Longitudinal Beam Shaping and Compression Scheme for the UCLA Neptune Laboratory R. J. England, J. B. Rosenzweig, M. C. Thompson Department of Physics and Astronomy University of California Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA 90095 Abstract. We are developing a new beamline which will serve as a venue for future beamplasma interaction experiments using the 14MeV electron beam produced by the UCLA Neptune 1.625-cell photoinjector and PWT linac. An examination of the first and second-order optics indicates that when certain nonlinear effects are minimized through the use of sextupole magnets, the longitudinal dispersion is dominated by a negative R56- Simulations using the matrix transport code ELEGANT indicate that for an appropriately chirped initial beam, this beamline can be used to create a ramped picosecond to sub-picosecond beam that is ideal for driving large amplitude wake fields in a plasma and producing high transformer ratios. INTRODUCTION Due to their capacity to support large electric fields, plasmas have been considered in recent years as a means for acceleration of charged particles capable of producing field gradients larger than those achievable with traditional radio-frequency linear accelerating cavities by several orders of magnitude. Longitudinal field gradients in excess of 1 GeV/m can be obtained by the excitation of large-amplitude relativistic waves in a plasma. Various acceleration schemes have been proposed which rely upon driving such plasma waves, using either a short intense laser beam (laser wake field accelerator, LWFA) or a short relativistic electron beam (plasma wake field accelerator, PWFA) [1-4]. In the case of the PWFA, the transformer ratio (the maximum longitudinal accelerating electric field in the wake of the driving beam divided by the maximum decelerating field in the tail of the beam) is a figure of merit which provides a measure of the maximum energy gain of a test charge injected behind the driving bunch. For a driving bunch with a uniform or gaussian current profile and finite length, the value of the transformer ratio can be shown to always be less than two [5,6]. Various methods have been proposed to overcome this limitation, the most promising of which include the use of a single asymmetric drive bunch [7] or a ramped bunch train (RBT) [8]. CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 884 (b) (b) (a) (c) (c) 6 5 (a) I (kA) 4 δp / p (a.u.) Optimum profile profile : Optimum 3 2 1 (a.u.) δ&z (a.u.) 0 0.8 0.8 11 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.4 (mm) zz (mm) 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.8 Figure 1. 1. Plots Plots showing showing the the longitudinal longitudinal phase phase space space (a) (a) and and density density profile profile (b) (b) of of aa ramped ramped beam beam Figure produced by negative negative R R5566 compression, compression, as as well well as as aa PIC PIC simulation simulation (c) (c) of of the the wake wake field field produced producedby by produced by 16 such aa beam beam in in aa plasma plasma of of density density 2×10 2xl016 cm"-33.. such cm (i.e. aa square square In the case of a single asymmetric drive bunch a "doorstep" profile (i.e. pulse for the first quarter of the beam duration followed by a triangular ramp) approximates the optimal asymmetric current distribution that maximizes maximizes the the transformer ratio and forces the retarding potential to be constant constant within within the bunch. bunch. The analytically derived transformer ratio of such such aa driving driving beam beam is is found found to to be be R= k L, where L is the length of the bunch and k is the inverse plasma skin depth pp = pp L , [9]. For such a profile the value of R may therefore exceed two so long as the bunch is longer than two plasma skin depths. an We propose a scheme for the creation of a driving beam which approximates an first and second second order order beam beam optics. optics. The The asymmetrical "doorstep" current profile using first proposed method takes advantage of the RF curvature in the longitudinal phase space space distribution of a positively chirped (i.e. back-of-crest) driving driving beam beam due due to to its its longitudinal spread upon injection into the linac. Under aa pure (i.e. (i.e. with negligible negligible higher order contributions) negative R Rs6 longitudinal phase phase space, space, 56 compression of the longitudinal such a phase space distribution results in a ramp-shaped current profile of picosecond picosecond to sub-picosecond duration, which is ideal for for the generation of large large amplitude amplitude plasma wake-fields and high transformer ratios. The longitudinal phase phase space space of of such such shown in Fig. 1(a). l(a). The The current current profile associated associated with with the the phase phase space space in in a beam is shown l(a), and a comparison of it to the optimized optimized "doorstep" "doorstep" current current profile, profile, are are shown shown Fig. 1(a), l(b). The wake fields produced by this beam distribution, shown shown in in Fig. Fig. 1(c), l(c), in Fig. 1(b). proposed wake wake field field accelerator accelerator were obtained from a particle-in-cell simulation of aa proposed S-Bahn, aa new section section of of beamline beamline scheduled scheduled for for experiment at ORION. The S-Bahn, 2002 has has been been designed, designed, using using installation at the UCLA Neptune laboratory in 2002 produce aa pure pure negative negative RRs6 compression sextupoles to cancel nonlinear effects, to produce 56 compression shown in Fig. 1. 