Short Bunch Beam Diagnostics Patrick Krejcik Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 2575 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025 Abstract. With the emergence of 4th generation PEL based light sources there is now considerable interest in both producing and characterizing ultra-short (<100 fs) electron bunches. Knowledge of the extremely high peak current in a short bunch is required to diagnose the SASE (self amplified stimulated emission) process. Measuring the femtosecond duration of the pulse is inherently interesting, particularly for experimenters using the beam to measure fast phenomena (e.g. femto-chemistry). Diagnostic techniques that have the necessary femtosecond resolution will be reviewed: These include high-power RF transverse deflecting structures that "streak" the beam in the accelerator allowing the bunch length to be recorded on a profile monitor. Electro optic crystal diagnostics use the electric field of the electron bunch to modulate light thereby exploiting the femtosecond technology of high bandwidth visible lasers. Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) from dipole magnets and optical diffraction radiation (ODR) both result in radiation with wavelengths of the order of the bunch length and hence in the terahertz band which can be detected by a variety of techniques. The role of each of these techniques is discussed in terms of its application at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) and the Short Pulse Photon Source (SPPS) currently under construction at SLAC. INTRODUCTION The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) [1] to be built at SLAC utilizes electron bunches as short as 80 femtoseconds rms to generate self-amplified stimulated emission (SASE) X-ray radiation in a PEL. The production and tuning of these ultrashort bunches is critical to the performance of the LCLS but the measurement of such short bunch lengths is a considerable challenge that cannot be met, for example, with conventional streak camera technology. The technologies and limitations to various bunch length measurement techniques are reviewed in this paper together with plans for developing and testing these techniques at SLAC. The new Short Pulse Particle Source (SPPS) [2] at SLAC offers a nearer term opportunity to test and compare these different diagnostic techniques with bunches as short as 30 fs rms, far shorter than anything so far produced in a high energy electron accelerator. The locations of the SPPS and LCLS installations are shown in figure 1 in relation to the other accelerators at SLAC. SPPS will only produce spontaneous x-ray radiation from its undulator but the peak spectral brightness from this source, at 1024 photons s"1 mm"2 mr"2 (0.1% bandwidth), still exceeds that of any existing x-ray source. CP648, Beam Instrumentation Workshop 2002: Tenth Workshop, edited by G. A. Smith and T. Russo 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0103-9 162 North Damping Ring SPPS Bunch SPPS SPPS Bunch Bunch Compressor Chicane Compressor Chicane Compressor Chicane New LCLS New LCLS Injector Injector SPPS X-Rays SPPS X-Rays LCLS LCLS X-Ray FEL X-Ray FEL FIGURE 1. The locations bunch compressor chicane isis shown superimposed on the locations of of the the SPPS SPPS linac linac bunch bunch compressor compressorchicane chicaneis shownsuperimposed superimposedon onthe the FIGURE 1. The locations of the SPPS linac shown SLAC site together with the LCLS facility which utilizes the last one third ofofthe linac totogenerate together with the LCLS facility which utilizes the last one third the linac generate SLAC site together with the LCLS facility which utilizes the last one third of the linac to generate coherent x-rays from a PEL coherent FEL located locateddownstream downstreamof ofthe thebeam beamswitch switchyard. yard. coherent x-rays x-rays from from aa FEL located downstream of the beam switch yard. To the application application of of the the various various short short bunch bunch diagnostic diagnostictechniques techniquesthe the To illustrate illustrate the the application of the various short bunch diagnostic techniques the accelerator layout of the LCLS is shown in figure 2 with indicators for the locations of of the LCLS is shown in figure 2 with indicators for the locations accelerator layout of the LCLS is shown in figure 2 with indicators for the locations ofof the ininthe devices. Bunches of of approximately approximately 333ps psrms rmslength lengthare areproduced producedin theRF RF the various various devices. devices. Bunches Bunches of approximately ps rms length are produced the RF photoinjector and accelerated to 150 MeV where a magnetic chicane compresses the