Proposed Profile Monitor Designs for the Advanced Hydrodynamic Facility (AHF)1 William. C. Sellyey, James F. OHara Los Alamos National Laboratory, MS H81 7, Los Alamos, NM Abstract. The AHF consists of a LINAC, a booster ring, a 50 GeV Synchrotron and an elaborate set of beam-lines for simultaneously delivering a string of 24 proton bunches from 12 different directions to a firing site (fs) chamber in which an explosion is in progress. This paper will discuss profile instrumentation being considered for the fs beam-lines and the Synchrotron. In the beam-lines most profiling devices will probably be harps but some fluorescent screen/camera systems may be used. For the Synchrotron RGIPM's may be used for observing individual bunches. The MCP usually placed in the vacuum for such devices might be replaced by a scintillator viewed by a lens plus multianode PMT. In order to observe individual bunches, it may be necessary to increase the local vacuum pressure using a gas jet, molecular beam or a gas puff. Another option may be to view gas fluorescence with the same optical arrangement as used for the RGIPM. A carbon wire moving with velocities of 1 to 5 m/s is being considered as an intercepting device to observe stored beams consisting of one or two bunches. A quadrupole moment measuring system for determining transverse emittance is being investigated. Harps in the firing site beamlines Harps can be used anywhere in the beam transport to obtain projections of beam profiles in the direction perpendicular to the secondary emission (SE) wires. In this section a harp based profile measurement for observing profile projections of beam pulses separated by 200 ns will be described. All beam bunches in all (six) dimensions will be assumed Gaussian. One way to process the signal from a wire is to send it through a Gaussian filter with rms time width <JF=50 ns. This is a factor of 5 times longer than the bunch length in the beam lines and thus <JF dominates. It can be shown that the fractional error in the rms spatial beam width is s . m172 eQoAxR AV is the rms amplifier noise, m is the number of wires per mm, 8 is the secondary emission coefficient, Q0 is the charge in one bunch, Ax is the width of one wire and R is the signal cable impedance. To get a specific error estimate let 8=0.02, m=3/mm, Ax=0.1 mm, R=50 Q, Q0=10n particles = 1.6*10~8 C. Take s=l mm, a typical beam size in much of the transport. AV is obtained from a stretcher amplifier designed and constructed for amplifying stripline signals [1]. This amplifier has a gain of 31.5 and a 1 This work was sponsored by the US Dept. of Energy under contract W7405-ENG-36. CP648, Beam Instrumentation Workshop 2002: Tenth Workshop, edited by G. A. Smith and T. Russo © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0103-9/02/$19.00 275 36 MHz rms width. The filter considered here has a 20 MHz rms width, and thus will pass less noise than the 30 MHz amplifier. The noise referred to the input of the 36 MHz unit was 25 jiV and this is used here as an overestimate of the noise. Inserting these numbers into the above formula gives As/s=.006 and this is clearly an adequate result. Temperature estimates for a 100 jim carbon wire indicates that it will never go above 465 °C anywhere in the beam lines. Viewscreens in the firing site beam lines Many types of imaging systems have been designed for the beam transport lines from the Synchrotron to the firing sights. The screen materials considered include Cromox-6 (Al2O3(Cr)), LSO and shiny materials for OTR screens. Cameras investigated include the non-rad hard CCD cameras like the Cohu 2622 and rad-hard cameras manufactured by CIDTEC. Lenses can be off the shelf compound devices, large diameter compound achromats or multiple fused silica. Only one system will be described here. This system would be used in circumstances where the beam intensity is high at 3*1013 particles. It will use an OTR viewscreen that may be made out of Molybdenum coated with a shiny material like Ag or Al. If the surface is smooth, the peak backward OTR intensity will be generated in a cone with an opening angle of 0.02 radians. This is an inconvenient situation because it can lead to position dependent imaging on the camera faceplate. However it has been shown that if the surface is rough, the OTR light does not go into a cone [2]. It is assumed here that it can be emitted into 2n (this needs to be demonstrated). The light intensity can be calculated [3]. The result is that there are about 2 photons per 100 nm emitted at the OTR surface for each 1000 protons passing through the surface. A 150 mm diameter achromatic