Coherent Radiation Sources Based on Laser Plasma Accelerators D.A. Jaroszynski and G. Vieux University ofStrathclyde, Department of Physics, John Anderson Building, 107 Rottenrow, Glasgow G4 ONG, Scotland, UK Abstract. Laser-driven plasma wakefield accelerators (LWFAs) based on table-top terawatt lasers have the potential of producing high brightness ultra-short electron bunches that are ideal for driving free-electron lasers (FELs). These sources are excellent candidates for reaching the xray spectral region. However, the creation of a compact radiation source based on this technology requires a number of difficult challenges to be met. Currently, LWFAs produce beams with excellent transverse emittance but very large energy spectra. To meet the requirement that the fractional energy spread should be less than the universal PEL gain parameter, p, the electron bunch injected into the accelerator must occupy a small region of phase space. We will discuss a new project that has recently been set up in the UK to develop LWFA technology and apply to the creation of a compact PEL. To meet the stringent injection requirements, 10 MeV ultra-shot injection electron bunches, with durations a fraction of the plasma wake period, will be produced in a photoinjector. A fully ionized hydrogen filled capillary, with plasma densities up to 1019 cm"3, will have a dual function of acting as a preformed plasma waveguide for guiding the laser pulse while providing the medium for the LWFA. Table-top terawatt Ti:sapphire lasers will be utilized as drive lasers. As a demonstration of the utility of the compact accelerator, electron bunches from the LWFA will be used to create coherent electromagnetic radiation in a PEL. Progress on the development of the plasma capillary channel and diagnostic systems based on terahertz time domain spectroscopic techniques are presented. INTRODUCTION Intense electromagnetic radiation with a wide range of temporal, spectral, coherence and spatial characteristics is most likely one of the most important tools of contemporary research. A large scientific and industrial community currently utilizes tunable incoherent x-ray radiation from synchrotron facilities. As a result of recent advances in laser technology users are now demanding ultra-short x-ray pulses that are both coherent and intense, for time-resolved studies. To satisfy this need several large programmes to develop XUV self-amplification of spontaneous emission (SASE) freeelectron lasers (FELs) using GeV electron beams have been instigated. A great deal of progress has been made on these projects towards achieving these goals and SASE FELs are now beginning to produce radiation in the VUV with far greater brightness and very much shorter pulse durations than has been hitherto been possible with synchrotron sources. However, the high cost of SASE FELs and the need to extend their wavelengths into the "water-window" and beyond, is stimulating a drive to make accelerators more compact and higher brightness. One candidate that could fulfill both CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 902 of these requirements is the laser-driven wakefield accelerator (LWFA), which could, by making ultra-short x-ray pulses available to medium sized laboratories, revolutionize the application of x-ray radiation, and make significant changes to the way science is carried out. LWFAs have one excellent quality in that acceleration gradients of more than 100 GeV/m, 3-4 orders of magnitude greater than conventional accelerators, are possible. Thus they have the potential of producing extremely bright electron beams with bunches only a few femtoseconds in duration, which makes them ideal candidates for driving compact x-ray FELs or as sources for pulse radiolysis studies and other time resolved applications. Their compactness would also lead to very large cost savings in shielding and accelerator equipment, making tuneable x-ray lasers affordable for medium-sized university or industrial laboratories. However, many challenges remain ahead to make the LWFA a useful electron source and construct an x-ray SASE PEL based on these accelerators. Their potential as a useful compact accelerator still needs to be demonstrated. One of the largest challenges facing developers of LWFAs as SASE PEL drivers is to reduce their electron energy spread. To meet this challenge a consortium of major UK research groups at Imperial College, Daresbury Laboratory, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, and the Universities of Oxford, Abertay-Dundee, St. Andrews, and