photoinjector accelerated to MeV where a magnetic chicane compresses the photoinjector and accelerated to 150 MeV where a magnetic chicane compresses the bunches to an rms length of 630 fs. A second bunch compressor is located at the length of 630 fs. A second bunch compressor is located at the bunches to an rms length of 630 fs. A second bunch compressor is located at the 4.5GeV its final bunch length of 75 fs. the bunch bunch attains attains its its final final bunch bunchlength lengthof of75 75fs. fs. 4.5GeV point point where where the the bunch attains At the injector, confirmation of the critical initial longitudinal the injector, confirmation of the critical initial longitudinal distributionof the At the injector, confirmation of the critical initial longitudinal distribution distribution ofofthe the bunch is independently diagnosed with both electro-optic profiling of the bunch and diagnosed with both electro-optic profiling of the bunch and bunch is independently diagnosed with both electro-optic profiling of the bunch and with system long S-band S-band transverse transverse deflecting deflectingcavity. cavity.The Theelectro-optic electro-opticsystem system with aa short, short, 0.55 0.55 m m long long S-band transverse deflecting cavity. The electro-optic can make use of the already available high-bandwidth TiiSapphire laser system for already available high-bandwidth Ti:Sapphire laser system forthe the can make use of the already available high-bandwidth Ti:Sapphire laser system for the injector to easily achieve the necessary sub-picosecond resolution to characterize the injector to easily achieve the necessary sub-picosecond resolution to characterize the injector to easily achieve the necessary sub-picosecond resolution to characterize the gun pulse. 150 energy of the injector means that only a short gun pulse. The The relatively relatively low low 150 150 MeV MeV energy of the injector means that only a short MeV energy of the injector means that only a short section of structure isis required to streak section of transverse transverse deflecting deflecting structure structure is required to to streak streak the the beam beam on on aaa deflecting required the beam on downstream profile monitor using about 1 MW of power split off from one of downstream profile monitor using using about about 11 MW MW of of power power split split off off from from one oneofofthe the the injector klystrons. injector klystrons. A second transverse in the high-energy linac with A second transverse deflecting deflecting cavity cavity is is also also located locatedin inthe thehigh-energy high-energylinac linacwith withaaa deflecting cavity is also located length of 2.44 m and is powered with 25 MW from a separate klystron. length of 2.44 m and is powered powered with with 25 25 MW MW from from aa separate separateklystron. klystron. iEO ll φ φφ Tz Tz Tz TC ∆∆E E 150 MeV MeV 150 2.8 2.8 ps ps φφ TC TC ∆E CSR 250 250 MeV MeV 630 630 fs fs ∆∆EE CSR CSR ZZφφ EO EO ∆∆EE 4.5 GeV 4.5 4.5GeV GeV 75 fs 75 75fsfs FIGURE schematic layout layout of of the the LCLS accelerator accelerator and bunch bunch compressor system system showing the the FIGURE 2. 2. A A schematic of the LCLS LCLS accelerator and and bunch compressor compressor systemshowing showing the types and locations of the various diagnostics to measure bunch length and characterize the longitudinal types and locations of the various various diagnostics diagnostics to to measure measurebunch bunchlength lengthand andcharacterize characterizethe thelongitudinal longitudinal phase (EO), Transverse Transverse Cavity (TC), (TC), Terahertz power power monitors (Tz), (Tz), phase space space of of the the beam: beam: Electo-Optics Electo-Optics Electo-Optics (EO), (EO), Transverse Cavity Cavity (TC),Terahertz Terahertz powermonitors monitors (Tz), Coherent Synchrotron Radiation monitors (CSR), Energy spread monitors (AE), Beam Phase monitors Coherent Synchrotron Radiation monitors monitors (CSR), (CSR), Energy Energy spread spreadmonitors monitors(∆E), (∆E),Beam BeamPhase Phasemonitors monitors ((|)),and (Z <|>). (φ),and Zero-phase Zero-phase measurement measurement locations locations locations (Z (Z φ). φ). 