FNAL Instrumentation: Lessons Learned James L Crisp Fermilab1 PO Box 500 Batavia, IL 60540 Abstract. Experience gained during the recent commissioning of the Main Injector accelerator and the Recycler storage ring at Fermilab will be discussed. Some of the more interesting problems involve; ground differences, cabling for bpm and multiwire systems, electromagnetic noise, and magnetic shielding LOCAL CURRENTS "Ground" According to Mr. Webster, definitions of "ground" include: • The position or portion of an electric circuit at zero potential with respect to the earth. • A conducting connection to such a position or to the earth. • A large conducting body, as the earth, used as a return for electric currents and as an arbitrary zero of potential. However, ohm's law requires "ground" to have different voltage potentials that depend on how currents flow from one part to another. Main Injector Bending Magnet System The Fermilab Main Injector uses conventional magnets to contain the beam as it accelerates from 8GeV to ISOGeV. Twelve 1KV power supplies in series with 344 bending magnets are ramped to 9375 amps in about ¥2 second. To build the desired waveform, each supply ramps up separately in about 30 milliseconds. Bending magnets have a series impedance of O.SmQ and 2mH with a coil to ground capacitance of 30nf. 1 Operated by Universities Research Association, Inc. CP648, Beam Instrumentation Workshop 2002: Tenth Workshop, edited by G. A. Smith and T. Russo © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0103-9/02/$19.00 103 TABLE 1. Main Injector bending magnet system. 344 Bending magnets 0.8 mQ and 2 mH each capacitance to ground 30 nf each magnet 12 power supplies 1KV each supply Maximum bend current 9375 Amps 1/2 second ramp overall 30 msec each supply As the supplies ramp up, the changing voltage to ground induces "local currents" through the magnet capacitance to ground. These currents flow along the path of least resistance such as beam pipe, signal cables, and cable tray. Local currents make the bend buss current different for each supply and magnet. Generally, the bend magnet current at only one point is monitored and controlled. At Fermilab, orbit distortions lead to the realization that magnet current was not the same around the ring and depended on ramp waveform, power supply turn on order, and geometry of the bend magnet system. Local currents also produce significant potential differences in the ground system that result in problems with some instrumentation systems. lmo<g FIGURE 1. Power supply with two magnets in series. Local currents are driven by the changing voltage to ground. Even though all of the magnets and supplies are in series, they don't necessarily all have the same current. Vacuum Chamber Impedance If the vacuum chamber of the Main Injector were cut in one place, the impedance across the cut could be estimated as shown below. Rm =£*-„ p =' cPt ' CM = machine circumference = 3320 meters CP = pipe circumference = (0.0254) * 13.9" t = wall thickness = (0.0254) * 0.0595" p = resistivity of stainless = 9e -1 Q - m The inductance of the 2 mile diameter ring is estimated below: 104 (1) (2) a = radius ~ 528 meters N =1 = number of turns Magnet laminations surround the beam pipe and increase this inductance. With a typical "H" magnet lamination geometry, the reluctance for the path surrounding the pipe will be about 4 times that for the normal bending field. The beam pipe has only one turn compared to about 10 for the normal magnet coils. The increase in inductance attributed to the laminations of all 344 magnets is estimated below. i- — =1.7 mH The corner frequency defined by the ring resistance and inductance is R/27iL=l IHz (5.6Q, 2.7mH). The ring is resistive below this frequency and inductive above. The inductance from the magnet laminations will tend to steer beam image currents through the beam pipe and local currents through other pathways such as instrumentation cables. The stainless steel beam pipe wall thickness (.0595") is one skin depth at 100 KHz. At frequencies below this, the magnetic fields from the beam current will leak through the wall and begin to produce measurable potential differences that follow the beam around the ring. For lell particles distributed within 1/7 of the circumference (1.6usec) the voltage to ground would be: Estimate of Local Current For one power supply turning on, the voltage to ground on the magnet buss has a simple distribution. Symmetry suggests the average voltage to ground is about +1A of the supply voltage on l/i of the ring and -1A on the other half. This voltage will induce currents through 1A the capacitance and 1A of the resistance. The resistance is assumed to be only that of the stainless beam pipe. The Fermilab Main Injector also has a ground conductor around the circumference. The capacitive coupling to ground through the magnets will make the ground voltage proportional to dV/dt as estimated below. 