Recent Advances in Beam Diagnostic Techniques R. B. Fiorito TR Research Inc., 3 Lauer Terrace, Silver Spring, MD 20901 and Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 Abstract. We describe recent advances in diagnostics of the transverse phase space of charged particle beams. The emphasis of this paper is on the utilization of beam-based optical radiation for the precise measurement of the spatial distribution, divergence and emittance of relativistic charged particle beams. The properties and uses of incoherent as well as coherent optical transition, diffraction and synchrotron radiation for beam diagnosis are discussed. INTRODUCTION Over the several decades there has been a gradual trend to exploit the properties of various types of radiation produced by charged particles, such as Cherenkov, undulator, synchrotron and transition radiation, for beam diagnostics. Both the spatial and spectral-angular distributions of the radiation have been utilized. In addition, techniques that are well developed in optics, such as interferometry, auto-correlation and electro-optic effects, have been applied to process beam radiation for diagnostic purposes. These developments have significantly improved the precision and accuracy of diagnostics and, consequently, improved the understanding of the physics of beams in accelerators and in high brightness radiation devices, such as free electron lasers and undulators. In this paper we shall discuss recent advances in optical diagnostic methods, which probe the transverse phase space of the beam. The review is not intended to be exhaustive. Rather, we will primarily discuss general techniques, which can be applied to a variety of accelerators. Furthermore, because of space limitations, only a few of many new diagnostic concepts that are being developed can be included. CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 96 RMS DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES Optical Transition Radiation Incoherent OTR Interferometry Optical transition radiation (OTR) is widely used to image the transverse profile of charged particle beams. The radiation is prompt, linear to beam charge and has the highest spatial resolution of any known method [1]. Furthermore, the spatial resolution of OTR is independent of the energy of the beam - a fact that has been well established both theoretically and experimentally [2-5]. Thus, OTR has been utilized over a very wide range of particle energies - 1 MeV to 30 GeV - for beam imaging applications. Less well known, but nonetheless important, is the application of the spectral and angular distributions of OTR for beam diagnostics. A number of methods to measure beam divergence, trajectory angle and emittance have been developed which utilize these distributions [6]. Experimentally, OTR is observed from thin metallic or dielectric foils inserted into the beam either in the forward direction, i.e. the direction of the velocity vector of the beam, or in the backward direction. A unique property of backward OTR is that the radiation follows the angle of specular reflection of ordinary light. Thus by inclining the foil or mirror at 45 degrees, OTR is directed at right angles with respect to the beam direction - a property which is highly advantageous for diagnostic purposes. Two parallel, inclined foils can be used to produce an OTR interferometer [7]. Interference is produced by the coherent addition of forward OTR from the front foil and backward OTR from the second foil, which is typically a mirrored surface. Then the total spectral-angular intensity per electron of interference OTR is given by: d2! 4a 02 . 2rnL. _2 2 sm [—(y +0 )], 7i co(y +0 ) (1) and the total observed radiation from N electrons is: where a is the fine structure constant, 0 is the angle of observation measured with respect to the direction of specular reflection, L is the inter-foil spacing, y is the Lorentz factor of the beam, A, is the observed wavelength, co is the angular frequency, Q is the solid angle, B(k) is the bunch form factor, which is defined as the square of the Fourier transform of the spatial distribution of the beam, k = (k0x, k0y, co/c) is the wave vector and c is the velocity of light in vacuum. When K « 4, the bunch length, I QC N ; this is the temporally incoherent regime, which we will discuss in this Section. When A, > h and the bunch form factor is unity, I ~ N2, and the radiation is totally 97 coherent. When 1 > B(k) > 0, the radiation is partially coherent. This case will be discussed below in the following Section. For a given L and A,, OTR interferences are highly sensitive to beam divergence, energy and trajectory angle and can be used to diagnose these parameters. Adjusting L, A, and the bandwidth A A, / c&n tune the interferometer to produce fringes whose visibility is sensitive to any desired range of divergence. OTR interferometry (OTRI) has been used to measure normalized divergences (a = y0 ) as low as 0.05 [6]. Furthermore, the position of the interferences peaks is a sensitive (-1%) energy diagnostic [7], and the angular offset of the interference pattern from a fixed direction is a sensitive trajectory angle diagnostic [8]. If simultaneous images of the x and y spatial distributions of the beam at an x and y waist are obtained, the rms emittances can be determined from the product of the rms divergence and rms beam size [6]. As an example of the use of OTRI as a divergence diagnostic, we present the results of some recent experiments performed at the Naval Postgraduate School's 95 MeV electron beam