163 The energy and energy spread of the beam are measured on beam position monitors and The profile monitors at allspread the dispersive locations where on thebeam beamposition is bent.monitors The very energy and energy of the beam are measured short bunches generate a coherent component to the synchrotron light in the and profile monitors at all the dispersive locations where the beam is bent. The bunch very compressor chicane bends so the light will also to light monitor thebunch bunch short bunches generate a coherent component to be thediagnosed synchrotron in the length at these locations. and control ofto the chicane bunch compressor chicane bends soTuning the light willfeedback also be diagnosed monitor the bunch compressors is facilitated by Tuning rapid, pulse-to-pulse CSR power length at these locations. and feedbackmeasurement control of of thethechicane bunchby narrow band terahertz detectors. Beam phase monitors are located at each compressors is facilitated by rapid, pulse-to-pulse measurement of the CSRaccelerating power by sector. accelerating section downstream of the second bunchatcompressor will be narrowThe band terahertz detectors. Beam phase monitors are located each accelerating used forThe zero-phase crossing measurement length in conjunction the sector. accelerating section downstreamof of bunch the second bunch compressor with will be profile monitor locatedcrossing in the final bend before the undulator. used for zero-phase measurement of bunch length in conjunction with the The SPPS linac bunch compressor is similarly equipped with short profile monitor located in the final bend chicane before the[3] undulator. bunch to bunch tune and measure its performance. Thediagnostics SPPS linac compressor chicane [3] is similarly equipped with short bunch to tune and measure performance. Eachdiagnostics of these techniques will be its described in the following sections and their Each of techniques will be described following sections andwill theirbe potential forthese reaching the necessary resolutionin inthethe LCLS and SPPS potential for the necessary resolution in electron the LCLS and also SPPS will bean discussed. The reaching full temporal characterization of the bunch involves discussed. of The temporal of measured the electron also involves an assessment thefull timing jitter characterization and how it can be on bunch a pulse-to-pulse basis. assessment of the timing jitter and how it can be measured on a pulse-to-pulse basis. TRANSVERSE DEFLECTING CAVITIES TRANSVERSE DEFLECTING CAVITIES The principal of the transverse cavities is shown in figure 3 where it can be seen principal of the transverse cavities is shownorincrabbing, figure 3 can where it can be on seen that The a strong longitudinal-to-transverse correlation, be imposed the that a strong longitudinal-to-transverse correlation, or crabbing, can be imposed on bunch when the cavity is operated close to zero phase crossing of the appliedthe RF bunch when the cavity of is measuring operated close to length zero phase crossing of the applied RF voltage. This technique bunch was in fact used during the early voltage. This technique of measuring bunch length was in fact used during the early commissioning years of the injector at SLAC[4] and in more recent times has been commissioning years offor the measuring injector at very SLAC[4] in more recent timestohas proposed as a method shortand bunches[5]. In order testbeen this proposed as a method for measuring very short bunches[5]. In order to test this technique we have just completed recommissioning one of the original SLAC technique we have just completed recommissioning one of the original SLAC deflecting structures [6] by installing it in the SLAC linac where it can be used with a deflecting structures[6] by installing it in the SLAC linac where it can be used with a variety of beams during normal accelerator operations[7]. variety of beams during normal accelerator operations[7]. V(/)t V(t) \y\7 e− σz 〈∆y〉 σy 2π TMu TM11 T 2,44 2.44 m ∆ψ ≈ 660° 0° t βc t βp FIGURE3.3.The The transverse transverse deflecting deflecting cavity cavity can can be be used FIGURE used to to crab crab the the bunch bunch so so that that itsitsprojected projected transversebeam beamsize sizemeasured measuredon onaadownstream downstream profile profile monitor monitor is transverse is proportional proportionaltotobunch bunchlength. length. 164 250 200 150 I100 50 vertical distance [mm] horizontal distance [mm] 0.5 vertical distance [mm] 1.5 Projected Vertical Beam Profile: o = 0.11728 mm 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 horizontal distance [mm] 0.25 0.5 vertical distance [mm] horizontal distance [mm] 1 1.5 vertical distance [mm] 0.5 vertical distance [mm] 1.5 Projected Vertical Beam Profile: o = 0.53865 mm ... ...i... V 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.5 horizontal distance [mm] 1 1.5 2 vertical distance [mm] FIGURE 4. Profile monitor images and projected vertical image profile with the RF transverse cavity FIGURE 4. with Profile imagesshowing and projected profile with the RF transverse cavity off (left) and themonitor RF on (right) how thevertical beam isimage streaked. off (left) and with the RF on (right) showing how the beam is streaked. 