doublet with a i m focal length could be used as the imaging lens. The lens would be placed l l m from the beamline, and the camera would be 12.1 m from the beam line. This results in a magnification of 0.1. The camera is a Cohu 2622 CCD camera. If 100 nm of light is imaged, than 3*1013 protons will produce Nph=6*1010. The number of photons reaching the camera is N=1.39*106. It can be shown that the fractional error in the rms width of a Gaussian shaped beam is = 7i1/2Z X ~ (AxAy J 8N /2 N Ax and Ay are the camera pixel sizes SN is the photon number equivalent of the camera (read) noise. SN =330 at 700 nm, Ax=8.4 jim, Ay=9.8 jim and in the beamlines typically rms beam sizes are 1 mm. The error calculation refers to the camera faceplate and thus E=0.1 mm. This results in AE/Z=0.05. By using a larger light bandwidth, losses in the lens system can be compensated. The temperature rise in almost any material used for an OTR screen may be significant but not serious because conduction carries the heat away from the beam impact area during the 25 seconds between beam pulses. Replacing the CCD camera by a gated, intensified camera will enable the measurement of individual transverse bunch shapes for normal intensity and low intensity bunches. 276 Gas Fluorescence in the Synchrotron In a typical gas fluorescence imaging system, protons (or other charged particles) impart energy to a residual gas molecule and some of the molecules will emit this energy as photons. Lenses are used to produce an image of the gas fluorescence. If the gas fluorescence has a sufficiently short decay constant, the fluorescent image is expected to be an accurate representation of the transverse beam profile. Gas fluorescence of the 391.4 nm NZ+ line [4] has been used extensively to observe transverse beam profiles [5] at low beam energies. Recently it has been shown that this can also be done at 10's of GeV [6] and therefore it will be considered here. The approximate cross section at 50 GeV for producing a 391A nm photon is found to beojt=3.3*l(r20cm2. Two types of systems will be describe here, both of which will be designed to operate in a high radiation environment, but one will depend on shielding to protect conventional cameras and optics. The other will be made of radiation hard components. This second system will consist of a fused silica view port to let out the beam produced fluorescence light, a radiation hard lens system and a radiation hard, position sensitive, high gain photon detecting device. One possibility for the photon detector is the Hamamatsu R5900U-07-L16 with a fused silica window. It has 16 strip photocathodes and corresponding anodes. Each strip is 0.8 mm by 16 mm with 0.2 mm space between strips. Typical electron gain is 106 for each channel. There is at least one manufacturer who makes a microchannel plate based position sensitive photon detector (Photec Inc.) that might be usable here. They are also capable of manufacturing devices to our specifications. In the shielded system, a gated intensified camera with a lens will be placed in a shielded environment some distance from the beam. A formula for calculating the statistical error of a measured rms width of a Gaussian charge distribution was derived. It assumes that there is no background signal or other noise sources other than what results from counting statistics and thus gives the lowest error that can be achieved. The fractional rms error is given by - - >1/2 1+ AG (3) Here Nb is the number of photons produced my the beam in the length of the beam that is imaged, g is the fraction of the photons collected by the lens system and converted to photoelectrons and G is the electron multiplication factor of the photon detector. The rms fractional fluctuation AG/G is typically of the order of 0.5 and thus the coefficient of 1/g is taken as 1.25. A "low" aberration fused silica lens system will be described below. To calculate signal levels, we only need to know that the aperture of the system is 45 mm and that the lens focal length is 500 mm. An inverting, unity magnification system is used. To be specific, it is assumed that an R5900U-07-L16 is used. The fraction of light from the beam entering the aperture is 1.3*10~4, the product of quantum efficiency (0.2) and fractional strip width (0.8 ) is 0.16 which results in g=2.03*10~5. Equation 3 can be solved for Nb and if a 5 % measurement of the rms width is to be made, Nb =1.8*107 photons will need to be generated in 1.6 cm length 277 of the beam. The number of photons produced in L=1.6 cm of beam per turn is Nbo= CT^PN NsL=5.61*103 where pN=3.54*109/cm3 is the density