be controlled to take full advantage of the ADC's dynamic range. When all eight channels are synchronized to latch AD6620 output data at the same time, coherent noise from digital power bus currents transfer to the analog power bus and the ADCs. For a data rate of 21.66kHz, this noise signal level measures at about -90 dBc. Careful choices of decimation and clock rates allow for minimum interference to the measurement. Processor Calculations Once the I and Q data is acquired by the DSP, it is converted to floating point format to vastly increase the dynamic range of further processing. The DSR module's synchronization between channels allows for measurements of relative phase as well as amplitude, making it effectively a multi-channel Vector Signal Analyzer. The phase measurement is very accurate over a large dynamic range due to the small errors inherent in digital down conversion. The determination of position from split plate detector signals "a" and "b" is solved to first order by the equation (a-b)/(a+b). Maintaining the phase information and solving the equation with the complete vector increases accuracy in the presence of random noise. The phase error between plate signals is measured and zeroed by setting the phase register in the AD6620's NCO. With a zero phase difference between plates some terms may be eliminated from the position calculation as well as removing the computationally intensive square roots. Position = The relative phase between two channels is found by dividing the two vectors and taking the arctangent of the resultant vector. l b (J a Q ^ . ___Qb___ (J _Q ^ a 2 2 a a L ^xt 7 +O Phase = arctan(-a-) 369 ' Optimizing For Accuracy And Signal To Noise Any signals other than the signal intended for processing are capable of increasing the variance and or mean of the processed result. These signals may be random noise, out-of-band signals picked up on cables, or distortions of in-band signals caused by non-linearity in the process chain. The sources of random noise are preamplifiers, the quantization noise of the ADC and the digital receiver's filters. This noise is reduced by separately filtering the I and Q outputs to as narrow a bandwidth as practical, and by optimizing the gain at each stage in the signal chain. High over sampling ratios improve SNR by spreading the quantization noise of the ADC over a larger spectrum. This noise may then be largely removed by digital filtering. This "Process Gain" is calculated from the equation: / Sample _ Rate_ Of _ = 10xlogi ——*—=———~ " ~——j V Filter Bandwidth ) For the case of an output bandwidth of 1 Hz and a sample rate of 65 MHz, the process gain is an impressive 78 dB! Correlated noise from cable pickup or noise on the DSR module itself presents a more serious problem than random noise. In band correlated signals cause a shift in the mean position output and therefore cannot be filtered out. If these noise sources are identified, then frequency domain filtering can suppress any strong lines that are present. While noise is a major issue for wide band systems, non-linearity and gain stability dominates position accuracy in extremely narrow band systems. Sources of non-linearity are ADC differential non-linearity and round off errors in the AD6620 filters. Adding out-of-band signal or dithering reduces the distortion of the ADC. Operating the AD6620 at the lowest decimation rate possible and setting the filter stage gains as high as possible reduces round off errors. Slight de-tuning of the AD6620 center frequency randomizes the round off errors in the digital receiver's I and Q outputs so that they may be averaged out by the wide dynamic range floating point filters in the DSP. MAIN INJECTOR LOW LEVEL RF SYSTEM OVERVIEW The Main Injector Low Level RF (MILLRF) system generates low power signals at several harmonics of the MI beam revolution frequency. Its RF outputs drive High Level systems that develop cavity RF buckets to support RF synchronous transfer, beam energy control, bunch shape manipulations, and preservation of longitudinal emittance. TTL outputs at the revolution frequency trigger local systems and drive the Main Injector Beam Synchronous Clock to support beam transfers between machines, beam diagnostics, and high bandwidth beam control systems. Beam energy control requires Direct Coupled RF phase and frequency feedback whenever the MI energy (bend buss current) is changing. This feedback is classic RF phase control based on detected beam radial position (RPOS) and the LLRF oscillator to beam Phase Lock Loop (PLL). MILLRF is largely a VXI system that 370 includes seven VXI modules manufactured by Fermilab. A VXI DSR module processes BPM detected signals at 2.5Mhz and 53Mhz, to provide the RPOS signal required for DC beam energy feedback. The DSR also provides 2.5Mhz and 53Mhz I/Q demodulators for the phase detection required by the PLL and frequency feedback loop. Radial Position (RPOS) Processing in the Main Injector While beam radial position processing is basically the same as other BPM measurements, there are additional requirements. In the Main Injector, the RPOS system must work well over beam intensities from 1E10 to at least 2E13, from a single bunch to an almost full ring, and with beam bunched at several RF frequencies. 