165 A profile monitor screen (p) is positioned at a suitable transverse betatron phase advance from the deflecting cavity (c). The beam size measured on the screen is the quadrature sum of the initial vertical beam size, <7yo2=/^£yo and the RF induced crabbing. (1) The advantage of this technique is that a large deflecting voltage, Vo can be achieved at short RF wavelength, /I by applying high peak RF power supplied by the same type of klystron as is used to power the normal accelerating sections. A recent test of this technique with a 2.44 m long 2856 MHz device at SLAC[7] showed that 10 jim bunch length resolution could be achieved with a RF deflecting amplitude of 17.5 MV on a bunch with a normalized vertical emittance of 3*10-5 m rad. Images of the streaked beam are shown in figure 4. In addition to measuring the rms bunch length, information can also be gained on the bunch length distribution. The measured profile is a convolution of the actual longitudinal distribution in the bunch with the vertical beam size at the screen as determined by the transverse emittance. When the longitudinal distribution is nonGaussian, due to the bunch being over compressed for example, the measured profile is also non-Gaussian. Particle tracking[8] of the LCLS beam show that quite complex longitudinal bunch distributions are to be expected as a result of the compression dynamics together with the strong wakefields experienced in the linac that are excited by the short bunch. Simulation[9] of the transverse beam profile from the RF deflecting cavity shows that adequate resolution can be achieved to reveal most of the details of the complex longitudinal distribution of the LCLS bunch. The RF deflecting cavities offer such a powerful resolution of the beam properties along the longitudinal z-coordinate of the bunch that it is reasonable to consider measuring other properties as a function of the "longitudinal slice" position along the bunch. Consider, for example, that the horizontal width of the beam can be measured at different vertical positions on the screen and hence at different positions along the bunch, as shown in figure 5 a. If this is combined with a standard emittance measuring technique such as varying the strength of an appropriate upstream quadrupole then the horizontal emittance of each of the slices along the bunch can be determined. Another technique is to use a profile monitor screen in a region of large horizontal dispersion, after a bending magnet, so that the horizontal beam size becomes a measure of energy spread in the beam. Recording the horizontal beam size along the vertical axis of the profile monitor gives a measurement of what is referred to as the slice energy spread of the bunch. The slice emittance and slice energy spread together with the bunch length and charge are key parameters in the performance of an PEL. Although this bunch length measurement technique disrupts the beam it is possible to power the device on and off on a pulse-by-pulse basis so that it can operate with a 1% or less duty cycle and minimize the impact to the downstream users. 166 ED=6.2 GeV 0,6 0,6 . 0.4 0.4 . -0.4 -0,4 . -0,6 -0.6 . -0.6 -0,4 -0,2 0,0 0.2 0 0.4 0.6 0.6 x (mm) -0.6 -0,4 -0,2 0,0 0.2 2000 4000 6000 8000 N 0.4 0.6 0.8 x (mm) E Q =1 4.3 0,20 GeV 0.1 5 0,10 0,05 0,00 -0.05 -0.1 0 -0,1 5 -0,20 -0,15 -0,10 -0,05 0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,ZO x (mm) watch-point phase space—Input Icls29nov01 .ele lattice: Icls29nov01,lte LCLS beam beam (from (from P. P. Emma, Emma, ref. ref. 1 and 9) 9) FIGURE FIGURE 5. 5. a. a. Expected Expected longitudinal longitudinal slice slice profile profile for for the the LCLS land from from which which the the horizontal horizontal slice slice emittance emittance could could be be reconstructed, reconstructed, and and b. b. the the slice slice energy energy spread spread obtained beam at dispersion profile profile monitor monitor location location (ibid). (ibid). obtained by by viewing viewing the the streaked streaked beam at aa high high dispersion ZERO-PHASE ZERO-PHASE CROSSING CROSSING MEASUREMENTS MEASUREMENTS A RF A more more invasive invasive measurement measurement of of the the bunch bunch length length distribution distribution uses uses the the RF accelerating accelerating cavities cavities that that are are part part of of the the linac. linac. Rather Rather than than accelerate accelerate the the beam beam on on crest crest the by the bunch bunch is is moved moved to to the the RF RF zero-phase zero-phase crossing crossing where where the the accelerating accelerating field field seen seen by each each particle particle changes changes rapidly rapidly along along the the bunch bunch length length thereby thereby inducing inducing aa correlated correlated energy The bunch bunch length energy spread, spread, or or chirp, chirp, along along the the bunch, bunch, as as shown shown in in figure figure 6. 