of gas molecules at 10~7 Torr. The number of turns for a 5 % measurements will be Nb/ Nbo= 3.2* 103 and this will take 16.6 ms. Shorter measurement times could be obtained if the local gas pressure can be increased. To observe individual bunches, the local gas pressure would need to be increased to 10~2 Torr and it is unlikely that this can be done without adversely affecting the circulating beam. The measurement error in the rms beam width is also affected by the 1 mm width of the detector photocathodes as well as optical aberrations. The rms width of a 1 mm strip is WmiS=282 jim. It is straightforward to show that for a circular lens of radius r the rms width of the image of a line source because of chromatic aberration is given by 1 I An I is the image distance, f is the focal length, n is the average index of refraction and Anrms is the rms deviation of the index of refraction. The FWHM line width is estimated as less than 7 nm [4]. Assuming a Gaussian distribution and using a table of refractive index for fused silica [7] AnnnS=3.57*10~4 mm, n=1.471. Using I/f=2, and r=22.5 mm gives Orms=17 |im. To minimize aberrations, two planoconvex lenses will be use with the convex faces nearly touching. Ray trace equations were derived for this lense arrangement and used to write ray tracing software. The rms image widths of a line source were calculated for various transverse and longitudinal object positions for a 50 mm lens aperture and a focal length of 1 m for each lens. The image position was kept at 1 m. The result is that a 50 mm wide detector would have a 50 mm field of view and a 52 mm depth of field while keeping the line image rms spread below H=0.33 mm. This depth and width of field of view should be adequate for imaging both the horizontal and vertical beams. If both horizontal and vertical profiles are imaged simultaneously and at the same place, the position information from one can be used to correct for spot smearing in the other. The total rms blurring caused by the three effects discussed above is [Wrms2+ocrms2+H2]1/2=434 jim. The rms width of a typical beam will be observed as [4342+19002]=1949 |im and this 49 |im overestimate is less than the 5 % statistics error (1900*. 05=95 jim). The most important contribution to the broadening comes from the depth of field and strip width, and both of these can be corrected for. The second type of system depends on shielding to protect a lens and camera from radiation. To be specific, a Xibion ISG-750 intensified camera could be used as the imaging device, combined with a single 150 mm diameter achromatic doublet with a i m focal length (Melles Griot 01 LAO 367). The lens would be placed l l m from the beamline, and the camera would be 12.1 m from the beam line. This results in a magnification of 0.1. The 12.1 X 9.2 mm2 intensifier active area will translate into a 121 X 92 mm2 field of view at the beamline. Equation 3 can again be used to calculate how long it will take to record enough data to make a 5 % measurement in the rms width of a beam. With a 19 % quantum efficiency and an aperture of 135 mm, g=1.79*10'6. This gives Nb=2.1*108 and with L=12.1 cm, Nbo=a?tpN NSL=4.2*104 at 278 10~7 Torr. Thus it will take 5000 turns or 26 ms to make a 5 % measurement of the rms width. The ISG-750 output signal is 30 frames per second interline transfer. Thus it is limited to making at most 30 measurements per second. It is a gateable camera, so the signal from a single bunch could be integrated over many turns, especially if the local gas pressure is increased. The rms resolution of the ISG-250 is about 16 microns. Aberration and field of view rms image smearing is less than 1 jim over an 80 mm field of view and an 80 mm depth of field. When added in quadrature to a 1.9 mm beam rms width they have a less than 1 micron effect on the width. The lens focal length could be reduced by a factor of three (say by adding lenses after the primary lens) and this would decrease the observation time to get a 5 % rms by about a factor of 9 if a sufficiently large viewport is available. In the above discussion, optical losses have been ignored although they may be as large as 50 %. Thus, measurement times may be underestimated by a factor of two. Residual Gas lonization profile monitor (RGIPM) in the Synchrotron For an RGIPM system approximately uniform and parallel electric and magnetic fields will need to be established in the region of the measurement. Many authors have described this type of system and the details of producing the fields will not be discussed here. The electron detection system will be designed so that a 5% measurement