105 Vqnd FIGURE 2. 2. Voltage Voltage to to ground ground of of the the magnet With FIGURE magnet buss buss with with one one power power supply. supply. With aa single single power power supply supply l turning on, on, symmetry symmetry suggests suggests the /4 of turning the average average voltage voltage to to ground groundisis about about++¼ ofthe thesupply supplyvoltage voltageon onhalf half of the the ring ring and and –1/4 -1/4 on on the the other other half. of half. 1 V ps C tot Rtot = 30 mVolts 4 ∆t 4 4 VpsPS=IKV V = 1 KV V ground = Att = 30 m msec ∆ sec =344x30 M = C tot 344 × 30 nf (5) (5) Rtotut=s.6n R = 5.6 Ω Measurement Voltages Measurement of of Local Local Current Current Induced Induced Voltages The measured measured voltage voltage between between the the tunnel tunnel ground ground and and the service building The the service building ground ground is is shown below. below. The The measurement measurement was was made shown made by by connecting connecting both both the the center center conductor conductor and the the shield shield of of aa coaxial coaxial cable cable to to the shield of and the beam. beam. The The shield of the the service service building building end end was connected to ground through the chassis of the oscilloscope. The impedance was connected to ground through the chassis of the oscilloscope. The impedance of of the test test cable cable shield shield is is large large compared the compared to to all all of of the the other other ground ground connections connections and and does does not disturb disturb the the measurement. measurement. not 106 FIGURE 3. 3. Measurement Measurement of FIGURE of the the voltage voltage between between the the tunnel tunnel and and service service building building grounds groundsduring duringthe the magnet ramp. ramp. The The voltage magnet voltage measured measured on on the the tunnel tunnel ground ground induced inducedby bytwo twoconsecutive consecutiveramps rampsisisshown shown on the the left left (50mV, (50mV, .5sec .5sec per per division). on division). One One magnet magnet ramp ramp is is shown shown on on the the right right (3000Amps, (3000Amps, 1.25 1.25sec sec per division). division). The The voltage voltage is is proportional per proportional to to dV/dt. dV/dt. Effects of of Voltage Effects Voltage Differences Differences Between BetweenGrounds Grounds The voltage voltage between between tunnel The tunnel ground ground and and building building ground ground can can induce induceerrors errorsinto intothe the signal path path of of instrumentation instrumentation cables. signal cables. The The voltage voltage will will appear appear across across the the shield shield impedance. For For equal impedance. equal source source and and receiving receiving impedance, impedance, 1/2 1/2 of of the the noise noisevoltage voltagewill will appear across the load resistor as shown below. appear across the load resistor as shown below. R1 Tunnel ground" JL R1 6 R2 R2 R1 + R2 Building "ground" R2 FIGURE 4. Schematic of a coaxial cable between the tunnel ground (or beam pipe) and the building FIGURE ground. 4. Schematic of a coaxial cable between the tunnel ground (or beam pipe) and the building ground. 107 The noise voltage across the load resistor can be reduced by inserting a transformer as shown below. Typically, these are made by wrapping as many turns as possible of coaxial cable on a torroidal tape wound core. For wL»Rshield FIGURE 5. Schematic demonstrating the benefit of torroidal cores. For wL»Rshield the noise well be removed from the load impedance. For an inductance L of the core, and total cable shield resistance Rs, the amount of noise reduction is given below. * nut *Vc A forf»f0 = (6) * out _ J o V noise ~ J f The core has no effect below the corner frequency fo=Rs/27iL. Above this frequency, the noise is reduced by fo/f. Such a core was not effective above 50 KHz because of turn to turn capacitance and associated resonance's in the windings themselves. Common mode filters using such an approach can be effective but only for a limited frequency range. The core must be inserted into the signal cable between the tunnel and building grounds. Well intentioned, but less informed, people have inserted a transformer inside the relay rack with the cable shield grounded were it entered the rack. If the shield of the cable is grounded before the torroid, it does no good. 108 TABLE 2. Typical common mode filter using a torroidal core____________ Arnold T8027 tape wound Supermalloy