6. The length which was first rotated onto the energy axis by the RF is now transformed into the the which was first rotated onto the energy axis by the RF is now transformed into 167 spatial coordinate by observing the transverse beam profile on a down-stream highspatial coordinate by observing the transverse beam profile on a down-stream highdispersion profile monitor. dispersion profilehorizontal monitor. beam size <JX at a profile monitor location where the The measured The measured horizontal beamsum sizeof σthe a profile x atbeam dispersion is r/x is the quadrature size monitor <7xo, withlocation the RF where off, andthethe η is the quadrature sum of the beam size σ , with the RF off, and the dispersion is x0 contribution fromx the energy spread: contribution from the energy spread: σx = σ 2 x0 dE 2πeVrf +σ η + cos ϕ rf dz 0 λ E rf 0 2 z 2 x 2 (2)(2) where (dE/dz) the initial energy spread in the beam. 0 is where (dE/dz) 0 is the initial energy spread in the beam. ^^^^^^^lii∆E X Beamline ηx RF RF at zerocrossing phase Resultant energy chirp on bunch Profile monitor intensity FIGURE 6. A rotation in longitudinal phase space is induced by moving the bunch off crest to the zeroFIGURE 6. A rotation in longitudinal phase space is induced by moving the bunch off crest to the zerophase crossing where the resultant correlated energy spread is measured on a high-dispersion location phase crossing where the resultant correlated energy spread is measured on a high-dispersion location profile monitor. profile monitor. Good bunch length resolution can be obtained if the induced correlated energy Good is bunch can be obtained if the induced energy spread muchlength greater resolution than the incoherent energy spread in the bunch.correlated For this reason spread is much greater than the incoherent energy spread in the bunch. For this reason it is usually necessary to use a large portion of the linac in this off-crest mode. it is usually necessary to use a large portion of the linac in this off-crest mode. This technique has been used extensively in short bunch applications such as FEL This technique has the been usedlength[10,11]. extensively in short applications asfor PEL injectors to measure bunch The samebunch technique describedsuch above injectors to measure the bunch length[10,ll]. The same technique described above measuring the slice emittance with the transverse cavity can also be used infor measuring thewith slice emittance crossing with the transverse cavity can also be used in conjunction the zero-phase measurement. conjunction with therelies zero-phase crossing measurement. This technique on a rotation in longitudinal phase space of the bunch, induced This relies a rotationthis in from longitudinal phase spaceenergy of thecorrelations bunch, induced by thetechnique RF. In order to on distinguish wakefield-induced in is possible to rotate the opposite directions by performing the in bythe thebunch RF. Init order to distinguish thisbunch from in wakefield-induced energy correlations on the two zero-phase crossings of the directions RF in turn.byThe wakefieldthe themeasurements bunch it is possible to rotate the bunch in opposite performing contribution will be seen to either aid or oppose the RF induced energy spread and can measurements on the two zero-phase crossings of the RF in turn. The wakefield thus subtracted out of the bunch length reconstruction. contribution will be seen to either aid or oppose the RF induced energy spread and can The more invasive zero-phase crossing measurements means they are thus subtracted out of thenature bunchoflength reconstruction. usually onlyinvasive performednature duringofinitial tune up of the accelerator or to cross checkthey otherare The more zero-phase crossing measurements means bunch length measuring techniques. usually only performed during initial tune up of the accelerator or to cross check other bunch length measuring techniques. 