Los Alamos Beam Halo Experiment: Comparing Theory, Simulation, and Experiment Thomas P. Wangler1 and Ji Qiang2 *Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87544 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, One Cyclotron Road, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 2 Abstract. We compare macroparticle simulations with measurements from a proton beam-halo experiment in a 52-quadrupole periodic-focusing channel. In the simulations, three different initial distributions with the same Courant-Snyder parameters and emittances, but different shapes, predict different mismatched-beam profiles in the transport system. Input distributions with greater population in the tails produce larger rates of emittance growth, a result that is qualitatively consistent with the particle-core model of halo formation in mismatched beams. The simulations underestimate the emittance growth rate for mismatched beams. Better agreement between simulations and experiment for mismatched beams may require an input distribution that represents more accurately the tails of the real input beam. INTRODUCTION We present the results of self-consistent macroparticle simulations including space-charge forces, using the macroparticle simulation code IMPACT[1] for comparison with experimental measurements of the beam profiles in a highcurrent proton beam. The measurements were made in a beam-transport channel using a 6.7-MeV proton beam at the Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA) facility [2] at Los Alamos National Laboratory. A major goal of the experiment was to validate the beam-dynamics simulations of beam halo, using simulation codes such as IMPACT. Of particular importance was the validation of the space-charge routine [3]. BEAM HALO EXPERIMENT The LEDA facility consists of a 75-keV dc injector, a low-energy beam transport (LEBT) system, and a 350-MHz radiofrequency quadrupole (RFQ), which accelerates the proton beam to 6.7 MeV. A schematic diagram of the LEDA beam-halo experiment transport system that follows the RFQ is given in Fig. 1[4]. The transport system consists of 52 magnetic quadrupoles with alternating polarity to provide strong periodic transverse focusing. Transverse beam profiles were measured using beam-profile detectors[5] located in the middle of the drift space after quadrupoles 4, 20, 22, 24, 26, 45, 47, 49 and 51. The first four quadrupole gradients were independently adjusted to match the CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 878 beam, by by producing producing equal equal rms rms sizes sizes at at the the beam-profile beam-profile detectors. detectors. The The gradients gradients beam, were also also adjusted adjusted to to produce produce mismatches mismatches in in either either aa breathing breathing or or aa quadrupole quadrupole were mode. The The beam beam current current was was varied varied over over aa range range from from 16 16 to to 100 100 mA. mA. In In this this mode. paper we we report report results results at at 75-mA. 75-mA. paper Beam-profile diagnostic 52 quadrypofe FODO lattice \ quadrupole \ , , , B \ s , , RFGRFQ6.7 MeV 4 20-26 45-51 FIGURE FIGURE 1. 1. Block Block diagram diagram of of the the 52-quadrupole-magnet 52-quadrupole-magnet lattice lattice showing showing the the nine nine locations locations of of beam-profile beam-profile scanners. scanners. SIMULATIONS SIMULATIONS The The lack lack of of detailed detailed knowledge knowledge of of the the initial initial distribution distribution in in phase phase space space isis an an important important issue. issue. Our Our approach approach to to the the simulations simulations has has been been to to generate generate three three different different initial initial distributions distributions at at the the entrance entrance of of the the beam-transport beam-transport channel, channel, all all with with the the same same Courant-Snyder Courant-Snyder ellipse ellipse parameters parameters and and emittances; emittances; the the latter latter were were deduced deduced from from the the measurements. measurements. The The three three input input distributions distributions are: are: 1) 1) 6D 6D Waterbag, Waterbag, 2) 2) 6D 6D Gaussian, Gaussian, and and 3) 3) aa distribution distribution called called LEBT/RFQ, LEBT/RFQ, generated generated from from aa simulation simulation through through the the LEBT LEBT and and RFQ, RFQ, starting starting at at the the plasma plasma surface surface atat the the exit exit of of the the ion ion source. source. The The particle particle coordinates coordinates of of the the LEBT/RFQ LEBT/RFQ distribution distribution were were scaled scaled to to produce produce the the correct correct initial initial Courant-Snyder Courant-Snyder parameters parameters and and emittances. emittances. The The transverse transverse phase-space phase-space plots plots of of these these distributions distributions are are shown shown in in Fig. Fig. 2.2. Figure Figure 22 shows shows qualitatively qualitatively an an increasing increasing input input beam beam halo halo as as we we progress progress from from the the Waterbag Waterbag to to the the Gaussian Gaussian to to the the LEBT/RFQ LEBT/RFQ distribution. distribution. For For each each of of these these three three initial initial distributions distributions we we have have simulated simulated the the beam beam dynamics dynamics through through the the matched beam channel. For each simulation, we have used about matched beam channel. For each simulation, we have used about 2.8 2.8 million million macroparticles macroparticles with with aa computation computation grid grid of of 65 65 X X 65 65 XX 129. 