linac [9]. Figure 1. (left) shows an OTR interferogram taken at a horizontal (x) beam waist; (right) an interferogram taken at a y waist. A visual comparison of the two pictures illustrates that the visibility in the x directions is smaller than in the y direction i.e. the x divergence is higher than the y divergence. Horizontal and vertical line scans of these two interferograms, when fitted to theoretical generated line scans obtained by convolving Eq. (1) with a Gaussian distribution of x and y beam angles, give Qxrms =1.0 ±0.1 mrad and 0^ =0.7 ±0.1 mrad confirming the visual observations. FIGURE 1. Left: incoherent OTRI from a 95 MeV beam, taken at an x waist; right: at a y waist. [From Ref. 9] Coherent OTR Interferometry A new diagnostic method to measure beam size and divergence of micro-bunched beams has recently been reported employing coherent OTR interferences (COTRI) [10]. The measurements were done at the Low Energy Undulator Test Line (LEUTL) of the APS at Argonne National Laboratory, which bunches a 217 MeV electron beam at optical wavelengths. Temporally coherent OTR is generated at wavelengths A, > 538 nm from the electrons in the bunch. This radiation forms COTRI when used in a twofoil interferometer. The intensity of COTRI is primarily determined by the second term in Eq. (2), which contains the bunch form factor, B(k). The bunch form factor is actually the product of two terms: the transverse and longitudinal form factors. The former is a function of the transverse beam size, the latter a function of the combined effects of longitudinal beam size and the amount of micro bunching by the undulator. The effect of the transverse bunch form factor on COTRI is shown in Figure 2. [10]. The Figure shows theoretical COTRI line scans for various beam sizes and for a fixed percent (0.2%) micro bunching. Note the substantial increase in peak signal of COTRI in comparison to incoherent OTRI. However, the increase is substantially less than N2 (i.e. the total form factor is less than unity) because of the small amount of micro bunching. Nevertheless, Figure 2. shows that COTRI is a highly sensitive beam size diagnostic even when the radiation is partially coherent. For larger microbunching percentages, the intensity of COTRI becomes orders of magnitude greater than incoherent OTRI [10]. -0.005 0.000 0.005 Angle (radians) FIGURE 2. The effect of beam size on coherent OTRI observed at the LEUTL undulator at a beam energy of 217 MeV for a fixed small (0.2%) micro bunching. [From Ref. 10] Diffraction Radiation Diffraction radiation (DR) is produced when a charged particle passes near a region in space where the dielectric constant changes from that in which the particle is initially traveling. DR is under intense investigation by a number of research groups, because of its promise as a non-interceptive diagnostic for high-energy beams. [1115]. DR has a long history of theoretical investigation [16]. However only a handful of experimental studies of DR have been performed to date. We report some results of recent experiments, which have been performed to develop non-invasive DR transverse phase space diagnostics. Optical DR Experiments at KEK Experiments to investigate several types of diffraction radiation produced at optical wavelengths (ODR) are underway at the KEK ATF 1.28 GeV electron beam extraction line [17]. 99 Angular distribution FIGURE 3. Left: schematic of edge diffraction radiation experiment; right: theoretical angular distribution for various impact parameters h. [From Ref. 17] These experiments include the study of DR from a single edge, a slit and TR from a foil whose radial dimension d < y A,/2. n Figure 3. (left) shows a schematic of an edge DR experiment. Figure 3. (right) shows the intensity of DR as a function of impact parameter h. DR is produced in the optical region of the spectrum for beam impact parameters satisfying the condition h < jK/2n, where A, = 500 nm is the observed wavelength and y S500 is the Lorenz factor of the beam. The intention of this experiment is to measure beam offset in the accelerator non-interceptively by observing the angular distribution of optical DR. Optical Diffraction-Transition Radiation Interferometry We are pursuing theoretical and experimental investigations to extend the range of conventional OTRI beam divergence measurements to lower energy and higher quality beams. Conventional OTRI has an important limitation, i.e. foil scattering produced in the first foil of the interferometer sets a lower limit on the divergence, which can be measured with this technique. This problem becomes important e.g. when the normalized divergence is a few percent and energy of the beam is less than 10 MeV. We have found a way to overcome this limitation by replacing the front solid foil of the interferometer with a highly transparent (50%) micromesh. The mesh hole size is chosen to be much smaller than the diameter of the beam. The beam produces forward directed OTR from the solid material of the mesh and optical diffraction radiation from the holes. Beam particle traveling through the holes suffer no scattering. The forward directed OTR and ODR from the holes interfere with backward OTR produced by the mirror to form ODR-OTR interferences and OTR from the solid portion of the mesh and the mirror combine to produce OTR-OTR interferences. By controlling the size, period and thickness of the mesh, we have been able to design an interferometer in which the ODR-OTR interferences (ODTRI) are visible above the OTR-OTR interferences [18]. The ODTRI are used to measure the beam divergence. 