2'3 DSR ADC+DRP Main Injector Q530 BPM (detector) DSR SHARC DSP channel 0 53Mhz Fcenter, 30Khz BW channel 1 53Mhz I 0» Q 0 » 1 1 » Q 1 outputs Data Valid DSP interrupt @ 21Khz channel 2 2.5 Mhz Fcenter, 30Khz BW channel 3 2.5Mhz I 2 > Q 2 > I 3 > Q 3 outputs ——^ I/Q data acquisition IIR Filters RPOS calculation RPOS of 2.5 or 53 Mhz MI beam SetRposLowClampO Set RposHighClampO Set RposIIRFpoleQ Acceleration and Deceleration Transition Crossing Sign control RPERR QRPFB Loop Output to phase shifter ROFF (p,t) curve RGAIN (p) curve JT SetPgainQ SetRposFb(HOLD) NAMES are DSR DSP sourced data and Acnet Devices updated at 720hz FunctionNameQ describes DSR DSP interface (software) for Rpos feedback processes Figure 1. MILLRF DSR RPOS Processing Block Diagram The process must also have short group delay to optimize the radial position feedback loop. For 200 Hz closed loop bandwidth and 30-degree loss in phase margin, the group delay must be less than 400 microseconds. To achieve this delay, the AD6620 RAM Coefficient Filter is programmed with a simulated 2nd order IIR low pass combined with a notch filter centered at the revolution harmonic. This RPOS data is passed to the radial position feedback loop at a 100 kHz rate, as shown in figure 1. 371 ELECTRON COOLING BPM SYSTEM The Electron Cooling System for the Recycler Ring will send a low emittance electron beam along the same axis as the 8 GeV Recycler Ring anti-proton beam in a specially designed straight section. The velocities of the beams are closely matched to exchange heat by coulomb scattering and cool the antiproton beam. For cooling to work properly, the relative position of the two beams must be measured and controlled to the 50-micrometer level. Because the detector plates see both beams at Ecool BPM Signal Flow Diagram Low Noise Current Preamp Analog Preprocessing Analog to Digital r Daughter Card Converte^ V152 Slot 0 Controller Acnet/MOOC Interface Ethernet DSR Function List DsrReset() DsrLdr() DsrLdFilter() DsrSetNCOFreqO DsrSetNCOPhase() DsrSetCIC2Gain() DsrSetCIC5Gain() ;quency set Mapping Coefficients DSR Channel Pair 1of4 DsrLdDetMap() DsrLdCalCoefF() DsrSetPreampGain() DsrMapDac() DsrSetDacGain() DsrSetDacOffset() DSR VXI Module 1 of 11 Ecool BPM VXI Crate Generatorl gf 5 M Calibration SyStem CallSpiitudeO CalSetWaveshape() Ethernet Generator 2 Figure 2. the same time, their position signals must be resolved in the frequency domain. The anti-proton beam position is processed at the first revolution harmonic signal of 90 kHz and the electron beam is processed at 32 kHz. The 32 kHz signal is produced by a few milliamps modulation on the 1 amp DC beam. By frequency hopping DSR receiver channels between these frequencies, the two beam positions can be measured almost simultaneously. The filter sections of the AD6620s are programmed with an 800 Hz bandwidth (BW) and an output data rate of 21.66 kHz. The DSP filters the I and Q data down to a 100 Hz BW and calculates position and beam intensity at a 800 Hz rate. This data is available to the control system for fast time plots. The position data is further filtered down to a 1 Hz BW and is served to a beam position application program through the ACNET control system. 372 The allows programmable programmable gains gains in in each each of of the the filter filter stages. stages. The The first first The AD6620 AD6620 allows Combined Comb Integrator filter (CIC2), has a range of 36 dB, the CIC5 filter 120 Combined Comb Integrator filter (CIC2), has a range of 36 dB, the CIC5 filter 120 45 dB, and the RAM Coefficient Filter (RCF), 42 dB. From the AD6620 data sheet dB, and the RAM Coefficient Filter (RCF), 42 dB. From the AD6620 data sheet4,5' ,, the safe gains gains for for our our filter filter design design are are determined determined to to be: be: the maximum maximum safe CIC2 (-36 dB) 15 CIC2 = = 66 (-36 dB) for for MCIC2 MCIC2 = = 15 CIC5 (-102 dB) dB) for = 20 20 CIC5 =17 =17 (-102 for MCIC5 MCIC5 = Sout Sout = = 7(-18dB) 7 (-18 dB) Where and MCIC5 MCIC5 are are the the stage’s stage's decimation decimation rates. rates. Where MCIC2 MCIC2 and For SNR and and linearity, linearity, the the gains gains in in each each stage stage may may be be increased increased based based on on For the the best best SNR the total signal level in the pass band of that stage. The goal is that each stage works the total signal level in the pass band of that stage. The goal is that each stage works as load level level while while maintaining maintaining aa reasonable reasonable safety safety margin. margin. An An AGC AGC as close close to to its its over over load is conceived to work in the following manner. Starting at a safe low gain, CIC2 gain is conceived to work in the following manner. Starting at a safe low gain, CIC2 gain is increased while monitoring position. A small calibration signal that is out of band is increased while monitoring