129. Poisson’s Poisson's equation equation isis solved in cylindrical coordinates with transverse perfect-conducting-wall solved in cylindrical coordinates with transverse perfect-conducting-wall boundary boundary conditions conditions and and aa periodic periodic boundary boundary condition, condition, longitudinally. longitudinally. All All three three distributions distributions predict predict aa nearly nearly matched matched transverse transverse rms rms beam beam size, size, in in good good agreement agreement with with the the matched-beam matched-beam measurements. measurements. The The Waterbag Waterbag distribution distribution generates generates the the best best matched matched solution solution with with aa nearly nearly uniform uniform rms rms size size through through the the channel. channel. The The next next best best match match corresponds corresponds to to the the Gaussian Gaussian distribution. distribution. The The rms rms beam beam sizes sizes from from the the simulation simulation using using the the LEBT/RFQ LEBT/RFQ distribution distribution fluctuate fluctuate over over aa range range of of about about 10% 10%from from the the average averagevalue, value,which whichisis in in best best agreement agreement with with the the measurements; measurements; the the matched matched rms rms sizes sizes from from 879 FIGURE 2. Transverse phase-space projections for three initial simulation distributions at the entrance of the transport channel for the matched beam: 6D Waterbag (left), 6D Gaussian (middle), and RFQ/LEBT (right). The upper plots show x-px phase space, and the lower plots show y-py phase space. measurements show a similar variation. In addition to the rms sizes, we also measured the projected density distributions, i.e. beam profiles in x and y at nine locations along the transport channel. The density profiles from the simulations of the matched beam are compared with measurements at the final detector in Fig. 3. In general, the LEBT/RFQ simulation agrees best with the measured profiles, especially in the core region. However, none of the distributions reproduce well the tails observed FIGURE 3. Horizontal profiles from measurements (points) and simulations (curves) at the final profile detector for 75-mA matched beam. The initial distributions for the simulations are: 6D Waterbag (left), 6D Gaussian (center), and LEBT/RFQ (right). The first four quadrupole magnets were also adjusted to produce breathingand quadrupole-mode rms mismatches. Figure 4 shows the comparison at the final detector, for the LEBT/RFQ simulation and for a breathing-mode mismatch with 880 an initial rms beam size that is 50% larger than the matched case. Simulations for all three initial distributions fail to reproduce the broad shoulders seen in Fig. 4, which are induced in the measured beam profiles by the mismatches. The broader shoulders for the real beam are evidence of a more rapid halo growth rate in the real mismatched beam than in the simulations. rti££lr FIGURE 4. Horizontal profile from measurements (points) and the LEBT/RFQ simulation (curve) at the final profile detector for a 75-mA breathing-mode mismatched (by 50%) beam. Figure 5 compares the rms emittance growth at the end of the channel calculated from the measurements at 75 mA for the breathing-mode mismatched beam (initial rms size 50% larger than the matched size) with those from the three simulations. We find that the emittance-growth rates from simulations increase as we progress from the 6D Waterbag to 6D Gaussian to the LEBT/RFQ distribution, which means that the distributions with greater initial beam-halo had more emittance growth. We interpret this as a result that would be expected from the particle-core model [6], because the resonant particles that form the halo lie outside the beam core. The emittance-growth rate calculated from measurements is larger than those from any of the three simulations. Our interpretation is that the initial distributions assumed for the simulations do not adequately populate the tails, which include the resonant particles that are main source of the halo and emittance growth. CONCLUSIONS Benchmarking multiparticle simulation 881 codes against experimental measurements measurements is a challenge, especially when the details of the initial 6D phasespace space distribution are not known. We conclude that using only the known Courant-Snyder parameters and the emittances as input parameters is not sufficient sufficient information information for reliable simulations of beam halo formed in mismatched beams. beams. Using the IMPACT code, we have carried out simulations of the LEDA 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 WATERBAG GAUSSIAN LEBT/RFQ MEASURED Input Input Particle Particle Distribution Distribution FIGURE 5. 