Strathclyde, and many collaborators (listed in the acknowledgements) has been set up. The project has been named Advanced Laser-Plasma High-brightness Accelerators towards X-rays, ALPHA-X, or cc-£, to underline the long-term objective of creating a compact x-ray source. A specific goal of the ALPHA-X project will be to utilize the output of a LWFA to drive a PEL as a demonstration of the basic technology. LASER-PLASMA WAKEFIELD ACCELERATOR The potential to accelerate charge particles using the large electrostatic fields of laser driven plasma waves has been known since the 1970s [1]. In these accelerators the plasma wave is formed as a wake produced by the pondermotive force of an intense laser pulse. Recent experiments have demonstrated wakefield acceleration over short distances to energies in excess of 100 MeV using laser pulses with intensities, /, greater than 1018 W/cm2. The large energy spread and high cut-off energy of their spectra give a measure of the electrostatic field potential of the plasma wake. In these demonstrations the laser pulses are longer than the plasma wavelength, Ap, and selfmodulation of the laser pulse occurs through a Raman forward scattering instability. The plasma waves are produced with a phase velocity equal to the group velocity of the laser pulse, which is less than the speed of light, c, and background electrons are accelerated when the plasma wave breaks thus giving rise to a large energy spectrum. The electric field strength of the plasma wave, E ~ (dneln^mec(Op, depends on its relative density amplitude (Snelne). An electron can be trapped in the plasma wave and gain an energy AW ~ 2 (dnelne)^ mec2 , where % « atflcOp2 is the relativistic Lorentz factor associated with the plasma wave phase velocity and the laser group velocity. Several processes limit the length of the accelerator: i) slippage between the electrons and accelerating wave, analogous to slippage in a PEL; ii) diffraction of the laser pulse (to less than the Rayleigh range); and iii) depletion of the laser energy 903 (which also governs the maximum charge that can be accelerated). In most of the experiments to date the main length limitation has been diffraction of the driving laser pulse. Several schemes for overcoming these limitations have been suggested e.g. guiding the laser pulse through relativistic self-channeling or guiding in a pre-formed plasma waveguide. Tapering of the plasma waveguide has been suggested as a method of extending the phase matched length [17]. Another novel method that has been suggested involves colliding a short duration high-intensity probe pulse with a modest intensity pump pulse detuned by the plasma frequency [2]. Interference between the counter-propagating waves results in a slow beat wave. This has the advantage over standard LWFA in that: i) it enhances the wake, so that the required pump laser intensity is reduced by several orders of magnitude, and ii) detuning allows the phase of the accelerating wave to be controlled, thus extending the length over which phase matched acceleration can occur. To obtain a small energy spread the injected electron bunch length must be much smaller than Ap. ALPHA-X PROJECT The ALPHA-X project we be focussed on LWFA in preformed plasma channels driven by 50 fs, 0.25 - 1 J, 800 nm laser pulses, and injected by 100 fs, 100 pC electron bunches derived from a conventional 10 MeV photoinjector being constructed at Strathclyde. Alternative all-optical injection schemes will also be developed at RAL and Strathclyde. The goal will be to accelerate the short duration electron bunches to an energy greater than 100 MeV using the lasers (TOPS and ASTRA) which are available at the Consortium laboratories. For these conservative estimates we hope to obtain an emittance en < 1 mm mrad. The main challenge will be to realise an energy spread Sy/y< p ~ 0.01, where p is the PEL gain parameter [3], which is necessary to achieve a high single-pass gain in the proposed PEL amplifier. Free-Electron Laser: a Coherent Electromagnetic Source The PEL [3] is a unique source of coherent electromagnetic radiation because of its simplicity: the amplifying medium consists of an electron beam in vacuum subject to a spatially periodic magneto-static field (undulator) which enables transfer of energy between electrons and electromagnetic wave. The ponderomotive force arising from the Lorentz force of the combined magnetic fields of electromagnetic wave and undulator gives rise to bunching of the electron beam, which results in coherent radiation at a Doppler up-shifted frequency. This is schematically shown in FIG. 1. The absence of a solid or gaseous amplifying medium allows the EEL to attain extremely high powers and broad tuneability. Tuning of the EEL wavelength, which is given by /I =/Lu/2'j?