100 1.2 1.0 • ———— THEORY CT =0.6 mrad 0.8 • ! 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 ANGLE, 1/y UNITS FIGURE 4. Left: ODTRI from a micromesh-mirror interferometer; right: vertical line scan of ODTRI fitted to theoretical curve. In addition to conventional OTRI, we have also used ODTRI to measure the divergence of the 95 MeV electron beam at the Naval Postgraduate School using a copper micromesh. The mesh is 5 micron thick and has 25ju rectangular holes with a 33ju hole period. The beam radius was about 2 mm for this experiment. An ODTR interferogram. which is shown in Figure 4. (left), was taken at a vertical (y) beam waist condition. The theoretical fit to the data shown on the right is obtained by a simulation code that we developed to design and analyze ODTRI [18]. This is the first reported experimental data to show ODR-OTR interferences, and the first comparison of such data to theory. The divergences measured with ODTRI and OTRI, as shown in Figure 1., are in good agreement. We are developing ODTRI to measure the divergence of the 10 MeV Maryland Infrared Free Electron Laser (MIRFEL) and investigating its application to other low energy beams such as the 5 MeV injector at SLAC. Optical Synchrotron Interferometry Optical synchrotron radiation (OSR) has been successfully used to image the beam and measure its divergence. Recently, the spatial coherence function of OSR has been employed to measure beam size with very high accuracy [19,20]. This method is based on the application of the Cittert-Zernike Theorem [21], which states that degree of spatial coherence of radiation from a finite sized source is the Fourier transform of the intensity. The spatial coherence function can be measured by observing the interferences from a double slit. Michelson first used such a technique to measure the angular size of a star. Figure 5. shows an OSR interferogram taken at the High Energy Ring at the SLAC PEP II collider [20]. The degree of modulation, i.e. the fringe visibility, is a direct measurement of the degree of spatial coherence, which is a sensitive function of the beam size. For a point source the coherence function is unity and the fringes are 100% modulated. For a highly divergent source it is zero and the fringe modulation or visibility is zero. When fitted to theory, the interference pattern shown in Figure 5. produces a beam size of 232 microns. 101 FIGURE Scanofofoptical opticalsynchrotron synchrotronradiation radiation interferences interferences for FIGURE 5. 5. Scan for the theHERA HERAon onPEP PEPIIII(SLAC). (SLAC).[From [From Ref. 20, © 2001 IEEE.] Ref. 20, © 2001 IEEE.] OPTICALPHASE PHASE SPACE SPACE MAPPING MAPPING METHODS OPTICAL METHODS Determination of the transverse phase space distribution of charged particle beams Determination of the transverse phase space distribution of charged particle beams is important for understanding the effects of electric and magnetic fields produced by is external important for understanding the and effects of electric magnetic fields produced devices such as chicanes cavities as well and as internal discontinuities withinby external devices such as chicanes and cavities as well as internal discontinuities within the accelerator transport system. the accelerator transport system. The common technique to measure transverse phase space is the so-called "pepper The common technique to measure transverse space is the so-called “pepper pot" technique, which employs perforated platesphase or slits to collimate the beam. In pot” technique, employs plates or slitscollimated, to collimate beam. In cases where: 1)which the beam is largeperforated enough to be effectively 2) thethe collimator cases 1) the beam to is large enough to bewith effectively collimated, 2) theand collimator holeswhere: are small enough produce beamlets negligible space charge 3) the holes enough energy to produce with of negligible space ischarge and 3)the the beamare hassmall low enough so thatbeamlets permeability the collimator not serious, beam has low enough energy so that permeability of the collimator is not serious, the conventional pepper pot is quite effective. However, when these conditions are not conventional pot is quite However, conditions not met - whichpepper is the frequently theeffective. case for high energy,when high these brightness beamsare - the met - which is the frequently the case foralternative high energy, high brightness pepper pot technique is ineffective and an method must be used. beams - the pepper technique ineffective and an to alternative must Wepot will describe is two new approaches solve thismethod problem bothbeofused. which employ optical tomography andtoan optical analogue both to the conventional We willradiation: describe beam two new approaches solve this problem of which employ pepperradiation: pot technique. optical beam tomography and an optical analogue to the conventional pepper pot technique. Beam Tomography Beam Tomography The central idea of beam tomography is to reconstruct the transverse phase space of the fromidea a series of real space projections. The method on thephase fundamental Thebeam central of beam tomography is to reconstruct therelies transverse space of theorem of tomography known as the Radon Theorem, which states that an N the beam from a series of real space projections. The method relies on the fundamental dimensional image can beknown reconstructed a series of N-l which projections. theorem of tomography as the from Radon Theorem, statesThe thatRadon an N Theorem