1. A A diagram diagram of of this this capable of creating a ramped beam of the sort shown beamline is shown in Fig. 2. 885 S-BAHN S S B1 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q1 B2 PLASMA CHAMBER GUN PWT CHICANE PBWA PBWA FIGURE 2. Schematic Schematic of of UCLA UCLA Neptune Neptune beamline beamline with with S-Bahn. S-Bahn. S-BAHN S-BAHN OPTICS OPTICS 1. 1. System System Constraints Constraints and and Notations Notations The The S-Bahn S-Bahn optics, optics, shown shown in in Fig. Fig. 2, 2, form form aa nondispersive nondispersive translating translating system system incorporating aa widely incorporating widely used used geometry geometry known known as as aa dogleg. dogleg. The The last last two two dipoles dipoles of of aa chicane compressor chicane compressor (B1) (Bl) on on the the main main beamline beamline are are used used to to effect effect aa 45 45 degree degree bend bend which diverts beam off the main which diverts the the beam off of of the main beamline beamline immediately immediately before before the the plasma plasma beat beat wave experimental wave experimental section. section. A A second second pair pair of of identical identical dipoles dipoles (B2) (B2) at at the the end end of of the the SSBahn produce produce another Bahn another 45 45 degree degree bend bend to to divert divert the the beam beam onto onto an an alternate alternate beamline, beamline, parallel to to the the original, parallel original, which which will will serve serve as as the the venue venue for for future future beam-plasma beam-plasma interaction experiments. interaction experiments. Two Two pairs pairs of of quadrupoles quadrupoles (Q1 (Ql and and Q2) Q2) form form aa FODODOF FODODOF lattice, which which is lattice, is symmetric symmetric about about the the midpoint midpoint of of the the beamline. beamline. Two Two sextupoles sextupoles (S) (S) are performing second-order are included included for for performing second-order corrections. corrections. (s) Optimal Optimal operation operation of of this this device device relies relies upon upon the the horizontal horizontal dispersion dispersion function function ηrj(s) passing through through zero passing zero at at the the midpoint midpoint between between bends. bends. Under Under an an optically optically symmetric symmetric geometry, this this ensures geometry, ensures that that the the final final dispersion dispersion function function and and its its derivative derivative with with respect respect to the the path path length parameter ss are to length parameter are both both zero zero at at the the exit exit of of the the device. device. In In order order to to further utilize the further utilize the symmetry symmetry of of the the beamline beamline in in controlling controlling the the beam beam size size and and eliminating net emittance eliminating net emittance growth, growth, we we additionally additionally require require that that aa waist waist be be formed formed at at the the midpoint. This ensures that the beta functions have mirror symmetry and therefore midpoint. This ensures that the beta functions have mirror symmetry and therefore return to their original values at the exit of the beamline. In summary, then, the constraints imposed upon the system are that it (i) be optically symmetric, (ii) be nondispersive (r\ = rj = Oat the exit), (Hi) have a waist at the midpoint (ax = ay = 0). For the optical analysis we will represent the phase space coordinates of a test particle in the beam distribution using the transport 6-vector notation X = (jc,jc* ,j,y ,z,<5), where <5 = Ap/p 0 is the momentum dispersion and primes denote derivatives with respect to the path-length s along the design trajectory. In order to avoid confusion between conflicting sign conventions, we note that the longitudinal coordinate z is positive for particles at the head of the bunch and negative for particles at the tail of the bunch. The transport equation from the S-Bahn entrance (s = 0) to an arbitrary point s along the design trajectory expanded to second order in powers of the (presumably small) phase space coordinates then takes the form Xt(s) = 0(0,5) + ^(09s)Xj(0) + ^(0,^)X7.(0)X,(0) + ... (1) where R is the 6 x 6 linear transport matrix, T is the 6 x 6 x 6 second-order transport tensor, and Q is a 6-vector representing any offset of the beam centroid due to misalignments or edge effects. In addition we define the 6 x 6 matrix £ of second moments of the beam distribution f(X, s) as follows: It is customary to make the following connections between the elements of this matrix and the Twiss parameters (£, /?, a, 7) of the beam: E33 = 2. First Order Optics Since we are concerned with the values of the various system parameters primarily at three points (the entrance s = 0, the midpoint s = s, and the exit s = As), we adopt the following simplified notation: R = R(0,s), R = fl(0,As), i = Z(0), t = 887 The linear analysis then proceeds straightforwardly, and is further simplified by the symmetry condition (i) which effectively reduces the problem