core 3" OD, 2" ID, 1" Ht 104 uH/N2 500 ft RG58 cable 4 Q/lOOOft 2Q 30 turns on core 94 mH fo R/27iL 3.4 Hz 60 Hz noise reduction 60/3.4 17.6 (or25db) Maximum frequency________________________________50 KHz Fast Kicker Magnets Fast kicker magnets are another source of voltage differences between grounds. At Fermilab, fast kicker magnets have rise times of 20 to 100 nsec and pulse widths of 1.6 to 20 usec. Several RG220 cables are used in parallel with up to 600 amps in each cable to carry the pulse to the magnet in the tunnel. The impedance of the RG220 cable shield is 0.05Q for a modest cable length of 200ft. The 600 amp return current will make 30 volts on it's way back to the power supply! The shield of the RG220 is tied to the building ground upstairs and to the magnet case in the tunnel. If the magnet case is connected to the tunnel ground or beam pipe, this 30 volt signal will drive currents through any instrumentation cables connected between the tunnel and the building. If the magnet case is left floating, beam image currents will produce electromagnetic waves as they cross from one side of the magnet to the other. The kicker magnet becomes an antenna broadcasting the beam frequency with substantial power. This rf interference can induce substantial signals into nearby signal cables. This is a difficult problem because the fast rising kicker currents have frequency components as high as the beam. The decision to ground kicker magnet cases has not been resolved at Fermilab. Multiwires Multiwire Signals and Ground Multiwires are secondary emission profile monitors made from wire grids. The small charges induced on the wires by the passing beam are integrated and the relative amplitudes on the wires in the grid are measured to produce a transverse beam profile. A 50 um wire centered on the beam collects 1 charge for each 2000 protons. This depends on many things but is typical for the beam density at Fermilab. The 40 picocoulombs collected from Sell protons will produce a 0.4 volt signal in a lOOpf integrator. The signal to noise ratio is often several hundred and results in good profiles. 109 FIGURE FIGURE6.6. Multiwire Multiwire(or (orsecondary secondaryemission) emission) profile profile monitor. monitor. Horizontal Horizontal wires wires are are placed placed on on one one sidewith withvertical verticalwires wireson onthe theother. other. Each Eachplane planehas has48 48 wires. wires. This This one one has has 2mm 2mm spacing. spacing. side The collected collected charge charge isis stored stored in in the the cable cable capacitance capacitance and and isis later later bleed bleed into into the the The integrating capacitor capacitor through through aa resistor. resistor. IfIf the the cable cable shield shield were were connected connected to to ground ground integrating both atat the the tunnel tunnel and and the the service service building building the the difference difference between between grounds grounds would would both swampthe the signal. signal. Just Just 11mV mV difference difference between between grounds grounds would would integrate integrate to to 55 volts volts swamp withthe the10KΩ 10KQ100pf lOOpfintegrator integratorused. used. with Thesolution solution toto this this problem problem lies lies in in exploiting exploiting the the essentially essentially infinite infinite beam beam source source The impedance. The Thebeam beamwill willinduce inducethe the same same secondary secondary emission emission for for any any wire wire voltage impedance. withinreason. reason. Figure Figure77indicates indicatesthat thatwith withthe theshield shield grounded grounded in in the the tunnel, tunnel, AC AC noise noise within can be induced in the load impedance above the corner frequency given by the cable can be induced in the load impedance above the corner frequency given by the cable capacitance and and the the load load impedance. impedance. For For aa 500 500 foot foot 20pf/ft 20pf/ft cable cable into into 10KΩ 10KQ the the capacitance corner frequency frequency would would be be 1.6KHz. 1.6KHz. IfIf the the shield shield isis not not connected connected to to ground ground in the corner tunnelthen then noise noisevoltage voltage becomes becomes Rload/Rbeam, Rload/Rbeam, essentially essentially zero. zero. The The signal signal return return tunnel currents will flow through what ever ground connections it can find. Because the currents will flow through what ever ground connections it can find. Because the beam source source impedance impedance isis so so large large the the return return current current path path can can have have substantial substantial beam impedancewithout withoutaffecting affecting the theprofile profilemeasurement. measurement. impedance