(l+au2), can be achieved by varying either the electron energy (y= El me2) or the undulator parameters (au and /^, respectively). Several x-ray FELs are being developed as 4th generation light sources at centres throughout the world. The ultimate goal of these projects is to reach the water window and beyond using a selfamplification of spontaneous emission (SASE) FEL amplifier driven by a GeV electron beam. When complete, these x-ray sources will produce bright and coherent 904 x-ray pulses with durations of the order of the electron bunch duration. One drawback of SASE amplifiers is that they are essentially noise amplifiers and have spiky and fluctuating outputs [3] and it is not yet known whether they will have good spectral and temporal properties. probe electron bunch laboratory frame undulator: periodic magnetic field electron rest frame undulator field: seen as propagating field electron bunch probe «_ u backscattered field FIGURE 1. The free-electron lasers amplifier However, superradiance [4], self-amplification of coherent spontaneous emission (SACSE) [5] and amplification of an injected signal are ways of improving the temporal characteristics of the x-ray pulses. As x-ray SASE FELs are extremely expensive devices it is very important that they produce useful output. If ways are found to produce an electron bunch microstructure with Fourier components at the resonance frequency, a large stable "spontaneous" coherent signal will act as an (intrinsic) injection source in the EEL amplifier (i.e. SACSE EEL) [6]. This may be achievable using future laser-plasma accelerators because their predicted electron bunch durations can approach one femtosecond or less. The growth in intensity of an injected or spontaneous field in a EEL amplifier is given by I=Io exp(gz), where z is the propagation distance, g = 4np3mlku , is the small signal gain and p is the EEL gain parameter [3] which is a function of the beam energy, current and emittance. For a matched electron beam, the PEL parameter is given by p = 1.1 flBuAu4/3Ipk/3£n1/S, where Bu (~ 1 T) is the undulator magnetic field, Ipk is the peak electron beam current and en the normalised emittance. The matched electron beam radius for electron beams from laser-plasma accelerators (en < 1 mm mrad) is of the order of the plasma wake wavelength, giving p ~ 0.01 to 0.02, for the electron beam parameters expected from a laser-plasma accelerator, and a gain length of less than 10 undulator periods, which is sufficient to obtain saturation in a 200period, Au ~ 1.5 cm, undulator should be achievable over a wide wavelength range. 905 PEL sources at x-ray wavelengths are less compact because the dependence of the gain on electron energy, p oc f1, leads to a lower gain and therefore the requirement of a longer undulator to achieve saturation. To significantly shorten the undulator length SACSE could be used to enhance the start-up power. This has the additional benefit that the nonlinear regime is entered promptly and the superradiant pulses should evolve self-similarly [4] leading to very high efficiencies and extremely short, smooth and stable pulses. Pulses as short as several attoseconds should be feasible in future x-ray PEL sources because the gain bandwidth is automatically increased in this regime. Superradiance and SACSE will be examined in the proposed research programme. ALPHA-X Programme The ALPHA-X programme will involve the development of conventional electron source with suitable characteristics to allow injection into the laser-plasma accelerating channel. One of the main challenges will be to create an injection source with a bunch duration less than the plasma period. A combined DC/RF gun, based on a system developed at Eindhoven, will be constructed. This will consist of a 1 MeV low emittance DC photoinjector followed by a high quality RF accelerating structure to provide 10 MeV electron bunches, sufficient to minimize space-charge effects. An RF system existing at Strathclyde [5] will be upgraded to provide 10 MW of pulsed power at 3 GHz, which is sufficient to drive a 100 MV/m RF accelerating structure. The upgrade will include the development of a photocathode and a 1 nanosecond, 1 MV pulsed power supply to drive the high gradient DC gun. IRtoVUV SASE or SACSE FIGURE 2. ALPHA-X layout A plasmon enhanced back-illuminated metal photocathode driven by 800 nm radiation will be used as an electron source [7]. A design study is being undertaken to evaluate these cathodes and compare them with emission from thick front-illuminated metal cathodes. One of the challenges in achieving short duration electron bunches will be to minimize the deleterious effect of space charge. Electron beam diagnostic systems, based on terahertz time-domain spectroscopic techniques, are being developed for measuring the phase-space distribution (emittance, energy spread, etc.), electron bunch duration and charge, and for monitoring and controlling the transportation of the beam to the interaction region. 