to that of the halflattice, containing only a compound bend (radius p), two quadrupoles, and three drifts. The free parameters are then the quadrupole focal lengths and the initial Twiss parameters of the beam (which can be adjusted using the optics on the main beamline). However, with the assumption of a round beam at the entrance the remaining conditions, which we may write as (IM) E12 = E21 = E34 = E43 = 0 form constraints upon the system which effectively reduce the number of free parameters from four to one. Equations (4) produce a set of simultaneous algebraic equations for the values of the focal lengths f\ and /2 (or equivalently, the field strengths) of the quadrupoles and the initial Twiss parameters oco and (3o, which are connected to the midpoint sigma-matrix elements by the linear transport relation t = RTZR. (5) For a given initial beam, Eqs. (4) provide the values of the quadrupole strengths which optimize the lattice. However, obtaining real-valued solutions requires that the initial Twiss parameters describe a convergent beam (a0 > 0) at the entrance of the S-Bahn. This requirement is easily accommodated using the existing optics on the main Neptune beamline. Taking the optimal values to be those which minimize the transverse beam size at the midpoint, we obtain the optimized parameter values a0 = 2.99, j80 = 2.10m, /x = -0.269m, and /2 = 0.536m. 3. Second Order Optics and Beam Ramping For considerations of beam shaping, we are concerned with the longitudinal (or / = 5) component of the transformation of Eq. (1) from the entrance s = 0 to the exit of the final bend s = As which is given, to second order, by z = z0+ R568 + r561*0<5 + T562 V 8 + T56682 . (6) Due to the small initial emittance (PARMELA simulations indicate a normalized emittance of £N = 0.5 mm mrad at the entrance of the S-Bahn) we have neglected in Eq. (6) the contributions from R5i, R52, and all nonvanishing second order elements for which the second index 7 ^ 6 , since those terms are multiplied only by the initial coordinates JCG, jc 0 ', yQ9 y0' which are small under this condition. By the same argument we also expect that among the remaining terms in Eq. (6) those containing Rs6 and Ts66 will dominate. This prediction is supported by simulations using PARMELA and the matrix-based transport code ELEGANT. When the horizontal dispersion vanishes in accordance with the second of Eqs. (1), the full S-Bahn lattice has an R56 given by np dz (7) where p is the bend radius in the dipoles, yo is the central momentum and As is the total path-length of the S-Bahn. For the Neptune values (p = 32.5cm, y0 = 24, As = 2.46m), we obtain R56 = -0.05m. The value of T566 can be calculated analytically by perturbing the expression for R56 in Eq. (7) about the design energy and then taking the derivative with respect to the momentum dispersion 8 while holding all hardware parameters (i.e. field strengths) fixed. This procedure yields an approximate value of T566 ~ dR56198 = -1.5m. The strong Ts66 contribution can however be eliminated by the utilization of higher order optics on the beam line, namely the sextupole magnets (S) shown in Fig. 2. With a symmetric placement of the sextupoles adjacent to the outermost pair of quadrupole magnets (Ql), the quadratic dependence of longitudinal position upon momentum dispersion introduced at the quadrupoles can be counteracted in second order without altering the linear optics of the beamline. In Fig. 3 the values of the second order elements T 56 i, T562, and T566 are plotted against sextupole field strength K2. We see that all three second order contributions cannot be made to vanish simultaneously. However, it is observed that when the dominant contributor (T566) is made to vanish the other two elements change sign and are reduced in magnitude by a factor of two. Under these conditions, the longitudinal transformation of Eq. (6) becomes nearly linear and is dominated by the negative Rs6. This dominant negative Rs6 may be utilized to create the sort of compressed ramped beam shown in Fig. 1, which was described as being ideal for generating strong wake 2 I 1.5 I ' T566 1 T 5 61 0.5 ' T562 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 200 400 600 K 2 /m 3 800 1000 1200 FIGURE 3. Plots of second order matrix elements as functions of sextupole field strength K2. 889 z(rrm z(rrrn ) 0.2 0.2 0.175 0.15 0.125 0.1 /L ' 0.075 0 . 05 0.025 0.175 0.15 0.175 0.15 0.125 0.1 0.075 0.05 ' 0.075 0.05 0.125 0.1 0.025 - 1 0 z(rrm ) 0.025 1 rnn) 1 ~2 -1 ^i ^) z(rm 1 FIGURE 4. Phase space plots and density profiles showing: (a) a chirped uncompressed beam at the entrance of the S-Bahn from a PARMELA simulation, (b) the same beam at the exit of the S-Bahn from an ELEGANT simulation with sextupoles off, and (c) an ELEGANT simulation with sextupoles turned on showing a ramped profile. fields in a plasma. To see this, we note that with T566 =0and R56 = -0.05m, the transformation of Eq. (6) corresponds to a counterclockwise rotation by an angle 0 = arctan(-^56/p) of the distribution in the longitudinal phase plane of z and 8. Through the appropriate choice of injection phase, a momentum chirp may be put on the beam such that the final phase space distribution after such a rotation produces a compressed ramped longitudinal density profile. Figure 4(a) shows a plot of the longitudinal phase