Unfortunately, cables cables are are run run through through cable cable trays trays with with many many other other conductors conductors that that Unfortunately, canhave havesubstantial substantial“signals” "signals"on ontheir theirshields. shields. Capacitive Capacitivecoupling coupling between between the the shield shield can ofthe themultiwire multiwirecable cableand andit’s it'senvironment environmentcan canstill stillinduce inducenoise. noise. of 110 r——-p( (±^ —— , Rbeam T1 r ^~ Rlodd J Rqnd ^^ y Vnoise > Rlood 7 Vnolse ((a>l.6KHz) ω > 1.6 KHz ) forcoC «RRkload cable<< for ω C cable RRload Vout load *Vnoise noise = switch closed switch closed R gnd + Rload Vout Rload = R gnd + Rload + Rbeam *Vnoise noise (7) (7) switch open switch open FIGURE FIGURE7. 7. Multiwire Multiwire noise noise analysis. analysis. Multiwire Multiwire Cable Originally instrument Originally Fermilab Fermilab used used custom custom bundles of RG174 coaxial cable to instrument multi wires. The wires measured only the horizontal horizontal or or vertical vertical profiles profiles multiwires. The original original multi multiwires using and vertical vertical profiles profiles with with using 24 24 wires. wires. The The latest latest design measures both horizontal and 48 bundles precluded precluded 48 wires wires in in each each plane. plane. The The cost cost and burden of terminating these bundles their their use use and and itit was was decided decided to to switch to a shielded ribbon cable. Figure 8 indicates how shield. The The “flat "flat to to how the the ribbon ribbon is is folded folded into a round round shape and shows the braided shield. round" terminate using using mass mass round” cable cable is is significantly significantly cheaper and is much easier to terminate connectors. reduction in in wiring wiring errors. errors. connectors. The The geometry geometry constraints leads to a significant reduction However, However, we we still still manage manage to to get the polarity wrong on a regular basis. Capacitive coupling 1 .U ; signal ;onductjor 1- -v 0.5 - x -0.5 - I coupled cond jctor -1 1 - 2 0 1 2 1 4 6 8 time [usec] FIGURE8. 8. Effect Effect of of capacitive capacitive coupling coupling between between signal FIGURE signal conductors conductors in in Multiwire Multiwire cable. cable. Ill The multiwire scanner simultaneously simultaneously integrates integrates all all 96 96 channels. channels. One One feature feature of of the channel exceeds exceeds aa limit, limit, integration integration the firmware firmware running the scanner is that if any one channel is capacitive coupling coupling between between conductors conductorsinin is stopped for all channels. Unfortunately, capacitive the cause ghost ghost profiles profiles or or satellites. satellites. Figure Figure88suggests suggestswhat what the "flat “flat to round" round” cable can cause aa capacitively induced signal might might look look like like on on aa single single conductor. conductor. IfIfthe theintegration integration window coupled signal signal integrates integrates to to zero, zero, then then aanet net window is closed before the capacitively coupled signal will appear appear as as shown shown in in Figure Figure 9.9. The The signal will be measured and a ghost profile will normal long to to make make capacitive capacitive coupling couplinginsignificant. insignificant. normal integrate window is sufficiently long The round" cable cable outweigh outweigh this this undesirable undesirablefeature. feature. The advantages of "flat “flat to round” FIGURE 9. 9. If If the the integration integration window window is FIGURE is closed closed before before the the capacitivly capacitivly coupled coupled signal signal averages averages out, out, satellite profiles profiles are are left satellite left in in the the profile. profile. BPM’s BPM's Resonant Resonant BPM’s BPM' s The Fermilab Fermilab Recycler Recycler uses The uses aa split split tube tube BPM. BPM. An An 11 11 inch inch section section of of elliptical elliptical beam tube tube is is sliced beam sliced at at an an angle angle to to form form the the two two BPM BPM electrodes. electrodes. The The electrodes electrodes are are held inside inside of of aa concentric concentric vacuum chamber. The system isis configured to measure the held vacuum chamber. The system configured to measure the rd harmonic of 33rd harmonic of the the bunch bunch spacing spacing at at 7.5MHz. 7.5MHz. To To improve improvethe thesignal signaltotonoise noiseratio, ratio,aa resonator is is formed formed with resonator with the the plate plate to to ground ground capacitance capacitance and and an an inductor. inductor. AA preamplifier is located near the BPM and connected to it through a two preamplifier is located near the BPM and connected to it through a two foot foot cable. cable. The plate impedance at resonance is 1.5 KΩ and is determined by the preamp The plate impedance at resonance is 1.5 KQ and is determined by the preampinput input impedance as as shown impedance shown in in Figures Figures 10 10 and and 11. 