906 One particular advantage of laser-based particle acceleration schemes is that it is possible to use "all-optical" methods of electron injection - which would significantly simplify the technology of future particle accelerators. There have been four suggestions for how relativistic electrons could be injected into a plasma wave using lasers: i) injection of electrons using an adjacent solid target interaction [8], ii) electron injection using "standing" plasma waves set up by two colliding collinear pulses [9], iii) injection using electrons from laser-ionised, ponderomotively accelerated noble gas atoms [10], iv) electron injection using the ponderomotive force from an intense transversely propagating laser pulse [11]. Recent results from the University of Michigan suggest that (iv) has the capability of dramatically increasing the total electron charge from these experiments - as well as reducing the emittance of the injection beams [12]. We will examine the possibilities of using each of these techniques. The expected emittance of laser-plasma accelerators is excellent, and the peak current high (~ kA). However, the gain of the PEL is very sensitive to the energy spread for 8y/y > p. We expect p in the range 0.1 - 0.02 (depending on wavelength) and therefore need to produce beams with an energy spread better than a few percent, this will ultimately limit the shortest wavelength that can be reached and remains one of the greatest challenges of the project. With low energy spread the gain length of the PEL should be short and saturation within the length of the 200 period undulator. According to theoretical studies, properly phased matched acceleration with injected bunches shorter than the plasma period should provide suitable electron bunches. Plasma Channel Waveguide The development of plasma waveguides capable of guiding the high-intensity laser pulses over many centimeters will be key to a successful research programme. We are developing a gas-filled capillary discharge waveguide [13], to tailor the properties of the plasma channel to achieve efficient laser-based acceleration. Examples of a capillary preformed plasma channel and a schematic of the driving circuits developed at Strathclyde are shown in FIG. 3 and FIG. 4. FIGURE 3. 5 cm long, 300 urn diameter preformed plasma waveguide capillary at Strathclyde. 907 1 - 5 cm long 300 urn diameter capillary OOOfflffiD switch ll-^L. HV = 35 kV FIGURE 4. Schematic of capillary discharge circuit Guiding of laser pulses with peak input intensities of up to 10,17-Wcm" in pi; •lasma channels of up to 5 cm long and densities between 1.5 x 1018 cm"3 to 1.5 x 1019 cm"3 has already been demonstrated by the Oxford group [14,15], and more recently at Strathclyde. Guiding laser pulses with a constant spot size requires the mode of the plasma channel to be matched to the input pulse cross-section by adjusting the radius rc of the capillary. Recent magnetohydrodynamic simulations [16] have predicting that the matched spot size is proportional to rc1/2. To achieve the necessary conditions for acceleration it will be necessary to guide high power femtosecond laser pulses through relatively long channels with high efficiency without exciting higher order transverse modes or cavitation. The transverse laser profile transmitted through a preformed hydrogen plasma channel in a 4 cm long, 300 jim diameter alumina capillary, as shown in FIG. 3, has been measured in guiding experiments at Strathclyde. Preliminary measurements of far field radiation patterns for 2xl0 1 8 cm" 3 plasma densities at low intensities (~ 5 x 1016 Wcm"2) are shown in FIG. 5. The radiation patterns are contrasted with that for waveguiding with gas filled capillary and no discharge and waveguiding in vacuum. In these preliminary studies shown here the laser spot size of 75 jim (1/e2) is not perfectly matched to the 300 jim diameter capillary because of poorer than expected beam quality of the laser. A matched beam should have a ~ 40|im spot size. FIGURE 5. (a) Waveguiding with discharge, (b) waveguiding with gas filled capillary (no discharge) and (c) waveguiding in vacuum. 