is applied to beams by using a magnetic quadrupole scan and OTR to dimensional image can be reconstructed from a series of N-1 projections. The Radon produce the necessary "projections". The idea is that each setting of the quadrupole Theorem is applied to beams by using a magnetic quadrupole scan and OTR to focusing rotates the two-dimensional phase space (x,x' or y,y') of the beam. The produce the necessary “projections”. The idea is that each setting of the quadrupole corresponding OTR image for each setting is equivalent to a one dimensional (x or y) focusing rotates the (x,x’space or y,y’) of the The beam. The spatial projection of two-dimensional the corresponding phase x,x' or space y,y' phase distribution. value corresponding OTR image for each setting is equivalent to a one dimensional (x or of the technique is that no prior assumptions about the phase space distribution isy) spatial projection of thethe corresponding x,x’ or at y,y’ phasefoil space distribution. The value necessary and further, method can be used a single station at the beam line. of the technique is that no prior assumptions about the phase space distribution This technique was originally implemented by McKee, O'Shea and Madey [22] andis necessary and further, the method be used at[23,24]. a single foil station at the beam line. further developed by Ben-zvi and can collaborators This technique was originally implemented by McKee, O’Shea and Madey [22] and further developed by Ben-zvi and collaborators [23,24]. 102 FIGURE 6. Left: diagram of x,y spatial distribution of the beam and its projections at various angles; Right: reconstructed x, x' phase space of a 35 MeV electron beam. [Reprinted from Ref. 22, © 1995, with permission from Elsevier Science.] Figure 6. (left) shows an x,y spatial distribution of a beam along with projections at various angles. The algorithms developed by McKee, et. al. associate the distribution obtained at each quad setting with a rotation of the beam phase space. The projections of the distribution for each quad setting can be used to reconstruct the x,x' and y,y' phase spaces of the beam. Figure 6. (right) shows the completely reconstructed x,x' phase space distribution of a 35 MeV electron beam obtained by applying the Radon transform on the quadrupole scan data. Optical Pepper Pot Technique We are developing a new method to map the transverse phase space, which is an optical analogue to the standard pepper pot collimation method [9]. This method uses OTRI and an optical mask to achieve the same results as the conventional pepper pot but dispenses with the need to collimate the beam particles. The approach uses thin, highly permeable foils to create an OTR interference pattern and an OTR image of the beam. The radiation from the interferometer is first transported and focused to produce a magnified image of the beam at the site of an optical mask, which is composed of a single pinhole or multiple pinholes. The OTRI emerging from each pinhole is then analyzed to produce a localized divergence and trajectory angle. From this data and knowledge of the position within the beam spatial distribution, i.e. the position of the pinhole registered with respect to the beam image, the transverse phase space can be reconstructed. Figure 7. (left) shows an image of an arbitrarily focused beam imaged on the backside of a single pinhole mask. The pinhole is 1 mm in diameter and the beam image is magnified by a factor of two. Figure 7. (right) shows a fit to the OTRI observed from the pinhole, which produces a localized divergence for the part of the beam intercepted by the pinhole. 103 ANGLE, 1/y UNITS FIGURE 7. Left: images of beam and pinhole superimposed; right: vertical line scan of OTRI pattern obtained by focusing light passing through the pinhole at infinity. Figure 8. shows a map of the vertical phase space of the 95 MeV beam obtained from three pinhole positions, arbitrarily labeled 4, 2 and 5. Position 2 is shown above in Figure 6.; position 4 is directly above position 2 and position 5 is directly below. The rectangles shown in Figure 8. delineate the area in phase space occupied by the portion of the beam sampled for each position of the pinhole. The width of the rectangle is the local beam divergence and the centroid of the rectangle, the local trajectory angle. Even for the sparse number of measured points, Figure 8. clearly shows that the phase space in the vertical (y) direction is not an ellipse. Such detailed information about the phase space distribution is not available in rms measurements. Furthermore, the map can be obtained for any beam envelope, i.e. it does not require any particular beam focusing condition. We are continuing to develop this method. The goal is to produce more accurate time integrated and time resolved optical transverse phase space maps. Y COORDINATE, mm FIGURE 8. Optical vertical phase space map. [From Ref. 9] ACKNOWLEDGMENT The work of the author and his colleagues presented herein was supported by U.S. Department of Energy STTR Grants DEFG02-01ER86 (130) and (132). 104 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Murokh, A. Rosenzweig, J. Ben-Zvi, I. Wang, X. Yakimenko, V., Limitations on measuring a transverse profile of ultra dense electron beams with scintillators. In: Proc. of the 2001 Particle Accel. Conf., Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2001. p. 1333-5 vol.2. Rule, D.W. and Fiorito, R.B., "Imaging Micron Sized Beams with OTR", AIP Conf. Proc. 229 (1991). Denard, J. 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