space of a chirped beam at the entrance of the S-Bahn obtained from a PARMELA simulation of the main beamline with 10,000 macroparticles. This phase space was used as an input file for a series of simulations of the S-Bahn using the matrix-based transport code ELEGANT. The results of these ELEGANT simulations are shown graphically in Figs. 4(b) and 4(c), where we see the output phase space at the end of the S-Bahn with sextupoles turned off and on respectively. Below each phase space plot is a longitudinal density profile (in arbitrary units) plotted against z. The S-shaped distribution in Fig. 4(b) is indicative of the presence of a quadratic dependence on 8 due to the strong T566 contribution. The resulting density profile shows good compression but no ramping. With the sextupoles turned on in Fig. 4(c) we see the phase space of a pure negative Rs6 transformation. Due to the RF curvature and the chosen injection phase of the initial beam in Fig. 4(a) the result of this transformation is a "hook-shaped" distribution in phase space with a hard cutoff at the tail of the beam. This produces a ramped, nearly triangular profile of 3ps duration. CONCLUSIONS Replicating experimentally the simulation results of Fig. 4 will require the implementation of appropriate diagnostics on the S-Bahn beamline. To aid in optimizing the quadrupole field strengths and killing the horizontal dispersion 890 function, phosphorescent YAG screens for imaging of the beam cross section will be placed at the midpoint and adjacent to each bend magnet. A coherent transition radiation (CTR) interferometer currently in use at the Neptune laboratory will be used to perform measurements of the final beam length. Also, a preliminary measurement of the beam's longitudinal profile can be obtained using a streak camera to measure the emitted Cherenkov radiation produced at an aerogel. However, since streak cameras have only ps resolution and the expected beam duration is 3ps, a successful implementation of this scheme will require increasing the length of the beam by at least a factor of two (e.g. by decompressing the laser pulse on the cathode). Also, additional simulations will be required in order to assess the effect of space charge on the optics of this beamline. In order to model both sextupole magnets and spacecharge simultaneously, the code for sextupole magnets must be incorporated into the UCLA version of PARMELA. Judging from past simulations of the Neptune chicane which showed that longitudinal self-forces tend to oppose the (forward of crest) chirp needed in a positive Rs6 compressor, it is expected that for negative Rs6 systems the collective longitudinal forces will actually add to the needed positive chirp, enhancing the efficiency of compression. One of the first beam-plasma experiments to take advantage of the S-Bahn's beam shaping and compression capabilities will be a plasma density transition trapping experiment conducted by M. Thompson [10]. This experiment is based upon a new self-trapping scheme recently proposed by Suk, et. al. [11] for use in the blow-out regime of the plasma wake field accelerator (PWFA) in the underdense case (n0 < nb). In this scheme, a dense ultrashort beam is used to drive a large-amplitude plasma wake field across a sharp downward transition in the background plasma density. Wave breaking at the density transition results in phase mixing and trapping of background plasma electrons in the wake. These trapped electrons can then be accelerated to high energies by the strong electric field gradients which plasma wake-fields produce. The optimum drive beam for plasma transition trapping is denser than the plasma in both regions and has a radius and length comparable to a plasma skin depth k~l. At the operating plasma density of 1013cm"3, a picosecond drive beam with a ramped profile of the sort shown in Fig. 4(c), is ideal for driving the plasma wake-fields required for the trapping experiment. In addition, the use of sextupoles to linearize the transformation of the longitudinal phase space is being considered for implementation at ATF for application to the VISA experiment. On that beamline the positive Rs6 dogleg section relies upon a strong nonlinear component (T566 = -10.5m) for longitudinal compression. Preliminary simulations in ELEGANT indicate that by introducing a pair of sextupoles and varying their field strengths, the value of T566 (and therefore the degree of compression) in this system can be modified or reduced to zero. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank H. Suk and C. E. Clayton for insightful discussions. 891 REFERENCES 1. Clayton, C. E., Marsh, K. A., Dyson, A., Everett, M., Lal, A., Leemans, W. P. Williams, R., and Joshi, C., Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 37 (1993). 2. Nakajima, K., Fisher, D., Kawakubo, T., Nakanishi, H., Ogata, A., Kato, Y., Kitagawa, Y., Kodama, R., Mima, K., Shiraga, H., Suzuki, K., Yamakawa, K., Zhang, T., Sakawa, Y., Shoji, T., Nishida, Y., Yugami, N., Downer, M., and Tajima, T., Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 4428 (1995). 3. Siders, C. W., Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 3570 (1996). 4. Amiranoff, F., Baton, S., Bernard, D., Cros, B., Descamps, D., Dorhies, F., Jacquet, F., Malka, V., Marques, J. 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