11. 112 I be.'dm / J , FIGURE 10. Beam Position Monitors used in the Fermilab Recycler are made to resonate at 7.5MHz by connecting the capacitive plate in parallel to an inductor through a short cable. Cp=1Q5pf Cc=6pf L=4uH R=1.5K fo= 7.5MHz 0=8 Plate B Plate A FIGURE 11. The beam position monitor plates are coupled through the small capacitance between them. Coupling will be significant if the plate to ground impedance is comparable to the coupling impedance. Plate to plate capacitance causes problems. An impulse or swept sine wave applied to one plate is coupled to the other plate, changing measured position. At 7.5 MHz, the coupling impedance (1/jwC = 3.5KQ) is comparable to the 3KQ preamplifier input impedance (1.5KQ each side). The coupling impedance can be reduced by shunting it with an inductor between the two electrodes, Equation 8. Coupling will be reduced by a factor of Q for the resonant circuit. Figure 12 shows the coupling with and without the inductor for an impulse and a swept sine wave applied to one electrode. Q= k Energy Stored Energy Lost, 'Cycle = Q\ a><C 113 -cv2 2 R f (8) 1 -I 1.0 1.5 time [usec] FIGURE 12. Measurements of coupling coupling before before and and after after adding adding the the de-coupling de-couplinginductor inductorinintime timeand and frequency. On the left, frequency. left, the the signal signal on on both both the the driven driven and and coupled coupled electrodes electrodesare areshown shownfor forboth boththe the coupled and de-coupled de-coupled condition. condition. On On the the right, right, only only the the coupled coupled plate plate isis shown shownfor forboth boththe thecoupled coupled and de-coupled condition. condition. Coupling Coupling was wasreduced reducedby by27db 27dbatat7.5MHz. 7.5MHz. BPM BPMCables Cables The Main Injector Injector at Fermilab Fermilab has has 208 208 bpm's bpm’s that that use use 262000 262000feet feetof ofRG8/U RG8/Ucable cable (49.6 miles)! The longest longest cable cable length length isis 1400 1400 feet and the shortest is 120 feet. The cable was pulled as pairs to obtain obtain similar similar length length and and facilitate facilitate phase phasematching. matching. The The spread in propagation velocity velocity required required pulling pulling an an extra extra 2% 2%or or30 30feet feettotoeach eachbpm. bpm. AA bpm's were outside of number of bpm’s of the the specification specification and and required required adding addingcable cabletotoone one side to obtain matched delay delay through through the the pair. pair. Figure Figure 13 13 indicates indicates the the percent percent difference between between cables difference cables in in aa pair pair as as they they were were pulled pulled in. in. The Thecable cabledid didnot notmeet meetthe the manufacturers specification ±2% variation in velocity. manufacturers specification ±2% variation in velocity. Figure 13 13 also Figure also shows shows the the measured measured characteristic characteristicimpedance impedancefor forone onepair pairofofcables. cables. Only a half dozen were measured with similar results. Again, the cables Only a half dozen were measured with similar results. Again, the cablesdid didnot notmeet meet the manufacturer’s manufacturer's specification specification of the of ±2Q. ±2Ω. 114 100 -, 40 60 80 100 120 frequency [MHz] FIGURE FIGURE 13. 13. Distribution Distribution of of the the percent percent difference difference in in cable cable length length for for the the 208 208 pairs pairs of of cables cables used used for for the the Fermilab Fermilab Main Main Injector Injector BPM's. BPM's. Measured Measured characteristic characteristic impedance impedance of of one one pair pair of of RG8/U RG8/U BPM BPM cables. cables. After After installing installing the the bpm’s bpm's in in the the Booster Booster to to Main Main Injector Injector transfer transfer line line we we were were plagued plagued with with complaints complaints of of poor poor accuracy accuracy from from one one particular particular bpm. bpm. Eventually Eventually what what was was found found is is that that one one cable cable of of the the cable cable pair pair had had aa resonance resonance very very near near the the frequency frequency used the measured measured characteristic characteristic impedance impedance as as aa used by by the the bpm bpm system. system. Figure Figure 14 14 