168 ELECTRO OPTIC TECHNIQUES At techniques begin begin to to give give out out At extremely extremely short short bunch bunch lengths lengths where where the the previous previous techniques through to other other technologies. technologies. It It is is possible possible to to take take through lack lack of of RF RF power power we we can can move move to advantage of the advances in laser science where femtosecond technology has has been developed. have very very high electric fields fields associated associated with with developed. Very Very short short electron electron bunches bunches have high electric them to modulate laser pulse. pulse. The The problem problem of of measuring measuring the the them which which can can be be used used to modulate aa laser electron bunch length then moves to one of of measuring measuring the the laser laser pulse pulse modulation, modulation, for for which several techniques exist. As an illustration, we consider the setup shown schematically in figure 7, where an electro-optic (EO) crystal responds to the electric field from the electron electron bunch. bunch. Beam pipe pipe Beam Electron bunch Co-propagating Laser pulse Polarizer ECnCrystal EO Crystal Spectrometer Spectrometer Analyzer Analyzer I ωl t Initial laser chirp ωs t Bunch charge charge Bunch Gated spectral spectral signal signal Gated FIGURE 7. The electric field from a bunch modulates the polarization in an electro optic optic crystal crystal and and gates the transmission of a chirped laser pulse. The electric field of the bunch alters the optical retardation along one axis of the birefringent birefringent crystal according to 2 3 +X E +...~] XiE+X P= = εe00[x 2E 1E + X 2 E + 3X3 E + K 2 3 (3) (3) The optical transmission through a polarizer-analyzer pair is modulated modulated as as the polarization vector in the crystal rotates under the influence of the electric field of the bunch. By superimposing a chirp on the incoming laser pulse the time time structure structure of of the the electron beam induced modulation can be measured in the frequency domain with a spectrometer. 169 rr .L. 2N N eee 9 2 9 E 9 10 = × E = 9 × 10 r 2πe σ r 2π σ zz units units m.k.s m 1/γ 1/γ FIGURE Point charge approximation for the electric field at at a distance distance rr from from a short, short, relativistic relativistic FIGURE8.8.8.Point Pointcharge chargeapproximation approximationfor forthe theelectric electric field field FIGURE at aa distance r from aa short, relativistic bunch. bunch. bunch. 10 µm 10 µm 33fs rms 33fs rms Frequency [THz] FIGURE9.9.The The bandwidth bandwidth of of aa Gaussian Gaussian bunch extends into the THz FIGURE THz band band for for short short (lOum) (10µm)bunches. bunches. FIGURE 9. The bandwidth of a Gaussian bunch extends into the THz band for short (10µm) bunches. The electric electric field field of of an an ultra-relativistic ultra-relativistic bunch of Nee electrons at a distance distance r,r, from from The The electric field of an ultra-relativistic bunch of Ne electrons at a distance r, from the crystal shown in figure figure for aa Gaussian <JzZ[12]. [12]. the crystal isis shown in 88 for bunch of length σ the crystal shown inthe figure 8 forangle, a Gaussian bunchsmall of lengththe σ [12]. can be placed At high highisenergies energies opening l/% At the opening 1/ γ, is very very small so so thez crystal crystal can be placed At high energies the opening angle, 1/ γ , is very small so the crystal can be is placed somedistance distance from from the the beam beam without without loss of bunch length resolution. The field some resolution. The field is also also some distance from the beam without loss of bunch length resolution. The field is MV also quite strong, for example a 10 |Lim long bunch with 1 nC charge will generate a 72 quite strong, for example a 10 µm long will generate a 72 MV -11 field quite strong, exampleofa r10= µm longAtbunch with 1 nC charge will generate a 72 MV m" at for a distance 1 mm. low energies around the gun and the around the gun and injector injector the m -1 field at a distance of r = 1 fieldneeds at a distance of r = 1 mm. At low energies around the gun and injector the mcrystal crystal needs to be brought into closer proximity with the beam to maintain good to be brought with the beam to maintain good crystal needs to be brought into closer proximity with the beam to maintain good bunchlength length resolution. resolution. bunch bunch length resolution. 170 In a beam pipe the high frequency component of the wakefields contain the bunch length distribution information. The bandwidth of radiation produced from a Gaussian bunch, given by its Fourier transform, F(co) = e 2 (4) extends into the terahertz region for the ultra-short bunches considered here, as shown in figure 9. COHERENT RADIATION FROM A SHORT BUNCH Terahertz radiation is generated by the bunch through a variety of means. Special cases of wakefields for short bunches are coherent transition radiation and coherent diffraction radiation. In addition, the synchrotron radiation from an ultra-short bunch in a bending field has a pronounced coherent component at wavelengths comparable to the bunch length. Coherent synchrotron radiation The power spectrum of the incoherent synchrotron