position. A small calibration signal that is out of band of filter but but in CIC2 filter filter is is injected injected into into the the preamp. preamp. If If the the gain gain of the the CIC5 CIC5 filter in band band of of the the CIC2 change or the calibration signal affects position the CIC2 gain is reduced. This change or the calibration signal affects position the CIC2 gain is reduced. This procedure to adjust adjust the the CIC5 CIC5 filter filter gain. gain. The The RCF RCF gain gain is is then then set set so so that that procedure is is repeated repeated to the output intensity signal is within –15 -15 to to –3 -3 dB dB of of full full scale. scale. Gain Gain ranging ranging isis of of course unnecessary in the DSP filters due due to to floating floating point point processing. processing. A A power power sweep sweep of the input power is shown in figure figure 3. 3. Only Only two two gain gain changes changes were were made made in in the the AD6620 filter sections during this 100 100 dB dB sweep sweep and and as as aa result result aasystematic systematicerror errorinin position is seen around –40 -40 dBm. dBm. These These errors errors are are expected expected to to be be greatly greatly reduced reduced by by implementing the AGC algorithm. DSR BPM BPM Power Power Sweep Sweep 2.5 2.5 MHz MHz DSR HzBW 11 Hz BW 6 (a) 4 (b) 2 "0 dB" "1 dB" -120 (c) (c) "-1 dB" 0 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 "2 dB" "-2 dB" -2 (d) -4 (e) (e) -6 Input B) (dBm) Input Power max( A A , B)(dBm) Figure 3. 3. 100 Figure 100 dB dB power power sweep sweep of of the the DSR DSR Module. Module. The The five five graphs graphs are are produced produced by by changing changing the the power ratio ratio between between channels channels in in 11 dB power dB steps: steps: a=2 a=2 dB, dB, b=1 b=l dB, dB, c=0 c=0 dB, dB, d=-1 d=-l dB, dB, ee == -2 -2 dB dB Calibration And Mapping Of Detector Each BPM detector in the Electron Cooling section has been carefully mapped over its full range. A 3rd order fit to this data will be applied to the raw data at 800 Hz when the position is calculated. Gain terms determined from calibration are applied here as well. The calibration system will generate arbitrary waveform generator signals that mimic the frequency and wave shape of the beam of interest. This signal is injected through precision resistors to the tunnel preamp. The resistors are of slightly different values to calibrate for a position offset of about 1mm. This offset gives the system the additional information that there are no shorts between channels and the cables are wired correctly. Beam signals may be mimicked as closely as possible in shape and intensity. Calibration may be checked with beam in the machine by moving the calibration signal frequency away from the beam frequency. The calibration system may also be used to generate dither signals to reduce the differential nonlinearity in the ADC. CONCLUSIONS Digital Radio technology has advanced to the point where it is a clear winner or at least a strong contender for a wide variety of IF and direct RF processing applications. Using this technology, the DSR module is finding many applications beyond its original designed of radial position and phase processing. The function blocks of programmable analog daughter cards, digital receivers and floating point DSP create a very powerful and flexible processing environment. The bi-directional high-speed digital IO allows the DSR to be used in many real time feedback applications. The ability to program perfectly matched digital filters with over 130 dB dynamic range makes it ideal for processing high precision narrow-band applications such as the Ecool BPM system. At a production cost of less than $2000 per unit, the DSR module is attractive for even high channel count instrumentation projects. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The development of any complex system requires teamwork and the shared experience from an open engineering environment. Special thanks to the LLRF Group members; Barry Barnes, Jerry Cai, Paul Joireman, Dan Klepec and to Duane Voy for continuing improvement of our software development environment. 374 REFERENCES 1 Wooton, Beckman, Dolciani, Modern Trigonometry, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1966, pp. 259-280. 2 Chase, B., Barnes, B., and Meisner, K., "Digital Low Level RF Systems for Fermilab Main Ring and Tevatron" in Proceedings of the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference, edited by M.Comyn et al., Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc, New Jersey: 1998, pp. 2326-2328. 3 Chase, B.,Mason, A., Meisner, K., "Current DSP Applications in Accelerator Instrumentation and RF" in Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Editors Jijiu Zhao, Axex Daneels, IHEP Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, P230 4 "65 MSPS Digital Receiver Signal Processor" Analog Devices, Norwood, MA 5 "Designing Filters with the AD6620" Analog Devices, Greensboro, NC 375
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