5. Emittance Emittance growth growth from three simulations FIGURE from three simulations and and from from the the experiment, experiment, for for aa 50% breathing-mode breathing-mode mismatch mismatch at at 75 mA. 50% 75 mA. beam-halo experiment experiment for for the the matched matched case case and and for 50% breathing-mode breathing-mode beam-halo for aa 50% mismatch at at 75 75 mA, mA, using using three three different different initial particle distributions, mismatch initial particle distributions, 6D 6D Waterbag, 6D 6D Gaussian, Gaussian, and and LEBT/RFQ LEBT/RFQ (generated Waterbag, (generated from from simulation simulation through through the the LEBT and and RFQ), RFQ), all all with with the the same initial ellipse LEBT same initial ellipse and and emittance emittance parameters parameters deduced from from the the measurements. measurements. These These three three distributions deduced distributions differ differ qualitatively qualitatively with respect respect to to their their initial initial halo, halo, i.e. i.e. initial initial population population of with of the the outer outer tails tails of of the the beam. beam. While all all three three initial initial distributions distributions give While give fair fair agreement agreement with with the the measured measured profiles for for the the matched matched case, case, the the LEBT/RFQ LEBT/RFQ initial initial distribution distribution does does the the best, best, as profiles as would be be expected expected since since that that distribution distribution was was formed would formed from from aa more more realistic realistic simulation of of the the real real input input beamline beamline (LEBT simulation (LEBT and and RFQ). RFQ). However, However, none none of of these these distributions describe very well the observed beam profiles of the mismatched distributions describe very well the observed beam profiles of the mismatched beams; the the measured measured mismatched mismatched beam beam profiles profiles exhibit beams; exhibit structure structure with with pronounced pronounced shoulders in the semilog plots, and a rapid emittance growth rate, shoulders in the semilog plots, and a rapid emittance growth rate, both both of of which which are underestimated by all three simulations. Our interpretation is that the are underestimated by all three simulations. Our interpretation is that the higher higher emittance-growth rate rate for for the the real real beam beam is is caused caused by by aa higher higher particle particle density emittance-growth density in in the initial initial halo, halo, and and consequently, consequently, aa greater population of the greater population of the the region region of of phase phase space that that leads leads to to resonant resonant halo halo growth. growth. We We conclude space conclude that that knowledge knowledge of of the the initial particle particle distribution, distribution, especially especially the the density density in tails, is initial in the the tails, is important important for for accurate simulations simulations of of the the beam beam halo. halo. accurate 882 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge the help of Dr. L. Young for providing an initial distribution from LEBT/RFQ simulation. We thank the LEDA personnel for making the experiment possible, and we acknowledge the work on the experiment by the rest of the beam-halo scientific team, C. K. Alien, K. C. D. Chan, P. L. Colestock, K. R. Crandall, R. W. Garnett, J. D. Gilpatrick, W. Lysenko, J. D. Schneider, M. E. Schulze, R. L. Sheffield, and H. V. Smith. The simulation work was performed by one of us (J.Q.) on the Cray T3E and IBM SP at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center located at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and the SGI Origin 2000 at the Advanced Computing Laboratory located at Los Alamos National Laboratory. The simulation work was supported by U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Division of High Energy and Nuclear Physics, under the Advanced Computing for the 21st Century Accelerator Science and Technology project, and the Los Alamos Accelerator Code Group. REFERENCES [1] J. Qiang, R.D.Ryne, S. Habib, and V. Decyk, J. Comput. Phys. 163, 434 (2000). [2] H. 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