radiation is proportional to the number of electrons, N, in the bunch whereas the coherent term is enhanced by N2, as indicated by equation (5) from reference[13] (5) The power spectrum, taken from Wang [13], shown in figure 10, peaks in the terahertz band. It is strongly dependant on bunch length so that a power meter tuned on a narrow wavelength band, for example 0.2 mm in the case shown in figure 10, would produce a clear signal inversely proportional to bunch length. A number of detectors are available for THz radiation, including Schottky devices and germanium photodetectors whose band can be extended into this range. Bandpass filters can also be fabricated at these wavelengths, which should be centered at a wavelength corresponding to the nominal bunch length for an application. 171 1 THz incoherent 10 Bandpass Filter Detector FIGURE FIGURE10. 10.Power Powerspectrum spectrumofofcoherent coherentsynchrotron synchrotronradiation radiationcalculated calculatedfor fortwo twodifferent different bunch bunch lengths lengths(after (afterWang Wang[13]). [13]). Measurements Measurements ofof the the power power inin the the THz THz band band with with detectors detectors such such as as these, these, or or bolometers, do not yield any phase, or bunch shape, information. The measurement bolometers, do not yield any phase, or bunch shape, information. The measurement still still performs performs the the useful useful function function ofof providing providing an an rms rms measurement measurement ofof the the bunch bunch length, which is useful in tuning applications along the length of the accelerator. length, which is useful in tuning applications along the length of the accelerator. The Thephase phaseand andarrival arrivaltime timeofofthe thebunch bunchcan, can,however, however,be bemeasured measuredby byaafast fastgating gating technique using femtosecond laser technology. The output from a Ti:Sapphire technique using femtosecond laser technology. The output from a TiiSapphire laser, laser, for forexample, example,isisdirected directedonto ontoaasemiconductor semiconductorsubstrate substrateof ofGaAs GaAsor orradiation radiation damaged damaged Si-on-sapphire, Si-on-sapphire, generating generating photo photo electrons. electrons. Metallized Metallized electrodes electrodes on on the the surface surface forming formingaaHertzian Hertziandipole dipoleatatTHz THzwavelengths wavelengthsallow allowcurrent current toto flow flow when when the the laser laser pulse pulseand andTHz THzradiation radiationare arecoincident coincidentinintime. time.Such Suchdevices, devices,shown shownininfigure figure 11, 11,are are referred referredtotoasasAuston Austonswitches switches[14] [14]and andare areused usedininTHz THzpump pumpprobe probeapplications. applications. Coherent Coherentdiffraction diffraction radiation radiation The TheTHz THzdetection detectiontechniques techniquesdescribed describedabove abovefor forCSR CSRcan can also also be be applied applied to to the the detection of coherent diffraction radiation in the beam pipe. It is anticipated that detection of coherent diffraction radiation in the beam pipe. It is anticipated that aa number numberofofthese theserelatively relativelysimple simpledevices deviceswould wouldbe beused usedalong alongan anFEL PELaccelerator accelerator to to aid aidininbunch bunchlength lengthtuning tuningand andfeedback feedback control. control.CSR CSRpower power would would be be monitored monitored atat the the bunch bunch compressor compressor bends bends and and CDR CDR atat the the diagnostic diagnostic station station preceding preceding the the undulator. undulator. Pump Pump probe probe timing timing measurements measurements with with THz THz radiation radiation could could be be conveniently conveniently made made where where high high bandwidth bandwidth laser laser light light isis already already available, available, atat the the injector injectorfor forexample, example,ororatatthe theundulator undulatorentrance entrancewhere whereFEL PELexperiments experiments also also employ employ femtosecond femtosecondlasers lasersfor forpump pumpprobe probecharacterization characterizationofofthe theradiation. radiation. 172 FIGURE 11. An Auston switch comprises of metallized electrodes forming a dipole on a semiconductor substrate. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The contributions of Paul Emma to the beam dynamics of short bunch production, tuning and diagnostics are gratefully acknowledged. This work is supported under the United States of America Department of Energy contract DE-AC03-76SF00515. REFERENCES 1. "LCLS CDR", SLAC-R-593, April 2002. 2. M. 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