908 In common with conventional accelerators, the maximum length over which acceleration can occur in a uniform channel is limited by the phase slippage between electrons and wave. As the group velocity of the laser pulse in the plasma determines the wake phase velocity, phase matching can be achieved by suitably tapering the plasma density along the channel [17]. Effective matching allows larger final energies to be achieved and also offers control over the properties of the electron beam (i.e. charge, emittance, energy spread and chirp). The development of suitable plasma channels for acceleration will be followed by a series of studies of acceleration at Strathclyde and RAL using their existing multiterawatt lasers. Optical and electron diagnostic systems are being developed to measure the plasma wake and examine the influence of space-charge effects. The biggest challenges will be the injection and synchronization of the electron beam from the photoinjector, and preserving the bunch temporal structure and shape while transporting to and through the plasma-channel. Laser Sources The Strathclyde Electron and Terahertz to Optical Pulse Source (TOPS) [5] is a Scottish user facility comprising a femtosecond oscillator and three synchronized high-power Tiisapphire amplifier chains. The lasers are used to generate new frequencies from the XUV to the IR using parametric and harmonic generation and nonlinear mixing. The lasers include a 10 Hz, 5 TW, 50 fs Tiisapphire laser system, two further 1 kHz amplifiers capable of delivering up to 3 ml in 40 fs, nonlinear crystals for 2nd and 3rd harmonic generation, an infrared OPA and optical diagnostic equipment. A Fourier plane filter is being constructed to provide optical pulses with arbitrary temporal structure. The terawatt laser has been set up as a driver of the LWFA, advanced laser-plasma studies and XUV and hard x-ray radiation production. The Central Laser Facility at RAL maintains and operates two powerful and versatile lasers systems - the Ndiglass laser Vulcan and the Tiisapphire laser ASTRA - for investigations by researchers. The Vulcan laser has been upgraded to provide pulses with peak powers of up to 1 PW on target. The ASTRA laser operates at 1 Hz and can deliver 50 fs, 10 TW laser pulses capable for producing fields with an intensity of up to 1019 Wcm"2. Electron Beam and Plasma Diagnostic Systems There are a number of significant challenges in determining the electron beam parameters and the PEL output beam characteristics. The Coulomb field of the electron bunch will be measured using electro-optic techniques developed for THz time-domain spectroscopy. Several other diagnostic tools, including a pepper-pot emittance diagnostic system, with a resolution sufficient to measure small emittance, and a high-resolution energy spectrometer, for the measurement of electron energy distribution, are being developed. A 200 period 1.5 cm focussing undulator, alignment targets, optical system and a vacuum chamber will be used to create a EEL amplifier. A matched electron beam 909 transport system will be designed to guide the electron beam through the laser-plasma transport system will be designed to guide electronstudy beam of through the laser-plasma accelerator and undulator. This will allowthe a detailed amplification up to the accelerator and undulator. This will allow a detailed study of amplification to the non-linear superradiant regime to be evaluated. These studies should up show the non-linear superradiant regime to be evaluated. These studies should show thexfeasibility of using a possible future 1 GeV LWFA to realize an ultra-short pulsed feasibility of using a possible future 1 GeV LWFA to realize an ultra-short pulsed xray source in the water window. ray source in the water window. Microwave techniques are well established as diagnostic tools for characterizing Microwave techniques are well established as diagnostic tools for characterizing low density plasma [18]. The advent of the laser has extended these interferometric low density plasma [18]. The advent of the laser19has extended these interferometric techniques to plasmas with densities as high as 1019 cm3-3. Alternatives to direct use of techniques to plasmas with densities as high as 10 cm" . Alternatives to direct use of lasers are new