can be made in the rms width of a single bunch for each bunch on every turn in the Synchrotron. Additionally, the only detector component in the vacuum will be an LSO scintillator and this will be made as thin as possible to reduce unwanted background signals. The beam transverse distribution will be reproduced on the surface of the LSO by scintillation cased by 5 keV electrons accelerated and guided to the LSO by the E and B fields. This distribution will be viewed by an imaging system outside the vacuum. Most RGIPM systems presently in operation use microchannel plates (MCP) in the vacuum chamber as a signal amplifier. A problem with this is that the MCP's are limited in total charge they can produce per unit area. In time this leads to uneven gain over the MCP surface because, on average, transverse beam charge distributions are not uniform. The LSO scintillator will be used here in an attempt to circumvent this problem. The light attenuation of LSO caused by Co60 y's has been measured [8] and is quoted as 7% /(cm*108Rad) at the LSO emission wavelength. Assuming an average beam size of 1.9 mm rms, and that 7000 electrons are produced per cm which are then accelerated through a 5 kV potential (see below) it will take about ten days of continuous operation for 8 hr/day to reduce the LSO light transmission by 14 %. It has also been established that heating the LSO to 300 °C for about one day will restore it to essentially its original light transmission characteristic [8]. Thus by providing a means of heating the LSO it may be possible to use the same scintillator indefinitely. If permanent darkening is expected to develop after say 100 heating cycles it would probably not be difficult to design the RGIPM such that the LSO could be easily replaced perhaps once every one or two years. It has been demonstrated that fused silica radiation damage can largely be reversed by heat [9]. Thus the quartz viewport 279 and lenses of this system might also be kept free of radiation darkening by making provisions for heating. Each 5 keV electron hitting the LSO will produce M=150 photons [11]. These will be observed by the same type of dual silica lens arrangement as discussed earlier with a lens focal length of 150 mm, diameter of 25 mm and the magnification of -1. It can be shown that the fractional error in the rms width of a Gaussian beam is given by ,1/2 1+ g AG G .0705 Ax ^r^ M Ax is the width of the beam being sampled, Nbe is the number of electrons produced by the beam and the rest of the symbols have been defined previously. It will again be assumed that the photo detector is an R5900U-07-L16 and that Ax is 1 mm. The value of g is 2.25*10~4 and is again determined by the aperture and properties of the tube. Assume E is 1.9 mm and solve for Nbe with a 5 % fractional error in E gives Nbe=1.235*104. Assume that Xenon at a partial pressure of 2*10~7 Torr is introduced into the beam tube at the measurement location. For Xenon a proton produces 44 (primary) electrons per cm at one atmosphere pressure [10]. If each bunch contains 1.25*1012 protons, 14000 electrons per centimeter will be produced by each bunch. The length of beam that is imaged is 1.6 cm and thus the total number of electrons is 22400. This is enough to result in a 5 % measurement and also account for a 45 % loss in photons through the optical system. Using the spectrum of LSO [11] the rms chromatic aberration for this lens system is 0^=63 jim. Restricting the field of view to 40 mm keeps the rms width of a line image below 330 jim. Combining these in quadrature with the rms width of a detector strip results in 439 jim. Finally combining this with the 1900 jim nominal beam size results in 1950 jim. In order to cover a 40 mm field of view, one can use three lenses each with an R5900U-07-L16 tube for imaging. One would be in the center with its axis perpendicular to the LSO sheet. The other two would have to be at an angle and for these the resolution analysis will be more complicated. Alternatively, it may be possible to have a photon counting MCP device made with 40, 1 mm detection strips. Quadrupole moments in the Synchrotron Some very innovative work has been done at CERN for measuring quadrupole moments of beam bunches in a Synchrotron [12] and the CERN design may be adapted for use in the AHF system. However it is worth investigating the possibility of using a conventional stripline because in AHF the quadrupole signal will be relatively large. Consider a conventional stripline position monitor in a circular beam tube with signal outputs T(top), B(bottom), L(left) and R(right). If a Gaussian shaped beam