shows shows the function of frequency. The marker is placed at the beam frequency component used function of frequency. The marker is placed at the beam frequency component used by replacing the the pair pair of of by the the bpm bpm system, system, 52.813MHz. 52.813MHz. The The problem problem was was corrected corrected by by replacing cables. cables. The The offending offending cable cable was was closely closely inspected inspected but but no no obvious obvious problem problem could could be be found. found. The The cable cable was was cut cut into into sections sections with with all all sections sections displaying displaying the the same same resonance. resonance. ItIt is is speculated speculated that that perhaps perhaps the the cable cable reel reel sat sat on on one one side side and and placed placed periodic periodic deformations deformations at at just just the the right right spacing spacing to to make make aa resonance resonance at at exactly exactly the the l worst at worst possible possible frequency. frequency. A A diameter diameter of of 2.3 2.3 feet feet corresponds corresponds to to ½ /2 wavelength wavelength at 52.813 from other other 52.813 MHz. MHz. This This is is consistent consistent with with the the diameter diameter of of the the reels reels used. used. Cables Cables from nearby nearby bpm’s bpm's had had similar similar resonance’s resonance's at at higher higher and and lower lower frequencies frequencies as as if if they they were were to to come come from from different different depths depths of of the the reel. reel. A A problem problem in in the the manufacturing manufacturing process process is is also also possible. possible. 115 impedance of aa problem BPM cable. The beam bunch frequency frequency being FIGURE 14. Characteristic impedance measured (at the marker) was nearly at the peak, making position measurement measurement very very sensitive. sensitive. Magnetic Interference DC Transformer DC Current Transformer A Bergoz Parametric Current Transformer was purchased and installed in the Fermilab Recycler to measure average beam charge. The device worked satisfactory satisfactory until it was moved. The magnetic field from from the now nearby Main Injector Injector bend buss induced a substantial error in the measured beam charge, Figure 15. According to the 100 uAmp/gauss uAmp/gauss radial sensitivity sensitivity to magnetic fields. manual, the transformer has a 100 Typical magnetic fields from the buss are a few gauss. The The error error in in Figure Figure 15 is is about about lelO and corresponds to 1 mAmp or 10 gauss. A magnetic shield was constructed 1e10 1 with 1/16 1/16 inch thick high permeability mu-metal. The shield was 9 inches in in diameter diameter and 18 18 inches long. long. The shield reduced the magnetic field by 22db, Figure 16. 116 Sun H-JAH^-er! ie:4S :p*% engineering units FIGURE FIGURE 15. Beam charge in Main Injector is transferred into the Recycler at about 1.2seconds. seconds. The The FIGURE 15. 15. Beam Beamcharge chargein inMain MainInjector Injectoris istransferred transferredinto intothe theRecycler Recyclerat atabout about1.2 Main Main Injector ramps between and seconds. The measured Recycler beam charge isisaffected affected bythe the Main Injector Injector ramps ramps between between 555and and888seconds. seconds. The Themeasured measuredRecycler Recyclerbeam beamcharge affectedby current current in the Main Injector bend buss. currentin inthe theMain MainInjector Injectorbend bendbuss. buss. FIGURE 16. A high permeability mu-metal shield was placed around the Bergoz Parametric Current FIGURE FIGURE 16. 16. A A high high permeability permeability mu-metal mu-metal shield shield was was placed placed around around the the Bergoz Bergoz Parametric Parametric Current Current transformer. The Main Injector bend buss is shown in the background attached to the enclosure wall. transformer. transformer. The The Main Main Injector Injector bend bend buss buss is is shown shown in in the the background background attached attached to to the the enclosure enclosure wall. wall. The plot on the left indicated the measured magnetic field as a function of frequency without the shield, Theplot plot on on the the left left indicated indicated the the measured measured magnetic magnetic field field as as aa function function of of frequency frequency without without the the shield, shield, The at the edge of the shield, and at 2.5, 5, and 9” from the edge. The shield is 9” in diameter. theedge edgeof ofthe theshield, shield,and andatat2.5, 2.5, 5, atatthe 5, and and 9” 9" from from the the edge. edge. The The shield shield is is 9” 9" in in diameter. diameter. 117
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