methods based on terahertz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS), lasers are new methods based on terahertz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS), which techniques to to be be used usedtotofully fullycharacterizing characterizingplasma plasmaover over which enables enables time time resolved resolved techniques aa wide range of densities. This new method may find application in the wide range of densities. This new method may find application in the characterization and monitoring of industrial plasma, tokomaks, laser and beam driven characterization and monitoring of industrial plasma, tokomaks, laser and beam driven wakefield radiation sources sources based based laser-plasma laser-plasma interactions interactions and and wakefield accelerators, accelerators, radiation conventional plasma. conventional gas gas lasers lasers plasma. The involves measurement measurementof ofthe thedispersion dispersionand andattenuation attenuationofof The THz-TDS THz-TDS technique technique involves broadband pulses of of coherent coherent THz THz radiation radiation [5] [5] on on transmission transmission broadband subpicosecond subpicosecond pulses through the complex complex refractive refractive index index and and hence hencethe thedensity densityand and through plasma plasma to to measure measure the collisional plasma. To To demonstrate demonstrate the the utility utilityofofthe thetechnique techniquewe we collisional frequency frequency of of the the plasma. have measured the plasma characteristics of a non-magnetized He discharge plasma have measured the plasma characteristics of a11non-magnetized He discharge plasma11 1 and a density in the range of 10 [19] frequency of of 10 1011 s"s-1 [19] with with aa typical typical collisional frequency and a density in the range of 1011 -3 13 -3 cm phase shifts shifts over over most mostof ofthe thespectrum spectrumofofthe theTHz THzprobe probe(50 (50 cm"3 and and 10 1013 cm cm"3. Large phase GHz to 3 THz) used in the measurements has enabled lower plasma density to GHz to 3 THz) measurements has enabled lower plasma density to bebe measured than is possible using interferometric techniques techniques with with mid-IR mid-IRtotovisible visible measured than interferometric wavelength lasers. The large absorption coefficient at low frequencies makes these wavelength lasers. absorption coefficient at low frequencies makes these THz-time domain methods a particularly direct and practical method of measuring THz-time domain particularly direct and practical method of measuring collisional plasma. collisional properties properties of the plasma. For Interact Generator! ;by laser pulse 'Defection via .-electro-optic effect an loser pulse FIGURE 6. Schematic of THz time domain diagnostic system FIGURE 6. Schematic of THz time domain diagnostic system In the experiments described here, a biased large area GaAs wafer Auston switch is In the experiments described here, a biased large area GaAs wafer Auston switch is used as a source of quasi-unipolar THz radiation pulses [20]. The electric field of the used as a source of quasi-unipolar THz radiation pulses [20]. The electric field of the 910 free space THz pulse pulse transmitted transmitted through through the the plasma plasma is sampled by aa ZnTe ZnTe electroelectrofree space THz THz sampled by by free space pulse transmitted through the plasma isis sampled a ZnTe electrooptic detector detector [21], as shown shown in in FIG. FIG. 6. 6. A A Tiisapphire Ti:sapphire laser laser [5] [5] provides provides ~~ 11 ml, mJ, 800 800 optic [21], as optic detector [21], as shown in FIG. 6. A Ti:sapphire laser [5] provides ~ 1 mJ, 800 nm, 80 fs long pulses for initiating the THz emission from the GaAs emitter, and nm, 80 fs long pulses for initiating the THz emission from the GaAs emitter, and nm, 80 fs long pulses for initiating the THz emission from the GaAs emitter, and sampling the THz THz pulse pulse in in aaa 111 mm mm thick thick << < 110> 110> ZnTe crystal. crystal. The Theemitter emitterand and sampling the the THz pulse in mm thick 110> ZnTe ZnTe crystal. The emitter and sampling detector systems have a bandwidth of several terahertz. FIG. 7 shows a typical detector systems have a bandwidth of several terahertz. FIG. 7 shows a typical detector systems have a bandwidth of several terahertz. FIG. 7 shows a typical spectrum and temporal temporal profile profile of of the the THz THz pulse pulse emitted emitted from from the theGaAs GaAswafer, wafer, spectrum and and temporal profile of the THz pulse emitted from the GaAs wafer, spectrum measured using the THz-TDS techniques. measured using the THz-TDS techniques. measured using the THz-TDS techniques. 