is centered and the strips are narrow, the quadrupole signal from such a device will be (T + B)-(L + R) T+B+L+R 280 (6) Here the a's are the rms beam widths and b is the beam tube radius. Present models of the beam indicates that the largest a2 differences will be (2.68 mm)2-(1.12 mm)2 in nondispersive regions at 50 GeV. The vertical beam tube diameter is limited to about 46 mm by the bending magnets. In dispersion free regions, it may be possible to use a circular cross section beam tube with a radius of 23 mm. With these numbers, the quadrupole signal will be 0.026. Figure 1 shows the signal one would get from one bunch at 50 GeV from an electrode of a 0.5 ns long stripline after it is passed through a 10 MHz rms low pass Gaussian filter. If the strip is assumed to intercept 10 % of the wall current the quadrupole voltage signal will be of the order of 2.8*0.4 V*0.026 =29 mV. It is easy to build amplifiers with 10 MHz bandwith that have an input noise of 25 jiV and thus signal to noise will be about 800. At injection S/N will be 320, thus amplifier noise will not be a problem. The proposed processing electronics is shown in figure 1. The most troublesome part of the signal is the monopole part. It is (largely) eliminated by taking a difference between T and R signals and B and L signals with 180° hybrids (MACOM model HH-108-SMA). The output from the hybrids would go through Gaussian filters, amplifiers and than the signals would be digitized. Current, position and quadrupole information would all be computed digitally. The striplines would be terminated externally at both ends to minimize reflections and so calibration signals can be injected to measure how well the difference is being taken by the hybrids. It may be useful to add adjustable attenuators and phase shifters before the hybrids so corrections can be made to assure precise cancellation of the monopole signals. Figure 1. At left, calculated signal from one strip after passing through a Gaussian filter. Right, processing electronics. Flying wire in the Synchrotron In one design that has been investigated, a rotating wheel of 30 cm diameter would cause a C wire on a fork to reciprocate through the beam. An 8 jim wire would have a maximum acceleration of am=0.38 g (g=9.8 m/s2), would pass through the beam f=1.6/s and reach a maximum temperature of 1750 °K if the wheels angular velocity was co=5 rad/s. The effect on the beam with the 8 jim wire will be about the same as if Nitrogen were present in the beam tube at 4*10~7 Torr. Using a formula for emittance growth [13], the 8 jim wire would cause about a 10 % emittance growth in the 20 s of an acceleration cycle. Thus it would be useful for calibrating the non- 281 intercepting devices under conditions almost identical to an unperturbed beam. With co=15 rad/s a higher sampling rate of 4.8/s could be achieved with no increase in emittance growth. The peak temperature of the C wire will be 1100 K and am=3.44 g. There are two ways the relative charge density being intercepted by the wire can be measured. One is to measure secondary emission and the same electronics may be used as described for the harps. Equation 1 can be used to estimate the measurement error due to amplifier noise. m=183/mm, the number of samples per mm, is calculated using the wire velocity of 1.05 m/s and the revolution time of T=5.2 jis. Using s=1.5 mm, x=35 jim, Q0=7*10~7 C and the other quantities the same as for the harps one gets that the S/N=5000. The second method is to detect radiation by attaching a scintillator like LSO to a photomultiplier. It has been calculated that, on average, each proton from a circulating bunch will deposit 10 jieV of energy per cc of LSO when a 35 jim C wire is in the center of the beam, and the detector is 100 m downstream of the wire and 20 cm from the (straight) beamline center [14]. For a beam bunch of 1.25*1012 protons, this becomes 125 MeV/cm3. For an 8 jim wire this results in 6.5 MeV/cm3. One photon is produced per 340 eV of deposited energy [11], and thus 1.9*104/cm3 photons are produced. Using the sampling rate m=183/mm, one gets that a total of 1.24*108 photons/cc are produced in one sweep through the beam. Equating this to Nb in equation 3 and using a detection efficiency of g=.05 results in S/N=835 if the LSO volume is 1 cm3. Energy deposition results for lower beam energies are not yet available, but it is likely that several cm3 of LSO will be needed. In the actual system the noise will probably be dominated by beam loss. References 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) W. 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