1 1 0 0 loglog |E(ω)| 10 10 |E(ω)| -1 -1 E(t) E(t) -2 -2 -3 -3 0 0 1 1 ν (THz) ν (THz) 2 2 3 3 4 4 00 -5 -5 000 5 55 delay (ps) delay (ps) (DS) delay 10 10 10 FIGURE 7. 7. Probe Probe quasi-unipolar quasi-unipolar THz THz pulse pulsetemporal temporal and andspectral spectralprofiles profiles quasi-unipolar THz pulse temporal and spectral profiles FIGURE uniform plasma was created in a 15 15 cm long, tubefilled filled with with24 24 A uniform long, 22 cm cm diameter, diameter, tube tube filled with 24 of helium. helium. A A transient transient electrical electrical discharge discharge was provided by byaaa 11 kHz, kHz,666 kV, kV,50 50ns ns mbar of was provided by kHz, kV, 50 ns solid-state high high voltage voltage pulse pulse power power supply, which was was synchronized synchronized with with rise time solid-state supply, which which was synchronized with Ti:sapphire laser. laser. A A variable variable delay delay between between the the laser laser and power supply supplyallowed allowedthe the the Ti:sapphire Tiisapphire and power power supply allowed the to be be measured at at different different times times thus thus enabling enabling the the properties properties to to be be sampled sampled plasma to the properties to be sampled over the the ~~ 300 300 ns ns duration duration of of the the discharge discharge current. current. FIG. FIG. 88 shows shows the the measured measured THz THz FIG. shows the measured THz over probe pulse after propagation through different density plasmas. A THz reference density plasmas. plasmas. A A THz THz reference reference probe pulse after propagation through different density pulse is is obtained obtained from from aa measurement measurement of of the the transmitted transmitted THz THz pulse pulsewithout withoutdischarge. discharge. pulse reference ~8 5 10 tima [ps] 15 20 Measurement of of plasma plasma density. FIGURE 8. Measurement density. 911 Standard THz-TDS techniques are used to make sub-picosecond resolution measurements of the phase shifts and amplitude changes experienced by the THz probe on transmission through the plasma over the full spectral bandwidth available. This allows the frequency dependence of the absorption coefficient and refractive indice to be determined from a single measurement with a spectral resolution less than 10 GHz. We plan to measure the electron beam profile by sampling the Coulomb field of the electron beam using an electroptic crystal, such as ZnTe, and a chirped sampling pulse to make a time to frequency transformation in a spectrometer, as shown in FIG. 9. This techniques, which is very similar to those described above for measuring the plasma properties, can also be used to measure coherent transition radiation pulse shapes to infer the electron bunch shape. transition radiation /"""\ / \ time-to-frequency transformation Pulse or direct chirped sampling pulse measurement of Coulomb! field Coulomb field of electron bunch spectrometer electro-optic crystal Lorentz contraction 7 FIGURE 9. Chirped pulse measurement of electron bunch shape using THz timedomain spectroscopic techniques. In summary, we have presented an outline of the ALPHA-X laser-wakefield experiment that has recently been set up in the UK. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The following people, who form the ALPHA-X consortium and those who are collaborating in one from or another, are gratefully acknowledged: Bob Bingham (RAL), Alan Cairns (St Andrews), Keith Burnett (Oxford), Mike Poole (Daresbury), Terry Garvey (IN2P3, CNRS, France), Simon Hooker (Oxford), Padma Shukla (RuhrUniversitaet Bochum, Germany), Henry Hutchinson (RAL), Peter Norris (RAL), Ken 912 Ledingham (Strathclyde), Klaas Wynne (Strathclyde), Gennady Shvets (Fermilab), Antonio Ting (NRL), Karl Krushenlick (Imperial College), Tom Katsouleas (USC), Bucker Dangor (Imperial College), Allan Gillespie (Abertay-Dundee), Allan McCloud (Abertay-Dundee), Justin Wark (Oxford), lan Walmsley (Oxford), Warren Mori (UCLA), Chan Joshi (UCLA), Tito Mendonca (Instituto Superio Technico, Lisbon), David Jones (Strathclyde), Bernhard Ersfeld (Strathclyde), David Clark (Strathclyde), Steven Jamison (Strathclyde), Riju Issac (Strathclyde), Ken Muir (Strathclyde) and Marnix van der Wiel (Eindhoven), Kees van der Geer (Holland), Bas van der Geer (PULSAR, Holland) and Marek Loos (PULSAR, Holland). 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